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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Apr 1955, p. 15

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UNoAT. APAE M t«. leu TEE~~~~~~~~PG CAje!-"1TM.EOMNffL.aIAT Ckumssi@fied 9N MEMORIAM Carda of Thanka fr.WLE-Entered into rest, We would like ta thank aur >~r.John T. Fowler, April 1 lth, many friends in Bowxanvile 1954. and district for their kind wel- We watched you sVIfer day by corne to us on Dur visit home day, after aur wedding, for the lavely And could flot help ini any gits and cards and other ex- 4tjway, pressions of goodwill and friend- ~ut st stood by and saw you liness towards us. Thank yau pass 'ail sincerely. 8 Into the Saviour's arma at last. Barry and Nancy Armstrong. -Sadly missed by her husband, 15-1 John Fawler, also her daughter Virgie, and her son-iri-law I wish to express my sincere Prederick Evans. 15.1* thanks to Dr. W. McKay ci Osha- wa, Dr. K. Siemon, Dr. Chas. HURLBERTIn Ioving memory Austin, nurses and staff of of aur san-in-law, the late Hollis Memorial Hospital, Bowmnan- Calein Hurlbert who passed ville, alsa Mrs. Morrison and away April l5th, 1948. Mrs. Panos for their care during Laving and. kind in ail his ways my stay in the haspital. I alsa jJpright and just to the end of wish ta thank relatives, friends his days, and neighbaurs for flowers, Sincere and kind in heart an-d cards and gifts received. mind Sincerely, Ethel Hindman. What a beautiful memary he 15-1* left behind. -Sadly missed by mother and Mr. and Mrs. Pere Leach wish dad Spencer. 15-4* ta express their sincere thanks ta Dr. K. W. Siemon, Dr. C. W. MeFEETERS-In loving mem- Slemon, Mrs. Glen Martyn, Mr. ary 'of a dear wife and miother, Eric Colwell, nurses and staff Loule Jane MeFeeters, who died, af Memorial Hospital, Bawman- April 13i.h, 1951. ville, for their kindness ta Wayne iThe war]d may change from while in the hospital, also "thank An yrendar ont ay a ay vou" ta ail who sent him cards, And rieds romdayto i .candy and aifts. and ta Miss But neyer will the one I lavýed Morrow and pupils of Grade I From memary pass away. Central School. for their -Ever remembered by husband~ thoughtfulness during his recent and fami]y, 15-1 aperation. 15-î* MCFETERS-Inloing mpmn - - -j .fa dear mother Loui Ji McFeeters, who died April iý 1951, also a darling dauigi Jàne Elizabeth, 4 months,m died April l5th, 1953. A silent thought, a secret teý Keeps their memary ever de Time takes away the edge grief But memary turns back ev( leaf. -Lau, Nellie and boys. il. PROUT-in loving memory 'Thomas Everson Prout w~ passed away April 13, 1943. The flawers we place upon1 -grave May wither and decay But the soul of him who siee beneath Shail neyer fade aývay. -Ever remembered by his wi Children and grandchildren. 15- REYNOLDS-In loving memo Of -MY dear brother, John, wl Ipassed away April 1th, 1951. -Ever and lovingly remembe .d, sister Bess. 15 CAMD 0F THANKS I wish ta express my since aPpreciation ta Dr. McKenzi apecial nurses and staff afI Marial Hospital for their car and ta my friends and neigl bours for the kindnesses show Ine during-my ilineas. %Mary Garrad., wish to thank Dr. McKenzi ]Dr. Austin, nurses and staffc Memorial Hospital, Bowmar ville, also friends and schc( rhums that sent me flowe. carda, gifts, during my stayi hospitai Diana Peance. 