PAGE ml A ~,1A1~TAL@lAmA su A iu ?v A iUNAMU TEMf....~ ~J IIUIL~,1Iu~ is Darlin gton Awards Rot Tenders tram the Hi-Way Construction Company foi atock-pIling, crushing and de- livering gravel, and tram the ]Roads Re-Surfacing Company for supplying and applying oil, atone chips and asphalt in con- nectian with the roads progran for Darlington Township dur- Ing 1955 were accepted at the regular meeting of the Town- shi p Council on March 3. The tender tram the Hi-Way Construction Ca. was divicled into five parts: (a) for crush- ing and stack-piling 10,000 tons of grave]; 45c per ton. <b) For delivering the 10,000 tons on the township roads up ta six miles; 60c per ton. (c) For hauling 10,000 tons of gravel over a six-mile limit; 6c per ,(D save up to $100.OO r(D a year Have oceans of glorjous 80fr Walter BOTH GUARANTEED WITH FWA TER now JACK EROUGH Plumbing and Heating MA 3-5615 BOWMANVILLE Division Street S. NYAL CE Stovs stxîhhnrn b Coun cil ad Cô ntracts ty ton-mile. (d) For crushing and r deliverîng 3,000 yards of gra- >- vel up ta six miles; $1 per c yard. (e) For hauling 3,000 y yards gravel over a six-mile 1, limit; 8c per yard-mile. L_ The tender tram the Raads n Re-Surfacing Co. for supplying - and applying ail, stone chips e and asphaît was divided inta -three parts. (a) For supplying and applying asphaît treatment y' ail, 24.3c per gallon. (b) For d supplying and applying stone -chips $5.50 per tan. (c) For ýs supplying and applying asphaît r prime coat 22.9c per gallon. n Rentai Rates Given x The firm also affered rentai r o f an -ton tandem roller and o perator for $50 per day, plus rtransportation ane way; or $700 per manth plus one-way trans- portation. It will also provide 0 a foreman-supervisor for a cost of $1.65 per haur. At a special meeting held on Mardi 7 a by-law was passed asking tic Dept. of Highways ta approve the sum of $48,000 for machinery and extra road wonk for purposes of the 50 per cent government grant. This sum is in addition ta the $70,- 000 for road work alneady ap- proved by the government for A life 50 per cent grant purposes. Mrs. Ada Dui At the Manch 3 meeting a Centre, Thurs letten was received from Mrs. ileW me' Proknow on the Bothwell Road il oe' asking for repains ta the road icate and the in front of her property. Re- mnember for o, ferred ta Roads Committee. Institute the Mr. J. Lowry, Bell Telephone Institutes of Company, inforned council as Women of the ta costs and services available from Oshawa Exchange. A mo- Mrs. Dumas' tion by Deputy-Reeve Vice was Mrs. Dumas hi passed that council subscnibe Mrs. Leon Du. ta the Company's Reverse an d who bas Charge Toîl Service for a min- imum perîod of six months. holding the u Ernest Bradley and Mn. Good- sented with a child of the V.L.A. showed Branch by Mn Council a suggested plan for a graup of V.L.A. lots in Lot 30. Concession 4, Darlington. Coun- cil accepted the plan.M ur Letten will be written Muni -ar cipal Board asking permission REOPHOS IMa jor bronchial coughs Builds Up body resistance large bole 1.50 End Moih Damage Special Larvex Spray 93c, 1.43 Bryicreem and Comb for 69o Math Blocks - 15c, 25e 2 tubes Ipana Paste D.T. Math Kilier-- 59c 59o0 980 Moth Proofer Bomb - 1.49 40e size Noxzema --290 Aerosol Bombs- $2.00 Aquamarine Lotion 98C. 1.39, 1.59, 3.95 for 1.25 Banker's Waterman's Paper Pen. Feus Flair Mate Northrite 49c-79c-98o 1.95 1.98 1 35e Spring Tonics Home Permanents Geritol - 1.35, 3.29, 5.49 Bobbi -____1.73 One-A-Day Multiple Caps- Toili, 3 Strengths 1.75 1.29, 2.50, 4.25 Prom -- -_____ 1.75 EnerJets_______ 5.95 Hudnut's Quick ___ 1.75 Wampole's Extract- 1.25 Hudnut's Pin Quiek- 