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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Feb 1955, p. 16

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VA.'JZ1I O Il .L OLVZIA * .WMVAN4VMIjEONTARII THRSDYE 0h 1' 1/ ~s~v' l'/l . -> \' - - BIFLTHS ANGER-Doug. and Helen wis t0 announce the birth of thej son, Thomas Gerald, on Jan. 2' 1955. A brotber for Frances. 6- -BRIDGES-Byron and Grac Bridges arc happy ta announe the birth ai their daughtei Mcrry Joan, at Memorial Hos pîtal, Bowmanville, on Pcb., 1955. A sister for David, Pau and Wendy Lau. 6- EDGER-Marion and Bill Edgc: Peterborough, arc happy toana Ijounce the birth ai thei daughter, Deborah Marianne, ii Civic Hospital, Peterborough, oi Wcdnesday, February 9th, 1955 6-i HAMER-Mr. and Mrs. Hugl Hamer (nec Joyce Buttery) Oshawa, are happy ta announc( the arrival ai their daughtcr or February 7, 1955, at the Oshaw. General Hospital.' 6-1l SPRY - To Elizabeth (neE Baumne), wife of Ray Spry,a daugbter, Feb. 7th, 1955, Osbawa General Hospital. 6- TABB-Mr. and Mrs. Murray Tabb wish ta announce the birth of their son, David Eldon, a- Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville, on Jan. 20, 1955. A brotb. er for Kennetb. 6-1 WOTTEN-Mr. and Mrs. Arnol R. Wotten are happy ta anl2ounce the birth ai their son Allan Paul, an February 6th, 1955, at Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. A brother for Arnot, 6-1' ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Ernest H. P, iect wish to announce the( L gement of their only daught marina Jean, to James Albi Graham, only son of Mr. a Mrs. Fred Grabam, Newcasi The marriage ta take pl. March 5th, 1955, at 2:30 o'clc ~the Salvation Army Citac owmanville, Ontario. 6. MARRIAGE eARGILL - tIARTER-On Si lirday, Pcb. 5, 1953, in St. Jamg .A.glican Church, Orillia, Rev. F. D. Lockwood, Isal Agnes Carter, daughter of N~ and Mrs. J. Carter of Burketc Ont., to Kenneth Charles Ca *11i, son of Mr. and Mrs. Geor, Cargili of Toronto. 6- DEATES BIR er- en- ter, ert and ;te. ace ock del, uat- ies' by bel Wr. ar- ge L I Marilyn Spicer. 6-1 * I wish to thank Dr. Witzel and ail my friends for sending cards and gifts. A special thanks to Mrs. Stapleton and my fellow students, Shiloh W.A. and al those who wished me good health during my recent illness. Johnny Kessier. 6-1* I wish to thank Dr. K. Siemon, the entire Hospital Staff for their kindness during my recent staY fn Memorial Hospital, Bow- manvîlle, also Dr. Witzel who took me to hospital. I would like to extend my thanks to the vcry many friends who sent fruit, flowers and cards, those Who visited me, 'phoned or en- quired atherwise, and also those who provided transportation for Mrs. Johns to and from hospital. Chas. A. Johns. 6-1' Seed Cleaning COOD quality. commercial, Lo- rain and Cartier seed oats, from 3egistered seed. Phone Clarke 1902. K. E. Dean, R.R. 3, New- castle. 61 Found IBLACK, tan and white female hound, near Leskard. Contact 85 Duke St., or Phone MA 3. 5W25. 6-1 Mortgages FIVE-year agreelment of sale for $8400 at six per cent, on Osha- Wa property. Excellent secur- se, shooe Oshawa 3-u887. 6-1 ,y, on h of d JCOMING EVENTS in e, Be sure ta attend the St ), John's Guildettes Valentine Tea )f February 12, 3 ta 5:30, in th( oý Parish Hall. 6 31______ ýe The Salvation Arrny will bE y holding a Valentine tea and home baking sale, Friday, Pcb 1ltb - 2:30 -4:30 p.m. 6-1 Reserve Saturday, Marcb sth, n for threc-act play in NewcastlE y qommunity Hall by Merry Mar- e mmcd Couples Club.5- n Films - prîzes - lunch - Come eta Sid Lncastcr's Garage or Friday, February llth, 1955, ai 8 p.m., ta join your ncighbors ini the Masscy - Harmis - Fergusor Family Night. 