IHURSDAY, APRIL 28th, 1935 ~t.and Mms. Donald Robl have returned ta town after spending the winter at Braden- tan, Florida. Mrs. Milton Jamieson and Mms. Herb Jamiesan have returned from visiting friends in Windsor and Detroit. Miss Gladys Jamieson, Wind- sor, spent the Easten holiday frjih hem mothen, Mrs. Milton VJamieson, and othen relatives. Miss Ida Weekes, R.N., is ln Troronto for the annual meeting of the Registemed Nurses As- sociation ai Ontario this week. Weekend visitors with Mn. and Mrs. Stuart Candles- were his mather, Mms. Wm. Smith, an-d Narine Mitchell, Detroit, Mich. Ms-. and Mrs. Leslie Jackson, Misses Florence and Leta Jack- son, spent the weekend with Mn. and Mrs. Roy Jackson and Brenda Jean at Marmora. Ms-: and Mrs. Gea. Thatcher and Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Marris have returned from an enjoy- able vacation spent at Vero Beach, Daytona, and ather points in Fionîda. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH (Anglican) Third Afler Easter HOLY COMMUNION 8 a.m. and Il ar. CHURCH SCHOOL Seniors - 10 a.m. Juniors -i11a.m. EVENING PRAYER 7 p.m. Annual Florence Nightingale Service, Nurses' Association 'p WEDDING U'1ersona1 IlVANDER BELT- PRLN son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van- AA 3-3303 der Beit, Bowmanville, on Sat- ________________________urday afternoon, April 16, took as his bride Miss Corrie Joan b Marti's Nurser-y has struck an Sparkman, daughter of Mr. and r a new idea for Mother's Day in Mrs. Wiifred Sparkman, To. offering a lovely potted rose ronto. Potted palms, ferns and bush in full bloom which can be spring flowers decorated the planted later in the ganden for altar of Alderwood United summer bloom. See Fritz's advt. Church. Toronto, for the cere- ron page Il for details. mony which was performed by Mr. and Mrs, F. 0. McIlveen Rev. W. M. Mustard. The -have returned fram spending church organist, Mrs. Dennys, jthe winter at St. Petersburg, ]edt w dngmsc iFlorida, and stopped off for ai The bride was given in mar- couple af days in Bowmanvillelrnage by hes- father, and chose ta renew acquaintances while a floor length gown of white guests af Dr. and Mrs. C. W. lace and tulle with sweetheart Siemon. neckline. The full skirt of tulle featuned a centre panel af lace Community Clean-Up Cam- in front. A fingertip veîi was paign is stili in full swing, but caught ta a tiara of seed pearîs a drive araund town shows a and rhinestones and the bride numben of citizens who are carried a bouquet of red roses. quite contented ta let their neighbors do the job. Hurrah The maid of honor was Miss for those who have reaîîy co- Marie Hoy of Toronto, wear- operated in the dlean-up drive! ing a mauve cocktail length dress of lace and nylon net, Darlington Township has the featuring a strapless bodice questionable distinction of head- with matching jacket. She car- ing the list last week for com- ried yellow poms. Bridesmaids municable diseases in the Unit- Miss Barbara Brown, Port ed Caunties with 22 cases of Hope, and Jacqueline Spark- German measies and one case of man, Toronto, were similarly red measles. Bowmanville gat gowned in yellow, carrying honorable mention, having only mauve poms. Little flower girl, one case ai mumps. Miss Roberta Bussey, Toronto, The county farm report, issued wore mauve and carried a bas- weekly by the Ontario Depart- ket of spring flowers. Ail the ment of Agriculture, states that attendants wore halos of stiff- faîl wvheat in Durham County ened nylon tulle matching thcir bas wintered exceptionally weIL. gowns. Some seed has beèn sown on one Mr. Harny Vander Beit, bro- of the earlier farms in the ther of the groom, performed county, but very few farmers the duties of best man, and have been on the land vet. Fent- ushers were Bruce MacDonald ilizer is being applied to faîl Bowmanville, and Reginald wheat and new seeds. Sparkman, Toronto, brother of the