PAGE SIX -TEE ~~~THECANADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMANMTLE. ONTARIO TUSAARLlt,15 I ~ G. HARVEY AGNEW, m.D. PRESIDNT, ONTARIO HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION ARTICLE NO. 1 Even the mast poverty-stric- ken and destitute parents wauld hesitate to part with one of their youngsters for ail the gold, silver and diamonds in the world. And this poses the question: What is a 1fr worth? I think the answer of nome scientists is likely to bý "flot too much". Then they might endeavour ta prove their point by stating that ail the minerais contained iný the human body tan be purchased at the corner drug store for only a few cents. Historians might say that the value of a lufe depends al- Most entirely on the place and the times. To substantiate their argument, they will quote fig- ures to show that life is cheap in over-populated countries like India or China or in times of modemn warfare. Anywhere, however. in peace or war, the life of a loved one is Most precious. In Most cou'n- tries, therefore, laboratory re- search, medical science andJ hospital services are in con- stant use, day and night, to save lives. Not only that, but they are helping materially Io ?prolong the average span of 1f e. In the last century. for ex- ample, the average Canadian's life has been extended 13 'years. The reduction in infant >nortality, especially during the past decade, has been re- markable. Also in 1953, there Were 122,430 babies born in On- taio hospitals. 0f these, only 1.6% were stillborn as coin- pared to 3.33% stillborn births T 1C XE TS TO EVERYWHERE Air, Rail or Stearnshlp Consuit, J UR Y & LO0V EL L 3owmanville 15 King St. W. MA 3-5778 in hospitals just eleven year! peviausly. The average chul born in Ontario Ibis year shoulc live ta the ripe age a! 66. A gencration or two ago peo. ple went ta hospilal oniy asi lest resort, Today, the averag( Canadian realizes, that many procedures can be donc in has. pitls ta restame ,health whict cannaI be donc clsewhere. Be cause a! dloser study, technica assistance, modemn drugs, moi( intricate aperations and mors tharaugh diagnostic procedures many diseases, once fatal oi frequently so, arc now beinb curcd in aur fine hospita! across Canada. Other ilînesses once proionged, are now beini aborted in a matter o! houx and the patient reburned to normai in just a !ew days. Consequcntly, bospitals arE being uscd mare extensively today. As a result, more Cana. dian families are being kept i tact and are enjoying bealtl and bappiness. for a loiigeý period. The average Canadiar wagc canner is able ta worl an increased number of years aind thus bas the financial means to pravide bis familý more conveniences and luxur- ies. What is a life w'orth? Cana- dians everyxvhere, but especiai- ]y doctons and hospitai persan. nel answer that question b- the simple statement thal human life, is, by fan, bbc mosi preciaus thing in the world That is why bospitais. serving night and day, seven days cari wcek, are constantly strivin1ý ta funther lmprove their equip. ment, their technique and their treatment o! tbc sick and thb injured. To their lovcd ones, these lives cannot be valucd in dollars and cents. If Darwin were alive today, bow bbc monkeys would attack hi- ..7t- 12- Q. - *- 'ui.-The Brandon Sun. Larvex Liquid 93c, 1.43 Larvex Bombs 1.50 Moth 1eoo D. T. Math Dichioricide Proofer = olb Killer Crystals 1.69 98C-1.39-1.69 59e 75e Cigarette Chase's Lighters Spring Tonics Nerve Food 1.00 - 1.98 Burdock Blood Bitters 1.59 79e - 1.98 Waterbury's Comp.- 1.25 Hair W'ampole's Extract 1.25 Dodd's Brushes Phospholecithin ------ 1.50 PUIS 59e Seott's Emulsion 1.00, 2.00 59e Geritol -- 1.35, 3.29, 5.49 _______ 4 Ibs. Aiphamettes 1.00. 