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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Feb 1955, p. 12

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PAGE TWELV 'l- THE CANADIAN STATEsumA nowmANvILL, O?4TAE!OTH7SAE. th195 Fans Are Disappointed Barons Poor Exhibition Against Lakefield Sat. The Bowrnanville Barons the end of the second sbowed bow not ta win fans and Ice Chips influence appanents Saturday jEneDces ereB night when they put on a list- riDcknGogBe less display in losing 11-2 ta the and Bill Lyle were nat drec Lakcfield Lumbermen in their for the garne and Lloyd Har last home garne af the regular ton. played only the first Lakeshore League sehedule. peraods . . . Bob Sheri, centred Yourth and Harnili It was a"nathing" garne, sînce and Irv Brooks piayed part t Bowmanville had already ciinch- on left wing with this line. cd a playoff spot and the Lum- Joe McCloskey and Larry Ch~ bermen were out of tbe piayoffs, filled in on defence for Dick and that was exactiy the way ... The crowd was srnall at the Barons played it. The de- start of the game and mi fence, witbout .Playing Coach smaller stili by the start of Ernie Dickens, was ineffectîve third periad. and the forward lines were the Lakefield-Goal, Red Wass same, except for a brief tirne in defence, Richlark, Sabatino, the third period. Wasson, Wilson; forwards, Do Coyle Notches Six Heffernan,. Danoghue, McCrai Gord Coyie of the Lumber- en, Floyd, Birch, Reid, Ca: men put on the best individual Chuck Wasson. scaring dispiay af the Lakeshore Officials-Ivan Locke, refer League season, notchîng no.less Rube Waddell. linesman. than six goals. The unique thing about his impressive per- formance was that devery one Juvenliles Lose of his tallis. were unassisted. On most ai' them the Bowman- To Cobourg '1l - ville defence looked pretty bad. Dick McCracken backed up I GaSr Coyle's disphay with three goals m G re ei for the bat trick. Ken Floyd. assisted an ane of these and The Bowmanvile Juveni Tommy Birch on the other. Ace bowed out of the Lakeshore3 Reid sank the other two mark- venile League playoffs last we ers, with Chuck Wasson draw- by drappîng a two-game ta, ing assists an bath, points series ta Cobourg by The Barons did not get an the total score af 11-7. scareboard until 9:12 of the third The local juveniles hast t period when Jack Marshal who first game at the Memori was the best man on the ice far1 Arena here hast Wednesdý the Barons, scored on a shot night by a 5-2 ,margin. Ronr from about 12 feet out. Dan West notched "bath Bowrna Girardi and Bihl Berwick team- ville goals with Gary "Han] ed up for the second and finaliLane assisting on ane. Cobou Bawmanville goal 21 seconds goals were scored by McBri( later, with Girardi pulling the with twa, P tton with two, ar trigger fram in close. Norton with a singleton. Score by periods was 5-0 at The following night Boi the end af the first and 8-0 ait manville made the trip ta Cd WEEKLY BINGO7 Commencing Every Thursday - 8 p.m. FEBRUARY 24th, '1955 M UNJON HALL, BOWMANVILLE Admission 50e . 20 Games - Cash Prizes Jack Pot Game - $25.00 Auspices Holy Name Society, St. Joseph's Church, Bowmanville Bowman ville MemorialArena Public Skating 8 Io 10 p.. FRIDAY, FEBe 18 ADMISSION--- Aduits 35c, Children 20e Public Skating 31 Io5 p... SATURDAY, FEB& 19 ADMISSION - - - Aduits 35e, Children 20e In fermediafe L akeshore PLAYOFF HOCKEY (Second Game) SATURDAY, FEB. 19 8:30 p.. COBOURG *COMETS BO WMANVILLE BARONS Admission to both games Gederal Admission and Reserved Seats - 75e Students ________--- 35e Public Skating 8 Io 10 J.M. WED., FEB. 23 ADMISSION --Aduits 35c, Children 20e M ma in *1 abin ýsse< mil- twi dan [ton, ,an' ens the Luc the on; 1D. ris, ck- ýyle, ree; 7 es [u- ek )tai ,a Foundry Stili- Away Ahead in Durham League AI Werry registered the high single af 314 in Durham ]Bowl- ing League play last Friday night while Ev King scored the bigb triple with a count of 755.1 Foundry - McNulty's Sports- A & P Faresters -- Maple Grave - Enniskillen 1- Enniskillen 2- Hampton -- L.O.L. 2384 -- Palmer Motors - Tyrone----------- Blackstock ------- Pins 18806 18271 17618 17672 16954 16450 1723 1 17942 16530 17810 16474 200 Av15998 George Elliott Bill Heari -- - -.