bride. Mn. Ricky Sparkman, a iso a brother of the bride, act- One of Canada's lamgest and ed as ring bearer. most efficient dainies showed a For the neception at Scott's rate of profit of 1.4 cents per Tavern, Toronto, the bride's dollar sales in 1954. mothen wore a navy blue dress with ligbt blue bat and black accessories. The graom's moth- er assisted. wearing a dress of pale blue with white accessor- ies. Bath wore corsages of Pink rases. The bride and groom left la- ter on a wedding trip thraugh the United States, the bride wearing for travel a navy blue dress with top coat in powder1 d ePink hat and gloves and acorsage of pink roses. They wili reside at 212 Hibbert Ave., Oshawa.t Lions Club (Continued on page seven) that eight members ai the club would canduct a canvass down- town from 6 p.m. ta 9 p.m. on Friday on behaio the C.N.I.13. Miss Cryderman tbanked the Lions Club on bebahf ai the West Durbam Advisony Coin- mittee ai the C.N.I.B. for the invitation ta attend tbe meet- ing and fan the great belp wbicb it gives ta the commit- tee duning the year. President Jim Mars- showed tbe club members the certifi- cate wbich the Bowmanville Lions Club neceived at the Spring Regianal Rally in Pe- terborough on April 15 as the best club in general prof icien- cy in District A3. He announced that tbe members ai Lion Or- ville Osborne's team for seil- ing Mnstrel Show tickets was dining at the expense ai the members ai the othen five teams. The latter were fined 25c each so that those an Mr. IOsbonne's winning team coud neceive a free meai. Secretary Normn O'Rourke read a letten ai tbanks from the Oshawa Akela Club fan the use ai the Community Centre. A lettes- was also received from Lions International expressing sympathy in the piissing ai In- ternational Councillon J. J. Brown. A motion by Lion Bob Kent, Chairman ai the Constitution and By-Laws Committee. that 500 bookiets containing the new by-laws ai the club be pinted, wvas passed. President Marr annaunced that the 2tb Annivensarv meeting ai the club wihl be beid on May 12 and that S. A. Dodge. Immediate Past Presi- dent ai Rotas-y International would be the special speaker. He also announced that the President and two members have been invited ta the 8thi Anniversary ai the Newcastle St. Andrew's Presbyterian Anniversary Services .SUNAYMAY ist Il a.m. 7 7p.m. VERY REVEREND W. A. CAMERONI, B.D., LL.D., D.D. Past Moderator, General Assembly Rex', Alex G. Scott, Minister W. E. C. Workman, Organist Soloists Morning Service Mrs. Marjorie Ferguson, Bow- manville; Mrs. Richard Moses, Oshawa Evening Service - William F. Thompson, tenor soloist of Glenview Presbyterian Church, Toronto Anniversary Turkey Supper Church Parlours, Tues., May 3rd, beginuing at 6 p.m. TICKETS - - $1.25 Trinity United Church Minister, Rev. T. Arthur Morgan, B.A. 11:00 A.M. - "Walking Wilh God" Rev. Walter Rackhain 7:00 P.M. - "How Others Believe" Rev. T. A. Morgan Tuesday, May 3rd - 3:30 - 5:30 p.mi The Treasure Van Exhibit and sale of handicraft f rom India, Greece and Palestine, in Trinity Sunday School Room. Sunday, May 81h MOTHER'S DAY AND SACRAMENT 0F INFANT BAPTISM 'Organist, Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus. Bach., L.R.S.M. Lions Club. Birtbdays were celebrated by Lions Orville Osborne, Rus- sell Oke, Herbent and Lau- rence Goddard. The sing sang was led by Lion Alex McGrçgor witb W. E. C. Workman at the piano. ln person...0 "K0D1E1S R~g S 1 9 11k Ecom FAT EIE lax of 12 80s différent from Pads that Iust (MOI sofi ot ftrit touch 40c Salaries of Reported ti 0f Ail the (By Bob Corbett lni The Oshawa Times-Gazette) Truly the Lard must provide for His awn when it cames ta the matter of minister's salar- ies! Generous contributions in this realm are practically un.