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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Apr 1955, p. 14

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PAGE FOURTEEN T1 CANADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMA2<Vfl~LE. CNTA~1O Mr. and Mirs. Beverley Han- cack, John and Kenny, Mrs. L. B. Randaîl and Mrs. George T. Hancock o! Port Hope, wcrel Sunday visitoms with Mr. and Mmc. Clarence Allun. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Dudley and tamily o! Toronto, were Sunday visitors with Mm. and Mrs. George Waiton. Mmc. Joseph McCandless ne- turned ta ber borne in Strath- ray an Sunday following an ex- tended visit witb ber daughtem and son-in-Iaw. Mr. and Mca. Thomas Enwight. and family. .Her many triends nrill be p.i mi fi an M: Bi vù ah v L S. i Tr G( trc Pr ghter Glenda are visiting ln Agincaunt this weck witb Mmc. John.san's parents. Mm. and Mrs. W. B. Cales. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Maliey and son Earl, a! Bowmanviil, weme Sunday gucats with Mr. and Mms. Chas. Megit and fam- ily. Newtonvilie W.A. Hears Account 0Of Bermuda Trip deasea ta iearn tflat MisI- Newtoliville: The Marc] eda Couch bas recovered su!-i iciently follo*ing ber recent, meeting o! Newtonville W.A aii ta return ta ber home. xvas h'ýId in the Sunday Schoo Mm. and Mmc. Dick Anderson oom on March 30. The presi nd son Richard o! Osbawa and dent turned the meeting ove [ns. Stella Anderson .,we-e ta the devotional convenor ýunday guests at the Dr. J. A. Mmc. C. Farrow. Mmc. Wilh kitler home. Joncs and Mrs. Milton Kimbal read an Eastcr devotional leaf Mms. C. J. Agnew and Miss let in two parts. Mmc. Farrov une Agne'w o! Part Coibamne, oktesrpueraig r listedwit Mr an Mr. Gr-Don Elliott ead a pocm, "Fivx ,n Agnew on Friday. Minutes a Day", followcd b Dm. W. H. and Mmc. McDon- prayer by Mmc. Earl Waikey d o! Toronto, wemc weekend Mms. A. M. Joncs gave a verý isitors with Mm. and Mmc. I-. descriptive account of ber re *Britton. cent trip ta Bermuda. Mm. and Mmc. M. Parkes and The President. Mmc. S. Lan r. and Mmc. Don Pamkes and caster, took charge a! the busi aimily of Belleville, Mmc. Max 1ness. It was announced ti( 'tapleton of Part Hope and idmntainwl ebl [r. and Mmc. Tracy Embley' the evening o! Apnil 22nd.1 ýee Sunday visitars with Mr. was moved and scconded t, macy Manes and famiiy. send $5 ta the United Churcl Mrs. Eaml Walton and Mms. Training Schaol. Plans xver corge Walton attcnded a made for the 24th o! May cci ousceau tea in h onour a! their vice. The rail cail, "My Pe icce, Miss Helen- Buxton in Economy"'was aptly repiied to Irovidence' on Saturday.ý Mrs. Farrow and ber groui Mrs., Lame Johnson and dau- semved a deliciaus lunch. I SEED GRAIN CLO VERS - SEEDS BEST VARIETIES 0F SEED QATS * BARLEY - PEAS * ALL GRAIN TESTED READY TO S0W * Commercial No. 1 and Registered Grades *Ail our Clovers are Government Grade No. 1 which a ssures you of clean seed - f ree from weed seeds i * and highest germination tests * Can quote special prices on al Feeds Fertilizers Certified Seed Polatoes A.W. Glenney, *NEWCASTLE PHONE NEWCASTLE 2771. 