1WURSIDAY, MARCH 3rd, 1055 ___________________________________ A D Z. IAN Sb AI LS1VAN . cWMANVILLE . ONTARIOb&i Plat form Guests at Canadian Legion Mortgage Burning Ceremony ruýkJcj inRieU Several officers and former officers of the Bowmanville Branch George Humpage, Past President George Crombie, Comrade Alex Mairs, John James, M.P. for Durham; Hon. John Foote, V.C.,ntroJiise of the Canadian Legion and other officiais were invited to the stage during chairman of the committee which supervised the erection of the building; of Reform Institutions; Mayor Nelson Osborne; Past PresietCifSms the ceremony of burning the mortgage on the new Legion Hall on Queen Presid4-nt Ross McKnight, Ladies' Auxiliary Past President Mrs. Edward Past President Bill Mitchell, Orono; Past PresidentJo 'elas Stet edi h uligStrayngt h eeoywshl o 1undle, Auxiliary Past President Mrs. G: C. Palmer, Legion Ladies President Elgie Harnden. commemorate the payment of ahl indebtedness on the hall, which was built Auxiliary Zone Commander Rose Bate, Auxiliary President Mrs. Jack -Photo by Carson tdoiotHp by the members themselves in 1952. Front row, left to right: Comrade Knight. Rear row, left to right: Past President Lloyd Preston, Comrade Durham Count TaIk on Chine. BiIIy Wade Peri By Aleen Aked A most enjoyable and wel attended meeting was held b' Toronto's Durham Club, at thc I.O.D.E. Headquarters, Thurs. cday evening, Feb. 24. .!'L ittle Billy Wade from Cour« ice, aged six and a winne: ,of many TV contests, botli cbarmed and amazed his audi. ence with the skill hie display- ed on bis drums and cymbals, making President A. A. Mar- tini exclaimi in admiration, "I neyer say anything like it in iny life!" (Quite a tribute from an Inspector of Public Schools!î Mrs. Wade accompanied bier Bons on the piano and brother John- gave a fine performance on bis accordion accompanied by Billy. President Martin thon ifted Bil]y on to a chair SO ail could see him and prosonted hirn with a box of chocolates sent by Mrs. Aked who is a great TV admirer of bis. Rev. John Kitchen, Minister of Orono United Church, was the speaker and told of bis ter- rifying treatment by Chinese Communist police which ended 'ils 31 years in China as a mis- sionary in the printing and publisbing department of the cburch, as well as treasuror of the dental hospital of wbich Mrs. Kitchen was the superin- tendent. "I was first introduc- ed to Durham County and Club strangely in China by Dr. W. E. Smith of Garden Hill and littie thought thon I would have an association with eithor. Many of my experiences in China I wvould like to forget. Both for the price of the shrub alone. $1.45 Value for only $1010 F.O.B. SAVE C.O.D. bostage secured y Club Hear their stead when Having done t] ýse Comm un*, tanprtmon forms on Drums dpr u r i rested and puti fChbina is a sleeping giant no room to think of ilonger, but the widest awake had committed an( of nations and bolds the -great got a daily goingo y' question of peace or war for surer of the denta e the world." had made applicat Mr. itcen old ow o lvedey to the relief si Mr.Kithentod hw h liedx-ray machine ar in the walled city of Chenkow, the rocoipt of the -1,500 miles from Shanghai, sit not been reported r uated in a province bordering The crime was not Tibet with a population of 65 mte h epn -million people. At sundown mitdhersos -the city gates were closed and money for which three quarters of a million las.fndtot people were sbut up for the as Enight. After six months of Com- Another incidei munist occupation ahl Western- was being accuseci ors haci to rogister, submit bis- taking pictures for tories of their lives and pro- missionary whichm vide tbree