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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Apr 1955, p. 14

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PAGE FOvRTEEN -ý- TEN CAKAD"M STATESMAN. EBOWM&ANV=XI. ONrrAMO 1'I'UP6DAY APRIL 28th, 195 KEDRON Robert Leslie, a yaung Scattish farmer, is a guest of Ron and other members of the Harold Wemry family, at Sunnyside Farm for one week. gathening first-hand information on dairy farming, cane of a Holstein berd, bulk haulage, etc., as it is car- ried on, at this farm. One o! four outstanding Junior Farm- ers, two girls and two boys. givenm the opportunity ai a trip to Canada, Robert bas came from New Kendal. Keithhall Inverurie, Aberdeenshine, where lie is anc of a ftmily of five. Witb the exception of one ister, who married an engineer presently supeintending road- building in Atrica, the rest of for your best girl On Mothers Day .. sparkling gif ts ta make her eyes sparkle. Choose fro our huge collection. Boxed Pearl Neckiace with eanings ta match. Just what Mothen loves. From $ 300 up .mom's most treasured gilt! 15-Jewel Gruen, $ 415 expansion band ___ 9 See our wonderful selection of fine Costume Jewellery Pin and Earring Set From $l 00 up For a GIlt Mothers always appreciate aý Fine Bone China Cup and Saucer Hooper p's Jewetlery and1 Gift Shop Ring St. WV. Bowmanville 28 King Street West BOWMANVELLE the family live on farms nea Aberdeen, with Robert and hi vounger brother stili warking i ihome with their fathen. Thel 1165 acre farm is stocked wit. 1black Angus cattle, 200 - 30 sheep which are a cross betwee: Cheviot and Leicester breed.s and a flock of 600 liens. The use af a seven-year cro, rotation plan, and the grawin, of 20 acres of turnips each yeai suits their farm and their stoci needs. On the boat trip aven on th, Ascania. aIl four suffered some what tram sea-sickness, bu Robent ta the least extent. The: left Scatland on April 7. bad; 10-day crossing, and will be ii Ontario, for the most part, unti July 20. When Robert leaves "Sunny side," he will go ta Guelph Col lege for a few days, before start ing on a tour of Perth, Elgii and Haldimand Counties. This privilege attorded thesf yaung people is grcatly ap. preciated by them, and must bi hieiptul as they sift the besi tram the diffenent methads thexý see in variaus places here, anc in their own country. And il bas been a privilege and 2 pleasure ta have such a one aw Robert, in one's home. The 'Doubles' Club af this circuit spansored a fine even- ing's entertainment an Friday, in Columbus Church, when a beautifully illustrated travelogue was presented b yMr. Murray McCullough, whose pictures and commentary took the audience ta Mexico. Colorado and Yellow- stone. Mrs. McCullough (nee Cook) cantributed piano num- bers in solo, which wene gmeatly appreciated, and we look for- ward ta heaning this artist again. On Saturday evening mem- bers of the Doubles' Club en- joyed the social evening at Maple Grave School when the Courtice Circuit Doubles spon- sored a dance fon local Couples' Clubs. Columbus-Kedron Y.P.IJ. were guests of Mn. and Mms. Lamne regunna on Tuesday evening. Eileen Jebson led in worsbîp and Margaret Ratcliffe gave the topic on "The Power of Positive rhinking." Many of the local I'.P.U. attended the convention at Solina aven the week-end and were guests in vaniaus homes at Eldad. W.A. members are reminded bat the finst evening meeting of the summer season will be held on May 4th. when final an- angements will be made for the bazaan on May 18 at 7:30. Friends and neigbbours bene welcome Mrs. J. Glover borne from. the bospital. Maxwell's Schaol was closed Iwo days last week due ta the .lness of teachen, Mm.p. T. Moon- rott. Mrs. Ross Lee was a guest af er daughter, Mrs. Alan Wenry, nniskillen, on Wednesday. 