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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Mar 1955, p. 6

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PAGE SIX TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO THURSDAI'. MARCE Srd. 1931 MilIer's Defeated By Courtice in Lge. 'Final The final league games in the Town Hockey League last Wed- nesday night saw the second- place Courtice squad eke. out a 6-5 win over the league cham- pinMller's Taxi squad, while Front Street edged Foresters, alzo by a 6-5 count. Bob Johnson led Courtice ta their vlctory by scoring three e oals for the hat trick, whiie orm Sayers, Murray Osborne and Grant Heron ail notehed singletons. For the Taximen, Bill Ellis scored twice and Tim Cox, Harvey Lunney and Don Childsalal hit for single goals. Richards Lesdu Front St. Rip Richards and Don Bishop were the big guns in the Front Street win as Richards sank three and Bishop added two more. Chuck Kilpatriek came up with the sixth goal. Scoring was fairly evenly divided among the Foresters, with Bill Lemon counting twiee and Bob Craig, Marvin Brooks and Jiggs Cowl- Ing natching single tallies. UJe Town League playaffs be- gin' tonight. (Thursday) with the first-pILIte Taximen meeting the third place Foresters at 7:00 p.m., and second-place Courtice clashiiçg with Front Street in the second garne. Hockey fans are urged ta turn out and sec the good brand af hockey which wiil be served up in these games. There is no admission charge, but a silver collection will be mnade. Final Standing Team W L T Fts Miller's ____ 12 3 3 27 Courtice 9 7 2 20j Foresters - 6 10 2 141 Front Street- 5 12 1 111 Top Scorers GP( Don Childs, M-- 182 J. Whiteman, M.-- 16 . C. Kilpatrick, FS 182 Bob Jahnson, C-...162 Grant Heron, C - 182 Tim Cox, M __---- 181 Srm Sayers, C 161 n Bishap, FS 181 H. Lunney, M - 91 M. Richards, M ---81 M. Brooks, COF 18 Oro no O rphans Lose Out to Lindsay Muskies Orono Orphanis were ousted irom the Lakeshore Hockey League playoffis by the Lindsay Regent Muskies in Lindsay Sat- urday night when the Muskies downed thèm 8-3 in the fiith and final game ai their best-of- f ive, semi-final series. The Muskies now meet the Bowman- ville Barons in the best-of-seven series for the league champion- ship. Lindsay had won the first two games, then drapped two ta the fast-skating Orphans. but came back strong Saturday night ta clînch the series. They opened a 2-0 lead in the first period, in- creased it ta 4-1 in the second, and added four goals ta two by Orono in the final frarne. Dean West scored anc of the Orona goals, with Ralph Phil- lips and Chuck Armnstrong notching the others. Fred Mort- imer had three for Lindsay, Grant Green notchcd twa and Don Sinclair, Vie Carley and Murray Davis seored singletons. 100 A.S.A.1 100 Saccharin Noxzema, Alka Tableta Tablets Speclal Seltze? 190 190 290 34e - 68o Home Permanents For Young and Old Tonut _________ 1.75 Haliboraýnge 1.00, 1.75, 3.25 Hudnut'a Qulck___ 1.75 Hlgh Test C.L.O. 69c, 1.29 ýBobbi ____- 1.75 Scott's Emulsion 1.00, 2.00 Prout________ 1.75 Infantol 1.00, 2.00, 3.25 Tonette _______ 1.75 Watnpole's Extract - 1.25 Tont Curlers_____ 1.29 Waterbury's Comp. - 1.25 Nyal Creophos Stops coughs and help's colds - Is an ideal tonie Large boille, 1.50 Thermos Vacuum Lunch Northrlte B3ottles Botties Kits Pens 1.79 1 980 1.25 35c GERITOL BOT WATER BOTTLES For tfred blood Guaranteed 1.35 - 3.29- 5.49 1.29 . 1.79 - 2.19 - 2.49 Neo Chemical Food for young and old Capsules, 1.65, 2.95, 6.60 - Liquid, 1.55, 3.35, 5.95 COWLI NG'S PHONE r ii OE WE FIT MA 3-5695 DRUG STOR TRUSSES FRIDAY MARCH Jim Levitt Has High Triple Durham League George Elliott and Jim Levitt were the big guns i the Dur- ham Bowling League last Fri- day night. George rolled the high single- of 325. and Jim came thraugh with a 757 score for the high triple.