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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Mar 1955, p. 11

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TMMJSDAY, MARCH 3lst, 1955 - .bA E A .".'kN.OMWA V'N VILLE. UNTIO PAGE LELE' Town is Shocked at Sudden Passing of 1a F. "Odd y" Robson l8he whole Bowmianville dis-, trict. was shocked and saddeîi- ed to learn of the sudden death 01' 0. F. "Oddy" Robson Fni- ,C:ay morning. March 25, at the caémparatively early age of 49. Mkr. Robson was found by his WIfe i the bathroom of his >bome shortly before 10 a.rn.. dead of a heart attack. tCaming to Bowmanville- in 1945, Mr. Robson had been very Active in the civie, commun- i!.y and fraternal life af the town and his passing will leave a great gap in many organiza- tions. Mr. Robson was born in Fen- elon Falls and received bis edu- cation there. He operated a ga- rage in that town and was an agent for Cockshutt Plough Company at the same time. He left Fenelon Falls in 1935 for Owen Sound where hie remain- ed> for two years. He later spent two years in Chatham and a year in Brantford before leaving for Winnipeg in the fall of 1939. While in Winni- peg he was Western Canada Sales Manager of the Cockshutti firm. On arniving in Bowmanvjlle Jn 1945. "Oddy" as hie was known to his very wide circle of friends, took over the In-1 ternational Harvester farini equipment agency on King St.i E., now operated by Tom Coxv-1 an. In 1948 he moved ta th-- property at 166 King St. E.r whie hisautomobile agency occupied at the time af death. Was General Motors Dez Prom 1948 until the en 1951 he wes the Dodge and Soto dealer in Bowmarn but eanly in 1952 hé was n ed by General Motors Cari tion as dealer in Bowman, "Oddy" Robson and district for Pontiac Buick cars and G.M.C. tru( Only lest November be1 completed e large ,expans pragram in whîch be bed a ed a very lange gerage et reen of bis showroom and r, dernized the showroom - I EASTE R STORE HOURS 180WMANVILLE Stores that normally rernain open on Friday eveningi WILL RENAIN OPEN THURSDAY NIGHT, APRIL 7 AS FRIDAY, APRIL Sth IS GOOD FRIDAY AND A HOLIDAY. Stores will be closed as usual on Wednesday afternoon, April 6th Your cooperation wilI be appreciated. Bowmanvillle Chamber of Commerce fhis mier ýdof 1De- ville, nam- pora- iville and icks. had sion .dd- the Tio- and OPENING SALE 'We wish to announce that we have purchased the Shoe and Luggage Business ofj MI. EVERETT ]ELLIGTT (formerly Knox Sboes) We will be pleased to serve you and your family with the best in ail types of shoes and footwear.' Clearance Sale Broken Lines and Odd Sizes >Corne in and see the rnany bargains we are offering. SPECIAL BARGAIN TABLES l oaded with shoes for men, wornen and children at give-away prices John St ut t Shoes 15 King St. E. Phone M1A 3-5839 Bowsnaniville I 'J is offices themselves. Despite the demancis of growng business upon time, Mr. Robson served community in many capac In 1951 be was elected ta manville Town Council an 1952 he served as De Reeve. He declined to ru 1953, but allowed his nam stand for Council last fal was again elected. He was capable Chairman af this yi Fire Committee and bis sc business training andj sense of values wves oaI Worth ta Town Council in delîberations. Mr. Robson possessed a werm and friei personeiity and a good si of bumor wbich made many friends in ail walks life. He was keenly interested in the progress of Bowmanville ber of tbe Bowmanvllle Cham- aeIo Commence and served as its President n 1951. Mn. Robson was a conscien- tiaus, hard-working member af the Bowmanville Rotary Club for seven years and was serving as its President et the tîme af bis deeth. He was par- ticuienly