THURSDAY, MARCI! l7th. 955 * 4J.~ '....ZLÂ4ZWIA.N O ±Il . Lj1VAN. BOUW MAINV 1LLE, ONTLARIO A! E Mrs. R. S. Virtue and Dorothy BRent Sunday in Toronto. Mr~. Don Quick, Toronto, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Quick. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mit- chell, Toronto, visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'F. J. Mitchell, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Burns, Robert and Judy, Peterborough; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hannah, Burlington, visited with Mr. H. H. Dilling. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Calmer, Mrs. Donalda Colmer, Brace- bride, Miss Diane Thompson, Taunton, visited Mrs. Fred Cal- Mer during the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Lucas Nicholls attended the wedding of Éheir grandson, Paul Douglas Tane, and Miss Anne Margaret Lees, in Harmony United Church on Friday evening, March Il. Mrs. Joan Munday and Mrs. Marion Hayes of Joan's Beauty Centre attended the convention of the Canadian Hairdressers' Association in the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, on Monday. Miss Iris Kent, Queensway; Miss Catherine Dilling. Teach- ers' College, Peterborough; Mr. Gary Dilling, Mimico, spent the week-end with the Iatter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Diii- ing. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 21 Ontario Street North Bowmanville Rev. P. B. Fifield, Pastor The executive of the No Ward Park Association met the home of Mr. and Mrs. E Nichols on March 15. They c( sidered raisîng money for equ ment for Franklin Park. PI. were made for a social eveni His many friends will be gl ta know that Mr. J. J. Brov Superintendent of the Onta: Training Schaol for Boys, w~ was taken ta Toronto WestE Hospital a week aga foilowing heart attalck, is progressing fa orably. Tom and Hap Palmer Palmer Motor Sales visitedt exhibit of the Outboard Mari Manufacturing Ca. at the Spa]' men's Show in Toronto and a] attended the annual dealer lu cheon of the company int King Edward Hotel. Rev. James F. McGuire, rE tor of St. Peter's Cathedi Peterborough, died suddenlyi March il at the age of 55. Fat er McGuire was the first rE ident parish priest in Bowma ville of St. Joseph's Roi; Catholic Church. from abo 1930-35, and is well remembe ed here. Readers of the Toronto Dai Star may have noticed in Mo day's edition the charmir picture of Mrs. Roy Slemon1 Ottawa, modelling an afternc dress and Spring hat in il fashion show put on there1 society leaders and wives1 Government ministers and dipl mats to assist the Red Cr< drive. Mrs. Slemon, wife of A Vice-Marshal Roy Slemon, is tl 1. Sunday,. March 20 lilli'St. iohn's Church 10 a.m. - Sunday School Il &.m. - "Man on Fire" 7 p.m. - "Where is Hell" Saturday, Mar. 19 7:45 p.m. PENTECOSTAL Youih Rally Talent from Oshawa Speelal Speaker: REV. KEITH RUNNING, young dynamic speaker, Brighton, Ontario ALL WELCOME (Anglican) THURSDAY, MARCH 17 Lenten Service at 10 a.m. SUNDAY, MARCH Zth Il amn. - HOLY COMMUNION 7 p.m. - EVENSONG Rev. A. E. Payne., Actlhg Rector - daughter of Dr. and Mrs. C. W, ne Slmn owavle New President o Week-end visitors with Mr. pri Gilbert Jones of North Bay who (Continued from page one) In has been in Memorial Hospital, very gaod year". C Bawmanvilhe, f o il o w ing an Full Report Monday i Iemergency operation, were: Mr. e rsdn EmrBnigpro __jand Mrs. Lea McCarthy, North ew as President lmeoBaningda' - Bav; Mr. Bob Jones and Miss aske Ps PeidntHopr Gwen Turiff, Parry Sound; Mr. who remains on the 1955 Exec- ta orth and Mrs. Bernard Jones, Osha- utive as a Director, ta make a Os tat wa; Miss Edna Bottreli, Toronto. full report on the year's activ- Rc Ken Mr. Jones, formeriy of Bowman-1 ities at the Farmers' Banquet of i co-ville, and present supervisar of the Chamber ta be held at the an, Dominion Stores with head- Lions Community Centre thîs Cu uip- qatr tNrhBy a ae Monday, March 21, at 6:30 p.m. n ans quartieitNorBwanvlleaven "I will certainiy do my best as da: in.the weekend of March 5. His President of the Chamber du r- Mr lad many friends will be glad ta ing 1955", Mr. Banting deciared, iwn, know he is making good pro- "and I will not ask any member aina gress. of the Executive ta do anything 1 wvho The annual Hospital Birthday I would not do myseif". He vet tern Party hc commemoratesth pointed out that contrary ta in whic th what has taken place in the of opening of Bawmanville's first past, the present Bowmanv ile 19 ýav- hospital, will be held this year Town Council is enigfi c-- at the Lions Community Centre operation and support ta the of instead of at the Nurses' Res- Chamber and this augurs very' the idence. It will take place on wl o t uuesces m-e Thursday afternoon, March 24, elfrisfuueIces rts- fromn 3 ta 6 p.m. It is hoped al f . "The picture has changed Ils the ladies of Bowmanville and since a year ago when we re- un surrounding communities will organized this Chamber", he the accept the invitation ta attendi asserted. 