?KUE5AT. APR!L 4th. 1953 r Social il PhoneM IbMr. John Kent, Ottawa, spent Kster weekend at home. Mr. L. B. Nichais spent Eas- ter with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Nichols, Kingston. Mrs. R. McCready, IngersoII, has been visiting Mr. andi Mrs. Leslie Jackson and other friencis. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Heb, Pittsburgh, Pa., were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Walter De- Geer. Miss Margaret Allun spent the Weekeend with ber sister, Mr. and Mrs. M. Proctor, Smiths ACI, Ronald Kitson, Clinton, sPent Easter w.eek-end with bis Parents, Mr-. andi Mrs. Wilfrid Kitson. ,Master Gary MacDougal is spending the Easter vacation w%Ïitb Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Mayers, Sulphide. .Mr. John E. James, Aurora, spent Easter holidays with bis p arents, Mr. andi Mrs. George W.James. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Lander and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brough are holidaving in New York City this week. Mr. and Mrs. Len Doddcs andi "on Johnny spent Easter week- end i n Stratford with Mr. andi Mrs. Frank Dodds. Mrs. John Urban, David and Pattie, Windsor, were weekend visitors witb Mr. Charles Mc- Feeters andi family. Mr. and Mrs. William Smith, Stratford, were Easter week-c endi visitors witb Mr. and Mrs.V AI E Smith, Queen St.a Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bell, London, spent Easter weekenda with ber math er, Mrs. Harryv Rice, Concession Street.e STI JOHN'S CHURCH (Anglican) Firsi Sunday aller Easter a 8:00 am HOLY coMMWUNION c 10:00 amn- CHURCH SCHOOL h t( 11:00 arn. - U MORNING PRAYER Si 7:00 p.rn. - ni EVENING FRAYER ti, fo w Trinity Unit Minister, Rev. T. Artl 11:00 A.M. - "Thomas'and the 7:00 P.M.- *"UiiacknowledgE Organist, Mr. Arthur Collisoi C 4I .1Z WLALtUI EATL NI.,BOWMANVILY, .ONITARIO .- Ipana. Tooth Paste- The Statesman SoId WMO f 2 reg. 59e tubes ___-89e Jog.sond's ugStore, Newcastle iod wd l .eiiiF WILLIAM LOCK, soloist, organist, choir leader Reg.Ednd's u Store, etcantle Aw TOOTHFO V tAi T. Enwright, Newcastle everu Way , I.D.A. English Style CA'. S. Brown, Newtonvilley- PASTE ora#/ftàe EDWARD LAWSON at the piano T. M. Siemon, Enniskillen latSli F. L. Byam, Tyrone W bitens the GIf TO/ G. A. Barron, Hampton 121s 40'C teeth - sweetens A pick-up tbat's GEO. SHUTTLEWORTH, Song leader Trull's Store. Courtice the breath "Fizz3T" for folk A. E. Ribey, Burketon 217947 that are busyl H. T. Saywell, Blackstock £' Keith Bradley, Pontypool siOUi*A top§£ *JUNIOR 320 * 8e iPound tUn C. B. Tyrreil, Orono j~~ H. K. Reynolds, Kendal A Gilbert Foodi Market, MillbrookI PRESCRIPTIONSA SPECIALTY Henderson's Book Store, Oshawa ile Town Hall R.YP. Rck -ig 2 A ex0"G e or r g W. J. Berry Jack's Smoke Shopri fEND ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Rt' EVROE ECM Jr oeli e elve Goheen's Handy Store W eie Your- Local I.D.A Drug Store PhneMA3-792 The SWemenOff i Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Wylie and was the Chlldren's Easter Ser- W* . E. Rndie, D. Clerk,, ed- for one year, and amcup by Lions Elrne Ban kinJ json Brock, London, spent the vice during the afternoon ata i i tic Salary for March-- 206.52 which he could keep peran Cooper and Caec ozn f i!Easter weekend with ber par- which each-.pupil of the Church T x N tc Mary Niddery, ently, He also presentçd prîzes The sing-song was led b ents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth School made an Easter Thank- (Continued fromn page onle) Salary for March 148.44 to Joe Horvath, who placed Lion Jack Ross with W*.E.. ICox, Town, and his mother, Offering of lhens eggs. Follow- extra time, if necessary. E. A. Varcoe,B. In. second, and Russell McMartin, Workrnan at the piano. IMrs. J. A. Wylie, Toronto. ing