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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Mar 1955, p. 7

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TRUBSDAy, MARC!! 3rd, 1955 TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANV1I.LE. ONTARIO PAGE SEVUI ocf apecial in'.xest toalal Brown- A .pr IIie mothers. E9.ryone welcome. Ilf I < h E IlIt] i Volunteer Fire DepartmentlA im aEE d uc ngar (ý oc a/ a-(.P lgir onj was called to the M~emorial cSoia & kesonai Arena at 5.30 Frilay mornmng CCa evceC s PtnehA3e30 J furnae.The iehic smodt- Bj y Bruce Huchlon proper, regardles of parlia- hi ed from an overheated motor Christlan Science Monitor mentary appropriations. If they ve Mrs. Ralph Stutt, Aylmer weekend visiting her father,~ and the firemen put it out be- The Canadian Government lnde d oe oeythansPar- a West, is visiting Mrs. Amy Mr. S. Brown, Lyndhurst, and fore ariy damage was done. like its big neighbour in Wash-iadPrimetprodth d Hobs fr fe dys.frînd atKigstn.Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hum- ington, is grapphing with the increased spending next eear. Mrs. Louise Anderson, Stir- Mrs. W. R. Dawson, Tillsori- page, Kitchener, attended the problemn of an expanding and Thtfeead as syen ling, was a recent guest of Mrs. burg. spent the weekend with LosCu ais ihFb xesv ueurc.Fr Ta reades yti E.M . LWeso nd MM.and ellart, redt St. H.28, as guests of Lion Art Con- the first timne Canada is ser- wasnaoishedbyte o Rn- Mrs. . Lason. . Bel, Prspec St[stable and Mrs. Constable and ±ously attempting to check îý menntoft, he gla e sreditB eMrs. Harold Lak e pn the Mvessrs. Jack~ and Glenn Lan- KminBil Smith and Mrs. Smith. ravenous growth of its civil ser for is; whoic hUngot les rved _____________________der were in Toronto Tuesday' They were overnight guests of vice. From then on no department th attending the Westinghouse the latter, while their two In 1945, when the federal civil could spend more than Parlia- mi special presentation of the new daughters, Beverly and Jean, services was virtually manag- nment had voted, except under na 1955 models. paid a visit to their grandpar- ing the whole national economY extraordinary circumstances. An nu P ERTErrOcTAI Mr. and Mrs. Henry McColl, lents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hooper. for war purposes, it numbered officiai of the treasury was e Leila, Donna and David, of Mrs. George Perfect was in- 115,908 persons and cost $180 posted, like a policeman in e,,ery CHURCHWooler, spent Saturday with ducted into membership in the millions a year. Though the departmcnt to enforce th-is ru'e. go C-U C Mrs. McColl's brother, Mr. Don- Ladies' Auxiliary of the Bow- wartime systemn of manage- But the old leak was not en- tW( 21 Ontario Street North aid Lawson and family. manville Branch, Canadiani Le- -ment has been liquidated long tirely plugged up. A department Bowmanville g~r. and Mrs. Melville Jones, gion, at the regular meeting On since, there are 137,270 persons could take its parliamentary ap- ur Rev. F. B. Fifield, Pastor Mrs. G. W. Jones and Mrs. Monday evening of last week, in the government's employ to- propriation and spend it for Ce Frank Gilmer, Newtonvi]le, at- and not Mrs. Ernest Perfect as day at an annual cost of $387 ups nfre -byPli d tended the funeral of Mr. Eric was reported to us. The Ladies' 1 millions. m ures u ýn ore e yPlia- ed h 6 Merrill at Warkworth on Tues- Auxiliary will be catering to a Until 1931, when the great de- ees and cutting down somè.-d Sunday, March 6 day. n r.Rap ars banquet of the Loyal Orange peso aete ovrietweee .an Mr. nd rs. alp ParishLodge No. 2384, Bowmanviile, prsount maenethe goere n here else.d rawon13 10 a.m.