ý Bow'ville F'dry 24705 48 McNulty's Sparts 24679 43 Foresters .. - 24093 35 Palmer Motar Sales- 24177 31 A.& P-------------- 23795 29 Enniskillen No. 2 - 23426 29 Maple Grave -- 22785 29 Enniskillen No. 1- 22274 27 L. O. L. No. 2384 - 22478 25 Hampton 23616 18 Tyrone - 22007 16 Blackstock_.-------- 21553 13 Top Ten George Elliott 231 Bll Polley 229 Bill Heari 227 Jim Levitt ----212 Ted McLaughlin - -211 John Slemon -___ *.210 Bill Wcstlake 205 Ralph Kelly --203 Frank Smith ____-202 Hap Palmer 201 Blackstock W. A. February Meeting Blackstock: The February meeting of the United Church W.A. was at the home af Mrs. Percy Van Camp with the pre- sident Mrs. Shortridge in the chair. The Devotional was given by Mrs. Neil Werry. The twenty- four members present answcr- ed the roll with a "Winter Thought."' The Church Decoration was diseussed and it was deeidcd ta purchase inlaid linoleum for the upper floor ai the church. Scv- eral thank you notes werc read for fruit sent. Mrs. H. Martyn will be hast- ess for next rnonth with Mrs. Harold MeLaughlin, group lead- erMrs. M. Graham was in charge af the program. Readings werc given by Mrs. J. McKee and Mrs. S. Van Camp. Two good contests were enjoycd. Masons Held Annual Ladies' Night Friday Some 160 members and guests attended the annual ladies' night of Jerusalem Lodge Na. 3 1, G.R.C., A.F. & A.M., Bow- manvihle, held at the B.H.S. au- ditorium hast Friday evening. Worshipful Master C. L. War- ren weleomcd the Masons and their ladies and guests, and a fine pragram ai entertainment was presented. This încluded a female acrobatie dancer, a fe- maIe vocalist who also did imý- tations ai famous personalities, and a maie aecornpanist. Following the entertainment, dancing was enioved ta the mu- (91'ttuary"-p of Cobourg Cornets The following "abituary" of the Cobourg Carnets was writ- ten by Prince Gardon, Sports Editor of the Cobourg Sentinel- Star after they had been eli- inated from the Lakeshore League playolfs by the Bow- manville Barons in threc straight games. Aiter readirg this "obituary"y, Manager Frank, Jamieson af the Barons express-1 cd the hope that the grievirng management of the Cobourg Arena would flot be taa long in paying thc "funcral expenses" -narnely Bawnanville's 50 per cent share af the gate at the final game in Cobourg on Tues- day night af hast week! Following is the "obituary": COBOURG COMETS Cobourg Cornets passed ý&way peacefully Tuesday night, Fcb- ruary 22, aiter a short illness that began Friday, February 18, at the Cobourg Arena. The Cornets rallied slightly carly Saturday night whila taking treatment in Bowman- ville but lapsed into a coma' again before returning homel carly Sunday. There was no change in their condition Monday but early Tuesday night the case progress- cd ta a point where it ias plain that only injection. of new blood would avert disaster. Since no new blaod was available the fight against dernise was con- tinued with the material at hand. Shortly after 8:32 ai the ev- ening a slight tremor shook the Cornets and it -appearcd thatl thcy wcre sinking fast. At 16:40 a more seriaus shock occurred and the relatives (1600 of themn) gathercd at the bedside, sank inta gloom. Howevcr, a change for th4' better was observed at 2:06 ai the second death watch when Dr. Jon Fisher administered a shot in the arm. Before the re- latives (aIl 1600 ai thern) could relax another* shock was felt nt 7:05 and the Carnets appeared ta be sinkîng again. Dr. Jon Fisher was again called for and arrived hurriedly at 10:32 and administered a second pulse quicening shot in the arm. There was some dclight in thc auter circles as the Cornets secmed ta, revive and even ap- pearcd ta, be going ta aver- corne the dread disease that had struck them. But at 16:40 there was another tremar that quiv- ered the entire building and the relatives (ahl 1600 ai then') knew that the end