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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Mar 1955, p. 14

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PAGEFOUTEZNTHECANAIA. STT~SMN. OW7I!ANILLE ONAMOTH"URSDAY, MARCH 17fli. 1953 Local Legion B ranch Hosts at Zone RaIly Held Saturday Night Approximately 175 Legion- flaires representing the nine branches of the Canadian Le- gion in Zone Fl of the Ontario Command gathered for a Zone Raily and election of new of- ficers at the Bowmanville Le- gion Hall Saturday right. Ini the election, Comrade John Allgn, Sunderland, was elected to a two-year term as Zone Commander, succeeding Zone Commander Stan Dunn of Bowmanville; Comrade Reg- Moorhead, Port Perry, was res elected Deputy Zone Command- er and Comrade Jack Strang, Oshawa, was elected Zone Sports Officer to succeed Corn- rade Bill Bates of Bowman- ville. Other branches represen- ted at the meeting were Whit- by, Ajax. Dunbarton, Uxbridg- and Claremont. President Ross McKnight of the Bowmanville Branch wel- comed the members of the vis- iting branches and Zone Corn- mander Dunn acted as chair- man of the meeting. lie con- gratu]ated the branches in the zone on the fine work thevy had done in the membership drive conducted during 1954. Dstrit F, of which Zone FI is a part, had chalked up an overali membersbip increase of 18 per cent, the largest of an 'v in the Ontario Provincial Commaild. he reported. Local Branch Tops Drive In Zone Fl, Comrade Dun stated, the Bowmanville Branch was the onlyv one tn reach its quota bx- încreasing its nein-1 bership 29.4 per cent. Other good increases were achievedI by Dunbarton, 24.4 per cent; SunderlAnd. 20 per cent; Ajax, 6.8 per cent and Oshawa, 5.8 per cent. He complimented the Bowmanville Branch on its large increase in membershîp, and President McKnight later attributed this to tbe bard work of Membership Chairman Frank Burns and the members of the branch in general. The Zone Commander reported that District F had increased ils Le- gion membership by 994. The Presidents of the visiting branches and district and zone officiais were invited to the front of the hall. These includ- ed District Commander J. C. "Scotty" Broughton. Brighton; Depty District Commander Jîm Lovehl, Oshawa; District Sports Officer Doug Weeks; Deputy Zone Commander Reg Moor- head. Zone Sports Officer Bill Bates and Zone F4 Commander George Potts, Lindsay. Past President Joe O'Neill, Bowmanville, introduced the guest speaker of the evening, Ed Youngman. Pontypool, an accounit of whose address ap- pears elsewhere in this issue. Zone Commander Dunn ru'- minded delegates of the Dis- trict Convention to be held in Peterborough on April 17 and tbe Ontario Command Conven- tion 10 bu' he]d in Windsor Julv 31-August 4. He also aýk- ed the Branches to support tile Legir'n Universitv SchoIarshipý Fund for children of Legaion mem bers. Many Sports Tournaments District Sports Officer Doug Weeks announced that the dis- trict bowling tournament wvould bu' held in Oshawa, April 2, Dorothy doing? Dorothy Stevenson is sending coded telegroms to many ports of U.S.A. and Canada, approving benefits for Blue Cross subscribers hospitalized awoy from home. The Ontario Blue Cross certificate is 'good' in 5600 North Amnerican hospitals. AL ASSOCIATION tc.s, h the district cribbage tourna- ment in Peterborough April 9, and the district darts tourna- ment in Cobourg on May 7. He explained that an entry fee will be charged to each competing branch but that this is returu- able when the branch's teamn appears to take part in the tournament. Two resotutions were sub- mitted to the Resolutions Com- mittee under Deputy District Commander Lovell. The first 5of these resolutions 'was sub- mitted by the Bowmanville Branch in the form of a mo- tion that a veteran who volun- teered for active service when old enough. but who had not the necessary 365 days paid service because of the cessa- tion of hostilities, be allowed to receive the privileges of the Veteran's Land Act. Il was passed after discussion by 'lie meeting. Also passed by the meeting was a second resolution sub- mitted by the Dunbarton Branch that the Canadian Post Office Department be ap- proached regarding regular pos- tal deliveries tn the Pickering"- Ajax Hospital, since under pre- sent conditions the patients are greatly inconvenienced by the iack of postal facilities. The election for officers then held with Comnrades Pete Tullock. Bowmanville, J. Wil- liams, Oshawa, and A. Taylor, DuInbarton assisting Zone Com- mander Dunn as scrutineers. Comrade Dunn thanked ahi Branch officers and members for thei'r co-operation and sup -1 port during the two vears he has held the post of Zone Com- mander. He stated that he had beeni glad of the opport'unitv of meeting so many members and working with them for the advancement of the Canadian Legion. Large MINembership Increase District Commander Brough- ton thanked Comrade Dunn for a job %vell done during the past two years, and also ex. pressed his gratitude to the nine branches in the Zone for their hard work in the past