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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Mar 1955, p. 7

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-r - r - - ?IMSDAY, MARCn 3ist, 1955 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVTLLE. ONTARIO PAGIE SEVET< Mr. and Mrs. Arley Northcutt have returned from a month's vacation in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Lander, ]Richard and Janice, spent the weekend in Dunnvile. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Candler, London, Ont., attended the fun- eral here of the late John Bini on March 28th. Miss Marion McDougall of 'Toronto, is visiting her cousins, Dr. and Mrs. L. B. Williams, Temperance Street. Il HAMPTON UNITED CHURI 8Oth Anniversar Suanday, April 3 2:30 p.m. Rev. A. A. Scoi D.D. Past Moderator of th United Church o! Cana Guest Soloist ROSS METCALFE C H y 3rd da PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Ontario Street North Sunday, April 3 10 a.m. - SUNDAY SCHOOL PASTOR'S THIRD ANNIVERSARY SERVICE Theme - "Consecration" 7 P.m. - Miss Vera Clapp Deaconess of the P.A.O.C. wlll preach Boys andi'Girls To.night Thurs., Mar. 31 at 7 p.m. KY. Club Fellowshlp Circe The Pastor will speak on the theme "Ponder" Ail Welcome Ail week-nlght Services Cancelled during the Youth for Christ Crusade April 10 to 23 - .1 -I ___ __________________ If you were Mayor or mem- ber o! the Town Council what would you do with the $7,784.75 Bowmanville receiveci from Premier Leslie Frost ta be spent for the benefit of the commun- ity as'the City-Fathers se fit? Miss Irene Shaw, supeinten- dent of Memorial Hospital, Bowmanvihle, ad Mrs. T. E. Prout, dietitian, attendeci the Hotel and Restaurant Conven- Go od Friday Service under auspices of the Bowmanville Ministerial Association St. Paul's United Church APRIL 8 at 11a.m'. SPEAKER: Tfie Very Rev. Willard Brewing, D.D. Past Moderator of the United Church EVERYONE WELCOME Trinity Unied Church Minister, Rev. T. Arthur Morgan, B.A. 11 A.M. - The Sacrament -of The Lord's Table, and Reception of New Members 7 P.M. - il A.M. - SPEAKER: The Very 1ev. Wilard Drewing, D.D. Organist, Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus. Bach., L.R.S.M. çSbcial & e§ersonal Phone MA 3-3303 Kiddies Pet Skunk Until Father Arrives A playful skunk caused Jim Hayman, 24 Ontario St. N., con- siderable anxiety for about four hours Tuesday mornng before he emengeci fnom the encounter victoniaus andi unsprayed. jShirtly after aine o'clock Jim receiveci a caîl from his wife while at work at Palmer Motor Sales that his three-year-old son, Carl andi Marilyn White, tiny daughter of George White, were - o! all thiags - petting a skunk outside the Hayman house. Whea the honnifieci Mrs. Hayman summoneci the youngs- ters into the house they proudly pointeci out the 'nice kitty" to hem. Mr. Haymaa calleci up armeci reinforcemeats in the persan of 'Hap" Palmer and Constable Denny Densem to go down andi shoot the marauding wood-pussy. However, it was sa close ta the house they wene afraici ta shoot jThe unconcerneci skunk later Imeandeneci into Mn. Hayman's garage and stationeci himself acIer his car. It seemeci bliaci, jMr. Hayman saici, and be be- lieves that this was why it re- -maineci around the house rath- er than waadering off. The harasseci man returneci ta work, where he pondereci the best way to id himself of his uawclcome visiton. At noon-time, he and Ralph Kelly fashioneci a woocien trap andi equipped with this andi a Picce of meat for hait they ne- turneci ta trv anci tnap the pole- cat. The scheme w(,ïked most successfully in that they dici fot get sprayecl in the trappiag pro- cess. Very geatly they took the skunk ta the creek where they endeci its wancienings for gooci. Proof of the mental andi phys- ical hazards of skunk,-trapping 1is summed up in Mn. Hayman's remark on the episode. "I wou]dn't want ta trap them for a living"~, he asserteci. FarmForums PROVIDENCE FARM FORUM .Fanm Forum met at Mr. andi Mrs. Sam Turners for a pot- luck supper with twenty-six members present. After a hounteaus supper Iwas