-______________ -................-------rW~~t.------- VEfUMAY, ME. le&i, 1955 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOVIMANVI=L. ONTPMO - .- - fVE Mr. Rex Grant, Canyon Creek, SYukon, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Grant. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Syer at- tended the Canadian Refrigera- tion Convention in Montreal this week. Mr. and Mrs. George Graham, Jr., Georgann and Susanne, vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Young- man, Pontypool, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Carpenter and children, Guelph, were weekend visitors with her mother, Mrs. Edward Adler. Len Richards and I. Piper were judges at the Port Hope Pigeon Club annual show held at the hiliside town recent- ly. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Nichols, Mr. and Mrs. W. Sullivan and Miss Dian Mlligan, Kingston, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Nichais. Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Slemon and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Stainton left by auto this week to spend a month's vacation at St. Petersburg, Florida. Little Miss Vivian Graham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Graham, Elgin St., entertained a number of her friends on the occasion of her birthday last week. St. John's Church (Anglican) Rev. Warren Turner, B.A., B.D. 8 aa.m- HOLY COMMUNION ila.m.- MATINS 7 .m EVENSONG Preacher: Rev. W. E. Askew Singing - Magie His many friends wiil be glad to know that Ex-Mayor M. J. Elliott is making satisfactory progress to recovery at his home after an operation at the Toronto General Hospital. Mr. Bill James attended the' New York State Press Associa- tion Convention at Syracuse, New York, last week, as a re- presentative of the Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association. Members o f Bowmanvile Legion Darts League and their ladies enjoyed a dance spon- sored by the league at the Legion Hall Saturday night. Lou Dewell's Orchestra sup- plied the music for this en- joyable event. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Rombough, Mr. Art Joness, and Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Hooper attended the ceremony at Ontario Hospital, Whitby, Feb. 1, marking the end of the probationaryr period for the former's daughter Ruth, and the latter's son, Jim, who are in training there. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. James were in Toronto Tuesday at- tending the opening ceremonies of the fifth session of the 24th Ontario Legisiature. They were also guests of the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario and Mrs. Louis O, Breuthaupt at a recep- tion following the opening cere- mon ies. Mr. Edward Leaver, who lives on Scugog Road, Bow- manville, but is employed in the meat department of the Oshawa Dominion Store, was; one of 32 long-service employ- ees who were welcomed into the Quarter Century Club of the organization on Wednesday of last week. Mrs. M. G. Gould, 714 Mc- Intyre St. West, North Bay, in renewing her subscri p t i o n writes: I hope this date is flot too late for my renewal. So far, I have flot missed a copy Steries Trinity United Church Minister, Rev. T. Arthur Morgan, B.A. il A.M. - "When Appearances Couni 7 P.M. - "South of the Clouds"i (Sound Film) Organist, Mr. Arthur Collison. Mus. Bach., L.R.S.M. BOWMANVI LLE YOUTH FOR CHRIST presents THE OUTSTANDING HOOPER BROS. QUARTET from Oshawa with other special numabers Guest Speaker REV. R. Ifrom Oshawa "Hear this dynamie speaker» 13OWMANVILLE TOWN HALL Saturday, February 'I2th 7/an A. BOMBAY of the paper and I am n ot anxious to do se. We ail en- joy the weekly contact with the 'hon>e-town". The Statesman mailing list has been brought up to Jan. 21 in. acknowledging renewal sub- scriptions receîved te that date. So look at the yellow address label on your paper now and see if it bas "55" on it. Our grateful thanks gees to the many subseribers who were sa prompt in renewing their paper in recent weeks. Cobourg General Hospital showed a deficit of $10,450 in its 1954 operations.