PAGE SIX TEE CANADIA!i StrATESMAN. EOWMANV1LLE~, ONTARIO TTR~flAV AP~TT. ~Rfh IQRM Odd Fellows, Rebekahs Attend Church Service The annual divine service of cess, which Rev. Morgan com- Plorence Nightingale Lodge, No. pared to the atom. The atomici 68, I.O.O.F. and Beehive Re- b-rdcske iigu u bekah Lodge No. 125 was beld b-rdcske iigu u in Tinity United Church on cannot be prevented -from run- Suriday, April 24, at 1Il a.m. A ning a cycle. No one has the f >d representation from district power to stop process of sin by ôdg e s and Cantons from Osha- words. wa joined the Bowmanvile Sin carnies its own punish- mnembers. ment. War is a product of sin, Parade was under the direc- greed, power, and is contrary to tion of P.D.D.G.M. Wm. Corden basic laws and wve must pay the and *as led by Bowmanville penalty. War il sin. To help Legion Pipe Band. Bros. Chas, us God sent His Son to bear the Disley and Wm. Wade were burden of sin.. colour bearers and wreath was Heart of New Testament carried by Bro. Ben. King. ¶'riendsbip, love and truth are Rev. T. A. Morgan W.elcomned the heant of the New Testament the members of several branch- and the answer to how the pro- e of the Order and visitors, to cessofsnmyb tpe.W Trinty.andinvted obl Grnd hould have love to encompass Arthur Youngman to the pulpit ail In the problem of rehabil- to give the scripture reading, itation punishment does not re- from St. Matt. 16: 13-21. deem, but love bas the power to The Choir, under the direction redeem. God bas given us the of Mr. Arthur Collision, Mus.B, key wherewith to live in abun- L.R.S.M., rendered the anthem dance with Jesus Christ - '«Non Vobis Domine."' Miss Brotherhood. Vivian Sadler was heard with appreciation in a solo, "How Service at Cenotaph Beautiful Upon the Mountains."1 The placing of a wreath at Three Important Words the Cenotaph in memory of "The Keys of the Door to Life" members of the Order, followed Wasthesubectof ev.T. . the church service. Bro. Ed. wasthesubec ofRev T.A.Youngman, Veteran of World. Morgan's sermon. In the motto War I, and father of Noble'r of Odd Fellowship - Fiendship, Grand Arthur Youngman, gave Love and Truth - we find the addrcss of remembrance. It was three Most important words in 40 years ago, at Ypres, when the Christian faith, and are the Germans 'launched the first use Primary aim of a truc Christian. of gas in warfare, and the Someintepretthemas wak-Canadians were the only soldiers ness and a large proportion of who did not retreat when faced the world believes that power ilwith this new wcapon. the rule, but the world ils'nad Bro.Bn Kigpadth rns tha lv.n iheun wreat and "The Last Post" and muet pevail "Reveille" were sounded by Bro. Sin ta a Proces '1Wm. Askew of Oshawa. Rcv. T. The Problem of sin i apro-A. Morgan cosed with prayer. Sp e ciaIs! 59e Ipana Tooth Paste 2 for 89c 10# A.S.A. Tabs ---_19e 400 size Noxzema -- - ---- 29c Brylcreem and Comb Both for 69c Bealtb Sata 596 - Andrew's Saits 49c - 79o Breclc Shanspoo 850 -1.95 Vaseline Hair Tonlo 1 65e0-950 Vacuum Dotties --98c Plat Thermos -- 1.79, 1.98 Hait Plat Thermos ---- 1.75 Quart Thermos 2.95 - 3.95 Lunch Kits 1.25 Child's Kits 3.50 Pienie Jugs Preveni Moth Damage Moth Killer Crystals 59e Moth Blocks --15c, 25c Dichioricide - --- - 75c Larvex Spray --93c, 1.43 FIy Tox Spray 39c, 59c, 98c Larvex Bomb ------- -- 1.50 Moth Proofer Bomb- 1.69 FIy Tox Bomb - 89c, 1.39 Safe Lex Bomab-- 1.69 CLEARASIL OINTMENT For Pimples and Blemishes 69e - 1.19 4.95, 6.95 Gin PIl 590 Dodd's PRIS 590 