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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Mar 1955, p. 5

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5 THE CANADIAK STATESMATN. EOWMMIVILLýE, ONTAMO 'ay Af fer 1 S. A. Heads ta Speak Hiere1 Orono and Newcastle 'Yes, George can be a real "friend ln rieed". For he's the Prudential Insurance agent in the Bovmanville district - and now he's making regular visits ta Orono and Newcastle, too! George White is an ideal man to counsel you on your life insurance pro- gram. He can tel you the best way ta provide an income for your famiiy, if anything should happen ta yau - . . lie can show you how ta guarantee payments on Nyour mortgage or ent . . . how to provide for payment of doctor or hospital bis. Why not hav'e George White drap in and see yau. He's fully trained.. . a Chartered Lif Underwriter . , and campleteiy qîîalified. ta talk ot'er your farnily securitv needs. He's at 4%' ~ ê ~ e t A b f b * 0 t '-. * PI~*IUTIAL - e.. eIII,~,N M ~iBtAi!AI e - s -- e v * ___ 4 *4~4, Commissioner and Mrs. W. W. Booth Bowmanville is privileged to welcome this Sun- day, March 2th, the newly appointed leader of the Salva- tion Army for Canada and Bermuda, Commissioner William Wycliffe Booth, and Mrs. Booth. A special service wiIl be held at 3 p.m. in St. Andrew's Preshyterian Church, \vhen both Commissioner Booth and Mrs. Booth wilI speak. Cammissioner Booth, who has served in the 'Army in England, the country of bis birth, in France, Switzerland and Norway, is a grandson of the Army's, founder and first general, William Booth. Mrs. Booth is the former Renee Peyron of France. Her parents were leaders of the Army in that country. Cammissionrad Mrs. Booth have f ive children, four of whom are SOalIvation Army officers. The youngest, aged 16, has accompanied her parents ta Canada. Nesileton Station Mc. and Mrs. Arnold William and Janice spent the weekeri in Port Hope with his parenti Mr.. and Mrs. Clarke William- Miss Gwen Wilson, Tarantc spent the weekend with he parents, Mr. and Mrs. CecI Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Thami son and Jean and Mr. Wayr. Wilson were Sunday visitar with Mr. and Mrs. Donal Thompson. ris il J- Ws Id Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Robrer and family drove Mrs. Orland Roh- rer, who bas been visiting for the past two weeks in Nestle- ton, home to Mitchell over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Heaslip attended the Warden's, Mr. AI- Ian Beares' banquet in Bethaîiy on Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Duives- teyn and family maved from the Bayer famm ta their new home on Saturday, having pur- chased the Devitt farm, Burke- ton. Mrs. Jas. Harris spent several days in Toronta and on ber re-- tumo was accompanied by Mr. and MM. John McGammy andi Lorraine. Miss Dorothy Harris, Taronto. and Mm. and Mrs. Rus- sel Sonley, Part Pemry, alho visited the Barris'. Sunday visitors with Mm. and Mrs. Bruce Heaslip were: Mr. and Mers. Ray Tiffany, Jay anîd Ronnie. Toronto; Mm. and Mis. John McKeown and Bobby, Mrs. Wiley McKeown and How- ard, ahl of Mono Road. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Banna are home again aftec spending the wioter witb Mr. and Mrs. Robert Vivian and family, Jan- etville. Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Langfeld meturned Sunday fmoni an en- joyable wintem in Florida. Congratulations ta the Cart- wright pupils and their teach- ers who received several prizes at the Musical Festival in Pe- terboro on Friday. Mr. and Mcs. Grant Thomp- son and Elaine were Sunda7 supper guests of Mm. and Mrs. Neil Werry and Carol. Mrs. Jos. Farder entertained foc ber son Harry ta evenin g dinner an Sunday. the occasi'on of bis birthday. Those attend- ing weme: Mm. and Mrs. HarryI McLaughlin and Lawrence. c and Mrs. George Wolfe,Bra and John and Mms, Alice For- der. WEDDING TANE - LEES 'elow daffodils, white lu- lips and pink gladioli bapikeci with ferns forniod the back- ground for a candlelight wved- ding in Hammony United Church on Friday fvening when Anna Margaret Lees., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George D. Lees. of Oshawa, was united in mnapriage with Paul Douglas Tane sdn of Mr. and Mnzs Jack D. Tane, of QOshawxa and grandson of Mr and Mrs. Lucas Nichoils of Bowmanyille, Ontàrio. Rev. Mecx'in A. Bury performed the double ring ceremony and con- ducted the communion service. Mr. Walter Jackson presided at the organ and Mm. Leslie