15 Your Herd ýSire'a Take the guess out ofbyous ate reing piroram byour tie red ARTI FICIAL SERVICE from the Quinte District Cattie Breeding Association R. R. No 2,Belleville, Ont. Service is available for the following breeds: Holstein Jersey Guernsey Hereford Ayrsbire Dual Purpose Shorthorn Scotch Shorthorn A life mienîbership of $2500 entities you service to any breed for a fee of $5.00 per cow bred. Non-members nay obtain service for $7.00 per animal For serv'ice ini Durham Cauntv contact: Dick Wood - Phone Bowmanville MArket 3.3405 Keith Wood - Phone Orono, 171 R 10 Jaan Taavet Phone Clarke, 46 R 03 bètween 7 arn. and 9 a.m. aoli 31- r, tf- ýw s. ve y v 1e- le 0. ip Ma ny Auxiliaries Are- Guests Annual W.M.:S. Thank- Offering Service The Easter Tbank-offeming meeting a! the Women's Mis- sionary Society was held in the Sunday Scholý Hall o! the Un- ited Chumch on Thursday, Mamch 3lst with a large attend- ance o! members and gucats. The President, Mmc. W. F. Rickard welcomed the guests, repmesenting neighbouming A'ux- ilamies a! Orona,. Kirby, New- tonville, members o! St. George's Woman's Auxiliary, the Newcastle Fiendship Club and ladies o! the local congre- gation, follawing wbicb. she apened tbe meeting with a fine Easter thought. The' worship service on the theme of the Eastem Message, consisted o! Bible eadings and meditation- by Mmc. Richard and prayer by Mrs. H. Ailin. A bcautifully endered duet by Mms. G. Carson and Mms. A. Drummond of Orono, with Mrs. M. Staples accompanying, con- tributed greatly ta the spirit o! devotion. In a few well chosen words, Mrs. M. C. Fisber intro- duced the gucst speaker, Miss K. Rutherford, a Mîssionary on fulough tram Angola, West; Afnica. Miss Rutherford, - who bas been a teacher in Akngola for a number o! years, gave a most interesting and informa- tive addmess on ber education- ai work with the 'natives, whieh, she explaincd, was made much more difficult by their fears, superstitions and witch- caft. Mmc. C. Allun ably expressed tbanks on bebaîf o! ail assein- bled ta Miss Rutherford for ber fine address. The Supply Secretary equet- cd the supply womk be bought in, and the sevemal quilts, knit- ted articles and layettes made a very commendable dispiay. The President made feeling eterence ta the passing o! Mrs. (Rcv.) H. G. Crozier duing the past year and the closing bymn was dedicated ta hem membmy., At the close o! the meeting efesbments werc cemvcd by members o! Mmc. Sowden's graup and a social hait boum was enjoyed. The Orono News - Mm. and Mmc. Ed Grahamo *and famiiy weme gucats on Sun- :day of Mm. and Mmc. Alex Wt a son.1 * Sunday visitons with Mm. and *Mrs. Wm. Miller weme Mm. and *Mmc. Roy McGill and Arnold, *Bowmanviiie, Mm. and Mrs. MWm. Cooper, Toronto. * Mm. and Mmc. Burns Kittmcm Mwere in Guelph. MMrs. Th9mrnton Wilson eturn- a cd home tram Ottawa last *wcek. 0 * Mr. Jack Wilson returnedi ta Pamry Sound after visiting *Mm. and Mrs. C. V. Wilson. * Mr. and Mmc. Junior West a and famiiy, Peterborough, spent *Sunday witb Mm. and Mmc. A. *E. West. * Mmc. Frank Amdron and Alan, *Tomonto, spent the weckcnd *with Mr. and Mmc. Madison *Hall. * Mms. Harold Awde, Toronto, :spent a few days witb ber *mother, Mmc. Frank Meneilley *and Mmc. Chas. Awde.. * Mm. and Mmc. R. - Maluske, *Toronto, visited an Sunday *with Mmc. Roy A. Fonrester iand Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sta- *pies. Mmc. Stapies returned *home tram Memonial Hospital, sBawmanvilie, last week. * Mm. and Mmc. Fred Brooks, mOshawa, Mmc. George Cmaw- thradJamie, Newcastle, vis- *ited Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wood. Mmc. Ed. Dean, Mmc. A. E. West, Miss Ann Stapleton and IMr. Dean West, weme in Toron- ta Monday. IMr. and Mmc. Sid Bamabal and Miss Bannie Adams visit- e d Mm. and Mmc. O. Adamns, -Roseneath. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Joncs spent the weekend ini Port Hope. Mmc. Hugb D. Taylor, B.A., Toronto. Secrctary o! the Over- seas Womk a! the W.M.S., was the guest speaker at Orono Un- ited Church Sunday mamning niorning for the W.M.S. Anni- vesary. Mm. and Mmc. H. Luxton 'and family, Bowmanville, visited Mr. and Mme. Hax'my Mencen on Sunday. Miss Helen Clark, Prescott, visited Mn. and Mmc. C. S. Mc- Laren. Mme. E. Esscry, Courtice, vis- ited Mr. and Mmc. Luther Bar- abali. Mm. and Mmc. Allan Strike, Bowmanville, visited Mr. and Mmc. M. H. Staples on Sunday. Little Mary Ellen Toimie has eturned home fmom Memorial IHospital, Bowmanvihle. M ns. Hugh D. Taylor, Toron- ta, was a weekcnd guest o! Mn. and Mmc. A. A. Drummond. Miss Kay Green bas moved YOUR EYES and j .. Vision Re-writtcnj FL~ ~ "-~ from S previaus . copyrights of Optometriui Disney BIdg. 31 King E, Opp. P.O. OSHAWA - Phone 5-6143 287. The Ophtbaimoscope for ex- ample in use for the past cen- tury but !equently impmoved upon atten being entirely disme- garded by the British Medical Association. Its latest dlaim to existence was established on the continent . By its use it ji possible.for the user ta cee the interion o! the eyebali and make a study o! th.e optic nerve head' the blaod vessels and the* gen.. ena! appeanance, o! the retina. It ij% by this method that nmanyv diseased conditions elsewbere i manifested show thein warning syniptoms. .(Copyrighted) nfrom Peterborough ta Oshawa. Scouts and Cubs held a fa- ther and. son turkey banquet ,on Monday evening. The l2th Troop fram Oshawa were their 1guests. 1, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bryson, Bowmanville. Mrs. M. Sherwin and Lawrence, spent the week- rend with the Reesor family in Markham. Mr. and Mrs. J. Rosenfeld, tToronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Samuel on Sunday. Services at Orono United Church wili include: Good Fr1- day service at il a.m. Easter Sunday services at 1l a.m. and 7.30 p.m., with reception 'and tbaptism in the morning and special Easter music at the evening service. Easter Mon- day at 7.30 the young people iwill hoid a social evening and ispecial program. Donald R* McLaren, 23, of Orono, bas been appointed In- 7structor-Manager of*Fundy Fiy- ing Club at Saint John, N.B. Prior ta accepting this position he was manager of Sky Harbor Air Services, Goderich. He ob- tained his private pilot's iiceitse with Ontario County Flying Club, Oshawa, at the age of 18 and qualified for his commer- cial pilot's license the foliowîng year, subsequently obtaining his department of transport in- structor's rating. While under- going bis pilot training he was associated with Field Aviation, Oshawa, as apprentice engin- cer and bis more advanced en- gmneering experience was oh- tained at Goderich. Donald Mc- Laren is a son o! Mr. and Mrs, C. S. McLaren, Orono. Being forgotten isn't very important if the ideals and the thoughts that anc was made o! ff n~ and keep alive.-Caleb He %ebo is afraid a! being too genemous bas lost the power of bcing magnanimous. The best man or wonian îs the moat un- selfed.-Mary Baker Eddy. Cordon Àgnew, Edilor Phonoe62 Cuiaus travelers witb cam- eras will be wcll reccivcd in Britain. Some o! the aid land- marks are cumbiing, but it la stili an enchantcd land, and the flow o! American visitors in- creases by 24,000 evemy yeam. In the land o! the heather, the 9tb annual Edinburgb Festival o! Music and Dramea will be beld, tram Aug. 21 ta Sept. 10. Ka- buki dencers froro Tokyo will mae their firat European ap- pearance. there. Six great syni- phony orchestras wiil par tici- pate. There will be a speciai Matisse' memoriai exhibition. A film festival will mun cancur-. nentiy. At the Memoiel Theatrc, in Strattord-on -Avon (wc find ounseives these days saying: "the English one") Sir Lau- ence Olivier and Lad-v Olivier (Vivien Leighl wili head the company. Sir John Gielgud will direct. That may be the reason wby none o! these people could have accepted an invitation ta play at thxe festival in the Cen- adian Strattord this summer. There is more ta see ln Lon- don than the Beefeaters and the "Dear 'Donald e Orono, Ont., April 5th, '55 Mr. Donald McLaren, The Fundy Flying Club, Saint John, N.B. Dear Donald: Your visit here was so brief that now it seems like a dream that yau were here on your way to the East Coast.