1.85, 3.50 Gi 4 lbs. Neo Chemical Food- Bath Saits Liquid --- 1.50, 3.35, 5.90 PUIS 98c Capsules - 1.65. 2«95, 6.60 59e - 85e Vacuum Botties - 98e Toni ___ 1.75 Thermos Bottles 1.79-1.98 Prom ______ 1.75 Chjids Kits - 3.50 Quick- - 1.75 Lunch Kits ____ 1.25 Tonette for Children 1.75 Special - Giani Size Bubble Bath - 1.00 FRONZ MA 3-5695 WE FIT TRUSSES - c~rTT3.?1 , ~ -rhome Sunday ta the Carl Smiths SOLIAITaylors eam , and Miss Marie Carr of Bethany. The ostheirpary sonso- *ÂÀ~Congratulations to the Beth- e by t heirammFrum spnsohr- flany correspondent who, with Commuîthe all wForuan tenjW ns M en s the birth of a son ta h rih Commnit Hal wa anen-ton Carrs, has now wvon herself joabe vet.Mr.E. R. Tay- M or L a ue th on o f eing a Gan. lor and Mr. C. Pascoe receiv- Carence Page e d awamds for highest scores and Mon.snt MSu lnc aeo *and Mrs. E. Vance and Roier Te'a'5boln hmi ndwItoas parents - ate Cris. -Bush were awamded consola- Th'5-5bolnchmin ihMraspets-heCi. tiprizes. ship goes ta Daug Taylom's team Cummiskeys of Bethany. AspciaEaser rogam asas tbey took two out of three Miss Em Henders welcomed A secalEaterprgrm asgamnes fmom Dr. Rundie. nephew Sid Cook, Mrs. Cook and Period on e Sunday Scburoi Taylor won the first gamne boys on Eastem week-end. rs lvel oSui nyate noonilA 1147 ta 1109 lost the second The Dave Wilson's entcrtained d luminated with lighted candle game 1112 ta 1236 and camne. Miss Lois Sherry of Port Hope, idand on eithem side were Eastem back with 1092 ta 948*to wrap, and Mr. Cecil Archer of Bright- liues. As an Easter film was up the Carter Family Tmaphy. on, Sunday. o- shown the story was read by Members of the champion- Callers at the Ray Robinson a Pearl Leach. The scipture ship team are Captain Daug household weme Miss Christina e lesson was read by Mrs. Harrv Taylor, Reg Hearle, Harold Lamb and Messrs. Walter and iy Knox and the meditation vm Bennett, Ernie Perfect, Ray Orr Lamb of Actan, and the s- i-ead by Mms. Wes Hilîs. The Bmock, Art Spicer and Bert Gardon Hendersons of Toronto. ,h pmogmam included a reading by Engley. Ail foegoing, including the Ray e- Gai Baker, a vocal solo by The holders of the runner- Robinsons, Mms. Emnestine Hen- al Sharon Robb and eciations by up position are Captain Dr. derson and Murray o! Bethany e Beth Stainton, Peggy Milîson, Rundle, Jack Knight, Ray Fry, and the Ralph Malcolms motor- e Joan Westiake, Carol Stainton, Frank Williams, Bill Olivèr ced ta Ottawa on Sunday ta at- s, Evelyn Hockaday, Marie Flett, Hank Janzen and Jim Cailan ' tend the wedding of "Frere r Dianne Tink, Ken and Brian The men's Major League Jacques" that is, Mr. John Hen- g Knox, Ronnie Baker, Murray toumnament is undemway and demrson and Miss Beverley La- s Flett and Donald Kellett. ahl bowîers are requested toge force o! Buckingham, Que., 'on 5, Bradley's Community Club up to the alîcys and have their IMndtal. Men news o!thi g9 wiil meet Friday nighb, April games complete by April 20th.npileetnx ek rs 15. The executive o! the Men's The Rae Malcoims take over O Mr. and Mrs. Ray Middle- Major League have set Friday in the meant.ime the double duty ton, Toronto: Mr. and MrsI ulApi 9h stenih _ft' a! "baby-sitting" for grand- ce Patter and sons, Maple Grove, banquet. The time is 6.30 p.mi daugheraenchad Cindy, an ýY Mr. and Mms. Wm. Cullings, and the location is the Cana- unning thrac atap's à-Oshawa, at Mr. Alex Pottem's. dian Legion Hall. Enticed by summery weather i 1- land long week-end ïeiverton's Th ~ ~ELasLcr Sunday (ncn cttgesth E -A MFariands ýservice xvas ,vell attended. The ca Jo hn E.And1 r , and ase fflwr ruiY L the Jon errs ad amîn - i noeybse ffoesfü- Y LERJ. O.' al o! Toronto, have hastened' kthe funemal of the late Mr. Sarni awav !rom their winter's retreat Brooks was sincerely appre- Church on Easter Sunday