?HUESAY, ARCH lst,1955THECANADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMANVILLEMONTARIO '~PAGE 'TqRE Fi nalists in Prom Queen Contest Communion Sunday in our r i . church service. Ray D d e Mr. and Mrs. A. Read, Mr."'<JJ Hay, attended a party on Fri-H ai day evening at Mr. and Mrs. al penel Fred Ashton's, Toronto. Mrs. Clifford Trewin, Bow- ýI. manviiie, visited Mr. and Mrs. i~ ,,lr l' Mr. and Mrs. Spann and Concordia, Kansas, family, Hampton, were Sunday March 16, 195à. visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dear Mr. Jame, Westover*s. Neighbors from Port Perrv Have just given my fiftieth gathered at the home of Mr. concert since October, and what and Mrs. Frank Westover i-e- a wondèrful experience each cent]y and gave her a baby one has been. This is Kansas zthower. She received manyadmytocnes nts lovely gifts. state have been mast delight- fui experiences. In Goodland the community concert com- mittee took me square dani HAMPTONrighll off the bat and then ta variaus homes for the refresh- A special event of iast week ing change of home cooked was the occassion of a birthday melais during my three days' .ceiebration for Mrs. M. Good- stay. man, wbo reached ber 901h Prior to this. five weeks tour- birti-day anniversary on Tues- ing California heiped me ta sec day. March 22. During the ail corners of this most beauti- afternoon she was at home tafi and amazîng state. From a number of ber friends and San Diego through Los Ange- neighbours who called ta ex- les, San Francisco, ta Eurêka tend best wishes and enjoy in the north, and then up in afternoon tea with ber. Shie the mauntains of the Feather was the recipient of manv River district. everywhere green beautifui cards, fiowers and his and vaiieys, snow peaked gifts. We trust she mas' be mountains, biossoming orchards spared ta enjoy mare birthday for February, was- ail a great celebrations and a measure of privilege. health. Present for the accas- Then it was wonderful ta be ion xis lier daughter, Ms entertaind by the Consul and Allen Parker of Toronto, and Vice Consul of the Canadian lier daughter. Louise with Consulate in San Francisco and whom she resides. aiso the British Associate at the the accousties wcre magnifice ~t yPlays In dftoSky by Earthquake Bohemian Club, one of the moist beautiful, men's clubs I have seen. In Las Angeles a fareweii iuncbeon was given at the Anm- bassador Hotel with the Cana- dian Consul and bis xvfe pre- sent. Aiso present was Jean Williams frcm bome and it was nice ta see Gwendolyn Koidaf- sky and brother Jim Williams for a deiightfui evening ini Gwen's charming home. For my Napa concert, 'Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hopps matored over fram Sacremento and it was wonderful ta see tbem again as they had stopped in ta sec us at home last summer whiie visiting relatives in Bowvman- ville. Audiences have been woader- fui for ail the concerts, one of the largest was Burlingane and Sani Oratao with 2,000 people in onc of the mast modern and beautiful auditoriums I have ever piayed in. This is a beauî- tiful suburb of San Francisco. Then in Eureka they had an earthquake vhich destroycd the ceiling of their auditorium, s0 1 played ta 1500 people in a bail with no cciling just steel supports and wood tîmbers. bit arget Sal Continues until Saturday! Highlight of one of the most successful Teen Ken Nicks, Mr. and Mrs. AI Vail and Mr. and Mrs. James Trown formais ever held, was the Prom Qucen cantest. The Marr. Chosen Queen wvas Shirley Milis of Enniskilien, Wvinner was chosen on a basis of personaiity, poise and who was croxvned with a tiara and presented with a trophy beauty. The dance, held at the Lions Community Centre, and ový.er $100 warth of gifts donated by variaus merchants. Friday evening, Mai-ch 25, was largeiy attended. The Shirley is seated in the centre of the above pictu-e, flankcd galaxy of beauty and personality made it a difficuit task