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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Apr 1955, p. 3

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:- AT. APPfL. l4tIi, 1955 Mrs. H. C. Anderson Widely ntertained Prior to Marriage Mrs. Hugh Camipbell Ander- son and Sons. Toronto, wherei @On, the former Joan Green- the bride bas been employed. Id, was much entertained1 presented ber with a starter; r to ber marrnage in Trin- 1 set of Franciscan wear dishes United Church, Bowman- lin Starburst pattern. Vi le, on April 2. Members of Mrs. Greenfield's 1Mrs. S. G. Chartran and Mrs.; bridge club on March 7 brought' G.. W. James entertained for' witb them to ber home a siow- the bride at the latter's home, er o! pickles and jam foF the on MVarch .5, when neighbors bride's pantry sheif. and friends of Mrs. P. E. Green- ,ield and Joan were guests. Pink Following the wedding re and white wedding belîs and hearsal on the evening of, carnations formed a bridai at- Apnil 1, the bridai party was tnosphere, and the bride was entertained by Mn. and Mrs. led to a seat of honor beneath Forbes Heyland and Mr. and a decorated umbrella. She was Mrs. Jack Moir at the former's 1 presented with a 32 pie ce set- home. A delicious buffet lunch-' ting of Val St. Lambert Bel- eon and social time were en- gium crystal, for which Joan joyed. fittinglv expressed ber thanks. Mrs Green!ield entertained A social time was enjoyedý,l at a tirousseau tea in ber dau- concliiding with delicious re- gbter's bonor at 2 Carlisle Ave. freshments served by the ost on March 26. Receiving with esses.1 Mrs. Greenfield and Joan was In Toronto. Misses Nancyv the groom's mother. Mrs. Hugh 'ownsend and Lois Bagnzll Anderson, Sr., o! Toronto. entertained at a kitchen show- Pink and white carnations ler at the latter's home on and pink candles graced the !March 10, whcn a number O!, tea table, and pouring tea dur-1 'girl friends presented the bridoý ing the afternoon were Mrs. ' ,with useful gifts. A miscellan.: Russell Williams, Niegara Falls.: ;eous sbower was given the;!YadMs.W .Egr 'b~et-eon M'arch 18 bY V Boivmanville:. Those assisting, 'Mrs. Stewàrt Bartlett at h'cr! were Mrs, John M. James,.Mrs: home, 151 Fairlawn Ave., Ti-J Frank Williams, Bowmanville; ronto. Mrs. E. W. Rundle, Miss Wilm-a Friends of the bride livingj Rundle, Miss Nanc\ Townsend. lat Fudger. House Club, the Mrs. Douglas Anderson, o! To-' .bide's residence for the past ronto; Miss Mary Ruth Wil-' 'five years, presented ber w'th' liams, Niagara Falls, N.Y.; Mms. 'yellow combspun percale hem- Jack Roughley, Oshawa; Mrs. stitcbed sheets and pillow ca- S.* G. Chartran. Mrs. Geo. W. ses. Miss Caro 1 Hutchison was James, Miss Florence Chartran hostess for the event on March and Mrs. Douglas Rackham, 24. Bowmanville. The firm o! James Richard- -- - ES nd Reception Hed YOUR EES andFor Newlvwpt-lc ~Vision Re-written A ,~"from ' previous copyrights o! C. B. Tuck. Optometrist -Disney BIdg. 31 King E.. Opp. P.O. OSHAWA- Phone 5-6143 288. The value of service, the value ,if the examination is the im- »ortant part o! the correction. The specialixed service in eye examinatiôns is expiained in de- .tail by Dr. Franký McCoy in bis IBealth and Diet Advice, which 1 will give in detail as per the1 copy now before me. "I consider eyestrain to be guêh an important factor ini causing diseases that this sub-1 Ject is discussed by, me with( every patient who cornes to me1 In my private practice."1 (Copyrighted) Flight Cadet Barry Amin strong and his bride, the form er Nancy Smythe, with the! parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howar Smythe and Mr. and Mrs. AI fred Armstrong, welcomed re latives and friends at a post nuptial reception held in tht Lions Community Centre or Tuesday evening, April Sth Marniage o! the couple wa solemnized in the chapel o! St Matthew's Anglican Churcl- Winnipeg, Man., on March 12 A lovely weddinq cakE graced