enjoyeci hy ail, William B ragg, recreatianal convenar, took charge o! the pragnam conisisting o! a sing-song led hi' William Bragg andi contests led b.v Mrs. O. Osborne andi Ethel IWight. William Bragg thankeci the Turner familv for apening their home for the occasion ta which Sam Turner replieci. Bath expresseci the desire o! seeiag everyane out ta Forum when the series hegias next fali. The evening claseci with the singing o! -Good-night Neighbors". Your Forum secretarv wish- es ta thank Mr. Geo. James snd The Statesman staff for the:r j kmnd co-operation ini pubhihng i h Forum report each week. Citizens Group Run Contest For Cash Prizes 9 t Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Martin, es Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Symons left this week for a vacation in r, Florida and California. ýe Congratulations to Mr. Albert McMahon, Lambert Street, who *celebrated his 9th birthday on -Wednesday, March 3th. dl Rev. Carrnan Lynn, West Summerland, B.C., spent Mon- >f day night with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Turney and Glen. Se Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Siemon and Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Stain- -ton arrived home from their >Florida vacation on Wednesday afternoon this wéek. Miss Frances Hincks, assist- ant superintendent of Memor- ial Hospital, Bowmanville, lef t last Friday to enjoy a Carib- bean cruise vacation. Mr. George Hacking, manager of the Canadian Bank of Com-' merce, has been attending a course for bank managers at their head office in Toronto. Mrs. Thomas Hayes has re- turned home from visiting her friend, Mrs. George Watkins, Toronto, whose husband is in St. Joseph's Hospital and is im-, proving. Don't wait until the last day to mail your donation in the Pink Envelope to the Easter Seal Campaign for the crippled children in Durham County. Mail it today. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. 0. Joncs, their daughter, Mrs. R. Sander- son and grandson Bobby, To- ronto, have returned from spending six weeks in St. Pe-j tersburg, Florida. 0f the 26 cases of commun- icable diseases reported by the United Counties Health Unit for week ending March 26, Bow- manvîlle gets off lightly with only two cases of German measles. Club 15 kindly donated $24.- 87 made from catering to the Teen Town Easter Prom Fni- day night to the Piano Fund of the Bowmanville Choral Socie- ty. This -donation was much appreciated. The Bowmanville Fire De- partment answered an alarm at 2 p.m. Monday at the Sted- man Store. A short i the wir- ing of the oul burner caused overheating and some smoke, but no damage resulted. Mrs. Charles A. Wight and Mrs. Irwmn Bragg are leaving Friday by plane for a month's vacation in Los Angeles, visit- ing relatives and friends there and will stop at Chicago to visit Mrs. Wight's sister. tion Tuesday nt the Automn tive Building of the C.N.: groundis at Toronto. Mr. Joe O'Neill, Chairman the Board of Memorial Hosp tal, Mrs. O'Neill, Supenintei dent Miss Irene Shaw, Mrs. ' W. Cawker, presidenf 'of Won' ens Hospital Auxiliary and Mi Lorne McLaughlin, attended meeting of the regional hosp tai boards held at Ross Men orial Hospital, Lindsay,c tThursday night of last weel Rev. Carmen Lynn, formE pastor at Pentecostal Churc: now district superintendentc British Columbia, gave a ver fine address and film of hi work in the district to a larg congregation on Monday, NMrc 28, which was enjoyed by alI. H iis now attending General Exe< utive mheeting in Toronto. Mr. Ray Dudley returne home on Tuesday from hi concert tour in the Unite States and will spend a fe' days with his parents, Mr. ani Mrs. C. H. Dudley, Courtict before leaving for New Yor] where he will spend about teî days. See his. letter to th, editor fromn Kansas in anothe column. Mrs. Geo. E. Pritchard, Bow manville, and Mrs. E. Bennett Oshawa, accompanied their sis ter, Mns. P. Duckers of Englan( to Montreal who on March 23r( sailed on the Empress of Franc4 for home. Mrs. Duckers ha( spent six happy months visitini relatives andi fniencis in the Unit. ed States