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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Mar 1955, p. 13

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MAT, mARCH s lt, 1955 The Orono News s. Archie Watson, Betty Lean Larry, spent thqý e-end with Ir. and Mrs Alw atson. Misà Marie Armitage, Cavan, àýSnt the weekend with Mr. and Mms A. E. West. ,Mrs. Lena B. Smith return- ed to her apartment last week after spending the winter with ber brother and family in To- onto. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Logar and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wood 6pet lest Wednesday in Peter- brough and visited Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wood, Lakefield. Mrs. Earl Grady, Hamilton, Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. John E. Armstrong. Mns. Ivanson Tamblyn and son Grant, have returned home YOUR LAST CHANCE The deadllne for ordering ibese patterns bas been extended until April 15, 1955 flooper's Jewellery THESE BEAUTIF ULI PATTERNS w m uTo ?1N . . ty from Memoriel Hospital, Bol ie ananville. Mrs. Chas. Knox retun home by 'plane Saturday fro nvisiting ber sister in Texas. r. Elaine Forrester entertein ber little fnienda an Saturdi i- ta ceichrete her !i!th binthda ýk Miss Shirley Porter, Oshe%% ýh spent the wcckend with Y, a nd Mrs. Neil Porter. Mn. Harry Hoopen, Tarant n. spent the weekend witb Mi .Chas. Awde and Mr. and M d Deve Hoaper. Mrs. A. Gerry, Mrs. Ed Dei and Mrs. S. Snell, Bowmai ville, neturaed borne fro: n Flonida on Saturday. Misa Carolyn Joncs spent tIn dweekend with Mn eDon Stephens, Bowrnville. Sandra Bowins returned I achool lest week a!ter 10 wcek absence duc to a fractured ici Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ardroi Toronto, visited Mn. and Mn Madison Hall. Heathen Rebekah Lodge DE grec Team visited Beehive RE bekah Lodge, Bowrnenvihllc.o Monday evening. W.M.S. Anaiversany on Sur day moraiag, Apnil 3rd, et Or ana United Church. Gueý speaker will be Mrs. H. I: Taylor, B.A., Secretary o! thi Ovenscas work o! the W.M.5 She recently neturned hom, fnom visiting Korea and Japan Mrs. Taylor is e well informei speaker and will give a pictur, o! world challenges. Father and Son Banquet fo: Scouts and Cuba will be beli Monday eveaiag, Apnil 4tb, ii the Sunday School auditorium The aewly formed Explor cm s Group for girls 9 ta 12 un. dem the leadership a! Mrs. Cet. ter, beld e supper meeting ai the parsonage lest week. March l5tb, Women's Chris. tien Tempenence Union met ai the borne of Mrs. H. Walsh. The president opened the meeting with prayer. Devotional was ia charge of Mrs. R. Allia, ber ta- pic Christian Living. Mrs. W. J. Lycett reed the scripture. Plans were discussed fan W.C. T.U. Convention. The president asked questions from ae clip sheet, narnely reclaiming the uAn- MAN 3A &.oMMMAN. UWMANVnlLE. O1NTARIO I ART3UR E. CLEMENCE There passed away et Oronc March 16, 1955, et bis re5n ji deace, Arthur Edniund Cler W.ence, son o! the late Mn. ari SMrs. J. C. Clemence, Klrby The deceased ives a inembe ed o! the United Churcb, Seafonth )mI Ontario, end an adberento the Orono United Chunch. Hi cd wes bornaet Kirby, Jan. 3, 1976 ,ay His wife, Alice Watson. prte Y. deceascd birn four yearsago ,a, on March 16, 1951. Ir. Hae came from Seafortb ir 1951 ta live bis remeining dayi to, in Orono. rs He leaves tai mournabis 1osE . a sisten, Mns. C. L. Power. .