--- Ted McLaughlin Bill Westlake------------ - 206 he Ken Kelly ------202 .il Bill Smith ----«-- - -- - 202 lay Frank Srnith ------- ------- 202 nie ir Bromell's Tearr ndTops in Ladies' -Bowling Lge. Emma Bromell's teamn re- mains on top with 24 points. Sweetman's team moved into second place this week with Lydia Bates rolled the high triple of 713, also the high single 286, receiving a merchandise Lrtificate from Mr. Bresiin. I"Six hundred" garnes: Hazel Da ris 656, Ann Gay 631, Jean 'Parick 623, Eleanor Larmer 60u and Doris Joli 605. The "over 210" bracket in- cludes: Edna DeGeer 242, Viv Cowan 230, Audrey Martin and -Norma Gay 229, Vi Coole and *Onie Courtice 224, Duaine Palm- er 221, Hilda Brock and Mary Wilcox 220, Emma Bromell, Alyce Hodgsan and Joan Engley 218 and Mel McNulty 216. In the Lemon League we have Doris Akey and Glennys Sim- mons 99, Lynda Moraz 97, Toots Wiseman 96, Marie Yeo 95, Greta Luxton 93, Dot Mutton 84, Olive Moffatt 82, Rena Bathgate 81 and Aima Perfect 79, receiv- ing a merchandise certificate from Mr. Breslin for her low game. 1Lucky draw winners were: JHazel Davis, a gift from Os- 1orne's Sport Shop, and Dot Mutton, a gift voucher frorn Blain Eiliott. Name Ave. G Pins Doris Joli ____r_ 219 15 3282 Eleanor Làre~ 203 15 3047 Ena Etèher 201 15 3019 Bernice Budai - 200 15 2995 Lydia Bates - 199 15 2984 Norma Gay 199 14 2787 Onhe Etcher 196 15 2933[ Emma Bromell- 194 15 2911 Ann Gay ----- 192 15 2886 Kay Beauprie- 192 15 2877 Vi Coole -- - 191 12 2297 Joyce Major - 190 15 2856 Hazel Davig - 190 15 2847 Dot Crombie - 187 15 2810 Hilda Brock - 185 15 2771 Sadie Bucknell_- 184 15 2764 Lii Philiips --- 183 15 2742 Helen Lockhart - 183 12 2191 Norma Hooper - 182 15 2632 Alyce Hodgson __ 181 15 2719 Anita Nickerson 181 15 2708 Mary Waiters 180 15 2707 Ev Sweetman 179 15 2691 Helen Dunn - 178 15 26701 Babe Brown 178 15 26651 Viv Cowan 177 1.5 26611 Jean Patrick 176 12 2115 Heien Piper -- 175 15 2621 Eva Whitehead - 174 15 2610 Donna Waiker - 174 15 2602 Vei Miller ----- -- 173 15 2600 Mel McNulty - 172 15 2581 Olive Patfieid - 172 15 2576,' Toots Wiseman __ 171 15 25661I Audrey Fletcher 171 15 2563 Audrey Martin - 170 16 Ada Richards -- 169 15 2531; Doris Poiley 169 9 1523' Mary Harrison - 168 15 2520 Reva Parker 168 9 1512 Mary Wilcox- 167 15 2510 Vile O'ourke 167 15 2509 Helen orden 167 15 25096 Edna DeGeer 166 15 2486 Duaine Palmer - 166 15 1987 Jean Fairey ~ 165 15 2478 Marie Yeo ---- 164 15 2463 Dorc Mutton-- 164 15 2457 Lii Hooper- 163 15 2446 Kay Hendrv __16,3 12 1956$ Fae Reynolds- 162 15 2435 Onie Courtice- 160 15 2402 Biaine Manko 160 12 1916 High single, Lydia Bates 286; high triple, Lydia Bates 713. Team Standings Pointa Pins' Emma Brornel - 24 13951I Ev Sweetman - 21 13739 Lii Phillips-- 21 13394 Dot Crombie - 19 13936 Vi Coole ------- 18 13114 Onie Etcher. ---- 17 13597 Bernice Budai ~ 16 13446 Lydia Bates 16 13331 Eleanor Larmer- 15 13213 Mary Walters __ 15 12950 Doris Joli --- 14 136951 Kay Beauprie - 14 134351j Pts. 38 29 251 23 22 20 19 18 18 171 228 227 211 206, 6 2 * * *1 PEE WEEC George Piper's Maple Leafsa have completed the long grinds up the ladder ta first place in the Pee Wee League. Theyc defeated the Rangers 4-2 Satur- i: George Ste phens Roils High Triple Score in Mens' Major Bowling 1 George "Side-winder" Steph- rens put together scores