Ex-Lax Laxative 150o-330 Bayer's Aspirin 19c-29c-79o PIN QUICK Toni - 3 strengths- 1.75 Hudnut's New Pin Curi Prom 1.75 1.75 Tonetto __-- _ 1.75 Baby Scales for Rent COWLI NG'S PHONE MA 3-5693 DRUG STORE WE FIT TRUSSES FARMERSI Prepare for the future by improving the quality and production of your caille. The Quinte District Cattie Breeding Association offers service to highly selected and in many cases progeny proven sires Service fo Holstein; Jersey, Ayrshire, Guernsey, Scotch Shorthorn, Dual Purpose Shorthorn and Her'eford sires is always available. Lile moubership $25.00, service fes $5.00 For service ini Durham County contact DICK WOOD - Phone Bewmanville MArket 3-3405 ITR WOOD - Phono Orono 171 R 10 JAAN TAAVET - Phone Clarke, 46 R 03 'I Il HÀYDON 1 Mr. and Mrs. G. Bodnar visit- ed Mr. and Mns. John Liptay. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Murphy and Gary, Bowmanville, visited Mr. and Mrs. H. Murphy. Mr. and Mrs. George Bertrim and son, Oshawa, at Mr. and Mrs. M. Bertrim s. Mr. and Mrs. Cramp, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Malcolm and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jeffe Parker, Toronto, at Mr. and Mrs. David Malcolm's. Mr. Alfred Olesen and Allan, Flesherton, were Sunday visitors at Mrs. M. Olesen's. Mr. and Mrs. Sulas Trewin and Judith, Bowmanville, at Mr. an< Mrs. Wm. Trewin's. Mr. Roy Ashton, Bunketon, at Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Graham's. Mr. Lloyd Ashton, Marie, Ronald and Ray were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Liptay and family vîsîted Mr. and Mrs. J. Fajkos. Mr. and Mrs. B. Vivian and family with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Vivian, Blackwater. Mrs. Harold Murphy and baby visited Mrs. Fred Brooks, Oshawa. Mr. M. Bertrim, Jean, John and Birdie, accompanied Mr. Morrison and Miss Helen Ber- trimn, Oshawa, to Lindsay anc visited Mrs. Bertrim's sister, Mrs. Mark. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Trewin and Mrs. M. Anderson, Bow- manville, motored to Port Hope on Sunday and visited Mr. andi Mrs. Russell Anderson. Mrs. W. Thompson visited friends at Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thompson, Bowman- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Siemon visited Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trew-_ in, Enniskillen. Margot Rankine, Ina Beryl Read, Lynda Potts, Jean Ber. trim and Joan Layng attended the C.G.I.T. convention at Osha- wa over the week-end. Mrs, Arthur Read and Mrs. Arthur Trewin attended the Friday and Saturday evening sessions. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Ronald, Ray and Marie at Mr. and Mrs. J. Aikenhcad's, Toron- to. Mrs. Ashton called on Miss Emma Werry. Mrs. Charlie Garrard and Mrs Lloyd Siemon attended the W.: A. convention at St. Paul's Church, Ajax, on Tuesday.. National Film Board pictures will be shown in the church on Wedne.sday at 7.45 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. H. Murphy visit- cd Mr and Mrs. Roy McLaugh- lin, Blackstock. WM.S.Plans Bus Trip- To Toronto Hampton Women~s Mission- ary Society held their Apnil meeting in the S. S. room with Mrs. Warrack, president, in charge. A number of the mcm.