Hartlev, who was so)loist at the wedding of the bidegroom's parents, sang. "Through the Years" and "The Wedding Praver." Presented in marmiage by hec father the bride wace a gown of blush pink nvlon tulle over net and satin, designed with a forrn,ýl bodîice. topped with a fitted jacket having a Peter Pan necklîne and long lily point siceves. The billowingI skîrt swý,eepinig into a longi train was accented at the sides with tier upon tier of lace ne- tals caught with white vebvc-t roses. A shahl cap of lace with pearl accents held hec finger tip veil of tulle illusion border- ed with embossed lace. and sbe carried a white Bible crestcd with gardenias and having pink pinnachia roses caught in the white ribbon streamers. Miss Lillian Lees was maid of' honor foc hem sister wearing melodv blue and Miss. lTmphrey m-as bridesmaid in camea pink. ThIeir identical gowns wece fashioned of nylon tulle aver net and taffeta. A shcug jacket baving short sieeves and a lii' poînted cal- bar camplemented the straplp3s bodices. and their billow"in-, .waitz length skirts leatured a navy and white had ail six right, a draw was Storks showed macle to decide the winners. oie brjm bats ini Mrs. Stuart Candier and Mrs. milan with vel- Charlie Bagneil were the lucky bordered veil, winners of a hat box each. grey suit with Miss Margaret Osborne wan a hat of her choice on the red, white and lucky draw. Also on a draw, shade were ail Mrs. George James was the here were styles winner of a cake, donated by ge and type. a weli-wisher, madle in the Winners shape of a hat with brim and which the au- trimmings. ;ked ta identify Prese-ntation of a very effec- 1club members, tive wedding group concludecd iodelled by Eva the show. First came Lena Tay - sed a good deal lor and Mabel Bagneli, repres- The hats belong- enting the mather of the bride derman, Vi Mc- and mother of the groom. With la Frank, Iso- a black dress Mabel wore a ena Taylor and Swiss milan in a beautiful shade~ )n. As several of blue with feather quill and studded with rhinestones. A double brim backless sailor in navy with flowers in lime green and fuschia topped Lena's en- semble. * Next came Reita Hobbs as 704-4ý il natron of honor in a floar length brocaded gown of deli- >z, cate pink with matching shell '94, ý0hat in milan soutache braid. Last came the bride. Lamaa Fletcher, in a beautiful bridai gown of white lace and net with a peari coronet from which feil a finger tip veil of tulle illusion. The headdress » was hand fashioned by Miss Lola ]Jown. Flock To Buy Loaking like SO many pretty flowers, the bats in the show I \vre placed on a tiered cart and ,,,h heeled to the front where the audience flocked to choose a Spring bonnet from the collec- Iii! tion. IIJ Jewellerv womn with cos- tumes was from Marr's Jewel- lery; fernis on the platforni wvere couirtesy of S. J, Jack- WNýE Plman & Sons; Kayser hosierY :FECT-Lr was given to the models, andr 0F W RPK" glox'es were on boan thraugh » courtesy of Pauline Stork s' Spe- il Living cialty Shop, Newcastle; ik 1< rmkuets. Thanks were extendedE for chairs. and to Alex MeGre- 1~ for for favors of Hudnut hairS -~ preparations given to each la- R IC dy present. DLuring intermission two so- los, "Love Sends a Little Gift [GERATION of Roses" and "Easter Parade" i by Mrs. Lloyd Ayre were gnuch Box 360 enjoyed. She was accompanied Bowmanville at the piano by Helen Nelles. Ontario The one and only serioUs mis- take i,ý to be afraid of makingjd mistakes.-C. A. Smart. George White, C.L.U. Home Address: 25 Ontario Street - Bowmanviiie Phone MArket 3-5833 Office Address ? 100 King Street East - Oshawa Phone Oshawa 3-4222 deep flounce gathered in points. They wore matching mittenis and fluted bandeaux, and car- ried' colonial bouquets of pink carnations with mauve and white freesia and sweet peas, and having ribbon streamers to match their gowns. Mr. William Tane was best man for bis brother. The ushers were Mr. Doug- las Terwiliegar, brother-in-law of the bridegroomn and Mr. Fred Fountain. The reception was held in the church parlors. To receive the guests, the bride's mother wore a street length dress of navy blue French crepe, small pink bat with veiling, and cor- sage of pink delight roses. The bridegroom's mother who as- sisted chose a two piece dress of rose beige Chantilly lace over satin, flower trimmed pink straw hat and corsagè of yel- low roses. The wedding cake, and ar- rangements of pink sweet peas centered the table for the bri- dai party. Pouring