and Canada. and hope! to retun at a laten date to be. corne a permanent resident oý Canada. Mn. Charles Carter Sr.,E charter member of the Baker' Production Club of Ontario has been asked to be one of the six members of the club to act a-s a judge of the baking exhi- bits at the Canadian National Exhibition in Toronto this summen. There will be 12 juciges in this categony, xvitl six female dieticians acting in this capacity along with the Production Club members. Mn. Carter has servcd as a judge at the C.N.E. several times ir the past. Hanny Freeman dropped into the editon's sanctuni Tuesday morning to rernind us it was just 50 yeans ago-March 29, 1905, -that the famous hackney hors. es of Senaton Robt. Beith of Waverly Stables were auctioneci off. It was an occasion which attracted horsemen fromn several States across the border as well as buyers fromn many points in Canada. Around the turn of the centurý Senator Beith was one of the outstanding breeders of Hackney horses in Amenica, winning the wonld's champion- ship on his famnous stallion 'Saxon" at the National Horse Show at Madison Square Gar- Elens, New York, as well as be- Lng awanded honors at many othen international horse shows. The editor well remembers at- tending several shows in New York when Senaton Beith was an exhibitor and Tom Graham was mn the bill in. the show ring. .E of pi- T. s- r.. a 0j- .M of Lis h [e 's- d te, Elk .e El ig ýs )f a y7 i (Continued from page one) a table guests were introduced and each Rotarian was asked to introduce his Rotary Anne ' I and guests. Honorary Rotary Annes, the wives of Rotarians, who have passed on, were ia. troduced by Ex-President For- bes Heyland. A very apprec- iative vote of thanks for the qd«uendntt deliciaus turkey banquet was fUit'.- moved by the president. The Afilnse dinner was catered by the LNorth Concession group of Trinity W.A. i '. Outstanding entertainment was provided by husband andi Ouick relief f rom Choit Co-ld6, wife team, Harold and Helen Lumbago, Neuritis, Neuralgia, Boumne, who blended their Scaticu, *houmotic Ache. very fine banitone and soprano a nd Point. voices, plus then- pleasing pen- sonalities, in duet numbers from popular musical comed-69 ies. Among the' numbers they sang were "Wunderbar," "0k- 'tPL lahoma" and "0 What a Beau- .~- QUANTfY tiful Morning." Local singer and E x-Presi-$12 dent Mel Dale, couldn't resist one number, "One Alone" from the Desent Sang, and joined in with his very fine voice. Whereupon Mr. Boumne took bis seat in the audience, and g *f *S happily left the spotlight to his wife andi Mel. It was an unexpected feature which the performers enjoyeci as much as did the audience. Another husband-wjfe team, Mn. and Mrs. Regan, provideci a lively contrast with their comic Irish and Scotch sangs. Ia addition, Mrs. Regan was an accomplished accordionist, and Mr. Regan gave some intricate tap-dance routines. Miss Law- rie of Toronto, capahly ac- companied all the performers. Tables were then cleared from the auditorium ad danc- ,",q3 ing was enjoyed to the music30 a! Danny Ross and his arches- .SNL ISE tra, while some electeci ta play cards in the Green Room 2fr 5 Kinsmen Club (Continued from page one) tubes of hand lotion. Head Table Guests President Hooper welcomed the members and guests and their ladies and introduced the head table guests: Bob Mark, Kinsmen District Treasurer, and Mrs. Mark; Lions President James Marr, and Mrs. Marr; 2nd Vice-president Jim Firth of the Bowmanville Legion Bnanch, and Mns. Firth; Mrs. Hooper; Kinsmen Deputy Dis- trict Governor Ken Nicks, and Mns. Nicks: Nip Flack, Kins- men District Co-ordinator, and Mrs. Flack: and Ladies Night Chairman Gary Venning and Theresa Capstick. Other guests present who were introduced were Kin Walter Frank and Pearl FIaa- ta, Ivan Woolle.y and Dorothy Hockin, former Kin Bob Kinc, Lindsay and Mrs. King, and theè representatives of The Cana- dian Statesman and the Osh- awa Times-Gazette. The President also presented Kinsmen lapel badges to three new members; Ken Hockin, Banner Passant and Arthur Flieler, and introduced ths'ee