(Evelyn) of Onono, and e bro. n then Cleave Clemence, o! Osh- ni- awa. m The service was held fror the Lang Memonlal Chapel, Or- ie ana, Mench 18, conducted b: s. Rev. John Kîtchen, Palîbeerers wene bis five ne- o phews, Charlie and Nongnove :s' Clemence, Lelend Bal. Doug- g. las Barnnes Roy Powens and SWill Riddell. MORRISH an A week ega we were writing about the carly joys a! spring. 1Since then we think spring 'ies bad ta make e wide detour. In at ur struggle ta make it ta Sun- >day School this morning it felt eas tbough wc wene facing e ~westernblzad The return Swas no betten rather wanse for Iwe were blown or fell into a dsnow drift nearly tbrce feet ,e deep, after a strugglc we final- ]y reechcd the quiet harem of rhorne feeling rether pleesed to d bave been anc o! the eigbteca n et Sundey Scbool, thîrteen of w wbhch cerne in cens the othen five braved this uatimely wea- thn e hope for betten wea- -then net Sunday wben et 10 ta. mn. the regular church ser- vice will be taken by the Rev. -A. W. Harding. It is aise Sa- tcrement Sundey in preparation for Easter. On Tbursdey the 24tb, the Willing Workers bed a social cvening et the home o! Mn. and Mrs. Morly Herness's. A lange number were preseat ta enjoy this pleasent get-toge- ther. Sixteen tables of euchrc were played. A delicious lunch [j IBITUARY wowas serve bynx thet committe ed byseveal o theU membWeL A vote of thanks to bost and ed b seere o! he embrs.hostess for their kind bospital- ity was carried unanimously. AI. We are pleesed tô report that Evennq A xiliary Mr. E. Symons et present a patient in Port Hope Hospital Hold Ineresing is progressing favourably and n i Dicusson l sltting up for a short time Paflel Dicsin every day. We trust this im- provement will continue. Evening Auxiliery was held On Tuesdey evening, Marcb in the Sunday Scbool Auditor- 22nd, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Os. ium of the United Churcb, borne, Mrs. D. Haines and Miss March l7th. Beckett ettended the presenta- The room wgs testefully de- tion arrenged for Mr. and Mrs. corated witb green cendles and N. Seîby of Newcastle at the shamrocks. The meeting opened Commuaity Hall, Newcastle. with quiet music and a friend- The hall was well filled with sbip verse need by the preisi- friends of this popular couple dent. who were presented with a The meeting was turaed over pîatform rocker chair, a floor to Mary Rutherford, leader of lamp and hessock.. Mr. and the Community Friendship Mrs. Selby bath neplied In a group, wbo took the devotional, few well chosen words o! assisted by Betty Major and thanks. The rest of the even- Stella Carson. ing was enjoyed in a very Hilda Tamblyn led in a pan- friendly geme of carda or nei- el discussion on the topic "Let'.3 ghijourîy news termiaating in choose 0"a p.cos yoés Bm.d te Adjust Ourselves". The panel, a bountiful lunch. t.mpl yow M.oio la oy 00. who ebly assisted were Jennie _________ e 9»». fa...,s Communty Pc..' Norton, Alice Chater and Mer- Sari,. M4ac* yw d aW fSe garet Arnott. Questions wereTYRlP 4wluba MU do::. asked and discussed and meny TYRONEL wortbwhile opinions voiced. n.. mu. pe. .. Suggestions were made as Owing to a very bad storm A. D. Cofet * Port... $2.00 to how we could help new of wind and driftiag snow,- SP-C $1.-00 Salad Fort. .00 Canadiens to adjust themselves there was no Sunday School on f.o~iOn,. 100Oyster Fok. .. 2.00 to our way of living. Also how Sundey lest. There wes only a D...,f Spoom 2.00 Table Spm .. 21 o spend leisure bours by bey- smal etteadance at church. Rond sbow 200Ctdlc ing a hobby o! some kind. This Sunday Communion will Fork . ... 3,60 In comparing the chîldrn o! be observed, a good ettendance BuSproauw ..2.00 Oro"y LadIe.. 