-Sunday Scbool and daughter Joan, Hamilton, te be held in the Legion Hall count i t pe mnnies, t edr- I ditoi ol rwo t h ekn ihhrSaturday evening.mnso tt aae osei a central emergency pool of Co I ericsila.. n 7p.. spent the abeukend wîth her . - tmoney to cover any unexpect- Serice 1 a.. ad p.i. mother, Mrs. C. A. Wight. Mrs. Twenty-eight members of ejust aboutllswhat they thouthehP 1 Paris and Joan remained for Boxvmanville Business and Pro- gied lr bilîs. The rel ser th Bey. G. B. UrifinA a few days' visit. fessional Women's Club joined SflLINA vicgantcgrh o the civil sgoer- fI the Oshawa Club on Feb. 2lstvce hihtereetgvn- : Mr.andMrs Rusel Mofat 1ment is determined to stop. Ti Internationallv known Bible Vince and Gail; Wexford, Miss1'in their celebration of Inter-evpolcy uiely 11 teacher now on the staff of Joyce Currie, Toronto, Mr. and national Night. A Ukrainian C.G.I.T. smet.atura te Undr ante vplicy qew otly lu-st our Bible College at Peter- Mrs. J. Moffatt, Orono, 'spert dinner was served at St. huoy rch bseent. B a ri b ah r ax- uguaced itherlars exv onth, . borough, will speak at both Sunday with, Mr. and Mrs. A. George's Ukrainian Church b Holeydpresie. edlin he ex- Fnan lceMistrHrshabe services. He will be ac- E. Moffatt, Prospect St. girls in native costume and ercises andbsns.Rî algr op l tl departments as comanid y agrop f Ajudcaingat hePetr-Ukrainian folk dances formed was answered with a kitchen they have neyer been policed stuadefro athe ollee.of duh ianis Mushc Fetival part of the program. Miss Mary utensil. Next meeting on March before. A powerful committee pe studntsfron te cllee. orug Kiani Muic estvalJewell, International Convenor 12 in charge of Helen Knox and representing the Treasury do _____wbich will be held next week, of the Bowmanville club, took election of officers will take Board, which is a committee of vi will be John Churchill of Eng- part in the International Fed- place. Roll caîl will be "MY the Cabinet, the Civil Service en land, Brîan Boydell of Ireland eration ceremony. Speaker was Favorite Girl's Name". The Commission, and the depari-. a Friday, barch 4 and Mrs. Barbara Meicklejohn Dr. Godfryd Kaczanowski of girls spent a short period work- ment conicerned, has surveyed of Ottawa. l nai Hospital, Whitby. Those ing on the garlands. Explorers every department and absolute- tit at 8 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Hoar have attending reported a most en- [and leaders joined us for the lv fixed the limits of its ex- in reiurned home after three joyable evening. program with Dianne Tink, their penditures and its staff for a th weeks' vacation in Mexico, go- Mrs. E. S. Naylor has return- prsdnin he hair. o-lo baea. Rev. E. O'rien ingrad includedy ppiano solosray d If, in the following year, aC Bey E.O'Bien ingan coingby lan. Teyed from visiting her daughter Gail Baker, Barbara Hooey ndis tffi ms scret e -sc - Toronto arrived in time t0 attend the Isabelle in Toronto. She also a1t- Hellen Parrinder; readings by department wishes f0 increas ps Lions Ladies' Night on Mon. tended several of the competi- Arlene Wesflake and Patsy Day- iprovaf f ute gvret '-si wil. show a film on bis trip day evening. tiens of the Kiwanis Music Fes- is. Worship service was con- rvlo th gvenetsin to Japan. This is something Wînners cf tickets in the tival at Eaton Auditorium. ducted by Mrs. Bruce Taylor. watch dogs. And it xiii have to by you don't want ta Miss. Lions Club draw for the N.H.L. Thursday evening seven Angli- Games were led by Gladys Yel- ý g ame at Maple Leaf Gardens on can Church Choirs competed. îowîees, cîosing with taps. March 2 were Jack Brcugh and The Adi udicator, John Church- Mrs. Bruce Taylor, Mrs. Ralph Monah5erndfor te Samnr ilI, is Organist of the Queens Davis and Gladys YelloWlees K. . B Clb arc 5 ereFrd SannrdParish Church, London, Eng- attended the W.M.S. Presbyter- 7 to 8 p.m. for ail boys and Wesley Oke. land. His remarks were weil il in Bowmanville. and girls The Guide and Brownie Moth- received by ail choirs and au- Womens Institute wili meet ers' meeting will be held Wed- dience and in conclusion he on Thursday, March 10, with ALL WELCOME nesday, March 9, in Lions Centre asked te be permitted f0 con- Mrs. G,. Heai and ber group in- plaining Brownie work will be in one of the test pieces. The Several Selina ladies attended motet "Lord for Thy Tender the World Day of Prayer service Mercy's Sake", by Farrant, (un- at Hampton on Friday.