by the other finalists, from ieft: Norma Dale, Betty for the judgcs, Mr. and Mrs. Art Hooper, Mr. and Mrs. Carruthers, Judy Goodman and Rena Dilling. -Photo by Rehder .Shirley Mili Teen Town The second annual Teen Town Easter Prom, held Friday, March 25, in the Lions Community Centre, was acciaimed the best dance ever by ail attending. Shirley Milis, of Enniskiilen, an attractive fifth-former at Bow- rnanvilie High Schooi, xvas nam- ed Queen of the Bail, and was the recipient of over $100 worth of beautiful prizes. . She was crowned bv, Mrs. ArtJ flooper, ane of the eight judges, at midnight. Her four "prin- cesses" were Betty Carruthers, Judy Goodman, Norma Dale and Rexia Diliing. These five girls were chosen from a gruup of 1'-, ]picked by the judges from the Grand March, in which al Present took part. Each of the five finalists received a box of chocolates. The wniner of the mantel dlock-radio, drawn at il p.m. by1 Alvin Stacex-. President of the Teen Town Club, and AI Xail, I Itecreation Director, wvas Alex' LA. PARREI PLUMOING e HEATING BOWMvAl cd the hope that each girl ' prsci wud cconsidered by 1irlniy Y. P. Sdy 'Is Qhueen hier escort as bis own Mount queen". He emphasized that Sermon on Mo n choosing one Queen from a P ro mgraup of beauties as large as that A study of the Sermon on Pr mattendlg the 'een Town Pron the Mount was the theme o tMeGregor, Bawmanvillîe. sibly be performed ta perfection. Monday, March 28. At precisely nine o'clock, danc- The winncr was chosen on a hasis, After a brief business meet- ing began ta the excellent music of persanality, poise, appearance ing under the chairmansbip of of Paul Minicala and bis arches- and bcauty. Do:-othv, Johns, a.ig-sang iec tra, Peterborough, in the beaut- John Regan, donor of a beaut- into the warship service con- ifulv decorated hall. During the, iful traphy ta the Queeni, comi- ducted by1 Marilyn Leask and evening, spot dances were won1 plimented the Teen Town Club Bruce Colwcil. Scripture was by Gord Kiipatrick and Sylvia !on theil- excellent dance, and on chasen from Mattbew 5. Coverly. and Bob Stocker and their usefîti w-a:k in Boxvman- The young people increased Pat Bag-neli. xille. He stated that Bowman- the knowledge of their Faith Cub 1 i ladies catcred for the, ville can bc pxoud of lier teen- by discussing the meanina off lunch with dlainty cakes and! agers. His work as a criminal cach Beatitude. Thea tîheý- cokis, and coffee. 1 lawver ailows bim ta state with- tarmed mbt two teams for a F.110U, in g the refreshments, I Ut lhesitatian that Bawmanviile game of Bible Basebail on the finalists for the Prom Queen has no -Beaner 'y Gang' or anv- chapteî-s 5, 6 and 7 of Matthew,. w-ere chosen by the harried thing of Ibis sort. MmI. Regan The captains wcre Phyllis group of judges, consisting of read the long list of donors of Parker and Bruce Calweil. Umi- 1Mr. and Mrs. Jim Marr, Mr. and prizes for the Queen. pire was Ruby Morrow. Bruce Mrs. Art Hooper, Mr. and Mx-s, When Shirley Milis w-as eaul- Colweli's team was victoriaus Ai Vail, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Nicks.1 cd upon ta acccpt the tiara and with a score of 4 ta 2. Mr. Hooper and a jeweiler ' firm table fuit of prizes, bier escort, A wcicomed lunch was serv- with wham bhe deals donatcd the Ken Kcih-, bes-Lowed bier with a cd by Rena Dilling and Joan lovely tiara with xvhich thc prize of his 0w-n. Mutton. The evening clased Queca was crowned, for tise by the Teea Town Club annuall\ Another highlight off Ibis even- with laps. Mr. Hooper, as chairman of the îing of many events w-as the judgcs. w-ho also acted as cha- dropping of the net containing pernesfo th (lnc, epres-almost 300 multi-colaured la- I EDenezer Fou peraes or he anc, e i ons and confetti. Oniy t\vo I pes-graups off peple bad campiaints End Fea orumi ta make about tbc highly suc- 1 esn Vt cessful prom. Thcy were thelPt L A n ta oin ? judges, who had the atask of' ot Lck Supper A nita doin ? coosing five finalists and then i one Queen from tbc entire The annual pot luck supper e~nsem bic of bealiful young of Ebenezer Forum was heid ladies. and tbcexolunleers wbo at Ebenezer Cburch ta close the Anta Smalf is filing some of agreed ta return ta the Centre faim forum season, wiîh 100 thethosons o hopitl bis the next day ta dlean up what people sitting down fô weii la- thethosans o hopitl blls anothei- group hiad so painstak- dcn tables. As bonorcd guests Blue Cross pays every month ingi-.