of 271- 289-207 for a total ai 767 ta win the high triple on Wednesday 7night. George was all strapped 1up with adhesive tape ta hoid 1in some cracked ribs but this didn't handicap bim and be carne through with bis best ef- fort af the season. Oid Reliable Jake Westlake held down 2nd spot with 757, Ross McKnigbt 747, Bull Poliey 739, Russ Halîman 738 and Pat Yeo 716. Russ "Dutch" Haliman won high singlepame, 312, with Ross McKnigbt 302. Jack Knight wbo bas really been hîtting the dead-wood this schedule finaily tapered off and won low triple with 399. Ted Miller bad iaw single game af 100, Garfield Clarke 106 and Jobnny Stainton and Jack Knight bath with 113. AlIey Chatter Bill Polley bas taken a. nice lead in the averages with 238 for 18 games and runner-up Jim Fair dropped ta 227. Bob Cale is on the sick list and may miss two or three weeks bowling. Bob is on Bill Bates' team and they are in second position, just 51/2 points back af Dr. Rundle. Believe it or not, but Pres. Ray Fry is calling a meeting ta make arrangements for the an- nual banquet. There are anly fîve mare naghts left an the second schedule. Standings, End of Sixth Week Second Schedule Team W L Pins Pts. Rundle- 13 5 19708 30% Bates-- 10 8 19660 25 Taylor 10 8 19598 25 Bagnel - 9 9 19037 22 Fair ---- 9 9 19451 211!2 Brock-- 9 9 18888 20 Little 9 9 18875 19 Osborne- 8 10 18591 19 Milne- 8 10 19070 18 Cancilla- d 10 18960 18 Siemon - 8 10 18634 18 McKnigbt 7 il 19687 16 Averages Games Bill Poliey - --18 Jim Fair ---------18 George Elliott 15, Norm O'Rourke- 18 Bill Bates ----- 18 John Graham 18 Ernie Perfect 18 Bihl Westlake 18 Elton Brock 18 Ross McKnight -18 George Piper 18 Bob Stocker ____18 Rusa Halirnan - 18 Bob Williams 18 Pat Yeo ------ 18 Jack Coole -- 15 Jack Knight --------18 Dr. Howard Rundle 18 Alan Osborne 15 Bill Hearle ----------- 18 George Stephens 18 Ab. Piper ------ 18 Bert Engley 18 Doug Taylor 18 Jack Gay ---____18 Ted Bagneli 18 Frank Blunt 18 Jack Landen 18 Mcl Dale----- 18 Frank Williamns - 18 Ray Fry '18 Bill Oliver _____18 Wilf Craig 18 Murray Larmer - 18 Art Spicer----- 18 Morley Vanstone --18 Sami Woods 18 Dick Little -_____18 Eddie Rundle 12 Bruce Mimne -__ 12 Ave. 238 227 226 222 220 219 219 218 218 217 215 214 212 212 211 211 211 211 210 209 209 209 208 208 207 207 207 206 205 204 203 203 203 202 201 201 200 200 200 200 Canada 's Pacifiecocast line is 7,180 miles long. It is estimnated that Quebec's farned Perce Rock weighs about four million tons. Eik Island National Park in Alberta is the largest fenced wild animal preserve in Can- ada. There are more than 1,000 plains buffalo in Elk Island Na- tional Park, Alberta. More than a tbousand miles ai Nova Scotia bighways aie within sight of water. For Busy Hands Cronita Crochet Cotton with a gold or silver thread - is new and wonderful for those new collars - bats - bags - etc. Selis for the same price as plain Cronita, 35c 'baII SmalI skeins of ANGORA WOOL Just enough to trim a bonnet or collar 20c a skein We have everything you need to make a hooked rug - Lovely designs - Mothproof Carpetta Wool - Hooks, etc. Paton and Baldwin, Harding and Monarch Wools in full color range. Don't overlook Harding's new wool blend at 29c a bal. Clearing - Some 100% nylon and 4-ply baby wool at 35e bal JOntario's Lake ai the Woodsj, bas an estimated 14,010 îslands0 Iand 60,000 miles ai shoreline.1 Brook trout six pounds, andlO Up are nat at ail uncommon il, Northern Quebec and Ontario. Mare than a third af the Pro-. vince af Saskatchewan is for- ested. i Lake Superior. 31.820 squareè miles ýn ar-ea. is- the larges4 bodv ai iresh water inth world. l8 2 Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Todd A visited Mrs. Thas. Falls, Kendai, 9 recently. 