5-2 Bowmanville - Oshawa Figure 1Skating Carnival, Friday and )Saturday, March 4th and 5th, 3Bowmanvillc Memorial Aena. 1Reserved scats $1.00, and 75c, at tMcNulty's Sports and Cycle Shop, or fram members. 6-1* Trinity Church Choir is plan- ning isana concert for Thursday, March 3rd, at 8 1a'clock. A varied pragram af 1the music you will enjay is be- ing prepared. Do plan ta be present. 6-1 Ed. Youngman will be guest speaker in Community Hall, Blackstack, Friday night, Pcb. 18, at 8:15. Music by John and Bîlly Wade. Other attractions. Sponsored by the Blackstock Womnen's Institute for hall ena- vation. 25c and 40e. 6-1' Better reserve a date ta sec the Bowmanrville Rotary Club present tlhe 3-met comcdy "Sec How They Run", in Town Hall, Pcb. l6th, l7th, l8th. Admis- sion 75c. AIl seats reserved. Tickets irom any member ai the Club or at Mason & Dale Hard- ware. 3-4 Bawmanvilîe L i a n s Club Minstrel Show on March 17, 18, 19. Tickets available from mny mnember ai Lions Club. Reserv- cd seats can be obtained at Town Hall, Monday cvening, Marc'h l4th at 7:30, or ut McGreg- ar's Drug Store, Tuesday, Wed- ncsday or Thursdmy. 5-7 By popular request - another Eastcr Bonnet Parade, sponsor- cd by Bawmanville Business and Professional Women's Club. will be held Mrch gth, in the Lions Community Centre at 8 p.m. Hats through courtesy ai Miss Lola Down. Admission 50c. Tickets available from members. 6-1 Cars For Sale 1940 CHEV. coach for sale. Apply 35 Temperance St. after 5:30 p.m. 5-2* '47 MERCURY can be seen at any tinme. Phono MA 3-5756. Articles For SIl APARTMENT size piano. Pl MA 3-3630. QUANTITY of good mixed grain. Clarke 1902. BALED hay. Phone Blacks 83 r 4. TOLMAN Sweet apples. W Werry. MA 3-2253. FOUR-burner electric st aven control., Phone MA 3-3 LLOYD- baby carrnage ing condition. Mrs. Burns Kittt Phone 35 r 9, Orono. le >ha; 6-1 f ee 6-. toi 6-1 6- t0v( 111 6-1 goc mei 6-1 ian' 591M 6-1 A- 3 )ags on( 1-t col W( Co 6-t hor, 13. ýph: is] ei 2 . 3-ý ici Leq er )s 2 ýu n. ýiI ir M i5 'h ce )n ia L * ýe a y ýh It )t ýe n IN MEMORIAM h ANDRUS-In loving memory ol ?ra dear friend, Oscar Andrus, wbc 7, passed away, Feb. 14, 1953. A silept thought, a se&let tear -1 Keeps bis memory ever dear, Time takes away the edge of ce grief e But memory turns back every r, leaf. -Ever remembered by bis 2, friend, Phyllis. 6-1* .1 -1 BOYD-In loving memory of Hamilton Boyd, who passed away, Pcb. lith, 1952. Thrcc years bave passcd since ir the sad day, in The one 1 loved was callcd on away. 5God took him home, it was His If wiîî; But in my heart he liveth stili. h A faithful busband, anc of the best, ýe May God grant bîm eternal n rest. a -Ever remembered by wife eKIRKPATRICK - In loving a.memory of James Kirkpatrick, Grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Alex 1 Adair, Newcastle, who passed away, February 8th, 1953. His memory is as dear today As in the hour he passed away. -Sadly missed by grandmother, grandfather and iamily. 6-1' 1McKEE-In loving memory ofa tdear husband and father, Samuel McKee, who passed away Feb. l2th, 1950. The depth of sorrow, we cannat 0f the loss ai anc we loved so well. And whilc be aleeps a peaceful sleep, His memorY we shaîl always keep. -Always remnembered by his wife and family, 6-1 TRIMM-In loving and ever- lasting memory of my dear mother and father, Sarah M. Trimm, who passed ta rest 12 years ago, March 5th, 1943, anc Elias Samuel Trimm, who pass- cd away seven years ago, Feb. 9tb, 1948. Tbey are gone but not forgotter And, as dawns another year While tbcy lic in peaceful sleep Their memory I shaîl always keep. --Sadly missed and ever re- membered by their daughter, Ethel. 6-1* WEBB - In loving memory of a dear busband, William Henry1 Webb who passed away, Pcb. Feb. 12th, 1954. Looking back with memories 1 Upon tbe path you trod i bless the ycars I spent with you And leave the rest witb God. -Ever remembered by wifc Charlotte. 