TRU~DA, MRC! l7h, 955" -~ ~~~~zir *nljwiv&±~v ia.~~, ~4~IUOPAGPTHEEA mA -NA MeTAT R AN R WhA NTRI i wo Veterans Receive 5O-Year Jewels at Io.O.OF. WiIdey Night 'ne birthday of Thomas Wil- Statesman; Rev. S. J. Pike, New- dey, who founded the Indepen- tonvi.lle; John Dyer, Oshawa-, dent Order of Odd Fellows on Harry Allun, Wm. H. Yeo, T. W. the North American Continent Cawker, Dr. J. H. McKinney, at Baltimiore, Md., 139 years ago, was celebrated by Florence Past Grand Master, Brooklin. Nightingale Lodge, No. 66, on A short sing-song was led by March 10, with a banquet and P.G. Wm. Shotter, with Mrs. E. presentation of two 50-year M. Wood at the piano. veteran jewels.NolGrn AthrYug Albert Harry Allun, a native of NolGrn Athr on- Bowmanville, joined the local man welcomed èthe large atten- lodge on Feb. 22, 1905, at the dance of members from various age of 27, was Noble Grand in lodges in the district. 1911; William H. Yeo, who wasl Interesting sidelights were i-e- born in Oshawa, joined Phoenix1 vealed by Bro. Geo. W. JamesI Lodge No. 22, at the age of 22 lin bis reminiscing remarks. It years on Feb. 28, 1905, was was 46 years to the day since he Noble Grand in 1907, and trans- joined the Odd Fellows.j ferred to Florence Nightingale Bro. T. W. Cawker who re- Lodge on Feb. 24, 1909, were the ceived his 50-year jewel four proud recipients of their 50-year years ago also gave a few re- jewels. marks. Toastmaster Sidney Little in- Past Grand Master McKinney troduced the head table guests: in presenting Bro. Harry Allin N.G. Arthur Youngman, D.D. with bis jewel, commented that G.M. Wm. Pearse, Cobourg; Geo. this member, during his years i W. James, editor The Canadian in business knew everyone in Two Local Odd Fellows Receive 50-Year Jewels jOpen for Engagements .. _____________________________ MThe Thornton's Corners Community Association's : Thurday igh, Mach 1, was a memnorable to Harry Allun, and Sidney Little, left, Past District Deputy presentation of ocion toencembghiners Lodge No. 66, L.O.OF: is shown pinning the jewel on Wn H. Yeo. Full account whïtovtrnmmes ohPs ol rns fteeeigsporr n aqe per nti L EN A R IV ER Sreceived their 50-year jewels. Dr. J. H. McKinney, Past issue. LEN A oeyi he cs Grand Master, right, of Brooklin, made the presentation -Photo by Carson Studio, Port Hope A Comdy i Thre Act M m - JDy v<eut Albert - Lwn anu district oy tneir first * name. * A number one performance with a first rate cast *: ayCags n5 er suitbleforChuches SudayScholsor ommn- Bro. Allun operated the gro- * sitale or Chuche, Snda Scool, o comun cery store on the south-east *ity groups. Phone any one of these numbers for M corner of King and Division *further information: Oshawa 3-9072, Oshawa 5-5026, :Streets for many years until bis Oshawa 5-4009. * Ietirement a few years ago. Pat M* M Yeo, a son of Wm. H. Yeo, is bis -~UMUMMUUuUUUUMMUUUUUuUueoeuUuUUuUoeU..Isuccessor. In his reply be said 50-year celebrations seemed to ZKbe almost the order of the day for bim, having celebrated af golden wedding. anniversary, ~ivTO#.50 years with the Canadian Ord-e er of Foresters and now 50 yearsa of Odd Fellowship. Bro. Allun1 CNin reviewing the past half cen-t tury, said it was probably true that in years gone by he had known most of the people by i their first names but that was - - ~impossible today due to the -- "'f M 'q ~many changes created by pro- ~ ~A M M - rgress. In bis early days in bus- N OIC M' in~ess there were few packaged produets, and be well remem- bered the first packaged tea - at 25c a pound.6 To Builders Veteran's Family Take Part P.D.D.G.M. Sidney Little wbo bad been asked by Bro. Yeo to Under Byla No. 1559make his presentation, called a member of the lodge, and A building permit shail be obtained from the daughter Elsie (Mrs. George BuilingInsectr b th ownr o li auhorzed Richards), a Past Noble Grand BuilingInsectr b th ownr o hi auhorzed of Beehive Rebekab Lodge, wbo agent for the excavation, erection, alteration, recon- pinned the jewel on ber father's struction, removal or wrecking of, or repairs to any lapel. A photo of the proud re- cipient with bis son and daugh- building or part of any building which it is proposed ter was