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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Mar 1955, p. 12

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o-- ~ --------- - __________________________________________-- .U' -'NY .2LMO ,C'yr r I r< *m floar as the basketball hit the jackpot and Doug CattranM an L ca4C (7/ ' ~ /(' I %.spent the next haif bour pick- ~ ]~. cS~ Screecl2 k. V t oose) At half tirnethe Doc- C m iso e Ron Tuner -tors heid* a cammanding 15-6 D'W' Then in the second haîf, Ken In S e ilS r i ~~ ~ ~ W.1 Brooks and Alex Alexander de- Sp ca DocorsAreHoselagu seve fnm cmpitecided ta put their heads toge- A very special service was, CotrsAehmp lae evs he lastgaebhumilia- ther and do -something about beld in St. Andrew's Presby- Champsseaon, y enn the uttgan the the situation. Neither seemedi tenian Church Sunday. March Boys Hoselegue Bas et-ais o erengthbe Mech- ta erijoy' the farce of the irn-2tb, wben the members af Bys' w ou p wtaufas-- a pwont in*tbleo pick part. bowex-en. Late in tbe gainie teBwavleCrso bal wond p itha fst-nO- u a oin i th whleseries- the Doctors were bard-pressed Svti owmnvrmy Coadstoehne ing final pla.yoff came Fniday Altbough in first, place, the asvto Am a the Detitsgt itr afternoon whicb saw the Doc- Plumnbers wene one of the îow- t- ofont welca.Th nd mr.Wiffe Comissohe tors perfor-m a nanrowly suc- est scaning teams, making only troe e points onebutthe' nd Mrs. Wcife eaeroftheUi cessful operatian on the Den- two points more than the fifth 1draentithpe backonce but te newî apoAmte ladr ofntde tists. Oddl 'v enaugh bath ofplace Carpenters w-ha onîy wonî Dnthipree ontgaîTe-Slin Am o'Cnd these tcams pulled upsets iinwtintrepons h and Bermuda. Commissioner thesem-fnal ta ovrco~1 a single game and this prox'ed Dentists scored another bas- Booth, a grandson of General the emi-inas to overometa be the Plumbers' downfaii ket and the score wvas 21-20fo William Booth, founder of the the icague'3 two first place in the semi-finals 'when tbey the Doctors. The crowd w-as ail- Salvation Army, bas served yerms hePumes ndLw-mtoh high-flying Doctors most on their feet with excite- with the Army iii England, Thy lmers ha te lng tied the Lawyers for most ment. A numben of unsuccess- FacSizradadNn point s se' lbog xinîgful rushes at cach end foliow- wypirt oi' oCn est string of îîndefeated games a1ae es ed; then the su-en wcnt and ayao.t oîg aCn in the . cheduJ'- losng onl1 On the seasons total the '9the Doctors had wvon the cbam- 11;s" ad'rgie Alfred their iast ,,,an(,ta the Den- : league's bighest scorer w3s pionship by one point. Dixon, Bellevilie, in welcoming tists xlho secmned ta have a: Lawvcr Bill Panas who stoc;d The gaie's top scorer xva, the large number of Salvation- standardizer ohutput as they bc had and shoulde rsboeh Td s;-orod cnctIvlî 7ptint.z in four resboth58pont. 11(nb-' shte Cranip of the Dentists who ists and guests ta the service, o'ît of ter ie lau gin-S hcrme next wt 34 rhpebakesntstbee a great day for tbe Boxvman- thei f: icguegaies Sithwit pofl1 foui shots for 9 points. Doctor ville Corps. We are pnivileged and thon . o the semni-final closelY foilowed bx- Ken Brooks Ken Brooks scored four bas-- that Commissioner B ao0 t h with 17 points. The Doctors, (NM.D. with 33 'points. Doctor kesfr8pitadta-soud istBwavlean who proved the-msolx-es ta beI Ted Faiiey and Don -Martin 0f'mes fBr 8bboits and Te ai- af he siler orps, o s on thelngehihs garne scar-1 the Dentists cach had 27 points. -erv aîid Don Martin uf Den- af th mler costaCanada. crs,. bv rac'king Lno 24 points on aatrcmn oCnd. tw sec.:voocaios 1wn The Doctors w,-ori the semii-' tisis w ere next witli 6 points.