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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Apr 1955, p. 1

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Il e "'Durham County's rçat Family Journal"- VOLUME loi BOWMANV1LLE., ONTARIO, TEIURSDAY, APRIL 14th, 1955 10e PER COPYNUER1 arîing ton CouncilInrases 15955 Tax Rate By -5 Milis The fax rate for 1955 in Dar. libgton Township was set i *pproximately 47.15 milis at the mnetng oi the Township Coun. cil , held on. Thursday of last IWeek. This is an increase ofi a- proximatelY five milis ovei 18sf year's rate. .The reason the approximate fi -,re is given is that the 1evy for public school purposes var- Jes slighfly from one schooa 8 tia banother. Average public sehool rate is il1.99 niills. Increases in the road râte. the high school rate. and the debenture rate are respon- Bible for the five-mill increase in '1955 taxes. The following rates wcre sfruck for various township ex- penditures: Roads, 10 milîs; general rate, 2 milis; county rate, 7.09 milîs; general school rate, 4.26; high school rate, 4.36, public school debenture rate, 4.45 milis, fire protection, 1 Mill. The total for these de- partments is 35.16 milis, whien with the average public ýchoio] rate of 11.99 mîlîs added makes 47.15 milîs. Minimum Size For Lots At the April 7 meeting an' Amendrnent was made ta By- IaW 2003 sefting the minimum .size ai building lots in the township at 15,000 square feet. Trhe minimum frontage was set 70 feet. * Plan for a proposed sub- ~vision in Lot 31, Concession 4 was presented by Joncs Real 1Èstate. Plan ha ta be reviscd and presented to council later. A by-law to authorize the is- su'ngoa debentures for Public 0cho1 Building was given fîrst and second readings. The clcrk was authorized f0 bave tax notices printed. A pefition regarding the dump received from Hampton %vas referred to the raad super- Intendent. A petition about sidcwalks fromn the Hampton community wus read, and councfil decided te contact W B. Bennett ne- rdn piesadto discuss mieeting. Resolution r eexpendifure for W~gh School debentures was paused. Meeting will be hcld ',Ue open, Tenders for Maintain- «, .on April 14, at 2 p.m. -qWQ JD~a nd galSupt. "ebrsiÏm are éta arran-ge to ucase necessary land toala- ýwfrstraightening road in '%p. '8, Lot 14, Darlingf on, r- Gea. Richards, General Ac-<é af cident Assurance Co., explain- ie cd the Insurance Policy re Wr ibic Fly and Weed Spraying. t April 4 Meeting Darlington Township Coun- rcil met on April 4, Members all present, Reeve Nichols pre- ce siding. y On motion the Township cm- 7pioyces will be allowed ta work '48 haurs per week and f0 work Continue'd on page seven> e, Four Cars eCrash, Two ÏIn Hospital Mrs. Nelson Hart, Courtîce,«' and her mothcr-in-iaw, Mrs. 1James Hart, Cornwall, were stil. in hospitai Wedncsday suffer- iing from back injuries they re- ceived in a four-car crash at Courtice at 5:25 p.m. on Satur- day. The accident occurred whcn a car diven by Elgin C. Green- haný, R.R. 3, Bowmanvilie, and owned by Harvey Brooks, R.R.1 3, Bowmanvîllc, crashcd into the Hart vehicie in front ai Roy W. Nichols garage. Nelson Hart, Courtice, son of James Hart, Cornwvall, was driving cast on No. 2 Highway and was making a ict turn into the sideroad at the Nichols garage wien the car driven by Greenham, also pro- ceeding east, smashed into the Hart car. The Hart vehicle nicked twa westbound cars foliowing the crash an d caused minar damage ta thcm. They were owned by George Hockstna, Bowmanvilic, and Hcndrik Van Hcwelen, New- castle. Nelson Hart was not seriousiyc injured in the crash, but hish father, James Hart suffered as bruised hip, his wife, Annie, sufcred cuts fa her forehcad and a sprained lower. back, and bis mother, Mrs. James Hart,d also suffered cuts on the fore- head and a spraincd back. Mr. Greenham and three boysa whe were passengers in bis car, ýl Robert Cresswell, Larry Arm- 'r strong and Bryant Bradley ai 4, R.R. .3, BQwmanvile, escaped CE -With -only a shaking. up.