interested in the work of assisting crippled chiidnen whicb is carnied on by this or- ganization. He had afficiated et the Rotary Ladies Night an Wednesdey evening of lest week. He had been active in Me- sanic circles for 29 years. He wes e member of Spry Lodge, A.F. & A.M., No. 406, Fenelon Fells. and wben serving as Worshipful Master of thet lodge in 1935 hie enjoyed the unique expenience af being in the Masten's chair when bis fether and brother wene mni- tiated and raised in Masonny. Mn. FÈobson wes nemed Presi- dent of the Oshawa and Dis- trict Sbnine in Jenuary, 1951, the first time in bistory e man living outside the city bed been nemed ta thet post. He was a member of the Oshawa Scot- tish Rite, and af the Royal Arch Mesons, No. 249, G.R.C. Preceptory Lodge, Bowmen- ville, and the Ramses Sbnine, Toronto. He wes a lIfe member cf ehl these Masonic lodges. Mn. Robson wes interested in ispart and wes e very fine curl- er. He was e member af the Oshawa Curling Club and hed cunied for severel yeens an Bowmanville ninks. Surviving are is widow, the former Laura Aldous of Coldweter, Ont., and two daughters, Gloria, who is stu- dying physical therepy work et the University af Toronto, and Patricia, a student et Al- bert Coilege, Belleville. He is aiso survived by his parents, Mn. and Mrs. W. T. Rabson, Fenelon Fells, and one broth- er, Manty, af Fenelon Falls. Funeral Largeiy Attended E Very largely ettended fun- erel services wene held et Tnin- ity United Chuncb, af which Mr. Robson was a member, on Monday afternoon et 1.30 p.m. conducted by the Minister, Rev.à T. Arthur Morgan. Previause services af remembrence had been beld et the Marris Pun- eral Chapel on Sundey et 2.30 t p.m. by Bowrnanville Town S' Council, at 7.30 p.m. by the e BowmanVille Volunteer Fire Department, et 8.30 p.m. by the Masonic order, and et 9 p.m. by the Bowrnanville Rotary d Club.P The exceptionaiiy large num- ber afI*floral tnibutes et the funeral chepel end the church P service gave evidence of the a high esteem beld for Mr. Rab- t' son by ail who knew him. Following the funeral service b at Tninity United Church the P remains were teken by hearse ta Fenelon Falls Cemetery C wbere the service et the mau-V soieum wes conducted by Rev. d W. W. Petterson, Minister of P E'enelon Falls United Cburcb. ti Palîbearers were George al M,'oody, Laurence Goddardci Walter DeGeer, David HiggonIlA C. L. Warren, Hampton and te A. Blanchand, Hampton. l Stafford Bros. Monumental Works Phone Whitby MOhawk 8-3552 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Precise workmanship and careful attention ta detail are your assurance when you choose from the wide selection of imported and domestic Granites and Marbies in stock. 010 <OU STOP &y LIOVELLS. FOR NAT PRESCRIPTOw 8 EIT 10 8C FILLU P 4 ~ -'i t t f - W~il Extend Hydro Service to Over 30,300 Rural Customers ýf bis his his ities. 3ovw- d in putv in in e t o 1and sthe -ean 's ýund good great n itî also ndly iense bim ýs of Beth any Band Gives Concert ( Friday Night Bethany Community Ber onganized just about cig months ega, gave a vcny cned able. performance et a cancE mn the Town Hall a n Fnid evening. Selections given we Band Booster, Josephine Wa] Banquet Waltz, Openen Marc Little Grey Chuirch, Honor ei Giory and a number af Ievo ite Hymn tunes. Solo numbe werè given by Victor Waý (alto harn) Jack Neal, <ba bon) * Walter Fallis (ba born) . Two cf the yaunge band members, Rahdy Lon, field, eged 7 and Bruce Wnig] agcd 11, delighted everyo: with their cornet duet. Creigi ton Cern with clarinet and Roi ald Williemson, trumpet, pla: ed two numbers, "Galway Be: and "Apple Blossom Weddini accompenied et the piano t