RIRSDAT, MARCH 31.t, 1955 lCkssifimed INMEMORIAM ~RETT-In loving memony a dear father, William Bar- tt, who passed away March 30, 947. Ve do not forget you, nar do we intend, We think of you often and will 1to the end, Oe jand forgotten by some you may be But ta aur memory you ever wil be. -'Ever nemembered by the taily. 13-1 BLACKBtJRN-In loving me- Inony o! a dear'husband and !aer, Mark William Black- urn, who passed away March 18, 1954. gothing can ever take away The love a heart holds dear, "ej~ tnembries linger evemy day, lBrnembrance keeps him tiear. -Lôvingly remembered by wife n4larily.13-1 E14 olTT-In loving memory o! 'n'y dean sister Edith (Mrs. J. E.ý Elliot), wlio passsed away Apffl 2nd. Her" memnory is as dear ta-day As In flic haur she passed away. --Lovingly remembered by Mrs. H EARD-In îovîng memory a! a, dean husband and father, LÀtbnand Heard, who passed aWay, Mardi 29, 1953. Tôdoy ecalîs sad memories 'O! a dean father gone ta rest Apidflic anc wha thinks o! him 1 to-day thebbconc who lovcd him best., -Lovingly remembercd by wife anýd famîly. 31 LTJXTON-In loving memory qf a dear grandmotlier and great grandmotlien, Emma E. Luxton, Who passed away Apnil 1sf, 1952. Thrcc years have past, but still we miss hem, Neyer shall hem memomy fade, U~vjng thouglits will always - linger M4tRà.und flic grave where she is laid. .-Sadly misscd by gand-daugh- terý Gooke, Irwin and great grandchlldmen Karen and Randy. 13-1* IN MEMORIAM LUXTON-In loving memory ai a belovcd mollier, Emma E. Luxton, who passcd away Apni] lst, 1952. Peaceful be thy mest, dean mother, If is sweet ta breathe thy name; In life I lovcd you dcarly, In deafli I do the same. -Sadly missed by daughter, Ethel Luxton. 13-1* LUXTON-In loving memony o! my wife Emma Elizabeth Lux- ton. wlio passed away Apnil 1, 1952. My lips cannot tell how I miss lier My heart cannot tell what ta Say God only knows liow I misa hem In a home that la lonesome boday. -Sadly misscd end even Te- mcmbered by husband Fred. 13-1 LUXTON-In ioving mcmory o! a dean grandmother, Emma E. Luxton, who passed away Apnil Ist, 1952. When days are dark and !nicnds are fcw, Dean grandma, how wc think o! you. Friends are fnlcnds if they are truc, We last aur bcst friend when we lost you. -Sadly misscd by gmand-daugh- ter Onie, Morley end great- grandson Honnie Etcher. 13-1* THERTELL-In loving memory o! aur dean father, William Wal- ter Therteil, wbo passcd away Apnil 2, 1954. One year lias passcd, dean father, Since you wcmc called away, Haw well do we remember That sad and weary day. You suf!cmed mucli, yau murmured not Wc wabched ynu day by day, Wc cried and prayed bliat your dean hife Wouid nat be taken away. -Always rmmmbcned by the family. 13-l* CARD 0F THANKS Mr. and Mrs. George Bertrim LUXTON-In loving mcmory o! Haydon and district for fthe a, beloved mother and grand- lovcly giffs bhey eceivcd. 13-1 ziother, Emma E. Luxton, wbo____ pAs$ed away Apnil 1sf, 1952. h aiyo h aeAfe Today recalîs sad memories rThe famiryso! fic gratitAdercd ~ia dean moflier gone ta estGaeepestergaiuet Aenthe li ones who think o! hem relatives, friends and neiglibaurs -taday and Dr. Ferguson for their kind- ~.refli ons wo lvcdhemness, sympathy and flowems dur- -:A esef. swoloe e ing their necent bercaveme nt. -"ead1y missed by daugliter 14 Mildred, Clarence Edmondson aâd, family. 