guarantors and were of the country. W flot allowed to move fromn their an exit permit and homos. Police walked in teOut quickly in searcb their homes for radios, hours a revolver tubes, guns or ammunition at pianted in bis wel anytime. Neyer being safe ani divine answer to 1living in a state of suspense, wben ho was penn tsuspicion and terror caused b.y te board the boat te the Communists and their red and beave like a sr tape, Mr. Kitcben told Of the bit the province wl difficulties getting bis wife to worked for 31 year, the bospital situated outside Mr. Kîtchen said the City walls when their baby forgot the sight of was born and more difficulties man abead of bim . gotting back home through the ed the foot bridgec city gates when three returned to Hong Kong stop instead of two. move bis bat saluti The application for exit per-1 îsh flag. mits on leaving China was al- In conclusion N. ways the start of trouble aîîd warned: "Relentlessl the signal for investigation.1 ismn is surging throug For five days notification had reacbing out tentach to ho made in the newspapen domination. It provs that they planned going ho-mo and way of livirý on furlougb, anyone knowing appealing to youngr anytbing against them must in- through Christianity form the police, also a state- beaten. Christianity ment from the Bank of China munismn can nover certifying that no money was say it can't bappen owed by them te China; a bappen bore. Eterr Special Offer I t01s . 1 DOUBLERoe MOCK-ORANGE SHRUBRoe The improved, old-fashioned Cl imbing Vin( ORANGE BLOSSOM. Extremie- ly f ragrant, it will fi the gardon with perfunie. Double white Flowering Sl: blossoins appear in June. Large 18-24 inch shrub. Selis. in Our Hedging catalogue for $1,10 each. 1 35c SIZE PACKAGE Shade Trees 0F RA-PID-GRO Enough to make 2 3/4 gallons of Ornamental'T LIQUID FERTILIZER. For dip- ping your shrubs ivhen trans- Small Fruits,e planting, or use it to feed your bouse-plants. CHARGES - Enclose your Choque or Money Order This Coupon Illust Accompany Vour Order KGreenleaf Nfurerie s Box 252 STR ATHROY, Ontario. Please send me the items checked below:. ()Free copy of "Values For '55". ()SPECIAL OFFER as de- scribed above. (This wil be shipped at the proper planting time). 1 enclose $1.10. If paying by cheque, please add exchange. Thank you. Ship C.O.D. This Offer is noti our catalogue to stand in iAte d in these and get f VIrs. Kitcher VVordD yo Po toi llDay otorr tcben was ar- Speaking on the theme, ness, striving to in an empu,ý "Abide in Me", Mrs. Com-mis- Cbrist-like." the crime ho sioner F. Ham of Port Hope.de- Since returning nd for a week ]ivered a moving and inspira- IVrs. Ham said ti over. As trea- tional message at the World Day heard people make tl hospital ho of Prayer Services held in St. religions. "But it SE tion for mon- Andrew's Presbyterian Cburch she said, "that thi agency for ani on Friday afternoon and eveni- passion hare is to Iý and medicinc, ing. Ail Protestant churches Of, the Jonoses. Bingos ie money had the town were represented Inl tbings are occupyir to the polico. the form of service followed. in pceople's lives. 1I t to have ad- 'From earliest times thero bas frank witb you, tc iibility of the been a sense of a bigher boing," tantamnount to the Mr. Kitchen said Mrs. Ham. "Early gods1 non-Christians. It housnd ol-were the Sun, *Wind, Fire and put furst things fir the forces of nature. 