in 10 their local summer "'oasis" ciated. Easter lilies and potted ribute to the lovely warîn here. alhydrangea also lent their. beau- Spring day and the religious Sig- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Page "Y ty and fragrance to this inspîr. nificance o! the occasion held and the John Ker's were among -ing service. As a musical pre- a capacity congregation. The those present aI tbe annual "do" Jude Mrs. E. Cryderman at the altar, decorabed witb Easbem held this week at the Russel -piano and Gladys Yellowlees lilies and other posies, vied with Kerr's. ab the ongan provided Easter tbe feniale o! the species in the Recuperating froin various duets. The ladies trio, Mrs. E. pewvs augmented by their new~ (maladies d'enfant) are Masters >Y Crvderman. Mrs. I. Milîson and Eastcr finery and sartorial Gary Bristow and Trevor Nés- aIMrs. Wcs Yellowlees pnovided spiendour in contributing in bâtI. Stwo well-rendercd selections inl bansorming the Lord's bouse Funthen evidence o! the neces- d. keeping wibh Eastem. Sacrament mbt an attractive place o! wor- sity o! improvement on 7A g9 service was observed at the ship. Higbway occurred Thursday ex'- 'I close o! the îregular service. Rev. Bonsteel's Easber nmes- ening on Yelvcnton Hill. Mrs. gNext Sunday. Sunday Schoal1 sage w'as mosb fitbing for the John Wright proceeding east- irwill be at 10 o'clock with occasion. The Yeiverton Choir ward with ber twa-year-old re churcb service at il o'clock. lare 10 be commended for their daughter Muriel asleep on a seat Scd r sympatbv is exbend- share in the service o! song. Two beside hem, cautiously, because eto Mrs. Samn Brocks and anthems and a duet capably o! road condition, hit a bard !amilv and Mms. S.* E. Wermy on rendered added much ta the bump wbîch jarred the door their recent bereavement. Sev- Easter service. The pastor on open and threw the sleeping eral from Sauina attended bbe bebaîf o! the congregation ex- child ight out on the roadway, ', funeral service on Thursday. tended a cordial welcomc bo the the back wheel o! the car pass- ýk M.adMs e elwe many visitons present. ing only inches from the child's Mr. nd rs.WesYelowles, Yelvemton, as is the custom at head. She was usbed immed- Harold and Murray, were Fmi- Eastertime, xvas the scene o! iately to Millbnook, the nearest day evening tea guests at Mr. many family neunions. doctor at the moment, for treat- Clame Allin's, Bowmanvillc. The Harold Stinsons on Sun- ment o! cuts, lacerations and Mr. and Mms. Pemcy Dewell day enterbained their own, the bruises, fotunately o! not too and children, Mms. Margaret Bud Walkers o! Janetvillc, the seriaus a nature. It behooves us Chapman, Hampton, visited at Walter Wrights o! Blackstock ta again draw the attention of Mm. Bruce Tink's. and the Floyd Stinsans. those in authority ta tbe con- Mrs. Addie Tink visiteci at During the week the Fred dition and need o! improvement Mr. Arbhur Drew's, Oshawa. Staceys played hast ta bbe on aur local 7A Higbway. We Mms. J, Yellowlees visibed Charlie Cults, near Kitchener, hope that tragedy will ot be ber sister, Miss Ida Reynoldj, and the Lexi Memricks o! Kings- the motivating force necessary Toronto. ton, ta piuck the mate from the eye M.adMrs. Roy Langmaid, The Gea. Heaslips welcomed o! the local Minister o! Higb- M. and bCale ag orne their family: Mm. Lloyd ways as ta Ibis region's needs. M r CarlnadAlie.Laxig Heaslip o! Trenton; Mr. Gordon Quite a sermon, eh? Sund ay visitons at Mn. Roy Mc- !Ieaslip. Toronto, and the Maur- Mr. Bruce Lawson while Gill', Nesbitts of Nestieton. wonking in the woods cut bis Gir.sanniMsiJoen. Ko n The Jas. Sheckletons were foot with the axe, se verinig Mhlrn. and ms. JonrKnoxant hasts on Sunday ta the Howard cords and arteries. necessibating cbldvren