15 5-1 The family af the late SamuE W. 13rooks wish ta cxrpcss tbei thanks and appreciation for th many acts af kindness, cardsanar flower, neceived during ilînes and messages ai symnpathiy ar beautiful floral tibutes receiv cd tram neighbours, inienda ani relatives duning their recent sa( bereavement in the bs ai déar busband and father. 15-. $Loir. and Earn$ $65.00 IN CASH PRIZES Save the following Information on AL COHO 0L for use in thia content te be concluded on MAY 261h -1. W H A T PERCENT- AGE 0F ALCOHOL IS FOUND IN INTOX- I CA T ING B E - ERAGES? Beer (average) 5%y, wine (1871-1931) 14v,, Wl ne (1871-1931) 4 3%, Spirits (1943-1952) 40%. 2. WHAT 15 THE RE- LATIONSHIP 0F THE ALCOHOIIC CON- TENTS 0F BEER, WINE AND SPIRITS ? Two pinta ai Beer rontain the smre &Mount of alcohol as 4~ pint ai wlne or 3 -fin- ger' (3 0on.) ai whlskey. 3. IS THERE ANY DIF- FERENCEIN THE EF- FECT 0F THE ALCO- HOL AS FOUND IN BEER, WINE OR S P1RIT S'? Dr. Walter R. Miles saya that no appreclable amount af alcohol niaY bc taken wlthout eorreapondlngly ln- jurlous effecta. lb doea not rnaitcr in whlch drink the alcohol la taken, when a given amaunt oi alrohol la concentrated ln the blaod there la a certain reault. Sobriety Pays April Bride Wed in Trinity Church J ZMON The variety show sponsared by the W.A. at the church waç a decided succes. The churci 1'was filled and everyane enjay- ed the various numbers. Nel proceeds $57. Mr. and Mrs. William Preston, Jim and Ralph Burgess, Mrs. Ivan Cochrane. Marlene and Beverley, Courtice, at Weà. fCameron'. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Cameron ai Stanley Coverly's. Ebenezer. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Poloz. Midland, at R. C. Stainton's for the weekend. Mrs. Poloz hs staylng for a week. Misses Betty Anne and Bey. erley Bajison, Oshawa, are stay- ing with their graindparents, Mr. and Mrs. Robent Killen while their mother is in the Oshawa General Hospital. Miss Marie Killen. Hamilton, at Robert Killen's for the week- leMr. and Mrs. Aubrey Hircock and Brian, Oshawa. at Fred jCarneron's. Mrs. Russell Perkins, Mrs. Wes Cameron visited Mrs. Fred Ashton, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Stainton and- Laurel, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Poloz at H. F. Stephen's, Osha- wa. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lloyd, Toronto, at Frank Sobil's. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Staintan at Albert Balson's. Solina. Congratulations ta Mrs. Beni- nett, Sr., who on Sunday cele- brat«cd hier 9th birthday at the home of her son Harold. MrnndMs.JckCmea- HarveyPsharte, Tyr n lane COMIG EV NTSvisitars ai Mr, and Mrs. Fred 1e C0 IN3Vt O RTC Partner, and also Mr. and Mrs. iter,l Bingo, Thursday, April l4th. CCaurtice. bl 8vo 2 am e sarp thU ioadled jackpot.Sunday at Courtice United Sorry Mrs. Stanley Gable is in 8 raupimceshapSt. nionpH al under Church will long be remnem- i Memnoxial Hospital. We wishi lar asie t osp' hrh bered as many folks were lier a speedy recvery. ofr hustling and bustling ta arrive Keith, Leslie and Bruce Gable Dancng eery aturay nghtat church in tme for "Easter are with their grandparents, Mr. ery9ta1,u Dancing veryS turdaynt Sunrise Service" which was and Mrs. Fred Partner for a few Rambers Tyrne Cmmuntyapened at 5:30 a.m., conducted days. Hal rs1.00Tpranue.CoGmnty bythe Young People's Union >-l~ Hall. l.0O per co ple. Gentso ! Courtice Circuit in charge W M . S a d $.A of_5c.