Turn Page foi Addiiional Classifieds 13IRTHS BRANTON - Dr. and Mrs. Harvey Branton (nee Shirley Flintoff of Orono), are haQpy to announce the bith of theïr soni Paul Douglas, born March l7th, 1955, at Hotel Dieu Hospital, Windsor, Ontario. 12-1 LePINE-Don and Jean (nee Stacey) are happy to announce the arrivaI of their son Daniel Gregory, at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, March 13, 1955. 12-1 MASTERSON-Mr. and Mrs. Tom Masterson wish to announce the arrivai of their son, Geraid1 Douglas, at Memoriai Hospital, Bowmanvilie, on Sunday, March 13th, 1955. 12-1 ORMISTON - Mr. and Mrs. Xeith Ormistor. are happy to announce the bith of their son on March 20th, a brother for Brian, Karen and Rosemary. 12-1 PAYNE-Mr. and Mrs. Murray Payne are happy to announce the birth of a daughter, Jonnifer Elizabeth, on March 22, 1955, at Port Hope Hospital. A sister for Garfield. 12-1 ENGAGEMENTS Mm. and Mrs. Marvin Roy Clarke of Oshawa announce the engagement of their daughtom Lorraine Kathleen, to William Raymond Cox, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Elmer Cox of Bowman- ville. The marriage is to take place in Oshawa in April. 12-1* Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Spark- inan, Toronto, announce tleo en- gagement of thoir daughter, Corrine Joan, to Gerhamd Van De ot, second son of Mr. and Mr.Hrry Van Der Belt, of Powmanville, Ont. The wodding will take place at Alderwood United Church, Saturday, April 26th, 1955, at 4 p.m. 12-1* Mr. and Mrs. John Magee an- zounce the engagement of hem daughter, Barbara Joan Spencer, to Edward Keith Conneli, son of Mrs. Shirley Connoîl of-Bow- inanville, and the late Albert Conneil. The wedding to take p lace at St. John's Anglican uhurch, Bowmanville, Saturday, April 16, 1955, at 2:30 'clock.1 12-1 DEATHS 13R0WN-At Toronto Western Ilospital on Fniday, March 18, 1955, John J. Brown, belovoc liusband of Margaret Brown, and dear father of William, Otta- wa, and Irvine, Bowmanville. :Rested at the Funeral Home of Korthcutt & Smith, 53 Division St., Bowmanville. Service was held on Monday, March 21. In- tomment Bowmanville Cemetery. F'uneral under Masonic auspices. 12-1 GRAC-At Darlîngton Town- ship on Sunday, Marcb 20, 1955, .Alfred Grace, beloved busband of Henrietta Croker. Rested at Northcutt & Smith Funoral Hiome, 53 Division St., Bowman- 'ville. Srvice was hold on Wed- riesday, -March 23. Interment Cadmus Union Cemetery, 12.1 IROOPER-At'20 Watfond Ave., Toronto, on Friday, March lBth, 1955, Isabella McIndoo, in hem 84tb yoar, beloved wife of W. H. Hooper (fommerly of Ponty- pool) and dean mother of Erma (Mrs. T. W. F. G. Andrews) and grandmother of Patricia MeCor- xnack and Joyce, Toronto, and B. T. G. Andrews, Brampton. Ivms. Hooper rested at the Mor- ris Funeral Chapel, Bowman- ville. Service xvas held in Pontypool United Church on Sunday, March 20, at 3 o'clock. Intemment Pontypool Cemetery. 12-1 McCULLOUGH - At Memonial Hospital, Bowmanville, on Sat- urday, March 12, 1955, George N. R. McCuilloug-h, late of Newv- tonville, bcloved husband of Lottie Luxon and dear father of Laurcen (Mrs. Kenneth Whit- ney). Funeral service was held, at the George Funeral Chapel,! Port Hope, on Monday, March 14, àt 1:30 p.m. Interment Lake- view Comotery, Newtonville. 12-1 MOORE-At ber nesidence, 62 Concession St., Bowmanville, on Wednescay, March 23. 1955, Ida Louise Moore, in ber 88th year, daugbtem of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Moore. Resting at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bow- rnanville. Service in the Chapel on Saturday, March 26th, at 2 p.m. Intemment Bowmanville Cemetery. 