- put up the day before. there w-ere Mayor Nelson Os- Thc Teen Town Club plans borne, Mrs. Osborne and rc- for benefits toto ling more thon la hoid another regular dance presentatives fromi the Bovw- two milion dllars.in the Lions Centre tomorro\v maler Camee. Cm twomilio dolar. Frida.v). Check tbc Recrea- nre tion Department bulletin board The Harmonizer Quartette at the Post Office for full, de- composed of Ron Osbornse, tails.i Murr-ay Osborne, Ron Bickle and B rooks Pearce, eatertained Iwitb severai selections, witb Th-e Gloria Choir 1 Mrs. G. Pickell at the' piano. Mr. Chas. Osborne introduced ýTo Give Recital hthsek -Mx V.S il- Federation of Agriculture, w-ho Adventist Collee gave a x-ery' down-to-carîh ad- dress on the organizabions tha1t Borris N. Pashikulew, a state- make up the federation aadý ~LASOCATON ,~ lcss refugee who fled beforc, bher general funetions. He gave1 AL SSCITIO B-53 hie Ion CLirtain enveloped feeion was able ta belp the _______________________ h: juit fods n 'ienafarmet- market bis product. Austi abias. in bbc few months MiEltn Werry tbanked thec he bas br'en a special student speaker, bringing ta a close a at Oshawa Visionarv College. su-cessful scason of Farm Foi-- made quite an impression mmetns musicallY speaking on bbc campus and ini the immediate HAYDON camnîunlit.-. With thbcoc-operation off the Mr. and Mrs. George Bertriro, % coliege music depatment un- Mr. Morrîson, Miss Helen drMrs. Margaret Yakovenko, Bcrbrim, Oshawa, were Sna A. T.C.M., B.A..lie lbas organ- \'isitars at Mr. and Mrs. Mi. i.-izcd a communitx- choral group Bertrim's. callcd the Gloria Choir -hich CpI. Bernard Houseman,' ce- -ill presot its first re(ital oni Camp Borden, wîth Mrs. fl ic1t of April in the College Hoit.seman and Wayne and Mr. Audfitorium. and Mî-s. C. Garraî-d and Al- IMr. Pasbkuicw studied music fred. CpI. Houseman i.s on foir- y'~ ~i n Graz an(l Vienna, Austria,'JLugb for a manîh after w-hich under the a;îspices of the Aus ,lie and Mrs. Houseman anid trian Nat;onal Chamber of Wavne wiii be rcturning ta Cal- I Mu s ic. Fu;i- cxeral vears be a ' %vas director of nmusic aithte Visitors at Mr. and Mrs. 1W. tiIdenominationaîîx- operated col- Vivian's were. Mrs. H. Hoskin, lege at Col longe s-Sous-Saleve Mis. H. Ormiston, Sharon and $ in Franre. Ji], Miss Anna Marie Hoskin H e bas given concerts in and Joanne, Oshawa. ~Lausanne. Swî%-t.erland and in ba ry, Bowm anville, v-itýM VET LonFne, before lhe fled l .Dowig and .an debr. W ¶OKNOI~~WBlackblrnand fMrs. . Clav W <O EEP At-4 caming ta Osbawa, lie sp- Mr.an r.D Cob-, Motralan ad hîf Bowmanville, have a ittiei 1/-.*aMota ar vllbc rcîurn- 1dau gbter. ing 1his sunimer la take gradi- Mr. and Mrs. I-arold Murphy ~atev ok a McGll nivi-î- were .Iipper guesîs off Mr. anti >ctng onracorfor4 ____lie field of 11musie and the MS Hugh Murphyv, Bowmari- roance 2angîîagc.vle ýuality Mate+il! Try 'Mr. C. Garrard atteaded the funcral of Ms Ida Moore, Bow-- manvî-ýle on Fridav.r Bible Ç lass meeting wil bc lield at flic home of Mr. and M'Yrs. Jack Potîs on Tuesdav; R &SONS eveni51hAprbe 5t! e 011.BURNE S ~~wi nci-i drng the w ekend r - id in blocked i ('lî,iîý NVILE - MA -V 1 rc:& and Sund'ay Scboo! IVLE - M 3-61v. ci-,- ancelied I - - -I unday, April 3rd wil bel H I Clearance O'f Vene flan iBlinds 64-inch steel siats, cotton tapes, mostly eggshell with a few whites, mostly broken sizes, regular values up ta $6.95 