Mrs. R. Cern. Dr. G. M. Lone field. gave two excellent tran bone solos accampanied et t, piano by Mrs. Longîield. Added attractions were se' anal sang selections from "Th Four Rings" aof St. Peter scbooi, Peterborough. Th: quartette sang "Earth Angel' "Goodnight Sweetbeart", "Dowý By the Riverside", "Way BE rond the Blue" and "Chatana( ka Choo Chao" delightir everyone with their barman: Miss June Wright drew bea:r ty appiause for ber tep dancin, solo numbers and again, teanr ed with Miss Dianne Hanson o Lindsay in twa numbens. Misses Wilma and Norni rekeman aise cantributcd twi dance numbens. These girls ar, nembers af Miss Wright's danc ing ciess. Bill Deck cf Petenborougi dlaying the accerdion and Ron aId Williamson, trumpet, gevi twa duets. Miss Inene Quinien cf Peter banough, was the piano accam panist for the evening. The Band was organized uný der the direction cf Ronal( Williamsaa, Peterborough, wb( irected the Iirst bal of th( program. Mn. Wiiliemson though other ectivities is un. bIc ta continue in this cape. ity and a new Bandmaster Mr. Ernest Victors, aise of Pe- trborough was engaged lasi nantb. Mn. Victors wes intro- luced ta the audience by Mn, Wi1iamson and be ollicially )resented him. with the Band- Lester's baton. Mn. Victors was lgh in bis praise of wbat had en accompiished by Mn. Villiemson. "It is truly emaz- Lg that a Band stenting from 'natch cen already show such * aficiency. Your cammunity as indced fontunete ia secur- g bis services. Mn. William- n is e very talented and ver- atie musicien, knawn widely r bis former association with e Kitchener Seivation Anmy ànd and the Peterborough Ci- zens Band'.' Mn. Victors ask- ci for the coatinued interest id finencial support aI the and Irom the Betbany citizens, s vell as assistance from the arents in encoureging their ildren ta practice et home d in attending the regulan and practices. By special request, Mn. Wl amson played sevenal Eupban-: im solos, including "The Car- ival af Venice" and "The ord's Prayer." pr me b: pi ing set for thE tii( ed an( as chi anc liai iun ni' Loi BETIIANY For aven a week we have seen a pair of robins hovering around aur home waiting pa- tiently for the crumbs thnown out eech marning. Evidently. thev didn't have an advancel weather forecast and expectedi that spring would arrive as usuel on March 2lst. On W'ed- nesday rnarning the pair we.P; More than 30,300 rural cus- tomners will be edded ta On- tario Hydro's lines in 1955. bninging the total number af farms with electricity in the province ta about 420,000. Premier Frost said the 19à5- 56 budget contains $8,000,001, for e4tensian af rural hydro lines. Last year the govern- ment, which pays 50 per cent of the cost of rural power ex- tension, spent $8,300,000 ta bring service ta 19,000 new customers. The grawth cf the rural power system bas been amez- ing with more than two-thirds af aIl rural customers being served by Hydro added since 1945. In anather effort to imprave service ta rural resldents, Mn. Frost reveeled thet a $250,000 revolving fund. wouid be pro- vided by the budget .ta permit the Ontario Telephone Devel- opment Carp. ta acquire, con- struct, operate, maintein, buy and seli telephone systems. The total cost of capital con- struction for rural power ex- tensions and improvements in 1955-56 will be more than $25,000,000 but the province does not share the cost af al phases improving lines and service. bonds. on. thIe vei afluf, the itile m F AS R LIF i maie bird walking elong sort KEITII A. BILLETT of lop-sîdedly and ber mat"leI Optornetrist chinping encouragement f romn m mmm1 41 King St. E, - Bowmanville' his perch higber up on the post.sIU A I Teleohone MA 3-3252 We went ta the nescue and PA 1M: Office Hours: .9 e.m. ta 6 p.m. brought the little bird into Monday ta Saturday the bouse . . . ber wings w Ilfl* excerît Weelnesday, 9 - 12 h ospitel, we did the best w fu could, with a basket and soni, .1011N A. OVENS warnI woollen clothis in it. For Optometrfis1 a Ion, tUrne, shbe iiy there pa1,-A6 'urv & Lovei1 Bownenvilil, ad Uiver7n-g, but s,),a t!j Phone Nli 3-5778 br c rI a 1 ! e OL ~~F PNPa n o nin g rn.'