6-1* aSAVE on lumber, direct iran b.Mill ta you. Pbillips Lumber Co., Kinmount, Ont. Phont )t 17rl 1. 13-t: ONE large chest ai drawers, io modern white enamclied annex, adjustable legs. Phone MA 3- i 5414. 6-1* 'S KEYS dut automatically, while you wait, at Masan & Dale Hard- ýs ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- 1 ville. 46-tf .- INSULATION, blowing method, r with rock wool. Workmansbip :2420. 39-tf VALENTINE specials-Gloxinia and tuberous rootcd begonia bulbs, 4 for $1.00. Airican rviolets, also reduced. Stewart's ?Seeds. 6-1* sSPACE heater, Quaker, with pipes, new condition, wîll de- -liver. Apply Carman White, 18 Prince St., aiternoons or even- ings. 6-1' i TWO-wheel trailer, steel balf- ton box, good tires, $79.00; also anc new Otaco wagon with car wheels and tires, $149. Frank Hoskin. Phone Blackstock 2. 6-1 HEARING aid service, tcsting service and compîcte stock ai batteries and dards at Higgon Elcctric Limitcd, 38 King St. E., Bowmanviiic. Phone A3-5438. 20-tf PRINTS ai photos ai public events appearing in this paper taken by Carson Studio may be abtained for $1.00 an 8x10 inch glossy prints. Carson Studio, Port Hope. 48-tf FLINK sank spreader, nearly new. Can be seen at Bowman- ville town shed. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted.j A. J. Lyle, Clcrk, Corporation ai the Town ai Bowmanville. 6-2 DRAPERIES and venctian blinds custom made, or draperies sold by the Yard. Our representative wiIl caîl at your home any time with a complete range ai sampies and suggestions without obliga- tion. Fabric Town. 59 King St.1 W. Phone MA 3-3609, Bowman- ville. 48-tf Singer Sewing Centre For Used or New Sewing Machines Rentais or Repair Phone OSHAWA 5-5443 for Prompt Service ta, ie .1 )e b. 44-tf USED pressure system, electric motors, sinks and washing ma- chine, new Duro pressure sys- tem, Beatty jet pump, water bowls, washing machine, deep freeze, refrigerator, hand pumps, steel roofing, eavestrough and pipe, and complete line of P 1 u m b i n g supplies. Harvey Partner, Tyrone. MA 3-2240. 6-2 DO IT YOURSELF T IL E îc each and Up - AIl klnds ,xPert instructions supplied CUSTOM FLOORS LAIM H. G. HEAL 71/2 E:i 28-tf DECORATIN e e e S. For the Latest Papers For the Finest Paints For the Best Workmanship G. Preston & Son MA 3-5912 MA 3-3701 44-tf PRE-INVENTORY clearance sale -Clare Jewel 30-inch deluxe electric range with automatic tim, 4-bu 1rnr, reg. $325 for $3;Cffield washier with pump, reg. $189 for $130; 8.2 eu. ft. international refrigerator, regular $350 for $229; Motorola 21-inch television. regular $310 for $249. at Farm Equipment and Automotive, 134 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5689. 6-1 Articles For Salg JAPANESE Coney coat, siZt worn anc winter. Mrs. Ta: rme 3-1 ve, 16. er. 's j* la t- j* ., i 7e 0. r tf i .t 1 rt 'y ýr e 14, vlor, 6-1* nt a frn 774. 3-t: ;sior dent De- ýur's, 6-1* ;1.00 bbit. ting il-tI erly bairs )me, les. 5-4 ring ing be rood rice. 2W, 0-tf RS )zme 5-2 Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE 0F WIL- LIAM FREDERICK HANCOCK, Dcccased. AIl persans having dlaims against the estate ai William Frederick Hancock, late ai the Village ai Newcastle, in the County ai Durham, who dicd on or about the l9tb day ai Jan- uary, 1955, are required ta send ta the undcrsigncd at the ad- dress below, full particulars ai the same an or before the lOth day ai March 1955, mter which date the assets ai the deccased will be distributcd having regard only ta the dlaims ai wbicb the Executors shall then have notice. DATED this 3rd day ai Pcb- ruary, 1955. The Toronto Gencral Trusts Corporation, Bay and Melinda Streets, Toronto 1, Ontario. By Apha 1. Hodgins, Notice fo Creditors AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE 0F Thomas ILymer, late ai the Town ai Bow- Imanville, in the County ai Dur- ham, Metal Pinisher, deceased, who died at the Town ai 13ow- manville, on or about the 3rd day ai November, 1954. THE TRUSTEE ACT, R.S.0., 1950, Ch. 400, Sec. 51. Creditors and others having dIaims against the abave estate are required ta send particulars and full proaf thereai ta the undcrsigned on or bciore the llth day ai March, 1955, mter which date the assets ai the estate will be distributed hav- ing regard ta the Wil and the dlaims that bave then been re- ceived. DATED ut Bowmmnvilc, On- tario, the 25th day ai January, Lawrence C. Mason, Barrister, etc., 30 King Street West, Bowmanville, Ontario. Solicitor for the Executors. 4-3 Nofice fo Crediiors AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER 0F THE ESTATE 0F GEORGE WALTER Ma£NEIL, late of the Village of Pontypool in the County of Dur- ham, Physician, deceased. tALL persons having dlaim against the Estate of the said GEORGE WALTER MacNEIL, Iwho died at the City of Peter- [borough in the County of Peter- borough on or about the 22nd day of November, A.D. 1954, are hereby notified to send by post prepaid or to deliver to Harold Wilson, 352 -7th St. East, Owen Sound, Ontario, or to John M. Wilson, c/o The High School, Simcoe, Ontario, the Executors of the last Will and Testament of the said deceased, on or be- fore the 23rd day of February, 1955, full particulars of their dlaims. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the last-mentjoned date, the assets of the estate of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled there- to, having regard only to those dlaims of whîch the said Exec- utors shall then have notice. DATED at Millbrook, Ontario, this 29th day of January. 1955. A. Roy Willmott, Q.C., Millbrook. Ontario, Solicitor for the said Executors. 5-3 Wanted Help Wanted ORGANIST and choir leader United Church, Newcastle. ply stating qualifications salary wanted. Mrs. Jameç Brown, Newcastle. HOUSEKEEPER for home in country with modemn conv iences. Telephone 4owmanv MArkct 3-2645, bef'ween M ONE lady's coat, size 16; m. skates, size 9. Phone MA 3-5ý CHOICE tîmothy and al mixed, 35c baie. Phone MA 2271.6 1 fi s n wy te DEAD STOCK remnoved from vour farm promptly for sanitai-y disposai. Telephone collect: Co- bourg 1266 or Toronto EM 3-3636. Gordon Young Liiited. 60-tf Persona[ HYGIENIC supplies - (rubber goods) mai]ed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list. Six samples 25c, 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, Nov.-Rubber Co., Box 91, Ham- liton. Ont. 1-52 FOR eavestroughîng and repairs write Carl Gould, Newcastle. DARLINGTON Abattoir, Hamp- ton, for custom killing. Phone MA 3-3243. 32-tf OIL burners, installing, dlean- ing, repairing; plumbing repairs. Leo Mutton, 14 Liberty St. N. Phone MA 3-3658. 6-2' AMBITJIOUS married man with chauffeur's licence and some knowledge of farm machinery, desires employment with iarm equipment dealer or as truck driver. Phone evenings, 6:30 ta 7:30. MA 3-2084. 6-1 GENERAL CONCRETE AND MASONRY Construction or Repair Estimates Free L. TURNER PO0. BOX 177, BOWMANVILLE 52-tf SAVE MONEY AT DÀVE'S 1 - DO your own floors - ren- sander or a floor polisher fi Lander Hardware, 7 King St. Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5' Notices Darlington Game Commiss bas received more non-resid buntîng licenses from the1 partment. At Gordon Wilb Hampton.6 Notice to rabbit hunters. $1 will be paid for eacb rab] Please be careful when hunt on nursery property. Brookd Kingsway Nurseries. 5J Comfortable home for elde folks, warm up and downsta moims, convalescents welcor bed patients, elderly coup] Phone Orono 77 r 1. We are now maitufacturi cement blocks, both interlocki and standard, and would pleased to serve you with a gc product at a reasonable pri rripp Construction. Phone 392 Port Perry. 