____ * A M'A VM'A~? ~PIvAPY~V~1IA~ ur~'oeP.lAM~TY7.T.W AWrARW'~ p AGEFIVU TKIMRIAT, 1'~ Mrs. Fred Tamblyn visited -Mrs. Bruce Ferguson and Mr.. Wm. Wlbur, of Hampton. Miss Margaret Flintoff, Osh- awa. spent the weekend with Mr. andi Mrs. O. Cowan. Mrs. T .M. Bulpitt, Willow- dale, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mitchell and M. and Mms. rBurns, Kitmer. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Calville, Toronto, attended the funeral of Mrs. A. M. Ray on Jan. 28. Mr. and Mms. Bill Faund, To- ronto, visited Mm. and Mrs. Dane Faund and Mary. Mr. and Mrs. J. Robinson, Bowmanville, attendied Sports Service at Orano United Chumch Sunday and were dinner gucsts of Mr. and Mms. Harry Mercer Mms. J. E. Richards attended the funeral of Mrs. Harry Clark, Oshawa, on Manday. Mr. and Mms. Lorne Thornp- son and Jean, Blackstock. vis- Ited Mms. Wm. Cobbledick. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Gilbert, Brantford, cafled on Mr. ai-d Yvrs. Chas. E. Millcr. Mr. and Mrs. Madison Hall. Mr. John Tamblyn visited Mis. Jas. Dickson at Newcastle on Stunday-Mrlts. John C. Milîson, Kingston also spent the day with ber mother, Mrs. Dicksorn. M. and Mrs. G. L. McGee, Mr. and Mrs. DipnaId McGee and Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Milîson W re guests at the marniage af îss Joan T. Black ta Mr. Vernon Claus, an Saturday at St. An- drew's United Church, Oshawa. 1Mrs. Gcorgte utters spent Wednesday in Toronto. allowan<e F« o w rOId Wakch* On AMy NEW 1955 BU LO VA Now ifs' easy to. own a smart new BULOVA. Nurry to take odvantage of this sonsatianal opportunity. mese Mrs. Chas. Shaw, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hooey on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Greenley, Peterborough, Mrs. Jane Peters, Coe Hill, visited Mrs. L. Lunn. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Sutton visited Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gray. Cadmus. Mrs. Laura Cooper is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Vance Cooper in Oshawa. Mfr. and Mrs. W. R. Young, Mr. and Mrs. Rosborough, Pc- terborough, visited Mr. and Mms. Chas. Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Thomp- son, Cobourg, visited Mm. and Mrs. R. R. Waddell. Mr. and Mrs. K. Adamnsrnov- ed ta Mr. De Witt's apartment in the Hamry Milîson House on Cobb Hill. Mrs. Henrietta Little Henrv, widow of James Henrv, andi mather of Lenora and Lamne, farmcrly of Kendal. passed awav at her harne, 335 Bruns- wick Ave., Toronto. Funeral was on Feb. lst. Entombment Orono cernetery. At the Congregational Meet- ing of Orona United Church it was resolved ta discontinue the evcning service until Fas- ter Sunday, when the question will then again be reviewed. In the meantime it is the minister intention ta as- certain the d e s ir a bit1 i t y of holding cither a B i b 1 e Study group or a prayer meet- ing in place of the discontinued evening service. Any interested please talk witb the minister. Beauties of Banff National Park Shown Rotarians on Colour Film Plan for Easter Seals Campaign An interesting colaur film on the beauties of Banff National Park, obtained from the Cana- dian Govt. Travel Bureau at Ot- tawa through Rotaian George James, was viewed by mem- bers of the Bowmanville Ro- tary Club at their egular meet- ing in the Balmoral Hotel Fi- day noon. The film, entitled "Family Outing" was prepared for the National Parks Bureau by the National