di @RING THANKSGIVING 'beyond the . few minutes It Hawmuc fste * would ordinarily have taken, How mch fsterApril goes thius addmng tao ur pleasure. We than March, daesn't it? There nianaged ta tel ber haw much is still snow in the fence rows Emily had meant to us, and 4In tecuty u h hl thirce cou pntry, buttegiwho she was graciaus and pleasant. Uu~acl ofSprng s bganrng Her books have been trans- ire6 burst upon us. The tulips lated into many languages ahd are up, the- grass is showing Braille as well. Their popular- green an sunny banks, the buds ity is likely ta go n forever, of the trees are glawing with and justly sa. Yeft she herseif é olor and the birds are carol- was amazed, so the Globe and : I.pg everywherej Our reasons Mail article tels, by the world- : for thankfu]ness In this COUfl wide response ta ber first book, try are sa many that they wAn iGen als.I overilaw, and Easter, the Chris- awrtefoteng ils tian church's great festival, isbwashewrte for ten-aegirs, 1a most apprapriate time tao're- butnshendeceied f letter ro member them anew. and in every pursuit aof lie * * *the world aver. NEVER TO BE FORGOTTEN She tried fîve publishers and Many of you may have seen put the manuscript away ini the in the Globe and Mail of attic before trying again, this March 26 the picture of L. M. time with success. Wbat a gif tt *Montgomery and the bouse ta the world might have been8 where she wrate ber warld last! Tt is a fine thing ta knaw d famous book, "Anne of Green that she was banored by the Gables". This brought back one late King George V with thet of «the thril]ing moments of aur O.B.E. for the pleasure whicht ]ife. Most of us have a book or she had given ta the world withI an author wham we idealized brbos as a child. For us it was L. M. Taday the bouse of Green Montgomery* and ber "Egmily," Gables at Cavendish, P.E.I. îbooks. We liked Anne too and wbere L. M. Montgomery's "Pat of Silverbush" and «q"U granriparents brought ber up, the others, but the Emily books is on a golf course and open t had a special place in aur heart. ta the.public. E7ach year. thou-n Imagine then the fliril that sands who bave loved hera we rceivd wen wrkin inbooks, corne ta see Green Ga-L the publishing firm af McClel- e .e hoe some day thatE land and Stewart in Toronto in we shall be amang them. P 1940 wben Mr. McCleland said * * * one day: "Mrs. MacDonald, L. THIRD AND LAST i M. ongomryyo knw,15 We see that the third and tc coming in this afternoon ta au- last ai Smith's Literary Lunch- jt tograph samne ai ber books. I cons for this season bas been want you ta help ber."1 annaunced far May 3. We were This was only two years delighted ta see that the speak- prior ta Mrs. MacDonald's death er will be Monica Dickens..If as it turncd out, and she was you haTven't read any ai Mon- a bit frail tben. Sbe bad bad ica Dickens books, and you the misfortune- ta break ber' have a sense of bumor that en- rigbt arm a wbile before in a joys characters drawn ta the ti fa11, and this had flot improvcd Ilufe and unusual situations, do her health. Because she had tai try ane ai them. "One Pair ofi stop and rcst ber arm -evcry Hands" as ta aur niind the fun- few minutes, however,au niest, but they are all amusing.re pleasant task of holding fresh1 Monica Dickens Is a great-di anid shining copies of ber books granddaughter af Charles Dick-M for her to sign was prolonged