1HUSDAY, MARCH 3rd, 1955 THE CANADIA STATESI M- ROr.,NVT. .a.JaA..KsSARlS4 THE CANAflTA?.J A'v~!L~NM AAT'.fl7TTT5~ ('~?.T'PA1,Tr~ IN MEMORIAM LASMOURNE-In loving mcm- ory o- Mrs. Rhoda Lambourne wha passed away, March 2, 1953. No one knows how much we miss yau, No one knows the bitter pain We have suffered. Since we lost you Lie lias neyer been-the same. [n aur hearts your memory ,~lingers, Sweetly tender. fond and true. There is nat a day, dear mother That we do not think of you. -Ever remembered by husband Mark, son Mark, daughter-in- law Joan, and chldren. 9-1"I McGILL-In loving memoof a dear mother and granmotber, Eliza McGill, who passed away March lst, 1950. Sweet memories will linger forever, Time cannot change them, it's! true; Years that may come cannot Ou loin remembrance of' -Daughter Myrtle. Nelson, grandchildren Alvin. Gilbert, Madeline, Irene and families. 9.* MILLSON-In loving mernory Cf a dear mother and grand- Inother, Annie B. Devitt, whoi L assed away March 5th, 1954. ,oving and kind in aIl her ways, Upright and just to the end of her days, Sîncere and truc in ber hearti and mmnd, Beautiful memories she left! bebind. -Lovingly remembered by ber. family. 9-P. VINE-In loving mcmory of our dear son, Ralph Kenneth, who Passcd away March 3rd, 1953, in bis fourteenth year. Wben evening shades are falling, And we sit in quiet alone Tao aur hearts there comes a longing If lie only couid come home. But we know he lies not cold beneath the grasses, Not close-walled within the tomb, Rather in our Fatber's mansion "Living" - in another room. -Too dcarly loved to ever bc forgotten. Mother and dad. 9-1 VINE-In memory of our deaqr brother, Raîpli Kenneth, wbo passed away, March 3rd, 1953. God gave us a wonderful brother, His memory will neyer grow old; He fashioned bis smile out of sunshine, He mouided bis heart of pure gold. Hie needed a new star in Heaven, A heautiful lighit to shine; Sa out of this old w'orid of sorrow He chose that dear brother of ours. - Lovingly remembered by Eleanor, Wilfred, Charles and iamily. 9-1 i Cards of Thanks We wish to thank our mapny friends and neighbours for their kind expressions of sympathy and floral offerings in aur re- cent sad bercavement. J. E. Hayes and Helene. 9-1* I would like to express my thanks to friends and neigh- boursfor cards and expre'ssions of sympathy so kindly sent dur- ing my recent bereavement. May Neads. 9-1* Mrs. Arthur Lymer, Bill, Ray and Douglas wish to express their sincere appreciation and thanks to everyone for their acts of kindness, messages of sym- pathy and beautiful floral trib- utes during their recent sad bereavement. 9-4* We wish to tbank the mem- bers of the Fîre Department,J neighbors, friends, and relativesl for their help and kindness dur- ing the recent fire in our home at Elgin Street. Gladys and Ron White. 9-1 The farnily of the late Mrs. Georg~e Lyle wish to express their sincere appreciation for the floral offerings, expressions ,of sympathy and acts of kind- ness of relatives, friends and neighbors in their recent be- reavement. 9-1 *Wc wish to thank Dr. Hub- bard, special nurses and staff of Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville, relatives, neighbours and friends for their cards and gifts, also those who enqiiired during Georges stay in hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Luthcr Allin. 9-1* We would like to thank Dr. Hubbard, nurses and staff of Memorial Hospital, also our many relatives, friends and neighbours for their kind ex- pressions of sympathy and beautiful floral offerings during Our recent sad bereavement. Wesley Fowlcr and family. 9-1 * llonestv - PluS as lu returning puîr,, and suim of poney left on the Garton Bus, "Driver Ted (s) Diltch, Ennis- killen, to Miss M. M. Van Camp Lawyer-Divorce & Real Estate Biackstock. Ont. Office - 603 Temple Bld. Toronto Ont. 9-1 Mrs. J. Hodgson and family wishi to thank Drs. H. Rundie and K. Slenion, Superintendent and nurses of Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville; relatives, neigb- bors and friends for expressions of sympathy, floral tributes and kîndness shown in the loss of a dearly beioved busband and father. 