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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 May 1955, p. 11

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WHERE DOESTHE DMllA6GO Everyone ikes t0 keep track ' of the money he eamns., A.jLc About 4 cents went back inito the business to help ieplmo worn*out e quipmient and provide for futre need. About 4 cents mnt in dividends fo the compamy's shareholders. Esso IMPEPIAL 01.L UMRTD ~Wi! f!ATAIiYAI R'~'&'I'WYJAV EOWMAIqVILLE, ONTAmO PAGE U5~ Seven Teams Entered .ln Darlington Footbal First Game Darlington Football Lengue held its annual aprlng meetings on April 25th and May Oth. The executive for- 1955 season is comýprid of the following: ro.-H. Partner, Tyrone; Vlce-Pres.-R. Muir, Courtice; Sec.-Treas.-H. Balson, Hamnp- ton. There are'soyen teanis thia year with Maple Grove, re-en- terlng after a year lay off. The Junior League will also have seven teams this year. AUl gaines are scheduled for 7.30 p.m. E.D.T. and any sen- ior games postponed on ac- count of rain will be played the foilowing Monday night. Jun- ior gaines postponed for rain will be played on the Friday of theo mre week they are scheduled. Junior age limit ia, that the Fplayer b. 16 years old an the 24th cf May. That is, that a player becoming 17 anytime after May 24th-,or throughout SOLINA Our sincere sympathy goes o ut to Mrs. Eric Hodge who an May 13 receiveci the sad news that her son Kenneth had been 1<11- ed in action in Africa. Mr. and Mrs. J. Yellowlees, Miss Gladys Yellowlees, Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Yellowlees, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Yellowlees attended the Golden Wedding annlversary honoring Mr. and Mrs. John Grills, at their home at Valentia, Saturday evening. Missionary progran arranged by Mrs. D. Flett on Sunday ini- cluded a vocal trio by Helen, Patsy and Ken Knox and a story read by Mrs. Burney Hooey. The last showing for this season of National Film Board pictures wilI bo on May 24, in the Community Hall. Mr. O'Canriell, Brighton, gave a very interestmng address at the church service on Sunday, as a ropresentative of the 'Tem- perance Fedemation.. Church service next Sunday will bo at 9:30 a.m. with an- niversary pactice foflowing at 10:30 a.m. Congratulations to Lloyd and Helen Preston (nee Langmaid) o f Bowmahvile, on the birth cf thoir son, Robert Charles. For details of the Sunday School anniversary on May 29 see lsewhere in this paper. Carolyn and Donald Wery, Oshawa, visited at the Worry's at Roselandvale. Sunday vis- itors were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grooms. Toronto, and Mm. and Mrs. Eric Hadge. Mm. and Mrs. Arnot Wotten and sons visited relatives at Oshawa. Mm. and Mrs. Jesse Van Nost and sons, Bown-inville; Mr. and' Mrs. A. Potter at Mm. N. C. Wot- ten's. Mrs. Ada Tamblyn, Omono, at Mr. Harold Pascoe's. Mm. and Mrs. Clayton Cryder- man, Mm. and Mns. Val Cryder- man, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wright- man, Newmarket; Mrs. Russel Van Horne, Whitby; Mrs. Harry Jase, Newcastle; Mms. Ada Tamblyn, Orono; Mrs. L. Cry- derman, Hampton; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ruse and JLyn, Cooksviile, were at Mr. E. Cyderman's on Sâturday ta plan for the Cryder- man picnic. Mr. and Mns. E. Cryderman, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Cryderman and 'Ellen,, Mms. Ada Tamblyn, Orono, visited at Mm. Clarence Crydemman's and Mr. M. Mc- Donald's, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Knox, Brougham; Mm. and Mrs. Keith Rowe and Kenny. Bownianvil2le, were at Mm. George Knox's. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miler and children, Mrs. Howard Mal- colm, Brougham, at Mm. John Knox's. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bromeli and Mrs. Wm. Bmomell, Toronto, wer".t Mr. W. Parrindem's. Mrs. Bromeil romained for a visit. Mm. and Mrs. E. Hanna and Patsy, Master Jimmie Hughes, Toronto; Mr. Harry Hamm, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. Hector Bowen, Orono, at Mr. A. J. Balson's. M. -E.XSpi 'UeT'Q- Mnr-. Addie Tink visited at Mr. 0. Cruickshanks. at Peter- borough. