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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Apr 1955, p. 4

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVMLL. ONTARIO t, Cuirent and Con fidential By ELsie Carruthers Lunney SPRING AiDVENTURE report definitely that the Easer as urey te wrm groundhogs have decided ta este nd ms beautful rm- cali it a night, and wake up for1 etandinmanY ears. u n'tsspring. We stili doubt that improve an perfection, and that asgrouliansare so fooihard is what Saturdav and Sundav aofrueany Febru ary2dowta were. Wè shouldn't be affect- laok for any silmoresenaible ed by the wieather, but it i pi is a m ucli mare sensibl fact that most humans react ta atit e p if in greater or .less degree. But Archie's cousin wasn't Sameliow Easter seemied mare the mast exciting thing we saw truly jayous and triumphant by any means. Turning off the because the Sun was bright and road, we passed near the top warm and the earth .seemed end of same swampy waodland truly ta be awakening. It made and here an enarmous bird the e~ae ofEaser nareswam inta aur vision. He lit vibrant and alive.nertetpfabiemad Taking advantage af a couple we whipped aut aur binaculars. of the warm haurs of Saturdav But lie was a long piece awayr afternoan, we left wark anij and ail we cauld telli for suref ather cares behind and walked. was that lie was truiy enarmous,% This time the gravel roa d wejthat lie had black on his neckt chose was in sucli poor candi- and his beak laoked about a I tion owing ta subterranean up- foot long. While we watched, heavals, that we did not have another came into view, beat- ta leap fram tussack ta tussack, ing huge wings slowiy, sailing, cantending for space with ma- then settling an anather tree tor cars. We anly met twa. Ah, nearby. peace! Well, the oniy bird that could i In a Pasture we saw a cousin laok that big that far away weC of Archibald the Graundhag thaught, was the Great Blue t sitting boit upright, sniffing HIeron. We kept aur binacularsv the south wind, sa we can gluedan the pair, and startede H11000N ELECTR1C LIMITED ELECTRIC WIRING, REPtMS AND REFRIGERATION MA 3-438 ENERAL0 ELECTRIC Bowmanville 88 King St. E. HOME .AppUANCE DUMMI, Ontario to. move toward theni. Sin -ce "What A Friend We Have in- Jesus" wa were looking tîrougli thel stepped into a loveiy bit oi mud. Lucky it wasn't oane aiAutno r of Beloved the ponds ai water naar-¶y' en Hawever. 'before we move d A Reside toft Durhar more than a few feet, aur big birds flappad slowly off into the swamp. We couldn't see We wonder just, how many time, lie color toa well at the distance,' Statesman readers know that Miss Eli but wa are pretty sure tliey Josephi Scriven, authar ai that aniy <lau could only- have been Great belovad and favorite hynin, drew Roc Blue Herons. "What a Friand We Have in HoWever, We have seen tliem before, Jasus", iived for a number of berculosis bath around liera, and on the years rigit liera in Durhamn befare t nortliern lakes, but it was a County until lis tragic death take plac thrili ail the same, the mare nearly 70 years ago. This is Followj sa bacause it was sa unexpact- the story ai lis career which biows he ed. If yau think we are exag- we came across in reading the diligantîy gerating about the size of this Gazette ai Williamsburg, Vir- phulantîr( bird, as yau miglit if you have ginia, written by Rev. Ernest amsciatec neyer seen ane, Taverner's R. Emurian; Bretlireni "Birdsof Canada" tells us that WHAT A FRIEND WE HAVE thein as its lengtl is 42 inclies. They mnyye have very lang legs and wade IN JESUS mray e in shallaw watar catching frogs Tragady haunted the foot- Bailieborc and amaîl fisli of no