9-4* 'Ist LUNE TUBELESS TIRES A 1955 NE W CAR FEATURE FOR YOURPRESENT CAR Extra Safety Extra Comi or! 7.10 x15 - 33,995 6.70 x15- .029.95 WHIEWALS .00EXTRA Less Liberal Trade-in on your present tire PRICE INCLUDES INSTALLATION . AND INSTRUCTION BOOKLET Terms if desired Let's Talk It Over You can ijistali Ina at a finie if more convenient BEFORE YOU BUY GIVE STEW A TRY Stewart Motor Sale.s. INEWCASTLE PHONE 2871 *LWAYS OPEN CABD 0F THANKS I would like ta take this op- portunity ta thank my friends and nèighbours for flowers, cards and incjuiries during my recent illness. Special thankcs ta Dr. Witzel, nurses and staff of Memorial Hospital, Bawman- ville. Pert Peppermint Sticks Perform Helen Hancock. 9-1* We would like ta thank ah aof our neighbours, friends and relatives for the kindness shown us in the loss of our home by fire. Your assistance in every respect is sincerely appreciated by us. We would be very happy to have any one of you vîsit us at our new home at 212 High Street, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Avery and family. 9-1* 1 wish to express my sincere and heartfclt thanks to Dr. S. Witzel, the nurses at Memorial Hospital, the F. F. Morris Am- bulance Service, and the Rev. Dewdney who came to offer prayer for my recovery; aiso toi my many kind friends and neiglibors who helped to bright- en my long convalescence at home with their kind thoughts, my most grateful appreciation. Mrs. Marshall Pickering, Newcastle, Ont. 9-1 Mr. and Mrs. Ross Richards and Ronald would like to take this opportunity to express their sincere thanks to Dr. D. Sturgis, Dr. H. B. Rundie, Dr. H. Fer- guson and a very speciai thanksl to the special nurses for their kind and loving care to Ronald, Mrs. R. Dilling, Mrs. C. Bell, Mrs. W. Burgess and the staff of Memorial Hospital. Deep ap- preciation to Rev. T. A. Morgan, Miss A. Carruthers and om9 of Centrai Public Schoom 9n also to friends, relatives and o- ganizations for the many cars, gifts and kindnesses receivedi during Ronald's recent iliness.j Work Wanted FOR eavestroughing and repairs write Cari Gould, Newcastle. 9-2 OIL burners, installing, cleaning, repairing, also stokers; plumbing repairs. Prompt service. Leo Mutton, 14 Liberty St. N. Phone MA 3-3658. 82 SAVE MONEY AT DAÀVE "S SHOE REPAIR Skates Sharpened 35 TEMPERANCE ST. (in rear) 46-tf GENERAL CONCRETE AND MASONRY Construction or Repair Estimates Free L. TURNER Phone Res. MA 3-3718 evenlngs P.O. BOX 177, BOWMANVILLE 7-tf BULLDOZING EXCAVATING TRENCHING - LGADING DRAGLINE - CLAM WORK Trucks and Loader fôr Gravel and F111 Jobs FREE ESTIMATES Tripp Construction PORT FERRY 392W 32tf General 'l Masonry Repairs Fireplace and Complete Chininey Service 1FREE F.STIMATES JACK HAYWOOD Phone MA 3-3281 8-tf A. E. (SAMMY) COLE Plumbing and Heating AGENT FOR Mor-Sun The Furnace with the 10-year guarantee 26 Ontario St., Phone MA 3-3473 BOWMANVILLE (Formerly Bothwell & Cale> 30-tf WE ARE NOIV IN A POSITION TO DO A LIMITED AMOUNT 0F DECORATJNG AND EXTERIOR PAINTING FLEASE BOOK YOUR IVORK EARLY1I Phone MA 3-2639 R. B. BROWN The girls photographed above xv ith the big candy canes arc part of the Peppermint Stick sequence in the very attractive Candy Shop number of the Figure Skating Carnival at Bowmanville Memorial Arena this Friday and Saturday, March 4th ancd 5th. The Carnival is presented by the Bowmanville-Oshawa Skating Clubs and promises to be a big and colorful showv. Seated are Carol Finnigan and Jean- ette Bac. Standing are, from lef t: Carolyn Werry, Linda Roberts, Gail Armstrong. -Photo by Carson Studio, Port Hope Found BLACK puppy, white front, maie. Please cali MA 3-3990. 