the service the eggs were Darlington Council reqtuests Saa frMrh17.84 who came third. Lion Ross Idonated to the Memorial Hos- aryfrM ch 1' thanked Mr. Parkhjll and the LA 3-330 Easter visitors with Dr. and Counties' Council to issue de- H. A. Barron, Unemp. _ h ais a ogtit Mrs. C. W. Siemon were Air pital, Bowmanville. bentures in the sumn of $220,000 Ins. Stamps-Mbarch - 12.96 boyssforheingourleent to ad hees est a togt ate -Vice-Marshal Roy Siemon and A draw for a basket of groc- to provide funds for the con- Receiver General, drs .h meeting. i:roubleis o e.rgta Scu otes Axiry will Mrs. Siemon, Patricia, David eries was beld during the regular struction of an addition to the Income Tax for Mar. 13.20 President Jim Marr welcom-wrnti. ScutMohes'Auilaand Pamela, Ottawa; Dr. and Friday night bingo at Memorial High Sehool now in the course E. A. Varcoe, School At- ed guests John Watson, former Poise is that state of eon. hold their monthly meeting at Mrs. Harold Siemon, Toronto. Park Club House last Friday of construction at Port Hope, tendance Officer, Ac- member of the Bowmanville sciousness which is at rest and the ion entre on We:30sday Miss Muriel Reynolds, Mac- night. Proceeds of $40.25 realiz- and a further addition to the count for March - 12.00 Lions Club, and Pat O'Hara ofpaefl hnno nera.. Api 2t, t2:0p.. donald Hall, Guelph, and Miss ed by the draw will be used by addition at Bowmanvjlle High W. E. Rundie, Petty Kingsville. He also congratu- and undisturbed when oensur- Miss Kathleen Alldread, of Margaret Reynolds, Teachers' the Bowmanville Fife and Drum School, now in the course of cash Box------------6 .7.37 lated Lion Elmer Banting on ed, opposed, ol- misunderstood. Newcastle, is spending her College. Peterborough, spent Band to purchase band equip- construction wbich sehools are Roads & Bridges, being elected as President of _Clarence H. Howard. Easter holidays with her cou- Easter weekend with their par- ment. The draw wag made by under the juirisdiction of the Maint. & Repairs-- the Bowmanville Chamber of sin, Miss Jacqueline Bird. ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Reyn- Mrs. Carl Devitt and the grocer- Durham County District High March---------- 2749.94 Commerce. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hoar, olds. ies were won by Mrs. Florence Sehool Board. Relief, March-April-- 304.81 Invitations Recelved Barbara and Tommy, Toronto, Mr' and Mrs. Gerald Talcott Palmer, R.R. 5, Bowmanville. Darlington Council request- Correspondence read by Sec- spent Easter with bis parents, returned home last week after Mr. Herb Rogers who is vis- ed Counties' Council to restrict retary Norm O'Rourke includ- Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Hoar. spending several months in iting bis sister in Chicago speed limit in the Village of Lo sed 'an invitation for several of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hay- California and Florida in which doesn't think too bighly about Hampton. Lio s C ub the club members to attend DIA 3.3303- ward, Kenosha, Wisconsin, vis- they covered over 8,000 miles the way the Windy City con- Ctrhsierutdt otct (otne fo aeoe Golden Anniversary Ban- ited bis mother. Mrs. G . W. motoring in Canada and the ducts its civic eîections. He CErki ntutdtWhnat (otnudfo aeoe quet of the Bowmanville Rot- for Pattrick and famlly recently. United States. sends a copy of the Chicago E. Wite, R. McGill, D. Both- ing seci to a very great extent ary Club on April là and the Mrs. Arthur Dunn returned With their parents, Dr. andi Tribune to the editor and well Sr., M. Wyman and~ J. today ini bouse construction, first anniversary of the AjaxWAIU home on Sunday 9fter spending Mrs. V. H. Storey, for Easter makes this comment: "Boy, are Hartwig, to. arrange a meeting be