___f îo! Miss Dorathy Samerville . S adW A ai _______and Miss Shirley Antil. as vho A bake sale will be held in leaders. A very impressîve S.P IsH I the Hydro Shop, King St., Fni- Imsaewsgve yRv . his ay, pri ISt, at 2 p m. S on-M . Som erville who chose for J o in t M e e ting sored by the Bawmanvillc Skat- A charming April bride was Miss Joan Alverda Greenfield, whose marriage his subject "The Happy Sur-' esipg Club. ta Mr. Hugh Campbell Anderson of Toron to, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Campbell prsa!Estr"T hir un- S.Pu' ...adWA 13-3 Anderson, Sr., Toronto, took place in Trinity United Church, Bawmanville, on der the direction ai Mr. Frank i 1'eld a joint meeting in the Weneda, prl 0,2 m Saturdav afternoon, April 2. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Percy E. Walter, argamist and chair Lecture Roomn April l2th. Mrs. îlfe, 'Lady Wite ap, a ma- Greenfield, Bowmanville. -Photo by LeRoy Taîl, Torontoledrreeedavr sut W. Teeple and Mrs. H. Fergu- With te Lampable anthem "Seeking The son welcomned the members tion picture. Group 5 ai Trin- Master" byr C.- Austin Miles, and gucsts from the Uniterl - ity W.A. Adults 35c, childrcn with Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Staple- which was grcatly enjoyed and Church in Eniniskillen. Mrs. 15C. Tickets available from G~ ton. by special rcquest was rpa-W epe iteW OrYmeme as ofGroup 5. 151 ern-an P\A./r rîts.r;ft .Tepe reietofteW vrh mmbr Mr. and Mrs. Bayd and Mrs. cd at the evening service. A., opened the meeting. Bownavil~Tan . n k Ex eren esWinnie Mcntyre, Toronto, with A vry large number aso rs D. Armistead and Mrs. - da monin at 0:3 intheMisses Mldrcd and Maxine when Rev. L. M. Somerville devtional period intersperscd 5-1 BwavleTw Hall. Special D ~L Wood and Mr. Jack Pye Finch, spoke on the subject "The wt otmseb isEv - gue st, Ed.'- O'Brien, Toronto In BTS. ne m n a p Toronto, with the farmer's par- Power ai The Resurrection - Orchard. mrsic Kenn sethWerr -. (ventriloquist) and bis pal, li~ ~ ere~ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred He la Risen." Tecor giOnrcd th. e getspeaery ~ Gegry Ai sat mc. vey-Wood. rendered two anthms, "He Is Mrs. Merrill Ferguson whi o nc welcome. 15-1 "SINGLE OR RETURN?" by Canadian ôficers who werc Bud Joncs, Montreal, Miss Risen" by Caleb Simpen and with Rev. Ferguson are on err Fritz Wnzl WlimKimber,pioesin Grayta 'be SilyJfso aaead"hsJyu atrTd, WentzeranliWilliamocialShner G n ermsanySily ei !Naacad Ti-oyu atr ic"afurlought as missionaries from sic Fanli Pak ocalnight, London, $2.75. 