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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Feb 1955, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE aau CANLADU&L TATE I. y r. a p OE- OU....%aa - LMA !, OWMANVILE, ..ONTAPJO Bethany W. 1. Topic "Citizenship and Education" Outlined Services with Refugees Five New Members l1nitiated at Lions Club. five 'OMS, Duld, leat- each a n iber. iown ýpas- Ron- 'rcy nom ties *an- ines ?ing ýings bers beat ýnt- uld the rare Mr. and Mns. Gordon Shields, son Gardon and daughter Patay af Toronto and Mrs. Max Turk and Frank ai Hampton were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Chria Barchard and fam- ily. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McKeowan and Biliy were weckend visitors with Mn. and Mns. Russell Wea- .therahl ini Whitby. Mr. and Mra. MacDougall and family ai Newmanket wene Sun- day guests with Mn. and Mrs. Carl Gould. Several mnembens ai the local W.M.S. attendcd the meeting ai the Oshawa Presbyterial ai the W.M.S. In Trinity United Church Bowmanville, on Wednesday aiternoon. Sunday guests with Mn. and Mrs. T. Sowden were Mr. and Mrs. J. Norman ai Trenton, Mr. and Mns. Ernest Nor-man of To- ronto. Mr. and Mns. Gerald Norman ai Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. L. Hughes and Freddie ai Port Hope. Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Wood ai Orona wcre Sunday visitons with Mr. and Mrs. George Crowther and family. Mrs. Clifiord Philp leit on Sunday ta join ber husband in Toronto. Mn. and Mrs. Alfred Finley and daughter Eleanor and Mr.1 and Mns. William Hawkins, al af Toronto, were Sunday visit-1l Many ai aur neaders will re- caîl the report ai an addrcss on Jamaica given by Miss Betty King, a native ai the British West Indues, at the Bowman- ville Rotary Club, hast fahl whihe visiting relatives hene. Many Rotanians commented it was the most informative, entertaining and wehh delivered addness heard by the members fon a long time. The editor necenthy ne- ceived a hetter from Miss King which funther cnlightens us on Jamaica and some afiIts eus- tamens whlch we icel aur read- ens will enjay reading s0 we pass on a fcw excerpts fnom her letten: 1) Kingsway, St. Andrew, Jamaica, B.W.I. Dean Mn. James, Hene in this tropic ishe aur are somewbat dii- fenent fnom yaurs; flot in the spirit, which is the same the wvorld aven,, but due mosthy ta our position on the weatban map. Not for us ahi the ice and ;now ai the north, but. instead, wianm summen sunshine, and ;ca-and sun-bathing at aur fa- vauritc beach. Oi course, the entire city and most ai the nest f the island wene highted and close on 2,000 peaphe attending deconatcd ini truc Christmas tradition, and there was a giant pine tree-twenty feet or marc, -standing in Victoria Park in Kingston and lighted ta such a degrec as ta be visible fnom miles away. Each night the Jamaica Mihi- tary Band in thein colounfu] Zouave unifarms enchanted the city by playing ail the favour- ite Christmas canais and music unden this tree. The tree's lghts and shimmening decorations combined with the rich calours ai the uniorms (scanlet, yellow and black) made a pictune neyer ta be forgotten as the huge crawds gathered around. The spire ai the nearby Par- ish Chunch bore a magnificent neon-bighted cross, while by means ai microphones and houd-speakems the music ai the argan and chimes was taken al aven the city. At my Church, ar Hali Way Tnee, a newly erected golden neon star, four feet in hehght, blazed aven the south- ern doon, with the wonds "God so hoved the Worid", also in ights, above IL. It was truhy a beautiful sight. especially ta those who came upon it unex- pectedly. In ahi there must have been Women 's Temperance Union