Film Board and show- ed a family cnjaying the many wonderful facilities of Banff National Park such as camping, golf, boating, haseback riding and fishing. Progrmr Chairman Tom Rehder intoduced tbe film and Rotarian Howard Run- dle acted as projectianist. Vice-President Keith Jack- son was in charge of the meet- ing in the absence of President Oddy Robson. He rnade a bith- day presentation ta Dan Marris and welcomed five visitors: %V. E,. Coggins, Pembroke; and Ra- Field Crop Valued At $4,015,000 in Durham County A repart from the statistic branch of the Ontario Depamt- ment of Agriculture states that the total value of field cops in the County of Durham was $4,0 15,000. Figures wcme issucd showing the yield per acre, total yield of every crap: Crop Yield Total Value Per Acre Yield Faîl Wheat 35.2 654700 $758,4001 tarians Clint Rase, Belleville and Cyril Schofield, Syd Bal- lard and Ralph Schofield of Oshawa. Contribution Acknowledged Secretary Rex Walters read a letter of thanks from Rotary Foundation for a contribution received frorn the Bowmanville Club. It stated that 108 men and wornen are studying in other countries on Rotary scho- larships duing 'tbe 1954-55 academic year and that 601 stu- dents have received the benefit of these scholarships ta date. A letter was also receiveci fram the Chairman of the Distrct Council of the Ontario Society for Crippled Children annaunc- ing a meeting an February 9 of the Easter Seals Campaign at Peterborough. The local club has received an invitation fmom the Lindsay Rotary Club ta attend the Ro- tary Bonspiel an March 2, and it is believed that four mem- bers will take part. Rbtarian L. W. Dippeli invit- cd the younger members ta at- tend the annual At Home and Dance of the Bowmanville Higb School on February Il. Rotar- ian Mel Dale asked members ta turn in the proceeds from tbeir sales of tickets for the Rotary play, "Sec How They Run" ta be prcsentcd in the Town Hall February 16, 17 and 18. Rotar- ian George Maady announced that the club wauld net $500 as its share of the joint Lions- Rotary stag dinner and draw h eld recently. NESTLETON ', WARI-. Barley ý Uý u- The Nestîcton W.!. met et 21 jewels, 33 59,400 58,800 the home of Mrs. George Bow- expansion banld Mixed Grains crs Feb. 2nd in charge of Mrs. $~"~- 7950 41.5 1,004,300 783,400 Bower's group witb 25 ladies 42.2 1,055,000 717,600 Edgar Nichais, Port Hope, a Buckwheat representative of Federation of 18.2 16,390 14,900 Agriculture was present and *Regard(ess of age, Corn for Shelling gave a fine talk, whicb was make or condition 60.6 66,700 100,100 much appreciated. Motta - Faîl RYc "Have not thy loak ta make 20.4 93,800 98,000 when it begins ta rain"-was p f ~Say Beans well given by Mrs. W. Vine. f l t R S19.3 5,800 13,900 Rail cail was answered with- tons: value, $1,291,700. curent events convener, Mms. J EWV ELLERY Corn for fodder-Total Yield, G. Thompson, was in charge of _______________________,37,800 tans; value, $151,200. the meeting. She gave a splen- did address and there weme 61 1 several fine readings given. ............pert" Mrs. Bowers and graup served ........a daintv lunch. Mrs. L. Malcolm .... . moved a vote of thanks ta al ......who helped with another spien- did meeting in Mms. Bowers' ri ......borne. Ncxt meeting Marcb 2nd ç-q Ralph Hazelden, Dixie, visitcd 0 : i Mrs. David Johns. Mm Sorry ta hear Mm. John Mao- pin is in Port Pery Hospital .........suffening frmnquinsy. Hope he wiil soan be better and home ..... .... ... ...again. .....FinratulatPototaMrs. May ..... ...... Fnasn, Pr Perry, and Mr. .... ........ MBowrnan, Whitby, who were o,~~~ ~ ' marricd an Satumday. *..~. ., .. ~Miss Gladys Emerson R.N., .. ... ~. Oshawa, spent the wcekend ~ with hem parents, Mr. and Mms. :~ ~ ~ .si~-.. ~Mrs. L. Joblin called on Mrs. ký..............J. W. Irvin and Mrs. Alice For- ..... ........Mm. Billy Johns. Stouffville, "GO V~EE'~\'OUBETER OME ND OOKspent the weekend with his par- 11soN1E6BE ýQUBETTP, OME ND OOKents, Mr. and Mrs. George A~T iT 'OLJ KNOW kOW ,N JES ARE V'HEN THE jJohns. BOILER BEGYINS TO MPAKE FUNN"1 NOISES!"DntfogtWA.adWM S. meeting at Mrs. George Bow- crs Fcb. 17th in charge of Mrs. Always Cali a Reioblu H.ating Contractor forî Bowers' group. Alil ladies wel- Expert Workmanship-IQarnlity Materilit Try corne. C Through more efficient metb- ods the Canadian railways since 1928 have increased freight tasotat ion by 64 per cent L A. PARKER & SONS »I although using 15 per cent ev ftUMSING -* N& -NG Oi DiRNERS cm locomotives and 14 percen fewcr frcight cars.11i the pe j îod average spceed of railway 47 KING ST. E. - BOWMANVILLE - MlA 3 j lfeght shipmentif has increased, 1w 36 D« 0MIL q9. PAI .Z.L1LLLmI.qprATrvAm ZR I. JýLJ. NTARI ENFIELD (Intended for last week) Mr. and Mrs. Don Samis, To- ronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Mil- ton Samis and Miss Elsie and atcompanied them ta Mani1la to visit the Abernethys. Sunday visitors at -W. Bow- man's were Mr. and Mrs. Diclc Wood of Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Lee, Whitby, visited at Elmer Lee's. Judy Lee is mfaking a fine recovery at home after her ap- pendectomy in Memorial Hos- pital. The snow is beginning to pile up. Our mailman missed two trips last week and at time o>f writing ail we need is a few hours of wifld for a repeat per- formance. B U RKETO0N (Intended for last week) Friday evening, Jan. 28, films by the N.F.B. were shown in the school and a social time en- joyed by ail. Mrs. Peter Gatcheil entertain- ed several of the young wom- en Thursday evening. % Congregational meeting was held in the church Monday evening when satisfactory re- ports for 1954 were given. At the Sunday morning ser- vice the Lord's supper was ob- served with a large attendance. Mr. and Mrs. H. House, Osh- awa, were guests of Mr. and iMrs. Harry Strutt. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rahm, Toronta, Mr. and Mrs. C. Rahm, Union, with Mr. H. Rahm. Mrs. W. Bryan with Mr. and Mrs. O. Greer, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. R. Carter, 1Wayne and Randy, Miss Isobel 1Carter and Mr. Kenneth, Car- ter, 'and family. Ground Observer Corps Hold First Meeting of Year at Myrtle The first meeting of this said that one bomber today has year was held last week in the striking power of 150 World Myrtle with a very fine attencL' War II bombers. "For that rea- ance of interested members. son",,.he said "the mission of F/O A. K. Shepherd, Detach- every volunteer in the GOC is ment Commander of the RCAF vitally important . . . not only Filter Centre, Barrie,- opened ta the lives of millions of his the meeting by introducing Mr. fellow citizens, but in assuring Forsythe, of the St. John Arn- Canada's ability ta be able ta bulance Association who ex- fight back should today's strug- plained the advaritage of St. gle between freedomn and ty- John first aid. It was decided, ranny resuit in an attack upon ta put this course into opemation aur country." as soort as possible. F/O Shep- "The chance of enerny at- herd, then handled the aircmaf tltackems destmoying aur cities is recognition slides and showed atyicesdwtota f filmon 'the la-2. 