commer- steps ai Josephi Scriven witli by. But h cial value. dagged persistenca. Following the peapiE Some senselass people appar- lis graduation from. the Uni- ley becau ently shoot thesa impressiva big versity of Dublin, Ireland, lufe, and birds when tley find a baron- with a Baclielor ai Arts degrea, away ail ry or rookery where they con- in 1842, lis twenty-third year, the poor gragate ta build their nests. Ta- lie iled lis native Irish shores in. mare u verner empliasizes the fact aiter the tragic drowning af lis self. that the Great 'Blue Heron. i fiance on the evening priar ta In latc barmless and sliauld receive their scleduled marriaga. But sgribed as evary protection passible. Witli he found littie salace in flight, ture, with whidh we praioundly agree. alhlougli le put thousands ai cropped 1 A VISIT RECOLLECTED We wera interested ta si in an article on Collins Bayi the Toronto Telegram a week( two ago, a pictura ai ana ai t) very aid bouses which we visi ed iast summer on aur o] hause liunting pilgrimage. Tih was the ona buiit in 1793 t U. E. Loyalists wlo %yere a most unique in that thE brouglit with tliem their Ng gro slaves. Perliaps you'1l e; joy racaliing a few details aboi it witl us. The, parents and nine chl ren landed at Kingston in 178 and in 1793 the present houi was built se well and truly thz it is stili in excellent conditic taday. For miles around the se, tlers ai those early days cam ta the liousewarming whic went on for days. The balirooi wvas upstairs. We trod the ver boards and àtepped out on th balcony whidli resembied southern gaiiery, ta laok at th Aranderful view over the S Lawrence. The roonis, upstaîrs an down, liad an aura af livin bhat oniy comas with the pas,; ing ai the years, its joys an sorrows, producing a gradue naiiowing. The furnitura is ol and graciaus. It belongs. Somr of it was made fran cberr. and walnut which grew an tih originai 600 acre tract ai lanc This hs the bouse whare thi kitclien fireplace was sa li that oxen lad ta baul the log for it, the rope and log commn in the east door, and the othe end ai the ropa hutched ta th oxen through a window oppc ite. The big firepiace is cov ered ovar now but the banc hawn beans ai thae eiiing havi been lait expasad. For twenty ýeaars the hous, was baated by its many fire places, and tIen an enarmou tove, said ta be the iirst il that part ai the country, wa brought up iran Quebec b: [aeigli. It was set up in the spa. ciaus hall and hales ware eu bave the door laading te ti large rooms on aither sida ti ,ee in or t id lis al- e- ut 4, Sse at t- n 'y ae la t. ýs- il ry e d. .0 ig [s ig er D- ie ie in )y familiar siglits and smaiis ai Dublin. Eventualiy, ha arrived at ~Part Hope an the nartliern shore ai Lake Ontario in the Canadian province from whidh the, lake takes its nana. But aven tIare happiness was ta, be denied lin. Tan mileg nortb ai the lakashore tawn was a smali settiemant named Bewdley, on the shores ai beautiful Rica Lake. Severai miles beyond was the Pangellay estate whare Scriven lived for many yaars as private tutor for the ch il- dren ai the family. Some years later ha .iegan divîding lis time between the Pengalay home and that ai Mr. James Sackville in Bewd- ley; it was in a guest-raom in the Sackville home that ha was inspirad ta write the poemn with wbidh bis naine is foreve-r lînked. Late ana niglit in 1885, weigkied down with despon- dency and sadness, lie poured out bis leart ta Gad, bagging for relief fran bis burden and pramising ta serve Him faith- fully if anly bis prayer were answered. God heard and an- swarad, and Josephi Scriven fait the burdan miracuiously liited from bis heart. In bis new-found. joy lie hur- riedly