13-.1* I wish to thank ail the friends and neiglibons wbo sent me LUXTN-I iovng cmor o!cards and flowers whulc in lias- a 'belovçd mother and grand- ptl loD.Vpn n r mother, Emma E. Luxton, wio Milîs and the Evelyn Goodman passed away, Apnil 1sf, 1 952.0 Group. Nti ue She hy,_gone ,acrQsl , Nettie Luke Tobta shomre o! ever green, And we long ta sec hem dear face But flic river flows betwcen. 1 would like fa bake this op- Sorne day, some time, aur eycs portunity ta bhank Dr. Hubbard, shall sec nurses and staff a! Memonial The face we lovcd so wclî, Hospital, Bowmanvillc, a n d Sorne day w'll clasp hem loving fricnds for their cards, fruit and hand flowers, also those who gave And neyer say farcwell. Linda May gi!ts. -Sadly missed by daugliter Mms. William Johinson. Dorcas, Cccil and grandson Ron-13l nie Mutton. 13-1* 1 wish ta express my sincere LUXTON-In loving memory o! appreciation ta Dr. Witzel, nurs- aur dean mother and grandmoth- es and staff o! Memonial Hos- er, Emma Elizabeth Luxton, wba pifai for thii came, and fiends passed away April Ist, 1952. and neiglibours for bbc many A beautiful memamy, dearer tian kindnesses shown during bbce111- gold ness and passing o! my wife, Of a mather whose worf h can Cynil Rutland. neyer be told, 13-1 Alone, unseen she stands by otan side We wish ta extcnd aur ainceme And whispers, "Don't gieve, thanks ta friends and neigibors deabli cannof divide". for flic lovcly giffs and social Deep in aur heants hem memony evening at flic Community is kept, Centre, especially thanking bbc And fia' thc ycars be many committee, Mrs. L . Kimkton, Mrs. or !ew, L. Higi!ield and Mms. Mabel We will alwavs lic thinking dear Thickson and ail who iclped ta mother o! you. make a successful occasion. -Lovingly remcmbcred by Sid, Mms. Ada Dumas. P4enelda and grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Dumas. - - - - - - - - - IPLANT ISEND FR1'a %1 O u&SE M I- 1 ChoosE *It pays to 1 * Two Semi-] * Two Seni-1 as on * Give greaf e * Early crop * Produce mo * Faster relui * Easler to ca We also will bg Evergreens ar Ph! THE CANAD!AN RTATSMMVu. m~anrI wmap Ads Cards of Thank I wish ta thank Dr. K. Sleman, Dr. Austin and nurses and staff o! Mem( Hospital, B o w m a n ville; friends and neighbours,1 Bragg and school-mates for basket of fruit and all those made my stay in hospital r cheerful. Edith Nimigon. 1 would, like ta thank friends and relatives whoj cards, letters and flowers lowing the death o! my brai. John I. Bird, who passed ai in London on March 24. Spe thanks taeftie following for fi ers: Russell and Eleanor Ca 1er, London; J. Melnick, M Ser C.P.R. Hotel, London; D Cameron, Part Hope; Mayer . and family, Hamili Terry, Gard and H. C., Lan< Helen and Bill Wallis, Edna Jack Brummell, Heloise and1 Mutton, Charlie Mutton family, Bowmanvîl]e. Edward Bird. COMING EVENT.' Home baking sale at the Hy Shop, Friday, April 1, 1955, 2:30 p.n., sponsored by Beeih Rebekah Ladge.1 Dancing every Satumday nij 9 ta 12, Doug Dasti's Northi Ramblers - Tyrone Commur Hall. $1.00 per couple. Ge 75c. 1 I Home baking sale at Hy4 Shop, Bowmanville, an Thu day, April 7th, at 3 p.m. Sp( sored by W. A. o! Tyrone Ur ed Church, 13 A bake sale wili be held the Hydra Shop, King St., F day, April lSth, at 2 p.m. Sp( sored by the Bowmanvjlle Sic ing Club. 1: Came ta ye aide liard tirn dance at Sauina Cammunity Ha on Friday, April 1. Pensons ni in liard time costumes pay thI Penalty. Reeds Orchestra. Ad mission 75c and 50c. 13. Hampton United Churel 80t] aniversary, Sunday, April 3ré 2:30 p.m. Rev. A. A. Scott, DUD Past Moderator o!flice Unitei Church o! Canada. Guet solo ist, Ross Metoalfe. 