taken by Alan Richards,0 rto construct, and for any addition or alteration t i gadsn The proud 50-year qnember a building. wbo is a pattern maker at Bow- manville Foundry Co., was a0 No sch orksha becom encd utilthe foreman for 35 years. He rode - No sch orkshal b com encd utilthe a bicycle to attend lodge in building permit is prominently displayed on the Oshawa before transferring to site of the work.Bowmanville. The lateBr.M - site f thework.A. James was the District Dep- uty who installed him as Noble CLARNCE KEGrand, assisted by Bros. T. W. 40 CLARENE OKEJolliffe, J. J. Mason and Norman Cj Building Inspector. James. Bro. M. A. James was editor of The Statesr-an and Mayor of Bowmanville at the Permits may be obtained at the Town Hall, timie. Bro. Yeo said he feit between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. highly honoured by being in- E-J stalled as Noble Grand by a - Mayor of Bowmanville, and an DI ____________________________________________ Ex-Mayor making the presenta- -tion of bis 50-year jewel; also, 10 that a son of M. A. James and Of an Ex-Mayor was at the head table with him. D.D.G.M. Wm. Pearse extend- r ed congratulations on behalf of the district to the veterans of 50 years in the Order. Ambassador of Good WilI 23 Bro. John Dyer, Alderman in Of ZI the Oshawa City Council, was the guiest speaker. He gave a resume of events wbich led to the founding of tbe, 1.O.O.F. in T~ North America by Thomas Wil- dey who had been closely as- jsociated with the Manchester Unity in England in the 1800's. This man 'was one of tbe best- w I~jIIIilII~flr.,mbassadors of good will who .. ....Bro. Dyer also gave a short talk on "Civic Government" and told how couincil handies the problems *of local government 4 and gave a word picture of the- i L new Oshawa City Hall. He clos-[ ed with this timely advice - "Valuie your franchise as a voter".Kir Bro. M. J. Elliott, also an Ex- E Mayor of Bowmanville, extend- ed congratulations to the re-- ceivers of 50-year jewels. He conveyed the thanks of the audience to the speaker and ex- pressed the hope that ratepayers 33 would take more interest in municipal government.à P.D.D.G.M. William Riddell, UMPERIAL MODEL A-2D rono, gave a few remarks per- taining to the work of the Order. Ter A vote of thanks to the Sister mep re z uplRbk for the fine banquet àwanas moved by Bro. Harry Wade, adaccepted by Mrs. Russeill HNOME FRIEZER/REFRIGERAîrOR COMBINATION Wrav on behaîf of Beehive Lodge. Dr. J. H. MçKinney issued an I141 See us to-day about a generoas trade-in allowance invitation to attend the institu- tn ceremonies of Century 0f. en your old refrigerator on this new Deepfreeze Duplex. Lodge No. 481. at Ajax, March 28, and the officiai opening of 1 IBrooklin Lodge's new hall, June 1 T ed W oo yar 's18, and church service June 19. - Appliance Stores Émrâ YELVERTON Mr. and Mrs.'Howard Mal- colm and Terry attended the lOtb wedding anniversary feli- citation of Mr. and Mrs. Nel Malcolm at Blackstockc. Glad to record Mr. Jas. Atchi- son is home after being con- fined in Peterboro Hospital. Belated congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. George Timms of Lifford on the birth of a son. (a nice change after four or five little dish washers.) Several Yelvertonians attend- ed the turkey banquet at Betb- any in honor of Reeve Allan Beer being elected Warden of the United Counties. See full Business Direcfory_ Accouniancy_ WM. J. H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant 64 King St. E. Bowmanville <Above Garton's Bus Station) Phone MA 3-3612 J. HUNTER AND COMPANY Certified Public Accountants' 64 King Street E. Oshawa 5-1621 Successors to O. S. Hobbs C h ir o p ra c fti c G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor Office: Specialty Paper Products Bldg. 63 Temperance Street Phone MA 3-5509 Office Hours: By Appointment iJ~i i dii DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. 40 King St. W. - Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. to 12 noon Saturday Closed Sunday Office Phone MA 3-5790 rouse Phone - Newcastle 3551 R. