E- A large crowd of parents cd the parents and spectatoi and youngstcrs saw thrce ex- for the interest they hav citing hockey games at the shown in Miner, hockey. H Memorial Arena Saturday night stated that the Bowmanvill whcn championships were de- Recreation Department is ver cided in the Pee Wee, Bantam pleased with the keen interec and Midget-Juvenile divisions the town's yeungsters ha' of the Minor Hockey League shown in hockey during t] operated by the Bowmanville past season. He thankcd th Departmcnt of Recreation. Arena Management Committe Ail the games were decided for donating free ice time fo by anc-goal margins as the Minor hockey on Sat. mornin Bruins downed the Maple Leafs and aise for donating the ic 4-3 in over4ime to capture the time free for Minor Hockg Pee Wee League championship, Night. Mr. Kilmer aiso paid tri the Cornets defeated the Tigers bute to the coaches and man 3-2 also in overtime, te win the agers of the Minor tcams fo Bantam championship, and the giving their time on Saturda: Case Implements teamn downed morning toward developing thg The Canadian Statesman squad young hockey players of Bow 4-3 to cop the Midget-Juveniie manville. honors. The Pee Wec chamllionshil As Recreation c h a ir man game between the Bruins Claude Kilmer stated in a coached by Frank Jamieson anc brief address to the gathering, managed by Sarn Black; an( the yeungstcrs who took part the Maple Leafs, coached b) in the Minor Hockey Night on George Piper and managed b3 Saturday are the hockey stars Harry Hughes, providcd the of the future, and they certain- most exciting hockey of th( ly showed a great deal of pro- evening. It required three 5 rnise. They played good, fast, minute overtime periads to de. a'jgressive hockey, but it was cide the championship, Wvhicf clean hockey, and good sports- was finally won by the Bruins manship was evîdent in evcry 4-3. These teams piayed theii game. positions better and turncd ir Keen Interesi Shown a better brand of team heekeý Mr. Kilmer, who was intro- than the older teams whict duced by Stu James, the an- followcd.' nouncer for the evening, thank- Bruins Draw First Blood - The Bruins went ahead 1-C in the first frame an a goal by Gord Rundie, with Doug Jameý and Tcrry Black assisting. Ter- ry Black added another unas- sisted goal at 3.25 of the second periad to put the Bruins ahead 2-0. The Maple Leafs struck S back at 10.25 with an unassist- - .~ - d goal by Larry Piper, how- ever. and Brenton Hughes tied the count 2-2 at the 11.35 mark. - Larry Piper put the Maple Leafs ahead 3-2 in the third I'm the Laziest, Benouges. Cptan rrn Most uccesful Black, who was the star of the Most________________ game for the Bruins, knotted the count again at 3-3 wher G ardener in the he scorcd on passes from Doug James and Gord Rundie. N eighborhood! ovetefir*io bth idt miîssed goad scaring chances as the opposing goalies turned ir some great stops. The third overtimne period was in its fi- nal minute when Captain Black~ e was cast in the ,hero's role for the Bruins. He skated in fronm right wing and picked a corner of the net with a nice short shot te win the game 4-3. With the The Bruins mobbed their goalie, John James, after the R01T0-ýHO E game in appreciatian cf bis to help me, fine work in their nets and aise gardening la the pleasure It gave three rousing cheers for should be. It flot only saves their opponents, the Maple ail the bard work, but gives Leaves. me the best garden I've ever hadl. You ask my neighbors' Tom Gatchell presentcd the The rotating steel "teeth" of Pee Wee championship trophy, the ROTO HOE break u donated by himself and Reg the soul, ready for seedtng. Harding, te Captain Terry in ONE operation, without Black of the Bruins! changing Implements. With- Bruina - John James, Tcrry In seconds low-cost attach- Black, Captain; Deug James ments can be fitted for lawn Gord Rundie, Larry Jamieson, mowing, snow blowing and Bill Bickle, Peter Heavysege, dozens of year-round jobs. Eriç Niekerson, Ted Watson, There are three models to Jerry