- The Meteor must have run well ta give yau such a quick trip. We were thrilled ta see your picture in the Saint John paper and read account of your qual- ifications. You seem ahi set ta put the young folk of New Brunswick right up in the air. Have already written ta travel bureau at Fredericton for road rnaps, etc., of the province, f or help in planning aur summer vacation - sa yOU will be sure ta see us when we take aur holidays. Would also like ta meet some af the people wha produce the good New Brunswick spruce we stock here. The Lumbermen's Convention in Toronto was the big event lately. We took turns attending and found the sessions very interesting and instruct- ive. Spent aur last hour in the city with Marj. and Lloyd, they are well and busy as ever. We are getting the yard filled up with riew stock of ail sorts of building materials. A car cernent due in this week and cars of lumber, plywood, etc., will drap in every week f rom now on. This Spring weather has rather quietened dawn the fuel business but when new summer prices are announced soon, we should get a gaod bunch oi summér corders ta keep our miner friends busy during the summer. Let us knaw how your new flying club prospers. - SEE McLAREN. Social and Personal Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Harold Crawford (nee Bessie Egerton), Blackstock, on the arrivai of a yaung son. Miss Janice Crawford. Black- stock, spent a few days witb her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Egerton. Miss Dawne Black, Toronto, home for the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Black. Miss Jane Passant, Oshawa, aiso home for tbe week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pas- sant. Mr. and Mrs. Hector Tbomp- son, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Percy Lut! and Carl, Toronto, were Sunday visitors witb Mr. Flem Thompson and Marlow. Mr. Norman Robrer and Ken- neth and Mr. Oliver Robrer were week-end visitors ta Mitch- ell ta visit their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Orland Robrer and Warren who had been holiday- ing with his grandparents, re- turned home with bis father. Mr. and Mrs. Don Edmunds1 and Ross, Millbrook, were over- nigbt visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Howard McMullen. Sorry ta report that Mrs.j Schwartz is in the haspitai. Hope! she is feeling better soon. Mrs. Ernest Gray is. home tfram hospital now and glad ta report she is feeling very good. Another on aur sick list la Brian Gray who has the flu. and aiso on Tuesday, April 5th, he celebrated bis l0th birthday. Congratulations, Brian' BURIKETON A social evening was heldý at tbe home of Mr. Alden Hub- ! bard Fridav evening, Marcb! 25th with some of the young people. Mrs. George Allison was bost- cas with their club. "Tbe Jolly' Worker", with neigbbors at- tending ta a shower gift for Mis. Jessie Holroyd. The Marcb meeting of tbe Jolly Workers was at Miss Lois Davey's home, when plans were made ta serve lunch ta tbe con- cert guests and their triends, and ta provide Easter flowers for the Easter services in the churcb. Tbe next meeting ta be beld at Gwen Dean's borne The concert Marcb 31st spon-- sored by the yaung people waF a success, with the following artista: Billy Wade, tbe one-man band, giving several nurnbers, witb bis mather at the piano. and his brother John also