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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Apr 1955, p. 9

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?EITESDAY. APR!L 28th. 1955 TEZ CAIiADIAIi STATESMAN. EOWMA!qV~LL~, O!~TA~O PAGE N!!fU 4- 'About twcnty years aga, 'Whcn we had taa many children, and toa little cash, we uscd ta save a nickel bere, a dime there, until we amassed the magnifi- cent sum ai five dollars. Then, once a ycar, we wouid icave the kids at home, crank up the Model T, rambie into Peterbo- ro, and go on a wild spending splurge. "'That five bucks would pro- vide ail and gas for the trip, a cheap toy and candies for each youngster, a restaurant meal for Butch and I. a new dress, (praviding it didn't cost mare than $1.98) for mather. Every- time we passed the swanky Ka- wartha Golf and Country Club, rny wiie would, jokingly, en- quire when I was going ta take her in and show ber around. And I would, jokingly, reply that as soon as I was in the chips I would take her there, treat her ta a swell banquet and dance, provide hier with a corsage, and seat her at the htad table. Aiter twenty years of this rnake believe bit ai fun, we ac- tually were guests at the Ka- wartha Club, when Millbrook Lions staged their annual La- dies'Night, complete with a de- liciaus turkey dinner and dance. And, wouud you believe it, mY wife was provided witb a beautiful corsage, and seated at the head table! Sa you sec, rnany a true word Ia spoken ini jest. We thoroughly enjoyed every minute af that wandcrful even- lng wlth a bunch of swcll peo- ple. Your Unclc Dudley was prcsentcd with a "boakcaddy". It Is just about the slickest thing out ai jail; made oi heavy wire, it will hald about a dazen books, can easlly be carried ta any room, and if Narmi Leach i5 lstening, the rubber do dada on the four legs prevent scratching that swell littie table you made for us. My wiie bawled me out, on the way home, because I didn't open the present at the banquet sa the ather gucsts could sec it. Gucss I have ta go out into campany mare frequently ta get the hang ai all these social graces. As a service ta the publish- crs oi this cstecmcd journal, I'd like ta mention that I heard some grumbling apropos the Statesman not carrying much news ai the Township ai Cavan, including Millbrook. The folks down that-a-way like the paper very much, but not its neglcct ai them in its news columns. A few nights aga, Ennie and I were guests ai Bloor Street East, Home and Scbool Club, Oshawa. We had a real nice time, with a fieindly group ai people, who have the happy knack ai making strangers feei welcome. And say, were those ladies ever a group ai smartly dressed, niity laaking dalîs, in- telligent, taa. One ai their husbands caught some smelts, then whilc he was on thc night shift, the wiie slippcd me part ai the catch. They were deliciaus: Probably mare so because some other poor chap had worked sa biard ta provide them. For being such a cad, I sbould bate my- self, but 1 don't. Same folks. aiter seeing that picture ai the Youngmnan Clan in last wcck's Statesman, could- n't figure out how came Buten and I were dressed up, wben the whale thing was supposed tai be a surprise. The expianation is quite sim- plc-wc changed aur duds aiter the folks arrived. Did you no- tice I had on a bow tie, nylon shirt, pretty fair suit, thirty- nine cent socks, and two day's grawth ai wbiskcrs?» Our esteemed Editor was pre- sent, be cciebratec! hIs thirty- fiftb wedding anniversary last EASY ON THIE JOB!' Ed Youngmnan's Column The Statesman's Graus Boots ColumnWa KENDAL (Intended for last week) Miss Calleen Lowe spent the Easter holidays at ber home in Belleville and found it rather diiiicult ta get into Kendal, Sun- day, when Mr. and Mrs. Lowe brougbt bker back. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Perey Burley Tuesday evening were Mrs. Vannatto and Cecil and Mrs. Vannatto's brother, Mn. and Mrs. Andrew Moore af Vic- toria Harbour. Miss Anne Gardon wha bas been with Mr. ad Mrs. Earl Burley, is at present with Frank Hall's in Orona. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Couroux, Ray and Marie spent Sunday wîtb Mn. and Mrs. Ray Moore in Toronto. Miss Thenessa Cour- aux came back ta Kendal with tbem. Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Mercer were guests ai Mr. and Mrs. George Mercer who were odle- kbrating their wedding anniver- sary Sunday. Miss C. Lowe and Miss Dorene Powell attended the teacher's meeting heid at Antioch Schaal Monday aiternoan. Mr. and Mrs. Len Ougbtred and Donna spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Perey Buniey. Recently Mn. and Mrs. Gordon Martineil and Mn. and Mrs. Clarence Therteli attended the funeral ai their sister-in-law, Mrs. Harold Blodgett, Wark- worth. Mrs. Gardon Martineil and Kenny returned Saturday àfter spending the Easter bolidays with ber brothers at Roseneatb and Warkwortb. Last Tuesday evening local sportsmen met ta discuss the pros and cons ai a rink here next winter. A committee was nam- cd ta look for a suitable site. The girls and leaders ai the Kendal and Sixth Line 4-H Home-making Clubs with the ather clubs ai this district enjay- cd a bus trip ta Toronto, Wed- nesday. Tbey dined in tbe Georgian Room at Eatan's whcre a fashian show gave them the latest ideas in clothes. At the Tip Top Tailors they were shown the many steps penfonm- cd in the making ai men's and warnen's suits with ane persan doing eacb step. Sunnyside was visited and iastly the Parliament Buidins.The girls wiil long reebr their trip - fist, ion the many fine things tbey saw in Toronto, and second, for the hours they xvere stuck in the mud nean Tyrone, bath going and caming home. The chiidren ai Grades I and II ai aur local schools received their first polio vaccine in Orono, Tbursday. Mn. Ormiston, Bawmanviile, toak tbe cburch service an Sun- C. of C. Fees Raised On Employé e Basis Pre pare New Offices year, at quite a posh affair, which probably made him cur- lous ta sce how the Manvers Irish handie such whing dings. Whenever aur iamily has a get-tagether we always have an enjoyable time, and this was no exception. One ai thase rare treats that will be tucked away an a special page af memary's record boak. Our three-year- aid grandson, Randy, phancd from Calgary ta tell us that he had a baby sister and a windi- Mnill. In last wcek's Parliamentary Column, Johi2ny James invites suggestions. O.K. John! Haw about Mr. St. Laurent appoint- ing me ta the Senate? It is ap- parent that, unless he appoints same people af apposite politi- cal views, the Senate will be- came stuiied with a lot ai use- less political hacks, whose only recommendation is that they voted Gnit. Do you realize Johnny that there isn't anc practising Con- scrvationist in the Senate? Yet the Federal Government ai the future will have ta deal with this presing prablem. Haw can tbey whcn they have no one with grass roots conservation training? 'm ready any time. FARGO with POWERAMWC design The 1955 scale of membership fees in the Bowmanville Cham- ber af Commerce was approved at the regular monthly meeting of the Chamber held in the Bal- moral Hotel an Monday night. These are slightly increased over 1954 and are scaled accord- ing to the number ai persans employed by the various busi- nesses or industries. Following is the scale: Indlvi- duals (flot self emplayed), $2.00; individuals self emplayed), $5.00; five emplayees or less, $10.00; six ta 10 employees, $15; 1l to 25, $25; 25 ta 100, $50; 100 ta 250, $75; 250 ta 500, $100; 500 ta 1,000, $150. Chairman Art Hooper oi the membership com- mittee stated that the retail mer chants will be asked for a small additional fee ta be used for special activities which will bc ai value ta their businesses. He also stated that the slightly higher scale ai Chamber mem- bership fees this year is neces- sary because of the larger num- ber ai projects which will be undertaken. It was pointed out that each $5.00 ai membership ice enti- ties a business ta ane vate, s0 that if a business were paying a $ 15.00 fee it would have three votes. The maximum