,,UMAY, à4pmL',a ~.dm - - s i Xi..1 1*~... ~.1 * ff~2U~ *9 f* i * .. . - - - - - - ~Turn Page for Âddiiional Classified BIRTMS CRAWFORD-Harold and Bes- ie Crawford are .happy to an- nounce the arrivai of a son, 'March 28, 1955, at Memorial Hos- pital, Port Perry. 14-1* LeGRESLEY-Mr. anid Mrs. Bal- four LeGresley (nee Hildegarde Verkoetter) are happy to an- nounce the bîrth of their daugh- ter, Susan Marcia Louise, at St. Joseph's Hospital, Toronto, on March 29th, 1955. Mother and baby both well. 14-1 MAGUIRE-Mr. and Mrs. John EL. Maguire Jr. are happy to an- nounce the arrivai of their son, John Allaxi, on March 27th, 1955. 14-11 OVERV - Bill and Christina Overy (nee Jilison) wish to an- nounce the arrivai of their son Douglas William, 8 lbs., 3 ozs., On March 29, 1955, at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. 14-1* ISTEPHENS-June and Austin are pleased to announce the ar- rivai of a daughter, Janet Marie, en March 2% 1955. at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanvile. A sister £or Margaret Louise. 14-1* 'tICE-To Mr. and Mrs. Edward * Tice on Thursday, March 31, 1955, at Oshawa General Hos- pital, a. daughter. Rosemary Anne. 14-. * WALTON-Doug. and Marilyn *Walton wish to announce the birth of their son George Robert, a brother for Terry and Tim, in Memorial Hospital, Bowman- 'Ville, on March 23rd, 1955. Mother and son doing nicely. 14.1 MARRIAGE FENCING supplies-Buy your Frost fencing from Lander Hard- ware, 7 King St. E., Bowman- ville. 14-3 ELECTRIC ironer, occasional chair, desk, good condition, bath- room basin. Phone MA 3-5403. 14-1 LADY'S Spring coat with bat and parosol to match, navy blue, nearly new, size 12. Phone MA 3-3047. 14-1 JOHN Avery tractor plow with hydraulic equipment, $125.00 or offer. Frank Hoskin. Phone Blackstock 2.1 14-1 RED claver $35 per bus., timnothy $12 per bus.. mixed grain $1 per bus., also Clinton oats. P'hone MArket 3-2753. 14-2* FARMALL Super "A*' tractor, used three months, and 2-fur- row mouinted plow. John Hills. MA 3-2495. 14-1, VENETIANI blinds-Newest col- ours with plastic tapes. We measure and install. Morris Co. Phone MA 3-5480. 6-tf SAVE on lumber, direct from mil to you. Phillips Lumberi Co., Kinmount, Ont. Phone 17rý 1. 13-tf 12-FOOT boat and Viking 5 h.p. motor, price $125ý00. C. Read, 135 Scugog St., Bowvmanville. 14-1* KEYS cut automatically, while you wait, at Mason & Dale Hard- ware, 36 King St. E., Bowmnan- ville. 46-tf DO your own floors - rent a sander or a floor polisher from Lander Hardware, 7 King St. E., Bowmanvulle. Phone MA 3-5774. 3-tf MASSEY-fiARRIS 44 tractor, used; 1954 Ferguson tractor, .used less than a hundred hours. S. S. Morton & Son, Maple Grove. 14-1 NEW and used hay balers, Dun- ham tillage equipmnent, fertilizer sowers, grass seeders. S. S. Morton & Son, Maple Grove. 1I INSULATION, blowing înethod, with rock wool. Workmanship guaranteed. Free estimates. Harry L. Wade. Phone Clarke '1420. -39-tf NEW Mail chain saws, al models an display. For used chain saws, parts or ýservice, see S. S. Morton & Son, Maple Grove. 1 4-1 ONE 20-gallon a minute Bean Royal spraying machine, 4 years old. Rabt. H. Cale, 312 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5476. 14-1 ONE VA Case tractor in good condition and a two-furrow plow and saw ettachment. Clar- ence Gibson. Phone MA 3-2711. 14-1 GIRL'S red Spring coat with white trim, like new, size 10; young man's light blue 2-piece suit, size 36, worn twice. Phone MA 3-5997.14* BEES, ane strong colony plus two extra hives. supers and ac- cessories; will sel] or trade for livestock. E. Webster. Clarke 2430. 14-1 HEARING aid service. testing service aîId complete stock of batteries ànd cords at H-iggon Electric Limited, 38 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phione MA 3-5438. 