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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Feb 1955, p. 6

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THE ANAIANSTATSMA. BWMAV!LL. OTARC )TjiURSDAY. FEB. 24th. 1955 Many Mothers Learn How March of Dîmes Used to Fight Polio A group of enthusiastic moth- 'wbich were run entirely by ers fromn Bowmanville and Newi women. Because of this and castie met in the Communit also because everyone realizes Centre last Thursday to discuss the urgent need for funds to plans for their forthcoming ifurther the work of the Cana- *'Mothers March on Polio" and1 dian Foundation for Poliomye- to hear Mr. David Graham of litis, Mr. Graham stated that hep the Canadian Foundation forý expects the Bowmanville March Poliomyelitis present a talk on of Dimes to be a tremendous the work of the foundation. success. With the help of a film show- To give the mothers some ing how the "Marching Moth- idea of bow the foundation ers" in Phoenix, Arizona. rais- proposes to use the funds col- cd $44,890.63 in a successful one lected in the Ontario March of bour blitz of that city, Mvr. Dimes this year Mr. Graham Graham outlined the organiza- outlined the budget drawn up tion of a similar campaign here. by the foundation for the year "The most important thing to 1955. The Ontario Marcb of rememnber", Mr. Graham said, Dimes was able to aise $104,- "'is to keep the campaign as short 000 in their 1954 fund raising and simple as possible. Ah pub- campaign. This year the Foun- licity must be concentrated into dation bas set as its objective a few days and so every means $350 ,000 and bas drawn up the at your disposal should be used following tentative budget. to inform the public of the coi- Hospital Equipment ----$ 20,000 ing canvass", he said. Hsia qimn,$000 "No mother should canvass a Rsia qimn,8000 homne here she is flot expect- Training Co.urses, $10,006, (spe- cd". Mr. Graham remarked sial courses held in Toronto for that in the past the most suc- the instruction of doctors in the cessful campaigns weme those latest methods of Polio treat- ________________________ment); Transportation Costs, _________________________$25,000, (for patients who must travel daily to hospital for phy- sio therapy); Braces and Wheel- chairs, $20,000; Treatment Costs, $100,000; Rebabilitation, $20,000; Administration and Campaigning, $35,000; Follow Up, $15,000, (Tracing former polio cases and binging tbem -to clinics for examination); Emergency Measures, $50,000; ____Swimming Classes, $10,000; Public Education. $45,000. Mm. Graham showed a film which followed a Polio patient tbrough the stages of rehabili- tation and gave an idea of the work being donc by the Polio AILFoundation in Ontario. He In n vals spent the remainder of the evening answering questions T rouble for the ladies. In Bowmanville, Rampton, and Newcastle the "Mothers IT HAS TAKEN YEARS to Marcb on Polio" will take place accumnulate your valuable tomorrow (Feb. 25) betweexi fur, jweler, hin, ilvr, the hours of 7 and 13 p.m. The fur, jwcler, hin, ilvr, Bowmanville drive sponsored glassware. . by Club 15 and under the cap- able direction of Mrs. R. Ames In na timne, a burgiar can as Chairwoman, is organized so rob you of those posses- that no mother will bave to sions. canvass 'further than two or three blocks from ber own G ua rd your valuables home. against burglary, lire and The town is dlvided into 15 other perils with our tailor- sections each one under the ed-to-your-needs insurance. Captainship of a Club 15 mem- ber. Each Captain bas appoint- Figh Polo - Let our ed a mother to canvass every Figh Polo - Let our ten bouses in ber section. In porch llght shine - 7 to 8 this way the entime canvass p.m., Friday, February 25. sbould be completed withiu an boum. The canvassiug mothers will carry serolîs on which they S TUAITI. JAMES will take the names of al donors so that receipts may be Insurance Real Estate forwarded fomn the Founda- tion for income tax pumposes. Office Residence Be sure your name is on that scroîl. Leave youm porcb ligbt MA 3-5681 MA 359 on Friday night betweeu the King Street E. Bowmanville bours of 7 and 8 and belp the Marching Mothers stamp out Polio. Buchu Juniper PuIs -1 35 - 65o Cystex Tablets 1.00 -2.00 Geriiol Multiple Vitamin Tonic 1.39 - 3.29 - 5.49 For Coughs - Colds Nyal Creophos -___ 1.50 Buckley's Capsules - 35e Nyal Laxacold -_____35e Bromo Quinine - 49c-79c Pertussin 69c-1.19 Buckley's Mixture 50c-85e Mason's 49 .