'hen the O.L.C. Alumnae met it Diane's borne. Several Kedron ladies attend- ie Columbus W.A. bazaan and ea on Wednesday, and enjoyed nme -friendly visiting while naking pur-chases" from the at- 'active well-stocked booths. Mrs. H. Werry and Miss Doris ýatty, Brooklin, were dinner iests on Satunday evening of Irs. George Lambert, the form- r Grace Tremeer, Toronto, fol- )wing their attendance at the chibition o! Art and Cratts in le studio of Miss Edna Carter, oronto, teachen and artist. Mn. and Mns. Chas. Smith, Shawa, visited bis uncle, Mn. .J. Luke, and Olive, on Sun-r ay. Mr. and Mrs. Munton Walter 2 d Darothv, Mr. and Mns. J. 1 ampbell visited Mrs. Norman lin, Bawmanville. MVrs. R. Lee was a guest at a iper party honouring bride- be Ann White, at the Allan t lrry home. Enniskillen. V Vins. Fletcher Werry, Mn. and 1 rs C. F. Werry attended the t( -jenal ait Bowmanville on Mon- t o! Edwin Herbent Argai. si b S. tc el ai CANNOT BUY àAA Thank You! The Bowinanville Rotary Club wishes ta thank the many people w~ho have helped Crippled Children in this district by retumning their Pink Envelope. Foundry Team Wins Carter Famiîy Trophy Pictured above is the Bowmanville Foundny team, champions af the Durham Bowling League, who were presented with the Carter Family Trophy at the banquet which wound up the season held in the Elmhurst Hotel, Newcastle, last Fridax niqht. Front row, left to right: George Potter, Captain Lonne Bickell with the Carter Family Trophy, Frank Smith. Rean now, 1. to n., Norm Cowle, Bill Smith, Colcy Woolnex, Howard Potter. Absent when the pictune was taken xvas Frank Lewins. Retiring President Aldin Hoan welcomed the league members ta the banquet and thanked the executive for thein co-operation during the year. Officens elected for 1955-56 wene: President, Jack McNulty; Vice-President, Bill PolIey; Treasurer, Ev. King; Secretary. Ken Kelly. -Photo by Rchder Memorial Hospital Weekly Report. For the week oi April 17-24: Admissions---------53 Binths, 4 maie, 4 temale -- - Discharges ------ ----------60j Major operations--- ---- 8j Minon openations ---------- 26 Emengency treatmcnts a These tacts are published weekly in an effont ta acquaint this cammunity %vith the ser- vices o! aur hospital. ENFIELD The Pathfindens met at the home o! Mr. and Mrs. G. Bow- man, Friday night, with the new' Vice-Pres. Miss Lamna Cochrane in charge. The devotIonal was given by Dave Wilson. Duning the business sessiôfi it was de- cided that this should be the Iast evening meeting ton the season. The programi consistcd ai a pianoj :luet by Mrs. G. Bowman and MViss Mary Helen and an ac- count of a recent trip ta New York by the Prescott sistens. Miss Marie Pnescott conducted games, followed by lunch. Our W.A. meeting was post- poned this month due ta bad 'oads. Mn. and Mrs. Edgar Prescott ttended the Prescott - McMul- [en wedding in Bowmanville: Ur. and Mns. Milton Samis and 'Iiss Elsie Samis attended the cbernethy - Hubbent wedding in Voodville: Mrs. R. Gitten at-1 ýended the Cowling - Griffin vedding in Oshawa, al] an Apnil 6th. We extend good wisbes 0these young couples. j Mr. Herbent Prescott and stens ententained a numben ai [erbets chums and wives toaa irthday party for their mothen aturday evening. They pre-d nted Mns. Pnescott with a bath wel and washcloth set. The s 'ening was spent playing cards nd lunch was toppcd with a a wely binthday cake. 0 Mn. Dave Wilson was a Sun- ay tea guest with the Vos tam-B Sympathy is extended ta Mrs. 'allace Pascoe in the death of!i 'r mother, Mrs. D. R. Cunning- b( m of Brantford., The Pascoe imily. accompanied by Miss gi 1art' Helen Bowman attended E. le funeral in Brantford, Sun- a ' . Mrs. Pascoe staved several A vYS with hem sister, Miss Evelyn M~ unningham. Pl W LESKARD C If you haven't already returned your Pink Mr. and Mns. Ross Robbins and Gail. Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. EnVelope - it is flot too, lafe - your donation wiII be R. Moffat. Orono, and Mrs. Jack put to a good cause. Morton and girls were Sunday visitars with Mr. and Mrs. Art EVERY CENT GOES TO CRIPPLED CHILDREN Rabbins.j Mr. Charles Godwin, Dun- barton, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. E. Green and fam- 16 Bowmanvi lie Window Cleaning Services We Clean Windows .Remove Storms Put on Screens and Awnings Odd Jobs - Reasonable Rates PHONE MA 33606 MA -3-5848 Receives High Triple Award p F1 C2ecil Mills is shown left above pnescnting the Milis Memorial Tnophy for the high triple of the season in the Durham Bowling League to Ralph Kelly at the banquet which wound up the league held in the Elmhunst Hotel, Newcastle, hast Fniday night. The trophy is awanded annually in memory of the late Harold Milis, a former memben of the league. The high single in the league xvas won by Ken Kelly. High average in the f irst schedule was won by Neil Bailey and in the second schedule by1 George Elliott. ily. Mrs. A. Loucks spent a few lays in Kingston visiting ber sister, Mrs. D. Smeathers.« Mm. and Mrs. Roy Thosnpson and family visited in Hamilton on Sunday. Sorny to bean that Mrs. Ray Ba11 is in hospital. We wish ber aspeedy necoveny. Linda Allen is also ýon the sick ist., We hope she wiîl soon be bettem. Mn. and Mns. Roy Spry and giris, Tyrope, with Mr. and Mrs. E. Spry. Leskamd W.A. was held on April 20th at the Sunday School. Meeting opened with The Lord's Prayer. Pres. Mrs. A. Loucks was in the chair. Devotional was in change ai Mrs. G. Spry. ropic was "'The Meaning o! the *ross."' Scripture xvas read, by frs. E. Green, John Il, verses ?5 ta 40. It w-as decided to hold àstrawberry festival on or iround Junc 29 and ta have.a white elephant'I table also. Mrs. ýGrant gave a very interesting sport o! the visit ta the Fred iictor Mission and the good that 'as done there. Members ahl lnated canned goods ta be ton- varded ta this mission. Meeting losed with the benediction and delicious lunch ivas served by ns. A. Tennant and Mms. Ray 'hompson. ja ar c. vi d o we CIO a( Mi Th EMBARRASSED AT 'IM~1 . . s M T a. -IZ j' --Photo by Rehd fer SOLINA The Spring Convention or the Oshawa Presbytery Young Peo- ple's Unions was held at Solina during the weekend. Over ane hundred young people attend- ed the banquet in the Commun- ity hall Saturday night. The thieme speaker, Rev Jane Bone of Five Oaks, Paris, Ontario, presented three challenging ad- dresses beginning Saturdayj evening and continued an Sun-I day at the morning and even- ing services. The theme of thej Convention was "Worship". Following Sunday evening ser- vice Margaret Wyman conducted the impressive candlelight ser- vice ,vhich brought another highly successful convention ta a ver ' fitting conclusion. Congratulations to Ray andi Doroth 'v Pascoe (nec Dyer) cri the birth of their daughter in Oshawa Hospital on Monday, Apni] 25. Rev. Reed will canduct a baptismal service on Mother's Day, May Q at 2 o'clock. Bradley's Community Club met Friday night with Mr. E. Cryderman in the. chair. The program consisted of piano duet by Mrs. E. Cryderman and Nancy Hamlin; vocal trios by Helen, Patsv and Ken Knox; piano solos by Harold YelIow- lees; a reading by Mrs. George Hamlin and films. Sunda ' School next Sunday, May 1 wvill be at 1.30 o'clack (D.S.T.) with church service at 2.45 o« dock when the principal of Albert St. College, Belle- FAST RELIEF FOR HEAD COLOS ville. wiUl be the guest speaker. The first practice for the Sunday School anniversary will be held Sunday night, May 1, at 8 o'clock. * The Three M'a wi.ll meet on *Tuesday evening, May 3 when .4Mr. C. R. Carveth of Newcas- tle, will show pictures on land- Iscaping. Anyone interested in this interesting subject is