- Much of this deficit was due the rate for indigent patients paid by municipalities being se muc lower than the cost of day rate in aperating the bospital. It is long overdue for the govern- ment te increase this rate for indigent patients. Bowmanville Fire Department answered an alarm at 9:45 last Thursday night te the Mitcbell's Corners scbool at Zion. The door of the eil furnace had come open; and passersby, see- ,ing the flames. from the oul burner, thought that the build- ing was ei' fire and turned in the alarm. There was na dam- age whatseever, and the fire department returned ta tewn immediately. Seven members of the Bew- manville Brancb of the Canad- ian Legion including Pres. Ross McKnight and Zone Command- er Stan Dunn, attended a meet- ing of the Oshawa Legion Branch last Thursday night at which the Dominion Legion President, Rev. John O. Ander- son was the guest speaker. Fol- lowing his inspiring address he presented 32 veteran Oshawa Legion members with 25-year- pins. Regular meeting of Trinity W.A. was beld on Feb. 8th with President Mrs. J. F. Heyland opening the meeting. Gr ou - 14 was in charge of the worsh p service which consisted of two hymns, scripture reading and prayei, by Mrs. B. Burgess; story, "An International Din- ner" by Mrs. R. Bate; solo, "Whispering Hope" by Mrs. R. Lathangue. Plans were discuss- ed for the W.M.S. Presbyterial dinner on Feb. 26. The menthly meeting of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Ladies' Aid was held in the Sunday School Room on Feb. lst. The President, Mrs. Alex Cameron, presided. Mrs. A. G. Scott read the 25th Psalm and the Lord's Prayer was repeated i unisen. Reports of Cern- mittees and cerrespondence was read. Arrangements were made for a Daffodil Tea and Cook- ing Sale. Lunch was served and a social baîf-hour enjoyed. John Forder, one of the players on McNulty's Midget hockey team, suffered a pain- fuI injury during practîce Mon- day night when he was hit in the mouth by a flying puck. He bad one tooth knocked eut and others loosened, and six stitches were required te close a cut be received. He will be replaced by either Lloyd Stain. ton or Ron Mutton for the team's home and home total- goal series with Port Hope for the Lakeshore Midget League championsbip. Mrs. Prudence Duckers of Crewe. Cheshire, England, -is enjeying a visit with ber sis- ters, Mrs. Gea. E. Pritchard, Bewmanville, and Mrs. Ben Bennett, Oshawa, which she hadn't seen for 48 years. She has also been visiting relatives in the United States and in To- rente. She is returning te Eng- land shortly but bas become se favorably impressed with Can- ada and the cordial reception given ber that she plans te re-1 turn in the near future te make rier home in Canada.1 The Statesman joins withî his many friends in Bowman- ville in extending congratula- tions te Mr. E. A. LovelI of1 l1shawa on the bonor conferr- ed on bim by the Oshawae Board of Education in renarn- 1 ng the Centre Street School1 is the "E. A. Lovell Scbool." Thbis well merited bonor is in recognition of the service Mr. i Lovell bas rendered the city of f 'n th th th La: ye ho ha in [r the vacant lot ownedbte lderal gevernment at 2he cýor- C .er of St. George and King S Sts. which was offered for sale. 'he Downham Nursery Co. was rie successful bidder which ad- 5' oins their preperty on King m~ t. East. The sale price was si eot divulged, but is rumoured te Downhams paid more for c tis desirable corner lot than t] Iey gave for the entire old il !r grounds property several d iars agg. This is typical of Is 0ow real estate in BowmanviII2 ai ias gene up i leaps and boundsv n recent years. ti Mrs. Chas. A. Wight received word Wednesday that ber sis-n ter-in-law, Mrs Fred Forwa rd, r hadI vased a~ wav Febh th in 'n Vice -President James T. Brown Newcastle, wha was selected as 3rd Vice-President of the Hol- stein-Friesian Association of Canada, at the ànnual conven- tion of the Association helci February 2-3, at Toronto. L ast League Home Game Here Saturday, Bowmanville hockey fans. will have their last chance te vote for their favorite player on the Bowmanville Barons team thîs Saturday night when the Bar- ons play their final home league gaine against the Lakefield Lumbermen. The player receiving the most votes will win a "Most Pepular Player Award" of a $95 Gruen wrist watch donated by Hoop-, er's Jewellery and Gift shep. Fans can vote for their favor- ite player Saturday nigbt by writing bis naine on their ticket stub and depositing it in one of the ballet boxes in the retuil- da. Votes cast during the final tbree Saturday night home' games will decide the