number ai votes allowed any anc busi- ness or industry, however is five. Decorate Chamber Offices Don Morris reported that scv- eral articles of furniture have been donated for the Chamber of Commerce offices in the Town Hall (the former Provin- cial Police offices) and that members will be' asked ta help paint and decorate themn in the near future. President Elmer Banting re- ported that the executive hadi discussed the erection of a signi at the Y where Ontario Street joins Liberty St. S. This sign will state that industrial sites are available and will contain a map showing the way ta the business section of the town. It will be landscaped and will con- tain the namne ai the Bowman- ville Chamber ai Commerce. Clarence Hockin stated that he had not been able ta arrange a meeting with the Inter-Club Chairmen ai the three Bow.- manville service clubs ta see if they wish ta ca-operate and have their signs placcd an it as well. He also wishes ta take up with them the matter of erecting signs at the east and west approaches ta Bawman- ville on Na. 2 Highway giving the names ai the Chamber ai Commerce, Lions, Rotary and Kinsmen Clubs and their meet- ing dates. - Trash Cans Ready A. H. Sturrock reparted that the trash cans made by the Chamber would be placed on the streets immediately, but that none would be put in day, while Rev. S. J. Pike is away. There -was a good crowd out ta the Orangemen's dance Fri- day evening in spite ai very poor road conditions. We under- stand a tow truck remained an hand ta pull them through. Kendal road conditions were the warst they have been for same years this past week. There were bad hales an the Seventh and Sixth Lines and a long stretch on the Newtonville road at Carson's which braught grief ta many travellers. Mr. and Mrs. Hatcher Faster, Judy and Tommy leit Friday for a couple ai weeks wîth Mrs. Faster's mather in the States. George Mercer is in Memor- il Hospital where he under- went an aperation on his knee Tucsday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Truman Gar- butt and son Jack, Mr. Mullen, James Swarbrick and Kcdth spent the weckend at thelir sumimer home hcre. On Sunday they entertaincd the mcmbc'-s of Jack's basketball teami and thieir girl friends ta a turky dinner. Again the chief draw- back wvas the mud hales the encountered. Miss Irene Inch spent a iew days in Kendal last week visit- ing friends. Manv watched the light plane Who i- that sweet demure little blonde af about 3 years aid, who greets vau by nam-e and appears ta be really glad ta see yau? None other than Miss Judith, daughter of tha popular prapnietor ai Fairway Fruit Market, Si TrAwin. Sbe"s a dollE Scnd in Your Views This couid be added ta, or kept ta a minimum. Perhaps your lady readers could be persuaded ta cantribute their favorite reccîpes. I am suire a column o f this ., tpe vwoid go over in a big wav %vîth tht- ladiei af this district. ItsLiptn bargain time in Memorial or Franklin Parks until later in the season. He misa stated that the Franklin Park Association had hcld a Very succcssiul party at the Lions Community Centre whlch rcalized $200 far the purchase ai park equipment. He statcd that Mrs. Victoria Frank and her cammittee deserved a great deal ai credit for their wark on behaif ai the park. He reported that citizens are ca-aperating well in the dlean- up campaign spansorcd by the Recreatian and Beautification Committec, and asked the Chamber members ta let hirn know ai any particularly dirty vacant lots so that hie could try ta get their awners ta dlean them up. Secretary Keith Lathangue reported for Health and Safe- ty Committce Chairman Ray Lathangue that the Elmer The Saicty Elephant Campaigni will start in the near future. Vice-President Rickaby re- parted that bie believed the va- cant lots on Qucen St. W. own- cd by Mrs. Mabel Bagneil, wbicb the Transportation and Parking Committee bad been interested in, will have buildi- ings erected on them. For this reason they are out ai the question as far as parking is conccrned, hie said. The minutes ai tbrcc