the tea table whicl made a pretty picture witb an arrangement of mixed spring !lowers and yellow candles Pouring tea were Mrs. F. Hey- land, Mrs. Glen Martyn, Mrs. Clarence Hall, and Mrs. Har- old Gibson o! Newcastle. Members of! the Evening Branch o! St. Jobn's Women's Auxiliary served the delicious re!reshments. During "the ev- ening Miss Leta Bragg enter- tained with several piano sel- ections. The bride and groom bave now returned to Winni- peg, Man., wbere the groom is stationed. Ilere's the cleaner 'y ou've been hearlng about Amazrng New M SYA<TOm swtYU4p Oinsau over fi" 1puilil Super-Powered SWIVEL.TOP CLEAHER wfth .xciiv fttach-O-Matic CLIP-ON TOOLS at a saving of $30 A. ONLY The ONE cleaner thot gives you ALL the modern featuros Phone for 10-Day Nome Trial ____ ; ýyp%&TM Ted Woodyard's Appliance Stores Bowmanville- Orono r .d ie ri. e h~ Wed in Candlelight Ceremony About to sign the register following their marriage ývhich took place in a candlelight ceremony on Thursday evening, April 7, in Trinitv United Church, Bowmanviile, are Mr. and Mrs. James Hewett Cain. The bride is the former Helen Marie Luxton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar John Luxton, Bowmanville, and the groom is the son of Mrs. Patrick Thunder and Mr. James P. Cain, Vancouver, B.C. The newly wed couple will reside in Toronto.-Photo by Carson Studio, Port Hope 9 'w N - CAIN - LUXTON MUMFORD - DE LA GIR(ý * In an evening ceremony in O! wide interest was the Trinity United Church, Bow..nrage O! Miss Mary Alice 9manville, on Apnil 7, Helen ticia de la Giroday,e daughter o! Mn. and Mrs.' sMarie Luxton, daughter o! Mr'. lippe Boyer de la Girod,« sand 'Mrs. Oscar John Luxton, Winnipeg, formerly o! Cal -R. R. 4, Bowmanville, was un- and Vancouver, to Mr. Ei -ited in'marriage with Mr. James Bruce Mumford, younger o! Mr.- Cyrîl H. Mumforî 1 Hewett Cain o! Toronto. The Fairacres Farms, Hmtn groom is the son o! Mrs. Pat- the late Mrs. Kathleen O. M rick Thunder and Mr. James ford o! Tuxedo Park, N.Y. P. Cain, Vancouver, B.C. H. D. Smith perfopmed cerc-mony in Christ Chi Candelabra and spring flow$ Deer Park, on Saturday,1 ers formed the background for 9th. the ceremony per!ormed by The bride, given in mai Rev. T. A. -Morgan. Wedding by Mr. Lewis Welsh o! music was played by Mr. Air- port, Conn., wore an aftern thur Collison and the soloist lengtb dress o! white poin was Mrs. L. Van Driel, Bow- Venise lace over shell- manville. taffeta. Designed in Can The bride was given in mar- the gown was fashioned niage by her father and chose crescAnt neckline, gati a gown o! ivory ta!feta on eibow-lengtb sleeves, and pnincess lines, the full skirt skîrt o! deep pleats. A mi ending in a chapel train. The ture coronet o! tulle -and bodice was !ashioned with a florets beld ber veil o! Dre, yoke of French lace and the blue illusion, and she car sleeves were trimmed with a cluster o! white orchids seed pearîs. A matching halo lily o! the valley. beaddress held ber fingertip The attendants, Miss Geo veil o! tulle illusion and she Phillips o! Oshawa, and1 carnied a white prayer book Lorne Corley were, gow crested with a white orchid alike in mimosa yellow chif from which fell white satin styled witb Flemish co.] streamers. The wedding ring sculptured bodices and gat was a family heirloom, belong- ed skirts witb side drap ing originally to the groom's Both wore chaplets o! mari great-grandmotber. ites to match their bouqu Mrs. Lawrence Hooey, Orono, Dr. Tim Turner o! Niagara.i sister o! the bride, was matron was best man, and the usl o! honor, wearing a floor length were Mr. Bradley W. Rîchz gown o! rose taffeta with bal- son and Dr. Thomas Scott ter neckline over wbich a brie! London, England. couîsin of jacket was worn. Miss Helen groom. Marie Hooey, Orono, niece of A reception followed at the bride, was junior brides- King Edward Hotel, wt maid, wearing a rose taffeta Mrs. C. H. Mum!ond welcor gown with