[ Lieut. J. Ham, Commandler twnbentnn site olatterspart o final from the Plumbers bv a I li as been suggested tha-t' of the Bowmànville Salvation their schedu~c1 toîie the Den- onesed scoîe o! t2e0-9 t. ; " 'the outcorne Of thiS fracas Of Army, extendcd an officiai. tist's for second p1ac-e in Icagur î~ the niedicai faculty mighit have wvelcome from the Corps ta -1'(i~~ alr ; îx and Lawyers pla.ved a ls been differeot if the Deîîtislt Conîinissioner and Mrs. Booth. ffe sp1igthi an tying 8-8 at bal! tini'c. I had donc a litIle more clîiing GnrlWlimBoboee teii. m 0theeZ l T n the Dentists, sparked by before the gan:e.) *a whole new wonld foi' us,"lie, Th Lwvrslot n n loinspircd MuieBradklc saîd, "n eknow that the ganie i li (c chculaid tlied o ne game than ho did in 111i Second Program In Senies Bootbs will continue ta open the iumersforfirt pace whoe lagu scedue. êntncw worlds in the field of te PLumbers fo'ndrstplae. w-hale league sthedule. mrgin The second of a senies Of Chistianity." He also welcomn- Bat La'.yor nîd lumer antawinby Penarowmarînthree form progr-ammes was w-cnt unbenten until the Plu.n- af 17-13 despite the valiant ef- lhcld in the auditorium on Fr;- bers diefe-atedl tho Latwyer- and forts of Bill Panas who made da ftrno th auaeed!aveynigtnnppe took a commnanding lead - in 1l of the LawN-crs' 13 points. 1uce'.Tepefracsb on 'Religions", well î'ead by theseros.Butdueta n uset Thefinl ecauterbot-ee pr-design consisted entirely o' Miss Laura Hamilton. handed to the Pitîmbers by the the Doctors and Dentists \Xwi .drm Frstadscodfis Mris. Meneilley read Chapter Denhîswhowononi tb anacton-ac ed gae1i~e did sceesfi-in Shakcses r IX from "The Sunny Side" by gaine ouit of aIl their last tbree,, at a swift pace. At ac point e-iete ~ fom vr~ Patience Strong. entitled "Spring v:'hle the ayr laid the îndced, a straY shat mîsýsed ils cd on etracts Ylerfîormsno:-n Cleaning", which referred ta bapiess Meolianies luw. the mark and bouinccd at the ad- pla-vs. The first number w. nat just aur housecieaning but Lawvers nanaged ta regain the mission charger, piacidlv sea,'- tpenn seeYfJui S that aur bearts and minds wbich lie for first place. The xinless1 ed at the doorway. A wild cdat- sar' w'herein Dav-id Parker as through the y cars accumulate a Carpenters only saved tbrn- tening was heard on the ceinent MrluRd ane sFn lot o! rubbish, aid grudges, old v-iu;sand*-Bob Alun as e tr first ideas and aid woe sbould alsol ALI YOUR FOODS AND NOUSEHOLD . NEEDS at A&P FREE TEA'TOWEL WITH BREEZE giant pkg 7 9 c FREE TEA TOWEL WITI4 DUZ UwÀ gianopkg 1~' ~ LIM NE PARKER 9fan pkgc LE ori PIE each 3 9c OLD DIJTCH. SUNLIGHT SOAP TIDE or SURF PASTE 'WAX -JY BROOMS--C4SO. PA5 O SCORING CLEANSER, 4 N-ON'e TRAND POTS and PANS SPIC 'N SPAN- JAVEX LIQUID BLEACH \2tin25c 2 bars 21c giant pkg 75c i-lb tin59C . ,. .ea 99c- 2 pkgs of 4 25C 16-oz pkg 29c 16-oz bol 14C PRODUCE FEATURES Califai-nî ia 1.Fresh Largo Heads Cz,feî nn .iNý. 1. Tne and Crisp Flocd-i No. 1 Floie No. 1.