TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTABIO fl A P~U qq~m worn over an underskirt cf Live in ewt nvile affeta. Her fingertip veil wa VViII ive i Newt nvi a by a headdress of seaumInsI adpearîs and sWe carried an! orcbid on a white Prayer bock.f She was attended by Miss Ann Hurley as maid of bonor and ber cousins. Miss Wilmna Davis of Ferris, Ont.. and Mi.sz Lynda Prior of Picton as bride.s- Her young cousins, Mis 7', Cheryl Gilchrist of North Bay and Terry Davis of Ferris,. at.. ____tended the biide as flower girli and ring bearer. Gordon Henderson of Toron- to was the groomsman and thlr ushers were Graydon-LaForce, brother of the bride; Ralph Malcolm and Ray Robinson of j Yelverton; Murray Henderson of Bethany, brother of the bridegroom. After a reception at the,'Can- adian Legion hall, the happy couple left on a wedding trin <through southern Ontario. The bide wore a smart gabardine sit of forest green with na- tral colored accessories. On teir return tbey will live iat Buckingham, Que. COX - CLARKE -IA quiet wedding was sol- emnized in the Oshawa King Street United Church Parson- age on Friday afternoon, April 15ltb when Lorraine Kathleen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mar- vin R. Clarke of Oshawa, was united in marriàge with Wil.- liam Raymond Cox, son of Mr' and Mrs. F. Elmer Cox of Bow- S manville, the Rev. M. A. Buy Mr. and Mrs. Daniel De Mooy, Orono, we.re M .A., B.D., officiating.1 recetly arred i theChrstia Refrme Chuch, ow- The bride was given in mar- f recetlymariedin he CrisianRefrme Chuch Bo- rageby ber father and wore manville, by Rev. A. W. Schaafsma. The bride is the 1 two piece dress of cream and mi former Crace Veleke, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. Veleke gold eorday with fitted jacket CI cf Newtonville. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. 'and red accessories. Her cor- M. De Mooy, Orono. The young couple wîll reside in Newton- sage was of red roses. agr 'Ville. Foiowng the biemn -Photo by Carson Studio,. Port Hope at the home of the bride's par- at ents. fThe happy couple are resid- ~ ,~. . inm at R. R. 4, Bowmanville. J,ý Before ber marriage th-c bride was guest of honour at I scveral showers. Mrs. L. M. foi W eddings Souch, Oshawa, aunt of the da3 Ne. groom, entertained at a family Loi VV dd ng jparty when the young couple Wy jreceived many useful kitchen Re, M iss Helen Katocs. Oshawa, é was hostess at a miscellaneous shower. Mrs. Roy Flintoff, Osh- awa, aunt of the bride ente'- ~tained at a miscellane:us shower.I OLIVER -WILLIAMS fmani, and Mr, N. Woods acted----__.. . .pap-hoser mn nertomaneyitrfei depat a Miss ettyf M e.na Will îamsCA reception followed at the B,,,pgo party when she wvas daughterlofmr. owan Mrs. Frn- orporal's Club, R.C.A.F. Senne-. presented with a telephone ta- March 19th became the bride terre, when the bride's moth_ ble adcar of L.A.C. Robert William 0,- er received wearing a dress of ver, Senneterre, Qu. -sno royal blue crepe with matching Mvr. and Mrs. J. Oliver,, Ham- atadaesresHrco- SUT-MERSON ilton. Both the bride and groom- sage was of white carnations. are members of the R.C .A. #. The young couple will reside Nestieton United Church wasi and the ceremony was perforîn- at Senneterre, where the groom decorated with standards ofi ed in the R.C.A.F. Chapel at bas been stationed with the white snapdragon and rose car-J Senneterte at seven in the R.C.A.F. for~ the past three nations for the wedding on evening by Rev. W. H. God- years. The bride, who bas been Saturday afternoon, April 16. den.F/LHolty payed thearnember of the R.C.A.F. fur of Miss Gladys Madelena Emer- %vdn FLmoubysiced th two years, has been stationed son and Mr. Donald Ross Stutt. wedingmusc.at Senneterre since last August. Rev. C. W. Hutton perforrned The bride was given in mar- ____ the eeremony. The bride is the~ riage by her father and wore daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mal- a ballerina length gown of HENDERSON - LAFORCE colm Emerson, Nestleton, and white net over taffeta fashion- ehn:Awdigolca the groom is the son of Mrs. ed with a lace peplum and full ok lc i Jki- . R. Stutt, Bowmanville and skirt. A lace jacket with long nteresue on Spaceiturda-ovrte ady, April the late Mr. Stutt. sleeves pointed oerth bnd arn, Qeo au was worn over the fitted bo- 16, when Rev. Reginald Turpin Mrs. Lloyd Hunter, Port dice. Her shoulder length veil éefrndadul igcr- Perry, playýd the wedding was caught to a coronet and she mony in St. Stephen's church, music and accompanied Mr. carried a white Prayer Book- uniting in marriage, Miss Bey. Roland Coombes, Tyrone, who crested with white chrysanthe.- erly Edith LaForce, daughter sang "The Lord's Prayer" dur- znus.Thewedig ws heof Mr. and Mrs. Marshall La- ing the ceremony, and "Be- firs at ennterr ba Fornce of Buckinghamn, Que., to cause" while the register was fistha enniderrs oe ase Mr. John Palmer Henderson, being signed. white. ~~~~~son o r .P edro n whi thebrid wasghend in of Re. . .Henderson anf Given in marriage by ber Her attendant was Mrs. J_ P. Bth ateR. M.Hnesno father, the bride was lovely in Allan, who wore a pink baller- B h ethany.sc asply-a waltz length gown of ivory Ina length gown with full skirt ed by Mrs. Edith Weed andb» ed satin embroidered and sleeveless bodice, over soloists were Mr. William Cou- ith pearîs. The dress was which was worn a brief bolero. sons, Kingston, and Miss Lyn- faslhiiond on princess lines and She wore a rnatching haîf-hat da Bryan of Ottawa. featured an empire waistline, and carried a nosegay of pink iGvn i araeb e the round neck being enhanc- rosebuds. Give n.arag y ce d by appliqued roses. The Mr.J. . Ala wa groms ffather, the bride was lovely in long sîeeves came to a point Mr.J. . Alanwasgroms-a gown of embroidered nylon over the bands. Her fingertip veil was caught to a brocaded satin cap dewed with seed ~rIa e Y u P inspearls. On a white nurse'sBi H.- ve ou P insble, the bride carried a blue gardenia with a white hya- C allouses or Attending the bride were Miss Irene Emerson, ber sister, as maid of honor. and Miss Elva Bradley, Bowmanville, and <1'.p Miss Yvonne Chant, Nestleton, there satinquet in waltz length. Cut on princess lines with empire waists, the gowns featured V draped necklines with three- IVe are bringingyo . quarter sieeves. They wvor- YOUrnatching bandeaux with nose Positi've, Rehiabhie length veils' and carried rose and peey Rlief ~ - '. .~ carnations centred with a white and peed Relà»fgardenia. Mr. Kenneth Hockin, Bow- TheI~igerPoits o s~ 2.manville, was best man and the location of the Anterior er, Mr. Frank Emerson, Don Transverse Arch. When this Ach . .\ Milîs, Ont., and Mr. James weakens, the tiny boues are de- ttbohe ftegom lrse;uneven pressure is pro- St'ttBowroile ftegom Lcedandthenevdialreb due.fnlteUnvn itbuion Guests were received at the of th. Perbon'a weight causes a *.* home of the bride's parents, burning sensation, callouse, 1- .Ç etleton,fooin th ce- toneraota cotrcte tos, flC ,mony, the bride's mother wear- »eVers cramp-like pain. The foot -. n rs fsybu rp wideaanspradaverheaoes s'and lace with pink accessories. 4h. amifai to and ea e ont Hei corsage was of pink roses. beominf iame and nelarged r The groom's mother assisted1 bodiy Wgue88< flrVOiSnalier and wore an ensemble of gray blue xith matching bat ,e and blue gardenia corsage. Heed thefirst danger signal! Stop your Foot Troubles 0The young couple left later oa wedding trip to Boston, berfore thie, impair your comfort and ddy efic" Mass and t'he New Eiçgland S!ates, the bride choosing for' An Exnn-otio" travel a navy blue dress with 1- __pale blue top coat, white straw Of the newesUt, most Sdveic.d a tihmehdao at and corsage of white carna- r.l.vngandcoretin FotTroubles, wIll b<a held tions. They will reside