winner. The Barons are fighting for second place in the Lakeshore League final standings te give them an extra home gaine in the semi-final series. For this reason they will be going ahl eut te defeat the Lakefield crew, and a fast, exciting gaine is 'assured. Gaine time is 8.30 p.m. and there will be a Pee Wee gaine' between the Bruins and Red Wings starting at 7:45 p.m. TYRONE Shirley Coombes spent the weekend with ber cousin, Eliza- beth Cale, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. K. Rahm and boys Wilfred Hall visited Mr. and Mrs. G. Rahm, Saintfîeld. Walter Hicks and Christina Gatchell, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. D. Curi and Bonnie, Bewman- ville, visited Mr. and Mrs. D. Gavel. Mr. and Mrs. George Annis, Ebenezer, were dinner guésts of Mr. and Mrs. H. Brent. Miss Helen Miller, R.N., To- rente, visited ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smith attended the funeral of the late D. A. Hood on Tuesday at Pick- ering. Mr. and Mrs. T. Gibbs, Mr. and Mrs. T. Janczyn and child- ren were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Gibbs. Congratulations te Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Keboe a baby boy. Quite' a number are stili on the sick list. We wish them ahl a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Alldread and Maxine visited Mr. and Mrs. Herb Murray, Orono. Women's Institute will meet at the home of Mrs. Florence Scott Feb. 16 at 2 p.m. Albert Runde, Harmony, will speak on 'Landscaping". Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahm vis- ted Mr. and Mrs. Lorne GriL- fin, Blackstock. Garbage (Continued fromn page one) lone a lot of work in collecting nformation on the question and would have more te gather, ;uch as whether the cest of the ollection would be levied hrough the mill rate, whether industries would be exempt, and how big an area the collec- ion would caver. Ereet Sign at Dump Coun. Higgon aise reported hat he had receîved complaînisi from the caretaker of the town lump that people were taking alvage from the dump without permission. The caretaker's agreemient with the town pro- ISt.Anthony's Hospital, St. Pe- tersburg, Florida. Mr. and Mrs. the former Ada Wight, daugh- Forward who make their home ter of the late Ex-Reeve Alex at Elkhart. Indiana, had left Wight of Darlington who lived several weeks previeus te spend in the Providence district. Af- the winter in F]erida wvhere ter graduating ramyBowman- Mrs. Forward was Àsuddenly tak- ville Ihi îSchool1 d taking en ili and wvas riished te hos- a teacher's course ' she taught pital where she xvas operatedl for a number of veaOrs in Eci- on but she po#sed away on * menton, Alta.. u 'l ber inarr- Tuesday. Mrsj Forwarcl was! jage several year, ago. Chief's epor Rev alsSt. Johns Ambulance Brigade and the national organization of Chie s Re ortReve ts he Salvation Army were re- ferred ta the budget meeting. Permission For Tag Days Low ireLossin 954 Permission was granted ta Fire loss i Bwmanvile dur- Postmaster General on last ers' rnarch cf dimes inr aid of ing 1954 was only $29,200, Fire year's request for a postal de- the Canadian Foundation for Chief C. L. Hooper's report tai lîvery service beyond the fact Poliomyelitis in the near fu- Town Council at 'its February that the town residences would ture. A letter was received meeting Monday night reveal- have tei b re-numbered first. frem the Women's Auxiliary of ed. This loss rnight have been Town Cie% Alick Lyle stated Memerial Hospital asking per- çonsiderably lower, the repart that the reply had seemed te mission tei hold a tag day later said, but a lire at the R. M. iitimate that there was net much in the year te replace the June Hollingshead Comnpany in the hope of getting a mail delivery Bazaar of the organizations as fall bad breugbt it up. untîl a new post office was bullt. a fund-raisîng projeet. This re- A total of 47 alarms were The Reeve sponsored a me- quest was appreved. answered, 13 of which were eut- tiention, wbicîi was passed, that A letter was received from of-tewn, and nine false alarms the Clerk write the Postmaster. Walter DeGeer, who was ap- were turned in. The report General again, asking for infor- pointed toi the Arena Manage- thanked the lire department mnation on what steps wouîd ment Cemmittee in January, members for their good work bave te be taken te obtain ai