£ acc.). It was indeed an inspira- Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Davis, tion to bear this combined ren- Marilyn and Peter, Oshawa, were Triity Unted Ch ch dition. Friday evening visitors at r Trinty nitd C urc ve ack Cale, Bowmanville's Ralph Davis'. Minste, Rv. . Athu Mogan B..fred barber, is taking an en- Temperance programi arrang- jbdispndeat Miniter Re. T ArhurMoranB.A focedholiday in Bowmanville ed by Mrs. Wes Werry fer Sun- *iusgi$ts' Memorial Hospital due te an in- day Schodl inciuded scripture Alliance fected right thumb wbich be reading by Ray Wafkins, vocal-- ______ 11:00 A.M.- accidentally pierced with bis solo by Patsy Davis and the scissors. It is over 40 years story read by Mrs. Tem Baker. since Jack hung out the tradi- Our sincere sympathy is ex- The Sacramteni of Infant Baptism tional striped barber pole out- tended to Mrs. Harvey Harris side bis shop across fromn the on the sudden passing of ber Lumbago, Nsuritis, Neuralgio, "Feeom in Chis"Statesman office and first docc brother, Mr. Harold Mowbray Sciatica, *houmatic Aches "Freedom in Christ"east of the Bennett House o! of Brooklin. adPig 2:0 .M -that day. He. can namre a nuni- Mr. Lawrence Squair, Salem, 2ioP..ber of customers who bave re- visited at Mr. Roy Langmaid's. 4 0 0 W gularly patronized hîm -during Mr. and Mrs. FakWslk 9 YougPol' hrhM m esi ls ail those years, as well as four Sr. visited at Mr. Tom West- and five generations in a fam- lake's, Bowmanvilie. IL 7:0 PM.- lywh hvethir tonserial re- Miss Evelyn Taylor, Peter-TR quir0ens loke after by borough, spent the weekend at ~ __ -'hlm. We doubt if any merchant ber homne. 12 "'The îignlousness o o on King Street can equal Jack's Mr. and Mrs. Heward Mal- record for as long and con- colmi, Brougham; Mr. and Mrs. sîstent service te his customners Grant Glover and daughters,a and ail hope he will soon be Kedron;, Mr. and Mrs. Raiph Oýrganist, Mr. Arthur Coliison, Mus. Bach., L.R.S.M. back at bis accustomed place. Crawford and sons, Whitby; Mr. _____________________________Bach-, ___ In the meantime son Fred s and Mrs. Ken Pascoe and Donna', working overtime with scis- Bogawr udyvstr eut "You're Next!" Mr. and Mrs. C. Hamer and children visited at Mr. John V . Hamer's, Myrtie. ",-i'~~j é ven J ocal i~iMrs. J. Baker spent several ri l v n !Lcl Baby I days at Mr. J. Smaies' Jr., Rushed To Toron to Mrs. I. Hardy and Stanley, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Snow- Dies On Monday den attended th~e 3th wedding -E s e rT mnfr:di Bo and Mrs. Harveyf Hardy, at theM mavilewil ymatiz dep uhmpso, M.and Mrs. Art .- . t.k. . .. lywihO..P ontbl Du 1ThmsoBowmanville. .* Bonnet Parade Kostka and Mrs. Kostga in the Mr. and Mrs. C. Hamer and "-- A uden death on Monday of chiidren visited the Misses30 at the htheir nine-month-oid son Rich- Lottie and Luella Hamer, at at the ~~~ard due to infecticus diarrhoea. Aurora and relatives at Gem-SIGETSUI The youngster became sud- ley and friendd at Sfeuffville.2fo 45 ~. Lons Com nunty ente Adenly iii Sunday night and was Mr. and Mrs. Wes Werry vis- Li n om u iy e te taken te MemoriaiHospital. at1 ited at Mr. Bob Smales', Har- - _____ ____ * ~GOOD GOING Tues., lVed., Thurs., MIAR 15 - 16- 17 TeSaemnSI . SOFTER RETURN LIMIT - 15 DAYSa STRONGER * ~~~ Reiurn Fares From TORONTO A olwn trsWIE to YOU SAVE Reg. Edmund's Store, Bethanv Jchnson's Drug Store, Newcastle Winnpeg25 $24.30 T. Enwright. Newcastle 