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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Mar 1955, p. 11

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- r.~. ~ -. qt.mSDAY, MAR!!rd. 1055 TM CANAD!M P.'rAIZMAN BlWIdANV.ONA~IOW A P! ~? - District Cre dit Union Shows Good Pro gress *jfter First Anniversary Treasurer Ernest Spry repai ed $2,900 cash on hand at t. annual meeting of the Oro: Di.strict Credit Union helt i the Agricultural Office, Bom manville on Tuesday of la. week, which was attended b -aogoodi representation of shai Molers. He stated that moi loans can be made available1 ishareboldens, a situation whic the guest speaker, Cliff McE roy, Manage-Treasurer of th Ganaraska Credit Union, di clared was in direct contra. wlth that of many Ontario cri dit unions. *The Orono District Cred Union, wbicb was organizeti1 April, 1954, now bas 41 meir bers, Mr. Spry stated. anti merr bers cf the Durham Farmne, County Co-Operativd anti res: dents cf Clarke andi Darlingto 'Townships are eligible ta jair He stated that profits cf th union this year are negligibl due ta the fact that it bas anl getten underway, but that1 the future, 20 per cent of th profits would be set asidet cover passible loss through dE fault cf lban payments andtiht remainder would be passe back ta depositons anti borra4W z* 6ac Hooper s IHESE BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS Roui s Dot. 51 Chos. the p.ecet you oe.d te complote yopf s.rvit. ln 05W Cot* of the$*. famoMusCommutty PaS- ferfis. Mme yovI ofor a ow fo *oe*W fol! doliv"r., orPRa ENDS APRFL 1 P@c'. Loch Piece Foc* D. cotise $Dme, Forks $. 2.00 spoco. . , S.rod For. . 2.00 .poons . .. 1.0 yster Fo,.s 2.00 isort Spoont 2.00 Tbi- Spoon. 2.25 ud BOwI 0tup Spoons 2.00 Cod Mont Fort . . . . 3.60 or precdor .. 2.00 Gravy Ladl.. 3.60 H. Dnner H. iH. Pe Knfe . 6.00 0 Only lnt dnn.r sire knives omd forks cu,rent stye knife blade,. *Ted..maofetO,'.de 15<, Hooper s Jewel lery 28 King St. IW. MA 3-57414 ne in ast by ire re ta ch ýhe e- ast dit in nrs sil- n. ,he )le kly in' ta le- li ers thnough dividends or ne- bates. Satistied Wlth Progres Presitient Clarence Allun, Newcastle, reporteti that the officers are satisfieti witb ihe pregness the infant organizatien has made tiuning the past year anti expresseti confidence that it will continue ta gncw duning 1955. In bis atidress, Mn. McElroy emphasized the fact that botn deposits of thé Orno District Credit Union anti money out on loan is insured for full value up ta the first $1,000. He alsa stateti that the pimary purpose of any credit union is ta help its members rather than te make prof its. President Allun was re-elect- ed for 1955 and ather officers are: Secretary Hartwell Low- ery, Orono; Treasurer. Ernest Spry, Orono; Advisory Cer- mittee, Robent Moffat, Oronc:, Harry Jose, Newcastle; Percy Wenry, R. R. 4. Bowmnanvjllc. Credit Conimittee, Wellington Farrow, Newcastle: Ralph Glas- pell, R. R. 4, Bowmanvilie; Chanlie Osborne, Ebenezer. ENNISKILLEN and family attended the Golden Wedding Anniversary of Mr. and Mns. Thomas Yeo of Osh- awa at the Lions Commnunity Centre, Bowmanville. Miss Betty Wright 'visited with Miss Maureen McNair on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ferguson and Bernice were recent visit- ors of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Potter's, Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Werry attended a party at her pa- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Rosa Lee's, Kedron. an Saturday evening. Mn. Lawrence Schell, Toron-' ta, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. E. McNair. Mrs. E. C. Ashton, Maple Grove;.Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Ash- ton, Lais and Charles were Sun- day visitons of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Napier and Mr. and Mrs. S. H. May, Toronto. Mrs. Verna Wood, Toranto, wîth her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick. Misses Irene, Leowna and Evelyn, Masters Bruce, Douglas and David Ferguson visited their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Ferguson, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Griffin, Misses Mary Gniffin and Carrai Wright were with Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Walker, Bowmanville. Mr. A. M. Wearn, Claremont, was a recent caller at Mr. andi Mrs. R. McNeil's. Mr. andi Mrs. D. Yeo and Lamna, Oshawa, with Mr. andi Mrs. Gardon Yeo. Mr. and Mns. John Borrow- dale and Brian, Oshawa, were Sunday teq guests of Mr. andi Mrs. Allan Werry. Miss Betty .Tane Werrv with i Februany Woman's Associa- Miss Susan Wearn. tien met at the home cf Mrs. 1Mms. Leenarti Stainton and Walter Fergusan an Feb. 22nti baby have amiveti home frorm witb 26 present. Mrs. G. Yer, the Memorial Hospital, Bow- presideti openîng with a pcem. manville. Devotional was in charge cd Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Turner Mrs. F. Toms on "The Friend,h anti Helen, Oshawa, with M,.. Bible reading by Mrs. E. A. and Mrs. Frank Dorlanti. Werry. Roll caîl was answereti - Mn. anti Mns. R. Whitfield, by giving an article for ithc Blackstock, were necent callens "White Elephant sale". Anather cf Mn. anti Mrs. R. McNeil. pot luck supper is ta be helti Mr. anti Mrs. Carl Fergusion on the 3th March with Ross anti family visiteti Mn. anti Mcs. Richards fram Bowmanville, Ediwin Sandemcock, Orono. sbawing slides on 'ýLanscaping". Mr. anti Mrs. Walter Fergu- Program was in charge cf sonwcne with Mn. anti Mrs. Group 2. Mrs. L. Lamb takirug Richard Griffin. Union. charge. Reading by Mns. Ralph C.G.I.T. Meeting Virtue on "Religion in Life"' IAccordion music by Glori, The regular C.G.I.T. meeting Wright was enjoyeti. Twa reati- was helti in the 'S.S. Room on !ings by Mrs. O. C. Ashton "Ma Sat., Feb. 26, at 2:30. President and Hem Cheque Bock" andi Ruth Lamb prcsidcd. In the "When, Father Shook t h e absence of Sec'y. Shirley Milîs Steve." Mrs. F. McLaughlin ber assistant Carmai Wright Igave a few interesting para- wrote the minutes. In the open- *graphs an the Uniteti Nations. ing woship the following took *A vote of thanks was extenieti part: Ruth Lamb, Mary Grîffin, Ita Mrs. W. Ferguson for mat- Gloria Wright. The Bible les- *erial donatedti t make a caver son was reati by Reva McGill. for the table at the church. Elinor Heard was pianist. Dur- Ourpo luck supper was very ing business perioti plans were Iwell attentiet on Feb. 24tb. matie fer the Mther & Daugb- IPrcceeds amounting ta $20.00. ter Banquet in April, aise for *Meeting cleseti witb theme sang sale cf candy anti fruit drinks Ianti prayer. at the circuit concert an March * Praer Sevice9th. The Study Bock story was The Worlti Day of Prayer chapter on Better Gnocming. Servce as hld n th SudayMms. Seymour hati charge of the Scbool Reom on Feb. 25th. The singing session. Mrs. A. J. Imeeting apencti with quiet Werry conducted the crafts on Imusic by Mms. H. McGill. The sheil wonk when the girls matie Ileading parts were taken by littie plaques. Lunch was sec- IMms. E. Trewin, Mrs. E. Werry, veti by Mrs. O. C. Ashton and IMca. O. Ashton anti Mrs. J. Gloria Wright. Meeting closeti gSlemon. Mns. L. Ashton favor- with Taps. Next meeting an ed with a vocal solo, "Beautiful Mamcb l9th. -Gardien cf Prayer.- Prayers Iwene offereti for the Queen, by Mrs. F. Toms, Peace by Mrs. M. p e Hobbs, Church by Mms. R. Sle- Arn KeyTag mon, Women of the Church by Mrs. T. Slemon. Rev. R. M. Seymour delivereti a theughtful address an the different types of prayer de-. picteti in the Bible, tiiscussing the beauty cf "The Lomd~s Prayer" anti closeti the service by pronauncing benedictien. Mr. anti Mms. Milton Samis, Enfiebti; Mr. anti Mrs. Donald Lee, Wayne anti Terry with Mr. anti Mrs. Walter Fergusan. Mr. anti Mrs. Don Stainton anti boys, Tyrene; Mr. anti Mrs. IClarence Bradiley, Maurice anti Beverly\. Bowmanville; Misses Lyn anti Mary Bradley, Master Dwight Bradley, Hampton, vis- . iteti Mr. anti Mrs. Leonarti Badey. Mr. andi Mrs. Russell Gilbert, Bowmanviile; Mr. anti Mrs. Wmn. Zuiak anti famiiy, Mr. anti Mrs. Norman Irwin, Tarante, visiteti Mr. anti Mms. Geo. Imwin. Mrs. E. C. Ashton accampan- icti Mn. anti Mrs. 0. C. Ashton, Lais anti Charles wha wece last In nine yeans' service, the 7!Sunday visitons cf Mm. anti Mrs.