wKedr n.Grn Malcoînis and Donald Whittakem bis removal ta bospital for me- GMovss, Kedmon. Crrlof Toronto. pains. Sory ta hear that Bruce Mis Maily Mcammll, The Balfour Moore's welcom- will be hobbling about for a Omemee, is enjoying holidays ed Balf' s fmother, Mrs. N. ýMoore, speli. Seven stitches wemc at Mm. Wes. Hill's. this past week. neeessary ta close the gash. Mis Eelv Tylr, etr- The Wilbert Malcolms enter- We are plcased ta report, on borough, Miss Lena Taylor, tained Lula's brother. Mn. Fred bebaîf o! tbe local committee, IBowmanville, at Mr. E. R. Tay- Philp, now of Bowmanville. that we bave engaged the Ilor's.ThNomnWloswr tsrieofatut jMiss Helen Baker, Toronto; Th omnWloswr tsrie tatope at consid- Mrs. Ken Williams. Wbibby; _________________________________ Mn. Edwin Ormiston, Eben-c zen. at Messrs. J. and Tom Ba- ker's. Miss Gail Baker visited ab Mr. J. C. Smaies, Hampton. Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Smith, I Oshawa, were at Mn. Harold Pascoe's. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Balsone and childmen, Kingston; Misses9 Barbara and Carolyn Balson.0 Courtice; Mn. and Mrs. RalphV Larmer and childnen, Black.-V stock; Mr. and Mms. Ceciln Bush and Catherine, Whitby; Mns. Sam Brooks and Grani; Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Talcott, Miss Lena Taylor, Bowinan- ville, Mn. and Mrs. Harold Baison and family, Hampton; G GER ALES iii J Mn. and Mrs. Russell Stainton ri Zion; Miss Elma Cryderman; Mm. Helmer Freitag, Oshawa; Mn. and Mms. E. R. Taylor. Mr. ri Bruce Taylor and Mrs. E. Cry - derman visited with Mr'. and H.Fmrw.Starkv\ille. and. '-an Mnr. H amoy sTbble's, Nqewcas- Fr Mr. and Mrs. D. FIEtan children, visited at Mr-. N. WC Lcach's. Taunton. ~ le Mr. and Mrs. Harrx Kox and Dean. visitcd at Mr-. JoL I eh Snowden's. ai Mr. Ronald Flett. Toî'ontoS was a visitor at Mr. Douixgl. d Flettîs, on Good Mr. Chas. Allun, Bawman- ville, Misses Nan Allun and i Muriel Mitchell. Toronto, w-ere1 Saturda ' tea gucsbs at Mr . Wps. I IGN'T TI-AT A COINCIDENCE. DCAP.? 1 \r JuST Yellaw-lees'. GOING 'TO S&/6GCEeÇ CALLING A PLUMBING EXPERT!"o Mr. Harold Reynoid.s. Toron- ta. wvas a wceekend visitox- at We Ssii? We Installi W. Service! W. Guarante.! Mr. Ralpix Davis. Re1br o hsM SE LM E Sauina Home and Subooel AIw.ys ilTsMA ERPU R1 Club meeting 'schedtîled f-- Apnil 15, has been po'stponpdý ciue lthe icprevalece of' nhit-K eopox among the ý'choOl uld ______Le A. PARKER & SONS PLUMBING * HEATING OIL BURNERS He wbo laugbs last bas pmob- abl% taken tîrne ta figure out it 47 KING ST. E. - BOWMANVILLE - MA 3-5651 ýWasn't xunniv in the irst place. -Toronto Star. ______________________________ emable expense ta provide worthy Convictions- are splendid sance w'hen tbey fJrovoke a row entertainment for the ope 1 when they relate ta important over a petty detail.-Bruce Bar- o! Church Hall on May , a malIens; tbey are a public nui- tan. tmuly auspiciaus occasion, we trust. *-- Mm. and Mrs. C. ]Parler and ~ girls, Peterborough, were guesîsi o! the Ralph Malcolms on Good i Friday. Messrs. Truus and Tieny î,i Boon o! Cooksville spent bIth week-end here aI Malcolm's. Mr.I Roy Wright, Toronto. was a welcome dinner guest an Sun- day. Carnie and Mitzi Mamie have retumncd home wilh same ta enjoy a visit et "Beantown" in Cooksville. Meanwhile your scribe reverts ta the primitive, bouls eggs and tea togethen in a bacbelor's omelette and in genemal suc- cumbs ta convenience in lieu of style in culinamy echievement. WEDDING ~ MacPHERSON a PELLOW Easter liles, pink carnations and yeliow daffodils banked with ferns, formed the back- ground in King Street United Church, Oshawa, for a wedding at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon, April 9th, when Dorothy Louise' Pellow, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry V. Pellow of Osh- awa and niece of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Edmondson of Bow- manville . 