'Then, everyone was this pleasant event when after- predicting its failure. Now, noon tea will be served. Dona- everyone is predicting its suc- .ec- tions ta help finance the work cess". He pointed out that last ral, of the Women's Hospital Aux- year the Chamber had received on iliary will be gratefuily receiv- the ca-oiperation of the mer- [th- ed. There will be no hazaar chants in establishing definite "es- this year, and the Birthday Friday night store opening hours an- Party plus the Tag Day planned and Saturday closing, and that ian hy the Auxiliary will be their the Chamber is very grateful for Out oniv means of raising money ta this co-operation. President ier- meet their budget of around Banting paid tribute ta the hard $3,800. work of 1954 President Art tily Hooper and his Executive and ony expressed.his confidence that the -n 1955 Executive would give hi m of L gio Spe ker the same support and co-opera- )on in the Coninud frm Pge ne) He then outlined the 1955 ob- he <otnebfovaeoe jectives and stated that in- of Project Began ]In 1934 dustrial promotion will be a la- A master plan was drawn up important feature of 1955 oss and when President Roosevelt Chamber work. Air started the W.P.A. projects in he 1934 ta help the unemployment -situation a number of workers teen huge earthen dams were ~ C u l built in the Muskingon valley, four of which were flood con- i ir d i trai dams. The others were built ta fanm small lakes from "zc n1 r 350 acres to 3,500 acres in size. Crash HerIl Land around these lakes has been leased ta pnix'ate indivu- Fred Williams, Prospect St.,j duals for cottages, Mr. young- received two broken ribs an, man saîd, but a strip 100 feet his wife suffered a sprained wide has been left around the ight ankie in an accident at 1 shores for the use of the gen- the corner of Liberty and King eral public. In 1950 revenue Streets about 10.30 Saturday 1 from the Muskingon Conser- monning. They were treated at vancy was $800,000 Mn. Youngý- Memorial Hospital by Dr. Har- 1 man said. old Fergusan but allowed ta go I "This is a splendid example home later in the day.9 of turning the liabiiity of a The crash occurred when a 1 condition which caused loss of car driven by Bill Cox, R.R. 4, I life and tremendous financial Bowmanville, which was going 1 loss inta an asset that can be west on King St., crashed into 1 enjoyed by the people and re- the Williams vehicle in the in- turn $800,000 in revenue", the tersection of the two streets. speaker declaned. The side of the Williams car He then told of another lia- was badly crushed and the 1 -j bility in New Zealand which front of the Cox vehicle was -has also been turned into sanie- also severely damaged. Mr. thing which is of advantage ta Williams was driving south on that cauntry's people. There Liberty St. when the other car was a large patch of red sand struck him. Accarding ta police in New Zealand 260,000 acres who invcstigated, there appear- in area which coul d not be put ed ta be same negligence on the ta any useful type of agricul- part of bath drivers. ture, he said. Around 1900 Bowmanville Town Counicil someone discovered that red have received permission from and white pine could be grown the Department of Highways ta on this sand and the govern- erect a stop light at this inter- ment decided that instead of -section and estimates are naw keeping its convicts idle in their being oLbtaîiped of the cost of an prisons they could he put ta overhead light. Decîsion ta constructive use by planting erect the stop light was made trees an this sandy waste. This at hast October's councîl meei- was done until 1914 when World ing. War I began. Later in the war __________ the gavernment canceived the idea of putting canscientiausCOU T E