13-1 Came ta the card pamty oi Tuesday evening, Apnil 5th, a Salina Communify Hall. Ad mission 50c. Lunch served Evenybody welcame. Sponsone( by Hampton Farm Forum, 13-1- Tyrone Churcli Stewards preý sent on April l2th at 8 p.m. ir I'yrone Hall a notcd magiciar and Dm. Williams' films "Greai Gardens o! bhe World". Adutç 35c- chuidxëÏ-ei5c. 1Éfreshm eni oooth. Everyone welcome. 13-2 Tickets are now available for the show of the year Cornz A Poppin' '55 Get your tickets from any mebero!flhe Jack & JIi Club March 31, April 1 - 2 ADMIFSSION -75e Aucfion Sales Saturdayt, Apnil 9, farm. sald auction sale o! farm implement Massey - Harris self-propelled combine, John Deene tractai and forage harvester; list in next week's paper. The property cl Joe Stevenson. Lot 19, Con. 7 hlI mile south of Enniskiller. Sale .1 . nm liffrrlP- iauctioneer. 13-1 EARLYWhy do more farmers every week feel fi pays to seil their Llvestock at fthe DURHAM COUNTY YOUR ORDER IN NGWSAERNA Bcuethey have the privilege of selllng if cither by thec pound to theor by thec dollar. Sale every Monday EVENING AT 7:30 P.M. L A A Owned and operafed by JACK TZ M A RTI REID. Auctioneer. For pickup PHONE 5 r 18 ORONO The place where buyer and NURSERY sle et10-tf I have received instructions ta R.R. 4, BOWMANVILLE seil by public auction for the estate of the late Gea. McCul- Iough at the farm, 1 % miles east ~foc isGovrnmei Crliied 2, on Saturday, April 2nd, a WE SPCIALIE INstock, implements, hay, grain, wood and lumber, and a large - nber of good apnetol D WAIIF FRUIT TREES including electric saw and sand-1 er. electric motor % h-p., new; also a quantity of antique furn- .1 from many Varieties itr.Trn ah orsre plan OurSern hone 5 r 13, Clarke. Clerk J. plntou Sm-DWarfs imba]l. Phone 2404 Clarke. Dwar3 prduceMor tha Onestanard12-2* E~wafs rodce mre hanmie tanard I have received instructions Dwars rquir sane Pantng sace from the executors of the estate ie Saarf ere an atngsae of the late Thomas Lymr to seli îe Stndardby public auction an Saturday, er yeldper creApril 2, at hiS late residence, ~r yeldper cre69 Queen St., Bowmanville, his - 3 o 4 earsentire househoid effects. This -r fis cl4 yearuitsale Wil] include such itemns ass a 17" Admira] television equip- irefirt las fritped wjth AI-band aerial, Frig-11 Irn - ore pofitsidaire Coldwall electric retrig-s rn Moe roftserator, large size, like new; four-f ,re or Cu labr cstspiece walnut bedroorn suite, 8- ( re or Ct lbo cotspiece walnut dining-room suite,11 ýe Pease tOfillYourordr fo Shrbs, walnut cane bottom chairs, Que-2 e peasd o fi yurordr fr hrus, bec soace heater. Buri walnut1 nd ose . e ursaretheFinst! tool chest and tools, studio e md Rses Ous ar th Finst! couch, several pieces of good walnut antique furnituire. bt'd- ding, linici. dishes. glassware, [One NAàrket 3.2563 etc. Sale at 1 p.mi. sharp. Termsc cash No reserve. Law,ýrence _______________________________Harris clerk; Jack Reid, auctian- a d. S, d nr ct f 7, 1. lt A- .11 th -t I-t 9- E~. t c- t! r- 'n d. t3 e- ed A. E. (SAMMY) CO' >J' Plumbing and Heafi )n AGENT FOR 't d- Mor-Sun -d The Furnace with flic * 10-year guarantee 26 Ontario St., Phone MA 3-3 e- BOWMANVILLE in tn (Formerly Bothwell & Col tWE ARE NOW IN A POSITION TO DO A LIMITED AMOUNT 0F DECORATING AND EXTERIOR I PAINTING PLEASE BOOK TOUR WORK EAR Phone MA 3-2639 R. B. BROWN Repairs RADIO and television repai Prompt service. Pick upa delivery. Lamne Doreen, 85 Ki E. Phone MA 3-5713. 