9 Mn. and Mrs. Charlie Hoît, 8 Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. John 8 Stone, Orono, spent Sunday 7 with Mrs. F. Stone. 5 Mr. and Mrs. Brian Caswell, 4 Part Hope, were dinner guests 2 with Mr. and Mrs. Morley Rob- 2 inson, eTbursday evening. 1 Mn. and Mrs. Harold Souch 1 are enjoying television in their 1home. 1 Mr. Ross Hallowell, Bowman- 0ville, at Mr. Jake Hallowell's, 9recently. 9 Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Falls, 9 Toronto, visited at Mr. Orme 8Falls. 8 Rcv. arA Mrs. S. J. Pike, Miss 7 Norma Hillowell, Mr. and Mrs. 7 Brian Caswell and Douglas Falls, 7Toronto, were Sunday guests at 5Mr. Llew Hailowell's. 5 Play practice for the Feiiow- 1sbip Circle graup was beld at Mrs. Wcstheuser's. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Robin- son visited ber mother, Mrs. W. Prouse wbo ha iii, in Port Hope bospital. Shiloh W. A. Shioh W.A. met at the home af Mrs. Carl Todd last week with a fine attendance. Mrs. Harold Souch read the Scripturc lesson and Mrs. Leonard Falls gave the devational thoughts. Mrs. Dobson read a fine article on Religion and Life, after whicb she told of a recent radia item ai a littie hospitalized girl on bearing the Christmas Story for the first tirne, believcd that ber nurse bad not beard it because she didn't look any different from other people. Evidently the Christian joy didn't eman- ate from ber expression. Correspondence was read and the ladies decided ta undertake a sewing project for the sur- prise visits. Ladies served lunch and Mrs. Westheuser expressed the appreciation ai the ladies for the fine evening at Mrs. Todd's home. Mrs. Llcw Hailo- well invited the ladies ta meet at her home in March. OBITUÂRY ARTHUR JOHN LYMER Suffering a beart attack on Feb . lSth Arthur John Lymen, 234 Bruce Street, Oshawa, died shontly aiter being adrnitted ta the Oshawa Genenai Hospital. A son of the late Mn. and Mns. William Lymer, the de- ceased was born at Maple Grave on Manch 16, 1905. A resident ai the district ah bhisl lufe he bad lived in Oskrawa for 23 ycars. Mr. Lyrner was an employee ai the Oshawa Dainy Limited for 23 years. He was a member ai Kipg Street United Church and af I.O.O.F. Lodge, No. 66, Bowmanville. He leaves ta mourn bis pass- ing bis wife, the former Vena Mabel Colwell, whom be mar- ried at Courtice on June 27, 1931; and three sons, William, Raymond and Douglas, ail of Oshawa, Predeceased by bis mothen in 1910 and by his father on Januarv 28th af this year, Mn. Lymer'is also survived by two sisters, Mrs. E. J. Hart (Gent- rude) ai Oshawa, and Miss Alice Lymer ai Fruitland, On- tario, and anc brother, Williain Lymer af Bowmanville. Rev. M. A. Buny, minister of! King Street United Chunch,' conducted the memanial serie at the Armstrong FuineralI Homne. Oshawa, at 2 p.m. on. Thursday, Febnuanv.,h7th. In- terment will be in Mount Lawîaj Ctetery, bourg and hcld thc Cobourg crew to a 6-5 win in a close, hard-fought game. Ronnie West scored three for Bowmanville and Bob Fairey and Bob John- ston notched the other two. Johnston, Gary "Hank" Lane and Bob Kennett werc also cre- dited with assists, For Cobourg, Don Patton, Dave Stewart and Greg Mc- Bride accounted for the scor- ing. Coboui'g now meets Port Hope in the final round. Recre 2 Rev »INOR HOCKEY The Bantarn team standings changed over the weekend when the Huskies, led by Rota- nie Pollard, defeated the Cubs 3-1. Pallard was the big gun for the Huskies as he scored two goals. Parker scored the other Huskie taily. Coach AI. Clarke bas brought hîs tearn along froni their third plae standing to first place in livpe weeks. Cox scored for the Cubs to save tbem froni a shut- out. The last place Tigers shut- out the Cornets 3-0 on Saturday morning with Mîke Murphy getting the shut-out. Murray McKnight's teani were more like "kittens" ta %the rest of