1adufdi ersl Mrs. Zena Carlaw, Browns- Dutch Carol. Thc church waLs Airica. le- Lions Community Centre, Satur- Many escape stories* have When this action became view, with Mr. and Mrs. Willis dccorated with Easter liles Ms egsnh e e Ire, day, April 16. Program, cards, came out af World War II, known in Canada, a cranJcsadvriaatesrngfo- mrs.staed tat ar in ber e Z-round and square dancing, Ruth sm !te lsisa hi ubra emnofcers-i raJo R.s . JhstnaTr n c iu ohrsrnfo-mrkleshe deced tae a nubre n d W i us n s forch sa . rizes, lun h in . F l o e s a th s t p ai 0 t auor thn - as or- t. w as at hom e for the w ek- A record attendance at Sun- then a m issi nary, she said the cd for i. Bin aor story arc almost as avid as the dered handcfed. The whole end. day School whih was also hld African people are superstit- 5-1 uimn, 42 whodunit fans. To consider es- camp revolted, barricading Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bruce at the regular time o! Il a.m. ious and afraid of cvii spirits equ......cape Irom the otàer ide ai, the theniselves -in -their ..quas4ers- wtwý friends ýat Bancrft-. was very encauraging ta the adwe hybcm hit Jene, BewecsursestetbattTeeCap Comandnt clle MrS. Cleland Lane is spend- leaders. This bright sunsbiny ians thcy are slow ta forget, je, Beue t a atnd thepr ng i-d ifferent for most Canadians, up a battalin ai men and the ing a week with ber sister, Mrs. day helped a great deal with but eventually they elp their in- day, April lStb (tamarraw) in British and farces allied dur- *pisoners defended themselves Etzweillcr, Milwaukee. Easter services which were altndeciosltavrom he )oi St. John's Parish Hall. Sponsor- ing the last conflict. . wîth 'hockey sticks, chair legs, Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Rabb vcrywellpattcndedtigo th r. n peopl e a ered tea frying pans and any weapons ai Montreal are spcnding a iew TeAnlmeiga h r.Fruo eerd t rs, ed by the Evcning Branch W.A. "Single or Return?" la no * that 'came ta hand". Fire hases days at their cottage bere. Mr. Ebenezer Evcning Auxiliary the lepers, and stated the dis. in Time 2:30 - 5:00. Home baking, such thrilling epic as "The1 were then turned an the pri- and Mrs. Arthur Bonnett, To- was hcld on Wednesday even-Iasisheestcngauy knitting, scwing, country stal Trojan Horse" by Eric Wil-s r-fo herasteerno wr aw nSudy iga tehmea rs .thee onis u, annd nd.151candy.t tisaniteesis oprsani te ofs te rleanlinew a hehoeofitts . lenensstdang-ltledag 15- lama bt t iteestngge iadofcr cehn- Mrs. J. E. Van Allen attend- Chartran. The meeting open- er. The lepers live in buts in .1* - - story by a former German pri- cuifed. Hawever, they werc cd the funeral ai her aunt, misa cd with the president, Mrs. W. a semi-circle and are able ta Sbiloh W.A. will have a 3-act soner ai war, Fritz Wentzel, îîîed off in some way. New and Martha Hamilton, Belleville, Brown, in the chair. Mrs. Alex do saine work. Mrs. Fergusn ie play "Auralia Bridge irom Hem- who was a commander in the stronger handeuifs arrivcd, on Monday, Muir gave a vers' fine devo- displayed many articles gused ir lock Ridge", in Newtonville German 1Navy, and pîcked up but the prisaners improviscd a Rev. and Mrs. S. J. Pike arc tional an Easter. An invita- nArc.Teadeseoe ie Hall, Saturday evening, Aprîl by a British destroyer after kcy and opened these. Grad- spcnding a couple o! weeks te a eevdfo lPb Mrs. Ferguson oftering t nd 16ha :0pmpeetdbyhsUba a uki co ually the matter was allowed with