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in bis home 10 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanville 'ffice Hours: 9 a.m. to, 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. to, 12 noon Wednesday Closed Sunday Phone MA 3-5604 D~R. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. Office 3 King St. E. - Bowmanville )ffice Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. to 12 noon Saturday Closed Sunday Telephone: Office MA 3-5459 L eg a STRIKE and STRIKE Barristers, Solicitors Notaries Public W. R. Strike. Q.C. A. A. H. Strike, B.A. DKing St. W. Bowmanville Telephone MA 3-5791 LAWRENCE C. MASON, B 'A. Barrister, Solicitor Notai-y Public ing St. W. - Bowmanville Phones: Office MA 3-5688 Residence MA 3-5553 JOHN REGAN, B.A. Barrister Notary Public Temperance St., Bowmanville Phone MA 3-3292 MISS APHA 1. HODGINS Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public mperance St.- Bowmanville Op fo m e fry KEITU A. BILLETT Optometrist I King St. E. - Bowmanvlle Telephone MA 3-3252 fice Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Saturday except Wednesday, 9 - 12 Evenîngs by Appointment JOHN A. OVENS Optometrist ry & Lovell Bowmanviill Phone MA 3-5778 Piano Tuning Frofessional Piano Tuning ARTHUR COLLISON s Phone MArket 3.3900 report in another column. Mr-. and Mrs. Gordon Hen- derson and Jimmy, Toronto, called on the Ray Robinsons and Ralpb Malcolm's. Visitors at the Murray Mal- colms were Mr. and Mrs. Sam- my Adams, Lynn and Lee; Mr. »and Mrs. Bei-t McMullen and Ga-iy and the Harvey Mal- colms. Mi-. and Mrs. Hugb McGill with their daugbter, Laura,- the Bill Carnegies at Port Perry. Guests at the George E. Wil- sons included Vance Wilson, Toronto, and Mrs. Lila Kerr-, of the 8th Line. Mrs. Wilson is progressing favourably. Mrs. Ernie Lane was Sunday dinner guest of Miss Em Hen- ders. Likewise Mi-. Josh Evans with bis daughter, Mrs. Jack Wilson, and tbe Marwood Mc- Kees at the Thomas Edison Lawsons. Mr. Jim Burns, formerly of Janetville, takes service next Sunday in Yelverton. Opening of Church Hall Com- mîttee and their spouse were Saturday evening dinner guests of the Floyd Stinsons. With the advent of warm spring-like weather the committee bas fit- nally got the geai-s a-rotating as they formulate tbe ground. work of plans for a forthcom- ing "big splash" to be beld lat- ter part of April. They are in- vestigating various available sources of entertainment suit- able for such a "do" and wel- come any suggestions from anyl alert bystanders. Tbe 100 extra 1 chairs ordered for tbe hall bave arrived and witb their ai-rival goes the last lame excuse for our committee's inactivity. Pupils of oui- public school, S. S. No. 1, have won acclain- for their teacher, Mrs. Ralph Malcolm, tbemselves and the community, at the Music Festi- val 'n Peterboro. The rhythm band' was placed at the top of their class witb the fine aggre- gate of 82 points. In tbe vocal chorus they bad a total of 79, with wînners 86. Master Kenny Wilson and Dale Stinson did well in the solo class as the youngest entrants competing. Of the Rhythm Band in cos- tume with Miss Lorraine Mc- Gill as capable pianist and the diminutive Miss June Kerr con- ducting witb the grace and skill of an "old maestro", we ire particularly proud. Congra- tulations! Curling Season Ends The last jitney bonspiel of bhe season was held Saturday n Lindsay with foui- local teams baving a finger In the prize-winners. Janetville quai- et dogged by bad luck aIl sea- son managed to tie for fi-st and retained second position in the tie-breaking. This rink kipped by Willson Heaslip was composed of Merritt McGill, John Burns and Howard Jack- on. Next line prize winners wasi an "Angus" team. of "Blacks"I fromn Cadmus skipped by Ken M'inshall of Nestieton. Tied for th place was the rink from Blackstock skipped by Bruce Heaslip and oui- local "pros*' I Stinson, Page, Sîsson and skipped by Howard Malcolm. In the stone on cii-de the late nanaged to best the foi-mer oo as not to break their chain f luck and to retain an 'lover- ized squab" Apiece. Oui- "celery chompers"l as suai won one and lost one. Besting the fi-st Toronto team ýmake an appearance at these tneys after playing to a tie but osing with their second game, 1eii- last chance of winning for 1 sbould like