12-1 WICKS-Entemed into rest at hem home, Newcastle, on Thursday, March 17, 1955, Minnie Greta Selby, agod 55 years, beloved wife of EricM. Wicks and dean sistor of Marjorie (Mms. Sam Powell) and Marie (Mrs. N. Gartsbore);, Newcastle. Mrs. Wicks rested at the Morris Fun- eral Chapel. Bowrnanville. Sony- îoe was heid in Newcastle Unit- rd Chumch on Saturday, March 19th. at 2:30 p.m. Interment Lang Vault, Orono Oêmetery. 12-1 Pets For sSle COLLIE pups, eight weeks old. .Apply Campbell Hamer, Hamp- ton. Phono MA 3--9982. 12-1 DACHSHUND, registered, mcd inale pup, $50.00. Margwill~ 1'ur armn. Phone MA 3-2679. zu LI LA'. £- ul ' L ULL TWO 7.50x16 6-ply tires and tubes. Phone MA 3-5756. 12-1 ALFALFA hay. E. Vondracek. MA 3-2074. 12-l* HIGGON ELECTRIC LIMITED MIXED baled hay. Phono MA SL 3-2151. 12-1* CLEARANCE SL .FEED and seed oats for sale. Phono MA 3-2121. 12-1 USED lumber, some 20 ft. long, also windows and doors. Phono MA 3-2156. 12-1* LLOYD travel crib baby car- niage, grey, in good condition. Phono MA 3-5722. 12-1* BOY'S Juvenile bicycle, C.C.M., oquippedwith large carrier, $20. Phono MA 3-3681. 12-1* PIANO, Grand Duchess, upmigbt, good condition reasonable. Tele- rPhono MA 3-3509. 12-1* rGIRL'S bat, coat, light blue, check trim, sizo 4, like now, $5. Newcastle 2143. 12-l* ONTARIO potatoos, 75 lb. bags, delivored in Bowmanville. Phono MA 3-2473. 31-tf CEDAR poîos for bydro, tele- vision aemiais, clothes linos, etc., also fonce posts. Phono MA 3- 27 46. 11-2 GIRL'S semi-race bicycle, ex- cellent condition, also large size space heater. Phono MA 3-5433. 12-1* QUANTITY of used doors and windows, choap. Apply Brook- dale-Kingsway, C.N.R. Station, Bowmanville. 12-11I FARMERS-Now is the time to order your Campbellford silo. For further particulars Phono MA 3-2403. 12-1* VENETIAN blinds-Newest col- ours with plastic tapes. We measure and instaîl. Morris Co. Phone MA 3-5480. 1 6-tf RECONDITIONED Beatty pump with new motor and tank, $75. Margwill Fur Farm. Phone MA 3-2679. 12-1 REGISTERED Larain and Beav- er oats, certified Abegweit, also Barboff barley. J. W. Boyd, 51 r 18, Orono. 12-1* ADDING machines and type- writers for rent and for sale. Walter Frank. Phone MA 3- 2403. 11-3* SAVE on lumber, direct from mil to you. Phillips Lumber Co., Kinmount, Ont. Phone 17r11. 13-tf KEYS cut automatically, whiie you wait, at Mason & Dale Hard- ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- ville. 46-tf DO your own floors - rent a sander or a floor polisher from Lander Hardware, 7 King St. E., Bowmanvillo. Phono MA 3-5774. 3-tf INSULATION, blowing mothod, with rock wool. Workmanshîp guaranteed. Free estîmates. Hamry L. Wade. Phono Clarke 2420. 39-tf BABY carniage, push cart, coal and wood stovo, ail in good con- dition. Apply to Fred Barrell, 87 King St. E., Bowmanville. 12-1* OTACO wagons, plows, discs, spreadems, land packers, and cast and ductalloy shames for most makes of plows. Frank Hoskin. Phono Blackstock 2. 12-1 CHIPPAWA potatoes, grown from certified seed, idoal for seed. Apply Geo. Van Dam, Pontypool, or telephone Orono 81 r 4. 11-2 TAPE recorder, R.C.A. push-but- ton, 6 months old, showcase con- dition, spotless: new $280, now $180. 94 Wellington. MA 3- 3155. 12-1 TRADE-IN beds, s p r i n g s, chrome kitchen chairs, combina- tion coal and electric ranges, angettes, electric ranges, e- f rigera toms, space heaters. Murphy Co., King West. 12-1 HEARING aid service, testing service and complote stock of batteries and cords at Higgon Electric Limited, 38 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phono MA 3-5438. 