ë"n.l d .ir ,.[i l ~o~lPiaao runing - n~ ' a'rIY aià, I A11THL-R (<LLISON ýimi chirpiîng eway. Soon 5nei - Phone MlArket 3-3900 PUBLIC SKATING at the Bowman ville Memorial Arena FRIDAT, APEIL lut le SATURDAT, APRIL 2nd - 3 Io 5p.m. SATURDAT, APRIL 2nd - 8 Io '0p.. NONDAt, APIRIL 41h m8Io10 p.rn. WEDNESDAY, APRIL Bih - 8 1 ventured aver the edge of tl basket, then tried ber wir and reached the caunter cf tl kitchen cupboerds; beck aga ta the sefety af the basket fI a Iew minutes and once aga flew ta the cupboerd. We ol ened the door and away sl flew. Her mate was stili scoli ing and chirping autside. 'M .iwatched tbrough the windo ai nd wish we bed words ta de, licnibe their bappy ne-union. M rt wonder if tbey will survive thi ay weekend's blizzard? t Sideroads in the Betheny v~ ,h, cinity are all blocked as thi Ld week's column is being wri r- ten. Sundey school and churc ýr services are cancelled. Old Ma id Winter is reelly going ta leav L us samething ta rememb.ý kà when Spning finelly does comn st Mrs. Wellington Fellisj g- home agein and meking goc it progress foliowing ber recer ne operetion in St. Joseph's Ho! h- pital, Peterborough. n- Miss Dienne Hanson, Llnd Y- sey wes the weekead guestc Mn. and Mrs, Orloe Wright. Fniends af Miss Flo Smit] 'y will regret te leera thet sh - met with an unfortunate ecc: 1-dent et her home when she fel land broke ber wrist on Thurs day. v- Congratulations to Mr. ang ie Mrs. Gardon Smith (nee Kaý "s McCullogh) on the errivel c ,1 their infant daughter, Shara: 1Mariene et St. Joseph's Hospi. 'n tai, Peterborough on Friday. Mrs. Winnifred Fitzgerald igPeterborough, spent severa' deys lest week with Miss An. nie Sisson. ýg Mr. and Mrs. Bert Armstrpng and femily, Orangeville, havi ;fmaved ta the fermi propenty for- merly owned by Mn. Cherlei a Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McDon. 'aid, Toronto, were weekend visitons with Mns. Richard Pal- lis. h Friends of Mrs. A. H. Monk *will be pieased ta know that e she bas been released fromn Ci- vic Hospital, elten ber lengtb3 illness and is now convalescing et the home ofIlber son and daughter-in-law. Mn. and Mrs. Bert Monk, Peterborough. .Miss Florence Werry, Bow- menville, is the guest af Mn. eand Mrs. Clarence Rowan. Mn. and Mrs. Frnk Fisher and femiiy of Peterborough, were weekend guests with Mn. and Mrs. Donald Lowes. t Miss Muriel Flett spent the weekend with hier parents et Fenelan Fells. Mrs. Harry McGee, Ida, was the guest of Mn. and Mrs. Creighton Cern fon the week- 1end. Miss Laure Menton spent sev- eral deys in Tononto lest week visiting with Miss Laure Hut- chinson and attending the an- nuel Provincial Red Cross meetings as the delegate from Manvens township brench. Hilliard Davis. with bis chul- dren Marilyn and John, af Pe- terborough, were Sundey guests with Mrs. J. Davis and Mns. H. Bristow. Miss Emma Reynolds, who bas been 111 et ber home for some time was taken by eni- bulance 'ta Civîc Hospital, Pc- tenborough on Wednesday. Hen many Iniends are wisbing ber speedy necavery. Mn. and Mrs. John Palmer opened their borne Ion a pro- gressive euchre perty on Mon- day evening, donating the pro- ceeds ta the Ladies' Guild of St. Paul's Church. Pnizes for bigh score went ta Mrs. Mer- vin Smith and Charles Smith; consolation awards ta Mrs. Carl Smith and James McKinnan; ]uckv door pnize ta Mrs. Bruce Smith. There were ten tables of players. Membens of the Guild served lunch. The Ladies of St. Paul's Church held a succezsful sale of Home Beking in Watsoî's store on Saturday.