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink were in Brooklin, Sunday, ta pay their lait repects te the lato Mr. Keast Webbor. Mr. and Mrs. D. Maore and Mr. Staples, Cabourg, at Mr. Ray Pascoe's. Mr. and-Mrs. Harvey Hardy, Mr. and Mmi. A. Thompson and Darlene, Bowmanviile, at Mr. Isac Hardy's. Mr. and Mns. Ray Pascoe and Beverley at Mr. E. H. Peever's, Oshawa. In 1953 C.P.R. nowlows worked a total of 127,193 miles and snow removal bill n fra,-k. alonc, thut winter amounted to morsthan $2,000,000. es 1 May.23 the season, la olie to play. The following are the ache- dulea for' 1955 seasan: SENTIR SCHEDULE 1955 May- - 23-Tyrone at Enrdskillen 25-Hampton at Maple Grove 28-Zian at Tyrane 30-Courtico at Sauina Jie - 1-Ennisklllen at Hampton 4-Maple Grave at Caurtice Slura at Zion 8-Tyrone at Hampton Zion at Maple Grave li-Maple Grave at Solina Hampton at Zion 15-Hampton at Caurtice 18-Maple Grave at Tyrone Solina at Enniskillen .22-Enniskillen at Maple Grave 25-Caurtice ut Tyrone 1Zion at Ennuskiilen 29--Courtice at Zion JuIy - 1-Solina at Hampton 2-Enniskillen at Caurtice 6--Tyrone at Solina 9-Enniskillen at Tymone *Maple Grave at Hampton 13-Solina at Courtice Tyrone at Zion 16-Hampton at Enniskillen Courtice at Maple Grave 20-Zion at Sauina Hampton at Tyrone 23-Maple Grave at Zion Enniskillen at Solina 27-Courtice at Hampton Maple Grave at Enniskillem 30-Solina at Mapie Grave Tyrone at Courtuce August - 3--Zion at Hampton SaUina at Tyrane 6-Tyrone at Maple Grave Enniskillen ut Zion l0--Coumtice at Enniskilen Hampton at Solina 13-Zion at Courtice JUNIOR SCHEDULE 1955 May- 26-Bowmanvile at Zion Enniskillen at Hampton Caurtice at Tyrone June - 2-Maple Grave at Bawman- ville Zion at Enniskilen Hampton at Caurtice 9-Tymone at Maple Grave Bowmanville at Enniskillen Zion at Courtice 16-Mapie Grave at Hampton Enniskillen at Courtico Bowmanville at Tyrone 23-Tyrone nt Zion Enniskillen at Maple Grave Hampton at Bowmanville 30-Zion at Hampton Tyrane at Enniskillen Courtice at Maple Grave JuIy - 7-Bawmanville nt Courtice Maple Gmove at Zion Hampton at Tymane 14-Zion ut Bowmanville Hampton at Entiskiilen Tyrone at Courtice 21-Bowmanville at Maple Grave Ennîskillen at Zion Courtice at Hampton 28-Maple Grave ut Tymone Ennikilen at Bowman- -ville Courtice at Zion Auguat- 4-ý-Hampton at Maple Grave Caurtice at Enniskilen Tymone at Bowmanvifle Il-Zion at Tyrane Maple Grave at Enniskillen Bawmanville at Hampton 18-Hampton at Zian Enniskillen at Tyrone Maple Grave nt Courtice 1 25-Caurtice at Bawmanviilej Zion at Maple Grave Tyrone ut Hampton liat rally ln the Town Hall for the season when Dr. Blly GOn. ham's new film "Souis ln Cou. flict" wiU b. shown. BLÀkCKSTOCK i, and Mm. Earl Dorrell, Mr. and ffl. Carl Wrrh wr Sunay uet with M. and Mnsî. -N.stcall, oborne. Mr. and Mis. Eneast swaln and children, Mr. andM.Ro Turner and children at ast mnga on Sunday with the Wheel- er feaml Mis. Harold Welr, London visited her parents, Mr. anad Mns. Thomas Bownian. Glad to see Mns. S. A. Devltt and Mis. David HMU back to the village. Mis. 'Earl MeQuade and Dale, Mrs. Ken Tommy andDougie, Bowmanville, for a few- days at Grant Jackson's. Mm. and. Mri. Roy Taylor and Mms. Fred Bailey weme Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Hammy McLaughlin. Sympathy is extended te Mr. and Mis. Charles Venning and family, Mr. and Mrs. Tenny- son Sameils and family on the death af Mr. S. A. Fergusan at Community Hospital. Port Perry on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Train, Weston, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Nelton, Toronto, with Mrs. G. Crawford and Ï£r. and Mis. J. W. Pearce. Mri. Merrill Ferguson spont a few days wlth Mi. and MIrs. Cecil Hill and spoke at Prince Albert on Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mms. Jim