Peter Pan collar, the guests in a gown o! ta short pu!! sleeves and bouffant silk witb willow green bat skirt. Both attendants wore corsage o! matching orci matching bats and accessories After a wedding trip to 1 and carnied bouquets o! rose York, the bride and groomi carnations. live in Toronto. Mn. Dennis Walker, Toronto, was best man,,and ushers were ANDERSON » GREENFIE] Mr. Lawrence Hooey, Orono, and Mr. Donaid Hutton, Toron- Standards o! white snapc to. gon and wh-ite carnations A reception followed at the corated Tinity United Chui home o!. the bride's parents, Bowmanville, on Saturday when the bride's mother ire- ternoon, April 2, for the m ceived, wearing a dress o! peri- niage of Joan Alverda Gne winkle blue ticatine crepe with field, A.R.C.T., daughter o! pink accessories. Her corsage and Mrs. Percy Edward Gre was o! pink carnations. field, Bowm-anville, and For travelling t0 the Lauren- Hugh Campbell Anderson, B, tians. the bride chose a Wedge- Sc., son of Mr. and Mrs. Hi wood blue suit with black ac- Campbell Andierson Sr., o! cessories. The 7young couple ronto. Rev. T. A. Morgan p -will reside, at 352 Kingswood !ormied the ceremon.v Road. Toronto. Wedding music was pla ______________________ bv Mr Arthur~ CollisonM i also accompanied the solo Mns. Olive Rankine Connigan iToronto. Mns. Corrigan sa Bess This'House" and Grie Given in marniage by1 - - 'father, the bride was lovely a floor length gown o! cani __ white taffeta. The bodicev fàsbioned with a long to and the portrait necklineV offset with a wide band o! s: red taffeta. Long sleeves end in lily points oven the wri Worn over a crinoline, the sk was full-!ashioned with a st; pointed inset o! shirring enc cling the hips, ending in a C, pltrain. IA taffeta pilI box heldh [fingertip veil of tulle illusi and she carried a bouquet lily-of-the-vallex-, freesia a dra - de - urch,' nar- .een- SMr. ,en- Mn. ugb To- per- aYed who loist, in o! ang eg's ber was mrso was 3hir- ded ýrist. icir- ha- her sion Lo!f and forget-mne-nots -with accents o! foliage.. She wore the groom 's, gift o! pearl earring.. Miss Naicv Tovnscrnd, West- mount, Quebec, was maid of honor, wearing a waltz lengthi taffeta gown in iris blue. Bridesmaids were Mrs. Jack Moir. Kingston, and Mis& Mary Ruth Williams of Niagara Falls, M s .H an i N.Y., who wore similarly styledM sT.H Cani dresses in cascade blue taffeta.Fe d Brief cutaway" boeros fashion-IFtd by Friends e ihwhite shawl collars, and three-quarter sleeves were rlor to ivarriage Iworn over strapless bodices Iwhich featigred the lengthent-d Miss Helen Marie Luxton, torso. The full skirts were off- popular bride o! April 7, was set with back seif-lacing ending much entertained prior to ber in a streamer bow-knot. They Iwore matching half-hats caught marriage to Mr. James Hewett with matching dotted veiling, Cain of Toronto. Mts. Edgar white doeskin gloves, and car- Tremble, Ritson Road North, ried plumage bouquets o! wh ite Oshawa, was hostess at a mis- sp ring flowers with accents o! cellaneous shower for the pink roses and blue forget-me- bride-to-be on March 4 at her flots, home when 14 girl friends Miss Margot Bartlett, Toronto, were present. was flower girl wearing cas- Mrs. L. VanDriel, Bowman- cade blue taffeta with full, ville, a cousin of the bride. short skirt and plain bodice entertained for ber on March with sweetheart neckline. The: 1l when 14 relatives were waist was caught with a large guests and presented', the sash ending in a big bow at the bride-to-be with a bridge table bàck. She wore matching haif- and chairs. A mîscellaneoits bat and short white gloves, and sh ower was held at the home carried a miniature plumage of the bride's sister, Mrs. Law- bouquet similar to the brides- rence Hooey. Orono, on March maids. 