20-tf TRAILER, 12 ton steel box, 15 inch tires, $9.5; large size steel stonehoats, $25; also '416 Ford ton truck, new battory, good tires S295. Frank Hoskin. Phono Blackstock 2. 12-1 Singer Sewing Centre For Used or New Sewing Machines Rentais or Repair Phono OSHAWA 5-5443 for Prompt Service 44-tf WASHERS NEW EASY WASUP" Reg. $229 $169 and old washer NEW EASY IVASHER Reg. $219 $159 and old washem NEW EASY WASHER Reg. $189 ad$129 adold washem NEW G. E. WASHER Reg. $179 $129 and old washer USED EASY WASHER Two months old $99 USED LOCOMOTIVE WASHER Fully Overhauled $50 USED BEATTY and THOR WASHERS $25 each USED THOR SEMI-AUTOMATIC WASHER $100 Used G.E. Ironer $35 DRYERS NEW McCLARY DRYEk Reg. $299 $229 Nzvv DOMIuNION Reg. 299 $229 RANGES DRYER tTSED G.E. TABLE TOP Fully Overhauled $99.50 2 USED MOFFAT RANGES $50 each 1 TABLE TOP GAS STOVE Like New $85 1 NEW RANGETTE Reg. $70,95 $50 1~ NEW RANGETTE Reg. $54.50 $40 '1 USED RANGETTPE Automatic $20 1 Used Rangeile $15 HOME FREEZER NEW 15 cu. ft. UPRIGHT HOME FREEZER Reg. $489 for $375 FOOD PLAN AVAILABLE AT NO EXTRA COST TELE VISION NEW 21" HALLICRAFTER CONSOLE Reg. $419 foi $329 USED 17" HALLICRAFTER CONSOLE $209 MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Lamps, DO.IT YOURSELF 1 Floor Polishers, Etc. T IL E 7%,c each and Up - AUl kinds Expert instructions supplied CUSTOM FLOORS LAID H. G. HEAL Phone MA 3-2902 Bowmanvllle 28-tf DECORATING *For the Latest Papers CFor the Flnest Paints *For the Best lVorkmanshlp S. G. Preston & Son, Phones MA 3-5912 MAl 3-37011 44-ti HIGGON ELECTRIC LIMITED 38 King St. E. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-5438 1- Wanted DEAD STOCK removed froin your farm promptly for sanitary disposal. Telephone collect! Co- bourg 1266 or Toronto EM 3-3636. Gordon Young Limited. 50-tf WE will pay a bonus of 25c a bushel above feed price on al the grain you wili grow that registers when cleaned. Get your contmacts dawn up now as we want to forwamd tbemn on. Apply E. Swain. Phono Black- stock 89 r 1l. 11-31I Cii es .;~ . .i o aUie NO. 9 Massey manure spreader, 10 tons mixed baled hay, 2 tons baled wheat straw, 100 bushels Beaver oats suitable for seed. Harry McLaughlin, Nestieton. 12-1* DRY mixed hardwood, sawed and delivered in thmee.cord loads $15 per cord; single cord orders $18.00. Dry peeled fence posts. H. M. Kyte, Blackstock. Phone 26. 12-tf PRINTS of photos of public events appearing in this paper taken by Carson Studio xnay be ohtained for $1.00 on 8x10 «inch glossy prints. Carson Studio, Port Hope. 48-tf REGISTERED No. 1 Larain oats, treated' registered No. 1 and commercial Cartier oats,, not treated; commercial Spring wheat-, Acadia treated. Colin Smith, Bowmanville. Phone Omono 9 r 6. 12-1* DRAPERIES and venetian blinds custom made, or draperies sold by the yard. Our epresentative will caîl at your home any time with a complete range of samples and suggestions without obliga- tion. Fabrie Town, 59 King St. W. Phone MA 3-3609, Bowman- ville. 48-tfE Mortgages WANTED-Mortgage for farm,1 large working family. Apply Box 323, c/o Canadian States- man. 12-1* Feed For Sale 800 BALES of alfalfa and rcd clover, mixed, good cattle feed. Phone 3-9042 Oshawa, after 6 p.m.1 12-3 Room For Rent ROOM, board optional, for young lady. Phone MA 3-3925. 12-1 Cars For Sale 1946 ONE-ton pickup Ford truck. Apply C. Lubsen, Black- stock, evenings after 6. 11-2* 1950 AUSTIN sedan, good con- dition, $395. Must sell. Will take older car or pickup as trade. Phone MA 3-3701. 12-1* '46 PLYMOUTH sedan in faim running order. Can 'be seen any time. Phono MA 3-5756. 12-1 1942 CHRYSLER Windsor Royal in good running order; radio, directional lights and automatic transmission. Phone MA 3-2108. 