- W The accident was investigated d( by Const. Stan Rospond and sI Doug Kostka ai the Bowman- la ville detachment ai the O.p.p. di ,hamber to Discuss 'fIiring New Secretary i' Several important matters will be discussed by eBowmanville Chamber, of Commerce at the April eting to be held Monday evening at 8:'00 p.m. at Balmoral Hotel, President Elmer Banting and Vice-President P.Rickaby will -report on the conference held in I mbelfrdon Wednesday of last week at which ~Lake Ontario Development Association was form- ~in conjunction with the Trade and Industry Branch iii the Ontario Department of Planning and Develop- ment. Purpose of this organization is f0 promote the interests of the Lake Ontario Region consisting of the Counties of Durham, Northumberland, Haliburton, Peterborough, Hastings, Prince Edward, Lennox, çfAddington and Victoria. The matter of hiring a part-time or fuli-time Secretary-Manager for the Bowmanville Chamber of Commerce will also be discussed and the new commit- tee chairmen will give their reports. The new Executive of the Chamber has held two meetings retently to discuss the 1955 program of the Chamber and this will also be discussed at the meeting. All Chamber of Commerce members and citizens interested in the future of their town are urged to -ý---attend this meeting. Kinsmen Club Sponsor Elmer the Elephant Good news for ail chiidren and parents in Bawmanville! ELMER THE SAFETY 0ELE- PHANT WHO NEVER -FOR- GETS is coming ta tawn very soclI, most likeiy righf aifter the Easfer holidays. The Elmer aefy campahgn is being spon- sored in Bowmanviile by the Bowmanvillc Kinsmen Club with thc full co-operation ai the local police, Supcrvisig Prin- cipal af Schaois A. M. Thomp- son. and principals and tcach- ers of ail fhrec public schools. 1ELmer, thc happy lîttie cie- 'nhant who neyer forgets the tîive saiety rules for children, was born in Canada, He was the brain-childrioi the Toron- to Telegram and thc Toranto Traffic Safety Council. In Nov- ember, 1947, Elmer became the raliying point ai the safety camnpaign already being car- ried on by officers of the Traf- lic Safcty Council. I bis iirst yea, ler helped reduce y 'ol c-hildren's traffic acci- tet ini Toront by 44 per cent. The next year children's frai- r-i fatalitica wcre cul by 60 per nt. Tihe green Elmer pennant wilj 1. raised on eaeh school ini »owmanviIle very soon now.j d if there are 30 accident-J e day&that ino accident 1invohving a pupil wh o is jat fauit, if wîll stay there. If there is such an accident, Elmer must be iawered until anothen 30 days have passcd witbout an accident. Of course, no pu- pil wants ta be the cause ai «Elmer being iowcncd irom bis school. Pamphlets listing Elmer's five saiety rules wiil be given fa each pupîl, and there wiil be speciai pamphlets ta take home ta parents. At the affichai opening ccremony a memben oi the Bawmanville Police wil lic pre§enf; President ai Kins- men Art Hooper; Chairman ai the campaign, Ray Lathangue; Mayor Nelson Osborne; Super- vising Pricipal A. M. Thomp- son; scbooi principals and a Kismcn cornmittee member for cach schaol. There have been accidents in Bawmanviile in which schooi chiidren have been ser- iously burt, even killed, tffrough brcakmng safety ruIes. Elmer, who was creafed by Charles Thorson, anc ai thc creators ai Bugs Bunny, neyer forgets, and he hcips young- sters neyer