1.75 Phosopholecithin - 1.5 Tonette for Children- 1.75 Silver Curi for gray hair Scotta Emuision 1.00 - 2.00 1.75 Chocolaie Easier Bunnies and Rabbils Willard's Chocolales Easier wrapped COWLI NG'S PHONE '~ OE WE FIT M3-5695 D U SO ETRUSSES MY CARBURETOR KEEPS GETTING FLOODED . .. . Just goes to show what happens when you let things go too far! Best way to keep out of deep trouble is to have your car checked regularly . . . here. Sinali adjustinents made in tUme can save you plenty! Frank's Garage MA 3-3231 Bowmanville 72 Scugog St. Receives Life Membership etime membership in the Bomanville Women's Institute was awarded imas (centre), at their annu ai Kopper Karnival in the Community -day, March 10. Mrs. Dumas, who has been a member cf the Bowman- 'Institute for 50 years, was presented with the life membership certif- Spin which accompanies it by Mrs. F. Jackman (at right), herseif a Dver 50 years. In addition to a life membership in the Bowmanville award entities Mrs. Dumas ta membership for life in the Federated Ontario, the Federated Insti tutes of Canada, and the Associated Country ýe World. Mrs. Selby Grant, District President (at left), in speaking of years with the Institute saîd that although she had neyer taken office as always been a willing an d enthusiastic worker for the organization. imas, who along with Mrs. D umas Sr., will soon be moving to Brighton Salways taken an active part in the work of the Bowmanville Instittite office of President for seve n of her 16 years of membership, was pre- icup and saucer as a farew el gif t fromn the ladies of the Bowmanville rs. Passant. -Photo by Carson Studio, Port Hope Lb. 49c1 Farm Forums 8.9. No. 4 DARLINGTON The S.S. No. 4 Darlington Forum was held at the home of Mrs. Blake Courtice with an attendance of 22. The next meeting will be held at Mr. and Mrs. Grant Bennett's home. The following is a summary of the discussion: 1. How can the farmer off- set industry's higher wages and shorter hours in order to secure farm labour? Year round emplayment... Good accommodation.. . Work- man's compensation. . Regular hours and time off.. Higher wages. Farmin ncome would have ta be increased ta allow the farm- er ta pay on an industrial wage scale. Parms are being equip- ped ta the point where farm help isn't as necessary as form- erly. A farmer that is farm- ing a large acreage in a special- ized way can almost campete niow with regular hours and time off and indus inial wages. Mrs. Courtice and Florence served a lovely lunch. Mortgage Loansi Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Vine and Herbert took a motor trip ta North Bay to visit Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Chapman and fami]y on Saturday. Mr. qnd Mrs. Ralph Sadler, Gloria and Janice, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robent Sadien, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Emer- Éon and Mary, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Bird and famnily. Brooklin, Miss Gladys Emerson, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. M. Emerson. Q on't forget Farmers' Union party at Blackstock Town Hall on Friday night. No admission charge. Miss Doris Gardon, Lindsay, spent weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Sammelîs, Mel- ville and Anna. Mrs. Evva Campbell has re- turned fno.m Gaît and staying Mr. and Mrs. George Chap- First M' man, Ballyduff, visited Mr. and Mrs. George Johns. a] Mr. and Mrs. Bert Howlett, Oshawa. spent Tuesday even- ing with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. L. Joblin. EN9 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sadier