objectons ta work on the samne C U T pra e et. Now Provlding Pulpwood Ebenezer Evening Auxlllaj'y "This year pulp milîs are be- The Mareh meeting of the ing built ta harvest the tim- Ebenezer Evening Auxîliary ri -ber from this îargest man-mat:e was held at the Sunday Sho forest in the world", Mn. Young- roomn on Wednesday evenîng. man asserted. He painted out At this meeting mothers of the that enough pulp can be euIt Baby Band members were each year froni now on in this guests. forest ta supply ail the needs Mrs. Wilfred Brown, presi- of New Zealand and provide dent, opened the meeting and some for export. "This is ana- gave a few brief highlights of ther splendid example of turn- the Presbytery held in Bow- acres of waste land and idie After a short business period F p risaners into a great asset", he Mrs. Brown tunned the meet- declared. ing aven ta Mrs. Arthur Mu'r, p Mr. Youngman aIse pointed Jr., who is leader of the Baby out that in Durham County the Band. Guests were welcomed liabilîty of enoded land which by Mrs. Muir. Mrs. G. Annis caused flooding each surine at in charge of devotiornal, chose l Hal isprof o ths ad Iwih tree-act play Wild Cinger" ta congratulate you on yaur Ebenezer nitbed prened achievement of burning the Wednesday, un ':rr. ie mantgage in such a short time." Mrh2r. Tî He was thanked for his inter- devotional wvas in charge of esting address by President Shirley Antil and Margaret Me- RossMeKnghtGregor. Rev. L. M. Sommer- RassMcKnght.ville conducted the Bible Stu- dv. Marion Wyman led in ne- creatian which ail enjoyed. Home and School The Courtice Home and Q- Sehool Association held a yen- Ii successful euchre I.t the sehool t n Friday evening. Prizes went won by the following: Ladies fist-Mrs. H. Gay; second - f Mrs. Stan Kinsman; Low,%-Mrs. J. Toaley. Men's first-Mns. W.- Parker; second-Michael Tool- ev; Law-Mrs. G. Goddard. ff Door pnize - Mr.i. .1. Baker. ICame along folks and help sup- 7'NR' fM ~port these cuchres. Scout Mothers N~NT DS iThe Eighteenth Scout Math- Ier's Auxilianv held its regular W Phono N 3-303 Jmafi'thly meeting at the home ]Phoe M 3-303 of Mrs. A. Stephens on Wed- esday evening. The meeting pened with Mrs. L. Melntyre, resident, presiding, with ten imbers answering roll cali. A îb flag is ta be purchased and esented ta the pack at a later ate. A tea and sale of work is )be held at the Scout Hall, ;hawa, on April 2lst. Mrs. oy Stevenson A.D.C. for Cubs iOshawa District was guest d explained many items on ub and Scout work. The next teting will be held Wednes- ay, April 13th at the home of rs. H. Scorgie, M, -z han. 14,000 patients in ýterai-s-' îr'spitals participated the Arts ai2d Crafts program 'the Canadian Red, Cross in )54. Use Secret Weapon For Kinsmen Game The members of the Bow- manville Kinsmen Club used a "secret weapon"-sheer force of numbers-ta overpower the Kinsmen-sponsored Basketball Team in a rugged but highly unonthodox game at the Boys Training Sehool gymnasium Tuesday night. Star of the game for the Kinsmen was Roy "Red" Swin- delis, their fcarless captain, who had the temenity ta chaI- lenge the regular basketball team to a match about four weeks ago. Since then Red has had his squad ta Newcastle for secret practice sessions and the fine results achîeved by these was revealed in the smooth el- bow action of his players Tues- day night. Although playing unden a 15-paint handicap and against Kinsmen squad that varied from 5 ta 10 players, the regu- hans put up a strong game and the result was in doubt until the final whistle. The regulars were Jake Brown, Bill Dadson. Don Rundle. Ken Kell3y and Glenn Richards, while the Kins- men team was made up of al the remaining members of the club who could stand the gaff. SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS EFFECTIVE ALL THIS WEEK I~ RU STORESitiiKUI ~ MEMBERS 0F THE INDEPENT DRUGGISTS' ALLIANCE COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE MARCH DRUG SALE Phone MA 3-5792 COMMISSIONER &MRS. BOOTH St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Trinity Unit ed Church S Minister, Rev. T. Arthur Morgan, B.A.1 11:00 A.M. - "Jesus and ihe Jews"f 7:00 P.M. - "The God of ihe Individual" LOrganist, Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus. Bach., L.R.S.M. ONE NIGHT ONLY! The Famous (Italian) PALERMO BROTHERS A Great Musical Nigbt Tuesday, March 22 at 7:45 p.m. SBowmanville