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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Feb 1955, p. 6

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Mrs. S. Grant Speaks At Institute Meeting . A lengthy business session oi! while work. Ëowmanville W. 1. was conduct- She asked the parents, lai ed by the president, Mns. T. est and encoutagément in Buttery. gis pursuing this work Mrs. W. Corden and Mns G Homne Economnists are hi ]Richards will pect as co-conven- nce n Wmn Instit ers for the afternocfn tea and work. The salary la gondE Mns. E. Perfect will convene the the training is valuable in home baking table at Kopper ter lite. Karnival. The sccretany was Mrs. Grant also mentlor asked to extend an invitation toi the bus trip which Miss Sir Orono Bnanch to attend our and thè club leaders were pi next meeting. 1nn for the Club mernbers The president drew the mcm- the Easter holidays - tô vi bers' attention to the short severai worthwhile places course sponsored by the Wom- Toronto such as Tip Top Te en's Institute to be held in Ma- ors. pie Grove Friday, Feb. 4, to She urged that the mnembf which about 20 expressed their take advantagc of Short Coi willingness to attend and fur- ses, attend Conienences, Cc ther arrangements were macle, ventions and summer holids Mrs. M. Wiseman, convener, at Guelph that are available then took charge of the pro- membens. gram. She introduced Mrs. W. Semnindaanh Leask, who prescnted two read- she menudtoed owai ings which were enjoycd by ladies were in having the L Seyten ndue rs .dies' Quartet tram Bowma She hen ntrduce Mrs S.ville entertain at the Toron Grant, Dist. Pres., who bnought Convention and the welcoi grcetings fnom the, aine other they wcre acconded there. branches in this district anid ne- Mrs. Grant also mentioaed marking how pleased we ail possible donation Io the two ne .were that Orono branch had local public schools such as vote~d to continue the work. pitn ob ugi a Referring to 4-H Home-mak- anting tos be hugein m ingClb she etod there interest and support to the 01 .were seven active ones in this tario Temperance Fedenatic dhýtrict and outlined their aîms Committee which has beE and the possibilities the girls formed in our town. had in folowing up this worth- Mrs. Wiseman thanked ti ladies to which Mrs. Butter added herf, and after the clo! ing lunch was senved by th convening graup. Let's TaIk t over WOULD You be able te replace your horne if fire rulned it? Have you really enough Fire Inuarane. te cover ii< pregent Value. as Weil as ail the contente? If you have any doubts Ask our adviee .* . there'g ne charge or obligation wJiaier. STUART R. JUMES Re.I Estate Resldence MA 3-5498 BLACKSTOCIC congratulations and best wisf es are extended to Mr. Sai Ferguson who celebrates h 9Ist birthday on February 8 Last Monday evening the1 O.B.A. had a euchre partyE the Lodge rooms and ther Were seven tables. The priZE were won by Mrs. Aiber Wright and Mr. Flemi Thomp son. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Malcohir Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kyte ai Mr. and Mrs. Howard Trewi attended the annual Holstein Fresian Convention at thi Royal York Hotel, Toronto, las week. Master Gordie Malcolm visil ed his grandparents, Mr. an( Mrs. A. J. Cook, in Brooklit last week. Mr. and MIrs. Ray McGiil, Mr and Mrs. Cecu i il and Mns George Fowler attended a tele. phone euchre party at the homE of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Beacoclk Prince Albert on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mra. Frank Cook. Mr. and Mr@. Bill Grace and Glenn, Beaverton, were Sunda~ visitons with Mr. and Mrs.W Archer. Miss Edith Coix, Pontypool, is training at the local Telephone office. She la taying with Mrs. G. Fowler. Mrs. William Van Camp vis- Ited the Ronald Drinkwater NyaI Creophos stops «Utbbosn bron"ehl ghs Large boi. e1.25 Use Vick's for Colds Cough Synup 5ge Vaporub ----53e Nos. Drops - _ 53e Inhaler ----43e t'ough Dnops -- - -- 1--- 5e Cold Breakers Laxaeold -------35e Brome Quinine- 49c, 79e Buckley's Caps - 3e, 79e Chas's Cold Tabs - .