40 ATTENTION ' SEED GROWI .xarry Oats are the most pro ising of the new varieties, Anyone wishing te grow soi please contact us at once. GARNET RICKARD Phone MA 3-2813 4, a 4. n It S, 0 L 9 e s rs t v 0 t, C 0 a a E b m ri fi la yg m el, ng V( ai L Y( CE hi pi hE in 45 hi ar in ve tic hc vi Bc Tc Bi lar pri cr( U.: foi Ha ilt( in lib IF ALL WORK GUARANTEED FOR ONE VEAR Speclalizing in Rotor Aniennas BILL LLOYD LEASK HAMILTON Tenders Wanted UNITED COUNTIES 0F NORTHUMBERLAND AND DURHAM Tender for Supply of SEPARATE SEALED TENDERS plainly marked as to content will be received by the under signed up until 5:00 p.m., Monday, Feb. 14, 1955 for the supply of the following: (1) 1955 four, door sedan auto- mobile, with a 1953 deiuxe Chevrolet sedan to be tait en as trade-in. (21 1955 34ý-ton pick-up truck with a 1953 -%-ton Inter- national truck to be taken as trade-in. Additional information may be obtained from County Road Office. Ail tenders to be on forms supplied by the undersigned. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. George L. Totten, P. Eng. Counties' Engineer and Road Superintendent, Coboug, OTao. 5- WANTED-Lîve poultry. goose feathers, feather ticks, scrap iron, rags and meta]s. Rait furs and deerskins. Phone 3-2043 Repairs LDIO and television repairs. ompt service. Pick up andJ very. Lorne Doreen, 85 King de HOOVER service man will be at our store every Thursday. Bring yours in or Phone Higgon Elec- tric Limited, 38 King St. E., Bow- Pr( fel REPAIRS to ail makes of refrig- erators, domestic and commer- cial; milking coolers. Higgon Electric Limited, 42 King St. E. 1hn A3-5438. 25-tf at MAR R "S JEWELLERY U3 King St. W., Phone MA 3-5463 BOWMANVILLE I CHOICE building lot on Second Street, 65'xlOO'. Phone MA 3- 5572. 6-1' RESIDENTIAL property with sewer and water. Apply 273 Simpson Avenue. 4-4* J. VAN NEST REAL ESTATE NEEDS LISTINGS Let Us Seil Your Home, Farm or Business Call in and talk it over 118 KING STREET EAST BOWMAN VILLE Phone MA 3-3230 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Propertes Sold. Rented. Managed and Appraised L. M. ALLISON Real Estate Broker Phone 2566 , Newcastle, Ont. Two blocks north ai trahfie 1 z[-v4;041ýý lv-- C-1- Work Wanted J#WE FilE. Reai Estate For Scùiý O. E. CARSON REAL ESTATU\', Lots-Courtice vicinity, Hampe ton, Scugog Road. Reasonable. Large commercial site, main street, Bowmanville. Factory building, 7,200 sq. f. floor space. Excellent condition. Houses on O'Dell, Flett, Meadow View, Duke and Well- ington Streets. Sce us about our Christmas tree project. 50 acres, 20 clea.r, balance bush, 175' river frontage, new 5-roam home, with hydro. Ras., seau district. $2,800.00 ftull price, Homes-In Oshawa, Bowmano ville and Port Hope vicinities. Farms-We have several oi Ontario's top farms, neyer be- fore listed. Businesses - Theatres, stores, garages, facotories, summer pro- perties. Chas. D. Rankine AGGRESSIVE salesmen wani Be in business for yourself1 or part time, selling daily nec sîties. Wherever you may1 there's an opening fory Familex, Montreal 24. WANTED: Reliable man dealer in Bowmanville.1 perience not necessary. Af opportunity to step into profitable business where Ra leigh Products have beens for years. Big profits. Produ furnished on credit. Wi Rawleigh's Dept.- B-140-1 Montreal, P.Q. Applications will be recei- by the undersigned up to McI iay, February 21st for the ri ition of working foreman for1 Eloads and Streets and Woi Department for the Town Bowmanville. Ail applications must be Ariting, stating age, experier and salary expected. A. J. LYLE, Town Clci Bowmanville, Ont., February 8th, 1955.E WHY SETTLE FOR LESS rfor Ap- and sT. 5-2 ithe ven- ville 12:15 6-2' ited. ful ýces- live you. 6-1 as Ex- fine old ,aw- sold Lcts 7rite 163 - 6-1 Ived Ion- )os- the .rks of in ncc 6-2 >bneMA3-68. -1 hav far 3 .546, k, bLonst- TAEN by mistake, browfe dr, at CommuntvCenfr,, Jan. 6-1 5m- 32t rea- ey, * ir PUREBRED Hereford bull cali, nine months old. J. W. Bayd. 51 r 18, Orona. 