..................................................................................................--..----- i j' L~ f THE CANADIAN STATESMAIq, EOWMANVMI, ONTAUZO 11 New -President I Gordon Àgnsw, Edilor Phone 3821 on qi. A thi Mt Bo of of the of Thi lvan the by had ta, rul Lesý a game of broombal. with lots ai fun for ail and the Oshawa boys coming out on thé big end ai a six ta fivé score.I Aller the game, al neturned ta the local Lions meeting roamn where. a social time was en- joyéd and a llght lunch senved. opraig1 ng~ - , lv nd wonks in town and iie opertio, ýg te Crisianfactonies uses the raads more churchme . ndia. than farmers but thle farmers A very 1-I address on the pay the larger share ai thé up- subject "Christian Stewardship"I keep. a was delivered by Mrs. M * C. Next meeting at Mn. and Mrs. c Fisher, which gave the ladies a Gardon Barrie's. good deal af food for serious thought. s Duning thé business part of S.S. No. 4 Darllngton Fortim %>.Uupiu-ba 1u was madae-advising 'theýla'diesoft The S.S. No. 4 Darlingfon Tocosl'Ee ebury M etn thé meeting ai thé Oshawa Forum met at thé home Or Mr. * o n l oit. erav Vetn Presbyttrial af the Society be- and Mrs. Hilton Tink with arn men thIy omt ing held in Trinity Church ln attendance ai 22. The questions met.Thé members ai thé Merry Bowmanville on Feb. 23rd. It and an-swers were as iollowxvs: 0 To pay Past due bills Married Couples' Club of the was also annaunced Ihat the 1. What can* ianm people d!o 1W Newcastle United Church weî-e annual Wonld Day af Prayer ta develop belten rela:io: i.iad *For consumer pur- the guests ai Mr. and. Mrs. John would hé observed Ibis year )n understanding withicO i public. chasing and home Rickard aI 111cm home on Wed- Friday, Febnuary 251h. (a) Through contacts be- reiîairs. . nesday évening. tweén local farm graups and An hour-long Télévision pro- groups ai urban people? «ý gram got the evening off ta a FrmFoums Wé béliéve that wé, as farm- good start, aler which thé Rev. F I U UI~ ers, should make sure we are Mn. Fisher led the group in united iirst, and support one Cali in to-day at AMI~ three most intenésting Valen- BLACKSTOCK FORUM larmi organization, ratluen than w ~' tine cantesîs. This was iolloxy. fonming secondary graups. éd by a véry hélpiol warsnîp Forum met at Percy Van It was suggested that a fîl service led by mémbers af thé Camp's Monday Féb. 7 with 16 lime fiield man helps graups ta committée in charge. 1 présent. co-operate. A short business peniad wae Farm people need ta devélop It was cansidered helpiul ta canduled b thé rési etter relations and mare un- mingle with urban groups sac- Belvu F na ceMarlow Hancock during wbîch derstarîding betwéen producers ial]y. We have a iarn-er's or- th lyt epeetdb h n ra onues rds aiain cle h Sd 29, o . S.te Club on Manch 51h was discuss- ens should stress uniiormitv bustérs" that banquets local Oshwa engh. hé eetngand quaiity mare. in marketing service clubs. Also aur locali Oshawa ewas bouegth haclo eing their goads ion botter relations.1 Canadian Club bas a member-t social trne duning which mcmn- Our local newspapersad hi aiilypr en rul Phone 5-1121 bers af thé cammitée in charge Farmn braadcasts are doing a people and has at least one séived dainty refréshménts. good job bninging farmers' agicultural speaker a séasan. ' viéws and probléms and help. (b> Through théir i o c ai1 fol information ta bath farrmnenwspapéer and radio station? Since 1900 thé area ai accu- and urban people. Wé ahl need Have a negulan farmi pro- 1 ___________pied farmland in Canada has ta be bétter iniormed ta deal gram on thé radio af intenest t] almost tipld. with thé