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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Apr 1955, p. 11

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HTJRSDAY, APEIL iSth, 1851 'V'~~~~"Kmlr-UW AM lA M "5'ATtPtiM ANM~~m ,.~.'.-* ~~ J~~£~C.V UJVVIYLW<VILLdLXJÂ O. TZAMCJPAE Mr. and Mr&. Alvx Watsons spent the weekend with Mr. andi Mrs. Archie Watson i To ronto. Mr. and Mrs. Carman White, Bowmanvllle, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mmi. E. White. Miss June Neilson, Toronto, spent the weckend *with Mr. andi Mn. Eti. Neilson. Mri. Wmn. Barton Ferris, Ont.;, Mr. (>o. Mitchell, Mr. ind Mn.. Smith and daughter, Mary, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Goheen, Bowmanvllle; Mns. Chas. Awde and Mmi. Frank Meneilley were visitors with Mrs. Gea. Butters. Sharon Allin entertained her little -friends on Saturday ta celebrate her fifth blrthday. Mmi. J. E. Richards visited M1r. and Mrs. J. Wesley Roc 'tOU UAN SIpIN on A RLAME TO OtYvS PLACE* IN A iHUft. ANS 'OU CAM O!PEND ON, fi u RY s L.OVBLLS 'TO FILI 'TOURt PRESCRIPTIONS IN A I4URftY! Ti4cy RH RELASLE, TOO< and Mr. and MÇrs. Cecil Petch, Toronto. Misa Audmey BlUings, Osh- awa, wvith Mr. and Mms. Cari Billings. Mr. and Mri. J. McGifl, la- ramao, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McGil]. Valenie Mercer entertaineti eight off ber little friends un Monday ta celebrate her fi.fth birthday. Mr. andi Mrs. Harry Lycett and son Gamey and Miss Mati. eline Cowan spent the week- endi at Lake St. Peter. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wood anti daughters, Lakefield; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brooks, Oshawa; Mns. T. Spencer, Mms. Geo. Crowther and Jamie, New- castle, visited Mr. anti Mrs. Chas. Wood. Mrs. Reg Sutton returnati home from Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Darlene Cooper, Bowman- ville, visiteti her grantiparents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cooper. Mme. Gardon Cottar is assist- ing Mms. C. V. Wilson at Orono Post Office. Postmas- ter Col. J. C. Gamey with Mrs. Gamey left last week for a visit ta Englanti anti the con- tinent. Mms. Junior West anti famn- ily, Peterborough, spent Satu'- day wlth Mr. and Mrs. A. E. West and Mr. Junior West. Mr. Chas. Taylor is working ut Rolph's Hardware Store. Mrs. J. Arnott, Mrs. R. Car- leton and Miss Bertha Caini weme jutiges at the Gold Medal Contest at Newcastle United Church. Mr. anti Mms. John F. Steven- san have returned home from Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. James Rickaby andi Norman visiteti in Belle- ville for the weekend. Miss M. Armour passeti away, "Dear Donald" Fundy Flying Club, Saint John, N.B., Mr. C. S. McLaren, April 21, 1955 c/o Orono Coaa & Lutnber Orono, Ont. Dear Mom and Dad: Have been having a hard time ta get a minute ta write. Have been getting things organized here and still have a way to go. Arn waiting for a 'phone cali ta go through right now, s0 wili take this tirne ta write. I have a definite day off here, Tuesdays, but so far havcn't really divorced myseif from proceed- ings here on that day. I should very shortly be in a position ta do so. J'm not working very many nights but find I'm pretty well beat after a day's work here, so arn getting considerably more sleep (neot 'n the mornings though). I feel well for it. Have gained an unbelievable arnount of wcight, 12 pounds; amn now up ta 145., Our engineer, Jim McMilan, and I went over to Charlettown, P.E.I., yesterday, and bought anoth- er aircraf t. It is in pretty good shape.' We lef t at 7,30 and had inspected the aircraft bef are noon. We went inta town for dinner and had a good look around. There is sorne very beautiful country on the Island. Their earth is red. It really looks odd ta see the fields, ditches and raads that colour and the cars ail covered in red mud. We didn't get back here and finished up 'tili 10 a'clock last night. I went home and went ta sleep an the chesterfield. I guess they had an awful tirne to get me gaing again ,to go te bcd. t.Had ta put new coil springs in the car but other- wise it is working good. HoW do you like the power steering now that you are used to it? Have been to the Y.M.C.A. a couple of times here and think l'Il j'oin. Phone cal! hasn't corne through yet se better get after the operator again. Sincerely, DON. P.S.