relatives soutb ai the bar-; A!ternoan Auxiliarv inviting nwray qusin bu ýs the Merry Married Couples' ber 1940. ta lapse. der. the auxiliary ta attend the Africa. The president af the idClub, Newcastle. Admission 50c 0f local înterest is the !act . SCit nd 1 teatoaogwt h Wentzel says that the sol- Mrs. Geo. Stapîcton and Woman's Missionary ov1ýYWMS \is aodFruo v-and 25c. 1-* that piator lo Franz von diers called i, hclped them- family, Keith, Miss Doroth., Cburch Service on Sunda-,, oe hsprto h etn id ace iighter pio* rn o selves ta souvenirs, which how- and Launie, attended the wed- April 24th. Mrs. W. Brown cwiethspart ftemetn id he ewc ste W C.TU. rct W rra and a oatlaa aieter were recvred w en the ding on Saturday ai their cou- and Mrs. G. Goyne gave a very Miss Shirley Mills of Enni- a aponsoring a Silver Medal Con- prîsaners, were moved ta Can - evsoers complaincd ta Otta- sin, Misa Dorotby Martin, Staý - intercsting report o! a bus trip akillen, accampanied- by Miss 1 test an Friday, April 22nd, in ada in January, 1941, gaîng wa. et oprlRyWlad aTrnot ii h e lao er agtonm -the United Cburch School raom firat ta Lake Superior, and then neHa CralRyWladt ooton.Uie h hTaiig th n e rsEleanoHd sagto u- *at 8 p.m. Other pragram pro- ta the camp at Bowmanville, It is interesting ta read thatHmitnUntdCucTrnng cbo bes Gd Blesa This Hause" vided. Admission, adults 25c, taken aver ifrom the Ontarioai was farbîddcn for Germans Easter Sunday was a red and the Fred Victor Mission. ad"nTeGre. children 12 years and under, Training Scbool for Boys dur- t ob ia itr i theotteand a. tnthe mr t ny Memberswere asked gtarng rst.Ahitedeoe 10c. Contestants free. 15-1 îng the war time. 1-war. It was a iact, howcverto0s and ailt nay he numberno!ay gode d clotin at h Gye vote af thanks ta Mrs. Merrili Intemnso e npithat many o! the pnanrs did 7 eea udySbo.b a et.Ms .GyeFerguson and ta al taking' b te mndsai en n pi-dou bt, since they ha csta the cvenîng there was a good gave a reading and the Study pr.Meigcoe ihMz ke son camp, par.oMmatter on wbichh M z ] .Lake Shreaideretsey hapen ata eoigbting the latest news. But tbey kept attendance and a full choir. Ini- Book an India was vcry ably pah, afterward a social hour. L ic Sor Ca thyhpe ab ihig uiet about it. The author was cludcd was a receptian service taken by Mrs. H. Gay, Mrs. G. __________ Miss Joyce Martin, Taan ,ad vontWerr te un oscaes eve ntually sent back ta Berlin wben several joined the cburcb. Chartran and Mr&. C. Eiliott is hme oroto, nd on erraaftr usuccss-lin1946, when be rejoined bis A communion service followed. gave short readinga which ahoefor the Easter hali- ful attempts, did finally escape~ îeadsnwohdbe Part af the Easter hules gracing brought the progÏrm ta a close. O ITUÀRY - day..ta t e U n ted S ates He u m p- in a R ussian ccupied area. t e c an e e c l w rom A l njoy d a social hour and o Mr.andMrs MurayDunecd from thc train carrying the Ti aqiea ncetn Bermuda, an Eastor gi!t from the next regulan meeting will WLIM JMSSLE and Patay spant Fniday even- prisoners in Canada, made bis book, particulariy where it Miss"Fac Joncs ta ber mother, be May 4th at the home ci ing witb Mr. and Mrs. Bey. way acrosa the St. Lawrence one