* known in Canada today. In short, the minister is the "for- gatten man"! It is a condition that ought ta cause the layman sleepless nights. Ministers are asked ta live nobly, dress respectably, labor selflessly on salaries inadequate for a saiesman, cherk or ditch- digger. And tbey, an their part accept this condition wvitbout complaint and go on making sacrifices for their faith. Minimums la Canada In Canada today effective January 1955 the United Churcb pays a minimum ai $2.- 800 plus parsonage the Angli - can Cburch minimum is $2,U0O plus rectory and car allowance; the Presbyterian Chus-ch pays~ at least $2,600 plus manse and travel allowance. In additioni, due ta the recent beneficence of a wealtby Presbyterian churchman, these ministers, if married, also receive an addi- tional $100 yearly plus $50 for each cbild. No Hand-outs Time was when the minister, by virtue ai his position in the community, received discounts on clathing, travel, perhaps free medical attention and othes- small favors as perqui- sites ai the office. That day has gone. In na other profession is the educational period sa lengthy in proportion ta the smalfi- nancial rewards. Befare attain- ing minimum qualifications for the ministry, 16 ta 17 years of public and secondary scbool and university education are necessary in most denomina- I tions. Yet the cash stipend aof mast ministers is lower than that ai any taxpaying gnou p except nurses. In Toronta bread and milk salesmen make-more than ministers with years oi experience, in their profession. This Is A "Calng" Altbough in a few cases, the saiary ai Protestant ministers in Ontario taday is adequate and, even substantial, a survey leaves no doubt that for the most part they are largely un- derpaid. A hast ai factors bear on the situation. Some af these seriaus- ly tbreaten the supply oi can- didates fan the ministny. In the first place a minister's salary is not a -wage" in the same sense as that af any othen .lass worker. Êathen it is a "stipend". The tbeory is thati .t is not a simple form of orclin- ary incarne. The minieten has given and dedicated bis services to the church. From bis church hie receives wbat is oiiered. Onl occasion, that can be pitifuliy smal. Besides the salary, most min- istens have the use ai a parsoni- age or manse fon living quar- ers. in addition ta their cash stipend. They have ta operate a cas-, frequently at their awn .xpense. Car allowances are pt ta be mere 'taken' amounts. Miinisters are nat usually eEg.- ible for extra incarne gleanedi >y engaging in wonk outside thein profession, os- by their vives working. They do meceive ertain gratuities from perform- ance af marniages, funerals on baptisms. No Blood ]la Stone "People today do nat contri- bute as bigh a pencentage of thein incarne ta the chus-ch as they did even in the depression ays," a chus-ch statistician said. "In fact tbey give less Ia hanities ai ail sorts today than Ever before in Canada's bistory. bhe percenitage of charitabie M inisters hèe Lowest Professions donations per population is con- stantly declining. Fonty percent do not give anything ta any ccharity at any time. You can t Dget blood out of a stone-and this 40 per cent af Canadians1 ýare 'Stones". Not Yet Standard 1 Reverting ta salaries: stipends vary sa widely and change so rapidly that up-to-date figures are virtually unobtainable. One denorriination currently has setI $2.600 plus use af the parish residence as its minimum. But the very setting ai a minimumli figure defeats its purpose. In1 thd minds of many, it becomes. notIthe floor but the ceiling and, is suggested as a kind ai stand-1 ard living wvage among the pro- fession.