tea were Mrs. M. McPherson of St. Catharines, aunt of the bride- groom, and Mrs. John Gates of1 Toronto, aunt of the bride" Members of the Women's Asso- ciation of Harmony Church served the guests. Rev. Bury offered grace and later as toastmaster proposed the toast to the bride, whicii was responded to by the bride- groom, The bridai attendants were taasted by Mr. Williami Tane. Congratulatory telegrams were received fromn New York and East Long Meadow, Massa- chusetts. For the honeymoon trip ta Buffalo, and other American points, the bride donned a suit of grey tweed having a white fleck, a white straw hat with black accents, brown muskrat shortie coat and a feathered corsage of white gardenias. On their return the couple will re- side in Oshawa. Farm Forums Biackstock Forum met at Stu- art Dorrell's and disci.ssed the tapic "Education For Farming". We think a high school edca tion enables young farmers ta make better use of the heip! available ta us thraugh aur' farm papers, agricultural me- presentatives and bulletins is- 1954. YOu sued by Dept. of Agriculture on Research and improved methods of farming. The diploma courses at the Agricultural Schools are fine and a number of aour Durham County boys and girls have taken them. If more parents wauld recog- nize the benefits of Boy's and Girl's Club work we would have more participate in our 4-H Clubs. Parents must be realiv interested and help the yaung- er boys and girls to attend the meetings and thus help foster a pride in rural life. We feel that High Schools do, flot inform the pupils of the variety of jobs available in the field of agriculture and ar educating the pupiLs more for industry and city life. A successfui farmer must keep accurate records and practice good management and be able ta take his place in community if e. Lunch was served by Mrs. Johnson. Next meeting at E. Larmer's, Everyone welcome. The Bomemiaker Service offi the Canadian Red Cross assist- ed more than 4,000 familles in BRESL SELING MENS WEARING AND If You Don't Take 0 aa aYou $35 Men's Gabardine Slacks with oNay Sie2844_matching beits. Grey, Brown $.00 Boys' Lined Windbreakers Zped.Szs2to3with knitted collars and cuffs. 03 00 Hand-finished Men's Suits. Imported English worsteds. Single or double breasted4 9 5 Boys' Sanforized Checked Doeskin Shirts. Sizes 3 to $1 .00 6x Boys' Sanforized Blue Denini Jeans------ $ '1 .50 M en's Lightweight L on g Cotton Drawers ______ roI.ool Are the Loser! 1 1 OUT BO~y APPAREL' Men's Happy Foot Cushion Sole Wool and Nylon Socks. Ail Sizes and Colours --- Men's Gabardine T r e n c h Coats with all-around beits. 1 .5 -00 Navy only ~ Boys' Gabardine Trench Coats in Brown or Navy. Sizes 4 s.5 .00 to 6x --------- Men's Kalamar Cashmnere Topcoats. Single or doubled4-5 Men's Satin or Poplin Windbreakers. Alil sizes $, .0 Stetson Hats for men. Good selection of colours and ~ 2 sizes - -2 Boys' and Youths' 2 Pant Worsted S u i t s. Double breasted. Sizes 28 to 34 - 16.50 Stock is Sold -Ouf or Business 15 Sold! Ob y Bresl-in s Bowmanville Wear CAN SAVE ON EVERY PURCHASE AT N r-. We 've gol Ihousands and Ihousands. of dollars worth of the hest merchandise in Canada. Il will lake us weeks Io seil il! So .. everything ini the store has been reduced Io make this possible. George W hit e is a good man Advantage of This THE PRUDENTIAL 1INSURANCE COMPANY 0F AM ERICA Serving More Thon One Million Canadion Polie y Holders CANADIAN. HEAD-. OFFICE- - TORO NTO Saile Lasts Un fil PAGE r"V Ca rtwright H. S. Presents Annual Play The Cartwright High School presented their annuai play in the Community Hall on Thurs- day, Friday and Saturday nights of last week with a good attendance. The three act farce "The Darling Brats" was very lively, well-acted and the play. ers ail knew their parts to per- fect ion. Mr. Gardon Paisley, their IDirectar is to be congratulated foy the fine presentation. Also the actors as follows: - Mae Werry, Irene Emerson, Alan ,Jackson, Phyllis Strong, Law- rence McLauIghiin, Josie Hoo- yer, Joan Venning, Wayne Ven- ning, Dick Poole, Heber Mc- Lean and Marilvn Jackson. Between the' acts we were happy' to hear the quartet. Jiin Grieve, Doug Davison, Clifford Jackson and Alan Dayes witi Mrs. Lorne Thompson at the piano. Tlheir interpretation of the hit parade numbers was rea]ly splendid. Z-m . j Men's Dress Shirts - Tooke or Van Husen. French or plain cuffs. Ail collars and sizes - 0F Opportunify Are the Loser! Men p s

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