6-1' TWO geese and anc gander. Phone Ncwcastle 3656. R. Le- Gregley.. 6-1' FIVE T-amworth pigs, seven wecks aid. Phone Blackstock 82 r 13. John Archer. 6-1 FRESH cowe and some due to ireshen soon. Appkly Z. J,. Benscbop. Phone MA 3-2926. 6-1 PUREBRÊÙ English Yorkshires. boars and gi44s av.ailablc. P. H. APPR MEY 80 chickens seven montha ol'd, mostly puhlets. B. N. Harris, Lot 1, Con. 5, DaIl- ington, Oliarke Union. Apply after 5 pm 6-1 1 Juist as a14 Uii*g6 upon earth represent and iWiage forth ail the realities af another world, sa the Bible is one might re- presentative of the whole spir- itual lufe of humanity. - Hlen The Canadian Statesmain CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES ARTICLES FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE' Fou RElIT- HELP WAIITED CARS FOR SALE LOST .FOUND -ETC. Cash Rate - 3c per word wlth a minimum of soc Muât he paid hy date of insertion IB charged, an aIdditional 25c will be added. A charge of 25c will b. made for 1i replies directed te this office. NOTICES -COMING £VENTS AND CARDS 0F TiIANES 3c a word with a $1.00 for 33 words or lIss. BIRT1iS ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAC ES .DEATHS $1.00 per insert:on IN MEMORIAMS 01.00 plus 10c a lino for verse COMMERCIAL CLASSIFîIED Includes ail advertising loi Fe rsons or firme selin services. dea or gonds of any description -cprword; minimum charge T5cpcas h wth order. To regulai adycrtisers payable monthly DslyClassified at $1.50 poi fi iha minimum of one. Inch. Addlfional insertions at the samne rates Ail Classified Ads must be la tii office flot later thon 12 0oclock woon, Wedri.sday. Snd cash, stamps or monev arder and sa money. Clip Ibis oui for handy relerence 'M M 11 BOLLONS, Jaseph - SuddenI3 at Toronto General Hospital, ai Friday, Pcb. 4, 1955, Josep] Ballons, beiovcd busband c Jennie Dcpew, 15 Hollywooi Ave, Willowdale, formcriy c Muple Grave, dear father ai Raymond ai Newmarkct; Jeai (Mrs. A. Jackson), Willawdmle and Grace (Mrs. D. Geer) Staufiville, and brother o William Ballons ai Toronto jtested ut the Trul Puncra alme, 2704 Yangc St. Semvicý %vus held in the chapel Tuesda3 aiternoon ut 2 o'ciack. Inter. nient Westminster Memoria Gardens. 6-11 VIVIAN-In Oshawa Hospital ai Týuesduy, Pebruary 1, 1955, Ruby Viola Pice, dcarly beloved wift of Weley J. Vivian, in ber 46th yeur. Puneral was held iran Luke-McIntosh Funeral Home on Thursday, February 3rd, at 2 P.m. Intemment Union Ceme- tery. 6-1* * Cards of Thanks The family ai the late William Lymer express their gratitude to relatives, iriends and neighboms for their kindness, sympathy and Ilowers during their recent bereavement. 6-1' I wauld like ta thank aIl those who weme so kind ta me during My recent stay in the bospital. Special thanks ta Drs. Harding and Storey, Superintendent and Staff ai Memorial Hospital, Bow- manville. v 4 Phones ]PAOU surrom 1 signal, Ncwcastle. 9 Real Estate For Sale 1 Recu Estate For Saliý 1 1 REPAIRINewcastle Tenders Wanted ONTARIO eotatoes, 75 lb. bi delivered in Bowmanville. Plh MA 3-2473. 3 Skates Sharpened 35 TEMPERANCE ST. (in rear) 46-tf BULLDOZING EXCAVATJNG TRENCHING - LGADING DRAGLINE - CLAM WORH Trucks and Loader for Gravel and Fi Jobs FREE ESTIMATES Tripp Constr uction PORT PERRY 392W Pedw ell Real Esiate Wanted To Rent VENETIAN blinds-Newesti ours witb plastic tapes. measure and instail. Morris Phone MA 3-5480. 