sjating that he will be spend- during the year; and the police postal delivery and a copy of îng a goed deal of time in To- committee, 1954 Mayor Morley the letter be given te Durham rente, but wiIl be able te at- Vanstone and ceuncil and the M.P. John M. James. tend business meetings of the police department for their c0- Mayor Nelson Osborne repart- comnmittee. He stated be would eperation during the year. On ~hdreevd W aîls bsis.the appointment oni thîs metion of Deputy-Reeve Car- from a citizen asking that some was accialeagred that tis ruthers the report of the Fire action be taken te pretect the bim acceptabl n t tf Chief was received with thanks. Bowmanviîîe Beach as a beauty acrigy Chairman O. F. Robson of the spot. Assessor Clarence Oke Fire Committee made a motion pointed eut that the Darlington .g - that the sumn of $117.50 which Harbaur Commission owns ah e KSl ant is 50 per cent of the amount re- the central part of the property e k G a t ceived 'from Lfires outside the from Russell Hallman's cottage <Continued from page one) municipa' ity in January, be on the west ta the new pump- turned ever te the firemen. bouse on the east, and bas a 99_ allowing a lower rental for the Investigating Alarm Boxes year lease on this property. tewn hall auditorium for a two- tha heis ettng ayo Osorn fet tat heweek Youth for Christ crusade He reported hth sgttn ao sorefl ht te be held here fromn April 9-23. information on the best type of only way the town could exer- Deputy-Reeve Carruthers sug- lire alarmn box ta be used in~ cise any central over tte pro- gested that some reduction might the program of replacing some of pertv would be te eith r buy be made and asked that this the boxes each year until they the lease or the property. Coun. matter be referred te the public are aIl rN_,newed. His motion Jack Breugh expressed the preperty committee with power that Frank Burns be appointed opinion that the only way te te act. te f ill a vacancy in the depart- prevent further building there ment was passed by council. would be ta send the public A letter was received from -There was some discussion on health inspecter down. the Railway Association of the possibility of improving the __________ Canada stating that the railways present method of receiving in- will be changing their schedules coming lire calls, and a motion 'o n Sunday, April 24, at 12:01 was passed that the matter of Town ppo nt a.m. It asked that if council lire calîs be referred te the fire A p it were geing te institute Daylight committee te investigate and re- Saving Time this summer, the port back. (Continued from page o~ne) date it gees inte effect be made A petition for the construction Reeve Sidney Little, who is a te coincide. A motion by Reeve of a sidewalk under local im- fermer Vice-president of the Little that counicil agree with provements on the west side of Lakeshore Basebaîl League, this request and the Mayor issue Liberty St. between Queen St. pointed eut that the ad should the necessary proclamation when and Albert St. was received from aIse mention that the Bowman- the time cornes, was passed. property ewners on that street. ville Brookdale Roses won the A request from the Ontario The Clerk certified that this e~as Ontario Intermediate "B" Base- Trustees' and Ratepayers' As- sufficiently signed and he was bail Cbampionsbip in 1951 and sociation asking ceuncil te join instructed te prepare a by-law had been league champions and was received and filed. 'Assess- providing for* its construction. Ontario finalists in other yeai.s. or Clarence Oke was given per- Seek Postal Delivery It was left with the civic cern- mission tai attend thre District 5 Reeve Little stated that thre mittee te draw up this adver- Convention of the Association Of town had not yet received a tisement. Assessing Officers in Peterbor- satisfactory answer. from the Requests for grants for thre ough on February il providing COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE N IISt,. SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR MunieTHURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ~ ~ VALENTINE Gift Suggestions fr~7~Gay Gifts by SHULTON The "Charmer" Set Containing miniature size Toilet Water, Talcumn, Body Sachet Bath Crystals 1.50 I.D.A. Col#l Gemey Pek Velvetta Ba IV) ,m Soap, box of 12 1.49 e- 1.00, 1.75, 3.00 Saits -- -___980 CADBURY'S MILK TRAY CHOCOLATES 1/'lb . 