- bers decidled ta go on a bus trip ta Toronto ta vJýit the United Church Training School and ,many other United Chunch buildings. Mrs. Reed also invit- cd the members ta attend the Bay of Quinte conference mecet- ing in Lindsay. At the May meeting it was dccidcd ta have a baby shower, also children's donations 10 9 years of ige, of clothing, ta send to childrcn in Korea. Mrs. Salter rend a letter on Stewardship followed by Mrs. Reed giving readings on the same subject. Mrs. Nîddery took charge of the worship period. Mr s. . Mountjoy directed the prograniJ with Mrs. Cale, Mns. Warrack and Mrs. Adcock assisting. This wvas a loveiy Easter program I taken from the monthly and alsa Easter readings. Mrs. R.J Sheckleton sang a beautiful solo "Near ta the HennI of God". Mns. K. Caverley wns hostess. May meeting will be held in the S. S. room. Mrs. Cale wili be in charge of worship; Mri. Recd will rive a talk onUTnite., Nations aid Mrs. W. Horn will ibe hostess. St. John's Blackstock W. A. Meeting 1 Biackstock: The Apnil meet.. 111g of the W.A. of St. John's Church wvas heid in the Parishi Hall on Thursday afternoon, l1st, vithi the president, Miss Eva Parr, presiding, and fif- teen m-embers and three visit- ors present. Duning the devo- tional a tribute wvas paid ta the late Miss Cartwright of Toron. to, and a two minutes' silence, observed in memnory of Mmc. V. Archer, a fine memben iovcd by ahl. The president welcogied backi Mrs. A. Bailey and Mrs. Lang- feld after thein wintem holida in Flonida. The Dorcas secre- tary, Mrs. J. Hamilton, report- cd the Indian Girl Outfitý plus extras had been sent also a fine bale for the Arctic. Mrs.! Nicholson reportcd for the lasI. Diocesan Board meeting. Dur. ing the month one card of good wishes, anc baby congratula. tions, five get well, two of sym- pathy and anc birthday werc sent and expressions of tbanks rend from those who had ne- ceivcd them previousiy. Il was decidcd ta answen the roll ncxt month with an article! for the bazaar ta be held on' Anglican Day, July lst. A mo- lion was made that a word of encouragement be sent 10 the G. A. Girls who dîd such fine wvork in winnîng their badges, with honors. The Study Book chapten, "Education for Citizenship" was taken by Mrs. Longfeld. The~ members were happy to hear Miss Hall was pleased wlth ber work in Moose Mactony and en- joying il very much. After singing God Save The Qucen in recognition of the Queen's birthday the nectar pranaunccd the Benediction and lunch w aerved by Group; Newton ville W.I. Elects" Mrs. W. Milligan Pres. Women's Institute met on Sunshine committee, Mrs. M. Wednesday, Apnil 20th at the Samis, Mrs. J. Pearce, Mrs. W. home of Mrs. W. Woods with Farrow, Mrs. Geo. Henderson, 17 members and 3 visitons Mrs. Fergtison; Auditors,' Miss present. It was decided to send Jennie Tbompson, Mrs. M. $10 to Bowmanville Hospital. Samis; Press Convenor, Mrs. T. Reports of the standing com- Henderson; Assistant, Mrs. Me- mittees showed good work done Cullough; Pianist, Mrs. A. Red- throughout the year. nap; Assistant, Mrs. M. Samis. Slate of officets for 1955-56 Elva Reid and Gerald Hal- as presented by Mrs. Pearce: lowcll entertained with a vocal President, Mrs. W. Milligan; lst duet. The roll caîl was answer- Vice, Mrs. H. Ormiston; 2nd cd witb the paying of the mcmi- vice, Mrs. S. Rowe; Sccretary bership fee. Lucky pnizes were Treas., Mrs. H. Wadc; District won by Mrs. Gco. Henderson Director, Mrs. B. Reid; Branch and Mrs. Rednap. Lunch wvas Directors, Mrs. W. Farrow, Mrs. served by the hostess and ber A. Rednap, Miss J. Thompson;, group. B. & P. Club Elect Their 0f ficers For New Term Officers for the coming yen: were elected at the dinner meeting of the Business anc 5Professional Women's Club held at the Balmoral Hotel or Thursday evening, April 21. Re- sults of the balloting werc an. nounced by Frances Heani, chairman of the Nominating Committee. Regional Adviser Kay McFar- land of Napance will instaîl the officers at the Creed Luncheon te be held on May 1 in the Lions Community Centre when Provincial President Mrs. Mar- gery Pcwtress of Cobourg will be among the special guests. Officers are: President-Isa- belle. Davis; Vice-Pres.