12-1* Help Wanrted SINGLE man for famm work. Ross Lane. Phone MA 3-2484. 12-1 EXPERIENCED office worker for one month, beginning April 15. Typing not necessary. H. C. Downham Nursery Co. Phono MA 3-5690. 12-1 HARDWARE store womk, boy or man, must be willing to work and take an intemest. Apply Box 321, c/o Canadian States- man. 12-1 SALESLADY wanted, exper- ience not necessary; must be neat in appearance, ambitious, w 'th pieasing porsonality. Per- manent position. Bmeslin's Ladies' Wear. 10-tf RAWLEIGH business now open in Bowmanville.. Trade wel established. Excellent opportun- ity. Eull time. Write at once. Rawleigh's Dept.- C-140-189- Montreal, P.Q. 12-2 AMBITIOUS man, 28 to 45, to soul real estate.- Sales exper- ionco not essentiai. Must have good late model car, Listings and leads supplied. Appiy in Oesn . E. Carson Ltd., 52 King St. W., Bowmanville. 12-1 SOUTH Damlington Towvnship School Area moquimes quaiified teachers for schooi terra begin. ning September, 1955. Salary schedule in effect, maximum $3,600. Allowance for exper- ience and minimum $2,400. Ap- plicants kindly state age, ex- perience, qualifications, refer- onces, name of present inspector. M. J. Hobbs, Sec'y-Treas., En- niskillen, Ont. Phono Bowman- ville MA 3-2984. 12-1 Chicks For Sale ORCHLAND Famm C h i cks, Canadian Approved. S.C. White Leghomn, fast foathering Bamred Rock and New Hampshire X Barred Rock. Ail breedors bànded and pullorum tested. No outside flocks. AUl eggs used in our incubators are produced on our own farm. Day old chicks every Satumday. H. J. Brooks, B..wmanviiie, Ont. Telephone MArket 3-3961. 8-tf Fc5r Rent FOUR-roomn apartment, every convenionce. Phono MA 3-3573. 12-1 SELF-contained apartment, 5 rooms and bath, $50.00. State number and age of children. Box No. 322, c/o Canadian Statesman. 12.1* BANK barn,, 90'x42' and hon houso, 1 mile fromn highway on good road, Orono. Apply Box 319, c/o The Canadian States- man. 12-1* THREE roomn heated apqrtment with bathroom, hardwoocI floors, built.in kitchen cupboards, ga- rage optional. Phono MA ý_3446. 1 Artir-lémq 'Pnr qt,-rlcb 1 Arficlàmcz Vrvr -cZrfl= 1 Arfié-làne 4Z"làn, 1 Auciion Sales Sale of farm stock, imple- ments, tho property of Karl Sidier, Lot 16, Con. 3. East Whit- by, west of Oshawa Airport. Sale, Saturday, March 26, at 1:00 o'clock. H. Drew, clerk; Ted Jackson, auctioneer. 11-2* Why do more farmers every week feel it pays to soul their Livestock at the DURHAM COUNTY SALE ARENA? Because they have the privilege of selling it either by the pound' or by the dollar. Sale every Monday EVENING AT 7:30 P.M. Owned and operated by JACK REID, Auctioneer. For pickup PHONE 5 r 18 ORONO The place where buyer and seller meet 10-tf I have received instructions to soîl by public auction for the ostate of the lato Geo. McCul- lough at the famm, 11/2 miles east of Newtonville, on Highway No. 2, on Saturday, April 2nd, at 1 o'ciock p.m. sharp, all the fam stock, implements, hay, grain, wood and lumber, and a large number of good carpenter tools including electric saw and sand- or, eiectric motor '/3 h.p., new; also a quantity of antique fumn- ituro. Terms cash. No reserve. Auctioneer Lloyd Ciysdale. Tele- phono 5 r 13, Clarke. Clerk J, Kimbaîl. Phono 2404 Clarke. 