was in sight. Again at 18:10 another blow hit the fast stiffening body ai the Cornets and thcy were definitely1 going dawn. The final blow came at 19:05 ai the mniddle D. Crombie's Team Rols Highest Schedule Score Ladies' Major League sic ai Lau Dewells orchestra. Dot Crombie's tearn rollcd the During the evcning several lue- highest pins in this sehedule for ky draws were held and Mrs. thrce games on Monday, Feb. 21. C. D Hodgson, Mrs. L. A. Park- The total pins wcre 3110 with er and Mrs. Bert Syer werte Ev Sweetrnan's running a close among the winners. Refresh- second with 3060. Courtice ments were served later in the team stili lead the standings evening. with 33 points. Phillips moving District Deputy Grand Master into second place with 30 and J. E. Hope was an honored Crombie up inta third with 29. guest. The girls really went ail out The canmittec in charge ai with 200 garnes this weck. Onie the enjoyable event were Bra. Courtice roled the high single, Bob Evans, Chairman; Bro. 307, reeeiving the merehandise Clare Allin, Bro. Allan Lobb certificate fram Mr. Breslin; and Bro. -Jack Parker. Norma Gay 303, Mary Wilcox I P 260 and 223, Onie Etcher 257, Ev Sweetman 254, 232, Dore Mutton 251, 228, Betty Stutt 251, Babe Brown 248, Joyce Major 246, 220, Molly Badger 244, Doris Joîl 243, Elaine Manko 242, Mary Harrison 233, Lii Hooper 233, 228, Edith Marlow 230, Kay Hendry 229, Vel Miller 226, Dot Brooks 226, Audrey Fletcher 226, Ena Eteher 221, Helen Corden 220, Dot Crombie 220, 216, Emma Bromell 219, 213, Mel McNulty 218, Vi O'Rourkc 216, Lydia Bates 215, Dot Bond and Helen Dunn 212, Hilda Brock and Helen Vivian 211. Nancy Kelso receives Mr. Breslin's merchandise certificate for her low, low game of 68. Lucky draw winners this wcck were: Helen Dunn, fromn Mc- Nulty's Sport Shop, and Emma Bromell from Bowmanvîlle Sur- plus Sales. Averages Av. G Pins Doris Jol1-- 217 21 4566 Norma Gay -- 201 20 4027 Joyce Major -- 188 21 4173 Elcanor Larmer 196 21 4120 Emma Bromell.- 196 21 4119 Bernice Budai-. 196 21 4106 Lydia Bates - 195 21 40981j Onie Etcher 195 21 4090 Vi Coole 194 18 3487 Ena Etcher 193 21 40571 Ev Swectman- 191 21 40121I Hazel Davis 191 18 3438 Ann Gay 190 21 3990I Lil Phillips - 188 21 3942 Hilda Brock 188 21 3938 Dot Crombie- 185 21 3894 Kay Beauprie 184 21 3856 Sadie Bucknell 180 21 3784 Babe Brown -- 178 21 3745 Alyce Hodgson- 178 18 3208 Vel Miller ---- 177 21 3719 Helen Dunn - 177 21 3714 Lii Hooper 177 21 3709 Mel McNulty --- 176 21 3701 Anita Niekerson 176 21 3698 Toots Wiseman 175 21 3681 iMary Walters 173 21 3641 Eva Whitehead- 173 21 3624 Helen Piper ----- 173 21 3624 Helen Lockhart 173 18 3119 Kay Hendry 173 18 3118 Jean Patrick 173 18 310& Donna Walker - 172 21 3611 Audrey Martin- 171 21 3600 Norma Hooper- 171 21 3599 Fae Reynolds- 170 21 3572 Helen Corden 170 21 3570 Mary Harrison 170 21 3564 Olive Patfield- 169 21 .1557 Mary Wilcox 169 21 3555 Vic Cowan 169 21 3.5 5 3 Ada Richards 169 15 25.31 Doris Polley 169 14 2370 Audrev Fletcher 168 21 3,537 One Courtice -- 167 21 3.913 Dore MNutton --- 167 2! -,512 Elin Manko- 164 18 4950 ViO'Rourke 163 21 33 Betty Stutt-- 163 21 3431 Edith Marlow.. 162 21 3411 Dot Brooks 162 18 2912 Edna DeGeer 161 21 3386 Duaine Palmer ---161 18 2900 IMo]ly Badger.. 160 21 3363 ,Marie Yeo 160 18 2877 I-iigh single, Onie Courtice. 