to forget cither. Every parent, cvery aduit, every chld, ha urgcd to co-op- egate with Elmer and the Kins- men Club. Elmer says: "Can- a"a 11"snot one chuid to &ar&e." Art Exhibit Starts on Tour Next Week .The travelling art exhibition for amateur artists of the East Central District of Ontçirio, wiil have its officiai opening ini Belleville on April 22. Four paintings by members of the i3owmanville Aduit Art Ciass of which Mr. Arnold Hodgkiqs, Llxbridge, is the instructor, were recently chosen to appear in this exhibition. They were Lhe work of 'Mrs Alice Pater- son, Miss BeÏty *Knox, Merle Slute, and Bill Stewart of Port Hope. .The area inc!uded extends from Oshawa to Kingston and Bancroft. The exhibition, wili visit a number of centres, in- ciuding Bowmanviile. The date wili be announced as soon as it is made available. The tra- velling exhibition is a new pro- ject, intended to create coin- munity interest in art; encour- age painting as a leisure-time enjoyment; encourage local groups, foster advancement and deveiop higher standards of painting and art appreciation. Five Treated For Cuts After Local Accident Occupants of two cars whîch crashed on No. 2 Highwày one- hall mile west of Newcastle shortiy after noon on Monday were treated for cuts about the face at Memorial Hospital, Bow- rnanviiie. Both cars were badly damaged in the crash. The accident occurred when awestbound line of traffic wais slowed down by a truck mak- ng a left turn. William O'Neill, 45, of Levack, Ont., stopped his car abruptly and the right rear vheel sank into the. soit shoui- der. The front of the vehicle swerved into the eastbound lane and was struck by a car driven by Georgie Ignatieff, 36, Manor Park, Ottawa .The front« portions of both cars were bad- ly smashed. Mr. O'Brien, and his wife c Bridget were treated for *cuts bout the face at Memorial Hospital by Dr. Charles Austin. Mr. Ignatieff, bis wife Ailison nd son Andrew, 4%, were also treated for cuits on their faces nd. foreheads. The heavy Easter traffic on Vo' 2 Highway was heid up as lr back as the intersection of To. 2 and 401 highway on the a Test side and the Newcastle ibway on the east side. G Const. Bruce Tilson of the 0 *owmanville O.P.P. detach- C nient and Chief Art Randaîl of c rewcastîe investigated the ac- ddent, e il b >olice Ask t o-% e ..ontrol of a p 'irecrackers Police Chief Sydney VenLun Il is asked the parents of chil- 1V Ien and local tobacco aiid no- L ,elty stores to co-operate in 0: ducing the hazard from chul- tl ren piaying *with fireworks. C ore owners are asked flot to, M il the dangerous firecrackers bý id other fireworks until short- CI ibefore May 24th and par- tc nts are requested to, forbid ce ieir children f0 play with iem. b. If the police Department re- ?ives any more coniplaint, lW bout firecrackers being usýed Wj idiscriminately the Chief viilR ;k Council f0 ban the sale ifL is fire hazard. àcout Jamboree b -be heèld ln~ ai NIagara-On- i I s s i I I i Many Local'Children Receive Salk Vaccin e A total of 636 Grade 1 and 2 pupils in the schoole of Bowmanville, Cartwright Township, Maple Grove, Courtice and a portion of Darlington Township werE injected with the Salk anti-polio vaccine byý doctorç of the Northumberland-Durham Health Unit on Wednesday and Thursday of last week. On Wedneàday the doctors and nurses travelled to the schools at Blackstock, Maple Grove anc Courtice where 278 Grade 1 and 2 children receivec one cubic centimetre of the 'Salk anti-polio vaccine, 1 which doctors hope will provicte immunization against this dread disease. On Thursday 130 Bowiffanville children receiv- ed the injections at Central School, 104 at Ontario Street School and 75 af