dashed off a very srn- pie paem aif several in wlich ha dascribed bis strug- gie and victary. The poem, an- tîtled "Pray Witliout Ceasing," began with these lines: Wbat a friand we have In Jesus, Al aur sins and griefs ta bear; Wliat a privilege ta carry Everything ta God in prayer. O what peace we aitan forfait, O what needless pain we bea,r Ail because we do not carry Evarything ta God in prayer. Failing in love for the second OBITUARY t] a 0, a ti Ir 0.: Le ti ci al eyVD Lmat talked."S had the fa anatherv spake of1 ing ta eve of Jesus" liarities t clining ye When hi toil and h: disappoint taok hlm more, and that Mr.e days of i bouse in lis poem lier, lis1 the paet's author'sh Scriven e and I did SackVillE huiseif an a religious publislied Shortly died. In hi ed from hi bled, exh; creek aboi irom the less than Hia friend bis knees. prayer." Altliaugh were erect and araun the ana-ht af lis lii music by long since the hearis world ove: permanent ody ai the t SAMUEL WESLEY BROOKS te Samuel Wesley Brooks, second aO son af the late J. Wesley Brooks, -was born at "Rackwell Green", *Sauina, an Feb. 24, 190 1, and died in Memoriai Haspitàl Bowman- -ville, on April 5, 1955, agéd 54 years. He was married July 8, 1922, to Doreen Van Nest and tliey resided in Oshiawa for 12 years. During this time lie was em- played at Ganeral Mators. In 1933 lie moved his famiiy ta their present home, "Gienndora Farma", Providence, wliere lie carried on a successfui farming business until bis passing. jMr. Brooks was a man of generaus character and agrea- able disposition. He bore a pain- fui iliness from lis early man- haod with great patience and fortîtude and will be remember- ed by bis ready smila.. The largaly attended service, conducted by Rev. T. A. Mor- gan, was in Trinity United Church, Bowmanviile, af whidh he was a member. The many aid and tried friends who gath- ered ta pay their last tribute of respect ta lis memary, and the beautiful floral tributes. showed the high honour and esteem in which lie was held by bis fellaw- men. In 1944 lie was shocked and saddened by the death of his eldest son, P. O. Glenn Wesley Brooks, overseas. He is survived ed by bis wife Doreen, a son Grant, a daughter Gwendolyn (Mrs. Laurence Malcalm, Nestie- ton): four grandchîldren, a brother Harvey, Maple Grave, l and three sisters, Mrs. S. E. Werry, Solina; Mrs. Harry Groomes, Toranto, and Mrs. Wm. Quick, Bowmanville. Palîbearers were Gardon Leask, Foster Snowdeni, George Gibson, Carl Wilbur, Wm. Quick and Jesse Vin Nest. Interment in îthe Brooks famiiy plat, Eben- ezer Cernetery. allaw the heat ta circulate. In the enormaus attic were a laom and many other relics ai a pioneer age. This aid bouse mnay possibly become a museurn, according ta the newspaper ar- ticle. Though this was flot mnen- tioned when we visited last summar, it may be true, and if so, it will serve baautifully ta preserve the feeling of earlv Canadian days in a weil-to-da housahold. It is flot natawor- thy architecturally, but inside, tle raoms are high-cailinged, spaciaus and wall proportioned. 1 We racali aur visit there with the graatest pleasure. ANCIENT SYMBOL The lily, symbalic af Easter, lias become an emblem of truth and purity tîraugli the centur- ies. The legends about ft date back ta early Bible timas, and aven before the Chiristian era. The white lily which we sea everywhere at Easter. is exten- sivly grown in Bermuda wliere it was brouglit fromn Japan. two hundred years aga, we are ta:d. jThey had been grown in the Eaft feerthSies.E make a hil wïfh your wife If your wife is like most women these days, she likes feeling independent. Even if you already have a "joint" bank account an which