said. Lions Club on April 22. Let- Mrs. Bill Kerr, Edmonton, Alta. H. Musclow and Patricia, Brock- civic election here! 1 was go- Councillors Stevens and Os- History of Measures gard to the Spring Regional SERVICE Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Mayers, ville; Mr. andi Mrs. M. W. ing to put in1 an opposition borne to represent Council. Roger Cook gave an interest- Rally of Lions International to Sulphide, and Mrs. Donald Fos- Crompton, Bill, Sheila and Mar- paper with the Tribune, but From this date Hydro con- ing address on the history 9~be bell Iin~ Peterborough on ter, Belleville, were Easter garet, Toronto. was afraid they would catch tracts are to be passeci and ini- the system of measurements inl April 15 at which a new Dre- guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Wina- fire!" tialed by the Building Inspec- use throughout the world to- puty District Governor will be- Macougl. ott Ohaw, ad M. nd rs. Rev Meril Frguon ndtor and signeci by W. E. Run- day. One of the early standards, elected. Lion Herbert "Deac" Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hall, Everett Winacott, Bowman - Mrs. Ferguson, Toronto, who abefysryn st e Wmaueet esii a Goddard is a candidate for this_______________ Nancy and Jimmy, Chathm ville, motored to Quebec City abefysrin tb Il Egyptian cubit which was post and President Marr andi spent the Easter weekend with and spent Easter weekend with areon flougnhAfoatesA-reerd t teAgiutalteisncfomteebwo Lion Don Williams urged as his parents, Mr. andi Mrs. James Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Winacott so il nAglWs f Committee witb power to act. the tip of the little finger. The aym besspoilet Hal ..5 n aySnr.rica, were in Bowmanville on fto a eemndb h HalRR.5 ad ay adr.Tuesday afternoon when Mrs. The following bills were paid faboatteetemied.b the manyona membsa tpsible to ABSI R B.Marssonof Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Rowe,Fegsn airsec a ùf Bell Tel. Co., Service width of the outstretched arms gv himi their support. Mr. andi Mrs. Alex Mairs, has Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. rno meeting of the W.M.S. andi W.A. charge------------------_$ 9-5 00 of aniaduWtlmaiemsnd 1,000 of gîv left~~ onatr.îg rie n Rowe, MnraQeado t alsUie hrh rCounties' Treasurer, these constituted a nautical a pLio Wi57liams reporetat left ona trainng cru!e on Motrealprofit aofof$457Paba's nbeen real-. M.Umile.OURI< 16 NOTO HMCS Magnificent, bound for Mr. andi Mrs. L. Scott Densem, Ferguson will leave by air to Hospitalization_.---- 344.27mie izeci on the Minstrel Show and the Caribbean. Willowdaie. were Easter guests return to Africa the end of May Town of Bowmanville, 0 So many standards measures thankeci ail the members of the O Y i1Tr9DAt, MsW.H Deem oftewith Mrs. H. Humpbries andi while Mrs. Ferguson andi the Fire Brigade ----- -- 170.00 sprank up in the middle ages, cluh for their assistance in WAE 0D 7141M"S staff. enem of the OtroTann Mrs. W.-H. Densem.cidrnwigob batn Thos. Whiilier & Son, he said, that it became very staging this event. President School for Boys. attendeci the Enster visîtors with Mrs. J. August. Coll. Rollsbeets _ 36.09 confusing. The French Metric Marr thankeci Mr. Williams r N YJTIE Municipal World, systemi was formulateci tobrg andi his committee for a very O.E.A. Convention beici in H. H. Jury were Mr. andi Mrs. Chief Sydney Venton andi Mrs. Rate Tables---------- 1.00o about some order anîd it grad- fine job in organizing the MOIARW Toronto this week. John Jury, Charles and Janet, Venton entertained at a dinner Highley Office Supply ually became accepteci througb- show. Lion Elmer Banting re- AB!AI'VVI. Miss Eleanor Hutchînson, Ottawa, and Mrs. Gordon Jury party on Tburisday, April 7, in File Foiders-------- 