Vincent Massey School. Alsc 49 children from Darlington School Sections Nos. 1, 5 and 9 were vaccinated at Ontario Street School. These injections were the first of three separate injections which must be given. The children wil] receive the second injection on April 20 and 21 and the third four weeks later. Today (Thursday) Grade 1 and 2 children in the remainder of Darlington Township and Clarke and Manvers Townships will receive their first injection. The injections are being given by Dr. Charlotte Horner, Medical Health Officer for Ndrthumberland- Durham; Dr. Doris Tremeer and nurses Betty Flax- man, Lena Taylor and Dora Purdon of the Healfh Unit. They were assisfed last Thursday in Bowmanville by Mrs. Ruth Evans. C. of C. Runs Clean-up Campaign Next Week A Clean-up, Paint-up and outbuildings if possible. Plant-up Campaign is being properfy owners co-operate sponsored in Bowmanvilie next this dlean-up drive the tov week from April 18-23 by the wili take on a much nicer al Bowmanville Chamber of Com- pearance, Mr. Sturrock pointE merce, A. H. Sturrock, Chairman out. of the Recreation and Beauf- To help in this dlean-up car ification Commîftee of the paign, the Chainber of Cor Chamber, has announced. merce is placing six rubbis During the past few days, Mr. containers in various locatio] Sturrock said, a survey of the in town where refuse may t town by the Chamber of Comn- deposited rather than throw merce has revealed that many on the ground or the streel properties, both commercial and They* wili be placed in Memori residential, are in a very dirty Park, in Franklin Park, at or condition. Piles of rubbish ac- tario Street School, and in fror cumuiated during the winter of the Rite Smoke Shop ar months are detracting fromi the Yeo's Grocery on King Street. beauty of the town and create These containers were donate eyesores which should be rem-bMrStrckadheha ~did.been painted with the, namec Remove Winter Dirt the Bowmanvilie Chamberc Resident are asked to make a Commerce, Reeidenfe - are- as> special effort next week to clear cd to make use of them to, he] Lway this accumulation of winter keep Bowmanvilie cdean. dirt and spruce up the appear- The Recreation and Beau' ince of their properties. They ification Committee asks al are asked f0 dlean the rubbish Bowmanvile~ property owner from their front and back yards, and citizens to join in nex or reax of their stores, to rake week's clean-up campaign ti their lawns and to apply a new help improve the appearance o coat of paint to their fences and their town. Goodyear Girls Hold Second Annual Reunion The Goodyear Girls second Mary Fowler, Millie Bates, Au. annual reunion was heid Friday, drey Bates, Fcm Ailaway, Mns April lst in the Legion Hall, 1BokDrlyDaeNh Queen Street, which was dcc- BokDrth oks y rated with Blue and Gold Sheehan, Ina Gibson, Rub3 Goodyear colours for the oc- Moore, Myrtle Hooper, Eva casion. Hoope .r, Elva Beckett. Rose Mor- Eighty-seven past and present ris, Gladys Piper, Loretta Kil- mpioyees attended, a few hav- gannon, Annie Martyn, Annie rig workcd in the plant as far Wright, Christîna Westlake, *ack as 1912. Two minutes sil- Poily Tkatch, Henrietta Corden, nce was observed in mcmory of Nellie McFeeters, Dot Hogan, the girls who have passed away. Mary Douglas, Edith Hilditch, Mrs. Evelyn Branch entertain- Vera Bate, Fredhà Maynard, Ber- cd with severai noveity numbers nîce Sellers, Marion McPhail, and Mrs. Bella Evans played fhe Elleen Hearle, Marg Anderson, iano, which was enjoycd by ail Evelyn Butler, Hilda Hcnning, present. Kay Brown, Hazel Scott, Maude 1Several prizes were given'o lrdAniCIpIv Me lams ad sot ancng ndtheMan Greta Yeo, Nelda Thomp. îcky winners were: Iva Mc- son, Joyce Major, Violet Rey- rann, Betty Stonebridge, Stella Larg, Mel Loiocka, eie cee, Alice Stevenson. A pairLagMblovoc Jsi )fAirfoam piilows donated by Adams, Jean Brooking, Mary Uie Goodyear Tire & Rubber Hooper, Anne Fitchctt, Bella 'maywere won by May Evans, Vera Lymer, Mildrecl ompanyd is llnRas Bennett, Anne Johnson, Peggy othte fBelleMiEllen Rans- theMoffatt, Bella Childs. Lily King, ttm ofd saueircer ived theall Reta Parkin, Doris Joil, Elsie oh ip l and aucragven anheually -Richards, Edith Manlow, Dorothy m thefný gir-wo rae11 te-4 ct Mutton, Hilda Mutton, Stella will consider the best methýod of making--use of -t-he land. Several local citizens have also donated articles of furniture for the Chamber of Commerce offices in the Town Hall.which will be located in the rooms formerly used by the Bowmanville Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police. The Chiamber plans to re-decorate these rooms as soon as possible and to establish an office in them. In the meantine donations of additional furniture will be gratefully reoeived. It was reported to'the meeting that the Bow- rnanville Brookdale Roses Basebali Club would be gra teful for the co-operation of the Chamber ini secur- ing a new playing field for the bamsei team. Promoted shawn above, has been promût( fa that rank recently from Co parai, whilc on duty at Il Royal Canadian Air Force si tion at Whitehorse, Yukon Te ritory. He is the son ai Mr. an Mirs. W. T. Baker ai Hamptci Legion Team -Wins District Cribbage Titie The cribbage team from 'b Bowmanville Branch oai t Canadian Legion won the L. gion District "F" Cnibbag JTournament at Peterboroug Ift o n Saturday and a handsorn in traphy which went with ti un h anar. ý The Bowmanville team dE ed feated eight othen teams ta wi the championship, and thei .n- victory was aIl the more ir m- pressive since it was the firs sh time the Bowmanviile Legioi ris1 Branch had enfencd the Dis rie Itnict cribbagc tournament. i The Bowfiranville crib tea' t.l will now represent District "F [al in the Provincial Legion Ci'ib n- bage Tournament t.o be hcli rt Fort Erie on April 30. id The Bowmanvilic player L.were divided info the follow d ing teams on Saturday:' Elgb e Harnden and Paddy Weish Of Ted Bird and Stan Dunn, A. Of Sheehan and Pete Tulloçk k- Frank Burns and Père Bradley 1P Roy Swindchls and Ted Shee han. Comrade Bob Cale wa: SCaptain ai the feam. rs ic lmor Th ree -Carloads of Apples fHere One local onchardist and ap- ple shipper has given a new 'twist ta the "carrying coals to Newcastle" theme by impont- -ing apples int a Newcastle, On- . fanao, centre af the nich North- il umberland - Durham apple y growing area. Herbent Gibson of Gibsai a Orchards has nccently impont- - d three canloads ai apples iran -British Columbia and the state e ai Washington ta be soid o 'the Toronto market. The 2,400 cases ai Winesap apples in the shipmcnt arc in storage at the Durham Growers Co-operative Cold,,Storage plant in Newcas- tl.They wîll be delivered in .May ta the wholesale grocery Jchains in Toronto and quite possibly same ai them may find thein way onto the shelves ai the local stores oi these large chains. These arc the first carioads ai Western apples ever ta came *info Durham County and the *reason for the importation dates back ta Hurricane Hazel hast faîl. Af that time mast af the Durhtm cnop ai Northern Spies was ruined and the Wine- saps imported by Mr. Gibson wiil take the place ai the Spies which wauld normaily be go- ing on the' market about this time. Practically ail the local ap- pies which wcrc in storage af the plant have now been sold. There are anly 7,000 bushels ai Ontario apples left, 60 per cent ai