* Wac Amps Key Tag Service 1. G. Travell's, Oshawa. asdsibti105,00mn m Mm ani Mr. GrdenYeniature license key tags ta Can-1 adian motamists. The War Amps return one set of iost keys every HE thity-six minutes. Car owners senti thirty-five cents te the Wam Amps for thein key tag. Key Tag service keeps \Var Amps employeti. Prefits go ta MATCH[j E Wam Amps womk througheuit T Canada. Photo shows GUY Wickham, a Wam Amp, inspeet- ing rack cf miniature key tags. ,Hooper'ps Jewellery 28 KING ST. W. NIA 3-5747 Lake Shore, Clarke Mr. anti Mrs. George Skelding Jr. anti family, Newcastle, spent Suntiav with Mr. anti Mrs. George Skelding. Mr. anti Mrs. Jack Holmes at- ten deti the Mvasanic Ladies' night at Bowmanviile. The Lake Shore Ladies K. S. &C. Club met at the home af Mrs. Ken Dean. The next meet- ing %vili be at the home of Min. George Skelding. Miss Jean Carbrey, Peterbano, spent the weekenti witb Miss Nancy Lake. Mr. anti Mrs. Alf Brown andi famibY were Sunday visitons with Mr. anti Mrs. Bibi Lake. The Lake Shore H. &S. Club helti it's regular monthly meet - ing Tuesda '*, February 22. Rev. Fisher off the Newcastle Unitetid Cburch xvas the guest speaker. Mn. Fisher presented a very in- teresting address on Reliiown 1 n the Scboobs. Aise on the pro- gram %vere a piano solo by~Ms Elaine Powell. accardion soie by jMiss Doris Martin, anti sangs by a trie. the members cf wbich -were Misses Marilyn Baskenvibl, Ebaine Powell anti Barbara-Ann Alidreti. Then foiloweti a pie- eating contest. Lunch ,xas serv- I eci bv Mr. Gardon Matîn's greup. Several Lake Shore' families i ,itMencidd îh Orono Higb Scho.1l ci Canme lccenlt. Federation Sends Two Delega tes to, District Meeting at Napanee Mns. Dalton Donnell, Black- stock, anti Presitient Edgar Ni- chols of the Durham Fetiera- tien of Agriculture representeti that organization at the Zone 4 meeting of the Ontario Feti- eratian of Agriculture helti at Napanee Community Hall last Fritiay.# President Nichais outlined ta the meeting the work being done by the Durham Federa- tien in erganizing Highway As- sociations in Clarke anti Hope Townships ta represent prepen- ty owners in negotiatiens with the Ontario Department cf Higbways for landi needeti by it for the extension cf the newv Higbway 401 between Newcas- tle and Part Hope. Resolution Passed A resolution was passed ask- ing the Department of Higb- ways ta set up a committee te establisb an equitable schedule cf payments for land needed for highway construction based on what creps had been raiseti on the landi, andi making allow- ances for the age of the farmen and bis difficulty cf re-estab- lishment, los cf markets, in- convenience ta the property awners and ather intangible values involved in the sale cf the landi. The resolution asked that the farmens andi property owners affecteti be given ne- presentatian on this committee. The zone meeting hati Ronald Thampson cf Prince Edward County as chairman anti Han- ald Lewis cf' Peterborough County as secretary. Mrs. Don- rell was chairman 'of the wom- en 's section, which met separ- ately in the memning. Ray Her- gott, cf the Ontario Federation cof Agriculture also atidresseti the gatbering. Much of the meeting was de- votedti t a discussion of the ac- tion of the federal government in allowing importation cf cheese and other tiairy products into Canada from New Zealanti. A resolutian was passeti en- donsing the action cf the dairy farmers 4~ Canada in pretesting these in'ipatations of dairy products and asking that tbey be discontinued.' Reviesw of Durham Club Minutes Reveal Many Interesting Events ,Of Club Activities in Years Past In reviewing the minutes cf the Durhamn Club off Tarante at their monthly meeting Miss Aleen Aketi saiti: Looking tbmough the minutes of the Dturham Club is like look- ing inte a mirrer; tbey reflect net anly aur social habits but the current events of the times. Se many cf cur present ways anti even same off those cf the future have been detemmineti by the decisions cf those who bave liveti in the past. Our Club baving been form- cd in 1898 continueti for many years ta have Executive meet- ings, wintcr banquets anti sum- mer reunions. The 5tb annual reunion was the lamgest. Helti on Civic Holi- day, July