play- ed nicely on the accordion. The LacesToQrnp ett, sang Many BLicock Quartette withg mrs. favorite sangs, Mr. Ted Spen- cely of BetbanY, sang and played the guîtar, for severai numberrh the three Davey sis-ï t=r gave mmii ai nwber4 tap i dancing and higNUand dancing, with their mother, Mrs. Davey, of Tyrone. Gloria and Aivia Hanthrone sang and piayed a duet. Mr. Alden Hubbard and Mme. Raymond Davey gave readings The public sehool childmen sang same of their new sangs together. Rev. R. M. Scymfiour was chairman and thanked ail for a very enjoyable evening. Lunch was served toalal talent and their fiends. Pmoceeds were $20 atter expenses. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Ribey wcre in Tomonto. Mr. Aiden Hubbard in Peter- boru. Mrs. H. Rahm at Sain tfie)c with Mr. and Mrs. G. Rahm. Mm. and Mrs. Tom Rogers a!I family, with Mr. and Mrs. Tompkins. Mr. and Mrs. H. Strutt, M and Mirs. Merv. Locke, Osb*q spent the weekend with ~ and Mmc. Clarence Brown, -P terbomo. Mr. M. McCoy, Mr. Georg Dean and Terry Hubbard, 'Mr Peter Gatcheli, are on the sic] list. Also Mrs. <Rev.) Seymou wish ahi a speedy recover: xvith the good weather heme. There aren't very many stay- at-home people these days. AI- most'every family has a car, and. men' have stopped waiting for ships ta corne in before they take that dreamed af trip ta sorne foreign land. Those who can take their vacations in the *inter are basking it out rigbt now in Florida and the Carrib- teans, and the rest of us are wistfully exaining travel cir- culars of places ta go to this summer.. This ie the first time for quite a while that theme bas. been no war ta keep people from going abroad, and if the airlines, the shipping - campanies, the rail and buslines, and innumerable chambers o! commerce have their way this will be the big- gedt tourist year silice the end o! World War II. This is.indced a rômantic age. But people are flot content ta take their travel in books and the movies. Tbey want ta sec those- places tlhcmseIves. It is doubtful if many young bloods wiil sign on a Norwegian whal- er bound for South Georgia, just because they read R. B. Robertson's "Of Whales and Men". Neither will Col. Faw- cett's story of lite along the Amazon lead many people ta the jungles of South America. But the film, "Roman Holiday", has certainly fired the imagin- ations o! thousands of people who aremaking Italy their des- tination this year. And tbe cas- tIcs in "Knights o! the Round- table" have turned many minda toward tbe British Isies. Not the least important is the inspiration whicb "Saskatcbe- wan"and "Rose Marie" created among travelers who are tak- ing tbeir holiday in the Rocky Mountains and those who are going ta Alberta and Saskat- chewan ta help them.celebrate their 75th anniversaries. ¶We can hope, tao, that .peaple from bath sides o! the barder we know best will look ta re- sorts in Canada before taking off for Europe. It is lîk'ely that more people than ever will drive up the Alaskà bighway, and they will be treated as well as aity, for that is a magnificent countrv. For those who want Old Worid grace and charm- but lack the cash-there is no better province tban aid Que- bec, with its second largest French-speaking city in the world. Same will visit the Stam- pede in Calgary. Others will tmy their hand at tuna fiýhing in Nova Scotia, or perbaps sal- mon tisbihg in New Bunsweck or in the Flin Flan district of Manitoba, Eýveryoýne is gaing somewhere. even if it is just ta visit rela- tives in the country. tower of London. People wha find Madame Tussaud's wax museumn amusing will be no less irnpressed by a new toy museumn which has just been added ta the