* In conjunction wvith the plans,~ tnielv cntol-- urnUA1oeq ndelectrie - stoves when the the power was off for about ten ngs hours. the ýai There was no church or for Sunday School here on Sun- in day. op- Mr. and Mrs. Hlerb Reynoldsi she and Peter went to Toronto d- Sunday morning after the V'e snow piow had opened the ow road ta Newtonville but re- es- ported the highway also treach- We erous coming home due ta icy LiS stretches. Miss Joyce Low was home v1- for the weekend and Mr. and hiS Mns. David Low, Toronto, it- managed ta spend a few hours 'ch wîth Mr. and Mrs. A. Low, an and Mrs. Low, Sr., Sunday ie after considerable difflculty. );-I Bob Alexander, Toronto, un- ae. able ta get out Sunday after- is rioon waited until Monday od morning. mit Roy Foster shipped a load of :)s tobacco Friday. Eddie Cour- A. ux had ta load a shipment on of th ]Busineus Direclory Le Àccouniancy WM. 3. H. COGOINS d Chartered Accountant ay 64 King St. E. Bowmanvifle of (Above Garton's Bus Station) )n Phone MA 3-3612 l1. HUNTER AND COMPANY Certified Public Accountants al 64 King Street E. 1 Oshawa 5-1621 * Successors to O. S. Hobbi Cs G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor i- Office: Id Specialty Paper Products Bldg. 1- 63 Temperance Street Phone MA 3-5509 kOffice Hours: By Appointment d Da. W. m. RuDELL, »D.S. 5. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. 40 King St. W. - Bowmanville *Office Haurs: * 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Saturday r Closed Sunday Office Phone MA 3-5790 * ouse Phone - Newcastle 3551 DR. E. W. BIS SON, L.D.S., D.. Office in his home t100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily 9 arn. ta 12 noan Wednesday* Closed Sunday Phone MA 3-5604 DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. Office 23 Ki;g St. E. - Bawmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 8 p.m. daily 9 a.m. ta 12 noan Saturday Ciosed Sunday Telephone: Office MA 3-5459 Le g a STRIKE and STRIKE Barristers, Solicitors Notaries Public W. R. Strike, Q.C. A. A. H. Strike, B.A. 40 King St. W. Bowmanville Telephone MA 3-5791 LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public King St. W. - Bowmanvlle Phones: Office MA 3-5688 Residence MA 3-5553 JOHN REGAN, B.A. Barnister Notany Public 33 Temperance St., Bowmanville Phone MA 3-3292 MISS APHA 1. HODGINS Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public Temperance St. - Bowmanville Optometry _1 (Youth Prizes, 18 years and under) WHAT IS ALCOHOL? This contest will be based on facts on alcohol and wilI appear in this space during the next eight weeks. SAVE your copies of these inserts for reference. YOU WILL NEED THEM FOR THE CONTEST Information wiIl be provided through the question and answer method and will conclude with a contest on the facts on alcohol given. This contest is conducted by the Education Branch of the Bowrnanville Citizens' Cornmittee Your contribution to the work of the Bowmanvjlle Citizens' Conimittee is needed. Fi in the attached forrn and send to Treasurer Mrs. M. Leask, 65 Ontario Street, Bowmanville. Namne Addre. Ms-----------.--. . ..-------. 