teams until tbree weeks ago. Now they are clawing the other tearna in the league and laoking like "Tigers." They have won two and tied one in the last three games and are irnproving with every outing. Bill Osborne scored two goals for the Tigers and carne up with a gaod garne. Biliy has bad a lot of sick spelîs this winter with asthrna being the root of the trouble. If Murray McKnight can keep Bill aut of sick bay IWs team bas a good chance of taking the titie. Welsh scored the other goal for thel Tigers and played a steady game on the Tiger defense. each 55 C Reg. Price SAVE 4o A&P Nectar TEA BAGS Aunt Jem;ma PANCAKE FLOUR Beehive or Crown Sranà CORN SYRUP Old Tymne box cf 90 85 c 20-oz pkg l9c 2-lb tin28 c Habitant PEA SOUP 2 28-oz n29c SHREDDIES 28-oz pkgs 31c NONA PEAS 22-oz tns 31C NEW LOW PRIC! 8 O'CLOCK COFFEE lb 89 c 3-lb bag 261 Jan* Parker, Daily Dated WHITE BREAD Heinz Gerber's Pablum (Ail Varieties) BABY CEREAL Choice Red Pitted A&P CHERRIES Produce Speciels! Californie No. 1 Navel-Finest for Eating ORANGES 5-lb ce Ontario No. 1 Hot House Strawberry Red RHUBARB Floride No. 1 Round Stringlest Super Righi Ment Values l RED OR BLUE BRAND BEEF - STEAKS OR ROASTS 24-oz loaf i 5 c 8-oz pkg 19c 15-oz tin 1 9c cello bag 49c lbl9c lbl9c WINC, SIRLOIN l Short Cut PRIME RIB ROASTIlb 2 to 3 lb. average, giblets remov.d, for frying or roasting CHICKENS Grade A Oven Ready IJan@ Parker HOT CROSS BUNS Pri ces effective until Saturday - - b -- -- - 9- - - -- - - . - pcg of 10, 45( lb 41c ~i] 1 à day morning in a very close contest. The Rangers outplayed the Leafs most af the game, but wben Piper's kîds got in around Uic net they made their op- partunities pay off. The Leafs had an off game Saturday morning and stili carne through with a 4-2 win. The Leafs will be the team ta beat in the playoffs. Larry Piper scored onc goal and picked up two assists ta lead bis team ta vic- tory. Crombie, B. Hughes and J. Bothwell scored the *other Leaf rnarkers. Fiintoff and Turner scored for the Rangers. The Canadiens pulled the up- set of the season Saturday morn- ing wben they defeated the Bruins 3-1 and knacked them out ai first place. Wiseman potted three goals for the Can- adiens and piayed a good all- round game. George Perfect has donc an excellent jolâ with bis teain. He has braught them ahong from a weak tearn ta a con-_ tender. Terry Black scored for the Bruins and played his usuai strong game. Daug James and Rundie picked up assists on Terry's goal. Don Bagneli carne up with another scoring display, wben he banged home seven goals and picked up twa assists on Saturday marning, ta lead the1 Red Wings ta a 9-0 victoryi r>ver the lowly Hawks. Rack-1 ham picked up a goal and an assist for the Wîngs. Hancock scored the othen Wing taily. Donnie Bagneillbas had sev- eral big days this whnter, scor- .ng five and six goals on two ...0 other occasions. Pee Wee Standings Leafs 19__________ Bruins ____17_____ Red Wmngs 1 Canadiens ___1_____ Rangers 5 Black Hawks 1_____ ITTLE N.H.L. The Red Wings defeated the Bruina 2-1 Saturday evcning ini a scheduled Little N.H.L. garne. Donnie Bagneli led the Wings to victory with two goals. This was the last scbeduled game for the kids this season. There will be no Little N.H.L. garnes played before Baron playoff games. The garne *was capably re- ferdby Ted Fairey and Bob Mrerison, two local Midget stars wlth a good hockey future. HOME GARDENING The Recreatlon Department wisbes ta sponsor a home gar- dening course for any Bowrnan- ville resident wishing ta take part. There are probably sorne of the younger couples in tawn who are interested in* garden- ing but have trouble making things grow. Sorne of the more expcrîenced gardeners cou!d probably use a littie brushing up on their methods and a few new ones. This course