Town Hall 'EVERYONE WELCOME" Memorial Hospital Weekly Report For the week of Marc)i 6-13: Admissions 42 Births, 8 maie, 5 female- 13 Discharges --50 Major operations -_____14 Minor operations - -13 Emergency treatments .9 These facts are published weekly in an effort ta acquaint this community with the ser- vices of our hospital. You are serving with the Can- adian Red Cross throughout the year wheul you give in March. Your Red Cross needs $5,494,100 in 1955. nàAIR BRUSHR SPECIAL ! A genuine, nylon bristle, roll type, lucite handie hair brush, made in France. March Drug Sale Price Hudnut $2.00 Egg Creme Shampoo plus 75e Creme Rinse $2.75 value for------------ $2.00 Wildroot Special Offer. Cream, Oji and Shampoo. $1.41 value Both for - ----------- - __98e Brylcreem. Get a free pocket comb with a regular tube of Brylereem. Both for ----- 69c lelene Curtis Lanolin Discovery plus $1.50 brush. $3.25 value- - ------ $1.98 "Pin Quick" Permanent $1.75 Pink Suds -------- --- -- 1.25 Shulton Tollet IVater --- $1.75 Hazel Bishop Nail Polish 65C Dial Soap 15c - 2 for 29c POWDER P17FF SPECIAL rhree-inch puffs in cello- phane bag - excellent value. 3 for 29c Here's I.D.A.'s Annual March Sale once again - witl its many specials and timely reminders. Check on your needs and take advantage of thes( unusual values to save on the produets used in your home. I.D.A. Brand Saccharin Tahlis 1/ Grain 100 500 reg. 20c 15c reg. 55c 39e '~Grain 100 500 eg. 23e 19e reg. 65c 49e Quick dissaîving Effervescent Non-caloric sweetener British miade VACUUM REMO VER Based on latest formulation. Evaporates slowly. Leaves no rings when used' according. ta directions. Reg. 4 oz., 40e 10 oz., 75ce. 33c 59C Special! I.D.A. Brand PAPER NAPKINS Reg. 17e 2 for 33e Box 2 For 29c Old Spice Smooth Shave $1.25 Mennen Skin Bracer 65c, $1.30 Palmolive Rapld Shave --98e Export Cigarettes --- _33c,, 41c Pear's Soap ------- 3 bars 79c CUTEX HAND CREAM 'f hand cream ,<,~~'o~ Both for 69c col I.D.A. Brand Tooth Paste Reg. 57e tube -IEATING PAD ,ats, 3.99 K PAPER ght paper but a genuine product packed in a box cutting edge es wide e29c 49C ~ I.D.A. Brand Shave Cream Fjrîe-b)ubble. rich rnoist lather .A Real Bargain! TOILET TISSUE Not a small roll but a full size roll - 750 sheets Special March Sale Price 2 fris21 c Regular low price - 2 for 25e Look for the Red and White Label ~,f7 Check This for Value! j SOA P SPECIAL! »- nexceptional bran cakes in a fine assortment :'-0~ Of fragrances. in a reusable polyethvlene bag. This is a quahity soap by a reputable ~ manufacturer. 10 BARS 49c MOTH Crystals, Sprays PREVENTATIVES Bombs SPECIAL ! PARADICHLORBENZENES MOTH CRYSTALS An I.DA. eanîy bird special! I.DA. March Drug Sale Price. Diehloricide Crystals 175c, 3.25 Larvex Moth Proofer 93c, 1.43, 2.00, 3.00 BOTTLES SPECIAL For lunch box or travelling. Includes plastie cup top - - - IDA. "Utility" Hot Water Bottie Guaranteed for 2 years of satis- factory service. Full capacity moulded rubber Regular price 1.79 1,929 i March Sale Price GAGE - STUART HALL Chest 'of Letters An opportunity ta buv a lovely box of stationery 70 sheets and 30 enx'elopes - suit- able as a gift. 1.50 value 98C "Auer" Triple Gear Cigarett e Lighler A weli engineer- V ed lighter built ta last, yet beau- ~III tifully designed. 1.00 NOXZEMA SKIN CREAM Sampllng Special 40e jar fan ------ 29e Look Inside for valuable coupon 2 bs. for 59 C Green Cross Math Bomb 89e - $1.39 Rex E.Q. 53 Moth Proofer 75e - $1.25 ELECTRIC 1 89, Three-speed, 4thernosta BRONCHIDA 8 oz., 75e IDAPHOS 16 oz., 1.25 ITA LIA N BALM Special Offer 59e Household Size and 19e Travel Size 78e value fan ---- 65c A.B.S. & C. Tableis re.2:c 1 9C Idol-Agar rg.79,î.,," 59c, 1. 19 Olive 011 reg 4,5, 98c 29c, 44c, 79c Siomach Powder 75c 195 59c 1.49 "Easi - Ilb. Gs Floor Wax rg 5c39C 1Wrif ing Pads "Economy" ', Ladies' letter,rex. 15Cc i 2 /C23c PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY &lex. MwcGregor, Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store a The Salvation Army Bowmanville SUNDAY, MARCH'2t at 3 p.m. BEEF, IRON and WINE Contains Vitamin Bi A valuable general tonic for irnpaired nutrition, anaemia 79 adgeneral debility.79 16 oz., reg. $1.00 -.--- I...WA) Not a cheap, lightweig heavy grade, quality p with metal 100 foot roll, 12 inchi Regular low price Special March Sale 25 c - 2 for THMMAT, MARCH 17th, 1933 M ("AVAnTAM CrAorVL-IsAwr r