which are M«cIntosh Reds. Pnices have been aniy fair', considering the fact that appies have been nat 50 plenti- ful asi athen years. Local Guides To Receive Gold Cords Two Bowmanvilie afid one Hampton girl wîll be among' the 178 Girl Guides who will receive Gold Cord certificates in Convocation Hall, Univer- sity ai Toronto, on Frîday even- ing, April 15. Mrs. Louis O. Breihaupwie aitheLiet -& Nomuination Meeting For Councffli..'Tonnight A nomination meeting to f ill the vacancy on Bowmanville Town Council left by the death of Councillor O. F. "Oddy" Robson will be held at the Council Chambers in the.-Town Hall tonight (Thurs- day) between 7:30 and 8:30 p.m. Nomination papers must b. signed by the nominator and seconder of each candidate and these men must be present, although the candidate himself bas until Friday night at 9 p.m. te qualify. I f more than one candidate qualifies an election w iii be held on Thursday, April 21, fZom 9 a.m. to p.m., with voting to take place in the following places: Polling Sub-divisîon No. 1, West Ward-at the Council Chambers. Polling Sub-division No. 2, West Ward-at the Council Chambers. 1 Polling Sub-division No. 1, North Ward-at the residence of Mrs. George Wiseman, 145 Church Street. .Polling Sub-division No. 2,' North Ward-at the residence of Mr. J. H. Bateman, 58 Wellington Street. Polling Sub-division No. 3, North Ward-at the residenoe of Mr. Clarence Hall, 109 Liberty Street N. Polling Sub-division No. 1, South Ward-at the Ontario Street School. Pollîng Sub-division No. 2, South Ward-at the Ontario Street School. Lions Club Elect New Board of Directors * The Bowmanvjlle Lions Club chose its Board ai Directors for the 1955-56 season at their ne- gular meeting Monday night 3wîfh the follawing being cicet- cd: Lions Wally Braden, Fred - Cale, Art Constable, Jack Cole, 1Joe Cooper, Lau Dewell, Lau- rence Goddard, Howard Jef- fcry, Glen Lander, Ralph Mc- Intyre, Nanm O'Raunke and Don Williams. The variaus off iccrs. will be picked irom this Board ai Di- nectars af a later date. Thc finals ai the Oratonical Contest af the Boys Training School wcre also held at the meeting, with the three final- ists ail giving very excellent addresses. Chairman Clarence Hockin ai the Boys and Girls Commit tee ai the Lions Club infroduced James Parkhili, Acting . -Supeintendent ofi-the Scboal. Mn. Parkhill expressed the appreciation af the staff and boys, ta the Bowmanville Lions Club for se tfing up the aratonical canfest and donating the sbield and the ather awards given each year. Many Take Part He stated that 15 fa 20 boys had taken part in the contcst this yean and infroduced the fhrce finalists. Russell McMar- tin, fthe first ai these, sp'oke on the importance ai agriculture ta the Province ai Ontario. He pIe in rural Ontario, he said, -and the majanity aif hem live on the farm. Eighty-twa per cent ai the farms in this prov- ince arc owncr-opcratcd. The importance ai agricul-. ture ta the econamy is pointed up by the tact that 24 per cent oi every iamily 's incarne i3 spent on food. The United States is Canada's biggcst cus- tomens for agicuitural pro-, ducts, he saîd, buying a very large share ai aur production. The speaker pointed ouft ith' there arc 6,000,000 head of lîvestock of ahl types on the farms ai thîs province. The second finalist introduc- cd by Mn. Parkhill was Joe Harvath, wha spoke on wooçl- working. He stnessed the lin- port ance of the woodworker and carpenfer in modern living, polnting ouf that aur furniture, houses and a greaf rnany arti. dles we use arc made ai wood. Piywoads and presscd hard. boards ai vaniaus types are lie- (Continued on Page sevçni 'Fir-.3.Brigade Kept Busy. r Z§LttttrU L11éBowmanviile firemen n z- cd as anc ai the most dvri omnil iee ficd agriculturai areas in the kept jumping aven the wec,-:* worid. There are 1,450,060 pea- end and on Manday answening calîs ta four grass fines and ane chimncy fire. I ~fi Two cails ta aut-oi-town grasi Stude t Sufe fines werc answcrcd on Seat. Stuen .