ens and wbethcr she inherits q~ By Eiuie Carruthers Luinney i e Current and Con fidential it or flot, she has a wonde flair for descrlbing people meets in the amazing ad, tures she gets berachf 'into "One Pair af Hands" she cides ta hire aut as a ci general in London, though ability along this lune ci easily be said ta be lesa t elementary. How she capes N dinners af every size and shi and mistresses af the same, riat. F'inally she gets tired getting up mornings and qi She admits she had rather advantage in being able ta s0 and go back ta bier fan and a soit bcd at home. "One Pair af Feet" tells bier adventures as a nur aide in a, hospital in Englh during the' war. Getting marnings. was everi grimr there, b ut she stuck it foi year, by which time' supervisor had seen a story bad publisbed in a magazine whiçh she used the hospital background, as we recaîl, i it was a case of Monica sayi "I quit" before the super coi say, "You'rc fircd." Any( wlll enjay this ane, but es] cially nurses. Tbere is alsa ane where takes a job - as a reporter or small town weekly newspal whicb bas its hilariaus mo ents too. She bas also writt twa novels and we believe third is almost ready. M Dickens married a U.S.na officer and now lives in Cc necticut. We are certainly lac ing forward ta seeing andi bei ing ber on May 3. Sarry wc can't remcmlt the titlcs ai the novels at t moment, but anc if not bc arc in the Bowmanville Pub. Library, also "One Pair Hands" and we think ."O Pair af Feet." Of course, flot ing varies so greatly as peopli ideas of humor, so if you daz find the autobiographical an ao your taste. don't blEime t ust pass on ta samething el.; rse' ul nei th( shE a ing )ldi ,one gpe- n a ier ten h a lics on- b-r te oth )e eI (Betharry correspondent) a "Any time is Turkey Time' ofis the trade slogan of Radnoî ts.I anFarmsaet Bethany, owned by doI Noei and Rup@rt Wood. Thb lyralsed mare* than 4,000 birdi last yeer and are now housing ofabout 1700 in various stages ai ý' development. Radnar Farina are id concentratlng not anly on a ip quality product. but alsa its er marketing, recognizlng that toc a long has the, delectable turkey le been confined ta Thanksgiving le and Christmas festive dining. as that Canadiens will give it a id regular place in thelý diet when they realize that turkey meat [à Is avaîleble "Any Tume". 0e f their 4,000 birds last year, many were sald as broilers. The aven-ready hens for the £al! Lemarket (New York drcssed) a averaged around eight ta nine ,r paunds. Toms were sormewliat 1.beavier from 14 ta 16 paunds. nTheir market range included aKingston and Peterborough. isDelivery of tu.rkeys by the itruckload as far away as King- stan, in what, used ta be off seasans, is a new phase ai tuis increasing business. The development of the smail rturkey bas brought it within the rcach af. the average fam- ily. Wood Brothers also raise cthc beavier bronze varlety. Last fyear thcy sold some 900 af theni, the bens weigbing around 16 pounds and thie toms 23 pounds and up. They were tmastly for the holiday market. Turkeys consume huge quanti- tics aifcfed, bcginning with a commercial starter and grad- ually increasing ta whole grain, Running water is always pro- vided in the colony and feed bouses.