-59e Pyrithen Comp.- --------65e White Rain Marvellous 1Egg Creme Halo Shampoo Shampoo Shampoo Shampoo 45c-75e-l.251 75c - 1.25 75e-1.25-2.00 39C-65C-980 feel stronger, fast!1 Home Yermanenfs Take Gerifol TflI.5 5.9 Tonette -1.75 1.9 32 -5.9 Bobbi -------1,75 13 -3.9New euiek 1.75 ('hase's Alka Colgates Mirine Nei-ve Food Seltzer Paste for Eyes 79e - 1.98 34e - 68e 33c-59c-85e 55c 950 Baby Scales for Reni COWLING'Ys PHONIERU WE FIT MA 3",! DR9 STORE TRUSSE. "Juta se EOWMANVTLL~, ONTARIO Bantam Tigers Starting Victory Streak nter- the t as itute and 1la- Dced me )a her ouAlhug n h ethe na igr hw irs lae bsadtidt roLa-t iht an ~ian nof hr eeago ub Or eea hrhs An te attendoed the chrening c the Sunathen weresuppew figust acith theandey YelIow n ee family. taafrtewe am endt.saaHsptlo u hidas wt thee wr o an hast 8. ofyenerwllso bce in oshain , Hita this eek rforheanopE i'ationr. e o twe fellw we milleon behfie dgain. Mr. and Mrs. Creeml aHep ad bora Oshawawith M. Jan In H .EnryionSunay.ik Lnsy veaten bsydayth ow. hrsey tolc par tein heLittieBrtiBoen. ne at Lins ay on at urdha iThiSu Wcdnesday tere spa Bonuess iath the loalrve.elo Ir ns. JoshnaHmitn enStun eS.da lasthdyeningup n hon-t oun cy afhe motherLiMrs. Hary kHall erth bi frthay. on- g atuions!ehp heweflo Mr. and Mrs. Harny'Vncet Islington wreSudayguyt !Sth rys. V. Mno. Arher; Mr. Chil as. mth anedayOliver. i ny. Oisca Graha is ay is or Pederry theremather Mrs. JmesHaiton whier.n and rs.ihrChapMan ar ol Hdayln i Fr t i. a on Mr. and Mrs. Ed arrient, spprgu et suast Tuesay eveingwith V.M.Arschr'. Chvit,.BSmandville.hme attcndedtheaDirahmic tOrang LodgeJame ting. whleMr adMrs. BillnardHomane of- Cdaigv, florclySire Gr rr.f adon, v ais hr. arind Mrs. RHald McLauhliner suast Wednesday asevening. DvT mark Chrisl.Tian Yout Wtenek the DiounipeOanigt edg inteetuihn eviegt.h ing. Glenarmer, Aiano Calay nd trtDorShrleyltook parts if h servi dhe laemiss Chantiatod th aims ande work.Te opl ngerst boys, the CTyrserndite aîgma Cparsnted tevcoin Mrs .Gohn Bagingrland tMr. leaer WeihopeChytiil soone Hîgs n prcesTheid orne Dstead roidand thppedSgm obullu... 1iIl ceflar cf the Bantam 'League mxvil1e Recreatian Department, n above recent4y whipped the the second-place -Huskies. Front eTherteli, Bill Sheehan, Mike Vebb. Rear raw, left ta right: Evening Auxiliary Outlined Their Aims and Objects Evening Auxiliary was held in the Sunday School Auditor- ium. The President opened the meeting by reading a poem "Another Year". We were then favoured with three piano selec- tions by Ross Tamblyn. Roll cail was responded to by thirty members. A most encour- aging Treasurer's report was Business Directory kAccouniancy WM. J. H.'COGGINS 'S Chartered Accountant 64 King St. E. fldwmanvillE (Above Garton's Bus Station) Phone MA 3-3612 J1. HUNTER AND COMPANY 9Certifîed Public Accountant.. 64 King Street E. Oshawa 5-1621 Successons to O. S. Hobbs, C h ir op r acîc r G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Ofc: Chiropractar Specialty Paper Products Bldg. 63 Temperance Street Phone MA 3-5509 Office Hours: By Appointment D e n ta DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. 