1 retntly Mrs. Ham. it cooked-uap visited Paraguay, and to this Mrs. Ham told c 1as a spy for day the Chaco Indians there leper colony in the Dr the churchi pray to the sun and moon,"~ Mrs. wondering what si wvere sent Out Ham related. With bier husband. to those poor peop] Qben granted Mrs. Ham bas for many years desolato spot, with id told to get done missionary work in the the world. "Then I twenty-fouv West Indies and the Argentine the hymn, 'What a r was found and they have only recently re-, Have in Jesus', and eil. It was a turned from the latter to retire that there was OnE bis prayers in Port Hope. and wou]d bring nitted at last The speaker went on to re- them," Mrs. Ham to Hong Kong 0 sneaking rab- late how idols evolved and the is the same for yoc- uher liehadsuperstition connected with such what the circumstar rhee e a religions as Buddhism, Taoism, abides in me, and1 S.Mohammedanism. "But with the it is that bears muý d be neyer birth of Cbristianity came a new apart from me you( )the China- order. Other religions were bas- ing' , Mrs. Ham as they cross- ed on fear, Christianity on love. quoting the passag out of China It is flot sufficient for* us to b, John whichi providei )pping to re- religious, bowever. Followers of of the service. ing the Brit- ail these religions I have men- Conducting the se tioned are devout. It is a very afternoon was Mrs. M/r. Kitchen different tbing to be a Christian, Laugblin of St. Anc sly Commun- living in humblenoss and moek- ber on the platform gh the world part in the formi les for world. wero: Mrs. S. R. Ji vides a faith is the price of liberty and it is ity; Mrs. J. Vermeu ng especiaîîv going to be our price." Reformed; Mrs. jol people. Only Clarke Farmer's Quartette,, Salvation Army; tl ty can it bc botter known as the Country Mrs. H. Smythe- ,' and Comr- Four, composed of Messrs. Glen Mrs. Harold Ferg rmix. Don't and Jack Allen, Don Staples Iaul's. here. It can and Merrili Brown, gave Ouît The Pentecostal ,aî vigilance sweet harmony with "Swpet churches as well as -Adeline", "Susan Brown", "Jin- ed above were also gle Belîs" and 'Coney Island in thoso taking p B3ab.y"ý and were much appre- other parts of thes ciated for coming with bad colds afternoon and evenir vhen tbey liad a real reason On the platform ii for staying. home. 111g beside the spE Reading from old minutes of Mrs. J. Schaafsma- the Club Miss Aked told how formed; Mrs. M. slu these reflected flot onîy our so- Miss Gwcn Bartlett cial habits but current events Army; Miss Agnes P of the times and bow some -St. Andrew's; Mrs customs established continueci gold-St. John's; through the years. Porter-St. Paul's. Mr. E. T. Wingate thanked Mrs, D. S. Fergusi ail the artists and the speakçer solo, "God Be Merci saying that Mr. Kitchen had afternoon service, a( Stock brougbt the trouble the world by Mr. W. E. C. W topwas facing in Communism rigiht t ho organ. A choir r topto our front door. mombers from al ch, ing part, led in tl grade Mrs. O. J. Henderson was portion of the servi y field , hostess of the social bour a.,- evening Mrs. Fergus( lapted sîsted by Group 4. Mrs. L. itsn,"h ev ated K eat and Miss Aked poureciis ag,"h ev con- coffee. Thanks were expressed by Mrs. F. W. Bowen and Mr. The test of a manc Merrili Brown, and the meet- breeding is how th - ing adjournec until March. in a qurrel.-GeorgE . .. .. . .... Please Print Plainly. NAME ADDRESS SHI? TO 1 i Narne of Station 38, %'l 'ON'Tr CARE IF:N'OUR RiC.4 AUMT CRLORIS D/IZ GIVE US THIS THING.