- Radnor Farme are situated anc mile west ai Bethany and on the county road half a mile soutb ai No. 7A Highwa'Y. Noci and Rupert Wood werc boru in Ncwfoundland. Their father, Professor Rai ph Wood, was graduated fromn Cambridge University in England ahd came out ta Ncwfounc and where he wes Language Master at Bish- op Field College, St. John's, Newioundland, for about 40, years. His sons bath attended this college but had no further academic desires. They wanted ta f arm. Dctermined ta make that their vocation, the brotli- ers came -ta Ontario and took courseg at the Agricultural Col- lege in Guelph. Nael's career Was interrupted by World War Two. He served five years witb the Imperial Forces. On bis discbarge from the Army. he refurned -ta Ontario, . visiting with anather brother, Rer. Shirley A. R. Wood, ane.,time chaplain et The Gravýe Prepa- ratary School for Boys In Lake- field. He is now the Rector ai the Anglican Church at Thorn- bih, nortli ai Toronto. Whilc visitîng there, Noci callcd, at Leitchcroft Farms and became interested in poultry. About that tinie the farm he now awns, the second 100 acres south oi the highway, was ad- vertised for sale and in 1946 he moved ta Bethany. Since then he married and now bas a daughter and son. His first venture was 'in mix- ed farming on a small seille and the extensive ralsing ai cbickens. Now, however, he raises only turkcys, na cattie and no grain farming. "One bhing donc right is better than several not attended ta proper- ly," is Noel's opinion and pal- icy; and be rates turkeys a full tme job. Three years. later. Rupert WVood, wha had been farmingi in Ncwfoundhand, lost ahi bis buildings by fire, and an hear- ng that the farm adjoiningi Noel's was for sale, he dccid.edj ao bring hus wife and iamilv and try a new lufe in Ontario. The venture bas been mast suc- cssful. Bath brothers are hep- py in their new homes and feel that there are many more op- partunities for enterprise here than in their native Newfound [ad. While still raising chickcns, ffey purchascd their first tur- ceys, 100 Beltsviile Whites, the rst af the. ncw small size.1 Swift's Premiumn End Cut l69,: ýoneiess lb.49 ,r Choice Meaty - -Whoie or BEST FOR JUICE AN D EVERY USE Sire 200 SUNIST doz 49c Shank Hait Lb. 55C -FRESH SPRING Faney %~-1b. Dest Bu y Miracle W'ip BRESSING 16-or. jar BEST BUY Siokely's FANCY APPLE JUICI 48-or. tin 23c Supreme ASSORTED CHOJOLATES 1-1b, box Bi r e Y urdebleshree Eas r.,24c7 FRESH SPRING DFlA EFOILS F * BCI3C Larget -- w Save- at Red & White with these Everyday Low Prices LIPTONS - Free Deal- ONION SOUP MIX 3 Pkg. 35c OCEAN SPRAY - 15 oz. CRANBERRY SAUCE 23: SHRIRRIFF'S PIE CRUST MIX 33c, CAMPBELL'S - 10-or. tUn VEGETABLE SOUP 2/25c TREESWEET - 6-or. tin LEMON JUICE 2 TIns 25c LIBBY'S - il-or. bottle TOMATO CATSUP CANADA - White or Blended 24-or. VINEGAR Btl AVE-ALL - 100-ft. roll FAX PAPER i i 13 M 23c 19C 29c 'ELLO - Preservative - 25-ft. roll ARAN WRAP 3 ILUE or WHITE - Large Sire lREEZE Free Face Cloth 41C Olant Sire ETRGENT Dis : Twe, 81% THERE'S A RED & WHITE STORE IN YOUR DISTRICT BOWMANVILLE Yeo's Marketeria MAPLE GROVE laple Grove Groceteuia OBONO Cornish Groceteria LITTLE BRITAIN Bullock's Groceteria Jeffery Food Market Alax Marketcwia . ~. . . - . Brown's Groceteria PORT PERRY BROOKLIN Dowson's Food Market PORT HOPE Roberts Bros. Food Store Roberts UPtown Market .