-Velm'j Gay; Treasurer - Mcl MeNul- ty; Corr. Sec.-Florence Tora- linson; Rec. Sec.-Helen Nelles; Committee Chairman, Memben- ship-Ada Dadson; Program- Helen Wallis; Ways and Means 7-Marion Knox; Civic -Helen Cryderman; International - Ethel McKague; Sunshine - Audrey Wray; Bulletin-Mad- lyn Wilcox; Histonian -Helen Dcvitt; Pianist-Lorna Fletcher. Hobbies Revealed Members providcd their own entertainment on Thursday night, with most interesting re- sults. Duning dinner cach mem- ber was asked to find out the profession and hobbies of her neighbor on the right, whomn she was requested ta introduce later in thc evening. Hobbies revealed the wîde vaniety Qf interests pursued by members ýnd aiso a variety of jobs in- cluding stenographen, shop owner, lawyer and deputy ne- gistrar. Hobbies included golf, read- ing. photography, bird watch- ing, walking, sewing, ta men- tion a few. Two "secret" words had been chosen by Program Convenor Mabel Bagnell, "tra- vel" and "scrapbook," and the member mentioning these in ber introduction received a pnize.. Prizgs went te MQkn Wilcox and Hielen Nelles . Two piano numbers, "Ibeep Purple" and "Maleguena" by Lorna Fletcher were much en- joyed, as wcre readings given by Eva Whitehead, and Mabel Bagnell. President Isabelle Davis ask- cd Chairman of Membership Ada Dadson to present the new members to be neceîved into the club. The following werc received into full mcmbership; Lorna Fletcher, Doris Rickaby, Elsie Weise, Helen Devitt, Pauline Storks. President Thanks Following the balloting re- suits given by Frances Heani, President Isabelle thanked members for their confidence1 as shown in re-clecting ber for1 a second terrm. She cxpressedj her appreciation for the advicei r and assistance given ber by ex- recutive and members. She also said that she was pleased to sec members who had not beld office before coming forward to bead committees. 1, Minutes were read by Acting gRecording Secretary Dorothy Virtue. Margaret Purdon pre- sented the Treasurer's report which rcvealed that $101.50 -1 was made at the rccent Easter Bonnet Parade. The Ordinary iAccount is in the rcd ta the - amount of $4.50, but the Charity 1Account showed a balance of $139,30. A collection resulted - in $18.26 for paymcnt on the i Town Hall curtains. Repayment .of $100 on a boan in this con- .nection was voted to be made ta Lena Taylor. Donation of $10 *was made ta the T.B. campaign. *Vi McFeeters and Dorothy Virtue attcnded the recent Chamber of Commerce meeting when a report was given by *those who attended a meeting on a Regional Planning Board. The Chamber wished ta know if the Business and Profession- ai Club were interested in tis proposed board and if they wished ta send representatives ta a meeting on May 4. No ne- presentatives werc appointed, but it is possible some, members will attend. International Com- mittee wiil meet at Mary Jew- ell's on Apnil 30, ahl members being wclcome. Fees Raised Acknowledgment was made by the president of the gift of brass candle snuffers from the members who attended the Conference at Haliburton last Faîl. It was pointed out by the president that $3.95 of