b1902. as a basket pic- nie te Dr. John Hoskin's, greundis in Rosetiale. Toronto people wene chargeti 25 cents1 per heati. Ail outside people wene free, 400 being present. A year later June 22, 1903, 'It was decidedti t take part in the Hamecomens Parade on July 2, members te be notifîe'd by cardti t meet at the Armour- les anti wear silk bats if pas- sible." This would be ta wel- came the treopa retumning fcom the Bacc Wam. Fcb. 28, 1908-"Durham Olti Boys Baxqquet was belti this cvening at McCenkey's Restau-1 rant, 232 guests inclutiing the orchestra being present. It prov- eti ta be the iargcst in attend-1 ance anti prebably the best al round the Society hati belti.* McConkey's bill was $174.00! Yct we finti the following ycar Feb. 26, 1909-The annual banquet was belti this cvening - - W. . I. ATR Behind ihe News..1 FIRES! Accidents! beries! lindstorms! Rob- Disasters are constantly ln the news. Behind these headlines are thousands of finaneially stricken property owners. IVill you be a headlile next? at McCenkey's cnby 100 tickets being solti. Everyone was dis- appointeti at the attentiance anti ne one was able ta account fer McConkey's usedtiat be To- ronte's favourite restaurant on King St. West. Bath it anti the banquets have vanisheti into the past. A month later, March 30, 1909 -"A cordial vote of thanks was ortieredtiat be fomwardcd ta Edi- ton M. A. James off The Cana- dian Statesman, Bowmanville, for bis vemy excellent report of aur annual banquet." A year later Nov. 14. 1910- "Principal Scott moveti, second- eti that the Secmetamy be in- .structedtiat furnish a report off each executive meeting te the Bowmanville Statesman." Forty-five years later it is -my happy tiuty ta reporl each meet- ing ta Mn. George W. James, Editor cf The Statesman, who continues ta give the Dumhamn 'Club such a wondenful publi- City. The layaity cf the James family ta Durham bas net ceas- cd ta exist anti unlike McCen- key's Restaurant and the ban- quets bas not fadeti but grawn stranger thmaugh the ycars. Oct. 25, 1910" - No fermai pregmam baving been praviti the meeting was langely coi,- versationai, renewing acquaint- ances anti proved an exceeding- ly pleasant one." A year afterwands Oct. 11, 19ll-"On thc question "con anything be done ta improve aur social gathenings?" The se-1 crctary suggesteti that an ati- dness cf 15 minutes on some in- teresting tapic cach evening in addition ta the other featunes might be an imprevement." Fcrty-four yeams afterwartis we still continue with aur speak- er as we bave tiene tcnight anti reap the benefits of that sug- gestion matie in 1911.1 We hope in 50 years that the minutes cf the meeting tanigbt will refleet Mr. Kitchen's spien- titi atdress shewing the spot- ]ight of aur times on Commun- ism anti China, but perhaps it may prove ta bave been on littie Biliy Wade after ahl. NE WTON VILLE A family gathering was held on Friday, February 25th at the home of Mrs. Win, Uglow in honor of her brother, Mr. Robert McHolm of Roseberry Hill who on that day celebrated his 88th birthday. A chicken dinner was served ta fifteen guests. Mr. Me- Holm is in very good health and bids fair ta enjoy many more birthdays. Among the guests was Mr. Ethan Jones of Bow- manville whom we are pleased ta say was able ta be present an this occasion. The World Day of Prayen Service was held in United Church S. S. at 2.30 p.m. Ten ladies took part in the beautiful service with Mrs. Pike giving the address and Mrs. Redknap singing a very appropriate solo. The Preshytenian church was represented. Nineteen ladies present. Mrs. Jack Kimbali spent Wed- nesday with her sister, Mrs. Vance Cooper, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Noble, Toronto, spent the weekend %vith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mrnk. Vera Aneron Frnk ver ensn.Part 'Britain, spent a couple of daysI with Mn. and Mrs. Arnoldi Wade.1 Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Burley! and fami]y have moved intor Mn. Harold Burley*s cottage be- side the garage. Mr. Stanley Cox Mr. Melville FAST RELIEF FORI COM MON SORE. Never can tell. neter r'al on us for complete Insurance protection NOW. 1H ROAT STUART R. JAMES Insurance Real Estate 64KINE 0F PAIN" Office Residence NIA 3-5681 MA 3-5493 1 King Street F. Bow-manville L Cox and Miss Belle Beaton, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Cox. Mr. Willis Jones and Mr. John Farrel. Warkworth, attended the Good Roads Convention held at the Royal York this past week. Miss Drury, Toronto, spent the weekend with her sister, Mr*. Ernest EIey. Mrs. Hampshire, Port Hope, la spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Sid Lancaster. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Wagg, Markharn, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sid Brown. His mother, Mrs. Victor Wagg re- turned home with them. The sympathy of this com- munity is extended to Mns. Wil- lis Jones in the passing of her brother, Mr. Eric Merriil of Dartford. Mr. Norman Holman bas left Oshawa Hospital and is now convalescing with his sister Mrs. Emmerson. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Lancaster attended a Garage Operator's Convention held at the Royal York on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Porter and two daughters spent the weekend with friends at Bronte. Cubs Attend Hockey Gamne In Toronto Nine members of the lst Bow- manville Cub Pack under Cub- master Bob Evans enjoyed the hockey game between the Toron- ta Maple Leafs and Detroit Red Wings at Maple Leaf Gardens Saturday night as a reward for winning a cantest on Cub test work in the Pack. The Bowmanville Rotary Club, which sponsors the lst Cub Pack, paid the cast of tickets ta the game which was thoroughly enjoyed- by the youngsters. Cubs going to the game were: John Allin, Jim Wilson, Gardon Finney, Doug McNally, Doug Hurry, David Thompson, Arth- un Hester, Gary Jeffeny and Gary MacDougal. Sound advice by Robert Witts. Ontario traffic inspectator: "When buying a car don't let the agent impress yau with the 100-mile-an-hour speed at which it is geared ta travel. Ask hlm how soan it can stop." A persan with an hour ta kill usually spends it with someone who hasn't. IS ]DRINKING DECGMING A PROBLEN IN YOUR LIFE ? If so WRITE BOX 135 BOWMANVILLE or PHONE MArket 3-3761 AND CONTACT JOHN WESLEY VILLE Quilting seemed important business here last week for thene was one at Mns. Beighton's on Tuesday, and another at Mrs. E. Barnowclough's on Wednes- day when a Red Cross cjuilt was campleted and enough quilt pieces marked and cut up for several more. Monday of this week was flot a prize washday so another quilting was held at K. Ashby's. A crokinole party was held at the home of Mn. and Mrs. P. Snell-the home with the "al- ways welcame"l sign. There were six tables played and people at two other tables minus boards, played cards. The little children were entertained in another roomn. The junior boys and girls are becoming experts and can shoot a straight "man". Ad it prizes were won by Mrs. K Dinner and Roy Nicholîs; Juni- iors by Pearl Austin and Roy Austin, Honnie Dinner (tied). Mrs. A. Austin tbanked Mr. .and Mrs. Snell for their hospitallty and announced a collection of. over $10 for the W.A. Mrs. George Tufford and baby Rae are staying with Mr. anct Mrs. Sanguin ini Port Hope for a few days after leavlng Poart Hope -Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Theysmeyer and family of Port Bnitain, spent the weekend visiting friends in Kingston and Belleville; Mr. and Mrs. E. Hill of Marvelvile spent the weekend with E. Barrow- clough's here, and R. Hil's in Port Hope. 7%ue bydro men are busy these days making very, short womk indeed of the brush growing near the lines, usîng a machine which has a terrific clatter but cuts the limbs in smaîl pieces andi deposits them ini a heap. It pays ta use the Statesman Classifietis. You'Il get more enjoyment from your camera with the right Kodak accessories. Whatever your photographir. needs moy be, let us help you. let others in on your plcture-taking fun . .. lust bring In your best negatives and we'1I make as many prints es you need. Prompt, expert servicd on every orçier. JURY & LOIVELL PHONE MA 3-5778 BOWMANVILLE 'I BOWMANVILLE n r 's ri t 13 IDAMV. výT.V-IMW v

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