314.05 40.90 C. Pethick, Enniskillen T. M. Siemon, Enniskillen F. L. Byam, Tyrone G. A. Barron. Hampton Trull's Store, Courtice A. E. Ribev, Burkefon H. T. Saywell. Blackstock Keith Bradley. Pontypool ýC. B. Tyrreil, Orono H. K. Reynolds, Kendal Gilbert Food Market. Millbrook Henderson's Book Store, Oshawa -Bowmanvi]le R. P. Rickaby - -Big 20" W. J. Berry Jack's Smoke Sbop Rite*s Smoke Shcp Jury & Lovell Goheen's Handy Store The Statesiman Office 2Wt* us3 isisues63l"xr'f jMAN S SIZI 12"z12W" Saskatoon ------ -------- 53.60 Calgary - Edmonton--------- 64.30 * rom points outside Toronto, add local requir- ed round trip coach fare f0 Toronto. *Children under 5 travel free - 5 and under 12 haif fare. *Regular 150 lbs. baggage ailowance. lVateh for Bargain Coach Fares, Apr. 19, 20, 21 I ~ Ask your local railway agent for further information. Telephone MArket 3-5644 20c 35c prave, before it gets more help, that aIl its existing empioyees are actually working full time. The Canadian civil service ýan be systematîcally reducr.d witheut dismissing. anybod-; ince some 15 per cent cf if re- Health Unit Plans Polio Vaccine Use- to Ires annualîy. By reîusing tco ire the same number everyS rt n Ne rF ue ear the gcverniment hopes toS a tiee r F t r irrest the recent alarmîng ex-i ansiohen a nd, f ostbe. f e Plans are being completed by The Medical Off icer cf Hea1t* uce~~~ hh urn of e Northumberland - Durham explained that the vaccine, frigde Health Unit staff for the coin- b h oagtLbrtr ing programme usîng polio vac-bith Coug aorore W hat ther Say cine In Grades 1 and 2 cf the lof the University of Toronto, il elementary schools. 'Dr. Char- 1 being provîded without cost te A recent opinian survey ,by lotte M%'. Horner, Medical Officer the Board of Health. It has been te National Chamber cf Coin-cf Heaith, states that letters proven harmless in tests in the- nerce on the subject cf Canada's have gone f0 the secretaries of United States last year where iational deveiopment induced forh 128 schooi boards, askîng 4,50,000) chîldren receîved a sim- iumber cf-leading economists to fo their approval o! the scheme. ,ilar preparation. Ifs use in On- xpesconsidered viexvs re- TeProgramme bas aiso been faria lt this time will be in the' xresstedagr f rsn discussed with the five scbaol nature of a further effort to rovernimenfal tedita r inspectors in the area and they ascertain on a trial basis the' 'orthy of careful consideration. are giving their whole-heartcd value o! the vaccine. If is h~op- approval and assistance. ed that if may provide protec. "We must buiid a better public' Ci. . -lb st pin3 tion against poliomyeiitis. nderstandingcr f the basic!Cnic iibestu in2I_________________ ýconomics cf the Canadian' centres, and every effort is be-j lemocratie sy§tem of freedom cf îng made fo make these as con- mterrise andpromt ihe venient as possible to ail parts ferprisef ndvpromonte *eof the Counties. Organizations PLANT A HEIJEr Order tNow - ind seif-reliance," wrote W. J. may be asked te assist with the proger ptanting time. orn, reidntof ftle Vn transporting o! the ciîildren in FRE13er:i aby Breatb ,ouvr Chmbe of ommece.areas where this is necessary, -»ýesQutyul' ouvr Cambr o Camere.or fo heip at the clinics. " '4u.1iOn The implementaficn cf the TreCHINEE EIL-;.tssuduFaste.l :olicies cf the "new deal" and sar e inoculations are neces- NEE EtLM- for ~.9 1e "fair deai" under the Deme- y The first twa injections 12-'ch itef00 1 .30; 5-Ilcd. -ratc reime of oosveltandwill have te be given two weeks sis., 100 for 5.501; iU-Inoh sise. 100 ratc rgires f Raseeltandapart because cf the Easter bol- for $6.95, 2-fl. is:.2 for $3.98 or rrmnaegaulymkn d ay n hen5e o ln 15.00rper 1100; 3-fl. idse, 23 for ruma ar grdualy aki,,a day an th nubercf les 50.98 or $23.00 per 100. )cialistic nation o! the United t ehlbtD.Hre d RVT 3ttsin the opinion cf Clement tebeh.dbutDr1Hrnr a- RY.T fates ____________a "neAme..r n a r i et ; D. Johnston, president o! the vstat aio aoex e ,dumgot-tue onty .