% The plain trutb is that min- isters face a grave prablemn in praviding a decent standard of living for their xvives and fam- fies. And wbat makes it worýe is that the minister and his wiie must keep up a genteel front, They must be well dress- ed and able ta entertain mod- estly. They need appropniatel clothes for ail sorts ai public and private appcarances. Baptists ta HoId Special Services At Varsity Arena More than 5,000 Baptists, members af Chunches belonging ta the Ontario-Quebec Convýen- tion, are expected ta take part in an evangeiistic service of witness ta be beld at Varsity Arena, Tononto, at 7 p.m., Sun- day. May 1. Baptist churches within 100 miles ai Toronto and mare are to cancel thein aven- ing services on that day, i f such are scheduled, so that congre- gations mày came ta Toronýa in chas-tered buses or special cavalcades. Purpose of the 'Rally for COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE Du pes».n SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS EFFECTIVE ALL THIS WEEK MOTH BALLS Colgate or FLAKES One pound -- 20e Dna ra pca 2 for 39e Two regular 59e tubes 8c $1.18 value - Only 89 Everything for Baby I...Baby Cream - ----- -50e S pecials! Aqua Seal Baby Pants-, 39c, 59e FEVER B-W Borofax --40c, 60e THERMOMETER B-W Toilet Lanolin - ---- - 40c, 65c Oral type atra-5c7c Accura te a t ra ---------------4 ,75 Easy to read Children's Aspirin, 30's 29e 49e Diaperash Ointment ------ 95c, 1.89 Mazon Ointment - 1.00, 3.00 ABSORBENT Mennen Baby Magie ----- ,79e COTTON Mennen Baby Oit- 65c, 1.20 One pound roll Mennen Baby Powder 33e, 59e Hospital grade Nestie Baby Hair Treatment 1.50 69e Nivea Creme ----- -63c, 1.10, 3.00 Mead Preparalions Aseorbie Acid Tablets, 50's 1.50 Dextri-Maltose ----- -- 95c, 2.15 Oleum Percomorphum 1.10, S., 4.75 Mulcin ----- 1.50, 2.75, 4.8.5 Poly-Vi-Sol - 1.85, 3.10, 4.75 Tri-Vi-Sol . 1.45, 2.45, 3.85 4 Types ol PABLUIM CEIREALS in stock! Mixed- Oatmeal - Barley - Rire Johnson's Baby Powder 35c, 59e Baby Oil ----- - -------69c, 1.15 Baby Soap 15c, 2 for 29e Baby Sets 1.25 Up NURSER UNITS Bottle, saipple, cap and disc 39e I 15e - 19e - 25e Specials ! I.D.A. BABY COUGH SYRUP 3 oz., reg. 50c .-.. 39e I.D.A. OLIVE OIL 4 oz., reg. 35c -- 29c 8 oz., reg. 55e 44e 16 oz., reg. 98c 79e Sets, styles# waves ALL AT 6NE TIME PIN CURL PERMANENT " NO NEUTRALIZER " NO RE-SETTING " NO TIRESOME WINDINGI $175 coploe .Kit MACLE*MS DIAPER LINERS %U RSN BOTTLES ('hix-eottoned 81.39c Denniison --35c, 1.50 15e none-25 Hankscraft Bottie Warmer--- ------- 3.25 Aqua Seal Doe-Lon Baby Pants- 69c, 89e Heinz Strained Baby Foods ----- 2 for 19c, Evenflo Plastic Nurser Unit 69e SAL.A. 16 ounce size 98c Squibb Glycerin Suppositories---------- eO Steedmnan's Teetbing Powders - --- -29e Nipples- 10c, 3 for 29c 13c, 2 for 25c 15c FREE! One houfle Hazel Bishop Your 3 Beqt Shades I Lasting Nail Polish When You Buy Two! 1.50 va lue 98C PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY 1Ale.x. We Deliver Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store mu HELPTHEii~~( REDD HARPER %%Mr. Texas" himself Wold Famous Evangelist Bily Graham was the biggest news in London in 1954, and what is news in London is news throughout the worid. REDD HARPER - "Mr-. Texas" - not only appeared with Billy and the team ln Harringay Ai-ena but had bis own meetings sponsored by the Billy Graham Evangellstlc Party ln many cities throughout Great Britain. In his PERSONAL appearance âei-e, Redd wlll play bis guitar and sing many of bis latent compositions lneludlng "LORD KEEP YOUR HAND ON ME," whlch was reeentlp recorded on Columbia Records hy JO0 STAFFORD. Bowmanville lown Hall Wednesday, May 4, 7:45* p.m. EVERVONE WELCOME MuvvMPLINVILILýz. VIN . 