3.60o England with the Canadien will be welcomed. The Mission 3H. Dtnner H. H. Pl* Knifé. .6.00 child, Jennie Norton stated that Band wiil also meet after Sun- Kie... 83.35 the children here were so day School. *Ondy ln dinner six. knivesanmd forl - friendly, free and easy and not Quite a numbèr attended eurre.? style knlle bindes. scared to move or speak, which the funeral service of the lete *lndo-.arI of O,,.lde IL went to make for heppier citi- George Miller on Tuesday fnom zens. Morris Funeral Parlour. Inter- S Mrs. Kitchea spoke e few ment to. Unionville Cemetery. H O O E R ' person can he in a strange brother, Mr. W. J. Miller and J eweI Iery gestions how to avercome that MnadMn.Gro Wit loneliness. It ail proved a vr r n r.Gro ht op interestiag discussion. vr and Ana visited Mr. and Mrs. & Gift Sho During the social -houn, tee W. Harrison, Bowmanville. Iand cookies were served and Dr. and Mrs. Norman San- 98 W~n . MA 3-5747 piano music was much enhoy- derson, Michael and James, ed with Gladys Brown doing Ottawa, spent a day with their rI~.'Uge~3~'~' ~ the honours. aunt and uncie, Mn. and Mrs.- --J. C. Cook. SDiane, visited friends in Osh- awa lest week. S Ross Hall, Z ion, visited et bis home. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hicks, Kaye Sand Walter, Wiastoa Hurlburt, ~Bowmanville, Miss Cbristina Gatchell, Oshawa, visited Mr.X and Mrs. D. Gavel. Sypah toMr A. H Bret ad rlatvesonthe pass- Siag o! ber sister, Mrs. S. J. SCourtice, Oshawa, formerly o! Leamington. Mr. and Mrs. D. Gevel visit- ed Mn. and Mrs. D. CurI, Bow- manville. ~, ~! Mrs. W. Polmateer and Bren daBelevileis spending a wekwith ber parents, Mn. and Mrs. J. Delaaey. Mr. and Mrs. E lsy r and sM Michael Stasinski, *and Mrs. M. Dubyk. Sympethy is extended ta Mns. Fred Smith on the passing of I S. ber brother, Mn. Fred Kidd, Be Perfeci for Easfer with a Inglewood. Mn. and Mrs. H. (g) , unle n Wcnesay e Mcattended tbe funerel of their L/-ernan ntClure Funerel Panlours, Little Maxine Alldread hed ' Make your clothes and your new Easter Bonnet look a tonsil and adenoid operation their best with a newv permanent. Your hair styling in Bowmanville Hospital on willcomlemnt ourEaser wrdrbe.Cal today Monday. Hen little fniends will ~' i ili c o m le m e t y ur ast r w a dro e. ali o-d y ~ la glad to soon see ber out for an appointment. *around agein. Miss Doneen Rahm, Water- down, spent the weekend with Jon' BatyCetr er parents. On MnaMs 'J oci 'sB e uty C ntre Godon Wbittaker, M. M.1 0Smilev, Hamilton, Mns. Alex JK gSt. W. Phone MA 3-5455 nergest o s Walîdwn e ' in * r Waetenown. Wc tr -o Open evenings by appointment Rahm. nere isUa wonaertuu Opportunity for You ta Decome a Nurse i-i If yon vwant a fasdInating cameer end a background ta enhance Tour whole life, nursing pre- seats a geat oppontueityn Classes for three-year nursing courses st Ontario Hospital Schools ane now formîng for Septembere Rqulmmenm, AP-17 or ove,. Seond"rySchool Graduation Diploma. Good H.aitit AT ONTARIO IfOSPITAL SOHfOOLS 0F NURSINS TOU RE011V! WNILE TEAININIt 0 FREE ]Iooe and Board 0 FREE Uniforres and laundqy 0 HONORARIUM WhiI. Train. ing-$30 a montb duriag lut year; $25 a month dung 2nd year (wbile on affilia.i! in a General Hospital); $50 a moath during 3rd yearè 0 VACATION - Three weelcs eacb year, plus ail statutory holidays. 