at 17 King Street West, Bowman- ville. W edn sday M a' 4thThe bride is a graduate of tbe Oshawa General Hospital, class if.4 eiauyrand xe m the sur<of I. . M X of 1954. The groom is a mem- ___ thxpW$mot ert (rdw ber of tbe Accounting Office S"44~~5M'..1dS ostfltt.Orhoe&c éthorit, ia staff of the Ontario Malleable clearly exp Zan how *eSeMethods give ant., ïfot omo Iron Company, Oshawa. You will aise be given a pedograph prinS cf your ai ochk: ed f« Before ber mnarriage, the ~ hawithout cost or ob4igon. Don't =isn oeing thà a Epert &t &W bride was guest of honor at ,~ re OR abov.by M iss Elv a Bradley, Bo4I -l manville; Mrs. Thomas Cole, Lloyd Elis Sho Store shanta:sean TeMidsYve Lloyd Elis- ShoeStore sCata: altn Me isseYvnne groomwerebothhonored at a. 49 King St. W. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-5941 community shower beld in -- Nestleton United Cburch. IM Air Force Couple Wed LAC RoberL W ' illiam Oliver and his bride, the Drmer Betty Helena Williams, are shown following their arriage which took place on March 19 in the R.C.A.F. 'hapel at Senneterre, Que. The bride is the daughter of Ir. and Mrs. Francis Williams, Bowm-anville, and the room is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Oliver, Hamilton. Both ride and groom are mtQmbers of the R.C.A.F. stationed tSenneterre, Que. HAM TONed avery timely and uplifting preciated by bis listeners. The A large congregation gatbered1 Enniskillcn Male Quartette pro- ýthe cburcb service on Sun- vided t\vo selections, accom- ay afternoon wben the Masonie panied by, Mrs. E. Wright on tbe dge of Bowmanm¶le. in good-1 piano. Rev. F. J. Reed conduct- numbers, attended in a body. 1 cd the service, assisted bv Wor- v. H. A. Mellow cf North- shipful Master Chas. Warren ister United Cburch, Oshawa, who read the Scripture. Our as guest minister, and present- Church Choir led in the singing PHONE MA 3-5451 of the bymns. (Intended for last week) O RS JA sllecial cburch activity ofM RRS the Easter Season was the im- Regular monthly meeting of pressive sacred cantatta "Claudia, Woan' Association was held and the First Easter"' presented in h Sunday Sehool on Wed- in our church on Good Friday nesday, April 20th wmith four- evening. Sekn at eeteen members present. capably taken as follows: o- Te meeting was conducted, tits Pilate. Governor of Judea- 1 by the president. Mrs. H. Beck- Rev. F. Reed, Claudia, bis wifej ett. Mrs. Harold Osborne, se-' -Mary Niddery; Judean maid- retary, called the roll ater- servants: rlachel-Mrs. Keitb vards ead the minutes of the Smith, and Huldah-Mrs. Lewis last meeting. There wvas very TruIl; Isaiah, the Prophet-Har- little business. Thank you notes old Balson; Joseph of Arima- weme read and bis for a few thea, a member of the Sanbe- small items wvere presented. It din-Mr. J. A. Wamack; Jared, was moved and seconded that Joseph's gardenem-Mumray Yeo; Longimnus, tbe Centurion-Clif- ford Terrill; Joanna, iofi'" -"" Chuza. Hemod's Steward-Mrs . Bert Hoskin; Pilgrims-Frnk lin Truli and M. Yeo. ~ <~ Act 1 - Friday mornlng- Scene, in the palace of Pontius Pilate. Act 2 - Friday evening - Scene takes place in an audience mo in the Palace. Act 3 - Sunday - Scene, in the palace garden. The musical part was well rendered by our choir singing the several lovely choruses be- ginning xith "Hushed -is the Holy City"'; Men's Cborus-"lTheo ' Storm"; Hosannas-Choir and Pilgrims: "They Led Hlm Forth"; "O Loveliness of Morn- ing" and the Majestic "O, Give Ye Thanks for Victory" and "Al s e oa Hail the Power cf Jesus' Name" O TIEO concluded the Performance. OTIEO Solos were taken as follows: "-O Miracle cf Mercy" by Harold Balson; "The Lord is My Sbep- a d"M.K.g"misth.;Ca"HPA bermd as.K. g-Msmit.h; "HeA erly; "We Sought a Lilied Gar- den-Mrs. J. C. Smales; "Be- Fine Qi hold the Man"-Gerald Balson AlClor duet, "Jesus cf Nazareth"-Mrs. i oor Lewis TruIl and Mrs. K. Smith. The staging