- ------ 45c-75e Nyal Nose Drops - 69c Privine ____95e Noxzema Special 1.25 Lysai Disinfectant 43c-79e-1.50 *Fellows * Syrup * 1.50 N.C.F. Capsules - 1.65-2.95 Ener jets ____-____5.95 Halibut 011 Caps. 75c-1.29 Alphaniettet 1.00-1.85-3.50 Nerve Food- 79c, 1.98 Phospholecethen - 1.25 for run-down nerves WE FIT TRUSSES Promoted liarry Snowden shown above, was eccntly pro- moted to the position of Assis- tant Manager of the Merchandise Distribution Departmeut ut the Goodyear plant here to succeed Lou Dewell, who left to join the R. M. Rollingshead Company. A native of Maple Grove, lie went to public school there and Bow- manville High School. He join- cd the Merchandise Distribution Dcpatment in April, 1947. Mr. Snowden is marricd with one child and is a member of Court Bowmanville of Cnda Order of Foresters. He bas pitched for their team in the Town Softball League the past few séasons. BETHANY Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Por- teous were in New York last weck visiting Rev. Alvin Por- teous and family. Mrs. Roy Tutbill, Keene, spent the weekcnd wîth the Thompsou family. There are several cases of in- fectious jaundice in the com- munity, among thern being Mrs. Ronald Pomcroy, teacher ut Fallis school. During ber illuess, Mrs. Earl Argue is supply teacher. We regret to report the illncss of Mrs. A. H. Monk, wbo was taken to Civie Rospital, Peter- borougb, on Saturday. Rer many friends are wishing ber a speedy rccovery. Mr. Monk spent the weckend in Peterbor- ough with their son and daugh- ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Monk. Mr. and Mrs. R. Bolton, To- ronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reynolds. The Ladies Good Luck Lodge held a successful progressive cuchre party in the Orange Hall on Friday evening with 13 ta- bles of players. Prizes for high score weut to Mrs. Allan Grib- ble and Leslie Challice; conso- lation awards to Mrs. Alfred Jobnstou and Lloyd Argue; lue- ky door prize to Mrs. Willis Whiteside. Mr. and Mrs. Haig Bothwell and family, Peterborough, with Mr. and Mrs. John White. Mrs. Leonard Merrick, David and Dianne, Kingston, with hem parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Stacey. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Neals, Feversham, speut the weekend wîth Mr. and Mrs. Ross Carr. Mrs. Rhoda Jobniston, Peter- 'borougb, visited Mrs. J. Davis and Mrs. Hilliard Bristow. Mm. and Mrs. Carl Smith en- tertained with a progressive eu- chre party Mouday eveniug, donating the proceeds to the Ladies Guild of St. Paul's Cburch. Mrs. Basil Earle, Islington, was guest of Mm. and Mrs. Well- ington Fallis. ZION Master Robert Powell of Col- umbus, visited at Gerry Glas- pell's. Mrs. F. B. Glaspeli attended a birthday party at R. C. Pearce's, Ebenezer, for Mrs. Foster Snow- den, Mrs. A. T. Stainton, Mrs. Ray Scott and Miss Cora Cruse, wbose birthdays are ail on the same day. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Down, Eb- enezer, at Percy Davidson's. Mr. and Mrs. David Hutcheon and Bruce, North Oshawa, ut Robert Killen's. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Scott, Doug- las and Linda, Kedron; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Glaspell, Grant and Gwen, Tyrone, ut Mrs. IT. B. Glaspell's. Mrs. Percy Davidson visited ber da'ughter, Mrs. Elmer Down, Ebenezer. Master Johnny Cameron and sister Brenda, Whitby, with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wes Cameron. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Balson and family, Oshawa, at Robert Killen 's. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Stainton had a birthday party on Satur- day night for Jim Stainton andi Mrs. Keith Stainton who both had birthdays during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Flintoff, Maple Grove, ut Wes Cameron's. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Cameron took Johnny and Brenda hom to Whitby on Monday and spýent the day at Jack Cameron's. GRAND OPENING DAYS! Friday Saturday March 4th March 51h ROSS E. MILLS CO, LIMITED 1NEW SHOWROOM! PRIZE DRAW Each Day GRAND PRIZE All Entries Pay Us a Visit! 81 sinicoe Si. North, OSHAWA Cougoleum or Quaker Bug (Any Size) Free Inlaid Linoleum- Complelely Installed (Any Average Room - 50 Mile Radius Oshawa) No Obligation to Buy! Dial 3-7641 I ENNISKILLEN Messrs. Adam Sharp and Gor- don Stevens, bave eturned home from their trip to the Sunny South. Tbey visited wîth Cupt. and Mms. R. W. Gregg and familýr ut Glenbumnie, Ma- ryland, on their way borne. Dr. and Mrs. Clark Dorland and family, Lapeer, Michigan, were visitors with bis mother, Mrs. John Dorland. Mrs. K. Rardy, Mm. and Mms. Eaml Prcscott, Tyrone; Mm. and Mrs. T. Tabb, Raydon, with Mm. and Mrs. R. McNeil. Mrs. Verna Wood, Mm. and Mms. Floyd Pethick, and Rob- in. Toronto, were with their parents, Mm. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick. Mr. and Mms. Cameron Oke, Master Alpha Bender, Oshawa, ut Mm. and Mrs. A. Oke's. Mm. and Mrs. T. McCauley, Toronto, werc Sunday visitors of Mm. and Mms. R. Grubb. Mm. and Mrs. Lloyd Goodale, Diane and Linda, Caistor Cen- tre, Mr. and Mms. I. Beaumont, and Jimmy, Toronto, ut Mm. and Mrs. A. Lcadbeatem's. C.G.I.T. meeting will be held in the basement of the chumch on Saturday, Feb. 26 ut 2.30 p.m. Mrs. E. C. Ashton returued home to Maple Grove aftem spendîng a weck ut hem borne with Mm. and Mrs. O. C. Ash- ton. Gath McGill spent lat week- end with Master Brian Bormow- dale. Oshawa. Miss Shirley Ellis spent last weekend in Toronto wlth friends. Mr. and Mms. Carl Ferguson aud family with Mm. and Mrs. Fred Ferguson, Bowmanville. Mm. and Mrs. N4. S. Van Camp Listowel, spent the weekend with Mm. and Mms. F. W. Werry. Mm. and Mms. John Oke, and Randy, Mm. and Mrs. Howard Oke and Garmy, Mm. and Mrs. Russell Spinks, Oshawa, were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oke, and clebrated the occa- sion of baby Randy's first bith- day. Mm. and Mms. E. R. Walker and girls of Bowmanville, weme Sunday visitors of Mm. and Mrs. R. Griffin. Mrs. R. Milîs and Shirley vis- ited Mrs. R. Goodes in Memor- r al Rospital, Port Pemry, and called omi Mm. aud Mms. Gordon Shunk. Mrs. A. L. Wecarn returned home frorn the Bowmanville Hospital on Monday. We wish hem a speedy ecovery. Mm. and Mrs. Kenneth Rabm and boys, Tyrone, were Sun- day evening visitors of Mm. and Mrs. R. Griffin. The Mission Baud met i the cbumch basemeut on Saturday. Feb. 19th. The meeting opened with singing, "Corne, Corne, to the Mission Band". Mrs. L. Ash- ton led lu a game. Evemyone repeatcd the Purpose, Watch- word and Memory Verse. We sang the "B-i-b-l-e" and "Read Youm Bible, Pray Everyday". The program consisted of piano solos by Linda Stainton, Kath- yn Slemon, and Lois Ashton, singing by Lawrence and Betty Wright, a poemi by Irene Fergu- son, and recitations by Cheryl Rowa? and Leona Ferguson. A story was read by Mrs. A. BoYd. Mrs. L. Ahton read the devotional. A delicious lunch was served and the meeting closed with the Mission Baud Prayer. Congratulations is extended to the following girls, on pass- ing their examinations in mu- sic: Shirley Mils - honors in Grade 7 singing; e'ancy Wood- Musical Ristory; Phyllis Roxv- clîs-Grade 5 piano; Lois Ashton -Grade 6 piano. Misses Dora Purdon, Bow- manville, and Betty Knox, To- ronto, with