Works for Good at Home The regular meeting ai the sung and the Lord's Prayer and Woman's Christian Temperance W.C.T.U. Pîedge repeated in Union was held on Thursday at ufisan. the home ai Mrs. George Allun with twelve members and onc The secretarial and Treasur- visitor un attendance. The meet- er's reports were read follow- ing was apencd with a poemn ing which there was a short read by the President theme ai discussion in regard ta the Pas- which was "Liic's Story in three- ter and Silver Medal Contests, volumes, The Past, The Pres.J it beung dccided ta hold the ent and Yet ta Be". The Fran- latter an April 22nd. ces Willard march sang was The Devotional Service was talcen by Miss Trenwith and Mrs. Allin and two short poems ~ne ight"Canada" and "Build or Des- O ne ighttray" wcre read by Mrs. Hare. The clip sheet, under the head- ing oaileprnePoes Blit To tamp Overseas", was canducted by Oeea ut Poioaithe members. ti Frances Willard the great Tcm- Turn on your porch light perance worker had a vision ai -Fight Polio tomorrow night! the necd ta carry the temper- Members af the Newcastle ance message across the sea ta Lionettea Club and The pratect the homes ai ail caun- Frlendship Club are joinlnt tries. The temperance work is1 forces on Frldayevening ta stili bcing carried on efficient- make a anc nlght blltz of ly through 'the efforts af W.C. the village to calnvass for TU.' warkers in Germany, Aus- funds for the Canadian tria, Switzerland, Egypt, Mada- Foundation for Poliamycli- gascar, Ireland and India. It is tis. In swltching on your said, in India, no alcoholic porch llght ýpromptly at 7 drink can be served at State Z a'cloek you wlll not anly be functians and acrving liquor on assisthng the canvassers but ail dinung cars on trains and in you wIll also be helping t. restaurant roams ai railways is llght the way for furiher banned. No persan who carnies research ta stamp out Polio on trade in liquair or is addictedv forever. ta drink shaîl be eligible for Great stridea have been election as a Cangressional de]-d niade by medical resetreh egate.s Into this disease since the The meeting was brought ta days whenever persans con- a close with the singingofai a tracting the disease cîther hymn and the Mizpah Bcnedic- dled or was crlppled for tion.ia 111e. But naw that the goal Mrs. L. Fisher expressed ap-d Is In slght everyanc ahauld preciation ta Mrs. Allun for op- j sec that- It A.-reached by ening her home for the meeting. t contributing freely ta the much ncedcd rcsearch still t to be made before this There anc more than 5,500 dreaded disease is stamped miles ai undefended border be- out compîetely. tween Canada and the UnitedS Thlnk af your childen- States. i Tomorrow's Children--.and The inescapable price of lib- welcome the volunteer erty is an ability ta preserve it a cinvasser when she caîls from destruction. - Ceneral upon you tomorrow night. Douglas MacArthur.l 1ors with Mr. and Mrs. Chas iFinley. t Mr. and Mis. Percy Rare vis. ited in Brighton an Monday *evcning. Congratulations ta Mr. Iî Babb on winnlng a large elc tric range ini the Lipton Tea contest. L.A.C. Rosa Emnbley, Mrs. Em- bley and Sandra ai Winnipeg, are visitung with relatives in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Clifiord Cufie visited in Toronto on Saturday with Mr. Cuiie's mather wh< is very ill.1 Mr. and Mrs. L. MacSwair and iamiiy, Mr. and Mrs. Ron- ald Gynane and iamily, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Greenlaw and fam. l'y af Peterboraugh, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pollock and Mn. and~ Mrs. B. McLeish and iamily ai Oshawa,. were Sunday guests with Mn. and Mrs. W. R. Carveth and family. Congratulations ta Mn. and Mrs. Gardon Garrod (nec Car- olyn Freidlander) on their ne- cent marriage. 