c OETEl! ib»-- - -- I mm ANADI4X 5TA=tE5MA -WEWMA2<VUZ.OZTMRO --.ime Càdet Corps Trans Sevexfa1 demonstrations of various phases of their training were presented by the Bowmanville High School Cadet Corps at its annual inspection held in the Memorial Arena on Monday evening. Two of the cadets inl the signal section are shown above transniitting a message in Morse code. At the left is Cadet Gary Cox, while Cadet Graham Reviewing Officers at Ir Stt, owra rle.on Wed. ;mit Signal Messages Stbt b t Varn evening with Mr. and PArs. L. Joblin. Congraulations to PAr. and MrAu=i Brown, Bowman- ville, formerly of Nestieton, who are fifty years married on May ý4th. Mrs. Brown has flot been well but we hope she will soon be feeling better. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Malcolm and famiy spent Friday even- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Malcolm, Yelverton. Mrs. Sam Brooks, Bowman- ville, vislted Mr. and Prs. Lawren~ce Malcolm. There is no service irb the United ChurcIr next Sunday owmng ta Blackstock Anniver- sary services. Prs. George Johns has gone ta Frankford for a week to be with hier sister, Prs. Fred Stuckey who has had a stroke. Mr. and Prs. George Kerr, Yelverton. and Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Nesbitt, spent an even-c ing wlth PAr. and Prs. Victor Malcolmi. t Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Proutt, Ji Beth and John, were Sundayf visitors with Mr. and Mrs. 1 Lloyd Hunter, Port Perry. S Mr. and Prs. Herman Wil- o son visited PAr. Russell Arm-v strong, Janetville on Sunday. ii Mr. and Prs. M. Emerson. o and. Miss Irene, visited their r cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bradburn, Janetvilie. b Mr. W. G. Bowles has u-Jfi chased the Caesarea s h bell, so Mrs. Bowles can get Iý him in for dinner on time nowr. t( Prs. Annie Mackie attended si Pickering is tappîng out the message. Next to -him is the the Golden Wedding celebra- ti imarking officier, Capt. F. Evans, Chief Training Officer of tion of lier sister, Mrs. Win.v 1the Eastern Ontario Area, Cadet Services of Canada. At Brandon and PAr. Brandon on 1the right is Col. Lorne T. McLaughlin who was the review- Saturday at Oshawa. Mr. and il offcer Boh oficrs ompimetedthecors o thirMrs. Douglas Packie and f am- di ing ofce.Bt fiir opietdtecrso hi ily also attended. s ismartness and high standard of training. ei -Photo by Carson Studio, Port Hope n -Rural School ni frehmets ereserved by nspectionMrs. A. Tennant and Mrs. M.s I ___________Thompson. Vote of thanks was lr y S a ts for singing and Prs. Cameron 1 A ~ i~di for the use of hier home. J.MA.C. J U if 2L% 10 We Church Service udy. Tesyt nnainbo fra Wewere pleasea ta se 50 I many out at church Suna raTe ixlergy a thOnt oariac ThealMother' ChoherOwasraoRu Th MthrsChi aa great Agricultural olce Guph - success and we wouid like toieeGelh Pictured above are the officers in the reviewing stand during the march pa st staged by the Bowmanville High School Cadet Corps at the annual inspection held in the Memnorial Arena Monday night. Left to right are the Principal, Major L. W. Dippeil, Col. Lorne T. McLaughlin, who took the salute as reviewing officer; Capt. P. Evans, Chief Training Officer of the Eastern Ontario Area, Cadet Services of Canada, who was the marking officer; and Capt. AI Witherspoon, Chief Instructor of the Bowmanville High School Cadet Corps. A large number of parents and inter- ested spectators attended the inspection. -Photo by Carson Studio, Port Hope * in greater detail than ee e Ontario s iNew Koad ivap fore. About 700,000 copies af the new map bave been printed Said Easir to Use eadand will be avallable at prov- at tave andtouistagencies Ontario's officiai 1955 road routes stand out more clearly. in the United States and the map, compietely redesigned for Names have been tied as Travel and Publicity and the the first tume in many years, is cioseiy as possible to the dots Highways Departments. bigger and, in the opinion of they mark wiping out the con- the men responsibie for t better.fusion of past maps. Highways Thema i depe bt otasprovince bave been shown Themapis eepr bt nt a ,greater distances and in more broad as the oid maP; is foided LESKARD ct:tterently for mnore 'onve-nie nt LAddedMrs. uewell Senior, Bow- hanciling and is casier to read. adse to the map folder is manville, spent the week with As reultof he hane i a ecton f qickfacts about Mr. and Mrs. H. Davey. As aresit f te cang inOntario, touching sîze, popu- Mran