1 desire to contribute $ ta the wor :1- c 1h2 E ix,~ l Ic CI, îsCi rr- .i 'c-- i .1 SPECIAL.. BADNAIME WONqEN'FS SHGES Regular $11.9.5 pair $7.95 pair ck7 Monk, 3 a An effort is being made by Opposition members to build Ontario Hydro into one of the 1main election issues of the provincial election campaign. But Mn. Frost said the nemnark- able increase of low-cost pow- er in the last 10 years bas been a key factor in the expansion of industrial capacity, the wide- spread use of iabour-saving appiences in the bornes and the electrIficetion af a majority of Ontario farms. He emphasized that the Gov- erniment is giving encouragp- ment and support ta - iydro's research into nuclear power deveiopment. Noting that many castly, tecbnical problems ne- meined unsolved, Mn. Frost said Hydro wouid keep the province in the forefront of the efforts ta bning about peaceful use af atomic jenergy. Hydro's expansion has meant a capital investment of more than $1,200,000,000 which, Mn. Frost emphasized, bas been raised largely in the Canadian money market, The province, ta assist Hydre in obtaining fevourabie rates of interest, bas either borrowed for Hydro through provincial bonds or guananteed the payment of in- terest and principal on Hydre $ Learn and Earn, $ $6500OF In Cash Prizes wiIl be awarded to the winners of a contest to be conducted during the next eight weeks 1 PRIZES First Prise First Prize il 1 jý 0 CASH - PRIZES $25 a Second Prize $15 (Open t. everyone) $10 - Second Prize $5 THE CAMAMAN being campleted by the North-1 Sunday elternoon ta go earîy She: "Well, whet excuse bavo umberland and Duirhamn Hea.4nh Monday monning. There is you got for coming home nt Unit Staff for the coming pro-j considenable toba'cco here left i this hour?" gram using polio vaccine in ta be shipped ta the Imperial He: -Now, now. dean, I wai Grades 1 and 2 of the elemen- Tobacco Ca. playing golf with a friernd, tarv scbools. a clinic will belM.adMs onTopo n held for the pupils af the noe a tnrkevspe a- S "What! At 2 a.m.? ;coosofMnvrstwnhp nurdey evening eat the home a ofYs w wneu in ht the towvnship hall at Betheny! Mn. and Mns. Ray Hughes, Port clubs." on April l4th, Aunil 2.8th and Hop, to celebrate the binthb May 26th, heginning at 9 arn. day of Mrs. Thompson and Ray af each date. M.O.H. Dr. Char- Hugh~es. latte M. Horner states that let- rdyenigteWAha ters have gane to the secretar- FrdyveigteWAhd ies af the school boards, ask- the pleesure af hearing Miss __ ing for their epproval cf 'bhe Betty How of Oshawa speak!- scheme. Orgenization.s are be on the Y.W.C.A., its history ing asked toaessist with th and value and convention ati L O O K traspotig c te cilreninQuebec. A collection was tak-1 areas wbere this is necessary.enUfomisn. In Bethany, members cf the Sympathy is extended ta Red Cross Home Nursing Ciass' Mrs. McRoberts, and daughters, / wiil assiat Dr. Horner and Miss Mrs. J. Carscadden, Mrs. GayF O G. Raikes, the district Health1 and Mrs. Ralpb Geech. in the Nurse et the Clinic.I passing of Mr. McRoberts Wed. March 23, at tbe rest home in Orona. The funeral was heldE The basebaîl boys beld their' Trhe chief topic cf Interest meetingý Friday evening wltb this weekend was the heavy Roy Sleep belng put in as snow stanm Seturdey with manager, Eddie Couroux, cap-.RU temperatures about 10 degrees. tain, and Mult Robinson as IlI'. Thindey byllwnds ofneaand hur-wen t ary.Tiso a baeald CM Thisa was foiof Sndaand s-weraetary. Tissofm reall ricane velocity which made boys went ta Toronto ta buy travel on most roads imPos- new suits some years ago et sibie until opened by the snow- about this time of year and plows. On Sunday most folks were starm-steyed out for sev- stoked up their fines in an eral deys( or so we were led ON Monday marning there was There were also euchre part- considereble chili and incon- ies beld Friday evening et venience for those with eiec- Kendai and Sixth Line scboois. 1 t' MEN

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