1 , 'aulu the Rev. T. B. McDormand, D o h r 'hp a D., General Secretarv of the~ The him Ontri-Qebe BpistCon- W ritt n O e venion ista witness ta the vr evangelistic mission of the Bap-ten O r tist denomination.P edc Guest speaker for the service r d c 2Oth C will be Rev. James Wilson Star-1 er, D.D., LL.D., President of A clipping fromn an aid scrap the Southern Baptist Conven- book recalls ta mind the fam- tion in the United States. Dr. ous aid Mother Shipman pro- Storer also is pastor of the~ phesies-, many of which have First Baptist Church at Tulso, came true. Written over 500 Oklahoma, which has nearINvasaoteyr silitr 6.000 members and a church -er go hyar tliitr educational plant alone worth esting today. more than $1,000,000. Mother Shipman was born ________________ in Clifton, Yorkshire, England, in 1449. Here are her prophe- BURKETON ciescarniage without horses shall go, On April 2lst a misceflaneous Disaster f iii the worid with shower %vas held at the home of we Mrs. Mary Hubbard in honour In London Primrose Hill shail of Miss Phyllis Strutt. a bride- be to-be. Many useful gifts were In -tscnehodaBhp' received. Mrs. Edith Ramsay Sce and the hostess served a dainty Around the world men's ,lunch. Phyllis thanked a fr tîoughts shaîl fly, the lovel y gifts. Quick as the twinkling of an Saturday evening the P.T.A. eye. of Burketon School held their And waters shall great -wonders dance at Enniskillen Hall. do, Sunday morning The Lord's How strange, yet it hhb Supper was observed with a true, good attendance.1 Then upside down the world April 20th Mrs. Helen Alliso n shal 1 be entertaiined a number of friends And gold found at the root of ~for a social evening. 1 tree; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allison Thro' tunning his proud man iwith Mrs. P. Avery. 1 shall ride Mrs. H. Rahm and several oth- No hlorse or ass move by his ers are on the sick list.1> side. Anyone wishing new subscrip- Beneath the water men shall tions, please phone correspon- walk dent MA 3-2854 duning May. Shall ride, shaîl sleep, and even Paul Galletley, Toronto,' was talk a recent guest with Mr. àMeM-! And in the air men shall be Coy. seen Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Ribey Iln white. in black, as well as wýVere in Toronto. green, Mrs. J. Carter with Mr. and A great man shah came and go IMrs. K. C. Cargill, Toronto. For prophesy declares it so. Mr. and Mrs. S. Peddlar, In water iran then shall float, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. George As easy as a wooden boat; 1 Rahm, Saintfield; Mr. and Mrs. Gold shall be found in streams C. Rahm. Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahm as stone with Mrs. H. Rahm. In ]and that is yet unknown. Mrs. M. Hewitt, Toronto, is Water and fire shall wonders1 spending a week with Mrs. E. do, Caughill. And Engiand shail admit a Jew. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hubbard The States will look in fearest and Jance, Trenton: Mr. and strife, Mrs. B. Slingerland and Linda And seek ta take each other 's with Mr. and Mrs. B. Hubbard. life;1 Mr. and Mrs. R. Ferguson and When north shall thus divide Stephen, Toronto, with Mr. andI the South, Mrs. B. Hubbard on Sunday. Then tax and biood and cruell in ' s Prophecies 500 Years Ago ýentury Events %var Shah camne ta every humble doos-. Three times shahl sunny, love- ly France Be led ta play in bloody dance-, Before the people shahl be free, Three tyrant rulers shahl she see; Three rulers in succession be- Each springing from different dynasty. Ail England's son& shaîl plow the land,1 Shall oft be seen with book in hand. The pooî' shah naw Most wis- dam know, And waler xvind where corn doth graw; Great bouses stand in far-ilung va le, Ahi covered 0cer with snow and hail. And now a word in uincouth rby me, 0f what shall be in future time: For in thase w'ondraus far-ait davs The women shaîl adopt a craLe To dress like men and trousers we ar And cut off their locks af bain. Thevîll ride astnide with brazen brow As witches do on broomsticks no%\. Then lave shahl die and mar- riage cease, And nations wane as babes de. crease. And wives shall fanffle cats and dogs And men live mucý the same as hogs. In nineteen bundred twenty- si x Build bouses bigh af straw and sticks: For then shahl mighty wars be planned, And fine and sword shall sweep the land, But those who live ibe cen- Intury through tisih do. Old worlds shall die and new Tffr CANADIAN STATESMAN. IROWMANVMLr- 07;TAlITn wAý ý 1