12-2* I have received instructions from the executors of the estate of the late Thomas Lymer to sel by public auction on Saturday, March 26, at his late resîdence, 69 Queen St., Bowmanville, his entire household effects. This sale wili include such items as a 17" Admirai television equip- pod with All-band aerial, Frig- idaire Coldwall electric rofnig-f erator, large size, like new; four-f piece walnut bodroom suite, 8- pieco walnut dining-room suite, walnut cane bottom chairs, Que- bec space heater, Burl walnut3 tool chest and tools, studioj couch, several pieces of gooda walnut antique fumnitume, bed-e ding, linon, dishos, glasswame, etc. Sale at 1 p.m. sharp. Termss cash. No mservo. Lawrenco Harris clerk; Jack Reid, auction- oer. 11-2 Livestock For Sale TWENTY Yorkshire pigs, six and seven weks old. Phono 3924 Clarke. 12-1* HOLSTEIN cow. due to freshen right away. F. Aldsworth. Phono Oshawa 3-9081. 11-2* THREE Holstein cows and two sows wîth pigs. Apply Y. Devries, R.R. 4, Bowmanville. 12-1* FOUR-year-old Sborthorn cowj and caîf. Apply Norman An-I drews. Phono 16 r 34, Clarke. 12-1* ENGLISH Yorkshires. purebredj boars, open gilts available. P. H. Hinton, Phono Orono 14r12. 12-3 32 PIGS, six weeks old, also a small quantity of good wheat straw, balod. Howard Brent. ýPhono MWA 3-2835. 12-le m r --% - *- I - - eN- .-i 8"- - I. -q - Riecri Estate For bale TWO houses, one 5-room and one 6-room, neaming completion, rug brick, sewem and water, oil burning air cnoditioning units, aIl modern conveniences. Apply J. J. Flett, 27 Centre St., Bow- manville. Phono MA 3-5596. 105 acre famm on higbway, 10 acres workable level land, med ium soil, stmeam, well, with 100 -x36' bank bamh, 36'x25' pig per -25'x15' implement shed, 42'x25 1hen house, milk bouse witl electnie cooler, milking machin( (new); steel stanchions; 10. roomed clapboard bouse, hydr( 1throughout, beavy wired, part; hamdwood floors. Everything ir good ropair. Close to village rschool bus, etc. Price $14,000 rTerms. 125 acre farm, Darlingtor, Township, 115 acres workable first class dlay loam, witt .stmeam, 4 acres fruit, with milI b ouse, electrie cooler, 90'x40' and 50'x36' bank barn, in excelleni shape with steel stanchions water bowls, water on tap, air s1hfts, litter carrier, etc., 40'x801 implement shed, hon bouse, silo; 14 roomed insulated brick house with 2 bathrooms, hardwood floors tbroughout, heavy wired, fumnace, laundry tubs, bot anc cold running watem, 5 dans a day milk quota, 1/' mile fronm school, cburch and village. A farm which has evorything. Price armanged. Mortgage available. 10 acre farm, 1/' mile fmorr higbway No. 2, whoneof 95 acres workable level land with large spming, 22 acres faîl wheat, 10 acres hay, 2 acres permarloni Pasture, 125'x30' bankr barn, 75' x18' implement shed, 50'x40' bon house; 6 roomed frarne bouse witb bot and cold running watm, heavy wimed. Asking price $15,000. Temms. 150 acre famm, Cartwright, 100 acres workable, 20 acres mixed wood, 30 acres pasturo, stroam, wells, 81'x36' bank barn with cistomn, 36'x201 implement shed, bon bouse; 9 roomed frame bouse witb cellar, cistern, school bus, 1 mile from bigbway. Price 10,000. Terms. 100 acre farm, Cartwright, 80 acres workable, medium soil, 6 acres wood, stream, welîs, 53'x 36' and 30'x40' L-sbaped bank barn, hon bouse, etc.; 8 roomed brick bouse, new fumnace, bard- wood floors, heavy duty wired, full basement, school bus, 1 mile from chumch, highway, etc. Price and terms arranged. 8 roomed clapboard bouse iný Bowmanville, doubleý lot, withi 3-piece batbmoom, fumnace, town water and sewer, running bot and cold watem, beavy duty wir- ed, garage. Price $8,500. Temms. 4 roomed insulated, ribbon stone bouse with 3-piece bath- room, water pressure system, hardwood floors, beavy wimed, 1 acre lot, on bighway. Price $4,000. Mortgage available. 4 roomed insulated insulbrick house witb new oil furnace, full basoment, bathmoom, aluminum storm windows and scmeens, picture window, garage, large gardon, 1-acre lot. Price $5.800. Terms. 