40 King St. W. - Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. to 12 nopn Saturday Closed Sunday Office Phone MA 3-5790 House Phone - Newcastle 3551 DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in his home 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanvile Office Hours: 9 arn. to 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. to 12 noon Wednesday Closed Sunday Phone MA 3-56 04 DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. Office 23 Ring St. E. - Bowmanvile Office Hours: 9 arn. to 6 p.m. daiiy 9 a.rn. to 12 noon Saturday Closed Sunday Telephone: Office MA 3-5459 01 R le Jimmy Anderson, unidentified player, -Brian Baf'raball, Allan Cale, Assistant Captain Bill Os borne, Pat Gauld, Boab Richards. Absent when the picture was taken were: Coach Murray McKnight Captain Don Welsh, Rager Meadaws, Don Milisan, Don Smith and Russell Blac ý. -Photo by Carson Studio, Part Ilope given by Alma Cutteil. Rev. John Kitchen conducted the installation of officers. The theme for the worship service was based on "'Beginaing Again". Seipture from Phiip- ians rcad by Ruth Allin. An appropniate stary was given by Olive Milîson with Mary Ruth- erford lcading in prayer. A poem "In the land of beginniag again" was given by Venna Hooey. Each gnoup leader describ- cd their Aims and Objects and gave an autline of work to be donc. A swcetly rendened soici was givea by Elsie Joncs "The Beautiful Blossom of Pity",. Mns. Porter vcry graciously describ- cd some of the books in the Li- terature Department.C Eileen Billings expresscd liers gratitude to ail taking part. t A dclicious lunch of ice cream and cake was servcd, bringing a deihflevening to, a close. C ZION (Hope Township) Pontypool Church Hears of Bequest At Annual Meeting Pontypool-A goodly number attended the pot luck supper and congregational meeting held in the United Church basement on Monday evening. Good reports wcre given by members repre- scnting the differeat church organizations and the financial situation seemed to be in a healthy condition., The Church and Cemetery Boards have received a gift of maney from the estate of the late Mrs. Mountjoy and 't was decided that this money left to the church would be used for some special purpose to remem- ber the kindness of the donor. It was with great regret that the resignation of Mr. and Mrs. Gcrald Fiske was accepted. These people have rendered good service in looking after the Annual Meeting Curtis and iÏ,ss Jeann;e Coulter Zion annual congregationai were appointed to look aftr the meeting was held Monday even- position for 1955. ing, Jan. 24, at the home of Mr. Rev. Bonsteel who conducted and Mrs. Chas. E4aby, with a good the devotional period prior to attendance. the meeting cxpressed hîs thanks In te asene o Re. Hrd-to the officiais for their co- ing Mr.aEncRthen f Re asd-operation in th-e past year. He hng Mn. E xcethentactedoras expressed the hope that more chai ra. Excellentrep, or would join the church and hoped theresradsio Ms.Ra; for for, a better attendance at Sun- the Sesin;fo the W.A. Mrs. day mnorning service. Mr. Geo. C rnthe Secnetary's report; Van Damn acted as secnetary for Mrs. C, Mcncilley, treasurer's the meeting. treport (ia the absence of Mns. K. Whitney); Mrs. W. J. McCul- lough, Trustees' Report; evr. Stanley Malcolm's and Marvin Stanley Joncs, Church Treaýun- Nesbitt's at Municipal Trailer er's Report. AIl officers wcne Park, Tampa, Florida this weck. re-elected. It was unanimousiy Board Of Managers held a agreed