'as united in mar- niage with Arthur James Ma2.- Pherson, son of Mr. Wylic MacPherson of Springhill, N.S., and the late Mrs. MacPherson. Rev. Mervin A. Bury M.A.. B. D., performed the double ring ceremony. Mr. Walter Jackson presided nt the organ and ac- cornpanied Miss Gwen Wilson' %vho sang '11 Walk Beside You" and "The Wedding Pray- Given in marriage by hier father, the bride wore a floor length gown of cloud white Rose-point lace and nylon tulic over satin. The snugly fitted lace bodice wvas framed at thie neckline with petals of pleai - ed lace. Over the bodice was worn a long sieeved lace bol-ý ero, The bouffant sklrt was fashioned of layers of tulle over satin and featumed a deep pointed pepium. of lace edger] with pleated tulle. A beaded coronet held hier finger tip veil of tulle illusion bomdered with wide French lace. She wore a single stmand of pearis and carried a cascade of white gar- deries with garlands of hya- cinth belîs. Mis-s Vivian Diederichsen Aras maid of honor weaming a floor length gown o! blue orchid ny- lon tulle and Chantilly lace over taffeta. The softly dmaped lace bodice was offset with a portrait neckline outlined with opalescent sequins ai-d the brie! ileeves weme camplemented with matching lace gloves. Layers of tulle styled the bouf- fant skirt. Her flowers were a cascade of creamy vellow chrysanthemuums complement- ing a cluster of the same fresh tlowere on hier hair. Mr. Frçd Etcher of Oshawa, brothem-in-law of the bride, per!ormed the duties o! best man. Usheming were Mr. Brian Burt of London, Ontario, and M4r. Howard Smith o! Toronto. The reception was held in the church banquet hall. To me- ceive the guests the bride*s mother wore a street length. Elress o! navy French crepe with matching jacket, a smail white straw hat with navy ac- cents' and a, corsage of pink pinocchio rases. Receiving for the bridegroomn were Mrs. Fred Etcher wear- ing a two piece dress o! flow- er blue boucle, and Miss Mair- garet Pellow in a jacket frock of illusion blue nylon novelty veave. They both wore small .vhite bats and corsages of car- nations. For the honeymoon trip to Springhill. N.S.. and other May- itime points, the bride travel- led in a gmey blue suit of Eng- ish worsted, a smail white mi- lan straw bat with navy trim- ning, a bmown muskrat coat. and a corsage of pink roses. On their return the couple wiil reside in London, Ontario. Foliowing the reception the guests were entertained at the orne o! the bride's parents, olborne Street, East, O.shawa. BLACKSTOCK Miss Shirley Hamilton and liss Josie Bloomm. Toronto, vith Mr. and Mrs. John Hamil- on. Mr. and Mrs. John Ballingaîl, avid and Joanne in Toronto v1th Mr. and Mrs. Lee Paîgrain. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Booker shawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Ceciii1 familton. Mr. Percy Hamilton. Mill- )ook, is in a Peterborough fospital. The !ollowing friends isited him over the week-end: r. and Mrs. Wm. Taylor, Mr. md Mrs. John Hamrilton and rhirle, Mr. and Mrs. Ceci] amiltn, Mm. and Mrs. Fred familton, Mm. and Mrs. Booker id Miss Pauline Jemison. Mr. Will Moffatt, Winnipeg; drs. Norman Scott and Mrs. Famo us Tri chologist WiII Demonstrate,' How ta Grow Thicker Hair ae.and Guarantees III Demonstration ta be HeId Here This n e w method of home 'Ibis examination and no ap. treatment for savlng and gmow- pointment is necessamy. A!ber ing thieker hair ililibe dem- the examination the penson isý onstrated in Bowmanville, On- told bbc rcquimed lengtb o! tario, Friday ONLY, April 22. brealment and how much lb wili These private demonstrations cost. wiII be held at the Balmoral! Aften stanting trealment, thé Hotel an Friday ONLY April 22,1 persan makes negulan reports te 12 noon ta 9 P.m.i the Keele fix-ni in Halifax City HALIFAX, Marc-b 25.