Mr. and Mrs. John Slemon. Mm. and Mrs. Russell Ormis- ton, witb Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Raydon. Reserve March 9th for our parsonage board concert. Watcb '-Coming Events" ncxt weck. Dead Stock Removed Hîighest prices paid for Dead. OId and Crippled Farm Stock. TELEPUONE COLLECT Cobourg 1787 NICK PECO NI, PETERBOROUGH 2-2080 Large NumJ And Guideý 'Service at Brownies, Girl Guides, Cubs, Boy Scouts, their leaders and friends joined the regular con- gregation of St. John's Church on Sunday to tax the seating capacity of the church building to the extreme. Every available seat was taken and in every possible place extra chairs weerc placed. Fine mild weatber made it possible for almost every member of these two young people's groups to be on hand. Under the leadership of Mrs. Victoria Frank, local» Guide Commissioner, Brownies and1 Guides, preceded by the Queen's colour and the Company and Brownie colours entered the Church first. Led by their own Queen's colour and Troop flags the Cubs and Scouts followcd witb Scoutmaster Chas. Biggs as Parade Marshal. After the choir had entered, the varlous colours were received by the Rector at the Altar steps and wcrc deposited to flank the al- tar during the service. Tbey added a fine touch of colour to the church. The service was the usual Anglican service of Morning" HAYDON Mr. and Mr&. George Bertrim and Miss Helen Bertrim, Osh- awa, visited Mr. and Mrs. M. Bertrim and family. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Murphy and Garry, Mrs. Edith MurpDhy, Bowmanville, at Mr. and Mrs. Harold Murphy's. Mr. and Mrs. E. Brock, Bow- manville, were Sunday visitors at Mr. and Mrs. G. Tabb's. John Liptay, Kingston, spent the weekend at bis home. Mr. and Mrs. J. Jurko and famnily, Enniskillen, visited Mr. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN.--BOWMANVnl.Z ONTARIO ber Scouts s Attend St. John's Prayer, somewbat shortened. The lesson was read by Scouter R. L. Evans, Akela of the lst LCub Pack, and was taken fromi Matthew 5-part of the Sermon on the Mount. Appropriately the boys of St. John's Choir four of whom are Wolf Cubs, sang as an anthem, >"Guide Me, O Thou Great Je.- hovah". to a fine Welsb tune. On behaîf of the Wardens, the congregation and himself, the Rector, the Rev. Warren Turner welcomed the young people and their leaders, adding a special word for the Cubs and Scouts in whicb he bas been specially interested as President of the local Association. Mr. Turner began bis sermon by carefully unwrapping a piece of coal. He proceeded to show characteristics and qualities bld- den in coal. Using this thoughit be went on to point out that similarly God had bidden with- in us qualities, talents and characteristics wbich He wants us to discover and use to Ris 1Glory and in the service of. Ris people. and Mrs. John Liptayn mi Mr ad rs J Mrtn ndFebruary Meeting famuily, Mr. and Mrs. Sulas Tre- win and Judith, Bowmanville, St. John 's W.A. at Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Trewins.T ae ul Mr. Énd Mrs. Lloyd SiemonToM k Qut visitedMad Mrs. Harold McLaughlin, Blackstock, on Blackstock: The Februarv Sunday. r.-: n2ing of St. John's W.A. wa's Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton and hI. d, in the Parish Hall on family and Ronald Ashton vis- ',lhu,,rsday. Feb. 17. The meet- ited Mrs. Muriel Brownlee's ing opened with bymn, scrip- Leaside, and Miss Emma Wer- ture reading ani, prayers. A ry ut the General Hospital, To- special prayer was offered for ronto. members who were absent Mr. and Mrs. T. Tabb visited through illness. Arrangements Mr. and Mrs. M. Tabb, and fam- were made for the World Dayv ily, Bowmanville on Sunday. of Prayer being held in St. Mr.andMrs HaoldMurhyJohn's Church on Friday 25th visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles at 2.15 p.m. Wood, and David Phasey, Or- It was decided to quilt the ono, on Sunday. quilt for the Indian Girl Out- L. R. Graham is attendin, fit on Thursday afternoon 24th. the Good Roads Associatioýn Standing officers for the Dfo- convention which is being h,.