members who had joined the club since the last Ladies NJight. These were Jack Samis, Jack Parkin and Ted Bates. Registrar Chuck Cattran pre- sented birthday roses to the wives of Kinsmen Stan Dunn, Bill Smith, Keith Lathangue, Jack Samis and Fred Yate. Sunshine Chaîrman Murray .armer presented baby blali kets to two recent fathers n the club, Chuck Cattran and Fred Yates. Enjoy Slng Song Deputy District Governor >licks proved himseif a cap- able and amusing song leader y leading the gathering in a sing song. The Sergeant-at- Arms for the evening, Roy ixvindplls. proved that wh.m the Kinsmen sav the,% are giv- ing a door prize they mean s -"i i 3tOIbs»s6 exq 20c 200 tissus VI x W0, MANS SIZE 12"x12", 35c Alex. We Deliver COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE SPECIAL VALUES AND RMNESFOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Ti me for Spring Beauty Care1 I.DA. Brand Evelyn Howard PÂ Theatrical Cold Cream Luxunjous, delicately per- fumeci, made fromn the pur- est ingredients. Will not injure the most delicate of skia. 1-lb. Jar _______-69C I.D.A. Brand Cll Il Contains CREAM ___ penetrating SOAF --action. Contains Lanolin Large98 Bath Size. Reg. 2 cakes 25e size 8 2/23c ' Box, 129 V ETTA BATH SALTS 2 c !1 12 VEIn;assorteci fragrances - 3-lb. n 98c Special! Mercolized Wax, 5kin Bleach Beautifier An excellent beauty treatmeat, this saowy cream o helps make skia highter, smoother, younger looking 89C I.D.A. Cocoanuî 011 Shampoo Leaves the hair g]owing anci lustrous. Cleans aci conditions the scalp_____ 4 oz., reg. 33c --23c 9 oz., reg. 49ce__--39c Setskt, SWavI et ALL AT ONE TIME PIN CURL PERMANENT " NO NEUTRALIZER " NO RE-SETTING " NO TIRESOME WIDINC? $15compet. K Specials on I.D.A. Brands Âromatic Cascara -~ 23c, 39c 3 oz., 6 oz. - re.3 ,50 Cascara Tableis - - - - 33c Digestive tonic and mild laxative - 00's, reg. 39e I.DA. Cre-O-Tone SPECIAL! 16 - Saîs - .25 Moih Crysials I.DA. Heaith at - 59c Idaphos ___- 1.25 (Paradichlorbenzene) Idatone 1.00 2-1b. bag --- 59C PRE-EASTER GIFT HINTS DeViibiss1 Perfume Atomizers 1.00, 1.50, 5.00 9cemey Perfume - 1.00, 1.75, 3.75 Eau de Cologne ---- - - .75 ;Guerlain Shalimar Perfunie 4.00, 6.00 Shalimar Cologne ___ 3.00 Shuiton Charmer Set _____ 1.50 Toilet IVater, 4 oz. - 1.751 W e crycandies b elo',Wlads mlsn Ca bury's Miik Tray Chocolates --- - -80c, $1.50 Hazl Bshp Beauty Box -- - 2.50 Gage Stationery 75e to 2.00 ~ Hasty Notes --- --- 50e Yardiey Bath Saîts -- 1.50 Lavendomeal 2.00, 3.50 Iafmr English Lavender 1.25 - 6.50 : PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY MeGoregor, Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store Ç I 1r mise beffle. .. eeg&b ' m 1 o,8 te ppUicitie. ..* Drugs Phone MA 3-5792 SALEM "Jesus and Pilate" GGOD FIDAY Service ai Si. Paul's if r What is alcohol? A contest on this subject is being spon- sored by the Education Branch of the Bowmanville Citizens' Committee, baseci on informa- tion which will be given in The Statesman duning the next eight weeks. Facts wiil be giv- en by the question and answer method in the same space eacli week. Contestants wihl want to watch for this andi save the issues. The contest will be divideci into groups, one which will beb open ta everyone. for which cash pnizes of $25 and $15 will be given; and a second section for young people 18 years andi under, for which there will be pnizes iâwarded o! $10, $5, andi ten prizes of $2 each. This promises to be a contest o! educational importance on a subject which is of vital inter- est to all. An advertisement giving particulars o! the con- test will be found elsewhene in this issue. A pot luck supper was held at the church Fniday night by the Board of Stewards. After the supper a short pragram was enjoyed. Messrs. Ken and Gordon Shackleton favoured with violin and guitar music accompanieci on the piano by Mrs. Rolandl Shackleton. Mn. Albert Rundle, Harmony, gave a very interesting talk on "Landscape Gardening"l. Mn. F. Jackson delighted his audi- ence with his magic tricks. Mn. Gardon Shackleton favoureci with a guitar solo accompanieci by Mrs. R. Shackleton. Communion