20-tf BED, 3 size, springs and mat- tress, cheap: dresser, 3 drawers witb. mirror; 2 French doors, 291½-6'6", aIl glass; settee, newly upholstered: green shorty coat, good condition, size 12; leopard skin coat for w-inter, size 12. Phone MA 3-2890. 14-111 ziucies r or 5aie ¾BOX spring and mattress. Phone MA 3-3408. 14-1* BOY'S sidewalk bicycle for sale. Phone MA 3-2591. 14-1* LADY'S wine Spring coat, size 14. Phone MA 3-3053. 14-1* NEW Gibson refrigerator, sacri- f ice, atL¶ander Hardware, 7 King St. E., Bowmanville. 14-1 SAILBOAT, 16-ft., sound bull, good canvas. Phone MA 3-5906. 14-1 * MIXED baled hay and mixed grain. suitable for seed. A. W. Prescott. MA 3-2151. 14-1 * LARAIN and Beaver oats for seed, $1.20 per bushel. L. Hoop- er. Phone MA 3-2322. 13-2 TWO ladies' bikes. 2 men's bikes. Apply Mrs. Harry MacDonald, C.N.R. 14-1 1955 ADMIRAL 17" table model TV, excellent condition. Phone MA 3-3254. 14-1 * MIXED hay. G. Bisschop, Burketon R.R. 2. MA 3-2016. 14-1* ELECTRIC blanket, neyer used; lounging chair. 25 Brown St. Phone MA 3-3939. 14-1 ONTARIO potatoes, 75 lb. bags, delivered in Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-2473. 31-tf REGISTERED Abegweit oats. Phone MArket 3-2544. A. L. Blanchard, Hampton. 14-t' CEDAR posts, poles for hydro, television and clothes lines, etc., also wood. Stephen Jeffery. Phone MA 3-2179. 14-1 USED 17" Marconi television, like new, guaranteed. Television Service Co., 33 King St. W. 14-1 SEVEN-piece bedroom suite in good condition, reasonable. Ap- ply 7 Southway Drive or Phone MA 3-3055. 14-1 New Idea Machinery Transplanters - Mowers Side Rakes Manure Spreaders S. S. Morion & Son MAPLE GROVE 14-1 HOME FURNISHINGS - VISIT Bradley Furnilure SHOW BOOMS 299 SIMCOE ST. S. Oshawa 14-4 8" TILT arbor saw with motor, $49.00; Cockshutt No. 4 spread- er, 4 wheels, $149'00; 13-hoe drill, S25.00; rubber-tired wagon and bay rack, $60.0Ù; two-wheel trailer, 15,' tires; steel box, $95.00; 4-section harrows with 13-foot draw bar, $30.00. Frank Hoskin, Blackstock. Phone 2. 14-1 singer Sewing Centre For Usci or New Sewing Machines Rentais or Repair Phone OSHAWA 5-5443 for Prompt Service 4t DO IT YOURSELF- TILE. 71,,2c cach and up - Ail klnds Expert instructions supplied CUSTOM FLOORS LAID H. G. HEAL Phone MA 3-290Z Bowmanville 28-tf USED appliances: Frigidaire re- frigerator $149.50, Frigidaire re- frigerator $125.00, General Elec- tric refrigerator '$79.50, Clipper refrigerator $125.00, B ea tt y washer $29.50, rangette with aven contrai $24.50, rangettes $20.00, Quaker ail burner with fan $75.00, Findlay coal range $75.00. coal range $25.00, Cale- man heater $25.00. Mason & Dale Hardware, 36 King St. E., Bowmanville. 14-1 DECORATING *For the Latest Papern *For the Fineit Paints *For the Best Workmanshlp S. G. Preston & Son Phones 44-tf See Oshawa's Largesi Seleciion Living-room Furniiure at 1Rradlev Purnhfîîrp- Articles rfor baie r PRINTS of photos of public events appearing in this paper taken by Carson Studio may be obtained for $1.00 on 8x10 inch glossy prints. Carson Studio, Port Hope. 48-tf OUTEQARD boat- v-bottom, new, accessories, s a c r i fi c e; motorcycle, 42-45 Harley-David- son, saddlebags; sailboat, twelve foot, with sait etc. Phone MA 3-5545. 14-1* DRY mixed' hardwood, sawed and deiivered in three-cord loads $15 per cord; single cord orders $18.00. Dry peeled fence posts. H. M. Kyte, Blackstock. Phone 26. 12-tf COVER your boat with Fiber- glas. No more leaks. No paint- ing, tougher, stronger. Do it yourself. Full information. Leavens Bros., Fairbank Post Office, Toronto, Ontario. 14-2 HAY, 35e large bale; mixed grain 90c bus., red clover seed with sprinkle of alfalfa $35.00 bus., and choice table turnips. Apply Rod Simpson, Enniskillen. 