307; highl triple, Ev Sweetman 673. - watch. A third watch was kept by tic relatives (aIl 1600 ai Iern) at the bcdside of the dynrM pa- tient but thc end was experlen- ced shortly aiter 10:40. Cause of death was given by Drs. Walsh and Bouffey as "Bowmanvilleitis". This is a di- sease that has appeared in thisi district bei are although nat since 1952 has it been known ta be as deadly as it was this ycar. The symptoms this year dif- fered somewhat from those last experienced in 1952. At that tirne there were different sym- ptoms diagnosed as Gîlhooley, Lintner and Yourth. These four symptorns (there are two brands .of Lintner) disappearcd almost compctely this year with the exception ai Yourth which re- turned in full farce. Other com- plications, this season, were known ta the medical fraternitv as Dickens, Hooper, Girardi and Masters. The first two were the big- gest single factors in the illness although Dickens did not ap- pear on the surface as mueh as Hooper. Neverthelcss, the Dick- ens symptorn was plainly evid- cnt throughout and specialistsI agreed late in the illness that the eradication of Dickens or the stiffening of Hdoper would undoubtedly have given respite to the weary Comet body. How- [ever, the experts adrnitted that they didn't know the ways and means ta follow their own p)re- scription and the fatal illness ran its course. The Cornets wcre a fine or- ganization, well liked, admired' and respected by ahl who came in contact with thern. Their win- ning ways drew many friends ta them early in 1954 and again early in 1955 and it could be said that their admirers were, legion. Taking a big part in Com- munity lufe, well known in the press ai Cobourg and otheri tawns, their loss is a tragie one and they wîll be sadly missed in alI walks ai lufe. Leit ta mourn the loss are 5,000 sorrowing Lakeshore League fans. I The funeral took place from the Cobourg Mernorial Arena, Tuesday night. Interment was in the discard Mausolcurn. Palîbearers were ,George Bra- bin, Francis Hooper, Lloyd Hamilton, Frederick Cowle, John Marshall and Danny Pal- lister, ah aif Bowmanvillc. Hon- orary Palîbearers were M. Walsh, Ajax, I. Locke, Oshawa, T. Topping, Stoufivilie, V. Bouffey, Toronto, J. Crombie, Bowmanville and L. Doaittie, Aurora. R. 1. P. Team Standings Points1 Ev Sweetsnan - 3,3 Lii Phillips 30 Dot Crombie 29 Vi Coole --------- 29 Emma Bromeli 28 Eleanor Larmer 27 Bernice Budai -----24 Lydia Bates ------23 Kay Beauprie ----21 Onie Etcher ------19 Mary Walters 17 Doris Jol ------- 14 1 "W HAYDON Pins 19634 18500 19872 185991 19191 19081 18655 18507 1905 1 18055 18698 Miss Shirley Hoskin, Mr. Elgin Mason, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Vivian. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Smith, Oshawa, visited his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Layng. Miss Audrey Hay, Peterboro, spent the weekend at Mr. and Mrs. A. Read's. Miss Helen Bcrtrim, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Trewin at Pee Wees Lose To Weston 2-1 In Gardens The Bowmanville Pee Wee All-Stars lost 2-1 to Weston in their game in the Inter-Subur- ban Pee Wee Hockey Tourna- ment held in Maple Leaf Gar- dens, but at least had the sat- isfaction of knowing that the team wvhich eliminated them went on ta win the champion- ship. The Weston Pee Wees defeat- ed East York 1-0, Bowmanville 2-1, and West York 3-1 to win the top honors. The Bowmanville Pee Wees outplayed Weston in their game but were unable to score more than once Igainst the Weston goalie, who played terrifie hoc- key in all three games. Weston got a goal in the first minute of play and notched their second at about the 12-minute mark of t h e 30ýminute straight-time game. Larry Piper saved the Bow- manville Ail-Stars from a shut- out when he counted on a pass from Brenton Hughes. The local boys forced the play in the last 15 'minutes but couldn't score again. A large number of Bowman- ville parents went to Toronto to see the game, with about là cars making the trip. Bowmanville Ahl-Stars-Goal, John James; defence, Ray Crom- bie, Alian Woodiock, Dave O'Rourke, La r ry Jamieson, Owen Scott, Joe Nickerson; for- wards, Doug James, Terry Black, Gord Rundle, Joe Both- well, Dave Thompson, Larry Piper, Don Bagnell. Brenton Hughes, Alex Wiseman, Grant Flintoff, Ross Turner. Mr. and Mrs. Don Cameron Mr. and Mrs. M. Bertrim's. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brooký Oshawa; Mr. David Phaseý Orono: Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mc Laughlin and family, Nestietor Mr. Albert Murphy, Bowmaii ville, werc Sunday visitors i Mr. and Mrs. Harold Murphy'. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Osmnon and family, BowmanvillE Miss Marlyn Moore, Bowmar ville, visitcd Mrs. W. Thompsor Mrs. Bernard Houseman spen the weekend ini Toronto wXi her husband. Cpi. Bernar Houseman, and other friends. Glad to hear Mr. and Mr. Vivian's baby is home frai. Memorial Hospital and is muc better. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Aver and family who have been stay ing with Mr. and Mrs. C. Rar kine since their farm home wa burned, moved to Bowmanvill on Monday and are residinga 212 High Street. Mr. Averyi working at the Ontaria Trais ing Sehool for Boys. Miss M. Bouck spent th weekend at Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashto and family visitcd Mr. and Mri Wm. McLaughlin, Burketon, u Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Don Camera: and Jim Webb visited Mr. Ricli ard Sanderson and Mrs. Philip. Janetville, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Murphý and baby visited Mr. and Mr Walter Murphy, Tyrone, oi Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. W. Vivian ani family with Mr. and Mrs. Wa. ter Ormiston, Oshawa. 100 Girls and Boys Croups 4 a Trios . Pairs = Cà $1.00 5 BOWMANVILLE - OSHAWA FIGURE SKATING CLUBS" Spectacular Ic Memorial Arena, Bowmanville ICE BALLETS GORGEOUS COSTUMES -Solos -75c ARE NOW AVAILABLE FROM MEMBERS 0F THE CLUBS A»D McNULTY'S SPORTS & CYCLE IR.served Seat Ticket Exchange new open ati1<cNulty'*s Sports and Cycle Store Euh Seais » m m 10a Adulis, 50c Children, 25c Piece Each 'A. D. Coffee Spoons $1b.00LO Teaspoons 0 *0 . *1.00 Dessert Spoons . . ** 2.00 Round BowI Soup Spoons . 2.00 Table Spoon ...*.*2.25 Butter Spreaders ... 2.00 *H. H. Dinner Knives é 3.35 MAR R'S .1< Piece Each Dinner Forks . . . $2.00 Solad Forks é 2.00 Oyster Forks a, *. 2.00 Cold Meut Fork . . . . . 3.60 Grovy Iodle. . . . . . 3.60 -i. H. Pie Knife . * . . 6.00 Jewe lier y Lander Hardware 7 KING ST. E. PHIONE MA 3-5774 -SATURDAY or a limited time only ut.. Marr s Jewellery SE BELOVED PATTERNS- L 1IN THE FIN EST SI LVERPLATF. From now until April 1 we ore able, through Mue cooperotion of Onelda Ltd. Sllversmiths, t. offer you un OPPOrtunity to add te yeur service of any of these farmous Comnmunity patterns. Choose the pieces you need end ploc* your order new. OFFER END$ APRIL 1 Carnîival TWG 1955 CHAMPIONS 0F CANADA SENSATIONAL SKATING PICTUHESQUE STAGERY TICKETS FOR RESERVED SEATS *Only in dinnier size knives and forks - current style knife blades. *Trcd.-.0,1u o Oci e idU. -------------------------------------------- TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO THURSDA'?, MARCH Srd, IOSS and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Avery Sattended the entertainment and mortgage burning eeremony of ,l the Legion Hall, Bowmanville, i- on Saturday night. at Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon S. uere tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. .d Fred Toms, Enniskillen, on Suni e; day. a- February meeti.lg of W.AY ). wajs leld at Mrs. C. Rankine'i. ýn!Mrs. K. Waiker, president, op- cti ned the meeting. Devotional rd was given by Mrs. Lloyd Slem- on. MVrs. Don Cameron pre- rs parcd the following program: )m readings, Mrs. Garrard, Mrs. ch Blackburn, Mrs. Jones and Mr&. Walker; instrn .mental, Mrs. A. ry Read. Roll c.iîl answered with a ~ y- gift for Mrs. Norman Avery. ýn. Mrs. Cameron's group and host. as ess served lunch. lle n- IS DIRINKING De ECOMING A 011I r. PROBLEN -IN on YOUR LIFE ? PSI If sO hy WRITE BOX 135 s. BOWMANVILLE i or d PHONE M3Arket 341,761 i-1AND CONTACT JOHN PAGE SIX

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