in- vited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Flett and children visited on Sunday at Mr. John Flett's, Peterborough. Miss Shirley Elliott, Messrs. George Black, Victor Tbomp- son and Alan Brown; Misses Elma'Crydermnan and Mr. Hel- mer Freitag, Oshawa, were Sunday visitors at Mr. E. Cry- derman's. Mrs. Nelles, Misses Helen Nelles, Jean Cunningham and Madlyn Wilcox, Bowmanville, at Ross Cryderman's. jMr. and Mrs. George Knox and daughters at Mr. Wm. Knox's, Brougham. Mr. Bil]y White, Agincourt; Mr. Allan Barnes, Wilfrid; Miss Audrey Found, Cannington at Mr. Bruce Taylor's. Misses Evelyn Taylor and Joyce Abernethy, Peterborough; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Larmer, Sharon and John; Mr. Glenn Larmer, Blackstock; Miss Joyce Morley, Pickering, at Mr. E. R. ITaylor's. Ken and Muriel Tink, Eben- ezer; Miss Ruby Morraw, Bowv- manville; Miss Beatrice Me- Lean. Greenwood, at Mr. Har- ry Knox's. Mr. and Mrs. John Medland and Billy, Brooklin, at Mr. Harvey Yellowlees. Rev. Jane Bone of Five Oaks, Paris, and Miss Ida Reynolds, Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. J. Yellowlees and Gladys. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Red- man, Eileen and Barbara Jean. and Bob Booth, Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. John Broome and family, Tyrone, at Mr. Lloyd Broonie's. Miss Wilma Toms. Mr. Keith -Van Camp, Blackstock; Mr. Murray Jackson, Brooklin, at Mr. Bruce Tink's. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lang- maid, Marlene and Alice, at Mr. O. Lunn's, Peterborough. Billie Harris with friends at Huntsville. 1 Miss Helen Van Camp, Mr.1 and Mms. Ian Montgomery and Dale, Oshawa; Misses Valena Copping and Enla Chapman, Onono; Mn. Francis Jase, New- castle, at Mn. Bruce Montgom- ery's. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Werry, Donald and Dennis. Kedmon: Misses Margaret Pellow ai-d Janette Thompspon, Oshawa; Mr. Stuart DrrW and Helen Toms, Blackstock, at Mr. Wes Huis'. Mr. Gardon Pascoe, Misses Dorothy Summenville and Shir- ley Antil, Courtice, at Mr. Ce- cil Pascae's . Mr. and Mrs. J. Knox and family at Mr. Ken Pascoe's, Brougham. Mr. Harvey Graham, Misses Joyce Graham and Joan Hos- kmn, Blackstock, at Messrs. J. and Tom Baker's. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Thomp- son, Loobanks; Mr. and Mrs. John Vos and Elgie, Enfield; LAC Albert Vos. Camp Borden; Messrs Ross and Neil Metcalf, Maple Grave, at Messrs. S. E. and Wes Werny's. Mr. Richard Van Camp, Miss- es Doreen Van Camp and Phyi. lis Strong, Blackstock, at Mr. Wes Yellowlees'. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Wemry at- tended the funeral of the lat- tem's grandfather, Mr. Sam Snowden, an Satumday after- naon. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pascoe vis- ited at Mr. J. Legem's, Oshawa, Saturday evening. Misses Lois Antil and Rae Johnston, Messrs. Ron Osborne, Raymond Osborne and Francis Johnston. Courtice, were Sun- day guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Vice and Donna. Milkmen advise against re. tunning unused milk fromn pit- cher ta bottle. Caver and store separately. Use as soon as pos- sible. Wayne, Fleetwood; Mm. and CADMUS Cadmus W. A. and W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. Mar- wod MKee April 19, wth vice-1kesident Mrs. Gray in the chair. Mrs. Gray led in prayer. Scripture was taken by Mrs. Melton, the topic being "Christ the Joy o! the World" whicb- portrayed the Easten stary. Roll caîl was answered by 15 menm- bers and seven visitars with an Easter thought. Business consistcd o! putting in committees for supper in June, and distribution of pnint matenial ta be made inta arti- cles ta sell at the bazaar. Rev. Hutton and Mrs. Hutton show- cd slides on '-New Light For India"', whicb werc very inter- esting. Program consisted af a piano solo by Bemnice Larmen and a reading by Mrs. Genald Stînson. A lovely lunch wus served by the hostesses. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lawson and Bruoe, Yelverton, with Mn. and Mrs. Marwood McKee. -.. Miss Dawne Black and Mr. Norman Campbell, Toronto, with Mr. and Mra. George Black. We are sorny ta report thapt Mrs. C. H. Fal lis is in Oshawa General Hospital. We hope she will soon be betten. Congratulations ta twa memn- bers of this community who celebrated thein 25th wedding annivensanies lately. Mn. and Mns. Marwoad McKce celebrat- ed their anniversary on April 16, and Mn. and Mrs. George Black celebnated theirs on Apnil 23. We wish themn many more years of happy married bliss. Mn. and Mrs. Marwood Mc- Kee visited !niends in Bowman- ville Fniday evening. Mm. and Mns. Norman Rohmer, Kenncth and Barry, visited Mn. and Mrs. Walter McGill. Janet- ville.- Mn. and Mns. James Gray, and Mns. McMahon, Lotus. Mn. and Mrs. Bert Shea and FOR HEAVIER HARVESTS' IOF FINER FINISH FRUIT KOLO 100 gives effective, economical protection up to and $including the first cover spray against Apple Scali. Fruit sets well ... leaves large and well formed ... Sgood terminal growth. Result: Profitable crop this year- stronger spurs for next year. FOR CONTROL'0F APPLE SCAB AFTER FIRST COVER SPRAY USE KOLO 1FERBAN Cail vour Niagara Dealer for full details of the Kolo' Program for-profitable harvests. Niagara BrandI Spray Company, Limited BURLINGTON, ONT. Investigate before you bu>'. 1. Is the Food frorn a Governrnent Inspected Plant ? 2. Will you receive a top quality freezer? 3. Are you guaranteed a continuous food supply for years fo corne? 4.Will you receive written guarantees? Your Amana Plan Dealer and Amana "Bonded" Food Service can answer these or any questions with written "proof" backed by V,1 years of satisfactory service to Canadians fromn Vancouver to Quebec City. Why notl et us have a f.ully Ir-ained food counsellor corne around Io your home and help you with your meal planning, food budget and kitchen work. Ail foods specially processed for home freezer use in a government inspected plant of Canada'. largest food packer. If you live ini the areas serviced hy this newspaper - Phone Dowmanville MA 3-5578 or write Kition's Amana Plan in Dowimanville. 8 Kitson 's Amana Plan A division of tbe Bowmanville Frigid Locker System 73 KING STREET WEST BOWMANVILLE -- 1 6, - :a Mrs. Jack Hendershot, Oshawa; and Mr. Lloyd Henry, Newcas. tle, 'vith Mr. and Mrs. Lame McKee. Mrs. Ke4edy Gray and Da. vid, are in Orono, with b er mother, Mrs. Reg Sutton, Mrs. Sutton has just returned qn Bowmanville Hospital afler undergoing an operatoni. Ail ber friends of Cadmus wish her a speedy recovery. Mrs. Richardson, Pontypool, has been staying with Mr. and Mrs. Howard McMullen. Miss Beth MeMullen stay!ed Iast week at Nestieton, wt, her aunt, Mrs. Steel. Mr. and Mrs. Howard M Mullen, Beth and Patricia, n Mrs. Richardsn, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don Ed. munds, Millbrook. Mr. and Mrs. tPonald John. stan and Mr. and Mrs. ElwynI Dickey. Yelverton, wvith mrr. Flem Thompson and Mazlow. Mr*. and Mrs. Wilson Stapleq:, Janetville, were Sunday guesis of Mr. and Mrs. Les Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Eger- teron were Thursday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Mar- waod McKee. Mr. and Mrs. C. Isaacs, Mrs. Hoppert. Randy and Chucky. Willoughby, Ohio, and Mr. Woodrow Isaacs, Clevelandi Ohia, were Sundav guests o Mr. and Mrs. Percy Williamsoti. Miss Eileen McFayden. To- ronto, is holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. McFayden. Dead Stock Removed Highest prices pald for Dead, OId and Crippled Farm Stock. TELEPHONE COLLECT Cobourg 1787 NICK PECONI, PETERBOROUGH 2.20S0 15.1 BOWMANVILLE

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