13-3* DRAPERIES and venetian blinds custom made, or draperies sold by the yard. Our representative will cail at your home any time with a complete range of samples and suggestions without obliga- tion, Fabric Town, 59 King St. W. Phone MA 3-3609, Bowman- ville. 48-tf TRADE-ins-Renfrew coal range with reservoir and shelf; electrîc range, washers, rangettes, re- frigerators, beds and springs, chrome kitchen set. Good trade- i. allowance on your old ches- terfield, kitchen suite, bedroom suites.- Murphy Co., King West, Bowmanville. 14-1 * COMING EVENTS Reserve May 26tb and 27th for' the Bowmanville Choral Society Spring Concert. Tickets 75c. 14-1 Dancing every Saturday night, 9 ta 12, Doug Dasti's Northen Ramblers, - Tyrone Community Hall. $1.00 per couple. Gents 75c. 12-t: An E as t er cantata-drama "Claudia and the First Easter' ta be presented at Hamptor United Church, Good, Friday, 8 p.m. All invited. 14-1 Homp baking sale at Hydrc Shop, Bowmanville, on Thurs- day, April 7th, -at 3 p.m. Spon- sored by W. A. of Tyrone Unit. ed Church. 13-2* The Ebenezer Harmonizers will present a vaniety pragram in Ebenezer Church on Fniday evening, April lSth, at 8:15 p.m. Admission 50c and 25c. 14-1* A bake sale wilI be held in the Hydro Shap, King St., Fn.- day, April lSth, at 2 p.m. Spon- sored by the Bowmanville Skat- ing Club. 13-3 No. 9 card party and draw on Wednesday, epril l3th in the Lions Room, Newcastle. Proceeds for the Memonial Hos- pital Auxiliary, BQwmanville., Admission 50c. Bridge, Five Hundred and Euchre. 14-1* Home for the holiday? Then be sure ta attend the dance in the Pontypool Town Hall, Sat- urday night. Ruth Wilson Or- chestra. Admission $1.00 per couple. Be sure ta bring your friends. 14-l* Franklin Park social night, Lions Community Centre, Satur- day, April 16. Program, cards, round and square dancing, Ruth Wilson's orchestra. Pnizes, lunch and fun for ail. Bring your f riends. Proceeds for- park equipnîent. 14-2* Tyrone Church Stewards pre- sent on Apnhl l2th at 8 p.m. in Tyrone Ha.ll a noted maician and Dr. Williams' films "Great Glardens of the World". Adults 35c, children 25c. Refreshment booth. Everyone welcome. 13-2 Dr. L. B. Williams' tcbnicolor program "Great Gardens of the World", billed for Tyrone U. C. n the hall, Tuesday, April 1 2th, 8 p.m., is the most colorful, .andscaped gardens, histonical spectacle yet produced in Canada, It means almost sacred lust that such gardens bloomf where mucb of world history was staged aven Western Europe, n Britain and acrass Canada. Wrongly advertised at 35c, the -Wanted To Rent 100 ACRES for pasture. Phonh MA 3-2164. 14-1 PASTURE, 50 ta 100 acres, with lots of water and shade. Phone MA 3-2187. 14-1 Tenders Wanted Notices Private bagpipe instruction: marches, strathspeys. reels, jigg, hornpipes, etc. Phone Oshawa 3-4981.12-3 Ladies' Auxiliary of Canadian Legion are discontiùuing their weekly euchres at thei Union Hall on Saturday night. Season prize winner was Mr. Walter Cochrane with score 2,237. 14-1 We are now maaufacturing cernent blocks. both interlocking and standard, and would be pleased to serve you with a good product at a reasonable price. Tripp Construction. Phone 392W, Port Perry. 40-tf Would you like to Wina diamond ring? Also seven glor- ious days at the Waldorf-Astoria on your honeymoon, all expenses paid? Drop in to Hooper's Jew- ellery and find out how you can ivin, or see our ad on Page three. 