Wilson, Warren Brook- choose from, wlth 2 and 3.3 ing. h.p. (4 cycle) engines - and Maple Leafs-B. Thompson, prices are really low. Write R. Crombie, J. Carter, L. Piper, for free literature and the D. Thompson, J. Bothwell, A. namne of jour nearest deal- Plummer, D. Tardiff, B. Hughes, er, today. Captain; K. Welsh, L. Thomp- DISTRIBUTED IN son, Wilson. EASTERN CANADA BY: Cornets Win Bantam Crown The Cornets, coached by Tom Falcon Equipment Gatcheil and managed by Ab Mavin, won the Bantam cham- C om any td. pionship by downing the Tigers, 33 Leyton Ave., Toronto 13: 3-2 in a game which aise re- Ont., and 2815 St. Joseph St., quired overtime. Lachine, P.Q. The Comnets got off te an LOCAL DEALER early lcad when Brian Hughes W* NýbBROWN scored on a pass from Captain W. H. BROWN Dan Cattran at 2.50. The Tigers tied it up at 12.05 however. King st. W. MA 3.5497 wyhen Bill Osborne made a nice- Bowmavil* rink-length rush, skirted the Bowmnvilo jdefence, and scored from close in. The Tigers took the lcad in Comedy -Starring SHELUY WINTERS KEENAN WYNN Thursday, Friday - 7 and 9:30 Saturday, 6:30 Excellent Family Entertainment NON. - TUES. - WED. - API. 18 -19 -20 "Kiss Me Kafe" (Color) KATHRYN GRAYSON - ANN MILLER1 HOWARD KEEL News - Cartoon - Time, 7 and 9:15 ira the second frame when Bill ýve Shechan scored on a nice play He. with Bill Qsborne at 3.35. lic Th% Cornets came back te tic ry it up 2-2 in the third when ýSt Captain Dan Cattran scorcd on ve a pasa from Brian Hughes. ýhe The same two players figur- ~~ ce d in the winnmng goal which orcame after 40 seconds of over- 'Y tirne. Brian Hughes sank At on passes from Cattran and Fred ~ cy Vanstone, and the Tigers couldn't get the equalizer in the remaining four minutes of n- overtime. or SJack Miller, who donated the .,i trophy emblematic of the cham- . Spienship of the Bantam League, prescnted it te Captain Dan [pCattran cf the Cornets. k Comet-Harold Mutton, Bob d Burgess. Don Oke, A. Smith, d Wayne Mavin, Dan Cattran, )y Capt; Larry Hancock, Merton )y Mavin, Fred Vanstone, Brian ie Hughes, Dave Singular, 'Brian e Martin, Nelson Hawes. 5- Tigers-Mike Murphy, Bll e- Osborne, Don Weish, Roger ,h Meadaws, Bill Sheehan, Irving s, Gi11. Ailan Cole, John Webb, [r Don Srnith, Rusa Black, Wayne in Therteli, Don Milîson, Bob ýy Richards, Pat Gould. ýh Brown's Implements Win In the Midget-Juvenile Cham- pionship tilt the Brown's Im- -0 plements squad broke a 3-3 ýy deadlock with icas than four 's minutes te, go te defeat The r-Canadian Statesman 4-3. 5- Gary "Hank" Lane put the d' Impa into an carly lcad by nd scaring at the thrcc-minute I-. ~ . ,k mark. Archie Croasey put themI The Pee Wee Bruins, shown above, captured the te rigît: Eric Nickersen, Billy Bickle, Captain Terry Black, two* ahead at 4.50 whilc his Pee Wee Championship of the Bewmanville Miner Hockey Deug James, Gerdie Rundie, Jerry Wilson. Standing, left own teamn was ahorthandcd due eaTdWtsnLryJmio, d te a penalty te, Butch Cole. Jim .eaue Saturday night by defeating the Maple Leafs 4-3 te right: Manager Sam Black, TdWtoLryJmeo c.Masterson had an assiat on in a close game which required three five-minute evertime John James, Warren Breeking, Peter Heavysege and e Crossey's tally. Don Prout pull- periods fer a decisien. Captain Terry Black sank the Coach Frank Jamiesen. d cd The Statesman up to a 2-1 winning goal with less than a minute lef t. Kneeling, left -Photo by Carson Studio, Port Hope n deficit at 8.50 when he took a y pass from Bob Marjerrison and e skatcd in to score on a short i blast. Cornets Win Bantam Titie in Overtime ri In the second frame Bob Fair- 9 ey, wha was anc of the best cf The Statesman playera, put his, eteam on even terma at 3.57 by s banging in the rebound on bis' sown ahot which Curtis Van-] aàtene had biocked. 