city's many tour- î st exhibits. Theme are mare than 3,000 samples af to's li the museum, representing all countries and aIl ages. In Bath, Sir Thamas.Beechamn will conduct the works of lRth Century composers, Handel and Haydn, for two wceks in ]ylay. Yebuch Menuhin will play bus violin in this aid FRoman resort. Over on the continent, Ger- many is mcadying for a good tQurist trade. And a wondcr- fui opportunity there is this ycar for Canadians and Amer- icans-ta visit their own NATO sons in Dusseldor! and Munich and Fmankfurý. Who would have thougbt it, ten years aga. that the famous Park Hotel in Dus- seldor! wauid grow up out of tbe ruins ta accommodate visit- ors from this continent wilth dlean beds and television! Someone bas said tbat Spain discovered America, and nowj Amemica bas discovcmed Spain.A That country, on the verge a! retumning ta the monamchy and1 in the triendliest mood it bas been for ycams, la expecting great numbers o! people ta visît its vincyards and ta watch its ,ilulltights. A curiaus tbing abibut it ail la that Canadians xviii be seen el- most cverywbere in Europe, and not just traveling. Sanie will be skating in Narway Some will be cinging in Milan and Beyreutb. And some will be in Paris studying art under fellow$hips mecommcndcd by the Massey Commission. NE WTON VILLE Miss Inez Gardon. spent the weekend witb Mr. and Mms. Thas. Moorcroft, Oshawa. Mmc. Sadie Moffat, Toronto, spent a fcw days with Mr. and Mrs. Raiph Boughen. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dan- agbue, Bowmanvilie, bave! mov- cd inta Leland's cottage which was vacated -by Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bickell. Mrs. Mabel Leushner. Niagara Falls, is spcnding a !ew days with, ber sister, Mms. John Fearce. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walkey,I Joan and Johnnie spent Sunday 1 with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Pal- lard, Courlice. Mm. and Mrs. Adoîphus Payne,, Toronto. who are on halidays, spent a few davas with his father, Mr. Reuben Payne. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Curry and daughter, Bancroft. and Mrs. McGee, Toronto, spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bruce. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Rod Gilmour (nec Pat Ware), Toronto, on the bîmth o! a son on Sunday, April 3rd. Mra. Harmiet Medcalf, Port Hope, ia spending a few days with Mm. and Mrs. C. M. Jones. Congratulations ta Mm. and Mrs. Lloyd Atchison an the bimth o! a son at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, Tuesday, April 5. CADMUS REMEMBER f You Can't Buy Better TEL.E VISI5ON' anywhere! OURS are the Lowest P rices in Town! Television Service C 33 King SALES St. W. Phone MA PROFESSIONAL - SERVICE - ANTEN 'otection ompany L3-3883 INAS T mmm - i See the new... Gilson "Snow Bird" FRONT OPENING- COLD SPRAY NILK' COGLERS 4 Can $449.00 8 Can $669.00 Gilson 6 Can $529.00 12 *Can $839.00 "Snow Bird" HERMETICALLY SEALED DROP-IN COOLERS FuIly Automatic - 5-Year Guarantee 4 Cati 6-8 Cati $189.00 $240.00 10- 12 Can $292.00 SPECIAL! GENERAL ELECTRIC 6-Can Cooler Lift Iid type- Automatic - 5 year guarante. Complete with tan k OnIy $400 Ace Refrigeration SALES AND SERVICE 281 WILSON ROAD S. OSIIAWA Phone Oshawa 3-2452 (Reverse Charges) 8Saster.. A Bible Hymnary Prayer Book A revised standard version of the Hoiy Bible- Trext edition- Presentation Page - Illustrations Maps - Fine Sturdite Binding Special Price $2.50 Have you boughi ypur Easier Seals? BIi2 t I 61/le c&JoS/l/ (By Benjamin Beveridge) 1- q il PAGE ipoluRTEM MM CANAM" STATESUM. BOWMAN.VMU. ONTAMO ý6t-ý

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