-'z iSelected Flord. d nýi: W -rD. 1 - Now a'c their hest -176's each 2.9c 2 heads29c 2f.,fr25c cello pkg 19C doz 39c a MELLOW - CUSTOM GROUNO E~~~K(OFFEE b9 PORK LOIN SALE RIB END FILLET END Average 31/-lbs. Ave. 3½,'-Ibs. CENTRE CUIS or CHOPS COOKED HAM MINClD BIEF PORK SAUSAGE SIDE BACON Su FRESH SMELTS1 Thinly SIiced Extra Lean Burns Pure ;per Riglut, Rindless Headlesa & Dressed ib 37c ib43c b49c 1-lb pkg 79c 16 29C lb 43C VI b plcg 57c lb2.9ç PRIME RIB ROAST ' Short Cutl. 5 citizen wvere the chie! partic~:ip-bave a gencral cleaning out. and ants. surrounded by a togatized Jin order ta do. thîs we must let tîîrong. love shine in. The scene thon switchcd to A St. Patnick's rautest, arnang- the Capitol where tlic stabbin-' i d by Mrs. Eliiott and which nre- of Cacsar was witnessed. This quired aur tbinking caps, was scene conzsitcd of an ail r'«î folîowed by a deliciaus dinner j cst.Daw Aky paye cA*~and social baur, prepared by ber, Mary Mitchell w as Cassius, Mrs. Morton and Mrs. Elliott, Camifla Aiken w-as Brutus, Jo lunch committce, and ta wbomn Anne Mackie w-,as Caesar and a hcarty vote o! thanks was Sandra Constable w-as Antan- Igîx'cn for their kînd bospitalîty. ius. iMr. and Mrs. Fred Tufford The grade tcf number, ti, opcned their home ta "the neigb- Box tree scene t ram Twelfth bours" Satur-day evening, where Nigh, ws itrouce byJohn a most picasant time was enjoy- Coak. A ncw slant uvas tbrown dbevro. an tbis production as the play- Mr. and Mrs. E. Ruthven were ersappare inmodrn ress.recmit guests of Mrs. Larmne Te apercd (ofînodeî'nidre.-'s. Dickinson, Oshawa'. TPweerdcgrec t einoeizaion, We are pleased ta hear Mr. thoe er, didentisasrt oedW. J. McCullougb wbo bas not tPe arl twntie asmas o!been wcll Ibis winten is feeling the characters w'ore bowler ipoe.W oei bats. Margot Rankine portray- slightly mroc' ehoei ed Mlvoia, he tewrd, d- illcontinue. cad Malowl. tPe Sird, Ed Little David' Gerow- after a wecAroldDw was Sir o w xeek's absence fnom sehool, is Belchw Aold Dowson wa irstili at home with a onld and Anribe w age-abia, an BDraaftcr-effects 'o! the fia. Taime w abalm ad D a We are most pleased to hear Mare alerply- a spirit. favourable reports o! Rev. Mn. cd Maria. Third form's produc- Harding who bas been in pon tion was introduced by George fiea-lth for some tifi-'Wé bdpe Maî'low'. TI-is was an abridged Pc continues ta improve, and be play directed by Bob Dov who able ta be witli us again soon. falso made an excellent pur- Congratulations" ta M-s. R. traval ut Andres de le 0 with- Gerow who celebrated a binth- out the benetit of make-up or day, Marcb 2J.- excessive neniod *costume..- His :ilizens Hear and Mrs. Booth ýce Here Sunday servant, Cleto. was Bob Stacc'y ' ' >W V ~ 4 ~*y~ * and the ieading -ladies were Vaughn Stephens a.4 Marica ~ and Mary Anne Smale as Ra- k quael. Tbe final iumber pre-!. sented %xvas by Senior Commer- cial in which Ross Elliott and Jane McClure, as Prince Simon ing raies. Jean Stainton xvas the bespectacied Chancellori Shirley Bathgate. Dulcibeila j5 and Rae Wilkins, 'Carlo. Marie ; Hughes play ed the 'Queen and her spouse. Floyd Fowler, gave a mirthfullv enjoyable per- formance as the pompous mon- arch. Girl.s Basketball By Gerda Craig The Girl*s 'ou Robin"~ Basketball Schedule ended on the 1Ilth of March at B.H.S. The standing of the four tea msÀ participating is as foiîowS' juniors: P o in À IB.H.S - --------------20 A O.C.V.J. _------------- O C C I _---------- - - -------- P.D.Fl.S. _--------- --------------- 00 Seni(ors:' O .C .V .1 ------------------- 19 O.C.C.I -.