-Have a girl starting in the office very soon and arn hiring another instructor. D. M. 2nd Postscript! P.S.-I wish you luck in your carnpaign new fuel ail custorners. for1 The eighth annual meeting off Oshawa Presbytery Woman's Association was helt inl St. Paul's Unitedi Church, Ajax, mecently with a very large at- tendance. Thmee car loatis off ladies from Orono, Kirby anti Leskarti enjoyed the mamning anti afternoon sessions in the beautiful new chunch. At the morning service the generali business, the annual reports anti story off the year were matie very interesting also the "In Memoriam" service anti the devotions.. The Communion service wai canducteti by the minuster, Rev. A. H. McLaughlin anti his eid- ers. The guest speaker in the af- ternoon was Mrs. W. C. Sturt- ritige. president off Dominion Council, who spoke on "New Trentis in W.A. Womk." Later in the affternoon Mrs. Sturt- itige installeti the new officers for 1955 anti '56 when Mrs. M. J. Tamblyni was electeti Presi- dent, anti also on the new slate off officers was Miss E. Penfounti, Cormesponding Sec- retamy anti Mms. J. Kitchen for Leadership Training, all off Orono. The four former presitients, Mrs. Clayton Lee, Oshawa; Mrs. A. A. Crawle, Oshawa; Mrs. H. T. Fallaise, Whitby, andti Ms. C. Ives, Bowmanville, weme, each presenteti with a Life Membemship Certificate anti Pin.1 The meeting closed with singing the W.A. theme song and benediction by Rev. A. H. McLaughlin. STÂRK VILLE Miss Norma Hallowell, New- castle; Mr. and Mrs. Brian Cas- well, Port Hope, visited at Mr. Llew HaIlowell's. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Paeden and Jean with Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, Kendal. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Farrow and Darla, Garden Hill, ati Mr. Victor Farrow's. Mrs. Thos. Falls has return- ed to her home in Kendal. Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Robin- son and sons visited Mr. and Mrs. R. Boughen. Newtonville, recently. Student teachers from Tor- onto spent last week at Stark- ville school and stayed with Mrs. Jim Stark. Mr. and Mrs. Orme Falls and family had Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Tam- blyn, Orono. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Harold Little, Healy Falls, on the birth off their daughter. On Sunday Mr. George Et- well passed away at his home after a few months' illness. Many friends and neighbors attended the service in Baiv- manville Tuesday afternoon. Sympathy is extended ta Mrs. Etwell. Shiloh W.A. met at the home off Mrs. John Stark Wednesday evening iast week with a fine attendance. The meeting vas opened by the president, Mrs. Llew Hallowell, witht the 'theme song and the Mary Stewart7 Colleet. Mrs. Ewart Robinson read the scripture lesson. Dur- ing the business discussion the anniversarv service in June was considered and alsa thie possibility of a strawberryf festival. Mrs. Garland Cath-E cart, Kendal, was guest for, the1 evenin and gave a fine talk1 on Indian Missions and ciosingt with a memorable stary ansdc Easter thought. Ladies served lunch and Mrs. Llew Hallowell inxited the group to meet att her home in May.s Just completed MODERN 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. Located on a new restricted stre et in Bowrnanville, this modern 5-roorn brick bungalow isa al dream bouse. Complctcd ini rug red brick with stone trini on a large site lot. Tiled bathroom, custom miade kitchen cupboards, forced air où heatlng, heated bascinent plus niany other extras. Phone MA 335576 FOR APPOINTMENT TO SEE THIS HOME LOTS Choice building lots locatcd on Frederick Avenue in Bowmanville. This is à restricted street. Right now you can have any lot off your choice or sixe - but don't deiay. W. wili be gIad te, build your bouse to Your specifications. (.wve us a cali and we willI be glad to give you an estimate of the cost. Aluin and Hefheriïngton Construction Limited 19 Scugoz Street Bowmanville Phone MA 3-5578 Aiter 5 pn. telephone Win. Allib - MArket 3-3442 Ron Hetherington -*LArket 3-3637 ..