complex problems ai ta urban people. b our tmes.Sée that local papers are h Mrs. Samélîs led thé recréa- pravided with news ai aur la tien péniod, Lunch was sérvecd acliviliés. Quolés fnom aur t] by thé hostess. Néxt meeting "Rural Ca-opératon" appear ai- n at Rev. C. W. Hutton's. tén in aunoalppr F~rastc Red ct ins2hae ur local fapr 2 Would l'au hé willing ta IN RIES N URPROVIDENCE FORUM tion help pravidé mare iunds, I N P I C E O N1U R i h e n b y in c r a s e d m e m b e r - Providence Farm Forum met ship fées or other means, for a Bt Mr. and Mrs. Orville Os- more adéquate public relations bone's with 12 members présenti programme at provincial and' Prora",with John Frayer We agreed that it would be Our complete stock of Winter Clothing for Men and Boys has been leader. Questions discussed monéy welî spent ta funîherl were: public relations. Wé beliévei 1. What can farn people do thé farming industny has ta be ta develop bélier relations and handled as any othen industryi undénstanding with thé public: and a definite amaunt budgei-'1 (a) through contacts between éd fan public relations. The local farm groups and monéy sbauld hé déductéd at (b) through their local news- ity. paper ai-d radia station? __________ 2. Would "you be- willing ta SPECIAL! have aour local farrn organiza. UKEO FRIDAY AND SATURDAY éNY ither by incneasedi membership fées or other means, for a more- Thé finet Sunday évening ser- ONLYadéquate public relations pro- vice was heîd Sunday, Feb. 61h 5<1 E igram Bt provincial and national with thé school teacher, Mn. RUBBE BOO S leelsMcCoy. as leader and speaker, Rglr$.5pair Gîve reasans for your answér. with a quartette, wilh Miss RegularFindings were: Gwen Dean, Miss Lois Davey. i (a) Joint meetings of urban Mn. George Dean and Mn. Mc-' unly 3 ,d 4 Pair and rural people todiscuss the Coy at the organ. Mrs. Ken subjects ai interesita bath; service ioronencoum, 7.30 p.m. mare farmers could attend ta, 8.30 each Sundav during thé, ilChamber ai Commerce, Rotary winter. AIl are welcomc to at- Bownan vie Surplus Sales. Club, Lions Club meetings; have tend and bring fins farm représentatives meet witb Thé parents' and teacht-'s' ji thé local unions; farmers discuss meeting was héld Manday evén- 42 KING S. E with, their urban frie l" thée ing in thé school, Feb. 71h. 42 KN S.EB0VVMANILLE adi',anlagés af bu.yýingf foods Mr. E. M. MeCýoN and Lw 1rather tha canncd g tc rence Carnochan were in uTo- v c r( su c e v r- g 26 King Street E. Phone MA 3-5897 Phône MA 3-M1* W.M.S. Was held on Wedves- dey, Feb. 2nd. Mrs. Somervile opened the meeting, then instal- led the officers for this year. Pré*1dént thon toqk charge and Coîûducted the business. Mrs. 1Laird gavé a réading. Mrs. H. J. Bfflks took charge of wur- ship theme "Churth uWiversal1 In Ïndia"; Prayer Mrs. R. Rt. Stevehs. Scrl5ture read by Mr.% H. J. Brooks, Mrs. Ross Stevens took part. Atudy book lIn charge of Mr&. F. R. -$tèvens, them, "The Grôwing Together of the Church In Ifidia", Chapter VI Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Snowden, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Freemnan were in Toranto on Sunday ta spend a lîttle time with the famlly af the late Mr. Jae Bal- Ion at the Truli Funeral Home on Yaunge St. Mns. Aylnier Beech visitéd Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gilbert, Bowmanville, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Snowden 'vislted Mr. and Mrs. BIown, Oshawa, on Tuenday. Mrs. Aylmer Beech was a Tuesday visitor with her broth- er and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith, Oshawa. Socal nd ersnal Oshawa Ladies