'fective netwamk of hurnan eyes Clare Keevil, regional super- and ears. We ealize that the visor, urged those in attendance Air Force cannat rely solely ta 'help fili the gap' in the upon radar and it can be said country's air defence network. i that under certain circumstan- An -appeal for volunteers ta ces -enemy intruders could slip man Çiound Observer Corps through the countmy's radar posts in this area was issued, 'umbrella' without being de- and it was-pointed out that in tected." "Sa," he said "volun- today's atornic age Canada's teer ta help the ,Ground Obser- front line of defence begins ver Corps by applying for mem- right heme. Although aur tawns beship ta your local chief ob- and farms may neyer be the ser7er R. W. Stocker, Bowman- target of an enerny air attack, ville, or Col. J. C. Gamey, Or- the job of defending Canada de- no. pends upon us as well as the __________ Air Force and defence organi- zations in Canada.1 It is estirnated that every 25.- Mr. Keevil potnted aut that; 000 immigrants increase breai the Ground Observer Corps xvas)1 cousumrptian in- Canada by 4,- arganized in 1952 ta help detect 1i(000,000 boaves annually. enemy bombers which mighit1 Canadians spend about two sneak through the countrys ra - and a quarter billion dollars a dam network. Pointing out that1 year in food stores, less than a each enemy intruder is a po- third of the total they pay in tential atom-bomb carrier" hel taxes toalal governments. land' members are Mr. Both. well and Douglas Maybee of Camipbellford. The commission looks after ail county roads in the unitcd counties of Durham and North. umberland. Il is separate froni the suburban area roads com- mission. Mr. Hooton was the 1954 chairman. Honesty is spiritual power,- Mary Baker Eddy. Horticultural Group Plans Beautifying Village of Orono Annual meeting of Orano Horticultural Society, was held i in the Anglican Sunday Schoill rooms. A good representation was present. President, Neil Porter open- ed the meeting with a short addmess. He stated that duing 1954 it had bAn a pleasume ta represent the Orono Horticul- tural Association and a grand experience ta assist in further- ing the cause of horticulture in Orono. Interest had been taken with the work at the Cemetery. the evergreens around the Church also the display at the Durham Central Agmîultural Fair. Mr. Porter thanked Secre- tary E. Hamm, who bas given most generously of bis time and energy ta the cause of hor- ticulture. Last year there was a memn- bership of 97, this year the Sa- ciety bopes this will be increas- ed considerably. Everyone laves a pleasant home, sumoundcd with beauty that cornes fmorn flowems, shrubs and trees. A prograrn for beautificatians ta aur village was discussedl. The main project ta assist in beautifying the twa new ap- Droaches ta and fram aour vil- lage whien the new Highway s campleted this spring. Socie- ty will approach Police Trus- tees of Orono and Clarke Town- ship Council concerning this pmject. Another beautificatian schemne . Supreme Valentine OsaiChoclates ASSORTED Say it with a juicy steak smothered in onions.