the $5.00 mcmbership fee went ta Prov- incial, National and Interna- tional Federat *ions, leaving lit- tic to work on locally. The question of raîsîng the fee re- sulted in a motion being passcd which naised the fac ta $6.00 with the club having the au- 'thority ta revise it upward if the occasion demands. No other amendments werc made ta bae Constitution. Plans wene completed for the Creed Luncheon on May 1. Oshawa Club who entertaincd Bowmanville recently had been asked ta attend as guests, but1 only seven were able ta come,À the president announced. Asj well as the Provincial President,N other distinguishcd guests will1 include Mrs. Margaret Ash-c down, president of the Toron-t to Club, and Margaret Batters- by,. Peterborough, who will bec guest speaker. giving the me-r didation wbich she gave at ther Sunday service held in Hali-c burton at the Conference. InC keeping with the day, the pro-t gram will bc of a devotional I Wresting BOWMANVILLE ARENA FRIDAY, APR. 29, 8:45 p.m. BEARCAT WRIGHT ~*v~- /in ERNIE DUSEK Z Other Exhibition Bout. ot Strength, Skill and Science TEX McKENZIE Vs. EMIL DUSEK LOU PLUMMER KEN KENNETH Tickets et Osborne's Sport Store or Casino Resaurant 1.25 - 1.00 - 75o Pet Milosh, Promoter i d d ir Shaw's Club Hosts to Two Other Clubs At the Apnil meeting of the Shaw's H. & S. Club, members of the No. 9 H. & S. Club, Clarke, were guests as well as representatives of the exec-- tive of the newly formed South Hope Arca H. & S. Club. In the business part of the meeting conductcd by president Ken Wenry arrangements were made for cars ta take the~ Grade 1 and 2 pupils ta Ontario St. School, Bowmanville, ta get their Salk polio vaccine. Alex Prout was chairman for the program. The Country Four Quartette, Don Staples, Jack Allin, Merrill Brown and Glenn Allin rendered several numbers which wcre very much enjoyed. Miss E. Finney, Port Hope, en- draped necklines with thnee- tcrtained with rcadings. Mrs. J. T. Brown, who was chairman of the program com- mittee intervîewed Jîmn Banas, popular young bachelor of thé community who just befone Christmas returned by plane ta bis native England ta visit bis family. This interview prov- cd ta be bath interesting and educational. Jim found that great progress had been made ln farming since he had left but stili the heating in homes and agricultural equipment is not as modern as ours. The au- dience enjoyed this interview vcry much as shown by the frequent bursts of meriment provoked by Jim's witty replies. All in ail we concluded that Jim prefers ta make bis home in Canada. Mcmriii Brown, accompanied by bis aunt, Mrs. Everett Brown, Orono. played scier- tions on bath bis saxophone and trumpet. Mrs. Orville Osborne thank- ec1 ail those wbo had taken part in the program. Mrs. Ellhott, president of South Hope, H. & S. and Mr. 3ob Allin, president of No. 9 H. & S., expressed words of ap- preciation. The gathening was divîded into groups by numbers and Mrs. K. Wcrry and Mrs. Ever- ett Brown conducted a musi- cai contest followed by a bu- nerous shit. Lunch was served by Mrs. W. M. Rabb's group. The next meeting will be held in the school on Fniday, May 6, ta which, ail those living in the school section are invited. Elcc- ion of officers will take place. Come out and support your lub. e c v ft: P OBITUARY SAMUEL SNOWDEN A prominent farmer in the Maple Grove district for manv years and a nesident of Oshawa for 20 years Samuel Snowden, 104 Alington avenue, Oshawa, passed away at the Oshawa General Hospital on