Assist Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Carvetn Anderson is a patient ln Mem- and family visited with relatives anal Hospital and we joîn &n rensi Ptroruhon them in wishing hier a speedy n t e l c i , unday. and complete recovery.ln L o e t s Ec i n P.0.2 Ray Aiken visited brief- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gilkes, lywith his parents. Mn. and Beverley and Bobby spent Sun- The membersf the Newcas- spoan aea ring the Lion& na - Mns. Keîth Aiken while enroute day visiting with Mr. and Mrs.teLantsClb atrd n i. from London ta his new assigri- Alfred Pollard ini Shelburne. the dining roam af the Queen's With the new presidènt in theer ment with the Navy in Halifax. Mn. and Mrs. Dick Ander- Hotel on Manday evening with chair, Mrs. Kay Stephenson. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Robin- son and son Richard ai Oshawa a gaod attendance of niembers was called upon ta present A' 8and seven visiting members gift ta Mrs. Miller and express: son af Kendal, spent Monday were guests at the Butlerhomne fram the Oshawa Club. Follaw- the appreciatian ai the ment- wvith Mrs. George Smith. on Sunday. ing the delicious dinner, the bers af the Newcastle Club for John S. Entwistle, C.P.A. Her many fniends will be Mrs. John Rickard apent President, Mrs. Marion Knéix the fine manner in which she I aorry ta learn that Mrs. Stella Tuesday in Toronto. conducted the ardinary business had carried out the installationi At their recent annual meet- ai the evening which included ai the new officers. ing in Toronto, The Public Ac- RI' J AXJs the reading af thank yau notes Mrs. Charlotte Rickard, madg counitants Council for the Pro- OBITUARy NIewcasiIe vilugeis from persans receiving plants the presentation ai a Past Pre- vince af Ontario elected their at Christmas time and the an- sident's pin ta the retiring Pre-ý new Presîdent, John S. Ent- NEn SALERSTWAT inFirst Series nual report oi the Treasurer sident, Mrs. Marion Knox ai-d wistle, C.P.A., af Toronto, who Loe o which showed a, balance ai expressed ta her the apprecia;j succeeded A. S. Mernikin, F.C.A., There passed away suddenly Loet anningtn $54 tion af the club for the ainelo Ottawa. Other officers elect- on anury 6t, 155,atlus Havngtakn tei fîst wo The visiting Oshawa ladies in which she had carnied out, ed were: Vice-President-J. G. on anury 6th 195, t hs Hvin taen hei fist woassisted Lion Percy Hane in the her duties as president during Brown, F.C.A., oif Kitchener; late residence Neil Staîker garnes, hame and home senies election ai officers and the fol- the past year.I Secretary-H. J. Cornish, C.P.A., Stewart. Mr. Stewart was the from Bobcaygean in the O. H. lowing aificers elected were in- The regular manthly drawv London: Treasurer-W. J. Ayers, oniy son. ai John >and Isabelia A. playdowns, the Newcastle i stalled by Mrs. Dorothy Miller, was made by Mrs. Knox with F.C.A., Toronto. Stewart. He was born an the Mîdgets met Cannington in the President ai the Oshawa Club Mrs. Anna Lambert of Oshawa ' Other rnembers ai the Council family farm on the Sixth Line local Memorial Arena on Sat- who iniormed each officer af being the lucky winner.. are: Ralph Davies, F.A.S.A., an January 29th, 1905. urday evening suffering B 6 lier duties in her new office During a short business per-IGuelph; W. P. Fazackerley, Neil received his educatica to 2 defeat in the first af B twa President, Mrs. Helen Canveth; iod, the members decided ta Windsor-Walkerville: C. K. Mac- aI the Sixth Line Schoal, Orono game series with goals ta count. Vice-President, Mrs. Dunreath hold future meetings at 81i Gillîvray, F.C.A., Hamilton; D. liigh Sehool and