1 The The Imps forced playl early in the third and their: tactica paîd off at 3.05 when rDon Farder scored on a break-: away. His shot fromn close in rhit the inside of the post andi tbounccd behind Marklc in The' Statesman net. The Statesman1 ragain came from behind ta knot the counit 3-3 when Don sProut notchcd bis second goal a n a long shot from juat inaide rthe blueline which neyer left 1the ice. Barry Cewling had an! assiat on the tally. Panas Scores Winnier Bill Panas saitcd the game and the champienship away for Brown's Implements when he teamed up with Lloyd Stainton and Don Forder te sink the wnmig goal at 11.55.Th Statesman could net tic tù again despite the efforts of Fairey and Marjerrison. The Mernerial Park trophy for the Midget-Juveniie Cham- pianship was presented to Cap- tain Don Forder of the Imps by Recreation Chairman Claude Kilmer. Brown's Implements - Curt . Vanstane, Ted Cramp, Archie ~ Crosscy, Jim Mastersan, Lloyd Stainton, Hank Lane. Butc Cale, Dave Vivian, Bill Panas, Don Forder, Capt.; Bill Cole.à,4 Statesman-J. Marklc, Bar -_____ ry Cowling, Bob Fairey, Bob Marjerrisen, Capt; M. Walkcr, The Bantam Carnets, shewn abeve, won the te right, Larry Hancock, Wayne Mavin, Captain Dan D. Lcask, Don Prout, A. Terry, championship of the Bowmanville Miner Hockey League Cattran, Ne1>on Hawes, Merton Mavin. Standing, left te Ail gCamte.consisted nMght when they dewned the Tigers of Murray right, Coach Tom Gatcheli F.ed Vanstone, Bob Osborne, 15-minute perioda of straight ceKnight 3-2 in overtime. It was one of three exciting Brian Hughes, Dave Singular, Don Oke, Bob Burgess. time, with the dlock being games held during Miner Hockey Night which weund up Absent when this picture was taken were Manager Ab stopped for whistles in the iast the seasen for these future hockey stars_~ Kneeling, lef t Mavin, A. Smith, Harold Mutton and Brian Mart~itý. perioda and overtîme periads. -Photo by Carson Studio, Part Hope Frank Hooper and Maxie Yourth generausly rcferecd al three games, and Andy Thom-flni.TTVTTT Miss Gloria Wright is spend- with MVr. and Mrs'. Clarence son of the Recreation Dcprt L er] a i N1JISKILEN ing a week with Miss Marguer- Avery, Burketon. ment handled arrangements for' Mr nd rsWm Lab ite Wright, St. Catharines.. Mr. and Mrs. Goodwin, Mr. the Minor Hockey Night. TomMran s.W .Lmb Master Brian Barrowdaie. and Mrs. Canhamn, Jr., Mr, and Park acted as scorer. Grandis Attend Caesarea, with Mr. and Mrs. Oshawa, is visiting with Garth Mrs. Canhamn, Sr.. Mr. and Mrs. T nrne ab oxe .1"T- Whatever y( will find it1 with the celer told bis congi an election g time. The Lar the Dcvii agai cast the deci& Flying the PAYING for car and form perty of othe easy, elther. Your best bt a financial ci Comprehensi, lision Insurar Ask us aboul STUART [nsurance Office MIA 3-5681 King Street E. iuieLin.Mdlilli. JacKson, Mvr. and Mvrs. C. M. ior holg, o Mr. and Mrs. Roy Langmaid, Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Oke, iFockier and children, Taranto,l ourd teoloisgy, yu Ieehive Lodc.e Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lang- Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Frank with. Mr. and Mrs. Harry ured preacher who maid and girls, Sauina; Mr. and Dorland, Enniskillen; Miss El- Grubb. yregation, "Therc's Over 50 Past Grands of Dis- Mrs. Kcith MeGili, Bowmanville, aie Oke, Toronto, with Mr. and Mr. antl Mrs. Earl Master-a. gaing on * all the trict 8 of the Rebekah Lodge with Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGili. Mrs. Albert Oke. vile;ndis.srbeVte, orn- rdns voesfnr yau, attended the annual meeting M and m ,Msichitan, hisd Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moore, onto; Mr. Adam Sharp and ins ya, ad yu ad fmil, MchianvistedMrs. H. Stevens and Gordon Ivan with Mr. and Mrs. Ralpb ding vote." of the district in the I.00OF. with Mr. and Mrs. Perey Ellis. Iwith Mr. an-d Mrs. R. J. Weav- Virtue. hall on Wednesday, April 6. Miss Marguerite Wright, St. ing, Thornhill. M.ad Ms rdTm I Dstrct epuy Pesien, Cthaine. wth erparents, Miss Brenda Ellis is visitingi1 were -LiPPer guesis with Me., Fisorc euy PrsdnMe. and Mrs. Norman Wright. with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ging- and Mes. Auistin Franklin, Osh- orne Moore of Bechive Mr. Ken