that Rev. Mr. Harding meeting atter evening service be granted anc month's leave of in thc Presbyterîan Church an-I absence. dealt with several church mat- The cvcning was brought to tens. a pleasant close by a social Mrs. George Bowens opened period, and bountiful lunch her home to a splendid gather- scrved by the hostess. ing of Institute members and Mission Band visitons. Mn. Edgar Nicol, Presi- A regular meeting of the Mis- dent of Durhamn Federation of sion Band was held at Zion Agriculture was introduced by School Tuesday aftennoon, Jan. Mrs. R. Davison and gave a 25. Meeting opened with roll comprehensive survey of the caîl followed by secretany's and work of the organizatiôn. The treasurer's reports, showing convenen of Histonical Researchi $17 had been sent to the W.M.s. revicwcd the histony of cos- with a balance of 31c ia the tumes with coloured reprodue- treasury. , tions thnough the variotîs ages, Mike Szalawiga ncad a tcm- Grecian, Roman, Elizabethan), penance reading. Ail joincd in Georgian. Napoiconie and Geon- singing 'We Thank Thee Lord". gian, dividing the subject intô Mrs. Best led in prayer. A three topics, Ancient, Medieval story from the Study Book wa and Modern. read by Mrs. Gerow. A story Mr. and Mns. Chai-lie Gra- "Two Little Guinea Pigs". read ham, Bunketon, wene recent by Mrs. Best. Julia Kaspazak guests of Mn. and Mrs. Larmen took up the offering. David Hyiand. SL e g a 1i --- STRIKE and STRIKE Nesilelon Sfation Bannisters, Solicitors Notanies Public W. R. Strike, Q.C. Miss Gwen Wilson of Don A. A. H. Stnike. B.A. V îew Sehool, Scarboro, was a weekend guest of her parents, 40 King St. MI. Bowmanvllle~ Mr. and Mns. Cccil Wilson and Telehon MA -57 1 also vîisitecl hen aunt, Mrs. Her- LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. man Sainels. Barnister, Solicitor Mn. and Mns. C. Wilson, Notany Public Gwcn and Eunice, visited Sun- King St. W. - Bowmanville day with Mn. and Mrs. Lorne Phones: Office MA 3-5688 Lamib and family, Ennikiilcn. Residence MA 3 5553 1Mn. and Mns. Kenneth'Lamb, Port Credit, visited Mr. and JOHN REGAN, B.A. Mrs. Wm. R. Lamb on Sunday. Bannister Mr. and Mrs. Harny Me- Notany Public Latîghiin and Lawrence, spent 3 Temperance St., Bowmnanville, Sunday with Mn. and Mrs. Phone MA 3-3292 George Wolfe and family. NUSS APHA 1. HODGINS Mn.i11 and Mns. Ray B3arber; Bannister, Solicitor Bna ad Lawrence, Courtice, Notay Pulicwene Sunday visitons with Mns, Notay PulieAd a McKee. rempenance St. - Bowmanville Mn. and Mn.. George Bcnvers visited Mn. and Mns. Hanny O p o e ir yReynolds, Lindeay, Master Her- KEITH A. SILLETT grandparents. M. and Mra. *Optomeètrst Bowers. Il Kcg t. E Bomanvhle Recent visitons with the Grant Telkphone MA 3-3252 wr:M.adMs )ffce our: 9a.m ta6 .m. John Slenion, Enniskillcn, Mnf. *tic ours 9 . ta 6ura and Mrs. Don Thompson and Mondy toSatuday Mn. and Mn.. Neil Werry and except Wcdaesday, 9 . 12 Canol. Evenings by Appointment- We are sorrv to report Mn. JOHN A. OVENS* Ivan Rohmer siin Part Perr.y OPtomnetrist Hospital xvîth blood poisoning in his hand. To hini and the ury & LovelI BowmanvW.o othen local folk in hospital, Mrs. Phone MA 3-5778 Ballingaîl. Johnnie Gnieve an]I Piano uning John Mappin, we wish spcedy W Mr i reeied froni Mrn. Proessonl Pan Tun- Mr,. .CG. Langfeid tells of an ARTHL~~~LISN The ning the other Cart- SANIIONE DryClaflrs*.they T.f...m mo h flrem.ved . spsom «ogem.. one. t f Even perspiration stainh and Eboedded diii is gone, too! odors vanish as if bymagic Clothes dry cleaned the fom garmeneo dry eLs«a. Sanitone way look and fées the Sanitone way. Theyae like new again. Gett he hst D)more ehan ijirface dean. .