2 HOOVER service man will be aur star,? every Thursday. Bn: vours in or Phone Higgon E rtric.Limited, 38 King St. E., Bo, manville, MA 3-5438. 52. REPAIRS to ail makes of refi eratars, domestic and comme cial; milking coolers. Higgi Electric Limited, 42 King St. Phone MA 3-5438. 25. PROFESSIONAL television r pairs ta any make a! set. Modeî equipment, fast service - gua anteed- Television Servii Protection Ca., 33 King Stre W. Phone MA 3-3883. 7- WATCH REPAIRINI MARR'S JEWELLERT 43 King St. W.. Phone MA 3.54E BOWMANVILLE 1-« Livestock For Sale 25 EIGHT weeks old pigs. Iva Mountjoy, Burketon. 13-1 ENGLISH Yorkshires, purebre boars, open gilts available. 1 H. Hinton. Phone Orono 14n1, 12- FRESH Holstein cows. and soin due ta freshen. Apply Z. . Benschop. Phone MA 3-2926. 13- FOUR Young milk cows due t, freshen in a few weeks and Young boar four months, Tamn worth, red, D. McReelis. Phani Clarke 3913. 13-; Tenders Wanted STENDERS WANTED Tenders wanted for the coný struction of a 2-room additior to Courtice Public School, Darl. ington Township. Drawings anc specifications can be obtainec tram the office o! Herbert G Cole, Architect, 1119 Green St., Whitby, Ontario, MOhawk 8. 2364. Tenders are called foi April 20th. Lowest or any tend- er flot necessarily accepted. 13-2 No mani is free who cannot command himself.-Pythagoras, Self-forgetfulnes.ç, puritv-, and affection are constant prayers. --Mary Baker Eddy. t t È 3 f f - ~* . ~ ~JÂ~ J.ZLE~Â~.1 St. Paul's Choir Guests 0f Women's Association M IBefore You Buy Give "Stew" a Try I will save you money on any make o! Car or Truck New or Used Example 1955 METEOR NIAGAeA FORDOR -.- -------2600.00 White Wall Tires-- 30.00, Trlmi Rings -- 15.00 2645.00 Lîcense, Prestone, Filter, Clock, Ligliter, Heater, New Car Warranty Ny Price - 2295.00 1952 FORD CUSTOMLINE FORDOR Two-tone Grey, White Walls, Cuufomn Radio, Filter, Saran Slip Covers, Windshleld Washers 21,000 actual miles 4,000 mile warranty A car to be proud of Priced Righft t Clear 197CHEV. 5-Pass. COUPE Radio, Good Tires Solld Motor --- -- 395.00 1946 CHEV. SEDAN E excellent condition 295.00f 1937 OLDS. SEDAN Ready for thie road ------ 95.00 Top Price for Your Trade Terms as Low as $25.00 down to good credif risks d Speciai 1 have a '52 and a 153 Dodge Station Wagon comlng ln on new Meteors Bofh ln A-i condition. *No reasonabie offer refused Spring Service Specials Brakes Inspecfed and Set up 95c 011 Change, Grease, Summer, Lubricafion for Transmission and Differenfial Points and Carburetor Check Materlals lncluded 3.95 Other Services ai Samne Low Prices Free Estimates on ail Mechanical and Body Work Class "A" Meehanles Employed ME* R - LI Cs e e'I 9UES and SERVICE Stewart Motor Sales NEWCASTLE PHONE 2871 An "'A" Licensed Garage Operating af rear of lot until new garage la conspleteil 0 p 1d hi IV A w lm A ta isi m Gi Ai lu( eai fri frt dis wil ye. an( wil ver