spent Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Malcalm. Mr. and Mrs. Wes McGiIl and family, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Malcolm and family spent Sat- urday evening with Mr. and Victori Mrs. George Kerr and family, Yelverton, the occasion of Mr. Kerr's birthday. TrusI Mrs. Eli Mairs, Mns. Evva Campbell and - Mrs. Grant 437 George St.1 Campbell had afternoon tea with Mrs. Allan Suggitt, Porti y Tighe Rols Single in Men s Bowling League In any sport your sophmore year is usually your jinx year, but such is not the case with Murray Tighe who is enjaying his best year. Murray won high single score Wednesday nigit with 352 and Bill Hearle was next with 346. Bill Oliver had hus best single of the year 334, George Elliott 324, Pat Yeo 320. Hap Palmer 315, Jack Coole 309, Si Trewin 307 and Ron Maynard 304. There was a real battie for high triple honours and Jack Coole put together scores of 309 - 282 - 203 for 794 ta beat Matt Harrison's 792 by 2 pins. Munray Tighe was in the thick of tie battle with 787. George Stephens iad 779, Bill Hearle 774, Pat Yeo 770, George El- hiott 742, Russ Oke and Murray Larmer 718, Bill Polley 712, Bruce Milne 705. Bruce Milne's teamn had higi triple of the sciedule with 3669, as well as iigh single game 1328. Blain Elliott had season's low triple of 371 and 10w single gameit 103. Bl1ain added another beauty 113. ta divide payment cf nei Maintainer over two years. Council renewed their insu. ance with S. E. White. Deputation frorn Durham Diý trict High School Board head cd by Garnet Rickard, aske tentative appraval of buildin plans for Bowmanville and Por Hope High Schools. Council an praved proposed building pro gram as submitted by represer tatives. Moved by Coun. Osborne, se conded by Coun. Werry that al correspondence bylaws, ilh accaunts andcE other mtter, pertaining ta 'oads be placec in cane of Miss Niddery irn mediately. (1) That Road Committe( go aven ail roads withl Roac Supt. eanly in the year. (2) That warning signs b( erected on roads where pave. ment is breaking Up. Letten ta be written ta Depi of Highways asking ditching tc relieve flooded conditions ir Lots 21 - 22 on No. 2 Highway Letter from S.S. No. 4 Farir Forum was read and referrox ta Roads Committce for in. vestigation. Deputy Clerk was instructex ta get information on WarblE IFly By-law. Deputy Clenk is ta place ad in Statesman that half loading is in effect on aIl Township roads dunîng March and April. Roads By-law was referred ta next meeting. Counicil met in special ses- sion March 7. witi ail membcrs present. Letters fromn K. E. Courtice and R. C. Pearce, asking thal road between Lots 26 -27 in lst and 2nd Concessions be m-ade usable. Referred ta Roads Committee. Moved by Deputy Reeve Vice and Councillon Osborne that G. A. Peterson be given authanity ta, spend up ta $50-00 ta cut brush on roadway on Lot 30 - 31, Con. 2. By-law was passed setting Assessor Wm. Lycett's salary at $2300 per year plus $30 car allowance. R. J. Dilling, Township Aud- itor, reviewed the Auditor's re- port for 1954. Letter ta be written the Municipal Board asking if grants on Capital Expenditures for Public School purpases should be paid ta Public Sehool Boards or ta the Towinship Councils. Moved by Councillors Stev- ens and Werry that Council call for tenders for a maintain- en on forms to be supphicd b. the Township. ALLEY CHATTER This is the final week of the 2nd schedule and Dr. Rundle's team has alneady been declared the winner. Rundle's winning team is made up of Dr. Howard Rundie, Frank Williams, Hank Janzen, Ray Fry, Bill Oliver, Jack Knight and Jim Callan. Congratulations! Rundle's team will now