will be open ta one and ail. Anyone wishîng more in- formation rnay cail Ah Vail at MA 3-5728. This is one sprîng activity that the Department wauld like ta see go aver, sa let's have lots of interest. ««SEE HOW THEY RUN"y Ail out ta support the Rotary Club and their excellent play. If you like ta laugh, then sec their play at the Town Hall to-night or Friday nîght. TEEN TOWN The local Teen Town Club will be gaing ail out ta have their most successful "Easter Prom" in early April. The dance wiil be formal with ail the trimmings, or- chestra, decarations, refresh- ments, etc. It will be held at the Lions Centre. Ta-morraw, Friday. Feb. 18, will once again be Teen Tawn "Dance Night." There have been many new records added ta the collection which. is rap- idly becoming the best avail- able. Let's have a good turn- out ta this dance. Compare these typically Iow A&P Prices... SAVE ON MANY ITEMS EVIRYDAY 1 4pecici 1 Jane Parker BLUEBERRY MiIIer's and Foresters Tie in Town League 0 Minus the services of their Juvenile players, the best Mill. er's Taxi could do against the E! Foresters in their Town Hockey LEITRS 70E EITOR League game last Thursday g ." night was a 3-3 tie. Jack Whiteman had one go44 and two assists for the TIaxi» men, Don Childs aiso had a "WHAT RAS HAPPENED TO goal and two assists, and Tini SPORT IN OUR TOWN" Cox notched the third taliy. For the Foresters Gord Sellers, Pat What has happened to our Corneil and Clint Ferguson were hockey, after the game on Feb. the marksmen. 0l2th. It would seem that our The Courtice-Front Street ttear.. bas no regard for the spec- game, won by the Courtice tators as long as they get the 75c. squad 10-5, was featured byr I have played a good many very rough play and four fight. games of hockey, sometimes ing penalties. The Donnybrook under very poor conditions; also, broke out in the later stages off the full team consisted of fine the game when Gerry Sayers men whicl seems an impossible tackled Don Bishop of the Front feat these days and we always Street crew. John Bird came went out to play the game, wifl to Bishop's aid and Linton He- or lose, but always tried to win ron then got into the act for whatever the odds, to satisfy Courtice. When it was ahl sort- our customers and managed to ed out Bishop and Bird of Front draw fair crowds but neyer did Street and Sayers and Heron of we hear the grumbiing that Courtice drew five-minute went on at the Feb. l2th garne. fighting major, and Sayers and We neyer did worry about the Bird were assessed game mis- next team we were to play but conduct penalties as weil. Alto- faced ail corners and did our gether, Front Street had nine best and it paid off as far as penalties in the rough contest spectators were concerned. and Courtice drew six. It is just too bad that there The Courtice scoring was are not a few men lef t like in the Iooked after by Bob Johnsoni old days that gave their tirne with four, Barry Johnson with and talents out of the good.. two and Grant Heron, Gerry ness of their hearts and for Sayers, Scotty McClelland, and sports sake alone 'with no Glen Pickell with one apiece. thought of monetary value in- For Front Street. Bill Lemon, volved. If they expect to draw Jack Parker, Don Bishop, Rip crowds they will have to play Richards and Chuck Kilpatrick better hockey and I know they notched one goal each. can do this as I have seen it hap- Games Tonight (February 17> pen on occasion. 7 p.m.-Foresters vs. Courtice. Here's hoping for better boc- 8 p.m.-Front St. vs. Miller's. key in the future as I expect that most Iikely I will be at the Cypress His in Saskatche- playoffs (if we have any). wan is a wood-studded park- Orville (Red) Hooper. land 4,300*feet above sea level. il b ýj 1 iý

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