1 Mn. and Mrs. Fred Couch and son Donald visited in Taronto an Satunday with Mn. and Mns. Robent Robertsan, Thirteen members ai the Newcastle Lions Club motored ta Bancroft on Monday evening for an inter-club meeting with the Bancroft Club. With the largest number ai members attending in salpe -montha, the negulan meeting ai the Newcastle Lions Club was held in the dining-roam ai the Queen's Hotel an Thursday evenng. wit the Président, John Rickad pnesiding. The main items an' the agenda be- ing the initiation aif ive new membens and discussion ai ap- peanance ai the Rondeaunettes on Maçch 15th under the spon- sorshiffaifthe club. Due to the unavoidable ab- sence, thraugh illness, ai the District Governor who was scheduled ta make bis officiaI visit ta the club, a past District Deputy Gavernor and, a mcm- ber ai the local club, Lion Chas. Knox. assistcd by Lions Percy Hare and Keith Aiken, canduct- Frie ndship Club February' Meeting The Friendship Club met in the United Church Sunday School Room on Wednesday evening February 9th with thir- ty-four members and five guests in attendance. The meeting op- ened with the singing oi the hymn, "O Master Let Me Walic With Thee". The President, Mrs. Helen Ruddell read a poem" "Responsibility" and led in Prayer. Following some discussion a motion was passed appointing Mrs. Marion Aluin Pianiat for the Club. Mrs. Fisher conduct- ed the installation of the offi- cers for the year followirig which Mrs. Fisher was present- ed with a Friendship Club Pin, by Miss Evelyn Allun thus mak- ing ber an honourary member of the Club. After a short business period Mrs. Wilma Scott, leader 0~ group 1 conducted the program which included a rea ding* by Mrs. Gertrude Gray, the srng- ing of the hymn "Happy the Home when God is There" by the erntire group followed by the readlng of the Scripture Lesson by Mrs. Hilda LeGres- ley and prayer led by Mrs. Jeans Alldread. A vocal duet by Mrs.E Pauline Storks and Mrs. Jeanc Holmes was very much enjoyed by ah1.? The meeting concluded with( contests conducted by Mrs. Ger-1 trude Gray and Mrs. Wilrnaa Scott and the servmng of re-C freshments.c NE WTON VILLE Mn. and Mrs. Sid Brown spcni Sunday with ber mother, Mn, Wagg, Markbam, wbo retunned home with them. Mn. and Mrs. Hanry Lane, Dundalk, spent the week-end with Mn. and Mrs. Chehand Lane. Miss Barbara Stapletor, daugbter ai Mn. and Mrs. Don Stapleton, entertaincd a few of hem achool chums on Wednesday, Feb. l6tb, the occasion being her 9th birthday. Mn. and Mns. Murray Porte and twa daughters spent Sun- day wlth bis parents, Mn. and Mns. W. N. Porter, Manvers Sta- tion. M-r. Keith Stephenson and two daughters are spendixiga ;ree with.ber parents, Mn. anc r'4s % George Ovens while Mn. §tephenson is making a bus. iness trip ta Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Adoiphus Payne and Mr. and Mrs. Allan Harris, Tronto, spent Sunday with thein iather, Mr. Reuben Payne. it e d the installation ai the1 new membera, Haward To IAlfred Rutledge, Carl Gci JWilliam Stanka and.Jack I-I lie with the sponsor ai e pnling the Lions Insignia the lapel ai each new memi Great enthusiasmi was aho un the discussion ai the prop cd appearance af "The R deaunettes" with Lion -Pe Hare showing clippings fr newspapers ai commun:l where the troupe have appe ed praising their fine rauti ai Music-Comedy and Dani with beautiful stage settii and costumes. Clu b mcml believe this will be the b show ai its type ta be prea< cd iacally in years and shci draw a goad crowd swelling1 cofiens ai the Lions Welf, Fund. Mr. Payne has bought a place ini Pont Hope and will be moving about the lst ai Apnul. Mrs. John Pearce and grand. daughtcr, Miss Joan Walkey ac- companied by Mn. Ed. Symons and bis daughter, Miss Inez Syrnons af Welcame, spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mns. Walter Wbittaker, Toronto, when four birthdays wenc celebrated. At the annual meeting ai the Port Hope Telephone Ca. Ltd. held on Fcb. Otb, Mn.