1l'arms and al ather properties. businesses, etc., for sale. H. C. Pedwell, Broker Newcastle Phone 38-SSL 25-tf LEASK REAL ESTATE 11/storey new ouse, 3 bed- rooms, il furnace, attchd garage, large lot, low monthly payments, $9,500.00. 6 roomd house, 3 bedrooms, 3-piece bath, insulated; garage, extra lot, landscaped. For quick sale. Immediate possession. Wc have lots, ouses, farms, cottages and businesses for sale. M. E. Leask, Broker 65 Ontario St. Bowmanville Telephone MA 3-5919 NIXON REAL ESTATE 1/2 -storey 6 rom brick home, living and dining-roam, modemn kitchen, 3 bcdraoms, clothes closets, 4-pîcce bath, bardwood floors, venetian blind, ail heat- ing, full basement, attached garage, good garden, landscaped, many extras. $9,500, terms. rame bungalow, 4 large roams, 4-pice bath, eavy wir- ing, clothes closets, fully insulat- d. $1,500 down, possession im- mediately. New 4-room frame home on highway betwcn Bowmanvlle and Oshawa, heavy wiring, 3- piece bath, furnace, venetian blinds,. gas stove, eictric fix- turs, some floor covering, aluminum storm doors, windows and screens. $6,000, terms; pos- session shortly. Large >t wîth 2-room frame house, basement witb cerent blocks, on ard top od, nt too far fom Bowmanvllc and Osha-1 wa. This is a good start for someone ta ave a ceap home« who is handy. nvestigate this anc. Many marc beautiful homes. Jamnes Nixon, Broker 160 Liberty St. N., Bawmunvfllc The days are gone whcn a "few thousand" a year salary was enough for a man ta take came ai bis family, buy a new car, and "sait some away for the future". If you are a middle-aged man who bas reached the "ceiling" on Your emrnings and now want ta make good in a new field, we can make you a fine offer ta join aur organization, where top men arc paid up ta $12,000 in a ycar. Middle-aged men, 45-50-55- and up - are particularly qual- iiied for aur type ai business, where earnings start at once. Bert Liebti -began on pmrt-time basis - wben he started fuIl-time with us, avcraged $787.31 per month bis first thrcc months. J oh n Christensen 'averaged $752.55 carnings per montb bis first seven montbs. G. A. Hol- land, ncw man starting mid- year, earned $2,194.36 in three- montb period. Average ai over e700.00 per month. Paul Fraser, new man, earncd $152.27 bis vcry first working day. These are unusual earnings ai top men. Like earnings are available ta you because we do not put a cciling on your incame. In spite ai shortages in other businesses, aur volume is cx- panding at a terrifie rate. We have an apening in the Bow- manville area, for a man aver 45. The man wc want must be high grade (nat high pressure), ambitiaus and sincere. Earn- ings are pmid in advance, no in- vcstmnent is needed, no collec- tions, no deliveries. Excellent home office co-operation. Write a persanal letter to aur Vice-President, Dept. C-3, P.o. Box 88, Station J, Danforth, Toronto 6, Ontari. 6-1 Chicks For Sale BRAY Chicks. Prom Canada's largest hatchery. Canadian ap- )roved. Standard breeds and crosses, inciuding some papular U.S. hybrids. Write for full in- frmation and prices. Bray Hatchcry, 120 John North, Ham- iton, Ont. <We are interestedi in a good agent in this dis trict- iberal commission). 5-i 1 1 1 1 wave; new bedroom suite, piece, $89; 1/4-h.p. motor. Murl & Co.6 1 ol i ar le, oi :oý a] ce ly r al if )n ýy le h ,n le it n 0 's f ORCHLAND FARM HATCHERY 1 anadian Approved Chicks S. C. WHITE LEGHORN BARRED ROCK (Fast Feathering) NW HAMPSHIRE X BARREU b ROCK 1Or incubatori are now running One hatch weekly Albreeders Government Band- ed and Pullorum Tested Ail eggs produced on our owvn farm We have the agency for POPULAR LINES 0F Poulry Equipmeni Wrte or telephone for Price List H. J. BROOKS Telephone MArket 3-3961 BOWMANVILLE ONT. 4-tf Auciion Sales Auction Sale Wr do more farmers every wek