-COBOURG . LIBBY'S - Cooked - 20-or. Un SPAGHETTI WELCHR'S - 32-ox. CULVERHOUSE - 20-or.. DJCED CARROTS 2 For 23c BETTY CROCKER'S - 40-or. pkg. BIS GUICK 53c GOLD MEDAL - Castor PUNPKIN PIE SPICE 17c WEEKEND SWEETS KRAFT -7-r Cello VANILLA CARAMELS 29c lO-oz. Cello PASTEL. INTS 29c COLOUR YOUR EASTER EGGS WITH fSHIRRIFF'S FOOD COLGUR 17c 18C KRAFT - 8-oz. pkg. TEL VEETA CHEESE 31c LOWEST POSSIBLE COFFEE PRICES EARLY BISER Lb. 8$C NGRNING GLORY Lb. 95C CLEANING AIDS Bon Ami - cake 14: Pdr. 14c - 2&4-Ib. 12c Ecaoh, soc. n n OSHAWA McKen#na's Super Market 948 Sinico. St. N. Sproule's Food Stores 272 King St. E. and 458 Simcoe St. S. AJAX ,':fI. PACI 'OTJ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _T m_ _ fl A N A D I A N HT A t E sum A N, O W M A N V L L E. O N T A R XO T ir SAVE 71c 49C BEST BUY 13lue & GoId FANCY PEAS B esi Duy Nayporl STUFFED OLIVES Au WoI steak# *Gift Inclades an Ay.rs : Ay.rpun' ail-wool .bloaaet,a colored Tex-made "Homespun" Double Shoot [osad 2 Pilow Cases, 2 Cold- well Bath Towels, 3 Guest Towels, 3 Foc. Cloths. .% * 0 IN EXTRA$ Wità Mis Na WVtsoiee w HERE ~ US A BARGAIN $31. G IFT STAINLESS STEEL WASHER cely washer which gaves you- TRAIE-11 ?W ON 7 e $5000 COLOR CHOICE $81E50 AN'IUP Havé Indestructible iron wrngers, double 'XTO L tubs, simplest strongest mechanasms made.TOA Wash clothes an 6 minutes. EXTRA$S- NO1 ýMONET DOWN -TERMS TO SUIT Y0U CAK IN AND S99 US Mason & Dale HARDWARE MA 3-5408 Bowmanville Zrhe J-toi Mn who thii 36 King St. E. 15-oz. tUn ZTins 31c COURTICE ON A BEAUTIFUL 4-PIECE LAUREL PATTERN SIL VER WARE (Intended for hast weck> Caurtice Woman's- Associa-1 tion met March l7tb, apening with: prayer by the president, Mrs. R. Barber. Devotional op- encd wlth Mrs. J. MacKenzie reading from Mark 14. Topic, "God Ils Love" was given by Mrs, C. Penfound and a poern, "Five Minutes a Day". Mrs. 0. Robertson led in prayer. Mrs. W. Parker, convenor for spring ýa asked for volunteers for ta tables, bake table and Whitc Gift Table. Roll cali glas answered by sandwiches, ;arts or coakies. Mrs. Antil gave a reading, 'What Can a Christian Do Nith Sunday?" Mrs. Nichals gave a pocm, "A Blow For )ad". Anniversary supper coni- nittec is Mrs. D. Thonipson ýonvener), Mrs. E. Getchell tid Mrs. C. Sions. Ladies xe ta bning aprans ta next eeting. Mrs. P. Antil wil be ncharge ai birtbday box. Mrs. Simmons gave a report on V MS Presbyterial. There was discussion on articles for Osh- wa Fair. Committee for sanie Mr.D. Thonipson, Mrs. 0. Lbertson and Mrs. W. Baker. ,ucii was enjoycd by all. Next ieeting will be an evening ieeting an April 21. Caurtice Circuit Young Pea- le's Union met at Courtice Un- ed Church with President rothy Somerville presiding. ývotiona1 was in charge ai elle Alexander and Marion Tyman. Rev. L. M. SamervilleE d in the Bible Study. Marion2 lrman led in recreatian which ýenjoyed. Eourtice Home and Schoolt saociatian beld a very suc-s ;sful cuchre et the school. izes were won by: Ladies st-Mrs. Fred Balson; 2nd,t s. G. Chartran; low-Mrs. Essery. Men's iirst - Mrs. Caurtice;, 2nd-Mr. R. Step- ris; Lo,»-Mr. H. Couch. faon ze-Mr. E. Essery. Special- b 's. P. Dalby. te ta ' g. (c ar ar in am is Rt Lu PIE ite Do Be W3 hed ahi A& ces Pri fim Mr ber prÈ Mn WANTADS A reat soul prcfers m odcratton 5 1 W E ~C.A Woods Brothers Tackle Turkey Raising' on Big S cale at Bethany Tali 16-oz. Jar t( a 'T ci t. t, t] ki fil vc di th a: ai H. PC an P. U.C. Passes Many Bis To Be Paid Electric dcpartment accaunts of $20,719 were passed for pay- ment by the Bownuanville Pub- lic Utilities Commission at Its regular meeting held on Manch 25. 