5 roomed, insulated bungalow, 3 bedmooms, in Newcastle, with 4-pioco bathroomn, ol fumnace, running bot and cold water, îtorm windows and scmoons, built-in cupboards, large lot' Arith soveral kinds of fruit trees, raspbernies, stmawberries, etc. Price $8,000. We bave approximately 75 more proporties to choose from in Oshawa, Bowmanville, Port HIope, Cobourg and Trenton district. Contact Jon-. -De WiîhR REALTOR I IItJ Newcastle Phono 3341j JEWELLERY Salesman: Donald Mountjoy, 43 Ring St. W., Phone MA 3-5463 Bowmanville MA3-90 BOWMANVILLE 1 cd Real Estate For Sale FARM property, 150 acres, at Millbmook, Lot 10, Con. 1, Cavan Township. Apply Clarence Soper, Bowmanviile. Phone MA 3-2624. 12-1w SEVEN-roomed brick house on Wellington Street, 2 blocks from Post Office; 3-piece bath, new garage 14'x22', large lot. Apply 106 Wellington St. Phone MA 3-2307. 10-tf 1 M£Llules roi, iDaie Auciion Sale of FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS AND REAL ESTATE The property of Alvin Boyd Lot 13, Concession 8, DARLINGTON TOWNSHIP 1 Mile East of ENNISKILLEN on Friday, March 25 1 o'clock CATTLE Holstein Cow, due in March, 6 yrs.; Black Cow, due in April, 5 yrs.; Holstein cow, due May 1, 4 yrs.; Holstein - Cow, due in March, 5 yms.; Red Cow, due in Mamch, 3 yrs.; Black Cow, due in April, 3 yrs.; five 2-year-old Durham Steers and Heifers; 10 Yearlings, Durbam and Home- ford. HORSES Toam of good Work Horses; Chestnut Pony, 8 years. IMPLEMENTS 2 colony houses 10'x12', large hon house, 44 M.-H. tractor, in good condition; 8-f t. M.-H. Bind- or, 4 yrs.; 10-ft. M.-H. Cultivator on rubber, 4 yrs.; 15-run M.-H. Fertilizer Seed Drill, 4 yrs.; 6- ft. M.-H. Tiller; 3-fumrow M.-H. Plow, good condition; 8-ft. Cock- shutt Double Disc, rubber-tired Wagon, 5-sections Cockshutt Hamrows, Grain Rack, Scuffler, Steel Water Trougb, 40 Rods Wime, 2 Logging Chains, Tam- paulin 12'x16', 2 Stoneboats, 12 Steel Posts, 50-ft. Extension Cord, 300-ft. Pine Lumber, 1- inch; 1/ h.p. Electrie Motor. Other articles too numerous to mention. - Terms - Cash on above items REAL ESTATE To be offerod for sale subject to reserve bid, 125 acres of good pastume, about 80 acres work- able; runnîng wator across farm, also two cmeeks across two other corners of farm. Lots of good shade, well fenced, possession Apnil lst. Located on Lot 25, Con. 9, Darlington. For further pamticulars contact E. A. Womry, Enniskiilen. Allan Worry, Ted Jackson, Clemk. Auctioneer 12-1. 3; NIXON REAL ESTATE ;e 1ý2 storey 6-moom brick home, ,living, dining-room, amch be- 3tween, modemn kitchen, 3 bed- drooms, closets, 4-piece bath, ahardwood floors, oil hoating, n full basement, attached garage, &good gardon, landscaped, many ýextras. $9,500. Terms. 5-room new frame bungalow, nheavy wiming, full basement, ýswell, insulated, cupboards, cook - stove, etc. Between Oshawa 0and Bowmanville. $1,700 down. it New 4-room frame home on 5highway between Bowmanville nand Oshawa. Heavy wiming, 3- epiece bath, furnace, venetian 7blinds, gas stove, electric fix- etumes, some f loor covoring, storm doors, windows and 0sereens. $6,000. 30 days pos- 1session. 1, Large lot with 2-room frame house, basement with cement blocks, on hard-top road, not far from Bowmanville and~ Oshawa. Priced to soul. 5-room frame bungalow with sun-moom, 3-piece bath, full basement, insulated, extras. $6,000. Terms. Possession ar- manged. a 6-roomn brick home with liv- ing and dining-room, 4-piece tile bath, modemn kîtchen, sun-moom, venetian biinds, garage, land- scaped, hot and cold water. Priced for quick sale. Many more beautiful homes, farms and businosses. James Nixon, Broker 160 Liberty St. N., Bowmanviile Dial MA 3-5682 12-1* Repairs RADIO and television repairs. Prompt service. Pick up and delivery. Lorne Doreen, 85 King E. Phono MA 3-5713. 