--.Lîî an to check bbc progress o! tbe interview bere boday William home treatment. Keele, înternabionally famous To spread the opportunity of Irichologist and director o!fbbceinormal heaitby bain la bbe Keele Hair Experts said, "Tbere4 thousands who are desperatelv arme 18 different scalp disarders looking for belp. independent t bat cause most men and wom-en bnrichologists arc visiting variaus ta lose bair. Using common~ cities throughoub Canada ta con- sense, a persan must realize no duct examinations and start anc tonie or so called cure-ail home trealment. couid correct all the disorders," NO CURE-ALL lie explained. GUARANTEED "We bave no cure-ail fon slick, sbiny baldncss," Kecle enipha- "'The Keele fini, n-ecogizi*ng j .ie. If thene is !uzz, the root that most people are skepbical of; still capable of cneating bain claims thiat biain cati be gi-ow.ýni and we cao pcn!orm what seems o n baiding beads. defer a guar- to be a mir'acle." -intee," Kecle said. Theme is anc tbing Keele wantà Once a person avails Ibeni- ta be certain every mani and selves ta the Kecle bncatmcnt %vma knoivs. If a recession bis skcpticisîn immcdiately dis- appeans at bbc temples on a spot appears. To insure Ibis wc O!- begins la show up on the cnown fer bhis guaranbec: "If 'yau arc o! the head, there is something not campleîely satisfied with wrong and ib should be giveri youn bain progness at tbe end imd - tenin o! 30 days your moncy wili bec meit atnin .returned." HAIR FOR LIFETIME HOPELESS CASES '«If clients follaw aur dinece DISCOURAGED tions during bbe Iealment and Finsb bbc tnicbologist is quick a!ter Ihey finish bbc course, to tell hopeless cases that thex- there is no reason why bhey will cannot be helped. But the "hope- tir ibvesbair e ai bcrs"O!r less"' cases are few. Only if a hi ie, ei ad Oi man is completely. sh iny bald firm is definitely behind this is he in Ibis îost caîegory. t reatment, itb ah depends on bhe individual clienb's faitbful ob- If there is !uzz, no matter how servabion o! a few simple mules."l ligbt, tim. on caloriess, tbbc Keele treatment can perfonm1 HOW'S YOUR HAIIR wone1s If it worries you, call Trieholo. A complete, Priva te examina- 1 gist G. O. Abbott at the Bairnor- tion is given by a trichologist ta aIa Hotel In Bowmanville, On- determine the condition of ! bs laria, on Friday ONLY, April 22. scalp, and cause for bis bain 12 noon ta 9 p.m. The publie is trouble. Free Examinabions. invited. You do not need an This examinatian is verv thon- appoinînient. The examinatlons ough and bighly bechnical, it me- are private and you wli not be quimes 20 la 30 minutes. The embarrassed or obllgated In any trichologist makes no charge fan way. See the new... Gilson "Snow Bird" FRONT OPENING- COLD SPRAY NILK COOLERS 4 Can $449.00 8 Can $669.00 Gilson 6 Can $529.00 12 Can $839.00 "Snow Bird" HERMETICALLY SEALED DRGP-IN COOLERS FulIy Automatic - 5-Year Guarantee 4 Can 6-9 Can $189.00 $240.00 10 - 12 Cani $292.00 SPECIAL! GENERAL ELECTRIC 6iÇ Ii - Ca n Cooler Litldtype - Autoinatie - 5 year guarantee Conipicte with tank OnIy $400_ Ace Refrigeration SALES. AND SERVICE 281 WILSON ROAD S. OSHAWA Phone Oshawa 3-2452 (Reverse Charges) f I~ For Complete Protection PHONE MA 3-5520 BOWMANVI LLE CLEANERSand DYERS LTD. Prevent Math Damage Larvex Spray wiIl moth-proof your clothing for one ycar 'vithi one application. COWLING'S DRUG STORE a Oshaw.& Neàiorial Service Natural atone monuments markers and corner stones No. 2 HIGHWAY E. 0F CITY LIMTS DIAL OSHAWA 3-9004 ani dîne and reverse charges TETMSDAY, APRIL 14th, 1958 PAGE six -