- -------------------l7 1e B.H.S. ----------- 12 Y I P.D.HS. (0o The total points for each for-A vward for the season are as fo'i lows: Jnor .Osborne-65 G. Bront--34: B. Bathýgate-32 C. Sr-nith -19; J. Brooks -99 Joan 1\ulon: . Smith- j l-~nior W.Dates --5 MVill'- -48-; G. Craîg 23:1 iThe Junior guard.3 -J. Gib- . son., ar Lewis. A. Oldejon.. B. Co%\ l*ng, G. Blackburn, C. O" witxoct. The SCenIior P3uards -S. Bathi- f --ai. FI. Webb< r. J. ButteryS Pollac'k. D, Dilîng. ZION (Hope Township) 'ear * 1oman's Association e ar W.A. met at the home of 'Mrs. Robert NMortonî iast Thursda, In-« March 17 wi-th a good attpn- d <ance. Minutes.%ere reaci by î sC. lrwin, a IS 0 several ~Y sti sa d 'thtkvou- notes frflowers Y sfori n d and cards. Treas. report was Bring your kidsfo i iead bv~ Mrs. Del Whitne%-. àrs.* i Fred Tufford reporfed that 10,, 'tables had been*ordered for the church basdýment: Mrs. Gea. El- liott that hvrnn books were on order. A ci-okinole partv is being -pianned for Easter Wýeek. April 14. We hope. the voung folk MR in ess for that evening. Roll cal vas answered by a donation to the W'. E. table, the proceeds being S6.45. It %vas decided to 1At the close of business Mrs.$ Carmen lrwîn gave a ver), fiee dex-otional pragrani on -'St. Pat- scrituî. -ensigwibpryr rick'. Mrs Ruthe read the 'led bv Mrs. Irwvin. Programime in charge of Mrs. 1- Morton and Mrs. Elliott consist- FREE! ed their 16-year-axd daugbte' Miriam wbo accompanied thert saying that she sbowed haut the Army provides a means c-. service for -young faitb." A: leader of the local Corps hf pledged Ia Commissioner an( Mrs. Booth tbe loyalty an( support of ahl members of thP Bowmanville Salvation Armv Commissioner Booth nemank, ed tbat in bis opinion the Boiv. manville Corps promises ta bE one of tbe biggest and best ir Canada. In bis work for thc Salvation Army the Commis- sioner bas visited 46 cauntnies Mentioning bis travels be stat- ed that he had scen many wonderful things as be jour- neyed about the world but that bis greatest jay uvas iii meetog people who lave God. "I lave ta meet Salvationists w'ýherevcr thcy may be. -We need certainties in the woî'ld taday," hie continued. "Salva- tionists bave the certaintx' of the work of Christ and of the love that God gives ta us." Cammissioner Booth's daugb- fer, Miriam. Captain Ken Ra.v- lins and Major Arnold Brown (a former Commander of tPl-e Bowmanvilie Corps 20 years aga) all spoke briefl 'y ta the large congregation telling of their personal expenience wiih- in the Salvation Army. Mrs. Booth, a 3rd geneî'ation Salvationist, told a! the trials faced bY ber father and grand- fat)îer as members o! tbe eariy 5a1 vatian Army in France and also o! ber awn expeniences as a young officer in the French Salvation Army. Major Brown fax'ored wkhC a solo accompanied by Corn- missianer Booth on bis con- certina. In making bis final rcmarks Commissionen Booth said that tPc people of taday arc leading selfish indifferent lives. They have "hearts of stane" incap- able of the "finer feelings." We should nat be indifferent ta the suffening of aur neigh- hors, said Commissioner Booth. It should be a challenge ta us as Christians because "the bc- ginning o! Cbnistianity (s th&t i man loves God and bis fe1- low men." Music for the afternoon was supplied by the Bowmanville Sa1vation Army Band. Farm Forums PROVIDENCE FORUM Providence Farmn Forum met it Mn. and Mrs. Gardon Bar- 'ie's with 16 members present o discuss 'Safcty on the -Iighway." Questions for discus s i a ri were: WPat do you feel are the nain bigbway safety problems today? Wbat steps do yau hik should be taken ta salve,- bhem? Findings were: The main auses o! accidents ai-e - lack f stop signs on country roads; low driving; fast driving: U' lVAt,-5L*PYLZMAIli Itfli, 191 MAonday HOTEL 5 p.m. 29th Tuesday STUDIO - -, *1 . -. ., *- r fallure ta signal; too. strong lights; cars driven with mech- anicai defects; lack of driver, and pedestrian courtesy; cars passing in restricted areas: irresponsible drivers; s i1o w moving vehicles and last but by no means least the drunken driver. Strict poiicing of the highwavs with more castly rfines, more stop signis an coun- ntry roads. safe driving and vwalking education for children fand aduits, and strict examin- Sations when applying for a driver's license would hieip salve some of these probleins. JWe recammend more cotly fines ta, and longer suspen'.sio. *of licenses far the drunken *and reckless driver. * Next meeting will be in the -form of a pot luck supper ta be held at Sam Turner's. Bring 2dinner and tea plates for all the family, silver and cups and saucers will be provided. Each *family ta provide food for first course and dessert. 1 WEDDING GRAHAMI - PERFECT Standards of pink and white f snapdragon farmed the back- ground in the Salvation Armiv Citadel, Bowmanviile, on Mar. 5th for the marriage of Mar- ina Jean, daughter of Mr. and iMrs. Ernest H. Perfect, Bow- manvilie, ta James Albert Graham, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Graham, New- Scastle. Lieut. John Ham per- formed the ceremony, and wedding music xvas played by iMrs. Albert Cale. The bride was given in mar- niage by her father, and wore a powder blue suit of woal gabardine with navy blue -a- bardine hat and a corsage of deep pink rases. Miss Muriel Willatts was her attendant, wearing a pale gray suit with bat of navy straw and corsage of yellow roses. Mr. Roy Stoneburg, New- castle, performed the duties of best man, and the bride's bro- ther, Allun Perfect, was usher. A reception followed at the home of the bride's parents, the bnide's mother receiving in a dress of navy blue ticatina withi pink hat and accessories and pink carnation corsage. The groom's mother assisted, wearing a dress of navy blue crepe with matching bat and accessories and corsage of pirik carnations. Guest.s attended from Tor- onto, Campbellford, Newcastle,' Newtonville and Bowmanville. After a wedding trip ta Eastern points and the United States, the happy couple have taken up residence in Bow- manville at 9 Jane Street. The bride is a member of the officei staff at the Ontario Training School for Boys, where fellow members presented ber wilh1 a loveiy oak coffee table. Co- workers of the groom in the Rods and Tubing Department of General