-,... 9 RD 00PO Uýnt GIRLS LAND TROUT LIKE EXPERTS in Sault Ste. Marie District, Ontario. Season for speckled opens Saturday, April 30, instead of usual May 1 which, this year, fails on Sunday. ,St. PauI's Evng Auxiliary HoId Thank-Offering St. Paul's- Evening Auxiliary heiti their Thank-Offeming at the momning service in St. Paul's Unitedi Church on April 17, when the minister, Rev. Harolti Turner, delivereti a message in keeping with t!ie missionary theme. The chiltiren's story \vas intemestingly relateti by Mrs. Antirew Dilling who tolti the youngstems off a tribe off Indians wha once lîveti near the Rocky Mountains. When the Intiiaiîs wanted ta cross the mountains, their chief went first, choosing the way, anti the tribe follow- ed in his foot prints. Even sa, she saiti, shoulti they follow in Goti's foot steps. In his sermon Mr. Turner referred ta Mary's act off an- ointing her Master's feet with preciaus ointment, anti Judas' camplaint that the deeti was an extravagant waste off moncy. Sa there are those totiay who say: "To what purpose is this W.M.S. money spent? Could it nat be put in the bag of the local church treasurer anti usedti t better ativantage?" To these people nothing is Service off value unless [t can bc useti ta provitie saine material bene- fit. Has a hantishake. then, no value? Or a smîle, or a mother's kiss, or the telling off the gospel off love? There are practical ways off helping that do not appeal ta any hodily conmfort. There is a way ta appeal ta the heart: "Sa,'" concludeti the speaker, "don't let so-calleti practical peaple tell yau that yau'ti ac- complishM mare by quilting or varnishing church fumniture in your manthly meetings, insteati off studying anti worshipping anti contributing sacificially. They simply do not know what they are talking about." Special music was rentiemet by the chair who sang the an- them "Open the Gates off the Temple," untier the direction off Mms. Reta Dudley, organist anti chairmaster. Miss Janet McGregor anti Mm. Alex Mc- Gregor also sang a duet. At the conclusion off the ser- vice, Mrs. Wm. Porter, presi- tient off the Evening Auxîliry thanketi the )Boardi for the privilege off contiucting this special service. l Tuesday marning at Orono1 Rest Home. Ciarke Township Teachers' Federation held a banquet on Wednesday at Honey Hollow, Newcastle. Mr. anti Mr. R. E. Logan visited in Peterborough on Suntiay. The Air Cadets of the No. 595 (Clarke) Squadron under Commanding Officer Flight, Lieut. R. G. Taggart attendeti the Sunday marning service at Orono United Church. Orono' Ladies Are Elected to Presbytery W. A S. S. No. 9, Clarke Mr. anti Mrs. Stan Riokarti anti family, Beaverton, spent a few tiays recçntly with Mr. anti Mrs. Maurice Petiwell anti Barry. Mm. anti Mrs. Albert Young blutt, Denise, Dale anti Peter, St. Catharines; Mm. anti Mrs.ý Russell Pedwe1ll Toronto, spe>nt the weekenti with Mr.anti Mrs. Haroldi Pedweil. Mms. Chas. Tucker visiteti hem tiaughter, Mrs. Bob Ken- family 5pe and Mrs. borough. The Lad day evenii Mrs. Stan sent and It was repi been mati. and draw Newcastle. ed ta mai ta $50.0 t the Hospil C. Gienne3 son serveý hostess. IN 2~~~~.m 'DM. 7>c gç ~ r arof 1q~the< e Roses wiII tell e adMrs. Clelanti Lane. f Reeve Congratulations ta Mr. James i Curson anti Miss Nora Co,ý Receiv, who were marr:et at New-! castîse parsanage on Saturday.; For Lc Mr. andi Mrs. Dan Vin1cîe' and Mns. Cecil Burley spent Follawin Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. vice as Rt Keith Burley, Cobourg. ship. L. A. Congratulations ta Mr. Dan dagf Ici De Mooey and Miss Grace UntdC Veleka who were married atf eight-inch Bowmanville an Saturtiay. Ac- iv wrappe( cording ta