&0i kini f0tndy intervai is reconi- 1 l8-ta.. 25 gtfort53.98 or sis Ope [.S. Chamber o! Commerce. mended, the txvo week interval 100. He defined socialismn as "com- will in no way affect the final1 ROSA MIJLTIFL.ORA- "aue Deifien wif bout prizes, bore- resuif. There is a four xveek j Hedge of Hardy Roe" -n.,bsby, cmr wifbout hope, war without itra ewc h eodad traospanted, 23 for 53.49 or $11.99 icfery, and stafisties wiftl third. inoculations. If one dose 1RED-BARBERRY-M~arnoD- red &Il nd. If is nct only politicallylis missed, the remainder o! thel season-9-n.. 100 for $12.93; 12-lu., lse-if ils morally destructive." series wili not be given. 23 for $5.98 or $22.00 par 100. Mr. Johnsfcn believes compe- Consent fornis, provided by 1 PAEONYROOTS.-(EIh,~D, @e, Àtion f0 be the bealfhiest fhing the Ont ario Departmen f o!i Red, white or pink, 3 fer $1.98. n the world. Compefition is Health, will soon be given f0 ail I.,Wîîb Every Order îe life-giving sunlight thaf let s eligible children, and Dr. Hemn- jFREE Canada'a Vinent Colored 7ou see, choose, amend, correct. er requests the parents' or- Garden Gu.Ide ýontrol and regulation lead ta guardians' c-ooperafion in sign- Brookdale- Kingsway Nurseries ;peia pivlee, vaio, on ing and refurning these consenti BOWMANVILLE, ONITARIO ;raint and praduce the fester- forms prompfly f0 the schcols boue_____or___i__:_Market__-3_4 ng conditions that are typifîed if thcy wish the inocuIlations to v some cf 0cr recent headlines. b e gîven. ___________ COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE DRGST E SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS EFFECTIVE ALL THIS WEEK SPECIALS on I.D.A. BRANDS 1A romatic Cascara - - 23c, 39c1 3 oz., 6 oz. - Reg. 30c, 50c Cascara Tablets - -33c 5 grain. 100's- Reg. 39c Cocoanul 011 Shampoo - - 23c 4 oz. - reg. 33c Seidlifz Powders - - - 23c Pack'of 7- Reg. 29e SPRING î.D.A. TOOTHI TON ICS FASTE Special! I.D.A. Brani1 Beef, Iron and Wine 16 oz. battie - Reg. 1.00 79c -Frosst's NCF- Llquid 1.55, 3.35, 5.90 Capsules 1.65, 2.95, 6.60 I.D.A. Creotone- 16. oz. ____1.25 Idaphos -_____ 1.25 Idatone 1.00 I.D.A. Syrup Hypophosphites ---1.00 Andrew's Liver Saîts -- 45c, 79e Kkovah Saîts 35c, 59c, 89e Fellows Syrup- 1.59 Burdock Blood flîtters --1.59 A prcmpt, safe- and heaiing pre- parafion fori -.coughs due f0' bronchial con - ditions and colds 8 oz. __75c 1 Red Bowl Infra Red Heat Lamps--------- 3.70 Other Heat Lamps --------- 1.40 Bromo Quinine Cold Tablets - -------- 49c, 79c!i Lantigen "C" ------------ 6.*001 Pertussin ---- - 69c, 1.19, Pinex - Prepared-50c, 85e1 Concentrate - -- -75el Smith Bras. Cough Draps 10e! Vicks Vapo Rub ..---- - 98e Vicks Throat Lozenges _-49e Vicks Cough Syrup -.----- 59el Manufacturers' Specials! BRYLCREEM LIMITED TIME OFFER. A Higb Quality Cornb Free with eacb large tube -- 69cj HUDNUT EGG CREME SHAMPOO SPECIAL- 2.00 Egg Creme Shampoo plus 75c Creme Rinse 2.75 value for only - ---- 2.00, CUTEX HAND CREAM SPECIAL. Makçs hands, Satin Smooth! Regular 1.00 value'---- Only 69c; LADY ESTHER FAMOUS 4-Purpose FACE CREAM; 75c size Now only 63c NOXZEMA SKIN CREAM SAMPLING SPECIAL 40c jar for only 29c PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY iver McregorÏ Your Local l.D.A. Drug Store Sets, Styles, waves ALL AT ONE TIME PIN'CURL PERMANENT "*NO NEUTRALIZER. " NO RE-SETTING " NO TIRESOME WINDINB . sj 75Complot@ Kif Protects hands like a magie olove' THE .VEW SCIENTIFIC L)ISCO VER Y by repi-s waer adidrt. . .forms an invisible coating that pratcet hands while you work I fer &01.0 t clfu .Yr e Mc BeWk .. uegh $1 Drugs Phone MA 3-5792 TRURSDAY, M" CH 3rd, 1955 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVM

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