14-1 FARMERS' UNION MEETING WHERE- Tyrone DATE Monday, April 111h TIME - 8 p.m. SPEAKER: Mr. Joe Jenkins Action re: Parity Prices for Farmers, Livestock Marketing, etc. Farmers, we have reductions for you: 20% on tirés, etc., 10% on farm piaéhinery, etc., etc. EVERYBODY WELCOME Auction sale of the household effects of Mr. Charles Scott and Mrs. John Thompson will be held. at the Durham County Sale Arena on Saturday, April 9th, at 1 p.m. This sale will include such items as Westinghouse combination electric stove, Loco- motive electric washer, rangette, chesterfield, sewing machine, dining-room and bedroom furn- iture, oi brooder stove, dishes, bedding, etc. Property sold. Positively no reserve. Jack Reid, auctioneer; Laurencey Harris, clerk. 14-1* ir Ac"u 1at Ltlb iueal ,d 117 acre daîry farm, 70 acres restaurant 26x30 ft. Many extras workable, 18 acres bush, creek, g o with this business. $10.000. 32'x80' bank barn, milk bouse, Terms. Merchandise extra at electric cooler, silo; 9-roomed invaice pnice. stucco bouse, heavy wired, run- 8-room frame bouse in village, ning bot and cold waten. Has bydro, water, modemn kitchen, four cans per day milk quota. basement, large lot, some hum- p> Price $12,500. Terms. ber, immediate possession, on 200 acre farm, 140 acres work- No. 2 Highway'. $5.000.f able, 30 acres wood; L-shaped Large lot and basement of bank barn 36'x72, and 36'x36' cernent blocks, x4ear good road. ben bouse, etc.; 10 roomed stuc- Open for offers. dco house.with bathroom, furn- 116 acres dlay land, ban, pig ýr ace, running bot and cold water. pen. ben bouse, silo, implement d Close ta school, etc. Asking shed, stable, pressure system, n price $17,000. Terms. waten bowls, electric' hammer 100 acre farm, Cartwright, 80 mil., milking machine, creek, 5 acres workable, 6 acres wood, acres pine; 8-room frame boiuse, creek, 36'x85' and 35'x80' bank water, hydro, basement, fumnace. barn, hen bouse, etc.; 8 roomed Priced ta seil, $8,500. brick bouse. with new furnace, James Nixon, Brokér - hardwood floors, pressure sys- 160 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville tem, heavy wired, good road, l Dial MA 3-5682 gmile from vilage, etc. Price 14-1* rarranged. s 150 acre farm, Cartwright, 100 Hlp ane 1acres workable, 20 acres wood, - IRp la te -creek, 81'x36' bank barn, 36'x20' BOY ta belp on farni. Phone implement shed; 9 roomed frame MA 3-2388.p 14.1* house, hydro available. Asking price $10,000. Terms. MEN and a few boys. Apphy 42 acre farm, 1 mile from Brokdale-Kîngsway Nurseries. Bowmanville, ahl workable, with 14-1 8 42'x36' barn; 4 roomed bouse, C basement for another bouse; SINGLE man for dairy farmn.p Lhydro throughout, beavy wired. Year-round employment for Price arranged. rgtmn hneMn-29 à raomed Ftucco bouse at Bow- g14an bneM -29 manville with bathroom, furn-141 ace, nunnmng hot and cold water, WANTED-Experienced dairy- heavy wired, large lot.' Asking man, married, abstainer (smok- 1 price $6.500. $1,000 down orin) eat hu.Poe arranged. -ngMA sepaat47 buse. 4hoxi 5 roorned new ranch style M -49 bungalow, with large living- BOY or middle-aged man suit- room, picture window, 3 bed- able for farm work. Apply Box roonîs, hardwood and tule floors, 330 c/a Canadian Statesman. built-in cupboards, 4-piece bath-14* room, running bot and cold14* water. Reduced price $9,000. EXPERIENCED orchard man ta Terms arranged. manage large orchard in New- 8 roomed storey and a bal castle. Contact CLifford 9-5007, frame bouse in Bowmanvilhe, Taranto. 14-1 double lot, 3-piece batbroom, furnace, running bot and cold LADY for bousework, village water, beavy wiring, new ga- bomne, modemn conveniences. rage. Price $8,500. Tenms. Aply~î Box 329 c/o Canadian 5 roomed (3 bednooms) bun- Statesman. 14-1 galow in Newcastle, with ail furnace, 4-piece bathroom, wat- RELIABLE woman in Elgin- en pressure systemn, ehectric heat- Concession- to downtown area ta er, built-in cupboards, garage. car. for boy 31/2 years, Monday Pnice $7.500. Tenms. ta Friday, 9 to 5:30. Mns. D. 10 roomed nice frame bouse Gibson, Apt. 4, 39 Elgin St. Be- in Newcastle with 3 extra lots. tween 9 te 5:30 Phone MA 3- Ras 2 fireplaces, buit-in cup- 3381. 