Mr.arSryK- size. the foided map presents lation, highways, economy and thie and Tommie, with Mr. and Whlat highwavs' officiais like to recreation. Gone are the safe- Mrs. Ern Spry. think is a more attractive pack- ty sILQgans that were printed Mr. and Mrs. Campkin spent age. A painting of Queenj's Park in the past in the lake areas. Saturday at Simcoe visiting his including the East Block a-SIHowever, the section on si.n- brother, Mr. and Mrs. W. seen frorn Hlydro's head officel pie safety' rules and another Campkin and family. bas supplanted the picture of on regulatory highway signs Margaret Everett spent a an Onltarjo family in a road- have been retained and en- few days with Mr. and Mrs. E. side park on the cover. larged. Green and family. Tones of the background col- Detaiied highway routes are Sorry to hear that Mrs. V. ors for bothl and and water provided through Il more On- Aflen's father, Mr. W. Mercer, have bcon softened, making.1 tario communities and ail 27 is in hospital. We wish hilm a place naines and higchway individual city mapsar on speedy recovery. - Sorry to hear that Mrs. H. "C To ur b TRPINBR WFZ6 Thompson has had an accident and broken her arm. We wish ber a speedy recovery also. i ~J jMr.« and Mrs. Charles and C Prust and Lynn, Toronto, were _____ at their cottage for the week- jMr. and Mrs. Scot Hughes, Bunny Heather and Ian were CS,,nda;n viýsîtors wt Mr. and Mrs. E. Green. wt Mr. and Mrs. Holmes, Toron- to, were at their cottage for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. H. Gilan, Mr. (à QC~ Ayling, Joy and Karen, were W Saturday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Hamilton. ,~T) ~ Y;Leskard W.A. Leskard W.A. was held at the home of Mrs. James Cam- eron on May 11. Meeting open- ed with the Lord's prayer. Mrs. A Loucks, president, was in the chair. Minutes were read by JMrs. M. Thompson in the ab- sence of Mrs. V. Allen. Devù- tional wvas in charge of Mrs. "--TELL TrHE GANG TrO GET THwEiR L. Hamilton. Reading was giv- SPd LBOPÇTS AN' COrAE ON O\JER. MV POp en by Mrs. A. Tennant, Bible 15'IXN'HEPUMIGAGAINP' reading by Mrs. A. Loucks. 15 'IXIN' TH PLUBINGTopic "Mother Love" by Mrs. W. Se111 W* Instelli We Servvkel We Guarant»el L. Hamniton and reading, "God 'Could Not Be Everywhere, Sa Remomberi AIways Col This MASTER PLUMIER Hç Made Mothers", by Prs. C. Grant, were ably given. Hymn was sung by guest, Prs. K. L A. PARKER & SONS uebyAragmnswe - *iam~ ' 1~DN~' oImmmoraetival and bazaar on June 29. - NG, Ol URNIECIJDecoration Sunday service wl be heid on the 26th of June. 47 KIN'G ST. E. D OWMANVILLE A 3-5651 7.30 Evening Service. A pleas- aa pcalu boutW aa.at, Et.- h-ear-the-m m'ore iten. Gue:s" singer, Prs. Everett Brown sang "My Friend" with greal depth of feeling. Piano was beautifully piayed by Prs. J. Cameron. We do hope that the mothers will continue ta sing on aiternate Sundays with the Children's Choir. A lovely bas- ket af flowers was placed in church by Mr. W. Hawkes, Ju- lie. and a few close friends, in lavig niemory aifPrs. Lulu Hawkes on Mother's Day. They were taken ta the cemetery afterwards and placed on Lu- lu's grave. Synipathy ja extended ta PAr. and Prs. Malcolm Emerson in the passing of their cousin, Prs. Thomas Chambers, who was buried at, Valentia on Thursday. Rev. Harry Atkinson, Prs. Atkinson, Richard and Davïd, Oshawa, were supper guests with PAr. and Prs. L. Joblin on Monday. PAr. and Prs. MV. Emerson and Miss Irene, were supper I guests with Mr. and PArs. Don KING ST. W. attend the Schooi. t viil be heid froni July 25 to 1Juy 29, 1955. t The purpose of the prograrn ofthe problems af the rural cammunity, ta give clergymen a greater knowledge of the ba- sic principles ai agriculture in relation ta the work oi the church, and ta provide sys- tematic instruction for those clergymen wishing ta special- Lize ini the study of rural social- ogy, agricultural economics or nutrition. The course ini rural sociology wili conclude a three-year plan and deal primarily with rural institutions-the home, scbool and church. The studies in agricultural economics will deal with the marketing af farm products and include market- ing schemes and the growth of Ontario co-aperatives. The nu- trition course will present ab- sic information in the nutrition af livestock for efficient pro- duction and its relation ta bu- man welfare. Field trips and other projects wil complete the week-long course. AUl Ontario clergymen and their wives wiil be invited ta I 20-mol tre1%E the rain we used