0 RECREATION - Excellent facilities et each School for after-duty social and sports actîvîties. Foir frao runomuoa, qPfy te SUPERINTENDENT OF NURSINO Schee fI of un., ,Omterri. espftu 3rocIcvtil., Kingston or WhItby 011TARIO DEPARTMRENT c e, 0F HEALTH Neeinbie Mea,enaPhilo M.0., C.M., Ministe ý 1 à%VqFýwqp% -.» '1 edded ta. WESLEY VILLE Mr. and Mrs. Ray Barber, Brian and Lawrence, Courtice, visited Mrs. Ada MeKee who returned home with themn for a visit.. Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Knlght are in Toronto visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Heaslip and Mrs. J. W. Irvine. visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mel- ville Irvine, Lindsay. Kitchener Burton spent a iday in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lamb, Port Credit, were Sundey guests with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson. Mr, and Mrs. Jas Naylor, Pef- ferlaw, visited Mr. and Mrs.i Grant Tbompson. Miss Yvonne Chant spent the weekend in London with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Chant. Mrs. Emerton and Mr. J. Noon called on Mrs. Fred Rog- ers at ber son's home in Osh. awa. Frîends will be glad to leern that Mrs. Rogers is pro- gressing favounebly following a major operation in Toronto, General Hospital on Saturday1 Congratulations from ber many Cartwright friends to Mrs. Bella Richardson (nee Isabella McLaughlin who was born where Allen Beacock now lives) who la celebrating her 90th birthday on April 4th eti the home of ber niece Miss1 Florence Fair, Toronto, with whom she lives. Mr. Norman Mairs o f Port Perry drove bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Mairs and bis un- cle, Mr. Walter Cooper, of Goodwood to Mayville, N.Y., on Tuesday. Tbey attended the funerel of Mrs. Mair's and Mr. Cooper's sister, Mrs. Florence HIall of that citv on Wednesday,! returning borne abeed of the storms. Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Lang- feld spent the past two xveeks preparing their snack ber, "The Village Grill" for opening lasti veekend and are now in full operation. Miss Gwen Wilson and two of the Scottish teachers, Miss Grace Nelson and Miss Rose-1 nary Deldon of Edinbourgh, Scotland, were ententamned over the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson and Eunice. AIl tbree girls are teachers at the Ionviev Heights school, Scarboro. Thev alzoî visited with Mrs. Herman Sar- li on Saturda,, cir h erE ovei trirm Mon 1 CALA. US MOW, AND 'OU CAMI SE! rHE EASTtR PARADE AS WEI4. MS IEAIK MYLES RADIO TV SERVICE Expert Repairs to Ail Makes 3 Silver St. MA 3-3182 BOWMANVILLE *UISSSpS;;pp~pp..pp.c.zpp.~pp:p~..p.. Beat Crop Robbers!, flIGGER VIELDS .. BETTER GRADES We now carry a complete line of Niagara Quality Materials for the control of diseases, pests and weeds. We have the dusts and sprays for your crops under your conditions. Fui RGICIDES m INSECTICIDES HERBICIDES JOHN DEAN SPRAYERS Niagara crop protectants are backed by more than 45 years of formulation and manufacture experience . e.- field tested . e a grower proven. You can use Niagara chemicals with confidence. easy to handie . easy to useee economical. Forbes Heyland Lot 5, ,Con. 2, Phone MArket 3-5676 :s:m:mppppp~pp::pgpg:pp: s:oe::p~ III fi c ri sl t: V th se vi eu NE WTON VILLE Miss Jean Wade. Toronto, spent the weckend with Mn. Çand Mrs. Henry Wade. M. Miss Jennie Thorapson wbo ad spent part o! the winten with fnienda in Tononto annlved ~home on Thunsdey. At pre- esent Miss Thampson is with h, Mn. and Mrs. Albert Morton, ie Orono. 