14-2 boards. running hot and cohd waten, heavy wlred, 3-triece WANTED: Man for steady travel batbroorn, aluminum storm win- among consumers in Bowman- dows, nicely landscaped. Prîce ville. Permanent connection $10,500. Terms arranged. with large manufacturer. Only 4 roomed bungalow on 1 acre r e 1il a b 1 e bustier considered. lot witb 3-piece bathroom, water Write Rawleigh's Dept. D-140- pressure system, hardwood 131, Montreal P.Q. 14-2 floors, ail insulated. Pr.ice $4.000. TECE-eurdimdae Terms. ECE eurdimda- We have approximatehy 70 ly for Ontario Training School more properties ta choose from for Boys, Bowmanville, ta teach in Oshawa, Port Hope, Cobourg Upper Grades Public School. and Trenton district. Apply in persan or in writing ta Contact the Assistant Superintendent. Phone MArket 3-3301. 14-1 John F. De Wiih OPPORTUNITY-Gneaten sales REALTORpossibilities. Act now ta make REALTORmoney selling bousebold neces- Newcaatle Phone 3341 sities and cosmetics. Where- Salesman: Donald Mountjoy ever vou live write in for details. Bowmanville MA 3-3950 Familex, 1600 Delorimier, Dept. 14.1 19, Monitreai - ii.1,'L *Why do more fariners ever, week feel it pays to sel thel * Livestock at the DURHAM COUNTY" SALE ARENA? Because they have the privilegi of selling it cither by the pouni 1 or by the dollar.- Sale every Monday EVENING AT 7:30 P.M, Owned and operated by JACE REID, Auctioneer. For pickuj PHONE 5 r 18 ORONO The place where huyer and seller mccl 10-ti 150 Durham, lIlereford and Angus stocker cattle, springe: and grass cows; open and bred Holstein beifers, matcbed tean of Clyde mares, McCormick- Deering binder, nearly new: Cockshutt 13-disc seed drill, rubber-tired wagon, bay rake, set of team barness-the farrr sale of Cecil Bebee to be beld at the Durham County Sale Arena, Monday, April 18, commencing at 1 p.m. sharp. Ail stocker cattle to be sold in suitable lots by the pound. Plan to attend this large sale. Jack Reid, auc- tioneer. Laurence Harris, clerk. 14-2 Livestock For Sale ONE sow, 1 ½ý years old. Phone MVA 3-2743. 14-1 SPOTTED 'pony, mare. Ken- neth Robhin, Burketon. 14-1 70 LEGHORN pullets. 10 months. John Vos. Enfield. 14-1 CHOICE Jersey beifer, due now. Clare Allin. Phone MA 3-2847. 14-1 CANADIAN Yorkshire hog, 175 pounds. Phone Clarke 1613. 14.1* TWO Holstein cows, one due to freshen this month. Phone New- castle 2166. 14-1 * THREE-year-old Holstein cow, just renewed. Phone MA 3-2430. 14-1 ENGLISH Yorkshires, purebred boars, open gilts available. P. H. Hinton. Phone Orono 14r12. 12-3 Cars For Sale '54 PLYMOUTH sedan, Hydnive, -- IU#1à ilipTENDERS WANTED Apply Box 35, wc/r o naian SHOW BOOMS Tenders wanted for the con- Satesman. 13-tf-fCaadia 1- struction of a 2-room additîqnSatsa. 3t- 299 Simnce Si.S. ta Courtice Public School, Danl- '46 NASH in good running con- ington Township. Drawings and dition, $200.00 new parts hast O shawa specifications can be obtained winter. WVll trade for horses or from the office of Herbert G. cattie. Car price, $350.00. Phone 14.4 Cale, Archîtect, 1119 Green St., Oshawa 5-0982. 14-1 Whitby, Ontario, MOhawk 8- ChcksFor Sale 2364. Tenders are calhed for For Sale or Rent - April 2th. Lowest or any tend -_____________ ORCHLAND Farm C h i c k s, er not necessarily accepted. ONE pasture ranch, well fenced Canadian Approved.. S.C. White fi 13-2 ihpetofwerCabl Leghorn, fast featbering Barred ofwihanplny35of wa e Capable Rock adNwHmsieXPersonal cattle. Phone Clarke 1631. Barred Rock. AIl breeders 1- banded and pulorum tested. No HYGIENIC supplies - (rubber 1- outsîde flocks. Ail eggs used goods) mailed postpaid in plain BUNGALOW, four-room, hard- in aur incubators are produced sealed envelope with price list. wood floors, conveniences. Im- on our own farm. Day oId cblcks Six sainples 25c, 24 samples mediate occupancy. Liberty St., everv Saturday. H. J. Brooks, Sl.O0. 