-phooe for Sanitone Service. DAILY PICK-UP AND DELIVERY Local Agent:- ROOPERIS LADIES' WEAR PHONMF OSHAWe ZFNITH 13000 I UA 3-569-1 LOOK ON THE i the M(j~ . ES of your telophone book TIM CANADIAN StATÈSM", IROWMANVMM ONTARIO . 1 i a TW.ISflY, T~.lmf, logo' YEL ER ONson, Haydon. In-the p1&yoffà_ wîll fnom this neighbourni Master Kehnv Wilson hâs thé community, was deciared win- mnumps. Hope thcy don't spread ner. Likcwise. Miss Elizabeth any funther. Rowan triumphed oven Mrs. Our local school-marm sut- Pearl Kerrton consolation pnize tered a touch ot tnost-bitc anc for ladies. Norm Wilson was merning this week Whlle walk- undisputed claimant ef the ing to sehool. Mebbe she wiîî mea s booby pnize with one be awardcd a plaque or a purpie lowiy game. heart ft what she enduned over and above the cali of "oakwsdmo oithé duty". Or penhaps a nase wanm- oakwso fGd er would be more a'propos.- beginning ot wisdom. -, Mary The Art Rewans wene Mon- Bak-r Ed - d - y day visitons to Toronto when Mr. Alfred Jackson (correction Tir C K E T 8 fnemn last week, net marnied) TO E'VERYIVHERE retuned with them te Brook- Ai. Rail or Stemshîp lin. Consult Mrs. Hank Beon, Cooksvih'ie, J UR Y & L0VYE L L was welcomed by daughter (net 3owmanville sister) Cannie for a few days 15 King St. W. MA 3-5778 thîs wcek.________________ Giad te report that Mns. Ted Spcncely is rccupenating nicciy atter ber sojoura in the hos- q/ pitai. She is stayirîg with the Lawrence Staples who are cx- q empllfying that good aeighbour policy s0ototen preéched but - jseldom practiced. _ and tamîly were Sunday visitons With Mn. and Mrs. Vance Séd- - man, Whitby. Mn. and Mn.. Samn Adams and girls visitcd at the Murray Malcalm's. Mn. and Mns. Dave Wilson and Mrs. Annie McQuade attcndcd the silver wedding Tuesday, of the Richard Archers et Port Hope.Le a U d Visitons with the Dave Wii- ata DU O d sans includeci Mn. and Mn.t1he Puiupiug ! Oscar McQuade and Stuart Mc- Quade, Cadmus. S ING TM ... REDUe.. Mn. and Mrs. Clifford Ker STG AOR..M NRES Torotoandhle. Lea Burn:, G PRODUCTION. DURO Torotaandle Pumps, designed for Farrh duty Mr. nd Ms. W . Werysupply fnesh water whene anal Donald and Dennis, Redron, we o edi . ntehm visitcd at the Art Rowan's. . . . ban. . poultny yard - truck gandea ... provides reserw The local "fearsome four- for f6re protection. some" again have somcthing ta crow about ne curling skill. The Sec yoan Plumber or DURO local rink skipped by Howand dealer- for full information about Malcolm with Floyd Stinson, the type of DURO Shallow or Clarence Page and Robent Sisson Deep Well Pump yen need, or tied fer third place in the 24- write for folden, 'Running Wate. rink bonspiel in Lindsay Satur- ti. Farci Nec.ssity. day, fôr the Calvent Trophy, again bringing home a capon apicce. If thein luck holds eut we tean thcy wiil be making clucking noises betore spring. To celebrate Andy Malcolm's third birthday on Sunday Mn. and Mrs. Ralph Macolm play- Z11 -l cd host ta the Rae Malcalms _ and Mn.. E. Hendenson and Murray. Crokinole Party The bi-monthly crokinole panty held in the chunch hall was nat tac langcly attended, with cold weathen, threat of' measles and mumps, Fanm Union meeting, contributingGH somewhat te the abscnteeism J C- Ralph Malcolm supervised theK0 U X D A HC playing et six tables. Mns. Floyd Stinson was acclaîmed P umnbing and Heating winncn ot the ladies, whereas MA 3-565 BW AVLI thc men were tired, Master Stin- 56v5sio MAStreet lingMeGili and Mn. Les. Top 1 1 5

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