Peterborouh It was a rough and tumble Walton; Secnetary, Mrs. Kay a'clack in the evening ln the F. McKechnie, C.P.A., Ottawa; W. Normal School. Following bisi game with a total of twelve Stephen;on; Treasurer, Mi s, home ai :one of the members I. Hethenfngton, F.C.A.. W. L. schooling Neil taught schaol at' penalties being handed out ,,y Jean Richard: Social Hostess, or in the Lions raom with each McDonald, F.C.A., S. A. Norman, Salem and Bawmanville Soulh the referee. eight of which were Mrs. Irene Roberts; Nose-Twis- îqember taking her turn as hast. C.P.A., E. A. Seburn, C.P.A., Ward for four yeans. He then given ta players on the Can- ter.Mr*. Elsie Koropatwa; b.- ess and helping with the ne- Guy Smith, F.C.A., and J. A. taught music in the schaals o-f nington teami. The local boys al .tos Mrs. Jean Lewis a!nd fneshments. The present $1.50 Wilson, F.C.A. ai Toronto. Clrk ad orh op fr 5 laedanoustndnggae ndMrs. Orena Megit. dinner fee will be turned inta The licensees ai the Council years with the exception ai despite their defeat by the vis Following the installation ai club funds. The meetings are are made up ai 995 Chartered three years spent in the armv. itors the local lads prave-ilthue new officers, the past Pre- scheduled ta commence Bt 8 Accountants, 319 Certified Pub- Mr. Neil Stewart was a memn- they cauld stand up againsl ans' sident, Mrs. Marion Knox pm and the nase-twister will lic Accountants and 867 ather.c ber ai the Kendal Unitedtemrgor ea. Bt thanked the autgoing oflice^sbe aulhanized ta collect iran- R Churh an a embe andor-Newvcastle goals were sed b for their co-operalian duniî'g tardy membens 1 cent for eacn ircl ragmet r azist ai the Orona Masonic P. McCullough, \vhile Jenkin-', the past year and presentedI minute late wilh a maximum i- eifect with ather provinces E(Lodge. He was also organit Jewell (2), Imhofl f an-di in Canada and with certain at the Newcastle United Chuî-ch Watson were the Canningtoneahwhteguaiacl'fnei15ets states across the bonder. Non-u for fiv years. marksrnen. Mculgh resîdents practising public ac- ý S. J. Pike G.m, hawa Lions brs. M. C. Fisher counîancy in Ontario are o t T h e u ne al as eld in h e D cki son D . M eC llo ul,,h ,' Tý s h a a L o n srequ ired ta register w ith the Orona United Church an Jan Lane, P. McCullough, C. Tri A drsss A sA Councîl.r New 1tonile one d thJ.Pie sef bD. Rîckard, B. Brown, P. AI- 'Ysss .IM .0 Netovilecodute te er in T Sllws L Mrtn, adAre G uests Fbur M eig(b) Have iarn forum sce vice. . Rev. John Kitchen O lin, T. Sallsown. FMartinMeanng t Orona nead the sciptures and R.17niso.iYoa send report of meetings ta Re. .C.Fihr elvre te Cannington- Willis, Jenkinslocal L. îtarer, epr*s ta be Re.M .FserdlvrdteFaber, Watson, Jewell, Brown, O )The negular meeting aif ue1 short anwpates rpor;dscs eulogy. In this lhe paîd tnibute Reid, Imhoif and Moore,.o alC ub and ta the point; docietyuss ta the fine Christian character ___________ the Newcastle United Churcl h ornwpapreiosora ëf Neil Stewart, his deep love A nuinher ai members ai thé wshl nte or o fmast p ressing farmi problenis, as of loersan hs grdrËOshawa Lions Club were visit - oa hl n th ord aair most ai oun editors are interest- t Paftiflwrsmant ionws gade S TARK VILLE ors at the regular meeting ai' t,,he huar on Thate r- ed in farm prob lems. He mighl of his unstinting use of his . ' 'bt. 1 mnusical talent. Quiet music Mr ad Mrs. Lamne Todd vis- Queen's Hatel on Thursday sient, Mrs. W. F. Rickard, OP- bringin otepbi h rb was ofiered at the organ by rfteZd.Mi-.and Mrs. Don Staple- evening. inspîrthenalmessange. ' a inelmsa, cauld witore anarticle Mrs. Workman