'Mail Order Dept. T-28' Bowmanville. Apply Box 324, B..wmia iivx]le. Ont. Teluphone Nov.-Rubber Ca., Box 91, H1amn- ci o The Canadian Statesman. 1 FARM SOLD Auciion Sale The undersigned auctioneer will seli by public auction on Safurday, April Mi the Implements, Hay ad Grain of Joe Stevenson LOT 19, CON. 7, DAELINGTON li Mlle South of Enniskillen: ILEMENTS M.-H. Self-propeiled Combine, good as new; John Deere Trac- tor, lMode1 A, like new; Forage rHarvester and Silo Blower, 1945 K5 International Truck, Dun- ham Double Disc, 3-furrow Dise Plow, Mc. Mower, Horserake, M.-H. team two-row Scuffler, Side-delivery Rake, 13-disc Drill, Rubber-tired Wagon, Turnip Drill, Saw Frame, 2 implement Tires, Mc. Binder, 2 h.p. Gas Engine, M.-H. 4-cylinder En- gine. LUMBER - ROOFING - WIRE Quantity of Lumber, Alumin- um, Roofing, roll of Barb Wire, HAY AND OATS 12 tons Cut Hay, 15 tons Loose Hay, 5 tons Baled Hay, 500 Bus. Oats. Many other articles. No Reserve - Terme, Cash Sale at 1:30 p.m. CLEFF PETHICK, Auctioneer Phone Bowmanville MA 3-2736. 14-1 Auciion Sales Auction sale of household furniture, farm implements, etc. I have received instructions from the executors of the estate of the late Mrs. Florence Parker; to seli by public auction on Sat- urday, April 16. 1955, at 1:00 p.m., at ber late residence, 1 mile North and 2 miles East of Newcastle. There will also be offered for sale a quantity of farm implements and many oth- er articles. Positively no re- serve. Terms, cash. R. J. Payne, auctioneer. 14-2 Mrs. Ralph N. Rea (f ormerly .'lorence W. Morris of Bowman- ville) 'annoutes the marriage of lier daughter Joan Lucinda, to Mr. Lloyd Vandren Nevins, on Saturday, the second of April, 1955, in Bellinghamn, Washington. ANDERSON - GREENFIELD - ýAt 4 o'clock in Trinity United Church, Bowmanville, on Satur- day, April 2nd, 1955, the mar- riage took place of Joan Alverda, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Percy E. Greenfield, Bowmanville, to MXr: Hugh Campbell Anderson, '-non of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Camp- bell Anderson, Sr., of Toronto. 14-1 DEATHS BROOKS,' Samuel Wesley-At * Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville, on Tuesday, April sth, 1955, Samuel Wesley Brooks, be- loved husband of Doreen Van Nest and dean fathen of Glenn (deceased), Gwendolyn and Grant. Resting at the Funeral ,Ïpome of Northcutt & Smith. 53 Division Street, Bowmanville. Service in Tinity United Church on Tbursday, April 7th, at 2:30 p.m. Interment Ebenezer Cerne- tery. 14-1 ROGERS-Entered into rest in the Toronto General Hospital on Monday, April 4th, 1955, Elsie Jane Samelîs, belaved wife of Fredrick Rogers, in ber 53rd Sean. Memorlal service in the Anmstrong Funeral Home. Osha- wa, Tbursda3', April 7th, 2 p.m. Interment Mount Lawn Cerne- tery. 14-1 TORDIFF. Jessie-At Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. on Wed- nesday, March 30, 1955, Jessie Geddes, beloved wife of David Tordiff and dean mother of Don- ald and Peter, in ber 4th year. Rested at the funeral home of Nortbcutt & Smith, 53 Division St., Bowmanville. Service was held on Saturdar,, April 2nd. Interment Bowmanville Cerne- tery. 14-1 For Rent GARAGE. 204 Church St. W. Phone MA 3-5492. 14-1 FIVE-room home situated in Newcastle, garage and 112 acre s 0f land for garden purposes. Apply Fridav or Saturday. Phone Newcastle 2736. 141* IIEATED apartment, 4 rooms and bath, built-in cupboards, tile floors, washer and dryer, $60. Apply Apt. 4, 63 King St. W. 14-tf THREE or four unfurnished or partially furnished rooms, heat-. ed, built-in cupboards, contin- uous hot water. Write Post Office Box 174. 