execu- tive meeting beld since the lasi general business meeting were read by Sec. Keith Lathangue. Each member ai the Chamber ai Commerce bas been placcd on ane ai the cammittees ai the onganizatian. President Banting read these names and infurmtd the members that if they w2re mare interested in the work af anather committee they cauid be transferred ta it. An invitation was receivcd fromn the Cobourg Chamber ai Commerce ta attend their an- nual dinner at 6 p.m. on April 2 8. Would You Like A Women's Column?. Editor's Note-A lady who has only been a resident ai Bawmanville since the first ai the year, caming from Toron- ta, bas suggested that a calumn ai spjecial intercst ta wamen is lacking in The Statesman. She very kindly bas submitted the faliowing items as a start- er for such a icature. Please let us knvow what you tbink ai tbe idea.-G.W.J. Being a wiie and mother is a full time job at anytime, but with living casts at an ail time bigb, many women must have a job outside ai bier home du- ties ta help poar Pop meet the ever increasing expenses ai raising a iamily. Perhaps she may iind same belpful hints in this clumn that will make hier housebold tasks a littie casier. Hints To Homexuakers 1. When a recipe calls for melted butter, be sure ta mea- Sure the butter aiter it is melt- ed not before. 2. When baking bread or bis- cuits place a disb ai water un- der the pan ta prevent the crust from getting bard. 3. When separating egg white fromn yoke, break egg inta a funnel over a glass, tbe white will go into the glass, the yoke will stay in tbe fun- nel. 4. If fruit pies bubblc over onto the bottam ai the aven, sprinkie sait onto the spilied ,iuice. it wjll stop iurther burii- ing, and wiil be easy ta dleai out when the aven is cold. GOOD THINGS TO EAT Banana Fitters Iegg 2 tablespoons sugar L, cup rmilk 1 cup flour 1 teaspoan baking powder A pinch ai sait 2 bananas Beat eggs and sugar together, B argailn Nol1 A free package of Lipton Chicken Noodie Soup has prob- ably arrived at yaur house by now and if you've tried il, you knowjust how GOOD that home-simmered soup is. Bargasin No.à2 Your 104-off coupon - the coupon you received with your free package of Lip ton Chicken Noodie Soup Mix. It's worth TEN CENTS on vour next purchase of two packages of this wonderful modern soup mix. So cash in your coupon right away! Get this bargain in soup now! Jt's real home cookin', MODERN style. Bargamn No.3 Lipton Chicken Noodie Soup Mix is a bargain ah.1 year 'round -the best soup val-ae anv tirne! Yc;ur farni!y can enJoy this lusclous home-sirmered coup any day in the ycear, at much less than the cost of niost canned soups. Modern Lipton Soup. Mixes are a real budget help- and they sure are wonderfu[* cating. Get them where you shop. CI-IICKEN NOODLE BOWMANVI LLE PLANT A HEOGE 3lOird nt the proper pantiig Uime. FREE -Plantafor AL res CHINISEELM-EsiîOst and Vastest Growin-g-tueOh gla.. 100 for $2.89; 12-Ineh j..e. 100 fer 54.90; 1S-ueh site. 100 for $5.50; 18-loch lIa .100 forj6.95; 2-t. site. 2s for 418S or Si5.0 ver log. 3-ft. mai, 25 for 58.95 or 525.00 ver 100. PRIVET- ."Amurense& ,arlit Y, me7r-mgowth-tbO ocly hardy kind; 18-tu., 23 for $3.98 or $15. ao ver 100. ROSA MULTIFLORA- ".Natore's Hergo cf rdTy Bose"-1 -t..osby. transplanted, 25 for 53.49 or 111.95 ver 100. RED DARBERRY-maon- r.d &U aegoïo-9-ifl., l0 or $12.93; 12-l., 25 for 5.98 or $22.00 per 100. PAEONY ROOTS-(ZzîbîUo.0ci») Red, white or plok, for $1.98. Witb Evry Order Canada*o Finest clored FREE Garden Guida" Brookdale-Kingsway Nurseries BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO ?home Day or Nfght: Market 3-3345 Mort gage Loans We have Monsy Available for First Mortgage Loans on Town and Farm Property. ENQUIRIES INVITED Victoria and Grey Trust Company 437 George St. PETERBOROUGH Phone 2-04e I~~m .~. - TW 4M SIElYOUR New, more powedful *tteft r oCHRYSLER bil }" ft OU o!PLYMOUTHt - AO 6adV8mnsDEALER j .-TffMMDAT, APRM 28th, 1053 N TUE CAIÇADIAN STATESUM. BOWMANVT=. OlqTAWO- PAGE N

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