year's meinbership drive. He stated that tbis was partly re- sponsible for the fact that Dis- Irict F had gained twiee as many new members as any. other district in the Ontario Provincial Command. Present membership in District F is 6,300. he said. The District Commander sta- ted that -while the Dominion Government has increased the War Veteran's Allowance. from $50 to $60 for a single veteran and $90 to $108 for a married veteran, the branches should continue to urge their Mem- bers of Parliament to raise the permissive earnings cciiing un- der the act to $1,200 and $2,- 000 respectively. Comrade Pete Batbgate of Bowmanville asked if any pro- gress had been made on a foc- mer resolîîtion to set up a Zone blond bank for Legion mem- bers and their families. Zone Commander Dunn replied that the Oshawa General Hospital ,and the Memorial Hospital, Special treatment and exercise is often prescribed for crippled children during their lengthy hospital stays. The Ontario Society for Crippled Children in association with more than 300 service cluios throughout the province, including Bowmanville Rotary Club, annually conducts the Easter Seal Campaign to raise the funds that are riecessary to ensure this treatment. This year's campaign runs until April lOth and has an objective of $550,000. BLACKSTOCK Mr. and Mrs. John Mew, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Brown, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Austin Beacock on Sunday. Mis&% Doreen Paisleye Hamul- ton was a weekend guest of Mrs. William Van Camp and Mr. Gordon Paisley. On Sunday, Mrs. William Van Camp, Mabel and Helent, Mr. and Mrs. Blake Gunter a-id Ricky, Mr. Gordon Paisley, MisÈ Doreen Paisley. Mr. Jack Hooey and Mr. John Smith, were guest.s of Mr. and Tvrs. IThomas Smith for a turkey dlin- ner. Miss Dolly Gibson and Mr. Bowmanville, had both been approached on this matter. The Oshawa hospital was un- willing to undertake it, he said, and the Memorial Hospital is too small. It was suggested that a letter be written to the Provincial Health Minister to see if anything further can be accomplished. Following the election Zone Commander Allen, who takes office in August, was introduc- ed and promised to carry out his new duties to the best of his ability. It was announced that the next zone rall v would be sponsored by the Dunbarton Branch and wi]l be held in the Highland Creek Hall on May 13. Enjoyable Entertalnment The meeting was turned over toVice-President Ab Mavin of the Bowmanville Branch ,'hlo was in charge of arrangements for the rally. He introduced the entertainers of the evening; Yvonne Thibodeau, who pleas- ed the gathering with her ac- cordian selections and vocal solos; and The Kimberleys of Toronto, who brought down the house with their jokes, son.-s and impersonations. A buffet lunch was served to close an enjoyable evening. Ralph Maynard, Oshawa, witb Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. George Wolfe, Bryan and John, with Mrs. Joseph Forder, Nestieton, on Sunday. We are sorry that Miss Eva Parr felI on some ice on Sun- day evening and fractured ber elbow. We reccîved word from Mrs. Fred Bailey at Windsor that she is leaving Detroit by 'plane on Monday evening to join Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bailey in Floîr- ida. Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs. Neil Malcolm \vho cele - brated their 101h wedding an- niversary on March 10. They enterteined their friends on Wednesday evening. Cartwright Central PUbi Sehool made a gond showing1, et the Peterborough Kiwanis Musical Festival last week. Grade 4 received Ist prize. The Rhythm Band received l - prize. The Schooi Chorus a- ceived Ist prize. Grades7ad 8 Sehool Chorus, second prize. Grade 6 Classroom choir, second prize. Scbool chorus Grade-s 1, 2, 3, third prize.* Congratula- tions to Mr. Gay, the music su- pervisor and to the other teach- ers. In the solo section Leonard Saunders rcceivcd ist prîze. Miss Souden, of Engaland. a missionary in the Arctic. visit- ed at the Rectory with the Ni- cholsons.e Miss Mary Wilson, nurse-in- training, Oshawa Hospital, is home for tbree weeks' holidays. Mr. Orr Venning came home from Port Perry Hospital last Tbursday. Mr. Frank Martin. Mr. and Mrs. W. Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Lucas, Toronto: Mr. Je Thompson. Mr. Wm. Thompson, Donald Ellis. Oshawa, %vere vis- itors with Mr. and Mrs. Ven- ning. Gled to have Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stewart back in tbe vil- lage again. They moved into Mr. Charles Smith's bouse. Last Monday evening there was a Parents Teachers Night at the new Cartwright Centrali Public Sehool which provedi very successful. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wright and Donnie with Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Wright, Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Rahmn, Paul and Carol, with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rahm, Tyronýe. Mr. Lorne Carun of Winnipeg, with Mrs. James Henry. Mr. and Mrs. AI Martyn and famiiy, Mr. and Mrs. Don Go-1 ver and family, Oshawa. were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Martyn. Sincere sympathy is extend- ed to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stan- iland on the death of their in- fant daughter and to the fami- lies of Mr. Fred Frayer and Mr. Earl Burr. Miss Elfreda Hall, formerly1 of New Zealand, bas been vis- iting hier aunt and uncle, Mr.1 and Mrs. Harry Hall and Mr. and Mrs. John Hamilton. W.M.S. Meeting Mrs. John McKee was host-' ess to the W.M.S. meeting last Wednesday afternoon. The pre- sident, Mrs. Ernest Larmer' opened the meeting with a! poem. Mrs. Dalton Dorreil read the scripture and gave a splen- did paper on "This is My Day"ý. The roll caîl was well answer- ed %vith interesting items from the Ob--eîver. Mrs. Fred Dayes was group leader for the folhowing pro- gram:-Mrs. Cecil Hill - theý Study Book chapter. "Partici-1 lar Features in the Growth of' the Church in India.'; Mrs. Er-1 nest Larmer gave an item on Christian Steward.ship in re- gard to gambiing. lnteresting impressions were given by the ladies of the Presbyterial meet- ing. Mrs. McKee read "St. Pat- rick's Life". Mrs. Larmer clôsed the meeting with prayer. O.N.O. Club. The March meeting of the' O.N.O. Club was at the homne of Mrs. Gibert Marlow last Thursday evening. The presi- dent Dorothv Mariow presided for the business. Margaret Mountjoy, secretary, called the roll which was answered by telling "a brigbt saying of a child". Several letters of thanks were read from members who had received fruit or flowers. Three tenders were read for building the cupboards in the Recreational Centre and it was decided to leave the miatter in the hands of the committee. Plans were made for* cater- ing to the Emerson wedding. After the business was finish- ed. ail took part in a contest "Ail About the Shamrock". Then the hostess and her group served lunch and the girls en- joyed a social haîf-hour. Every member of the Cana- dian Red Cross Corps is a vol- unteer. The Canadian Red Cross maintains eight Lodges et D. V.A. hospitels throughout Can- ada. "I 9AY, WOULD YOU LIKE il-liS0!1 No thanks very much. We know you poie for the winger by accumulating a hoard of flots, b ut ith eople it's different. They have a more advantageous way, they invest in.. 31/% GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES 0 Authorized investmnent for trust fundk lb Short term-flve years 1 31/2% yearly lnterest, payable half-yearly In lust 5 years, an investment of $42036 accumnulates $500.00 for you. Write for free deic-iptite folder todayi THE STERLING TRUSTS C 0 R P O R AT 1 O N HEAD OFFICE 372 Bay St., Toronto BRANCH OFFICE 1-3 Dunlop St., Barrie To My Frien ds 0f and Peo pie Bowman ville and CONTRACTORAN Disftrict BUILDER NeHoA. and VoLeA. Homnes and Private Homes Re- modelling a Specialty Le t Us be Prepared to St art Your New Home Firsf Thing in the Spring DON'T BE A* LATE STARTER PREPARE ALL THE PAPER WORK NOW ... SUCR AS SITE, PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, ETC., AND BE ASSURED 0F EARLY DELIVERY 0F THE HOME 0F YOUR DREANS. WE ALSO HAVE CHOICE RESIDENTIAL LOTS UP TO 75 FEET, AND THERE ARE NEW HOMES IN THE PROCESS OF BEING COMPLETED THAT ARE FOR SALE. THANN YOU FOR TAKING NOTICE 0F THIS AD!1 PHONES 10 WMAN VILLE MA 3-5602 OSHAWA 5-0650 For Homes Bulit Better and Earlier . e . Cali DON BROOKS 281 LIBERTY - STREET N. BO WMAN VILLE ONT. BETHANY Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hen- derson, Toronto were weekend guests wîth Mrs. J. P. Hender- son. Mvrs. T. E. Shea spent the past week with ber daughter and son-in-iaw, Mr. and Mrs.ý Claire Staples, Lind'ray. 1%r. and Mrs. Deloert Olan j Miilbrook. visited w'ith Mr. and Mrs. William Jlordan on Friday. Miss Fern Blir, Collingwood, ,,'as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn- Porteous on Wednes- day. Mr. Willis Richardson, Ham- ilton, has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. McMaster dur- ing the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Bruce, Petrolia, are spendîng two weeks' vacation with hier par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Driver. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Row- land were ;n Peterborough for the weekend with Mr. and Mms Bert Freeman. Weekend guests with Mr. and, Mrs. James McKinnw~ere Mr.: and. Mrs. Sidney McKinnon, Mr. and Mrs. L. Tuttie and three sons of Cleveland, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McDon- ald, Toronto, spent tbe week. end with Mrs. Richal% Fa1ls. Mr. Stewart Thompson vit- ed with the Thompson1 on Sunday. 4 Miss Marie Carr and Miss Marie Hickson, Peterborough, were with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Carr for the weekend. Mrs. Ted Moulton, Oshawa. visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jakeman for several days last week. Hilliard Bristow, Cobour<. spent the weekefid with hit wife and family in the village. Economy is the art of making the most of life.-George Ber- nard Shaw. 7-3 THE CANADUN STATE.SMAN, BOTMANVILLIC. ONTARIO PAGE POTMTMN

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