14-1 Wanted To Buy .borse, work single. Phone PA3_2678. 14-1* KIDDIE-S' pedal car, in good Qondition. Phone MA 3-26,53. 14-1* GOOD used potato planter, single row fertilizer attachment. Phone MArket 3-2035. 14-1 * MUSKRATS wanted-Live pou]- try, goose leathers, feather ticks, scrap iron, rags and metals. Rawv fura and deerskins. Phone 342043 Oshawa, ollect. 9-tf ALL kinda of live poultry want- -ed. Top Tôtonto prices paid at *701n door tor. large or small qunti tics. We bave our own mÏarket. M. Flatt, Bethany R. e-.l. Telephone collect to Betb- *M, 7 r 13 or Bowmanvie NMA Real Estate For Sale1 Reai Estate For Sale' Real EstateFo -r-ÈSal LOT 65'xlOO', good location; sewer and water, reasonable. Phone MA-3-5572. 141 A four-room cottage, 23'x24', $500. Apply 112 Concession St. W. 14-Ï SIX-room brick house, hydro, 1 acre land, garage attached. One mile east of Bowmanville, close to No. 2 Highway. Phone MA 3-2050. 14-1* HOUSE in Newcastle, seven rooms and sunroon', every con- venience, hot and cold water, garage, garden, nice location. Phone Newcastle 2711. 14.2* SEVEN-roomed brick house on Weliington Street, 2 blocks from Post Office, 3-piece bath, new garage 14'x22', large lot. Apply 106 Wellington St. Phone MA LEASK REAL ESTATE 5 roomed new -bungalow at Mvaple Grove, %k acre land, cup- boards, heavy wiring, full base- ment. $5,400.00. $1,000.00 cash. Terms on balance, 6 roomed solid brick house, centrally located; 3 bedrooms, dining-room, living-room, kitch- en, electric bot water beater,' bathroom, oil furnace, bard- wood floors, double garage, one acre land, landscaped and smal fruits, berry bushes, apple trees, etc. Full price $8,000. Terms. 101 acre farnx near Orono, 75 acres workable, balance bush, large bank barn with stable, 7- roomed bouse, *trout streain. Cash, $6,000; balance terms. 50 acre farm, aIl workable; bank barn with stable, 7 roomed house with heavy wiring, base- ment. Full prîce, $8,000.00. .50 acre farm, solid brick bouse, 7 rooms, 2-piece bath, heavy wiring, divided basement, steel bank barn with stable, large trout stream and creek, 1 acre of large cedar, 12 acres fali wheat, 51/½ miles from Bow- manville. Full price, $8,700.00. Are you interested in a really good 100 acre farm, best of soil, solîd brick house, modern, large L.ýshaped barn, driving shed. In a picturesque countryside. Ful price $24,000.00. Consult us before buying. M. E. Leask, Broker Phone MA 3-59119 65 Ontario St, Bowmanville 14-1 De Wiih Real -Esialie Pedwell Real Esiale $13,000-150 acres on No. 2 Highway, good brick.' house, barn, 40'x90'; 5 acres bush, bal- ance ahl workable, creek. Terme. $5,500-50 acres, stucco house, new steel barn, on good gravel road. Half cash. $8,500--11-room solid brick house, could be divided ini four apartments. Termes. $8,500-Service station on No. 12 Highway; 7-room house, snack bar, on very easy terms. We have a large listing of farms. Consult us before buy- ing. S. C. Pedwell, Broker Newcastle, Phone Clarke 31-SSL, HOWARD M. FOX, Salesman Newcastle - 2183 14-1 VAN NEST REAL ESTATE Income home, brick, of two- large apartments, bringing in splendid returns, centrally locat- ed. Asking $12,000 with terms. Store with two apartments above, splendid location. This is another good investment. Asking $15,000.00 with terms. Wood-working shop complete- ly equipped, together with 5- room bungalow on nice size lot. This is a splendid investment if you want to get into business. Asking $9,800, with terms. 4 room frame bungalow, close to school. Has ail conveniences. Owner anxious to selI. Asking $5,500 with terms. 