10.70 out the world. It is in force to- ported that the contest to see Toonoani is CllenHu-of Waterdown wbo bas recently bonor of the 4th wedding an- Registrar of Deeds, day in most countries, with the which team couici seli the most chinson, Columbus, spent Easter rietr nec froM seningo. h niversary of Mayor and Mrs. Jan. & Feb. abstracts 10.08 exception of Englanci andi North Minstrel Show tickets was won weekend with their parents,-Mr. itrmnh Mxc. Norman Down of Oshawa. Mrs. Treasurer of Ontario, America. The Metric systei-n by the Lions on Orville Os- andi Mrs. R. Hutchinson. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Walton, Down is a sister of Mrs. Venton. Nursery Stock-------- 150.0() was even made officiai by law borne's committee. andi they Mr. andi Mrs. Jack Ciayton Buttonvilie, visited their niece, Guests included Mr. Heber G.E. Burnham, in the United States in' 1866, would receive a free meal at Mr. andi Mrs. Leslie Nichois Down, Brooklin, a brother of Dornestic Fuel Oul 37.55 but later it was made optionai the next meeting at the ex. and son Kent, Arnprior, were and attended the marriage of the groom; Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Sec.-Treas. S. S. No. 18, and feli into disuse. weekend visitors with ber fath- their neice,. Miss Helen Luxton Allin and Mr. andi Mrs. Howard pes f1hterLos er and sister, Mr. A. E. Belîman o rvdnei rnt nt lln ecslbohr fte Acvance ---- ----- 500.00 Foiiowing tbe speeches of the Lion Fred Cole reminded andi Miss Marion Beliman. ofPodec in rntyUt-AnNwatebohrsfte Sec.-Treas. S. S. No. 17 three oratoricai contest final- members to pick up their quota A ed Church Thursday evening. bride, and an aunt, Miss Eliza- Advance ---------500.00 ists, Judges Jack Ross, Andy of car draw tickets. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mr. Clinton "Buci" Henning beth Aluin, also of Newcastle. A. C. Stark, Tbompson and Gien Lander Lion Bob Kent drew atten- 4 Buttery for Easter weekend were won the L.O.L. bowling trapby The Spring meeting of the Bal, due on oul furnace 100.00 announced tbat it had been a tion to the amenciments to the 0 Mviss Kay Sim, Cleveland, Ohio; donated by Worsbipfui Master Osbawa Prebsytery Woman's W. L. Lyceit, Assessor, very close contest but Roger Lions Club by-laws which be' M4r. andi Mrs. Hugh Hamer and Fred Griffin for tbe bigh av- Association wili be beid in Salary for March -- 254.20 Cook bad i energed tbe winner. said wouid be voted on at the ' laughter Debbie, Oshawa. erage on the L.O.L. teami in the Ajax Unitedi Church on Tues- J. D. Hogarth, Clerk Lion Hockin presented bim next regular meeting Mr. and Mrs. John Cattran, Durham Bowling League, andi day, April l9th, registration Salary for March --- 200.00, with the shielci which is award- Birthdays were ceerei Shawinigan Falls. Que., visiteci not Mr. Fred Henning as re- beginning at 9:30 arn. The ---- -_________________ tbeir parents, Mrs. Jack Rey- porteci last week. guest speaker will be Mrs. W. nolds andi Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mr. and Mrs. J. L. D. Webb, C. Sturtricige, President of C MEIIEPIE LSPRO A EVC Cattran, fer the Easter week- Maureen and Mary Lou Miil- Dominion Council. The topic C MEIIEPIE LSPRO A EVC end. son, Ottawa; Mr. and Mrs. L. wîll be "New Trends in W.A. Mr adMr.Nel rtoMr. Moore andi family, Tyrone; Mr. Work." Mrs. Claude lives, Mr.d Mrs. eHilon ronto and Mrs. A. Milison and fam- Bowmanville, President of the vlan Mrs. A.ln, roto;ar. ily, Long Sault; Vincent and Oshawa Presbytery W.A., wil \Iu and SrlyPo tawawre- Gail Moffatt, Wexford, visited preside at morning and after- vekno getuo r and MhreOhwwrs. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Moffatt. noon sessions. ýliff Trewin. . Franklin Park Social Nigbt Mr. F. C. Saville of Hardisty, Mr. andi Mrs. Clarence Ed- at Lions Community Centre, Alberta, who attended the Lib- nondson of Bowmanville, were Saturday, April lth. Programn, eral Federation Convention at U GSOE uests at tbe MacPberson - Pel- cards. round and square dànc- Ottawa, stopped off in town ýow wedding on Saturday af- ing.. Ruth Wilson's orchestra. over the weekend to pick up his ýernoon, April 9th, in King St Prizes, lunch and fun for ail. wife. daughter Lorna and son, Jnited Cburcb, ,Oshawa. Bring your friends. Proceecis Francis, wbo hadci cme down park equipment. 15-1* from Alberta by 'plane last qad.,endant PCA AUSA D E IDR FETV Mr. andi Mrs. Wreford F. SPECIAL VM.an rs Fak ,QrooiwALS THNDRENERSEFETV ;oucb andi daughter Anne, Win- Spending Easter weekend at wyek to visitM. n Mrs. FrainkMc Aligi ALTISWE iipgviite fieds ndrea-home with their parents, Cbief Crean ,soMrs. CoinMcville'smoh.) ives in Bowmanville andi district Sydney Venton and Mrs. Ven- Lan MrsT. aie's other) r fwdas tEate n herton, were Miss Audrey Ventnn nd Mrs.hTe . Hingginbsothe SPECIAL OFFER! 'JGHT cwafe as tEstro terof Toronto Western Hospital, ac-wobae engussote ay to Montreal by motor. acompanieci by a friend, Miss Crydermans for several weeks. FREE DISPENSER Elaine White also of Toronto Mr. Saville ini the last election Wom pf' ~ith CANCER Wetenan M.Doal Vn-icontested the federal riding ofi *RY LCR EEM0 Evelyn Howard Wton, n r onl e-Battl iver-ars.in behalf TE "«HAND and BOD'Y GIVE - Mr. andi Mrs. Don Ferguson out by a Social Credit candidate. HAIR DRUSSINO LOT I orONly9e N andchldrn,ýAcaser sentTh Saile amiy ef foothi forony 9e OW 'e Ci ~ hurch Easter visiting tbeir parents, bome on Tuesday, travelling by hdimiq BEEF, IRON f Dr. andi Mrs. Ferguson and Mr. motor, having purcbased a new %A i [iurMoranBA.andi Mrs. Leslie NichaIs and' Buick auto at the General Mot- AND WINE .,ar huMognB..attended the Luxton - Cain ors plant at Oshawa. As Mr. G u rd AgiOIIIt wedding Thursday evening. Saville bas disposeci of bis ex- 16 OZ. B ln e Mrs. L. W. VanDriel and Les- tensive ranch of 2,000 acres in I lie have returned with them Alberta we wiil not be surpris- Reg. 1.00 -7e M O T S N w for a visit. eci ta bear that be will take up _______ Protect garments you will b ftge * A tape recording was made residence in Ontario. ES-LS storing wlth one of these in s Risen Chrisi" of the Easter Sunday marning Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Hutche- M o .FORWXMt-iln rdcsN service in Trinity United Church son celebrateci their Golden ~ m LO A ohkligPout and will be played back ta as Wedding an Saturday after- boy BRYLCREUU9f(AU many shut-in members as pas- noon at the borne of their thýon ,ny other 6ki dmuWg n th m Ni 1urd lb. tin PLE~,AuE .N. sible, tbus bringing to them the daughter, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. ________________ Reg. 53e -_39c ... ~d Springs"Easter service which they were Brooks, 33 Silvertan Ave., Tr-______ ed Sring" unble o atend n peson.Theonto. I reporting this social machine was supplieci by Dr. event the Globe & Mail stateci jIW * TSTIO Keith Slemon. themroins were gay wîth color- * jIDA y , St. John's Cburcb was well figf oqes Presiding atPAE m, Mus. Bach., L.R.S.M. filleci with worshippers att the lwer -ces.Nrean ta tley fGT FAST RELIEF with NAKiS L £R.'M #C E M four services beld on Easter Peeroogsiro Mrs. Nohitaeeo embossed WC E N ____n__ WbitetueAnefetie ldý e.CU -r - ------Hutcheson, and Mrs. T. W.Bo of 7 emo r-PEROX1DE1 ] Baynton, sister of Mr. Hutche- ecnfabv= ffo4 son. Mr. and Mrs. HutchesonIN P L SRg17 fT O I AE have two daughters andi two F OR T H E 1g o 29e LaVma"C.LR sons,- Mrs. i. G. McManus, Mi's. ,ani.EVC i Youtl, CRý Evevy (Except Bowmanvi COME AND BRING A FR à J'MM e * q'". rAIVATNTAIW &"PAMWeUWAI& a