Motors at Oshawa presented him with a gift of i money.1 The bride was also the re-I cipient of many lovely gifts at i a miscellaneous shoxver in thel Legion Hall an February 2810 wben Miss Muriel Willatts tNasla hostess ta about 40 friends andi neighbors. .Y ~ y o Pi e' Pi y * * A * $ e' e' 0 * s- $1 e) g 'g e- - 30th - Wednesday PAGE TWELvE Chiïldren's Photos FREE! . not PHONIES. You see Our Pictures The Canadian Statesman. Every Week. vertising Stunt, we want ail the Pops and Moms to know our work. a free sitting and get your FREE Mounted Photo. No strings aitaciled. BAILMORAL l 10 arn. to C~H .28th COME EARLY AND AVOID THE RUSH ARSO NS Trinity Auxil iary fMarch Meeting The Evening Auxiiiary o! Trinity United Churcb beld its regular meeting on Tuesday evening, March 15, Miss M.1 Bellman presided. Mrs. J. Darcb assisted by Mrs. A. Al- len was in charge of the de- votional part o! the program. Mrs. Morgan intra d u c e d' Mrs. W. Leask wbo gave a short talk on Evangelism, in wbicb she mentioned the wariz and influence of severai out - standing evangelists of recent years. The commitîe in charge, of the meeting liad procurcd a, very. întenesting film on one village in India. Atten the reporta of thé, treasurer, Miss V. Bunner, and, the secretary, Mrs. W. Robb.j the members enjoyed a social time togethen. Memorial Park HioId Exellent St. Patrick's Tea A very successful St. Pat- rick's Tea was beld at the Memonial Park Building oni Marrh 12, spansored by the, Memorial Park Association'. The booths and auditorium were gaily decorated in white with green streamers. The bead table was attractively decorated, centred by a Sbam- rock plant and green candies, and the tea tables bad centre- pieces of daffodils and St. Patrick's hats. Mrs. Victor Jeffery, past PORT HOPE BLOCK AND TILE Concrete Blocks - Ail sizes Drainage Culvert and Wel Tile Interlocking Chimney Blocks 210 Hope Si. N. Phone 2557 PHONE TUrner 5-2557 jOpen for Engagements.. *The Thornton's Corners Community Association's . presentation of ELENA RIVERS :3 * A Comedy in Three Acts * by Ned Albert * A number one performance with a first rate cast * *suitable for Churches, Sunday Schools, or commun- * :ity groups. Phone any one of these numbers for: :further. information: Oshawa 3-9072, Oshawa 5-5026, :Oshawa 5-4009. -4-, les itt, president, poured tea. Mrs. Garfield Clarke %vas convener for the tea and baz- aar assisted by the fallowing., tea table convener, Mrs. Louise Lyle: assistants, Mrs. E. Run- die. Mrs. Jean Harness, Mrs. Ruth Barclay; tea assistant-s> Mrs. Heleni Park, Mrs. Karcil Vesna, Mrs. Kay Luxton; home bakingý, Mrs. Jessie Tardif f; candy, Mrs. E. Mitchell;, rurm- 1mage, Mrs. E. Clapp; needie. work, Miss A. Dadson, Mrs. Neil Wilson, Mrs. Dorcas Mut.- ton, Mrs. Leona Etcher; teýi cup reading, Mrs. Alma Gus- cott. MNrs. L. Plain sold tickets on a beautiful quilita be drawn April 29. foLANT5; -fA oHE. 25 fr 539or medum rowh-tE oalhardy klnth 18-jo. 25 f r .8oer p115.00 per mrnpoedPlantfor 3.49 ord1. ('rEDBARBERRY :a3l,tardoo - r e a sean-9- h u. 100 for 1.* 2-to., 25.9 fo 5 or 2.00 pe r 100. etd. moiht epok, fordy.98. Bîode - "aiyngsway -.N. ursie trOmManteil, 25 o 3.9Ar ïiO Phoowhite or (xhib Miton.3ise m THE CANAnUN STATZSMAM- nw,"AwTp%' a

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