and costumes were very appropriately and at- tractively done. Nomah Hem 3 e i accompanied the singing and Glo provided organ music as a prel- Glo ude te the performance. On Sunday evening, April 17, the cantatta was again presented at the Boys Training Scbool, Bowmanville, te a splendid and While the prices of ail foods rose 124 per cent during the last S u p 1 s sbowed a gain of only 91 per 4 igS.Es cent. BOWMANVI LLE I(IkIfl ST F- - . . - . ~*1- these be paid. For the next few months the roll all will be some sm3il Iarticle for the fish pond at th'! annual bazaar - Mrs. Lloyd Marvin ofered her homet for the May meeting and was gra- ciousl v accepted by the preg1- dent. We are pleased to report that Mrs. Leo Bevan is at last- free frorn a cast necessary when a 1 leg was broken ast December. By using cruthes for a. kw weeks Mrs. Bevan will, we trust, bc around as usual by berry-picking time. Walker Stores I To make room for new Summer merchandise we are offering a hosi oitobp noich bargains. Your chance Io save on family and home needs. SPECIAL PURCHASE 0F FIRST QUALITY # NYLONS Mostly 51 Gauge 15 Denier First quality full fashion- ed Nylons that are smart- ly styled wîth slenderiz- ing dark seams and nar- row panel heels ... pro- duced by a leading Canadian maker in two of the newest shades. to complement our Spring fashions . . sizes 9 to 11 ... leg length marked on each pair. SPECIAL SALE Summer Coflon Dresses Regular $4.98 Reduced to $3.98 a wonderful buy. Sîzes 12 - 20 - 161, to ')41,, low, low price. Five lovelv colours. --- - , __________________ L KIDDIES CORDUROY J A CK ETS '099 Kiddies' shirt-styled Corduroy Jackets in sizes 5, 6 and 6X only. Originally a 3.08 item made of the finest American corduroys in plain brown, green and navv with con- trasting corduroy plaid collar. KIDDIES LINED JEANS 1.29 pair Boys' or eirls' lined Jeans ini sizes 3, 4 and 5 only. A super saving in children's sturdy denim Jeans. Buy several pair. MILL ENDS OF PRINT and BROADCLOTH 3 yds. for 100 Ideal for aprons, house frocks, littie girls' dresses and quilts. Stock up now and save. 36" wide. 3 yards for $1.00 or 35c yard "Kingsize" Flannelette BLANKETS 4,99 pair -First quality 80x90 Flannelette Blankets in pink or blue check on white ground. An extra large size that allows that ample tuck-in so often lacking in flannelette blankets. Good quality 20" x 30" Irish Linen Tea Towels .39 each For gifts or home use you'll find these highly absorbent Irish Linen Tea Towels 27" WHITE FLEECY FLANNELETTE .e29 yd. White Flannelette in the ideal 27" width for baby diapers, infants' nighties and children's nightwear. 29e yard "Goodyear" Airfoam P1L LOW S 3,,99 each Famnous allergy free pillows moulded of ever-buoyant Goodyear Airfoam rubber. Medium size, keeps shape, won't sag or lump. Cotton cover zips off for easy \vash ing. Big Thirsty %%Cannon" BATH TOWELS .77 each Restock your towel supply with these soft, thickly looped man-sized towels at this 19 Only WOOL SPRING COATS to clear at 19,099 There is stili lots of time for wearing Spring Coats so take advantage of this special price. Sizes 13 to 19 Also- 5 gjnly - box-styled beige AII-weatber Coats ini sizes 10 to 18. Only 15.99 Chenille Housecoats only 3.99 each A 6.98 and 7.98 value Ladies' closely tuf ted baby chenille House- coats in sizes large and 42 to 46 only. Choice of several warm shades. Handsome Spring Handbags A big selectiono Plastic Patents an( Plastic Caifs. A S3.9ý value. Exciting col ours from black an( navy to tans and reds o- n(! Chicken Feather Pillows Just in time for the cottage or.campi for that extra room. M1ade from floral patterned ticking and selected chicke fath. use or strong curled RINTERIOR INT ýutality - Guaranteed 9.5c Quart mnvilIe ;Sales Phone MA 3-321 i a THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVMLE. ONTARIO ý . .. - 1 . vAnr nmmvw, 3 1 Il pair $2.49 BOWMANVILLE KING ST- P.-