6. Mn. and Mrs. Sid Lancaster eland daughten, Dorelia spent the weekend wlth Mn. and Mns. ýo' Willend Lockbart, N ia ga ra 'Falls, N.Y. in Mr. Roy Burley, Oshawa, es came down on Sundey. Mns. Burley wbo bas been spending s e !cw days with Mr. and Mrs. rs Willls Farrow retunned home ).with hlm. 1- Mns. George Ovens i3 spend- ing a few days in Port Hope. n Hen two brothens, Mn. Wm. H. -Burley and Mn. Fred Bunley arc both patients in Pont Hope hospital. Mn. and Mns. Bryan J. Noble, lToronto, spent the weekend -with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. IFrank Ovens. Mn. and Mrs. Leland Payne and two deughters moved in- ta their ncw home lest Wed- nesdey. On Sunday it wasr Mrs. Payne's birtbday. Her mothen, Mns. Layton, New-s catle; Mrs. Wm. Payne, Port >Hope, and Mrs. Berniece Snell, sToronto, were present fon the occasion. * Mn. and Mrs. McDuff and tfernîly spent the wcckend with b er parents, Mn. and Mrs, Chas. 1Scott, Harcourt, in the Ilali- rburton district. à Mn. and Mns. Carl Bickell tare moving into the bouse »vacatcd by ber parents, Mn. e E and Mns. Leland Peyne. Mn. and Mrs. Harvey Osborne J and farnily, Welcome, and Mns. John Peance ad Bob werc en-b tertained et Mn. and Mrs. Earl Walkey's on Sunday ta a tur- key dianen, the occasion being hi Mrs. Osbonne's birthday. a On Friday evening, Marcb 25th, standing room wes et a pnemium, wben fniends and ÈE neighbours gathercd in the in commuaity hall ta, attend a ferewell penty for Mn. Reuben C] Payne and son Cecil. The H chairmen, Mn. Lloyd Clysdele, trled ta salve the problem ai whcn be asked el! the peoplee jr Eh ADMISSION FREE ATTENTION! FARMER.S FOR NEW AND USED TRACTORS and FARM. MACHINERY See Your Alfis Chalmers Dealer Coniplete Service and Parts Department to serve you - at any time No obligation WNe are as near as your P'hone Salesman Art Fuicher PHONE MA 3-3966 Palmer Motor Sales 20 King St. E. Phone MA 3-5487 Bowinanville Before you buy give Art a try Buy the best for less ta dance and the other bal! ta sit down. About eleven o'clock Mn. Payne and Ccl were cal1- ed ta the plat!orm. Getbercd anound their father were the, four sons and four daughters: IMarjorie, Mrs. Allen Hennis, IToronto; Ruby, Mns. Otto KIei- sen, Toronto; Gladys. Mrs. I Fnnk Ovens, Newtonville, and Miss Lyla Payne, Niagara ley, Peterbonougb; Arthur, Nie- gara, and Cecil et home. Mr. Payne and 'Cecil were then pnesented with an address read by Mrs. Hugh Stapleton and gift consistlng of an easy chair, chrome table and chair set, a floon lamp and amoken. Cecil rePlied with a few weil chosen words that corne so easy ta him. Mn. Payne also rcplied but said that be wouldn't try to use the same phrases that the son hed. They were very appreciative and invited ail ta visit tbem. in their new home et Port Hope. Rcv. Robent Wnagg o! 4rantford, spake as a nelghbor. Mn. and Mrs. Bobeck, the new owners o! the Payne pnoperty were present and mntroduced. Lunch was then senved -and dancing ne- sumed with music by the Farrow orchestra. The cana- mittee coasisted of Hugh Stepleton, Fred Hnynuike, Rus- sell Savery, Ed. Ruthven, A. Lesaiuk, Lamne Perrault, Peter Kessl*en, Elsworth Ceswell and Perey Farrow. NESTLETON Rev. Hanny Atkinson, Mns. i Atkinson, Mn. and Mrs. Wil- i mer Fitze, Oshawa, Mn. and i M(rs. L. Joblîn, spent Monday E =vnn with Mr. and Mrs. % 3ereJohns ta celebrate Mrs. s John's and Rev. Atkiason's f blnthdays. Congratulations! Sorry ta report Mrs. John 3 Watson bas been sick, We ail t hope she will soon be better n again. e Syrnpathy la extended ta v Is.H. Vine la the pessing o! c hers brother, Mn. Foster Inwin, b in a Toronto Hospital. Mn. and Mrs. H. Vine and e: Chas. attended the funerel et tl Haliburton