she may draw, won't she feel happier stili if you give her a savings account of ber own? That will give her steady encourage- ment to systematic saving... Compound interest wil help make ber bank balance grow. And at The Canadian Bank of Commerce, she'll get such a warm welcome she'Il find saving a pleasure. Yes, you'll make a hit with your wife if you bring her with yau today to our nearest branch-and start a savings accaunt she'll have as her very own. Anyone in our more than 680 branches will be glad ta help you.. WI4Y NOT USE OUR Oll4EU PACILES, TOO? TIu.i.d..: a MONCY 0809#S AND 0 LMXRIS 09 CiEnI "culNefl TACCOUMT UT&EIN * UPTYT DOIy oxE lTs ImDci TNt "S . " SANUIl OL AI evaitut utoutTU RUEo, impiOVEiam *PEISONAL. L0AV5 *CDSS[ICIAL LOAUS I@I THE CANADIÂN BANK 0F COM MERCE N-IlS e Bow~nianville Bramsch - H. G. HACKING, Manager Hlymn m County ebecame engaged iza Catherine. Roci' igîter ai Lieut. A ýlie ai the Royal Nav she contracted t iand died in 18( their wedding cou ce.' ing twa sucli trag Le gave himself mna y ta raligiaus ai aopic wark, becoii Id witli the Plymou igraup, and servir sa lay-preacbar f ars. In addition, 1 1for a while in t] ,Baptist Churcli nea he endearad himseli le in and around Bewi use ai bis Christ-lul b is habit ai givir lis privata incarne wlom lie cansidarg urgent nead than lin er years lie was d t"a man ai short st, hiron-gray hair, clos beard, and liglit bi it sparkled wben 1 Someone aise said "! face ai an angai" whi who knew lim we bis habit ai "preac] eryona about the loi as well as the peci that markad bis d 7ears. his body was worn wt: his mind waariad wil itment, Mr. Sackvil rinta lis home on, d it was tIare, in 188 Scriven spent the la his life. In the sarT whîch le lad writtE ithirty-one years ea hast discovered it sscrapbook during ti [ast and fatal ilines explained, "The Lai Jit betweeni us." e made a copy Pc ind another ta send 1 ijournal whare it w: for the first tim thareaitar, Scrive ais dilirium lie stagga' [is bedraom and stun hausted into a litti out a bundred yarc b ouse, drowning i Ssix inclies ai wata is said, "Ha died c sin the attitude( gh threa monumeni ted ta his memary i ind Bawdley in 191! .undradth anniversar rth bis paem, set 1 C..ý C. Converse, ha ,e been enshrined o ts ai Christians tii rr, and lias found it place in the hymr ie Churdli universal. WESLEY VILLEý Intended for last week) The Sunday Scliooi commit-I tee in charge of the decorating fund certainly picked the rigbt niglit for their project iast week. ta A week ago Sunday the snow- oe f ail events 'for the weekend Iy but warm weather and the ýu" grader on the roads made them 60 excellent for Friday evening. ddOn Saturday afternaan they Idbegan ta deteriarate and be- fore Sunday mornmng one spot Pic on Austin's Hill was impass- re able with-_several cars sitting nd in the raad ta prove it. Other ng places seemed bad too so once [tii again church and Sunday ng schaol services were withdrawn ýor and next week we hope ta have re Easter service ini the morning. ie Auralia Bridge fram Pump- tr- kin Ridge had no difficuity in to camipng on Friday niglit thougli d-and that was weii for situations ke arising in the play presented ta by Newcastle couples' club cer- td tainly needed straightening out n- by an hanest to gaadness wes- terner. Mrs. B. Acheson (Jean l-Alidread) affected the ways of e- high saciety in her brother, e- Ellsworth Moffet's (Brenton LeRickard) home. qier daugliter he Greer (Helen Hancack), desir- ae us af being her natural self 11e and in lave with Billy Cooper le (Ross Allun) is forced ta ac- h-cept attentions of Brent Wen- ve deil (Bill Ailin). The colour- u ed maid "~O'Brien", calied 80 Sbecause