Satday, Aril 9, at bis wa nendb .gvsa littie insight into the Mrs. Wîllîs Joncs. Mr&. Fred Owen.Thdehacurd udny J a v n e s . I n d a n e n d b e r n n v e n a N e x t S u n d a y A p r i l 7 t h u r h m 6 ow t bedy , A r A v e , - T r t o , te VIr. th an d s il ofayn s a ft 5. a orties. aHe gju nes ai l, t inking. It m ay be purchased church service w ill be in the a ila a e ul y Shirley Harvey and Mr. Her- in the press, the States not 82(1 atToot . r ise fNecslewl ccu- LO G S U TSo fthe 1eMrad Mrs aldDoaldonSaturday at te the being atwar, Qunkd snaadMr.8nd() the puipit. JmsSleh s nhs7s Apsley Anglican Church, Aps- bis way. back ta Germany WD F. Quick, noMranvillr.ane, aic Eeryer ley. where ho rejained -the air force. W.Fatiko Bowmanil, Annual Easter Thankoffering M. ik Ees er with Tý;rrell's for same time, o W.M.S. was held on Wednes- Misses Grace and Joake Dck- Born near Tyrone on June 20, adMr. and Mrs. GSeorigesame year on Ohe Russia thFront.Sttly brought a copy ta Th,, day aiternoon in S. S. Hall. 0w- nîjger, Toronto, with Mn. an 1884, he spent bis boyhaad daya anedinMr.îantd wtMr. Gore ack F rit oWn the wsa bave. esman for rcvicw because' îng ta ilineas, Mrs. Ham Sr.,Mrs. R. Sim. in the Courtice and Zion dis- Aîmtrag~ illroo, o Su- jmpe frm te sme rai, its local intereat. af Port Hope, .was unable ta Mn. and Mn.. Pu1 Vnektnicts. He took up resiecei Armsron. Mllbook n Sn- jupedfromthesam trinaddress -the group but ber son, wcrc Frîday supper guests wîth Oshawa as a Young man when day. n r.AnhrBdi but the guards were alerted by Lieutenant Ham. af Bowman- Mrs. Bairstow, Leakard. marnied ta Nellie McGregor, who Mr. adMs rtu ewnvan Werra jumping firsi, and 1t~7TIITTT ville, camne and braugbt a fine Mr. and Mrs. Fred 0. Smith, passed away in 1941. and Freddie and Mrs. Chas. failed Wentzel's attempt. lie .LELiY VIVLLE message. H1e spoke ai the work Gilaria and Bob, Bowmanvilîe, H1e was well known in Osha-o Bedwin visitcd Mr. and Mns. admi ta that he waa not parti- in Jamaica espcciaîîy among were Sunday guests af Mn. and wa as a business mnan and suc- H. S. Taylor, Courtice., cularly sorry, not, possessing Robert Omega, Bowmanvillc, the blind. Ho also threw out M ns. F. G. Smith and Graco. tioneer and attended Simcacl -Miss Manlene Bedwin spent van Werra's courage and dar- 1 spent the weekcnd with John- a challenge ta ail church pea- Miss Jean Baker spent the Street United Churcb. Sunday with Miss Audrey îng. neWle.jpe thm alv terCr e ~ Eked th MCs udrylk x Graham, Brown's. 0f tb irquartiera at the Bow- n and n. Edgar Iti m a nîy. n..S. . ike and MssEd ox, Backstock, Mr. and Mrs. AI!. Wii.kins.1mnilecm, etc M~5kr.Hamtnd , witEdgF ber parents, Mn. andS.J. Mrs an Y manille amp, entze saysker, amiltn, wih Mr.and:Mrs. C. M. Joncs sang a duet withbepantM.nd rs and famil , Oshawa, spcntj that lhey really bad littie taý Mrs. Arthur Redknap. , adwhich was much appreciated.i red Cox. Sunday with Mn. and Mrs.! complain 'ai, except that every- I , h erie uc ada Mn. Valentine Toth wîth Mn. Chas. 