cor the T la of f we. ner 'oc] laii con of in1 rig. FI wi Ii 't J c 1: ( c r c J o il il A. . -AT I d,0e M -31 'W. the My Miss the who nore 13-1 the sent fol- lier, iway cial .0w- and- 4an- iMrs. O. [ton, don; and Bill and 13-1 'dro at iive 2-2 glit, nity qnts 2-ff ,dro i ns- )on- nit- an- at- ý3-3 Work Wanted PLASTERING and plasterir pairs, chimneys, new anc paired; free estimates. P MA 3-3694. OIL burners, installing, c ing, repairing, also st( and pumps; plumbing nel Prompt service. Lea Muttc Liberty St. N. Phone MA 3-: Masonry Consfruc: BRICK - BLOCK - CONCE Free Estimafes ANGER BROS. MA 3-2273 or MA 3-337 SAVE MONET AT DAVE'S SHOE REPAIRI Skates Sharpened 35 TEMPERANCE ST. (in rear) 46-tf For Tour Spring Requirements in CONCRETE AND MASONRY Structural Repairs For Esfimafca Cali L. TURNER Phione Res. MA 3-3718 evenînga P.O. BOX 177, BOWMAN VILLE 13-t! B3ULLD OZING EXCAVATING TRENCHING - LGADING DRAGLINE- CLAM WORK Trueks and Loader for Gravel and Fi Jobs FREE ESTIMATES Tripp Construction PORT PERRY 392W 32f! General Masonry Repairs Fireplace and Complefe Chlmney Service FREE ESTIMATES JACK HAYWOOD Phone MA 3-3281 ng re- d re- Phoane 12-2 ýlean- ýokenu ýpairs. n, 14 -3658. 13-2* LETE ;5 ai the Lowest Prices in Town! IN LATEST MODELS (Priced from 179.00 up) * Professional Repairs ib Guaranieed Aniennas TELEVISION SERVICE Profedln 33 King St. W. Phone MA 3-3883 i R ài Members o! the choir o! St. Paul's United Church, with 9thein wives and liusbands were guests o! the Woman's Associa- tion on Tuesday evening, March 29. Ail were welcomed in the Sunday School auditorium by President, Mrs. Wilbert Teeple. A deliciaus maast bec! dinner, accompanied by fruit cocktail, relishes and lemon pie, ail in great plenty, was tlioraughly enjoyed by about 38 guests, in- cluding tbc minister Rev. Har- old Turner and Mrs. Turner. fThe tables wcre beautifully spring-like with bouquets of tulips and daffodils. Foliowing dinner, Mrs. Tee- Içlc on behaîf o! the W.A. and cangregation, cxpressed appre- ciation for the time and work given !reely by the choir in preparatian and rendition of tlic choral music each wcek thnoughout the ycam. She spake a! the gift of the Evening W.A. ta flic choir a couple o! months aga, o!frmew chair gowns and hats, and ask- cd President Mrs. Kenncth Hull ta acccpt as the gift of the Afternoon W.A., music covers ta match. These were graciously accepted by Mrs. Hull. A most enjovable hour was then spent viewing the color pictures a! Scotland and Eng- land taken by Mr. and Mrs. J. Cruikshank a! Zion on a two months' visit theme last sum* mer. Theme were views o! the Scottish countryside in ail its beauty, as well as famous cas- tics and abbcys, and flic famned Princes Street of Edinbumgh.1 There wcre very fine pic- tures o! the various brceds of cattle and sheep, some taken at the big agnicultural faim held annually at Dumfries, which the Royal Family always at- tend. In fact, Mm. Cruikshank had a picture o!flice Quccn Mother at tlic faim, shelteringc under an umbrella camnied by an officiai. Last summer was mare rainy even than usual in Great Bnitain. but thougli many1 o! the pictures shown were taken in the main, they devclop-1 cd clcarly. Mr. Cruikshank ai.so1 had some fine pictures o! Lon- q don. His cammentary made the pictures a travelogue o! meali cnjayment. On behaif of the