~Trrsurday. In the rnorning a &a, B roken Leg fire in a yard just east of tie the Oshawa Town Line spreaci ig h vay the Meyer Construction Co 1- Jams R Makenieof am-PatyOshawa. Sorne ai i a Jloaes R. ackenziteta m-lumber was damaged beforti iln, Univerastudntatthe Bowmanville firemen ex- McGil Uiveritysuffered a tinguished the blaze. broken night lcg wherî he wast hit by a car on Highway 401 at At 1.45 p.rn. the Bowman*- the Bowmanville interchangc ville department were cailed af 6.45 p.m. an Monday. fa put ouf a grass fine on the Macenze hd ustgotenHannden propcrty in Mapie out ai a car at the interchange rvonN.2Hgwy and was cnassing ta the south, Monday morning the dcpart. side aifthe highway ta hitch ment was called to the hom~e a ride ta Montreal when he was ai Arthur Sheehan, Second St., hit by an eastbound car driven where a fine had started in the by B. Sanderson, Marmora. pipes ieadig fnom bis ail Sanderson had turned ouftat burnen. The bouse was fiiled pass another vehicie when he with s9moke but no othen dam- sfruck the hitch-hikcr.1 age resulted. Mackenzie nemained over- On Monday at 9 arn. the night in Memoniai Hoaspitalt Bawmanvilie firemen were here and went on ta Monfreal called ta a grass fine anc mile the follawing marning. ouf on Liberty St. N. and in The accident was investigat- the aiternoon fhcy extinguish- cd by Consts. Stan Rospond andi cd a grass tine near the ail stor- Doug. Kostka ai the Bowman- age tanks ai A. H. Sturrock ville O.P.P. detachment. south ai Rhcder Ave. Special Service is Held At St. Paul's on Friday Owing ta sudden iiiness, the1 Very Rev. Wiilard Brewing, D. D.. pasf Modenator ai the Un- ited Church, was unable f0 lie present at the service held in St. Paui's United Church :)n Gaod Friday. Under the aus- pices ai the. Bowmanvillc Min- istenial Association, six Protes- tant churches ai Bowmanville j oîned in the service and the chunch was fiiled with mcmn- bers fram those congregatians. Rev. T. A. Morgan of Trinity United Church, on very short notice, delivered the excellent addness. Rev. Harold Turner ai St. Paui's conducted the ser- vice, assisted by Rev. A. W. Schaaisma of the Christian Reiormed Church, Rev. A. G. Scott ai St. Andrew's Presby- tenian, Lieut. John Ham aif thc Saivafion Army, Rev. F. B. Fi- field aif the Penfecostal. St. Paui's choir, under the leadership of Mrs. Reta Dudley, organisf and choîr'master, led ini th service af song, and aiso sang the anthem, d'O Savhour ai the World" Following Me. Morgan's address, Mrs. Kenneth Hull and Mn. D. H. Williams sang the hovely duet, "If Was For Me". Mn. Morgan spoke an the sig- nificance ai the Cross, deeper than the physical agany of Christ. This 'was His mernal anguish for the sin ai tuie world. To knaw what sin meatis fa God. we have oniy ta 100kc at the body af Christ on the Cross, saîd Mn. MOI-88 0. Thnough - His grace, we may then nespand. Today in$ ;,n atar age when we shauld be turning aur faces towand Jeru- .,aiem in hundreds ai thous- ands, we are insfead drawing back. This ha because wc do îîot reaily believe yet that love is stronger than war. "In these ways we befnay the Cross," Mr. Morgan declared. "As we leave this service today, may we gîve' ounscives as wc neyer have befone towand the brothe'rhriad of thec world," lie concluded. 'I ~ J 'i 1 Sgti A. R. Baker an

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