on Saturday. E Mr. and Mns. Victor Malcolma and family spent Friday eve-n- ai ng with Mn. and Mns. George et Kerr, Yelverton. it Mrs. Kenaeth Sameils and ei riends la Lindsay. nM Syrnpatby la extended ta A [ns. Ehi Mains in the passing la bf er sister, Mrs. Hall, wbo er vas buried et Mayvllle, N.Y., pl m Wednesday. bi Gled ta have Mns. Mackic id Mrs. Tripp home agein iten thein illness ewey frona irne. Mrs. Meackie wes et ber n's Mn. Henb Mackie's in )shewe end Mrs. Tripp spent week in Port Penny hospital. s0 Don't forget W. I. meeting M] icharge o! Mrs. W. Jeckson's ro 'oup. sevcil h No sriel h United co îurch on Sunday owing ta Dad conditions. M Mn. and Mrs. Ross Hamilton Pa nd femily, Mankbem, visited lnj Ir. and Mrs. Maurice Nesbitt 1 aWedaesday evening. mi Mn. and Mns. Wcs McGill frE d femily visited Mn. and sut rs. George Kerr, Yelverton. Se- lait T'he mmnd la not a utensil ta ofs I but rether e fine that muster ntinually be rekindled and hre JE Snow storms are the cause of lots o! news and aiso the leck a! it. The blow and snow o! the past weekcnd brougit the canceilation o! Sunday School, chunch service, and Monday night's C.G.I.T. meet- ing. The snowplow came up the lakeshone Sunday morning but the roed wes filling in se bad- ly that even thase who might have got out were daubtful if they wauld get home. The writcr returned fnom Ottawa on Thursday nlght whene win- ter was a real aId fashioned ane since before Christmas. Ail and sundry were tald wbet a diffenent snowless world exiat- cd anaund Part Hope but cvidently the Word was premna- turc. During anc whole day's rein, there, the snow badn't eveni tu!ts o! weeds in the di!eppeared enough. ta show fields, end now they must be buried deepen then ever. During the pest two weeks a qulting bee was held at the home o! Mn.. R. Best wben two quilta wene completed for the Red Cross. The financial returns fnom, the teet beld the saMe day were fan the base- ment decoretion fund. Twenty ladies were present. A bec weas eld et the ehurch La prepere the besement fan plastering. Dampncas had bas- teaed decey a! waodwork an the walls and eraund the win- dows, se in orden ta make per- ýnnent repaira, extensive work as necessary, but sunely if the 'imst builders gave us a build- t ing that bas stood 95 yeers o! extnemes o! beat and cold ta which an uaoccupied place is ubjccted, thein successors will fid a wey ta carry on. We wene gled ta bear that Mrn, Harding la well cnough ta t] bc with us egain for service next Sunday night. Duning bis absence Mn. Gardiner's services wcre much apprcciatcd and we onsidened aurselves fartunete v e was able ta be here. 9 Congratulations ta Murray ind Jean Payne an the birth o! n :hcîn daughter Jennîfen la Part ÏOpe bospitel lest week. A group o! Port Britain boys re enjoyiag e new club fonm-O Id for them by Mn. Tbeys- neyer. They meet on Fridey th ývenings with Fritz Theys- b( ieycn as president and Devid shby as scnctary. Thein club acalled the "Big Adventune'l id they leanta tic knots, .eay gernes, and make venlous îndicra!t articles. ENFIELD Mn. and Mns. Walter Fengu- ýn and grendson, Ennisllca, r. and Mrs. Eenl Prescott, Ty- )ne, Mrs. F. Smilth and Grant, 'ooklin, visitcd aet A. W. Pres- )tt's. Rev. and Mrs. H. A. Mellow, Ir. L. Pescoe and Miss Bessie aSCOe, Oshawa, spent an even- ig et W. Pescoc's. The sympetby a! the corn- mnity la extended ta Mrs. AI- ed Grece and family in the iden passing o! Mn. Grece. veral fnom. hene attendcd (funcrel la Bowmanville st week. Mn. Grece wes anc the few band-wonking ferm- slc!t in oun cammunity and Swill be missed among bis rce o!fnfiends. There wes no cburch service re Sundey duc ta the heavy fts wbich piled up napidly 'er the weekcnd. Our rnailmen missed a few ps and there wes no school )ndey. OBITUÀRY eEDITH MAUD RUTLAND Following a lingering illnes the death occurred in Memoir ial Hospital, Bowmanville, o: Tbursday, March 24. 