îd cesan Board were nominated. in Trono ths wek.Get Well cards were signed by in Trono ths wek.the members present to be sent Mr. J. Walker and Mr. and to Mrs. Jos. Forder. Mrs. E. Mrs. Kenneth Walker and son Darcy and Mrs. V. Archer and tvisited Mr. and Mrs. MacAlpine a letter of thanks and ap)precia- and Aileen, Toronto, on Sun.- tion was to be sent to Mrs. Ir- day. win of Nestîcton for the nice Rena Graham spent the box of knitted articles she had weekend witb Mr. and Mrs. W. sent in for the bazaar. Rahm, Tyrone. A hearty clap of bands ex- Mrs. W. Thompson at Mr. tended a vote of thanks to Mrs. tand Mrs. Roland Tbompson's, Nicholson and Mrs. J. Hamil- tHampton. ton for their kindness in paint- 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. Liptay ai-d ing the kitchen cupboards in the sfamily visited Sister Ferisota Parish Hall. The Study Book 9at Mount Si. Joseph ut Peter- chapter "Water of Life" was borough.- Mr. and Mrs. Richard MeNeil, MAKE D Y C Enniskillen, on Monday. March Bible Class meeting Y A~ " ' " will be held at the home of A UUU D AILI Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Grabam on Tuesday evening, March lst. fH 7 Several families in the com- > It actual munity have the flu. j jl money Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Vivian's jbaby was taken to Memorial J419 n - 1 Hospital, Bowmanville, on Sun- longer day having the flu. We hope the baby will. soon be better PHONE MA S- and home again. PICK UP A] The Province of Saskatche- Bw avle Ce t wan bas a salt-water inland o m nil Cec lake, Little Manitou, which is Let Your Poreh Llght Shine 1denser than even the Dead Sea. British Columbia bas 53 prov -___________ PREE ND DELIVERY iners & Dyers Lid. eon Fr1., Feb. 25, - 7 to 8 p.m. WIDE VARIETY 0F lO.~Cos Lei 0 F'r, j' alla JIIi~........... 'Values Effective Until 6 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 26 at Your Dominion Store SUN BLEST - 1 Std. - 13-oz. GREEN PEAS 2 .r 25c -IL Vacuum Packed NIBLETS- CORN 2f.,or33c Guaranteed Fruits & Vegetables FLORIDA No. 1 - Size 120 TEMPLE ORANGES doz. 29c TEXAS - Imported NEW CABBAGE 9c bL LARGE CELLO TUBE TOMATOES 23C pkg. WAXED TURNIPS 5c FRESH PICKED DAILY MUSHROOMS 49c IL 0 GOLD SEAL SOCKEYE - * Red Salmon 37c 8 SLICES RICHMELLO - 8-o0& Cheese. Suces 23c MONARCH *SWEET - l-oz. Mixed Pickles le 1 CENT SALEI CENT SALE 1 CENT SALE lc buys one large 30-oz. bottie of Cherry - Grape or Lime - with the purchase of 1 30-oz, bottie of CANADA DRY GINGER ALE SPECIAL PRICE At Reg. Price Plus Deposits,, HEINZ CONDENSED - lO-oz. Tonuato Soup 2 for 25C Fight Polio - Let your porch light shine - 7 - 8 p.nt, Friday, February 25 - Mothers' March of Dimes [etF,,0rlJç« '*JÂTAI I E. Z 2FOR 2ic taken by 'l. . Smith. rhe bir*,hc1av,. box rz'ceived a donai- tion irom NMi,.F. Hamilton. The rec'or closcd t1m meetia,, nnd lunchý was served by Grot:i III with Mrs. Geo. Staniniand us convener. St. Paul's Evening Auxillary Enjoy Pot Luck Supper The Evening Auxiliary of St. Paul's United Church met on Tuesday evening, February l5th, when the members en- joyed a pot luck supper prior to the meeting. The president, Miss M. Beilman, presided. Mrs. M. Symons continued the study on India with an in- terestîng survey of the work of various Christian groups iii India. Mrs. E. Osboriae assist- ed by Mrs. H. Saunders con- ducted the devotional service. Thd reports of the secretarv and treasurer were jiven hie Miss M. Jewell and Mrs. %V. Davis respectively. The meet- ing closed with the Mizpalh benediction. The Canadian National Rail- ways is the largest transcontin- entai railway system in North America. mEANING - Y HABITwe1[e Mly saves you in the long due ta, mucb wear! -5520 FOR F mai L foc 00A A. 1 j 1

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