Kelly. Bawman- erich. Oshawa.1 Lodge, Bowmanville, gave a ville; Miss Shirley Milîs, Mr. Mes. E. Strutt and Ruth awa. on Saturday. repart on her activities in this and Mrs. Allan Werry, Miss Pethick with Mr. and Mx'ýý CIlar. and Dougla. s tonM, 'i ~'th Susan Wcaen, Enniskilien, with Harry Strutt. Burketon. r and es. u.laesyHatonM. office ta date. Reports an te Mr. and Mes. E. A. Werry. Mr. and Mrs. C. Ciemence. . and Mrs. . eeCHamn '1 _ activities of the variaus lôdges Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ferguson, Oshawa, called on Mr. and ecOhwt Mr. and Ms lv lm - in the district were given by Bowmanville, Mr. Eari Bottreli Mrs. R. MeNcil. Mrc, s. .h.are.t M. n the foilowing representatitves: and fricnd, Miss Marie Bottreli, F. Mr. S. R. Kersey, Ran- Srry taH MoreatM. .Wl Nelda Thompsan, of Oshawa Obwvsdwt Mr. and erusn nie and Rickcy, Toronto, with Wright bas been in the bas- Mrs Cai Frguon Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton No. 3; Mae Allen, Or-ana: Lala Mr. and Mrs. John Oke and M.ad Ms rdTrspital. Wc wish ber a speedy BrcPort Perry; Elsie Rich- Randy, Oshawa. visited with were recnt visita's o M. n Mr. and eeoJohveey.n irds, Bowma n v iie; Mary Mr. and Mrs. Waltee Oke. Mrs. Russell Spinks, Oshawa.iKhrnad octan Me j Broadbent, Port Hope. The Mr. and Mrs. Frank Doyle MssNnc oa a pndIT M andeobevistdaMe.Mrn. representative of Ganaraska! and Kathy, St. John's, Quebec: ing a weck witb ber mather, Mýrs. Ted Tycrs, Oshawa, on Lodgc, Port Hope, recammend-!1 Mr. and Mrs. Norman Moore, Mes. Verna Wood, Toronto. Sunday. cd Sis. Nora Smith as district1 Trenton. apent the weekend Mr. and Mrs. Albert Oke ~ Cope? deputy presîdent for the coin- with Mr. and ______W.___________ A competitian among Jun- spent the weckend with Mr. repaire te jour ioe Past Grands was held. The and Mrs. Frank Darland. damge o po- judges, Sisters Hutcbe s on, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Van ers... won't be French and McGee, of Sun-CmKihadAle Bak shine Lodge,Osaa che stock, werc recent visitors of Sis. Olive Milson, of jHeather Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms. Lodge, Orona, as winner, and Mr. Harold Spry, Rochester, et atainst such 'a prize was given by Sis. Fier- N.Y., spent the weekcnd witb rash in t. have1 ence Moore. Others competing Mr. and Mes. Edgar Wright.( Ive and Col- in reciting the past grand's Mr. and Mes. K. Svanefclt, nce en jour ear. charge were Sis. Nora Smith, Mr. and Mrs. N. Wilson and Part Hope: Sis. Alpha Samelîs, KerrY~ with Mr. and Mrs. Bob it t today! Port Perry: Sis. Alice Haytan' iSvanefelt and fami]y, Lang- No. 3, Oshawa; and Sis. is' staff. and visited with friends Richards, Bawmanville. sub- in. Mro nto Mes.thedgrW hit- d PICTURE TOC DARKP stituting for Sis, Elva Leach, tak nd s.Ega h-WE'LL BE HAPPY TO ADJUS iyI MONEY WHEN who was unable to be present. ae and grandson Larry, Hamilton; Mr. Lloyd Lackhart PatPresident of the Rebck-. and Willard, Niagara Falls;Mr à.3% E !hAssembly, Sis. Mabel Dis- and Mrs. Arthur Rcdknapp, M Y L Er1V *5 U Rel Estate ny, of Oshawa, cangratulated Newtonville; Mr. and Mrs. R DO T EVC Real stat Sis. Florence Moare an ber Flayd Pethick and Robin, Tor-RA I TV S VCE eU E10 wurk as Deputy District Pre3i-. anto, were weekend visitors cf 111/2 SIMfC@ê St.SOUth, SOCOndf Resldene, dent. and thunked the Beehive Me. and Mrs. S. Petbick, Expert Repaire teAlil Makes!OHW MA 3-549.3 Lodge foitic deliîiows supper Me. and Mrs. L. Staintan and 3 Silver St. MA 3-3482' Bowmnvile hich was convened bv Siý,. familv with Mr. and Mrs. C. F OVANîL ORT HOPE SUANCH.: 71 WaIt<i Rîîh'.' Hutu R'.-,,, V.G. of Bel-- M i1lîs and- Mr. and Mrs. R. ______________________ hive Lodgc, and ber comniÙttee.ilHope, Port Pcrry. i_____________ PAGE FOURIN______________________ TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMA&NVff L, ONTARO One-fl Goal Mar gins Decide Bruins Take, Pee Wee Championship Saturday Cham pions in Min or Leaçiues, s Soft water on -your farm wili save you $100.00 each yeur GETTHE STORY TODAY o obligation