chair and gucsts, Mm. Alex McGregon cx- presscd ta the W. A. bc tbanks à .o! ail for a deliciaus dinner 1and enjoyable evening. He also thanked Mr. and Mrs, Cruik- shank for caming and showing their most interesting pictures. Mrs. Teeple, on behaîf of the committee campnised of Miss Elva Orchard, Mrs. Ross Stev- ens and herseif, added her thanks ta Mr. and Mrs. Cruik- shank and said that the coin- mittee and assistants liad en- ,joyed having the choir as their guests. Mr. Ray Dudley wlio had just arrived home that aftcr- noon from his concert tour in the United States, was also a a very welcomne guest of the evening, along with his mother, Mrs. Reta Dudley, arganist and choirleader, bis father, and brother Noel. Lake Shore, Clarke Miss Alice Taylor Courtice, spent the weekcnd with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bedwin. Miss Betty Skelding enter- tained on the occasion of hem fourth birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Holmes attcndeed the Masonic "«At Home" at Brookiin. Mrs. W. Clemence spent the wcekend withi Mr. and Mms. Jack Holmes. Mrs. Bill Lake and Mrs. Wal- lace Holmes attended the Bow- manville Hospital Birthday Part y. The Lake Shore Ladies K. S. and C. Club met at the new home of Mrs. Bey. Jaynes. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. W. Holmes. The sympathy of the comn- munity is extended ta Mrs. W. Baskervîlle and family on the death of her father. ZION Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ward and Ross, Kingston Road, at Wes Cameron's. Mr. Ivor Gerry, Toronto, at Mrs. F. B. Glaspell's. Mr. and Mrs. .James McMas- ter and sons, Millbrook, Miss Heather Burtch, Watson Lake, Yukon, at Alex MeMaster's. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Fice at William Stonehouse's, Whitby, Mn., and Mrs. Jack Camemon and family, Whitby, et Wes Cameron 's. Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Killen, Oshawa, at Robert Killen's. King Winter meally filled thc sideroads on the weekend, but t is more springlike today. MAPLE GROVE Sacrament will be observed tn Sunday at churcli service. Courtice Circuit Young Pea- ple's Union will present their play, "Wild Ginger"l, in Maple Grove Churcli basement on Wednesday, April 6. 8:15. Adults 50c; public school 'chil- dren, 25c. 13-1 Evening Auxillary met at tlic ome of Mrs. Jack Hurrie with NIrs. H. Allison's graup in ýharge o! meeting. Theme was 'Let This Mind Be in You". Wrship Service was taken. by Wrs. E. Snowclen and Mns. H. 1Ilison. Study Book chapter ras given by Mrs. S. Jeffemy, lYrs. M. Flintoff and Mrs. H. Ilison. President Mrs. H. radley conducted business )eiod. Atîxiliamy members are ocater ta a dinner for the min- ters of the Presbyterial at vaple Grave on May 4, Mrs. 4. Flintof!, Mrs. Tom Mc- ;uirk and Mns. M. Edwards ta ýa committee for same. W.M.S. Sunday is Apnîl 24. ;cening Auxiiary membens will the chair. Spring Tea et Courtice an Dril 6th at 2 p.m. April meeting ta bie a pot ick supper at the church when ch member is ta bning a cend. Gmoup in charge senved ýut; salad plate and fruit loaf. wi PONTYPOOL i Signs o! Spning quickly Fi iappeared aver the weekend Buc fi the warst starm o! the B,, ýa. Practically ail township par id cou nty roads weme blocked Smni fth the rovincial highwavs SDon ermanviile ur p un Sales rwaýy Food Mrket icley's