80c, lb 1.50, Other delicious fresh assertments by such famed cary makers as Neilson's, Willard's, Smiles 'n Chuckles, Rowntree's, Lowney's, Moir's, etc. VALENTINE CARDS - - 5c, 10c, 15c, 25e SPECIAL! Orient Talcum Powder - - -29c1 '-%eLâm 1 Unscented or in 4 popular scents - 16 oz. P age i5 haw CHOCOLATES1 MINIATURE PACKAGE 1 lb. - $1.65 2 Ibs. $3.30 BRYLCREEM I THE PERFECT humdiont lors bauiy tubs. Specials on I.D.A. BRANDS Cocoanut 011 Shampoo - - 23c, 39c 4 oz., 8 oz. - Reg. 33c, 49e Ani-Acid Siomach Powder - 59c, 1.49 4 oz., 16 oz Reg. 75c, 1.95 Mdaniai - - 59c, 98c, 1.69 Extract of Malt and Cod Liver Oul in a palatable form- Ideal for chldren. 1 lb., 2 lb., 4 lb. jars, reg. 75c, 1.29, 2.29 I.DA. HALIBUT WAX PAPER LIVER OIL CAPSULES Heavy grade. 100-ft. roll, An excellent source of . 12" wide, in box with metal Vitamins A and D cutting edge. Reg. 29e box 500's, reg. 4.79- Special 3.79 100's, reg. 1.29- Special 98e 25e - 2/49e MANUFACTURERS' SPECIALS STOPETTE SPRAY DEODORANT 1.25 size and 47-day trial size In plastic squeeze bottles Both for 1.25 NOMZMA SKIN CREAM "Chapped Handsl' Special! 10 oz. jar for only ----.- 1.25 3-Way Shave Offer 69e Jar and 4 blades for 69e Lady Esther 4-Purpose FACE CREAM 75c size for 63o BRYLCREEM LIM1TED TIME OFFER With each large 69c tube a hlgh quality Comb FREE! 'n ITALIAN BL OBNTO FE S ave 13,c 59e Household Size and 19e Travel Sise - 65e I.D.A. Tooth Paste 32c, 57e I.D.A. Paper Napkln- 17e, 2 for M3e Idaphedrin --- -___65e Dr. Chase Brand Tablets --- ---- 59e, 1.49 Fight Polio 1 Support t1 Murine for lte oves Sie, 95e Bronebidà4 8 oz. - 75o Idarub - ____40o Kleenez Napklng- 40's n8e, 2/65e Mentbolatum - 43c, 09e ho "MARCH OF ES" NEILSON'S CHOCOLATES 1 Ibs. $1.00, $1-25, $1.65 Z Ibs. $2.00, $2.50, $3.30 BLACK MAGIC CHOCOLATES 85c, $1.60, $3.25 NEEDS NO NEDIRALIZERI * .owPo eufa'l a 6 "Tc.s" @VeMy fin 0 Wa', wkth ony pIosf ..'>y $1.75 pRECITIONS A SPECIALTY Alex.. MeGregor,' We Deliver Your Local IDA Drug Store Drugs Phone MA 13-5792 Pentecostal Church Ontario Street North SRev. F. B. Fifield, Pastor Sunday, Fehruary . 131h 10 &.m. - SUNDAY SCHOOL Ilar. SPECIAL REDEDICATION 'SERVICE of our newly renevated church 7 p.m.- EVANGELISTIC SERVICE Rev. W. B. Greenwood, District Superintendent of Eastern Ontario and Quebec wiIl be special speaker at bath services Cerne and see the great tbings Ged bas enabled us te do YOU ARE WELCOME The Salvation Army. Bowmanville FEJDAY, FEBRUARY 111h, 8 p.m. BRIG. A. DIXON Final Gospel Crusade Service CLUB 415 wiIl meet eaeh afternoon next week at 4:15 p.m. at the Salvation Army ALL BOYS AND GIRLS ARE WELCOME he is free to go that day. Reeve Little w4s namned as a delegate fromn council to attend the annual convention' of the Oxitarie Good Roads Association to be held in Toronto February 22 and 23, with expenses paid. Council also voted to join the Association for 1955 for a fe of $10. Council received and f iled a resolution fromn the Township of Crowland asking the Federal Government te increase unemn- ployment insurance 50 per cent -with no time lirait on benefits. Toronto Man Found Dead At Nestieton A suicide victim, Maitland Joseph Carter, 32, of 1394 Queen Street E., Toronto, but formerly of Peterborough, was fourid dead behind the wheel of his car near Nestieton on Highway 7A on Monday afternoon of last week. Two employees of the Do- mninion Contractors east of Nestieton on 7A Highway flag- ged down Arthur Rowan, who was on his way te Toronto with bis family shortlv after noon. They told him they they had dis- covered the dead man in his lafe model car parked just off the road in a woodlot. They stated the car was locked on the inside and the dead man was slumped over the wheel with a .22 rifle beside him and a bullet wound in his head. Mr. Rowan notified Cpi. Gordon Ke-ast and Const. Chris. Cresswell of the Bow- manville O.P.P. detachment, Who investigated. The car was believed te have been there since the previeus night as both Ralph Malcolmn and Floyd Stinson of Yelverton had noticed it wbile passing by at 9 a.m. Mr. Carter was a salesman for an automobile accessories firrn and is believed te be survived by a wife and four children. The investigating off icers and Coroner Dr. C. J. Austin of Bow- manville stated that no inquest weuld be held. ------------- a ý5%- c th in di st ar vi th PAGE sic v lUf ,ýte