0f thia amount $15î447, was paid ta the Ontario Hydro- Electric Power Commrission for power used in JÎnuary. Water department accouri'ts- amounted- ta $13,671, including a payrnent aif $11,000 made ro the McNaniara Construction Company in canneçtion witb the building ai the new water supply systern from Lakce on- tario lest aummer. The P.U.C. inembers; Chair- man W. Rosa Strike, Milton J. Elliott and Mayor Ne4san O#- borne discuned methoda ai cutting dawn turbidity aiflic I lake water supply and .Man- ager George Van Bridger was instructed ta obtain additiofial information an the ?Ilash" Ss- teni ai usuig aluin to trée thea water Jb *0 e utUiog bU4i'. 1 teen weeks for thcm ta grow ta the "brailer" size; about six rnontlis ta, become mature. -In the cari y stage at Radnar, soie were sold liveweight. Now ail are drcssed rcady for mar- keting. Their machinery in- cludes a scalder and plucker (electric), and yau. wiI naw lind ail Radnor Farm praducts dressed ready for the aven, sealed Inh Cryavak bags ta en- sure their freshness. Every Fridey, fresh dresped turkeys are delivered ta meat mai-kets -i Peterborough. A new venture, stili in its in- faney, la flhe making of turkeY pies. A iew af these tour ounce pies have appeared in the local stores and are pronounoed "mighty gaad eating". They are made ini the Woods' farm- bouse kitchen and rushed ta the local cald starage plant at Andy Watson's for quick freez- ing. For many years poultry men gave turkEýy raising the ga-by, feelin1g that the high cost ai production, high mortality rate, etc., made them an unproiitable business. The Wood Brothers bave proved otherwise. .Editor's Note-If this stary catches the eyes af Wood Bras., tbe free publicity gîven thein should surely be good for a plump turkey for aur Bcthany correspondent. The Editor, be- ing on a reducing diet will be satisfied with ane ai those littie appetizing turkey pies.- G.W.J. Met Smith Takes« Tape Record ing 0f V.F.C. Rally The Youth for Cbrist RalIy hehd March 26 in the Town Hall was a, great success and a gaod crawd gathered for the occasion. A hearty song service led by Archie Camipbell started the program. and gueit singer, Mr. Henry MeNeil, Ajax, rendered several lavely numbers. The highlight ai the evening *as when Mr. Mel Sroith, di. rectar ai the Sunday Schaol ai the Air program, heard every Sunday marning at in a.m. aver radia station CKLB taped a program ta be heard Sunday niarning Aprîl 10. Many per- sonalities took part on the pro- gram and Bowmanville YFC wisbes ta commend Mel Smith in his - 1955 the Sunda,', theý Air. An ou enuitied "Angel in,.Cdb Morris, anw, los miraculous O 1rth~ jungles af., the course o ~i un- iversity and ~r~the lives af thoseh The ncxt ralY be Apr;1 9th and on the 1 thfle stait ail the' great ~w V-l Youth for ChristCuade. ..-----~- Swift's Premniumi FuIy Cooked HAM ]Bone inl. WhoIe or Shank halfIL 7 CRISP - CRUNCHY - HOT HOUSE Cucumbers ça. 2Z5c FROZEN FOODS Birdseye Fresh Frozen Strawberries, 15 oz. 47e SLiCED- 24-oz. Loaf I I A DUY HOT CROSS BURS PRESH DAILY AT use -of $ea9ram, of tornorrow practice moJerato,; oday IBULLDOG ARM & IUAMMER sO0D A CRIEF ERGONS 89 C Boneless Hamr Fresh - Lean - Meaty - Bc Swiff's Premium - Rindless - SIicéd SIDE cBACON%-b' RED WHITE 1 j..; TENDER - CALIFORNIA A sparagus 15C For 23e 35C Ic