lier Mother laved Spotatoes of that name, wag ih played by 'Lena Grahiam, and thi Marion Jase with a true re- le porter's yen for a good stary cewas Bess Fruling. Auralia (An- 6,nabelle Rickard) and lier pet isnake showed Wendell for the Stviilaih he was. And lady Sybil ne Banning (Bessie Stephenson) en for-saok lier friends when Mrs. T- Acheson came down ta earth. n If you need a sprmng tanic, ne you'il find it in the lauglis of 3.this play. rd Music was pravided between or acts by Marie Austin, Bannie ta Austin, and Pearl Austin with ýe. r- Stafford Dros. a- Msbonumental Wsrh8 in Phone Whitby r. MOhawk 8-3552 )n 01 318 Dundas St. E., Whitbr FINE QUALITY ts MONUMENTS AND in MARKERS Precise workmanship and to careful attention ta, detail td are yaur assurance when )n ou choose from the wide ne selection af imparted and a domestic Granites and *- Marbies im stock. piano solos; and Donna Ougli- tred and Mrs. C. Nichails piano duet. Muriel Austin played other required music an d Mur- ray Payne, superintendant. was chairman. Donald Jase af New- castle, director, intraducad the play. C.G.I.T. met at Mrs. Barrow- clough's an Wednesday aven- ing instead ai the raguier Mon- day evaning. Ail were present, and plans were made for a spe- cial meeting in Easter week. Mr. and Mrs. Huggins have PAGZ POUR DAILY PIGK-I7iAM DB DUiY Local Agem*- EHOOUW LA41' W 5 PH'Omm sOMUuWA f MB em 14 ieJ beautiful PLYMOUTII Taire a smorf I"ok i STYLE The sculptured beauty of motion- design for The Forward Look pute Plymiouth di8tinctively ahead in style -promises ta, keep, ite value higli for years ta came. It s style that gives you extra visibility, extra spacious- nase, and a. new kind of nuotoring convenience-with a ride that's admittedlv unsurpaseed. Taire a LSong Io SIZE Plymouth's comnianding prestige in ap parent in ita full size and extra length, sparkiing with motion-design for The Forward Look. More ugeful room inside, too-for true iuxury that will amaze you. TkaIcdu"loof EFORMANCE This year Plymouth affers a far- ranging chosce of p ower-with stapped-up Suxes and a great new V-8. You'Il want ta try thern on the road and check their lively action, luxuriaus qiuiet, amazing sinooth- ness. All ymouth angines deliver their superb performance on regular grade gasoline, Tk a doloIok& cd <4. VALUE Plymouth's new beauty is more Jthanaskin deep! So besure to check Plyanoutb's advanced engineering and mechanical features. lu engines, chassis, suspension, and body structure, now as aiways, Plymouth builds great carst You owe it to yourself ta aee and test-drive thie beautiful new boauty af th; highways-the longest, lowest. livelieat Plymnouth ever. You'll find brillant new colouru, naw being Bhawn for the first time. And you'll see sparkling new Sportane hardtop styling, naw available on Plymouth sedans and other body types. We've made special plans ta let ana de in lihese new Plymouth modela. Don't miss thie speciai Spring Showing of the cars with motian-design for The Forward Look! S.. PLYMOUTH'S MOTION-DMI for THE FOR WARD LOOK Manufactured in Canada by Ohryster Corporation of Canada, Limitd Comae ln new to your ChryisiermPIym.uth-Parge denleri o p almerè 20 King' Street E. Motor Bowmanvitle .F 1Sales, lhone MA 3-5487' dom MW THURSDAY,_APRIL_141h, lI moved into the house re- ly occupied by Mr. and Mmru Smith. Four of their children Roseanne, VarIa, Wifred and Beverley are attending school. Extra men have been work. ing at Ken Ashby's this past week qissembling tobacco plan- ters The sign on the door, B in Tan minutes," neyer expatm* from when.-Moose Jaw Times -Herald. ..................... il -1 . à 9 -Àzý-

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