Flowere mlzoral M o lol vmanVille *Auto Parts rton's Bus th'e Boveraqes ewart's Seeds mBo" Service Station ystal Dairy ris' Grocery )een's Handy Store in and judy Shop cnaos Beouty Shop .' Smnke Sbnp O's vern's Bakery ry's Book S'ore ris Furniture r Wilson Smoke Shop tels Teo Room Hiqgon Electric Ltd. Ken'. Mens Wenr M a Chartran's Clothes Cowling's Druge Alins Mecte Lander Hardware Club 15 John Re37n, B.A, DennisTiern.y C. E. Rehder Vanstone'e Mill Glen Rae Dairy Jamiesones Tire Shop Royal Theatre Ted Woodyard Dominion Stores Mnher's Shoes McNulty's Sports Jack Miller Olympia Restaurant Mike Osborne's Sports Maon & Date Mr. and Mns. inM ari' Mr. and Mrs. Ken Nicks Mr. and Mre. Art Hooper Mr. and Mns. AI Vail Walker Stores McGre7ar Druges Breelin e Ladies' Wear Jury & Loveil Rikoy s Bi Rite Sm okeSp Lloyd Elli: Shýode Fobric Town Bowmontjile Cleoners Hoaper's 7.weIlery Scott's Record Bar (Osherwa> Carson Studios (Port Hope) Marr's jewellery The Canadian State.mno Brown'& Implements Stuart R. James WE OFFER YOU HIGHEST QUALITY TELEVISION J ac kCole Given Lions Club Boost Jack Cole, 2nd Vîce-Presi- dent of the Bowmanville Lions Club, received a "bôost" from fellow -Lion Ted Southey ati the regular meeting of the club on Monday night. He pointed out that Lion Cale was born in Hamilton but came ta Bowmanville with his parents at an early age. He was educated in the public and high school here and after gra- duation was employed at Uicl T. B. Gilchrist clothing store as a salesman. He later joined the S. G. Chartran Men's Wear Store, of which he is now Man- ager. He has been. a member o! the Bowmanville Lions Club for many years and. did particular- ly fine work during the war an the committee formed for sending clothing averseas. He was also a hard-working mem- ber of the cammittee respons- ible for the erectidn of the new banquet hall at the Lions Com- munity Centre. Mr, Cale is married ta the? former Alma Piper and they have three sons, Allan, Jim- my and Randy. A leader is best when peoplei barely know that he exists -( 1 à The Bowman ville Teen Town Club and m 1 1 PAGE m 11ITEUM Easter Seal Drive Needs Your Help Approximately $1,400 has beeri received ta date in the Easter Seals Campaign for Crippled Children, conducted in this dis- trict by the Bowmanville Rotary Club for the Ontario Society for Crippled Chîldren, Treasur- er George Moody has announced. Returns are still coming "ii but Mr. Moody and Chairman Walter B. Reynolds ask those wvho have not already made their donation ta this splendid cause of helping the crippled children of Ontario ta do so as soon as possible. They urge that you mail in your pink envelope at once so that some child who is nawr handicapped may receive the treatment that will enable him ta walk, taik, play, leann and live like othen children. Through the funds donated during. the Easter Seals Campaign the On- taria Society for Crippled Chu-. dren helps hundneds of handi- capped children each year. Yog are asked ta be as genenous as possible in helping it ta carry on this work. If you did nat receive a pinlc envelope, you can make your donation at the Bank a! Mon- 1 Photo by Ernie Rehdet SHIRLEY MILLS 1955 Queen of the Prom ish to thank ail those wbo contributed to the great iccess of the annual Easter Prom, Friday, March 25, ithe Lions Community Centre. of