a custom in Holianti print. The friends anti neighbars were in-b e Ieft vited ta celebrate the event when it v with them at the cammunity tribute RE hall, Newtanville, that even- from und. ing when about 70 respondeti. members Mr. and Mrs. Wiliis Joncs bis hame spent Sunday with hermomther, they decli Mrs. Davidi Merrill off Wark- worth. nedy, Tor( Congratulations ta Mr. andi Mrs. A] Mrs. George Hentierson who a few day were 45 years marricti an Chris B& Wetinesday. On Sunday they Newcastle. and ail the Henderson family Miss Lai were entertaineti with a turkey Saturday dinner at the home off their beth and son anti taughter-in-law, Mr. Orono. anti Mrs. Fred Henderson. Mr. and Our Sunday morning con- and fami gregations are increasing. Next weekend1 Sunday at 9:30 a.m. we expect MsMu aur own minister, Rev. S. J. r.t ar Pike. will be with us. Misses tHelen Tui Mr. Frank Gilmer went tofthe weeki Sunnybraok Hospital on Mon~- Mrs. Austi day for a checkup.Mran Based upon average hourly earnings in manuficturing in- dustry, 2.2 pounds or V7 per cent more butter can be pur- chased today compared to. i1.5 pounds of butter in 1939. I MEN 'I SHooton ees "G ;ift"? ong Service ng five years off ser- teeve off Cavan town- ýHootan. was tender- tby members off t-e 7ounties Cauncil, an iherring apprapriate- ti in a piece off news- estate off the fish cdii ta the Imagination wvas termed a "high' Leve Hootan got ot ler by inviting ail present ta came to for a fish dinntir: lned. aonto. lice Fisk Is spending ,s with Mr. andi Mrs archard anti family. is Barchard sperit last with Misses El!za- 1Margaret Glenney, d Mrs. Daviti Uctites ily. Toronto, were guests with Mr. anti rice Pedwell. Joan McGiîl and mrer, Toronto, spent enti with Mr. andi in Turner. 1Mms. Bob Kent and *nt Sunday with Mr. Ivan Sutton, Peter- Aies' Club met Mon- ng at the home off iAllin with ten pre- four new memoers. ai-ted that $38.65 hati le at the carti party helti Easter week ini It has been decid- ke up the difference ao be turned over ta itai Auxiliary. Mrs. w anti Mrs. W. Gib- ti lunch with the Next meeting vill he' ROSE BUSH what words could neyer say.1 This Mother's Day Give Her a Lovely P oited. Rose Bush in Full Bloom IG. HARVEY AGNEW, -mm. PRESIDENT. ONTARIO HOSPITAL ASSOCIAI ARTICLE 3 1 do bel We are living in a keenlythe moald campetitive age and an era offf the moa hîgh pressure selling and ad- every enei vertising. providing A week, or even a day, sel. elhsr dam passes any more without htiv comi the virtues of some product, iecm some individual or some insti- they aska tution being forcefully extolled.stnigb The ingenuity, imagination and many and resourcefulness off advertising National H representatives, publicity men, ideal opp*C and press agents, seem ta know mhore anou no bounds or limits. mr bu Competitive advertising and One of the selling have develaped aîmost become, te ta the extreme that soon we gently neec may have a "Be kind ta Bald- entire wor] headed Men Week", a -put More Mustard on your Hotdog Week" or even an "Introduce E Your Cat ta Your Canary Woeek.Mr. and Soeoff the numerous andi wha spent diversified "days" and "weeks" ida visited which we observe at present Lancaster have littie or no personal siî- hirhm ficace a u. Many are design-. isD ed and promoted merely as a cMpiedo peg upon which ta hang soeTaor and publicity and advertising,s ndaalospend ta stimulate sales. There are her pent others, like 'Thanksgiving Day," Gergpent which have a real andi wortn-GereSa while significance. On this con- Mr, and tinent hospitals have their own and daugh special day. For many years it onto, speni has been observed on May 121h, although in my humble opin- ion, we should flot leave it to Hospital Day ta remember the hospitals. May l2th was selected as Na- tional Hospitaýl Day because it is the anniversary off the birt'a- day off Florence Nightingale, often referred ta as the -moth-, ed off modemn nursing". Born in the year 1820, Flarence Night- ingale, after overcoming many obstacles, succeeded in her cam- paign for improveti methotis ofi caring for the wounded andi the sick during the Crimean cano> paîgn. Her self-sacrifice, strug- gles, difficulties ani-i hardships are well-known. Her gocsd ex- ample off kindness anti charitv Safe stili serve as an inspiration o millions off nurses and otherj u hospital personnel arounti the But world. National Hospital Day, May l2th each year, commemorato.