*H. S. Bnitton ai Newcastle was elected as President ai the Company ta fili the vacancy caused by the death ai Mr. Shuter N. Haskili. Mn. and Mrs. George Staple- ton motoned ta Toronto on Sun- day. Their daughter, Miss Dorothy Stapleton, who has been iru Wellesley Hospital ion an op- enatian, returned home with them. Mrs. Wm. Milligan and daugh- ter Miss Berniece Milligan were in Minden aven the weckend at- tending the funenal ai the fonm- cn's aunt, Mrs. Gouldie. The maple trees ai aur village which are being nemovcd by the road men on accaunt ai age were planted by the bate G. W. Joncs on his birthday, Apr. 25th, 1888. The World Day ai Prayer service will be held in the Unit- cd Chunch Sunday Schaol hall on Friday, Fcb. 25th at 2:30 p.m. Miss Lynda Hoag, Toronto; Mn. and Mrs. Harold Boyce, Mns. Costelia and Rev. and P4ns. G.~ R. C. McQuade, Whitby; Mr. and Mrs. Mark Marchant, Maple Grave, and Mn. George Laing, Cambourne, were Sunday guests af Mn. and Mrs, Roy Hall. 'The Otrngemen held a pro- gressive cuchre party ai 10) tables un their hall Friday even- ing. ýFellowship Circle 'd Has Four Teams 1, For Sleigh Ride )f With four teama and four e, teamasters the Fellowship Circle r ai Newtonvilhe - Kend a l-Shlloh change set out fram Shiloh Un- ried Church hast Tbunsday even- -ing on a memanable event in da sleigh-drive ai about sixty -stnong. The desine for snaw hacI been rcalizcd and everything had been set ion the occasion. Messrs. Morbey Robinson, Russell Savery, Ewart Robin- -son and Walter Wybenge gave ai their time and teams while Mrs. Westhcuser and Mrs. S. G. Pike prepaned the reircshments fan the arrivai back ta the cbunch. The hour or more out- ing covered a route from the fiith ta sîxth uines and neturn passing thnough the variaus yards enroute ai Messrs. Percy Farrow, Harold Souch, Orme Falls and Lamne Todd, each wclcomning the visit by switch- ing on their lights and hailing the callens. Cofice, doughnuts and apples formed the major part ai the reireshments, ai the chunch fon the social hour which inchuded a sing-sang with Mrs. West- heusen as accampanist. The thanks ai the gnaup werc ac- canded the teamstens and wait- nesses by Rev. S. J. Pike and acclaimed by the crowd. STÀRIKVILLE Mn. and Mrs. Charles Yule and Diane, Oshawa, at Mr. Wm.~ Savery's, Sunday. Mns. Henb Reid visiied ber mothen, Mns. Wood at Peter- J bora hast wcek. M. and Mrs. James Jones and'son who have assisted Mr. Z. Adams, have maved ta Cas- tîcton ta wonk for Mn. Baihcy. Mn. Jake Hallowell is spend- ing a iew days with, bis son, Mn. Delbeni Hallowell, Taran- te. Quite a number attended the sheigh ride ai the Feliewship Circle which set eut fram Shibnh church lest Thursday evening wiih four teams and eiurned fon lunch. Mn. and Mns. Don Stapleton and family, Ncwionvilhc, ai Mr. Lamne Todd's Sundav. *Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallaw- cIl and Jim visited Mrs. Thos. Falls. Kendal, Sundav. Ladies met at Mns. Jiri Stark' last Wednesday mter- noon and enjoyed a pleasant tirne with some knitting and al visiting. Miss Lorraine Farrow, Bow- manvulle, visited ber parents, Mn. and Mrn. Howard Farrow. Messrs. Ewart Robinson, Ross Todd. Orme Falls, John and Jim Siurk atiended the hockey game ini Port Hope Mon- du 4 o4. 0 Gordon .Agnew, Editor Phone 3621 Social and Personal c ( -.