feel it pays to sell thefr Livestock at the DURHAM COUNTY SALE ARENA ? Benase they have the privilege ofslling it either by the pound or by the dollar. Sale every Monday at 2 p.m. Owed and operated by JACK RE, Auctioneer. For pickup PHONE 5 r 18 ORONO Te place where buyeran seller meet an 1 1 ý MA 3-568-2 A. E. (SAM1VY) COLE Plumbing and Heafi:g AGENT FOR Mor-Sun The Furnace with the 1-year guarantee 26 Ontario St., Phone MA 3-347 1 - 1 - (Formcrly Bothwell & Cole) TOWNE TV ANTENNA Insfallafion & Repair FOR FAST AND EFFICIENT TV ANTENNA SERVICE 1 - .1 1 1 -. iDe WITH REAL ESTATE 490 acre fan,-,., 2 miles of~f the bigbway, whcrcof 85 acres work- Sable, creek, 85'x35' and 55'x35' bank barn, driving shed; 7 room- c d frame bouse, beuvy wircd, garage. Price $6,000. 122 acre farm, whereof 105 acres work-ýble, witb creek, 3 wells, baux bahun with water bowls, silo, implement shed; 8- roamed frame bouse with hard- wood floçcrs, heavy wired; miik cantract. Price $16,000. Termes. 150 acre farm, close ta high- way, 10 miles from Oshawa, 100 acres workable, 3 acres vuluable waod, creck, wells, 80'x50' and 50'x32' bank bhum; 9-roamed frame bouse; close ta school. Asking price $15.000. Termes. 175 acre iarm, 14 mile off thc highway, 120 acres workable, 35 acres waod, creek, wells, 90'x36' bank barn witb extension, with steel stanchions, water bowls, silo, heen bouse, garage; 18-room- cd brick bouse with wuter pressure, hardwood floors, heavy wired, modemn kitchen, ',/a mile from school and village. Ask- ing price $24,000. Tcrms. 10 roomed clapboard bouse in Orono, on main street, witb furnace, hydro, hardwood floors (partly), cistern, sunroam, pos- session at once. Price arranged. à roomned bungalow, 3 bcd- rooms, in Newcastle, with 4- piece hatbroom, ail furnace, bot and cold running watcr, built- in cuphoards, starm windows and sereens, fruit trees, 99'x300' lot. Asking price $8,000. 4 roomed bungalow in Hamp- ton, insulmted, insulbmick, hcuvy wired, witb garage und extra lot. Price $4.000. 5 roomed new ranch Êtyîe bungalow, 3 bcdrooms, in Bow- manville, 4-piece bathraom, ail furnace, hardwood floors, large living moom with pictume win- dow and dinette, built-in cup- hourds. Price $9,500. Mortguge avuilable. 4 roomed insulatcd bungalow on highway, with 3-piece bath- raom, water pressure system, hardwaod floors, buiit-in cup- boards, hcavy wiming. Asking pricc $4,000. Besides above mentioned we have approximately 55 more farme and homes ta choose from. Contact John F. De With, Realtar Newcastle Phone 3341 6-1 Pets For Sale COLLIE pups, 12 weeks aId. 1- 1 - 1 il ec. 1 si Si M El] TI -TIq (qAwAnTAM -eprAnqvc3lk#Alr PROVINCIAL Con stable re- quires apartment for lst of March; small baby. Phone MA 3-3568. 5-2* For Rent FIVE-roomed apartment, 49 Temperance St. Phone MA 3- 2251. 6-1* TWO rooms and bathroom, Kurv Inn, Newcastle. Box 282, c/o Canadian Statesman. 6-1* FOUR-roomed house and bath- room, King St. E., No. 2 High- way. Phone..M'A 3-3034. 6-1 NEW five-rooin bungalow, ail furnace, $75 pér month. Apply 2 Jane Street. R. Trenneli. 6-1' - FOUR-room heated apartment, central location. Appl.y to Box 300, c/o Canadian Statesman. 6-2' VERY low-priced small apart- ment, running hot and cold water, in Newcastle. Dial Osha- wa 3-7244. 6-1 SEVEN-room brick house, oil heating, garage, central location. Apply Morley Vanstone. MA. 3- 5422. 6-1' BRICK building suitable for work shop; heavy wirîng, central location, about 500 sq. ft. -!loor space; low rent. Apply Apt. 7, 63 King W. 3-tf EIGHT-roomed brick house on Concession Street. Oul burner wîth bot water. Possession end of February. Telephone MA 3- 5609. 6-1' Livestock For sale SERVICEABLE age gilts. Ivan Mountjoy, Biackstock. 87 r 4. 42-tf 1

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