play Doug Taylor's team for the Carter Family Trophy cm- blematic of the Men's Major, League Championship. This, will be bowled on April 6th. The next two weeks will sec ail teams bowling for the big money of the second schedule. In thc average.s Bill Polley and Jim Fair will go rigit down ta thee une befone a win- ner is declared. Bath bowlers have 232 average with Polley having an 8 pin lceway. Standings End of 1Oth Week 2nd Schedule Team w Rundie -23 Bates 17 Taylor -17 Cancilla -15 Siemon -14 Brock --14 Fair --13 Bagneli -13 Milne 12 Osborne -il McKnight il p 33368 32830 33428 32720 32377 31381 31544 32587 31774 32204 31246 32168 Averages Name G 1 . Bill Polley ---30 2. Jim Fair' ------- 30 3. George Elliott- 27 4. John Graham 30 5. Bill Heanle ---30 6. Bill Bates 30 7. Jack Coole 27 8. Dr. Rundie -- 30 9. Norm O'Rourke 30 10. Ab Piper --- 30 Il. Daug Taylor - 30 12. Bill Westlake 27 13. Frank Williams 30 14. Erîxie Perfect 30 15. Russ Oke ----_ 30 16. Ted Bagneli 30 17. Elton Brack - 30 18. Ai Osborne . 21 19. Hap Palmer 30 20. Bruce Milne 21 21. Jack Lander --30 22. Art Spicer ------- 30 23. Morley Vanstone 30 24. Pat Yeo 30 25. Mel Dale 30 26. Jack Knigit --30 27. George Piper- 30 28. Jay Gay ----- 30 29. Bob Williams --.30 30. Rass McKnîght 30 31 Murray Larmer -30 32. Ray Fry ---------- 30 33. George Stepiens 30 34 Bert Engley 30 35 Reg Hearle 30 36 Jim Callan -. 30 37. Munray Tigie- 30 38. Dick Little 30 39. Glen Lander 30 40. Bill Oliver --- - 30 41. Dave McKnight 27 Pis. 54 ,ý 44 42 40 35' 3 2 A 32 31 ½/l 30i ' 27 26 25 Ave. 232 232 225 223 222 220 219 218 218 218 217 215 214 2141 214' 213 213 213 212 211 210 210 200 208 208 203 206 205 205 205 201 204 '203 203 202 201 201 -201 201 200 200 Heý that neyer changes his opinions, neyer corrects his mîistakes, and will neyer be wis- er on the morraw than he is today.-Tryon Edwards. Dead Stock Removed 1 Highest prices paid for Dead, Old and Urippied Farm Stock. TELEPHONE COLLECT Cobourg 1787 NICK PECONI, PETERBOROUGH 2-2080 Serves 4 in a jiffy KRAFT DINNER 2 Pikg. 29c Christie's Plain or Salted Premium Sodas Lb. Pkg. 31C White or Brown - 24 oz. loaf ]RICHMIELLG BREAD 15c White Swan TOILET TISSUE 2 For 25b Aylmer Choice - 15 Peas and Carrais oz. tins 2 TIns 35c Clover Leaf Fancy White Meat - 7 oz. SOLID TUNA FJSH Tin 39C Catelli Ready-Cut - 16 oz. MAVARGNI Pkg. [8C Franco American - 15 oz. Cooked Macaroni rin 17c Makes Dishwashing Easy - Large Dreft Detergent Pkir. 40c Heinz - 12-oz. bottie CHILI SAUCE 39C DEVON BRAND RINDLESS BA Mrm Campbell. Mn. and Mrs. Lawrence Mal- colmn attended Mr. and Mrs. Neil Malcolm's tenth weddlng anniversary at Blackstock. Con- gratulations Neil and Noreen tram all your old fniends at Nestleton. We have Money Available for [ortgage Loans on Town and Farm Property. iQUIRIES INVITED ia and Grey fCompany PETERBOROUGH Phone 2-0446 JUICY CALIFORNIA- Size 288's Sunkist Oranges doz. 3 3 FLORIDA - No. 1 SELECTED RED Ripe Tromaitoes pkg.25c RIPE - SWEET - CUBAN - Size 12's PINEAPPLES 29C READY TO COOK - FRESH GREEN TEXAS - 10 oz. <ello Washed Spinach 2 bags 2.9 COVER LEAF- FANCY RED SOCKEYE SALKMON /2 .rTin 37c YELLOW QUIK- BLUE BONNET MARGARINE Lb. Pkg. 39C RIEDEEM YbUR Dec COUPON - JOY - LIGUID DETERGEN9T 6 oz. bottie Cut Met C3st MEATY - PORK CON Lb. 55C1 SPARE RB ~47c b55c L59C Lb. 45C i YOUR DOMINION STORE LIMITED LEAN - PEAMEALED COTTAGE ROLLS l.49c SWIFT'S WIENERS Lb.- 43c FRESH - WELL TRIMMED PORK DUTTS LOIN PORK C.HOPS GREENSPANS - ALL-BEEF POLISH SAUSAGE SHEEP CASING BROOKFIELD -SAUSAGE Imm CAMADIAlq qTA",qmAlq mwu,&MM-Tyc- nmTAUTÉ.% fflt"vumv%à6qp qrAm~ *MAIL t&mdk 09 ----------- PAOB lot NESTLETON 32-c