- . Say it with a standing rib roast of beef and brawn baked potatoes . .. Say it with pork chops, chicken or turkey. Remember the ald saying: "The way ta a man's heart is through his stomach." Whatever you plan . .. you'Il find ail your Valentine Day needs at R'ed & White. TENDER GROWN - SWIFT'S PREMIUM - GRADE "A"» (Pre'-dressed Ch.ckcens- 2 - 3 lb. average) 49c Lb. TENDER GROWN Chicken *Cuts LEGS and BREATS 9c Lb. WINGS 39c Lb. BACKS 19c Lb. FRESH GROUND - LEAN Minced Peef QUALITY - BRISKET PLATE Beef Rib Stew SIFT'S PREMIUM - '/-Ib. Cello Package Sliced Side Bàacon SWIFT'S PREMIUM - Loose - Frankfurters 29c Lb. 19c Lb. 35c Ea. 33c Lb. 79C LB. BOX TASTY - REFRESHING Pastel Mints- l0Oz. bag 29 ............> 10 -for 45c 4 for 13c 19C 2 for 25c No. 1 For Hot Onion Soup - 3-1b. Cello Bag Onions _____ NEW! - POPULAR - BIRDSEYE 10-oz. 23c.ý 47c 73C Sliced Check BEST QUALITY Lo JC These DUI NYLONS :$1,009 FEATURE! FEATURE! FEATURE! FEATURE! STUART'S RED & WHITE Li*bby's Stvubevy . ELYKLEENEX Spaoghetti JAM POW ERS * TISSUES 20-oz. tins (with Pectin) 6 Delicious FlavoursCubyoRe lr 24-oz.A 2 fr 3 3-C jar3fcpkgs. LYC 12Jor3 c EVERYDAY LOW PRICES CAMPBELL'S - lO-oz. tin TOMATO SOUP SAVE ALL - 100-ft. roll WAX PAPER QUAKER NUFFETS 2 For 25c1 29C1 2 r 31C1 FARM BOY - CALIFORNIA - 2 lbs. SEEDLESS RAISINS ,'43c 1/2 PriCe Sale! FAB DETERGENT FAB Large 2 for 59C Size CLARK'S -20-oz. fin PORE & EANS 2 Fr 35C1 EVERYDAY LOW PRICES CROWN BRAND - 2-lb. tin CORN SYRUF 29C SHIRRIFF'S TAPIOCA PUDDING 3 'ft 19C SUPREME - PURE - 4-oz. BLACK PEPPER 39c I.gular value $1.60 4 witk.0 113.00 order PARAMOUNT SQCKEYE FANCY RED SALMON tn3 c GOOD LUCK - REG. - MARGARINE JOHNSON'S PT. HARD GLOSS- PALMOLIVE - TCANT BATH SOAP Lb., 39C QT. 1. 13 2 For 29C LIQUID- DE-- CGENT 42c i J, M. lmti 1955 Genuine Black Diamond -- Seediess Guepefruit For that Chili - Hot Lemonade - Large Si»e Lenions High in Vitamin C - lO-oz. Cello Bag Brussels Spvout-s Florida - Large - Low Calorie Food Cucumbers L' FISH STICKS )BIRDSEYE -BREADED FANTAIL SHRIMPS wsdiscussed for the 'V'a the Mill and Main St. intersrction. It is the intentions of this So- cietNr ta make considerable i- provernents in this area. it was decided ta keep the fee at 50c. per member. Officers foi 1955 are Presi dent. N. F. Porter; lst Vice, G. R. Morton; 2nd Vice. Mrs. J. D. Brown, Sec.-Treas., E. J. Hamm; Directors:: Mrs. E. J. Hamm, Mrs. Fred Tamblyn, Mrs. Frank Hall, Mrs. W. E. Davey, Mrs. D Myl es; Auditors, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Drummond. Financial statement showîng total receipts of $153.83 and ex-1 penditures $134.92. A delicious lunch was served by the ladies at the close of the meeting. Counties Road Commission Is Appointed Reeve Ray Bothwell of South Monaghan Township has been elected Chairman of the North- umberland-Durham Road Com- mission. It is the first time that a South Monaghan reeve has ever held the chairmanship. The five-man commission Is composed of two members froin Durham, two from Northumb- erland and Warden Allan Beer of Manvers. Durham members are Lloyd Hooton of Cavan Township and Victor Wilson of Hope Township. Northumber- I wFR WHITE IFOOD TORES r PA.GE " T2M C;ANéWi" 'SHACKELY014 QUICK delightful relief from the aymptoms of head cold, sinus, catarrh. bronchitie, asthma. hay fever. The Sbackelton Comnpound and the easy-to-une Inhaler cornplete-$.00. At Drug and Department Stores, or writ.e direct to: EDGAR EATON ASSOCIATS LIMITED à" Old Orchard Grovei . TORONTO 12, AONT. Po2ivumon.>. bock guarc f»