service will be helci at church next Sunday Rotary Club ýi 71/1 what they say. He presentec the winner, Mr$. Joyce Bebe( with a door which wvas a bi the worse for wear. She ais received a more attractive an> useful prize in addition, how. ever. Before turning the meeting oven to Ladies Night Chairman Gary Venning, President Hoop. er congratulated him on thE capable way he had performec his duties. Kin Venning called on Kin Clarke Wilson, whc proposed a toast to the ladies in which he thanked them foi their excellent support of the club during the past year. Mrs. Arthur Hooper made a gracious response to this toast. She was presented with a beautiful bouquet of red roses by Mr. Venning. A dnaw pnize of a Pepsi Cola cooler was won by Mrs. iin2 Firth, and a door prize by Mrs. Keith Lathangue. Kin Venning expressed the appreciation of the club to the members' wives who had made the place cards and assisted With the decorations. He aiso thanked the membens of the Legion Ladies' Auxilianv for providing the excellent ban- 1 e ins C u work ini making the annual club for bninging the films t te Linlb Lstan insccelS a ot-the meeting. it st ndin suc ess.The sing song w as led bv ;0 (Continued from Page one) Birthdays Celebrated Lion Alex McGregor with W. d Howard Brookinq, Bowman- Birthdays were celbrated by E. C. Workman at the piano. -ville, and Lion Tom Sheridan, Lions Jack McNulty, Gordon A draw conducted by Acting Peterborough. He congratulat- Elliott, Stuart Jaites, Ted Sergeant-at-Arms Bob Kent g ed Lion Bill Yeo on receiving Southey and Raîpti Mclntyre. \vas won by Lions Dr. ]R. E. nhis 50-Year Jewel fnom Flor- Lion 0. J. Presson thanked Dinnîwell, Jack Brough and Hi ience Nightingale Lodge, 1.0. Mn. Coughlin on behaîf of the Ormiston. e 0.F. The President also an- ---- --________ ___ _________ I nounced that Lion Alex Me- >tKZX'e.K d Gregor will be the program à o chairman for the balance of 59 s the year and also chairman for r the club's 20th ' Anniversary,~. L A letter was received from Sa tr sthe Memonial Park Association I sthanking the Club for loaning .)>,r,- a 1them chairs. A request for fi-I 'f ICV.iigL nancial assistance for Korea1 war orphans by the Unitarian U11 a Services Committee was re _ r- ired to committee. ee. President Marr reported Ca ras that Chairman Glenn Landen r and draw had turneci over a See our -aj eeto fEatrGetn ad cheque for $505 as the 'Lionslag secio orE trGeengCd. portion of this event. Chairman 4. We have many cards suitable for either Jack Brough of the Lions La- dies' Night reported on that > eaie rfins most successful event. . euiu ad nalpierne Lion Bill Oliver presented Batiu arsi alpicrne a baby blanket to Lion Andy Thompson for his new son, and I Lion Russell Osborne present- cd one to Lion AI Cuthmertsoné We have a wide for the recent addition ta his family-alscQ a boy. presenteci Lion Glenn Lancier &F GIT 1with a fiv e-year perfect at- for Easter and every occasion tendance pin. the Sight Conservation and : Blinci Committee reporteci le* had not yet neceiveci a full report on the result o! the op-N eration performed in the Hos- pital For Sick Chilciren on a chilci from Maple Grove in an effort to restore sight. The w jClub paid for this openation and fbl the cost of the child's stay in.'1 the Hospital. Lion Williams BI 2 al-ço thanked his committee and the club mem bers for their liard ~~* ~ .~.4~~g >.vw">~ .we Excellent Stage Show Before dancing began, the Ben Silverton group provided a very entertaining and amus- ing stage show. The leader presented sevenal hilarious comedy routines including a rendition of "Cigarettes and Whisky and Wild. Wild, Worn- en" which bnought down the house. Several very fine vocal solos were sung by the bass player and the other members of the band contributed instru- mental solos as well. The sarne group provided very fine dance music during the even- ing. During the evening winnn of spot dances included Mn. and Mrs. Ed Rundle and Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Wilson, among othens. gVtT

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