*--. t - 1 26 King Street E. Phone MA 3-5897 Bowmanville Phone Ard-41 Phone MA 3-5410 y, ANNOUNCINO the Appointment of TED WOODYARD APPLIANCES DRONO BOWMA NVI LLE N EWCASTLE ASAUTHORIZED DEALER FOR 'REFRIGERATORS m FREEZERS m RANGES. ONWAR-D MANUFACTURING COMPANY LUMITED KITCHENIR * ONTARIO -la PAM TWELVZ i 1 1 m 1 ,ta Uetbaay: Women's Institute were entertained at the home ai Mrm. John White for theiz February meeting, with the program topic "Citizenship and Mrs. R. R. Bansteel was guést speaker, outlining the work ai the World Counicil ai Churcheq and the volunteer services with refugees, whoue headquartera are ini New York City. (Before her marriage Mrs. Bansteel worked in a uccretarial capacity for this graup.) "The New York office is sit- uated close ta the wateriront and every boat dôcking is met by a tnained worker and an . n- terpreter ai languages. The ne- fugees are met, interviewed and fed. Many who arrive are spansared by some Amenican or Canadian citizen. These pre- sent no problem, just routine passport checkhng and sent on their way ta thein destination. It la those who camne bewilder- cd, friendiess and homeless that concerna the social worker mast. Every effort is made ta make arrangements for these newcomers and ta establish them in this land af their choice. They are given tempan- ary relief, clothlng and money. The wank goca funther, neach- ing out ta Europe and Asia. Through churches, Institutes, etc., donations af maney and clothing are sent ta aid in re- habilitation and improvements in the war tam cauntnies. The Unîtanian services sponsor such funds as Barley for Korea, Save The Children, Milk for India, Disaster Relief, UNESCO pro- jects ta pravide kitchen equip- ment, Konean Widaw Seii-Help, tractons for Greece, etc. Any- one can contribute money ta these funds, but some give themselves. Work teams who go to Europe are made up mostly of profes- sional men and women, who give their time free ta go ta these Eastern countnies. The wonkers go into the homes, af- ten perfarming the mast men- iil tasks. They assist with the thehe ome rs«9 Mal n ethe confidence ai the people. If it wcre passible ta place a value on the service ai kîndlinesssand efriendluness we wauld find that 1 te figures would be stupen- t Mra. T. Jenngs preslded f \th 24 anaswering sthe roll caîl, "A qualty I ad- imire ini a good citizen". An in- vitation wau received fnom Ca- rvan Institute ta attend a short tcourse "Psychology and You" at Cavan on Manch 15. Treasuir- er was unstructed ta send $5.00 ta the district treasuren ta as- tsist un junior homemakers club wonk. It was also decided tu give assistance with the Penny Drive for funds ta asalat in the 1Taranto Mental Hlealth Clinie. Thanks was received inom Miss Mattie Thompson fer a sun- shjne box. Ëelegation fnomn Municipal Councîl present ta discuss p lans for the banquet in the Town Hall an March 111h in hanon ai Reeve Allan Beer, newly elected Warden of the United Counties ai Northumberland and Durham. Women's Institute will cater for this banquet and comniittees were appointed ta complete arrangements. Mrs. Hugh DeGeer gave a re-i part ai the progress ai "The Glad I Cannera", a junior homemaking club sponsared byj this branch. There are 8 mcm-; bers taking this yean's sewingj course under the leadership ai Mrs. H. DeGeer and Mns. Doug- las Smelt. Mrs. H. Rayson read a pocm "The Legend ai St. Valentine." Mrs. Clarence Rowan conduct-i cd a conteat "Well Known Cou- plcs". Lunch waa served by the hast- ess assisted by Mrs. H. Ryiey, Mrs. T. Jackson, Mrs. C. Row-t an, Mna. W. Rowland and Mrs.i R. Canr.t Mrs. T. Jennings expnessed ' the tbanks ai the ladies ta Mrs.t White for the use ai ber borme and ta those assisting with, the program. go- Next meeting will be held at0 1RPMRDÂ, FPM. 24th. 198 ai the Christmias Day uervlous Couricil et the