Thursday, aftcrnoon. Apnil 21, in bis 9lst vear. He had been in failir.g health for the past ycar. A son of the laIe Mn. and M-s. Samn Snowden, he was born at Maple Grave on September .5, 1864. Pnior ta maving ta Osh- awa be farmed and carried on a wholesame butcher business at Maple Grave. Mn. Snowden was at one lime a dinecton of th,- Mapfle Leaf Farmers' Mutual Fine Insurance Conmpan *v a nd v- Ps widel-: I knoivn asjlvrr ud ge a! many Ontario faîl fairr,. He was a staunch Conserva-j tive in Politics and was an ar- MORRISH This meeting was a devotion- ai service and special Easter W.M.S. offering. The collection for this purpose amounted to $10. Séripture was read by Mrs. Wm. Henderson, lesson thoughts and prayer by Mrs. M. J. Os- borne. An Easter message, "The Three Crosses" given by Mrs. Dawson Beebe. Solo, "There is a Green Hill Far Away" by Mrs. D. Haines, accompanied on pi- ano by Mrs. Helen McHolm. A reading "'Take Time To' Relax" -Mrs. F. Anderson. A poem, "An Indian Brave's Version of the 23rd Psalm" by Mrs. Wni. McHolm. The meeting conclud- cd with a reading I'Folks Need a Lot of Loving" by Mrs. H. Osborne. Tea was served in the kit- chen and while waiting for the kettle to boil Miss Elain Ander- son played several selections on the piano to the enjoyment of us ail. The social haîf hour was a time for reminiscing of Easter visits with friends at home or away in different parts of Ontario. The lunch committee, MrF. Wm Marvin and Mrs. Lloyd Marvin served dainty refresh- ments and were warmly thank- ed. Sundav School wvas very well attended with several flcinembers. We trust more par- ents will bring their children and enjoy this hour of Sunday worship and song. During the past week April 18thto 22nd two student teach- crs, Mr. Robert Davis and Mr. Donald Wright, of Teachers' College, Toronto, have been doing practical work as part of their curriculum with Mrs. E. Wilson, teacher at our public school. During their stay thcy boarded with Mrs. F. Cornish, Port Hope. Mrs. Wmn. McHolm received a surprise visit on Saturday, April 23 from a niece, Mrs. Or- ville (Betty) Ross of Thorne who was passing through fromn points east to Toronto where she wiIl visit with ber cousin, John McHolm and family, on hier way home. Geese flying high, song birds tnilling, May flowers covering the bush, housewives busy in house and 'garden. farm work- crstryng to get two day s' work accomplished in twenty- four hours. Thus Sprig mwe bail you! dent worker for the party. The deoeased was a member: of Northminster United Church and a former member of Maple Grove United Church. Mr. Snowden xvas twice mar- nied. His first wife, Minnie Ai- lin. predeceased him in 1921 and ha was nrarnied in 1923 ta the former Ethel Macklin wvho, survives together with t'Ao daughters, Mrs. Noble I. Metcalf (Elva) of Oshawa and Mrs. Roy Van Camp (Edna) Base Linc',î and two sons, Lloyd and Alani of Maple Grave. Also surviving are two bro-1 thers, William and Charles! Snowden of Maple Grove; 21 grandchildren and 15 great- grandchildren. He was prede,-: tceased by two sisters, Mrs. John Munday and Mrs. John Saunders, and threc brothers, Thomas, Richard and John Snowden. Palîbearers werc M. J. Elliott, O. D. Fnicnd, A. T. Stainton,, W. C. Budd, Orme Beatty and W. R. Tonkin. Mr. and Mrs. McKee1 Honored by Friends' On Silver Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Marwood Me- Kee, Elm Shade Farm, Cadmits, were guests of honour at theiri home on Saturday evening, April l6th 1955, on the occa- sion of