and the New- ton. Newtonville. Following the dinîuer the nsirTh oa esg.hmefcudwiea ril castle Choir ai the United .Mn,;,and Mrs. Morley Robin- Preésident, Lion John Rickard o e rogrT.m wans in charge o ild n fam rabload havers. Church atlended ln a body. son tand daughtens visited Mrs. conducîed a short business thfthmrseT owhede's gnupandser ublished ai aur oncal apers. I Thic aupiels. Theribaés lvi éPru dMCs rlîes, Hîlù meeting duning whichi Lion Per- vice was "The Church Univer- tise overtthe radio, but it costs le neeuspiesss. Jack Ella Jac . and m wrs.e n.Toantowan cy Hare wâs calléd upon ta ré- sal in India", and was ably a large sum ai money, and most W Alin GrlndCahent CrlSatiirday. pr o i omte hc taken by Mrs. Sowden and Mrs. ai aur organizations are not well rn AlliMm. and Mrs. BilI Farrow an is planning an extra spécial en- H. Allin, follo\ved by prayer by enough iinanced ta do so.M Billings, Hantwell Lowery ad U.adMs ilFro and tértainient featuré for the citi- M-s. MC, Fisher. P Sid Rutherford. Danla, Garden Hill, at Mn. zens ai the village and district M (2) We would be willing ta Victor Farrow's. on March l5th. He reponted The ch pten ai the Study J give mare money ta funther the Theré wére a great many. Mr. and Mns. Bert Trim visit- that plans had been completed Book used, af which thé topice public relations pu-agram if goad floral tnibtites irom schooLsý. ed friends in Oshawa recently. for the preséntation ai a show ws"h rwn oehe iaie rmi.We ielt if sc hool P4 school boards, teachers, the. Ladies met at th1e home ai here by the 'Rondaunettes" of thé church in India", was pre-.-and roaad maintenance tax were Bowrtanville Choral Society -Mr9.- Z. Adams, Tuesday aiter- Trenton, a group which has ré- sented by Mrs. A. Glennéy, equalized the iarmer's taxes In and athers. - - faon last week 'and spent a ver y ceived wide accîaim. Mrs. W. F. Rickard and Mrs. E. would be léssened and hie cauld w Mn. Stewart là survived by pleasant time. Théy présented or eeln htIda o-afr ogv oemnyp hfA two sisters, Miss Catheriné"Mrs. Adams with a cup and Following the business me et- Ha, révaing thuat Inia, -ta-afordh taxagiorean monherD Stewart at home and (Jean) 1saucer, as she will be îeaving ingath memérsandtisioierougtioalcniti- thouchst aatio and atohénbc Mrs. G. E. Lothause, Oshawa. aur cammunity sooîu. -adjourned ta the Memonial ald peiod i eatiovnallesoures a mmran h ie niza tins. b ______________ - ~~~~~Arena where thev Pngagedri ndhe gramvmnsThmn h it4,.+.- i ~ronto. Mrs. T. G. Breck received word of her sister-in-law's MI- ness and leit Monday for two inonthi' stay in Winnipeg with her brother , Mr. Arthur Mc- Kenckey. Mr. and Mra. George Allisôn and chuldren were in Oshawa récently. Mr. and Mrn. Vigar, Norwich, are vlsitlng theïr daughter end farnily, with Mr. and Mr. Merle Hubbard. Mrs. Beatriee Taylor and Sthnley, were Sundav guesta with Mnr. and Mn,.X R Ioss, Col- umbus. 9 Mr. and Mrs. J. Rogers, Ilampton, with Mr. and Mrs. J. Tompkins. Mrs. B. Angi. N. Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. A. Bryan, Oshawa-, Mr. and Mrs. Ross' Hubbard and Janice, Trenton, with Mr. and Mrs. B. Hubbard and family. LCheryl and James Rowan spent a few days with Mrs. Car- ter and iamily and were in To- ronto and Sunnybrook Hospital with Mr. J. Carter. COURTICE The Ebenezer Evening Aux- iliary held its Februsry meet- ing at the honme of* MrÉ. G, Goyné with Mrs. Walter Brown and Mrg. Goyne in charge of the meeting. It was decided ta, have a quilting at Jean Gay'. on Wèdnesday afternoon. Feb. ruary 9th. The president an- nounced the Presbyterial to be held at Trinity United