12. Assisting were Mrs. Gor- Mr. James Bach, Don'Milîs, don Watson, Mrs. George Few- Ont., was best man, and ushers ster and Mrs. Gladys Gamsby.' were Mr. George Anderson, To- About 21 friends were present. ronto, brother of the groom, On March 25 Mrs. James and Mr. Douglas Anderson, To- Howard, 930 Sommerville Ave., ironto. For the reception held in the coat of grey and black striped churcb hall, the bride's moth-j wool. WVith it she wore a black er wore a two-piece dress o! straw bat and accessories. Her navy silk shantung, With it she yellow and black figured scarf wore a pink straw bat and was caught at the shoulder1 gloves and corsage of pink cam- with a scarlet carnation. 1 ellias. Assisting ber was the Mr. and Mrs. Anderson will groom~s mother, who wore a reside at 156 Kingston Road, dress o! dark grey orlon with Toronto. navy straw bat and accessories.1 Guests were present at the Her corsage was o! deep red! weding fromy New York City, carnations and freesia. N.Y., Detroit, Mich., Niagara The bridai couple left later Falls, N.Y.; Gaît, Kitchener, on a wedding trip to Virginia, Hamilton, Aylmer, Ottawa, the bride wearing a white wool Kingston, St. Catharines, To-a jersey dress with box style top ronto and Whitby, Ont.s Oshawa, assisted by her moth- corated in bridai pink held t1is er, Mrs. Arthur Barnett, enl- iany lovely gifts, for which bertained about 30 neighbours of the bride at a miscellaneous Nancy fittingly expressed het' sho.wer. On March 30, the thanks. A social time was en- bride was guest of honor when joyed, concluding with delic- the girls of the Bank Premises lous refreshments served by Dept. of the Canadian Bank of the hostesses. Commerce, Head Office, Tor-, onto, entertained her at dinner MIL and a show. She was the re ciin fpersonal gifts on this IHat he Mrs. Oscar John Luxton en- tertained for her daugher at a trousseau tea in her home, for R.R. 4, Bowmanville. on Apx'il 2. Assisting was the hride's sister. Mrs. Lawrence Hooev of Grn. origtea durin' Children Walton, Mrs. Ear1 -Wa1ton, Mrs.I Leslie Nichols, Mrs. Normani1 Luxton and Mrs. Wm. Nichols Other assistants were Miss HIelen Marie Hooey, Miss Lou. ise Koster, Mrs. James How- ard, Mrs. Henry Hamili and Mrs. L. Van Driel. Friends Shower See our large selection of M rs. B. Armstrong Chljdren's Health Shoes. A Married Recentl'y coniplete range of sizes fotinfants on up, incol- Miss Eileen Spicer and Miss or fbakbon e Eleanor Leighton were o ur fbakbon e hostesses at the home of the or white. former on Queen Street at a miscellaneous shower in hoiu r o! Mrs. Barry , Armstrong of JODH N STHTT Winnipeg, Man., the foVtrner, Nancy Smythe of Bowmanville. About 20 girl friends of the SH O ES bride were present. 5Kn t.E A353 The bride's chair was decor- 1 igS.E A353 . j Bowmanville ated with pink and white1f YORK - HOMOGENIZED - 16 oz. jar PEANUT BUTTER 39c GERBER'S ASSORTED Infant Foods CULVERHOUSE - CREAM STYLE Golden Corn ROBIN HOOD White Cake Mix CALIFORNIA ASPARAGUS streamers and an umbrella de- CLARK'S - IN CHILI SAUCE - 20-oz. tin Beans with Pork 19 C CLARK'S FANCY Tomato Juice 2' tinsz.25c TOMATO OR VEGETABLE Clark' s Soups 2 tin 23C Irish Stew 2 Lb. 35C No. 1 GRADE -% GOV'T INSPECTED - Box GLADJOLUS BULDS 49C CANADA No. 1 GRADE - FOR PLANTING DUTCH SET ONIONS 'h.25C CALIFORNIA - 28's BROCCOLI De h. 29C j- 5-02. tins 20-or. tins 15-oz. pkg. I FIRM -YELLOW RIPE DANANAS 2 lb. 35C 29C 31C 21C 15-oz. tin 2 7c Angelus - White - 16-oz. pka. MARSHNALLOWS Clover Leaf - Fancy Red - Y2-Ib. tin SGCKEYE SALMON 39c Appleford - Wax Paper - 100-ft. roll FOOD SAVER 31c Ajax CLEANSER Cul J.Meat PEAMEALED COTTAGE ROLLS 2TIns 27c Costs Lb. 49C BURNS - 6-oz. package ýCOOKED'HAN 47C PEAMEALED - SLICED DACK BACON Lb. 65qc FRESH -LOIN iPORK CHOPS Lb. 59c, BURNS - Wbole or Halves- Boneless PICNJC HANS Lb. 57 MEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILg. ONTARIO (arnE.Db2 t -Àt Values effective at Your Doinion Store Ltd., BowmanvilJe, April 14 15 16 DOMINION STORES LIMITED e Y J Cut Produce Costs MMMI-M" 39c 'AGE THMM

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