their 25th Wedding An-! niversary. Around a hundred friends and neighbours gather- I ed to extend congratulations and best wishes on the occa- soin of their Silver Wedding. The bride was presented with 25 roses by her sister. After ail had assembled the chairman, Mr. Norman Green, cousin of the groom, asked thie bride and groom to take seats of honour. After a few very fine remarks a short program in order for the occasion was, rendered. Mrs. Bruce Heaslip then read an appropriate ad- dress after which the presenta- tion of a beautiful silver tea. WGET TNE al& STORY, r TODA Y! no obligation JACK BROUGH Plumbing and Heating NIA 3-ý615 BOWMAN VILLE Division Street -S. - No a..We've Doute It! Here's Ühi New GEORGE WHITE 80 BUSHE MANURE SPREADER - AT ONLYi *Peo pie said it couIdn't ha cdon e, $379-0( but here it is. - George White Lad achieved the almost unbeievable feat of providing you an 80 bushel manure spreader ta seil at only $379.00 . . . Here's just another example of haw George White advanced engi- neering gives you better mer- chandise at lower prices for mer« profitable operations on your farm. This new apreader JUTELOOKAVl offers you outitanding effilciener. greater depenclabiliry, THSoo ETU Iighter running, lower maintenance. See your dealer now a e lsdl or send in coupon for compiete information. ~ 'f..d ratet. 0 New type stf.,s WHEN YOU BUY GEORGE WHITE you ore sure of ncnoe ports und service fromn the factory ut Lonidon.. a New fiared siM, Graham s Garage PHONE MArket 3-2730 HAYDON R.R. 1. BOWMANVILLE For King-Sîze yields of Extra Fancy Apples - for greater disease-control per dollar per acre, it's CAPTAN 50-W! This remarkably effective organie fungicide controls the following apple diseases: SCAB, BROOKS FRUIT SPOT, FLY SPECK, BLACK POX, BLACI< ROT <Frog Ey.), BOTRYOSPHAERIA ROT, BITTER ROT, end SOOTY BLOTCH. CAPTAN 50-W the remarkoble organic fungicide giving OUTSTANDING DISEASE CONTROL I CLEANER, SMOOTHER APPLES I GREATER YIELDS 1 BETTER STORAGE QUALIY CAPTAN 50-W is also recommended for: PEACHIS.: Brown Rot, Scab. CHERRY: Leaf Spot, Brown Rot. STRAWBIRRY: Botrytis Fruit Rot, Leaf Spot,. also STAUFFER MAGNETIC '70'9 SULPHUR PASTE "the crectm of suiphur pastesi" MÂONrrIC «'70" Suiphur Paste is a suiphur spray for the contffl of Apple Scab and other fungus diseases. Extremely fine particle size and high (over 68cl> suiphur content combine to make MAGNETZC "M'~ the most effective fungicidal suiphur formulation available. Quick setting and super-adhesive, it assures top protection even through heavy rains. CANAbIAN INdDUSTRIES (1954) LYMITED-Agricultural Chemicals Department" Halifax - Montreal - Toronto - Chatham, Ont. 7jf Agriculturailhmcl Serýng C ndrors T rough Ceristr -à- L .P~ i LONDON CANADA . IF 'w IUUItSDAY. APRIL 2M. 1453 service from the friends and neighbours was made by Mr%. Gordon Strong and Mrs. Ed Lawson. The bride and groom bath made fitting replies and e.x- presd their thanks for the bcautifu] gift. Ail joined in singing "For Thcy Are JÔMy'3 ,Good Fellows" after wvhich e presentation of a silver coffÇle pttmatch the tea service, was made by the bride's sister from the Lawsons. A bountiful lunch wvas serv- ed and the bride and groom passed wedding cake and ice cream. Several pictures \vere taken during the evening. Ail wished the bride ano groom of 25 cars many more years of happiness. Guests were present from Toronto, Peterboro, Blowman- ville, Oshawa, Orillia, Port Perry, and Orono. 1 PAGE Mx TUE C«Ant« ftATErd". nowmANvff..Lz , Olmwo