each. Width 18 to 29 inches, each Z. Width 30 to 43 inches, each --3--- MILLIKEN LOCKWGOD SHEETS Double Bed Size 81" x 99" Siiow White Type 128 Sheeting Fine f irst quality snow white xnuslin sheets at sueh a low price . . . neat plain hems for longer wear... packed in a useful polythene bag ta stay clean until used. Regular $7.95 value. Target Sale Price, pr. $4.98 PILLOW CASES te imatch 0f the same Snowy White Cotton Size 42" x 36" -~---Pr. 1.29 ALL WEATHER COAT SCOOP! Ail fuily lined and ready for rain or shine Each 19.99 Neyer have you seen so much fashion in rain or shine coats . .. at such a tiny price. Ail fabrics are water repellent. Ail coats are fuliy lined . . . have new cocktail sleeves, new coilar treatment and back interest. Sizes 10 ta 20. ECONOMY PRICED! LADYGALT TOWELS in pleasing muiti-colored stripes Special Purchase First Quaiity - 20" x 40" Each ___-- Cames in three candy stripe coior combinations. each with a predaominating color: Cerise, Blue or Hunter Green. 1- 1 BLOUSES 0f Washable, Linen-like Celanese Crease-resistant - Each1 09 Choose from Spring's most wanted colors of Red, Coral, Beige, Powder Blue, Maize and White. Sizes 12 ta 20. TODDLERS' COAT SETS 0f Washabie Rayon Gabardine 1 Set Cood Guality Wash Prints and x6 Gu Oalily Broadcloths s * Special Mill Run Purchase Many Colours 37cl Children's Dresses A 2.98 1.99 Value Ea. INFANTS' NYLON SHEER Dresses and Rayon Crepe Slips. . . Colors Pink, Blue, Maize and White. Sizes 12 bo 18 months. A 3.98209 Value Ea. LITTLE GIRLS' Sheer Nylon DRESSES Colors Pink, Maize, Blutý and White. Sizes 2, 4, 6 Special Purchase of First Quality NYLONS! CHOICE 0F: 45 gauge - 30 denier 51 gauge - 15 denier 60 gauge - 15 denier AI One LowC Price Pair iSS For afternoon, evening or ail day wear, these first quality fui] fashioned Nylons are smartly styled with slenderizing dark seamns and narrow panel heels... in two of the newest Spring shades, Light Beige (a sunny t an torie) and Medium Beige... sizes 9 ta 11. FAMOUS LINEN-LIKE RAYON Woven of ail Viscose Yarn " Fast Color * Minimum Sbrinkage * Hand Washable " Crease Resistant " 44" to 45" wide7 9 Yard...... There are 14 colours f rom vvhich to choose, inciuding Navy, Light Blue, Pink, Lilac, Mint Green, Aqua Melon, Cornsi]k, Scarlet, Kelly Green, Luggage Tan, e A 2.98 logo Value Ea. TODDLERS' SANFORIZED Broadcloth DRESSES Colors: Maize, Baby Blue and Pink. Sizes 2, 3 and 3x. A 3.98201 Value Ea. LITTLE GIRLS' SILKY LOOK SANFORIZED COTTON PRINT j Big Tbirsty "CANNON"p BATHK TOWELS *Bath Size 22" x 44"» *Ail first quality 5 LoJely Colors 8 Five lovelv new colors include Mimosa, Yel]ow, Pink CANNON FACE (LOTHS In colors to miatch the towels, size 12"x12", 4 for 88c Buy Now! Save Now! 47 KING ST. E. and greatiy Improved as a re- suit of the accident. Now concerts take me ta Ne- braska, Missouri and Wiscon- sin and 1 xviii be home for a few day s at the lst of April before going ta Newv York for two weeks. Miieh gratitude for your great heip in the past and best wishes ta you and Mrs. James, aiwavs- Sincereiy Ray Dudley PLAT HEDSE Ord New ahippea atthse proper piantig lme, FIEE 'erîenullcay Bet FR E -il.nt fo KILy edes CHINESEELM-EB.Iai set Goi-9ineh site. 100 fer M399 1-chie,100 for 54.50; 1"S.inch site. 100 for 55.50; 1S-itueb sit. log0 ifor S 6.95. 2-ft. site. 23 fer $3.98 or 515.00 per 100; 3-fi. xsp, 2à for 56.98 or $25.00 per 100. PRIVET- "mrnt",ri y ,nedium rowth-th. oui? hardy kiud: 1-,.25for $3.98 or $18.60 per 100. ROSA MULTIFLORA- *'Nattr'e Hiedge of Igardy osa-Uinbushv. transplanted, 25 for $3.49 or S 1.95i per 100. RED BARBERRY-1 re ai season-9.In., 100for$12.9111;12-1.., 25 for $3.98 or $22.00 per 100. PAEONYROOTS-~EIîîî, le RIed, wbit. -or-p-ln-l,- for b1.t'"8.se FR EE aaas F7l lr@ Brook dale- Kingsway Nurseries IIOWIMANVILLE O.NTARIO Phonie Day or Nigbt: Mlarket 3.334S m ýý 1 1 1 1 TRUMAT. MARCH 31st, 195* Walker ri 1 Stores b p I I a i Toddi( Infants" 4.91g UN