-' KEEPING the memory of this great pion- elothinga eer leader. It affords, at thce ings in a same time, an excellent oppor-1 tunity for the residen ts off anv 1 passible. community ta leamn about andj enjoyment to understand the great %vork1 and the many services be.ncg A more rendered by their local hospi- protect tl tal. wt This year, as National Ho9pi- Mt ai Day on a Thursday. many palicy hospitals throughout Ontario Property w'ill observe the occasion on the!aotit 6untiay preceding-May 8th, By aota sa doing. men anti women who can i11 afford the time during a week day, will have an op- portunity ta attend -open SU R Lause", at their hospital, or to iS U% l >articipate in other servics o:, ceremonies arranged as part oi [nsurance National Hospital Day pro- gramme. It is unfortunate that 1 Office the much advertised Mother's1 MA 3-5681 Day shaulti have been develon. d for the same Sunday and Kinig Street week. TIONM dieve that hospitals are warthy of bath ' 1and active support )pe they serve. Theî r ergy is bent toward the best possible .vice for their respec- munities. In return ' a sympathetic under- -"' by the people, of their- Jcomplex problems. [ospital Day is an irtunity for you ta interest in, and learn t, your local hospital. ise days it may well )o you, the most ur- ded building lin the .d. VTON VILLE Mrs. Stanley Nichais the winter in Flor- 1Mr. and Mrs. Sid before returning ta eat Port Carling. rothy Stapleton ac- by Misses Shirley dJessie Gregg, Osh- ýthe weekend wîth ats, Mr. and Mrs. apleton. 1Mrs. Wm. Weekes hter, Marilyn, Tor- iSunday with Mr. Iow Sane ? G your furniture, andi other belong- wall safe, even if would limit your it of tbis pmoperty. e practical way to tis investment in strong ..the Floater. today. insurance Personal Ask us B . JAMES Iteal Estate Residence MA 3-5493 Bowmanvlie s2.45 Marti'"s Nursery Sec thern ut the Drive-in Market Garden 2 Miles East off Bowmanville on HIGHWAY 401 OR . .. CALL MA 3-2563 FOR PROMPT DELIVERY one woman tells another . 0 SAVEIU. on scores of items A&P Fanoy Red Soeye SALMON Nabisco SHREDDED WHEAT' Jane Park.'p Prodce pecils!APPLE PIE Prodce pecils!Jane Parker Large Cuban Red Spanish, Jumbo Sime 9, Ne.1-a.36 ANGEL CAKE Thtis la Thée Wook To Préserve Thom K raft PINE PPLS 3 or .00 CHIEZ WHIZ PINEA PLES 3 fc1.00canadien MiId Fresit Green, Floride Sprimg New Crop No' 1 CHIESI CABBAGE h-'6c Instant Texas No. 1 Bermuda, Mid New Crop MIL-KO QMIfNS 31bi 1L9C Powdered Skim'"Mîlk ~ uS*~'( NUMILK Floriô'o No. 1 New Crop, Outdoor Grown Clark'& Tomato or Vegetable CUCUMBERS 2fo,19c souP Marvelous Super-Right Meats RID or BLUE BRAND BIEF BLADE ROAST SHORT RIB ROAST SHOULDER ROAST POT ROAST Blade Bone Removed VeM eoty Full Cut Baneless Plate SPECIAL 2 7%-oz tns69c SPECIAL 2 pkgs 31C SAVE bc eaci, 49c SAVE 10e each 49c 16-oz jar 39C lb 41C i-lb phcg 3 Sc i-lb tip 235c 3 tins 19c lb 35c SMOKED SIDE BACON Smoked, Super Right, Rindîes n-l Pkg 5 7c H AMBURG Freuh Ground lb. 29Ç WIENERS Ail Varieties PABLUM Gerber's Junior CIRIALS I-einz Junior FOODS Crown or Beehilve CORN SYRUP A&P chIice cream Style CORN BWINt' 8-et pkg 19e 8-oz pkg 19c 2. 5-oz tins 19c 2-lb tin 2.9c 2 20-oz tins 314 Sliorteming FLUFFO Giant Six@ TIDI or CHIER A&P Choie. Red Pitted CHERRIES lb. 42Ç ib l7c pkg7 Sc 15-oz tin 19c Prioe. Effective Until Saturday, Aoril etow àfocmcnqe0 1 w. -t BUILDING Choose from a large variety of * Italian Oxfords * Side Zippers Summer Shoes Ail Sizes and Colours $8.45 to $15.95 JOHN STIJTT SHOES' 15 King St. E. MA 3-5839 Bowmanville 1 APRM 28th, 195S TWE r-AMAnTAM -c;TAIVcZMAlV r-iwmjkwirr-% 1 1

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