rce-course on in this church, which was ex- Sunday last at which the quisitely decorated with great Bishop of lRingoton preached. masses ai -triple Poinsettia and I send you both my beat wish- a kind of sweet-smelling white es and look iorwarci ta having mimoasa, while the candelabrumn you wlth me ix summer. at the west door was a glarlous sight, all illed with candes. Sneey During the day nembers ci Betty Ying aur family and moit of aur iriends were wlth us, and OurLE U VY presents were numeraus and MAREPR V 1extremfely varied. At night we had one ai the heartiest Christ- Mr. and Mrs. ROY Cozieiers mas dinners we can remember, would like ta say thank yau to and when that was aver, it was the camniunity of Maple Grave time for the fun ta begin. We for klnd help in their recent really did have a wonderful lbas. 8.i* time. During the season there M.adMs ar amr were many dances, publie and SuMnaa Mrs. arvLrert prîvate.Beech, Port Hope; Mrs. Lloyd Jamnaica's name wiil soon be Beech and family, Burketan, re- broadcast throughaut the world cently vlsited Mrs. A. Beach. again, because af the prapased e.adMs tnSodn visit in February af Princeass M.ad1r.SanSadn Margaret, which Will ast for son, Toronto, visited at his par. enta, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Snow. six days. The excitement here den, an Sunday. is great, and elaborate prepara- tions for greeting H.R.H. are LAW Nancy Hagerman, Clini. naw underway. She whll taur tan, spent the weekend with the island as the Qucen did in ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. 1953 and will aise be present at Hazerman. a large baIl ta be held in the Misses Sylvia Woolings, Nor- Senate Hause ai the University ma Parker, Virginia Hapkins, Cahlege ai the West Indies. My all ai Englehart, spent week- cousin, Earle, and I think that. end with the latter's parents, there might be a chance ai aur Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Hapkins, attending this dance. Base Line. H.R.H. Princess Alice and her Sympathy ai this community husband, the Earl ai Athlane, is extended ta Mrs. R. L. Wor. arrived in the Island a iew dayi den, Mrs. Ernie Foley, Mr. Bert ag a. H.R.H. is Chancellor ai aur Wilkins, Courtice, in the pasa- University and will receive iniz of their brother Milford in Princess Margaret an the night Oshawa, on Manday, also ahl ai the dance. Yesterday H.R.H. other relatives. and the Earl were present at a luncheon at the Myrtle Bank The vogue for wearlng kilts Hatel in honor ai seventy visit- in Aberdeen was atarted be- ing U, S. surgeons. H.R.H. made cause their braces were always a welcoming speech, then aur giving. governar rose and gave a most amusing little talk. Jamaica la naw celebrating' her most histarlc occasion, -1 three hundred years ai steady pragress in the Commonwealth.g We will be having every des- cription af celebration and en- tertainment throughaut the Ohw year, and many notable people Ohw fram abroad have been invited ta share thern with us. It will Nemorial Service indee be awonderful year, this, aur Tercentenery, and I Natiral atone monument$ would like you and Mrs. Jàmes markera and corner stones ta be here this summer ta jain No. 2 HIGHWAY E. 0F with us in aur festivities. Inci- CITY LIMITS dentally, the occasion. cammenc- DIAL OSHAWA 3-9004 ed with a vast mass service put any trne and reverse chargea on by the Jamaica Christian_____________ Get ECONOMICAL HEAT with FAMOUS READING ANTHRACITE The RED Cool Fi up today with Reading Anthracite and you wiIl be amnazed at the splendid heat you get. FOR PROMPT DELIVERY PHONE Osborne 's Coal Co. .aiso Fuel Oil and Stove Oil E c fg SI IN 01 rr si 'w SE VI ei oi Coal Yard

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