to add that "the )read cast upon the waters" in he foi-m of shameless bints othis aforementioned rink for! ,rtain parts of fowl anatomyI rsd bamn sandwiches wbich )reviously had fallen on deaf i-rs bas at last born fruit. On iaturday night we were stuff- Id like cbickens with chicken, tc., till my slim, trim, 32 waiif- ine was expanded to somet.hing pi-oaching a fat and fright- ýing forty. After resettling i or- hours we xvere again i-e- urred silo fashion with hain andwiches etc. Wbat a meal'i BROWN'S The Mai-ch meeting of Brown's Home and School Club was beld at the school on the evening of Tuesday, Mai-ch 8th, 1955. It was reported by the com- mittee in charge of the eucbre and draw which are to be held at the scbool on Thursday. Mai-ch 3lst, that a hedspread and flannelette sheet have hem ed by many. OBITUOneCa of every two students in HELENA M. MOORE ondary scbools is a member of At the home of her sister,j the Canadian Junior Red Ciross. Mrs. C. B. Rice, London, Ont., on Mai-ch 9, Helena M. Moore, eei odru passed away in ber 84thi year.! eei odru Boi-n in Cartwright TownshipI f she received ber early educa-! Opportunityfo You to tion at Caesarea and Cedar School. She spent the eariy Become a Nurse part of ber life at Hampton, later moving to Whitevale. then to London. She was a member of Trinity United Church and the Senior Citizen, Club. She leaves to mourn ber loss two sisters, Elsie E. and Mrs. C. B. Rice (May), and one bro-,- ther, William H. Moore of M Enniskillen. Funeral service was con duct- - ed on Saturday from the Ned-i ham Parlors by ber pastor,! If yen want a fascinating careex Rev. J. V. Clar-ke. Palîbearers, and a background te enhance were Garfield McArthur, Pi-es-j your whole life, nursing pre- ton Jolliffe, Will Shimamani ofi sents a great opportunity. London, Edgar Gregory 0 Classes for three-year nursing Kitchener, R. J. Weaving of corses at Hospital Thornhill, and F. W. Beckett Schools are nor frming for Enaniskillen. Se pteiber. purcbased as prizes for the draw, also that tickets have been printed. Following completion of busi-. ness, a programme was present- ed, wbich bad been arranged in honour of Mr. and Mrs. R. Langler on the occasion of their 5tb wedding anniversary, as! follows: - Accordion soloby Wyllene Wilson; Mrs. Týrudy Sallows-Harmonica selections; Mr. Ted Martin and guitar trio;, Accordion solo by Doris Martin;' Mrs. June Wilson - Harmoni-> ca and guitar selections; Piano1 solo by. Kathleen Brown; MVr.! Hawthorne - Violin selection1s; j Mr. Albert Guay and guitar trio. Between numbers Mr.! Carvetb sbowed several pic-'I tures of many people in the neighborhood, and these wcre enjoyed very much by ail those present. Mrs. Frank Osmond made a presentation speech, and called. on Mr. and Mrs. Langler to ac- cept several gifts from friends, neighbours and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Langler thanked all those present, and following, this presentation lunch was served, and dancing was enjoy- SMOKE "MLD ,dam Am The Mildest, Èè't-Tas#inq Cigarette Stylish Spring COATS s22.99 Wool Spring Coats in latest styles and colours. Checks and plains. Ail Weather COATS $1 9099 Rain or shine, these AII-Weather Coats are always ln style. Smart stripe, check, tweed or plain effects in the group. Sizes il to 19 Sizes 10 to 20 "Truly a Pleasani Place to Shop" Phone MA 3-5451 Bowmanville Ring Street E. En"rnce Requirements: AU*-17 or ovér. Secondary School Graduation Diploma. Good Heafth. AT ONTARIO HOSPITAL SOHOOLS 0F NURSINC YOU REOEIVE WHILE TRAINING' " FREE Roomu and Board " FREE Uniforrna and Iaundry " HONORARIUM While Train- ing-$30 a month during 1ist year; $25 a month during 2nd year (while op affiliation ln a General Hospital); $50 a month during 3rd year. *b VACATION - Three weeks each year, plus ai statutory holidays. 10 RECREATION - Excellent facilities at each School for after-duty social and sports activities. For further intormation opply ta SUPERINTENDENT 0F NURSING School of Norsing, Ontario Hospital Brockvulle, Kingston or Whitby ONTARIO DEPARIMENT I!I4 0F HEALTII Honourable Mockinnon PlillIlP1, TYM CAMAnTAM qpramvclgAw mwTMAIývj% 1 1 iý TRURPDAY, 3MCH 17th, 1955 do cbur newu