1955, c Edith Maud Clark, belove, wife of Cyril Rutland, Newcas tie, in ber 63rd year. Born in Clarke Township ti the late Mr. and Mrs. Willian Henry Clark on June 18, 1893 the deceased had been a life long resident of this district anc was a faithful member of St George's Anglican Church. flesides ber husband, thf late Mrs. Rutland is survivec by three brothers, Truman Erie and Bert, all of ClarkE Township and one sister, Mrs James Gibbs (Nellie> of Osh- awa. The funeral service was con- ducted by ber minister the Rev. D. R. Dewdney in the Morris Funeral Chapel on Saturday afternoon, Mgteh 26th, and in- terment was made mn St. Georges Cemetery, Newcastle, Beautiful floral bouquets fromn relatives, frnends and neigh- bours, were a fitting last tri- bute to the deceased. Pallbearers were Frank Hoar, Cecil Finley, Harvey Britton, Harry Dennis, Mike Graham and Ross Cobbledick. LONG SAULT In 'spite of the snowstorm, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Johnson en- tertained the eucbre party Set- urday nigbt. Prizes were won by Mrs. Jack Mallett, high la- dy; 2nd Mrs. Fred Partner; high man Jack Jobnston, 2nd Stan Gobie; Alfred Milîson and Mrs. Jack Jobaston capturing the booby prize. Club 50 will meet April 5, at the home of Mrs. Walter' Vaeneyk, witb the March con- venors looking after the pro- gram. Home and School Club will neet April 7. A good Easter rogramn is being planned. Mrs. Hazel Ruttan, Hamp- tn, was a Friday night guest f Mr. and Mrs. Gordon BakL-r. Mrs. Fred G. Smith received e sad news Monday night that il JW. ofCer yau a Concrete stave Silo un- equalled f o r strengtlh a n il durabilitYde- slgned for the storage of le- gume or corni ensiage. Our Silos are con- st r uc t e do vtbrated, wet e a 3t tngue and groove c a n c r ete staves. and hooped wl1ith heavy rods to give you a crete and steel can malce it. PAGE THTRTE Kidd, had passed awav at Mgs home in Inglewood. Mrs. Smithi a nd Grace accompanied Mr. and Mrs. H. McClure and Mrs. J. C. Cook to the funeral. hela 'a Georgetown. Burial was in Boston Milis Cemetery. Miss Rae Jobnston entertain. ed a numDer or friends Satur- day nighit. Wbren it was time ta depart for home, it wvas found that the roads were blo-ke-l, Imaking it necessary for ever v- one to stay until morning. Mrs. IFred Partner, a neighbor, gra- ciously gave shelter to six of the young people. The sfiow' plough came Sunday morning, clearing a road through the huge drifts. Sentiment is very far remov- ed from foolish ientimentality. The latter is weakening in -ts effecta, vhi]e the cultivation of true sentiment mieans mental power and moral efficiency. - Mary Kimbali Morgan. REDUCE FEED GGSTS and increase m»Aket values by feeding legume or corn 1 1 CONTACT 'WalIter Frank Bowmanville - Ontario Phone MA 3.2403 RADIO PROGRAMME BESIDE STILL WATERS cordially invites you to an j TRE r-AmAnTAU er ~oungest brother, Mr. Fred Q * .presented by OSHAWA MISSIONARY COLLEGE and GLORIA COMMUNITY CHOIRS directed by Mrs. Margaret Moline-Yakovenko, A.T.C.M., B.A. and Mr. Boris N. Pashkulew at 8:00 - Friday, A prit 1 OSHAWA MISSIONARY COLLEGE AUDITORIUM 1 Conce'rt

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