9-1* Work Wanted SEE US NOW! ABOUT 1'OUR Pruning and Grafting Can take on a limited nuniber of orchards Cail MA 3-2563 FRITZ MARTI NURSERYMAN B 0OIV M A N V 1 L L E Notices FREE-With each $4 .00 worth of gas, oul or tires - cash - one free draw on 1955 oar. F. S. Allen, B.A. Garage, No. 2 High- wa.y, cast of Courtice. 9-5 We arc now miaitufacturing cernent blocks, bath interlockîng and standard, and would be pleased to serve you with a good produet at a reasonable price. Tripp Construction. Phone 392W, Port Perry. 40-tf The annîîal meeting of the Community Memorial Hospital, Port PerrY, will be held at the Library, Port Perry, on Tuesday evening, March lSth, at 8 p.m. Ail interested are cordially in- vitcd to attend. 9-2 The Annual Meeting of tlhc Mernorial Hospital Board. Bow- rnanville, bcl h held in the Coulicil Chamber at 8:00 p.m. on WeMnesday night, the 23rd of March, for tlie purpose of liearing reports and electing six directors for the current year. Ray J. Dilling, Secretary, Meniorial Hospital Board. 9-3 .4 EN TOW'N (si ~ster Lions Community Centre i-, AFRIDAY, MARCII 25 Paul Minicola's Orchestra "Tickets $2.00 and $3.00 MR TADS .1 L Phone MA 3-3303 Ted BOWMANVILLE Ccîrload Combi nation and Ckassafie 33 King St. W. Lions Ladies. <Continu5d fromn page one) did a littie show which includ- cd some fast and humorous back chat from 'ýHappy" also some solo and duet work. For this they were accompanied at the piano by Dorothy Merrail, a charmîng and able pianist. Top Entertainment Miss Merraîl was also a tai- ented accordionist, and delight- cd her audience with groups of gypsy airs and Scottish songs. A big hit also wvas Frank Pal- mer, a colored singer 4t real talent. His big baritone v-oice thrilled bis listeners in several numbers, including, "You'Il Ne- evr Walk Alone", a spiritual "It's Thunderin'"I and "Oid Man Rie". In response to the ver)r enthusiastic applause, lie re - turned to sing two encores, "T Got Plenty of Nothing" and "The Lord's Prayer". Lion Ray Diliing voiced the appreciation of al for this v'cry fine entertainment and also thanked Mrs. Geo. Richards and ber group for the delicious dinner. Dancing Enjoyed Tables were then cleared away anid the banquet rooîrî given over to dancing to thi- viting music provided by Dn NEW LOCATION Phone MA .3-388â ,ï # w Shipment Ref rigerators Woody.rd's APPLIANCES 0 0 ny Ross and his orchestra. . number also enjoyed cards i the Green Room. Lucky dance prizes were wo:î by Glen and Betty Lander and Mrs. Laurence Goddard. These prizes and the 14 lucky dra\v prizes were donated by whoIcý- saiers with whom President James Marr does business. ThL,\, were ail valuable and love]lv prizes and were much appre- ciated by the lucky winners. Dancing concluded at one o'clock, and ail in ail, the even- ing was voted o11e of the best Ladies' Nights ever held by thei Bowmanville Club. Members of the comrnittee and their -,ives responsible for the even- ing were: Jack Brough ai-d Betty. Russ Oke and Lynn, Don Williams and Frances, Clarence Hockin and Eva, Ted Southefy and Mary. Bvron Vanstone and Bea, Rav Dillitig and Zetta. Tàc~ committee was under the vice~- presidency of Lion Jack Cole. TO EVERY1VH1RE Air, Rail or Steamship Consult JURY & LOVELL 3owmanville 15 King St. W- MA 3-5778 For Absolutely the Best TELE VISION IN 110WIANVILLE Ai Iowest prices in town SEE MARCONI a ELECTROHOME a DUMONT *AND SPECIALIZED SERVICE Protection Television ServiceCopn Arrîvîng thîs weekend 'j { i. Home Freezers L I Manufactured hy DEEPFREEZE $30,ObO worth of Refrigerators to be sold ai SPECIAL LOW PRICES when delivered direct from car Drop in immediaf ely and see how much-you can save by buying now EIIHER TRADE-IN OR STRAIGHT SALE This car has to be cleared by Narch 10 Open for Business OUR NEW LUNCH ROOM Foot long lot Dogs - Hamburgers Milk Shakes Watch for Grand Openinglo McKnl*ght's Service Station AND Lunch Roomk. HAMPTON -ONTARIO PAGE FIFTEM 1 ------------------ ----------------------- Ï-N 1 8-6 1 . vAnIv VTV,--Id iq 1 ..