Church, Bowmanville on Wednesday, February 23rd, also the Wor1d*F Day of Prayer to be held Feb- ruary 25th at Courtice Uilited Church at 2 p.m. Miss Ratz and Miss Werner. were the Missionaries chosen by aur Auxiliary for special prayý,r Mrs. Walter Brown was in charge of devotional which wa,, on "Sharing the Gospel with; aur Neighbours", meaning peo- ple of ail nations. Pleased to have Mrs. Ross. Stevens of Maple Grave wiLib us at this meeting and Mrs. Ste- vens gave a most interesting talk on Citizenshili. The next meeting was an- nounced for March 2nd when our Auxiliary will entertain the Baby Band mothers at the' Church. At the close of the meeting a social time was enjoyed by all. On Monday evening the Cour- tice Circuit Young People's Un- ion held its regular meeting in' VtaPle Gravë United Church .vith President Dorothy Somer-1 ville occupying the chair. Thei devotional was in charge ofi Shirley Antil and Raymond Os-î borne. Rev. L. M. Somervillei ed in the Bible Study. Dorothy led in the recreation perioi which ail certainly enjoyed. The neeting closed with Taps and 'Iîzpah Benediction, with 26i present. Intended for Last Week The Courtice Circuit Young People's Union held its regu- lr meeting on Monday even- ig in Courtice United Church .rith Dorothy Somerville the president, occupylng the chair. )uring the business period aý bowling party at Bawmanvifle was planned and also announc- ýd Youth Week. A special ser-. ice will be held in Courtice' hurch on Sunday evening for ýouth Week. Marion Wx'n;-ii ind Shirley Antil til he devotional service with nany significant facts. Rev. L M. 'omerville Led in the Bible ;tudx'. Marion Wi*vmnan led in >erreation wh:ch ill enjoaed. The Courtice FToirro and Dhool Association h-1i'3 fir-1, ichre of the on id pr-ovndi on b.v. ladies' f r-t. M ; J. 'y; 2nd, Mrs. Tooley: Low-- Irs. W. Brown; Men's first, &r. C. Archer; 2nd Mr. E. Mil- ate: Low, Mr. W. Parker. Don't' orget folks corne along and upport these euchres. Another ne coming up. Be sure. and in- uire date from your neighbaur. ,social hour is enjoyed affer e game. MAPLE GROVE MILO à MEI.LOW 8 O'CLOCK' COFFIE 1619Ç3-lb ba.2.61 BAVE 2c 15-os lin 2 7 SAVE 2c 48-oz lin 27e SAVE 2e i'25c SAVE 2c 2 20-os is 3l1c 48-oz tin 26C SAVE 2o 20-oz lin 2 7c SAVE 6c each 49c SAVE 10o A&P C -1 2d RASPBERRIES Floriua ORANGE JUICE Shorter.ing JEWEL Ayimner Fany CREAMED-CORN A&P Fancy TOMATO JUICE Aylmer Cýio ce BARTLETT PEARS Jane Pali ýr CHERRY PIE Jane Parker Eniglil-î FRUIT CAKE Gerber's. Hninz or Pablumn (Ail Varieties) BABY CEREAL Stokely Fany HONEY POD PEAS Green Giant Faney super - Righi Mai faites I PORTERHOUSE, WING SIRLOIN,r POINT SIRLOINc B-NLS OUDo UP 6 .3 $acz p2 19c 2 15-o in 351 Short Cut Grade A 4 to 5 lb. Average %Ww N READY DUCKS lb 59< R~-~SSIDE BACON 1-l6 pkg 57c Headlessam.iC:-- FRESH CAUGIIT 'ie"ELTS lb29c Wheatiey Brand-Just Heat and Est HADDOCK FISH STICKS okg3 9c Produco Speciais!1 Temple No. 1, Fuillof Jule, Shz.120 end 130 ORANGES- Fresh Green Curly Leaf No. 1,'Wath.d, Roody te SPINACH Californie No. 1 Fresi, Green BROCCOLI California No. 1 Sweet and 7.ndop CARROTS 3 large Rouný String ess No. 1 GREEN BEANS Price Effective util Satu rday, Pub. l2th Jozen 29C Cook cello pkgli7c ba bunchs2.93< 16nhe 25< Bowmanvil. Coal Yard I The thousands of wls folk wh. shop et .ami-,TE.lOh 15 morge. '41 -x i - 7GtECONOMICAL HEAT FAMOUS READING ANTHRACITE The RED Cool F'ilI UP todaY With Reading Anthracite and you wiU b. anazed at the splendid heat you get. FOR PROMPT DELIVERY PHONE Osborne's Cool Co. also FUEL 011 and STOVE 011 PAMIC TIWMIM.V.v -irAq»jb Znillzrda 1 on mort items more lbàdqw qq"uqmlltw 9 1,49e