2-tf HOOVER service man will be at our store overy Thursday. Bring yours in or Phono Higgon Elec- tric Limited, 38 King St. E., Bow- manville, MA 3-5438. 52-tf REPAIRS to aIl makes of refrig- omators, domestic and commer- cial; mîlking coolers. Higgon Electric Limîted, 42 King St. E. Phono MA 3-5438. 25-tf PROFESSIONAL television me- pairs to any make of sot. Modemn equipment, fast service - guar- anteed - Television Service Protection Co., 33 King Street W. Phono MA 3-3883. 7-tf WATCH REPAIRING at i h b ci h i hi REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Properties SoId, Rented, Managed and Appraised L. M. AL L ISO N Real Estâte Broker Phone 25668 Newcastle, Ont. Two blocks north of traffic signal, Newcastle. 20-tl EVANS REAL ESTATE 8 room frame house, central location, 3 bedrooms, large liv- ing-room and dining-room, cen- tral hall, hardwood floors, furn- ace, buiît-in cupboards. Every- thing in fine condition. For only $5,500. Store and 4 room dwelling with bathroom, in good location, on highway, immediato posses- sion. Priced, $5,300. 10 central building lots, homes and farms for sale. W. C. Evans, Broker Phone 33 - 17 Orono 12-1 LEASK REAL ESTATE 50 acre farm, bost of dlay loam, trout stream, good bank barn with stable undomneath; 7 roomed bouse, hoavy wiring, hardwood floors, new garage, eight miles north-east of Osha- wa. Full price $8,000.00. 101 acre farm, 75 acres work- able, trout stream, hardwood and cedar bush on 25 acres. Good bank barn with stables; 7 room- ed insul-brick house, near school, church and highway. Full price $12,000.00. Torms. 7 roomed brick house, 3-piece bath, furnace, sun porch, ver- anda, about 1/2 acre land, land- scaped, small fruit. $9,000.00. We have houses, lots, farms, garages, etc., for sale. Consuit us before buying. M. E. Leask, Broker ç Phone MA 3-5919 Bowmanville 65 Ontario Street 12-1 PHONE MA 3-3517 Owen Nicholas 37 King St. W. Bowmanville Wanted To Rent SMALL house or gmound floor apartment, one child, steadyr omployment. Phono MA 3-3413. 12-1 ADULTS desime apartment or smýall house, May lst. Abstain. ors. Write Box 318, c/o Canad- ian Statesman. 11-2 COUPLE with two school.age children require place to rent immediately. Write Box 320, c/o Canadian Statesman. 12.10 APARTMENT or house for fam. ily including two children. Reasonable rent. Apply P. O. Wanted To Buy HORSE to work single. Phone MArket 3-2678.' 12-1* MUSKRATS wanted-Live po«àý try, goose feathers, feather ticks. scrap imon, rags and metals. Raw, furs and deerskins. Phono 3-2043 Oshawa, collect. 9-te ALL kinds of live poultry want- ed. Top Toronto prices paid at your door for largo or small quantities. We have our own market. M. Flatt, Bethany R. R. 1. Telephone collect to Beth- any 7 r 13 or Bowmanville MA 3-2970. ll-tf Turn Page for 1 Addiiional Classified Te Canadian Statesman CLASSIFIED ADVERITISING ]RATES ARTICLES FOR SALE LIVERTOCK FRnSALE FOU SENT - HELP WA2<TED CARS FOR SALE LOST ' rouri» - ETC. Cash nate . . 