--MODERN READING LAMPSA-ý,E 60 REP,$ONU~LE IT'S SILLN' NOT TO GE.T TH-EM!'" Enjoy Better Living-Electrical Living With a Low-Cost Electric Appliance from HIGOON KLECTrRIC* LIMITED ELECTRIC WIRING. REPAIRS AND REFRIGERATION [A 3-5438 A UJTii4olRZUOB x GEN ERAL*9ELECTRIC Bonavil King St. E. HOME APPLANCE DEALER Ontario SALEM Salem W.A. met at the home of Mrs. W. G. Werry. President Mrs. S. Buttery opened the meeting and conducted the bus- )re iess. Mrs. G. Shackleton and her group were in charge of the a, meeting. Bible reading was gv- ia n by Mrs. E. Twist; devotionai er by Mrs. G. Shackleton; reading eIby Mrs. H. Barrie; violin solo ng by Mr. K. Shackleton accom- thpanid on piano by Mrs. K. lrShackleton, Story of "Peter Kel- aee ly" was read by Mrs. L. Welsh. it Meeting closed with benediction isand a social time enjoyeci. of Anyone who wishes to sn-i ,v od woollens to be made into ed blankets with the W.A. this year are asked to leave them at aMrs. H. McClure's by March 21. id Mrs. H. McClure, Mrs. K. av Shackleton, Mrs. S. Buttery and a Mrs. L. Welsb attended the W. in M. S. Presbyterial at Trinity ed Cburch last Wednesday. e Several ladies attended the ým World's Day of Prayer meeting ed at Tyrone on Friday. to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bell It and famil, Town, were Satur- er day evening visitors with Mr. et and Mrs. E. Twist. le ýd, HAMPTON .l Mr and Mrs. Raymond Petit and àaughter, Sharon, Miss Ce- e cile Petit. Toronto, and Miss c-Gladys Chapman, Burk's Falls,' th spent the weekenci with Mr. Iand Mrs. W. C. Chapman. e Mrs. Hazel Ruttan attended .i- the wedding of a frienci in To- ,h ronto, on Tuesday of last week. - Bruce Caverly spent the r; weekend in Flint, Michigan. Mrs. Joe Guest was in Picton recentîy with relatives. t Don White, Oakville, spent the weekend at home. dMr. and Mrs. A. L, Blanchard ýd left last week for a trip to Flor- il ida in company with Mr. andi Mrs. Arley Northcutt, Bowmnan- ville. -e Mr. and Mrs. W. W, Horn are -at the home of their son Dr. and 7;Mrs. W. R. Horn, Montreal. n' Mrs. John Baker, Solina, at 7s J. C. Smales. Mr. and Mrs. E. Strong and' Fay, Bowmanvilîe, visited at e Merwin Mountjoy's on Friday e evening. 1 Mr. and Mrs. A. Johoston, t Blackstock, at Bruce Fergu- f son's, on Friday. - Mr. and Mrs. Ken Pooler and 1 family, Oshawa at S. Kersey's. ? The Home and School meet- ing wilI be held on Tuesday evening, March 8th, in the churcb basement, when Baker's and Bradley's clubs will bo our *guest. Dr. L. B. Williams of *Bowmanville, will be presentý and will show pictures. Women's Institute will moet in the Sunday School room onI Thursday, March 3rd. Mrs. S. Grant of Bowmanville, District President, will ho guest speak- er. Meeting in charge of north group. Ail ladies welcome. Mrs. A. C. Perry bas returo- ed from Denniark where sne spent a few montbs with ber parents and other members of ber family, after an absence of twenty-one years from ber na- tive land. She had a favorable crossing, both ways and ;s showing the benefits of ber trip. A numnber from bore attended the "Youth for Christ" meeting in tho Town Hall, Bowmanvilîo, on Saturday evening when the impressive and inspiring film, *Billy Grahi;m and the London Crusade", was shown. A ui-ber of W.M.S. ladies! attended the Oshawa Presbyte- The "World Day of Prayor", service on Friday afternoon in the Sunday School-roomn wasi ]argely attended and was con- ducted by Mrs.' F. J. Reed in the absence tbrough illness of Mr', J. A. Warrack, W.M.F>. president. The propareci printed order of service was followed the themie being "Abide in Me'. A number' of Hampton ladies' took part, and we woeePleased to welcome the ladies from Eldad and Zion. some of whomn also assisted in the services. The special addrpssi was capaby presented by Mrs.; Reec. M rs. K. Caver h'N conti- ji buted a pleasing solo whieh added to the inspiration of the meeting. Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Yellow- lees, Grog and Cindy Lou, St. Catharines, spent the weekend with bis Parents, Mr. and Mrs. N- C- Yâal"1aa C ADMUSNeil, Port Perry, and Mrs. Jas. CADMUSMcKee were Suncay guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McKee. Miss Jane Passant, Oshawg, Miss Maxine McKee returned home for the week-end with home with her sister, Mrs. Shey, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd for a holiday. Passant. Mr. and Mrs. How%rd MeMul. Mrs. Florence McGill and len and Beth, Miss P~atricia Ed. Harvey, Janetville; Mr. and Mrs. munds, Mr. and Mrs. James Me- Jim Gibson and Bruce were Mullen, Mr. and Mrs. Er'nest Saturday evening guests of Mr. Gray, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Gray Flem Thompson and Marlow. and David were '«Friday night Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Jobnston supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. spent Saturday evening with Milton Gray and Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Fowler, Osha- James Gray. wva, who had some friends in Mr and Mrs. Lenard Kellett, ar.d were celebrating their 19th Oshawa; Mr. and IMrs. Don Ed.. wedding anniversary. munds and Ross, Millbrook, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Larmer were Sunday visitors of Mr. and and Bernice were Sunday guests Mrs. Howard MeM\ullen. of their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Kerr, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gibson, Toronto, were visiting Mr. and Bowmanville. Mrs. Oscar iViQuade and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Fowler and and Mrs. James Kerr, Lotus, for family, Oshawa, were Sunday the week-end. visitors w ith M r. and M rs. L e - M s C o k h ha b en l i lie ohnson.Port Perry Hospital for some Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy Gray time, has come to live with and David were Sunday guests Mrs. McKay. of Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Sutton, There were quite a number Orono. out to church on Sunday Io hcar Mr. and Mrs. Bert Shey and Mr. Hutton deliver a wonderful Wayne, Fleetwood; Bobby Mc-'serv ice. Wakei toe twO-'% Jterr KENWOOD S.B LAN K ETS KENWOOD CLUB! All you do is choose the dreamny Kencvood colour you want, make a sinail deposit. theci week by week tck the balance dwindle lli the blankets are wu ri! Whether you're collecting a trousseau or wisli 10 buy lovely all-wool Kenwoods for your home or for gifts, this by-the-week plan is designed for your convenience. A personal Kenwood Pass Book will record your payments and show you how fast you cen buy in this budget way. Drop in to our Blanket Depart. ment or uîe nomDinadonnw KIEWOI ini latest Home Iiecorating Shades One size only, 72 x 84 Ends bound .-vith extra wide taffeta ribbon. Individually boxed. Colours: ivory white, sky blue, charm pink, orchici, maize, turquoise, mint green, hunter green, cherry red and flame. I Limiteci KENWOOD RAM CREST Plain Colours , F'our-inch satin ribbon bind- ing, individually boxed. Col- ours: blue, rose, ceder, yel- low, peach, wino, turquoise and green. Size 60 x 84' -___.5 Siz 7 x 4 $11,50 Walker Stores KENWOOD FAMOUS Plain Colours One size only, 72 x 84 Endis bound witb extra wide satin ribbon, individualîy boxed. Colours: wvhite, blue rose, ceder, velîow, peach, red, turquoise, green andi flamne. KENWOOD Famous and Ram- crest Baby Blankets- Both hîgh quality blankets come in colours of ligbt blue, pink, white and yellow. Size 36 x 50 Fainous --$ 7.50 44 Greenleaf Nurserieâ STRATHROY, ONTARIO 1955 SPRING CATALOGU IS NOW READY ___ Write toclay f or your free copy of ""VALUES FOR '55". It is full of Real "Canadapted Values - top quality stock at attractive We seil only prices. If you insist on Quality, you will quality, No. 1 f in ither. Us th hady cupo 'stock, specially f mdit ere.Usethehand copon grown and adý below. +n iffl rAVAnTAJ 1 8