'Bedwin. Itbing had been made for c h*ld- 1 Mr. and Mrs. Lennox Vasey, hAit r he s eicednch naand Mn.. Gabriel Kayacs and Mrs. B. Brigbty and Mra. A. rnn 'backward cbildren"' he Part McNicol, wîtb ber parents, social euwaenod.oijGabriel on Sunday. Mr. Hanry Ellis, Streetville, spent Sunday teni4s them. and was too short Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stapleton. 1 aI a conditions and proviaus1 Fraser, Onono, called ta sec Mn. with Mr. and Mn.. Gea. Skeld- or taa amali. However, tbcy Jerry and Donald Adamis, To- enaunabeeta oe acities Kovacs Sr., an Monday. ing. ibad good food, could arder any-. ronta, witb thein grand-parents, we wcre glad ta weicome ;orne Nlp pu eutte grassie u a Th aeShore K. S. and C. tbing they liked with their ai - Mn. and Mn.. Andrew Reich- ladies from Wcsleyvillc, Zion, hep e rsfarm an Club met at the homeofaiMns.. ficers' pay irom an "excellent rath. Mrihad ecm.Pesent thufodmry ai ileno adrom W. Holmes. Next meeting at 'mail order catalogue", and or- Mn. and Mand anl McEenP55.una-fr wbi c gotet ai on thehoe i rs.Bi Lke fganized a symphony orchestra. and iamily, Peterborough, with trol. G. Baker and O. Miller -Mr. Ai!. Brown visitod bis At anc point ho says that "it ber parents, Mn. and Mrs. Ce-. w opîa eean band with tractons ta mather at the Qucen Elizabeth took us ycars ta train aur cil Burley. Me oilHoptl piowa iegrd ron th Hospital, Toronto. guaemds ta ahfinoguard araund th Mn. and Mn.. Donald Innes gurst1tepitwbr by Mn. and Mrs. Raymond Gil baendiacopefhur and Mary, Kingstan, visited tknew best how ta treat us.- mer and son, Stewart, Otw, e l e otevcrything was unden contrai. rAfBrw. Tbis falis on Canadian cars as i witb bis parents, Mn. and Mrs. Mn. and Mn.. Cox centainiy ap- Mn. nd ns.Ai! Brwn. more than slightly arrogant. Frank Gilmer. For the week of Apnil 3-10: peitdalte eeyn Mn. and Mns. Tommy Wilson. Escape attempta were made piae lth help eeyn and famiiy, Bnown's, visited fromn the Bowmanville camp, Mrs. Mabel Leuchner, Niaga- Admissions---------- . 46I gave in figbting the fine. Mn. and Mr.. C. Avery. and Hans Knug did escape i n r Falls, with ber sister, Mns. Births. 8 maie, 2 female- 10 jMn.. Orme Miller with ber Mn. Jim McKay, Bronte, and a , ume !142 u a John Pearce.. Discharges - 40 parents, Mn. and Mrs. Robent Mr. and Mns..Fred IHedro captured in El Paso, Texas. ît Miss Kirkpatrick, aur pi-1Major aperatians 181 MrC.eStanled lce, Tara.t and Peter viaited Mn. and Mn.. i s interesting ta icarn that lho any teacher, witb ber Miaorepnati.n --- 1 n.StllylechnToono Robi Aldre. iwas ide byGeran meri atBatersa. These facts are publisbed witb hi. parents, Mr. and Mn.. Roins Aisldr sadd byGeranAme-.tthatersa.wcekly in an effort ta acquaint Gardon Fletcher. Mis os llrd petth1cana wbo sympathized. Misa Alice Nesbitt of Toroni- j this community with the son- In spite ai the odd mudbole weekend witb Miss Doneen 1lOne chaptex- i. titled, the ta, witb lier sister, Misa Annie ie iarbsia.a aeaecadatne h Mll rs.D o n iC tria d t m B ti i B w a vle, a d N sit _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ pi etn i te H m n . pleaaed ta have with us Mr. and Mrs. 0. Bragg and Mirn Ruth Bragg, Shaw's. Mrs. Bragg anc d Ruth favored us with twa piano ýs duets and Mr. Bragg wlth twc h vocal solos which were greatly 1- enjoyed. A pageant "The Firsi ýt Easter" was put an with Mr. Clarence Woodley reading the Scripture; Mary