to gmt. 1iafb. are more severe tue. It m1u# . be the way they build windows now, People are changing tue.Fo one th:ng they're younger th"n they used ta be when 1,ib their age. On the other býU people of mny own age are much aider than I amn. I bot to thinking about this while 1 was shaving this morraing, 1 looked at my awn reflection la the mnirror. They don't seem te use the same kind of glau la mirrors afiymore. Cordilly ýand hopefully, ANOTHER OLD TM. True to Life Growing OId Gracefully' Harry Aulin, the popular cor- ner grocer who is now enjoy- ing retired life in his new 1 ailch House on Edsall Ave., braught the editor the follow- ing letter he received, which he thought was worthy of pub- lication: Dear Harry, It seems that they are build- ing staircases steeper than they used ta. The risers are higber, or there are more of them or something. Maybe this is because It is s0 much farther today fromn the first floor ta the second floor, but I've no- ticed it is getting harder ta make two steps at a time any- more. Nowadays it is ail I can do ta inake one step at a time. Another thing I've noticed is the sniall print they're usina lately. Newspapers are getting farther and farther away when 1 hold them, and I have to squint ta make them. aut. The other day I had to back half- waY out of a telephone booth in order, ta read the number on the coin box. It is obviousiy 'idiculous to suggest that a person my age needs glasses, but the anly other way I can find out what's going an is ta have somebody read aloud ta te, and that's not too satisfac- ory because people speak in such a low voice these days that 1 can't hear them very weli. Everything is farther. than Iused to be. It's twice the distance fromn my house ta the station now, and they've add- ad a fair size bill that I neyer oticed before. The train leaves soner too. I've given up run- ning for themn because they tart faster these days when 1try to catch them. A lot af other things are lifferent lately. Barbers no onger hold Up a mirror behind ne when they've finished, so can see the back of my head, id my wife as been taking are af fhe tickets lateiy when Style Hair Culting 1.00 - 1.50 The basis of every hairdo is a style haîrcut and shaping COLD WAVE 5.95 Reg. 12.50 CoId Wave 8.95 Reg. 20.00 -CoId Wave 1 13.95 Inuluding Haircut and Style BA14STYLING STUDIO 67 King St. W. MA 3-5703 Limited we go ta the theatre. They dori't put the sami materlal into clothes anymnore either. I've noticed that my duits have a tendency to shrink, especial- ly in certain places such as around the waist or in the seat of the pants, and the laces they put in shoes nowadays are much harder to reach. Even the weather is chang- ing. It's getting colder in win- ter and the summers are bot- ter than they used ta be. I'd go away il it wasn't so far. Snow is heavier when I try ta shovel it, and I have toi put on rubbers whenever I go out be- cause ram today h wetter thaft "TR E XTRA __ PRECTIONî H New Bisco "Trend-Biends" have distinct adcvantages over conventionail type asphait shingles. Speciol corrugoted constrtiction offers greater resistance f0 "blowing-off" end permits more efficient drainage, The liard weoring qualities and attractive ap. pearance of fireproof Bisco "TrendBlends" moke them today's best roofing buy. BISHOP ASPHALT PAPERS LIMITED Plants ut: Portneuf Station, P.Q.,a Toronto and London, Ont. Warehouses and Branches: Quebec & Montreail, P.Q., Toronto, Ont., Saint Jiohn, N.B. VOUR BISCO DEALER IN BOWMANVILLE McGregor Hardware You always show up at your best ina Tour Chrysier provides you with such a beautiful introduction ta any seene. Wherever people take your measure, they know at. once that you are ac- oestomed ta perfection if you arrive i this superb car. Výou are also recognized as being advanced i your ideas-the sort af mian or woman who sets the paoe that others follow. For the low, sleek motion- design of Chrysier gives it The Forward Look that will influence cars of the future. Where you are conoerned, one fact stands clear: you belon.g in a Chrysier now! A telephone cail will* bring to, your door one of Our beautiful 1955 Chrysier V-8 models. You ought ta, take advantage of this opportunity ta samnple the greatest thrill in motoring! Manufactured in Canada by Chrysler Corporation,«f Canada, Limiled Phoe M 3- 54R ...~ - -, ~ -.-.-------.-.-.--.-.... STOP AT TH HRYBLER aPLYMOUTH PAR GO SIGN SOON 1 >ALME.R MOTOR SALE4% KING ST. W. Limited MA 3-3386 1 F 1 . i ým 20 King Street E. Bowmanville