3c pet word with CI minimum of $Oc Muet ho pald hy date of insertion Il chargE.d, an additional 25c wjlI ho added. A charge of 25c wiI hoe mode lmr ail replies dlrectod ta this office. NOTICES - COMING EVENT8 AND CARDE 0F THANES 3c o word with a minimum op $1.00 fot 33 words os, lent. IMTHB .ENGAGEMENTS MARRIACEIS *DUTHS $1.00 pet insertion IN MEMOBIA>tS 81.00 plus foc a lino fot von. COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIEDS Includes ait advertising toi persansaor lirma selling servies, ideas or çaads ai ony description -3c pet wof'd; minimum charge 75c cash with arder. Ta regular advertisers payable monthly. Dis laY Classilied ai $1.50 pet ing ih a minimum ai an* inch. Additional insertion& ai the *orne rate& AU Classifi d Ads muet buhi this office nat later thon 12 o»clock 8100n. Wednesday. Bend cash. stanips or maaelv order and save money. Clip ttis out for handy referenc. * Reali Estate For Sale!f PAUL RISTOW REALTOR FIRST TIME OFFERED $5,000 Down 6-room Bungalow HARDIVOOD FLOORS 4-piece bath, combination clothes and dishwasher. Beautiful stone- built fireplace. Hot air oil heat. nicely landscaped. .Brand New 5-room brick Bungalow Cernent block foundation, 3 bed- rooms, living-room, kitchen, with 4-piece modern bathroom. Stone-. bult fireplace with bookcase each end. Eull cellar, *ith forc- ed air oil heating. Floors, trirn, and painting finished to suit purchaser. $1,600 Down 5 room Bungalow, clapboard, with cernent foundation, full cellar, heavy wiring. Offering immediate possession. A GOOD BUY 6-room Solid Brick 2-Siorey House Comprised of 3 bedrooms, din- ing-room, kitchen with cup- boards, full cellar, laundry tubs, oil heat. Included ar venetian blinds, drapes, electq4, stove and refrigemator, also room apartment in mear with, sepamate entrance, bringing in steady revenue. Two-car garage and fiee garden. Buildings ma good condition. O. E. Carson Lt., Realtors Dairy farm, 140 fertile acres, 9 roomn stucco homo, bathroom, heavy wiming, steel bip-roofed bank barn 100'x45', watem bowls, steel stanchions, il-can milk cooler, metal and cernent hog pen 14'x80', sheep pon, hon bouse, implemont shed, 40' silo, built.in scales, two pressure systoms, plus many other out- standing features. On highway,ý 6 miles to Oshawa. The asking pnice of this farm has been re- ciucod to $26,000. Terms. 72 acres, sandy loam, level [and, good two-storey frame home, near canning factory, Brighton district. $8,200 with $3,000 down. 40 acres, rich sandy ioam, bank barn, 30'x52' garage, lovely wvhite frame home, bathroom, cupboards, electric hot water,- heavy wimod, only 12 miles to Oshawa. Price $11.500 with $3,500 down. 1 /z storey wire brick, hard- wood and tule floors, hot water heating, a beautiful home in every respect. Two acres of and. $11,000 with only $3,000 lown. Lot, outskirts of town on highway in residential section, $550 with $100 down. 52 King St. W.- MArket 3-2453 0. M. Gerry, Orono, Il 91 Chas. Rankine- MArket 3-2762 Pedwell Real Esiale $13,500-100 acres Omono dis- trict, framo house, 7 rooms, hydro, bank barn 36'x80', cernent floors, 10 acres fail whoat, 25 acres for spring crop, balance seeded to red clover and alfalfa. Torms. $8,500-200 acres, 9 room frame house, bank bamn 36'x80', cernent floors, pig pen. $3,000 cash, balance easy terms. $5,500-50 acres, good stucco house, new ail steel barn, on a good travol road. $2,500 cash payment. W04 acres, 3 miles from Osha- wa, new insul-brick house, 7 rooms, 3-piece bath, double garage, bank barn 34'x40', pig pen 24'x30', with hen house above, young beaming orchard. Taxes $77.00. $12,500. Terms. 11 room solid brick houso, lot 66'x175' with barn at rear, $9,000. Terms. 5 room new clapboard house with attached garage, large lot, $5,000 with $500 cash down. Good building lots with as low as $50 down. Consuit us for large and small farms. H. C. Pedwell, Broker Newcastle, Phono Clarke 38-SSL 12-11j $950 Complete Two building lots on Liberty St N., size 75'xlOO'. We have homes listed ini Oshawa, Whitby, Port Perry, and Blackstock