Magdalene, Mrs. W. Vaney, and Mary, Mother af Jesus, Mrs. Audrey Rosevear; Angel, John Vaneyk. Mrs. Bes- sic Vaneyk and Miss Grace Smith sang "The Old Rugged Cross" tand "Low in the Grave He Lay" accampanied by Mrs. (à. Wood- le. r Smith thanked l r Wh hadtaken part in the pro- s gram. Lunch was served. May canvenors are Mr. and Mrs. W. -Vaneyk, Mr. and Mrs. McGag- Sgan, Mrs. Edith Murphy and Mr. and Mrs. H. Murphy. Due ta muddy roads Club 50 was held at the home of Mrs. P. Vaneyk instead ai Mrs, W. Van- eyk so the May meeting wilI be held at Mrs. W. Vaneyk's, May 17. with Mrs. Partner and Mrs. Vaneyk, program canvenars. Mary Lau Milîsan, Ottawa, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Millsan. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnson, Willie and Linda Mae with Mr. and Mrs. John Wotten, Burke- ton. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Parkinson, Jim Jr., and Bobby, Wexford, with Mr. and Mrs. Rye Gibson and Sandra. Mr. and Mrs. Rass Hillar vey and Harry. Scarboro, w ere Friday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Partner and Mr. and Mrs. Have Parimsunw, wre. H e was married to Miss Mu%- àion Kitching in Toronto In June 1 1945. Five years ago Mr. and D Mrs. Sulley maved ta Toronto. t!He leaves ta mourn his pass- e ing his wife and anc sister, Mrs. tEdward Wade (Alberta). One .brother, George Russell, pre- cdeceased him. e funeral was well attend. ed rom the Truil Funeral Home *on Monday, April il, conducted by Rev. Howard Benthl of Wal- Smer Rd. Baptist Church. Inter. ment was in Union Cemnetery Oshawa. The palîbearerrs were F. Saw- den, Eugene Baker, Chares Wade, William Wade, Herman Sweetman and Walter Col. 1 neyer knew how much nerve it took tô be a lop, until I saw ane borrow a P'en froni a matorist to write him a tic- ket. Before You Buy Give ""Stew" a Try 1 wli save Yom inoner on any make cf Car or Truek New or Uaed Exaiuple 1955 METEOR NIAGARA FORDOR - _--- 2600.09 White Wall Tires 30.0@ Trim Rings150 2645.00 License, Prestone, Pilter, Clock, Llghter, Reater, New Car Warranty My Prico - 2295.00 NEW MERCURY i-tou PICKUP Red. Filter, Deluxe Cab, Rester, 6-Ply Tires, new truck warranty and license 1952 DODGE SEDAN in show room condition, on@ awner, amaîll mîleage-1950 1949 FORD CUSTOM TUDOR This is an outstandlng car ln every way. Came lna and bry b Priced nlght ta elear j 1952 FORD a-tan DUMP Gaad tires, ready to work 1195.00 1941 CHRYSLER WIND)S]g~ Excellent nunnlng condition 95.00 1939 CHEV., ready to go 49.06 Top Pnice for Your Trade Termas as Low as $25-00 dawx ta good credit riska kwTire Special Papular Make. Terma 1If deslred 6.00f16 14.95 6.70x15 15.98 Spring Servic« Specialz Brakos Inspected and Net ne 95C 011 Change, Grease, Summu Lu brîcation for Transmission and Differentlal Points and Carburetar Cheelk Matenlals lncluded, 3.95 Other Services at Same Low Prie.. Froc Estimatea on ail Mechanical and Body Warb, Ciasa "A" Mechanlos Employgo SALES and SERVICU Stewart Motor Sales NEWCASTLE PHONE 3871 An "A" Llcensed Garage *peratlng at rear ai lot unta new garage la eamplebed 7r dware PHONE MA 3-5774 k' 1 1 THE CANADUN OTATZUL4». BOWNUNVUIZ OMAMO

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