100 acre farm, northeast of Newcastle; 5-room brick bun- galow, barns fair, bydro past door. Asking $7,000 cash to close an estate. Ask about a cernent block business, east. We have lots in different areas for building. J. Van Nest, Broker 118 King St. E., Bowmanville MA 3-3230 14-1 NIXON REAL ESTATE EASTPR SPECIAL 4 large rooms, fancy brick, new bungalow with attractive 4-piece tihe bath, bardwood floons, lots of cupboards, mod- ern kitchen, ail heating, insulat- ed, aluminum storms and sereens, landscaped. M an y extras. Five room new frame bun- galow, picture window, modern kitchen, four-piece bath, hot air heating, heavy wiring, good basement, starm doors, windows and screens,' landscaped, good nesidential district. 5-room frame bungalow, ful basement, beavy wiring, welh, insulated, cupboards, cook stave, etc., between Oshawa and Bow- manvilje. '$1.000 down. Combined home.grocery-nes- taurant on No. 2 Highway, wash rooms upi and down stairs, fumn- PAUL RISTOW REALTO Three Minutes' Walk Upiown $10,900 8 room, 2 storey frame hov~s on Cburcb St, comprisedc living'rôom, sitting-noom, di ing-room and kitchen; 4 be rooms and bath, natural unef place in' sitting room, hardwood floors througbout; with front and back stairway. garage,i good condition and location. 2STOREY 6 Room Solid Brick Compnised of 3 bedrooms, dinj ing-room, living-room and kitch en, with cupboards and ma n3 extras, also self-contained apart ment with separate entrance. A real buy. $1,000 DOWNJ 5 Room Bungalow with cement foundation, full~ cellar, heavy winîng. 'Offerlg immediate possession. Firsi Time Offered BRAND NEW 5 BOOM BRICK BUNGALOWI A modern home in the best and newest location. Floors and tnim. wili be finisbed ta suit purchaser. We baye homes listed in Oshawa - Wbitby - Port Perry! and Blackstock Corne in and talk it over if you need a building lot. PHONJE MA 3-3517 Owen Nicholas 37 King St. W. Bowmanvllle Real Estate Wanted FARMS-Buyers waiting for every class of farms and ranches, 50 acres up. Stan Disney, Osha- wa. Phone 3-4921. Write 634, Mary St. Memiber Oshawa and Ontario Real Estate Boards. 14-2 Reali ors We Need Lisiings FARMS - HOMES AND BUSINESSES CHAS. D. RANKINE, Mgr. MA 3-2762 O. M. GERRY. Salesman 52 King St. W. MA 3-2453 Pets For Sale FEMALE puppy, 412 months old. free to good home. Phone MA Seed For Scle_ RED claver seed andtmoh" seed. Earl Trewin. MA 3-23.91d 14-1 Feed For Sale 800 BALES of alf alfa and red c]over, mixed, good cattle feed. P'hone 3-9042 Oshawa, after 6 p.m. 12-3 Turn Page for Additional Classifieds i j The Canadian Statemia CLASSIFIED, ADVERTISING RATES ARTICLES FOR 5ALj. LIVESTOCI FOn SALE FOR RENT . HELP WAXTEI) CARS FOR SALE LOIT ' FOUND - ETC. Cash Rate. ... 30par Word with Cs minimum CI soc Mut be paid by date o Inserticis il chargod. an additional 25o wîl b* added. A hreof 25c wliI be mode los ai eles directed ta thls ofiae. NOTICES - comma rEVEN"a AND i m ARD orC TRAM<K Sc a word with a minimum et $1.00 for 33 words or les. lESTHS 'ENGAGEMENTS MABIAGES . DEATUI $1.00 per Insertion lE MEMORIAMI $1.00 plus 10c a lin. for er»e COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIRS lncludes ail advertaln foi r rsans or firme selling ervic*e. easae rqgoodi of any dscription --cpr word, minimum charge 7c cah svth order. To rogulcu advertis.rs payable montbly Digll Canifed rt81.59 pes lu ~ Wth inmmaof n* Inch. Additional insertions ai the gaine rate@ Afl Clataii*d Ad. muni be tu tbis office not later thon Il O'Clôck Doon, Weda*sdsry Sand cash. stamps cS moa«V order and gave monoy. clip Ibis out toi handy reforence UGRI- 1 - -4 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Properties Sold. Rented. MIanaged and Appraised kM. ALLISO'N Real Estate Broker Phone 2566 - Newcastle, Ont. Two blocks nortb of traffic signal, Newcastle. 20-tf