Marlaw were in Toronto, on Sunday. Mm. and Mis. Cocil IHamil- ton, Mm. and Mmrs. Enri Gray and, Billy. Toronto, with Mr. and Mmi. Eric Capstick at Cap- py'à Haven, View Lake. Sorry that Mms. John Eng- lish had a fail on Fiday and fractured hem hip. She is now in Oshawa Genemal Hospital. Mms. James Parm visited Mms. Levi McGill, Peterborough, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. G. Faint and family. Toronto, spent the week-end at the cottage on their famm, south af the village. Mmm. Leith Byers was with Mms. J. Pool, Port Pemry, for a few days. On Sunday aitemnoon the family gathered at the Van Camp Homestead in honor of Mms. W.A. Van Camp's recent 85th bithday. They enjoyed a picnic supper and gave Mmi. Van Camp a table lamp. Present were Mrs. Wm. Van Camp, Mabel and Helen; Mr. and Mmm. - Blake Gunter and Rickie; Mm. and Mrs. Harmy Van Camp and Arthur; Mr. and Mmm. Glen Van Camp, Part Perny; Mm. and Mrs. A. L. Bailey; Mm. and Mrs. Norton Van Camp, Audrey and Jim, Listowel; Mm. and Mrs. Francis Wery, Enniskillen; Mr. Gordon Paisley; Mm. and Mrs. Stanford Van Camp, Richard and Dam- een; Mr. and Mms. Stephen Saywell and Margaret, Osh- awa; Miss Wilma Toms, Mr. and Mmm. Merrill Van Camp, Mm. and Mms. Percy Van Camp, Keith and Aileen. On Satumday afternoon the sale af farm stock and impl,*- ments of Jack Van Camp was a fine success. Keith Van Camp is now the own er of, thé farm and it - is intemesting ta note that ho is the fouth gonema- tion ta farm that land. SOn Satumday evening Mr. and Mrs. John Rahm were guests af hon or at a party ta celebrate their 25th Wedding Anniversary held in the Com- rnunity Hall. The gathering on- joyed a game ai ouchre until chairman John Venning calied on a fine program ta be pre- sented, Their relatives and neighbors of North Blackstock gave the happy and surprised couple many beautiful gifts which included a console ex-1 tension table, silver ceam and sugam set an a tmay, table lamp and other gifts. The commun- ity joins in congratulations ta Mr. and Mmm. Rahm an this1 happy occasion.1 District Dates Lawn Bowling, Tournaments oYnowlng la the it aopen toumnamontu e b held by te lan ewllgcluba In Osawa, ,hltb, owanville dPort Perrydurin the coming sum- mrnontha BowmanvlDe June 22, Bradng Tropy mnua doubles; July 9, Carru- thora Trophy. men'î doubles; Auguit 3, Carter Tmophy, mix. ed trebles; August 31, New Tro- phy, mlxed doubles. Oshawa June 4, mien'. treblos; June 18, Ward Tophy, mixed tre- bics; July 1, mlxed rlnki; July 23, Sinclair Tmophy, men'a dou- bles; August 1, Read Trophy, mlxed inki; August 17, Gold Cup, men's rinks; September 10, Hobbs Trophy, mixed tre- blea; September 17, Feit Tro- phy, mlxed doubles. Whtby, May 23, mlxed trebies; June 1 1, Farewell Trophy, mon's doublos; Julyr 6, mixed trebles; July 15. twilgt men's doubles; JuIYly 0 SsoTrophy, mon's trebles; Auguat 10, mlxed tre- bles; September 3, mon's dou- bles; Sep tomber 24, men's tre- bles; Octor 1, mlxed troblos. Port Ferryr June 25, men'm doubles; July 13, mixed doubles; August 6, Port Perr Cu omn'. trebles; Augus 20,mon's doubles. OBITUARY MgR. IROBERT IflM After B brief iilness Mmm. Robert Sim passed away May 5 in Bowmanville Memomial Hospital at the ago of 40 years. Although allng at times. death camne with great shock ta al who kmew hem. She was born at Lonig Sault and was the daugh- ter of the late Mr. and Mmm. Byron Farmell. In 1939 she was united In mamiage with Robert Sun and they lîved on their farm t the Long Sault. Mmi. Sim was a willing workem in the church and -in the home, whenovem health would permit. The fumeral held at North- cutt & Smith Funeral Homo on May7, was largely attended ad mamy beautiful floral tri- butes expmessed the love and esteem iniwhich she was held. Rev. F. J. Jackson conducted the service. Palîbearers wore six neigh- bouma: Messrs. Charlie and Earl Penwarden, Hugh and Harold Murphy, Gardon Baker and Paul Vanoyk. Intemment was i Bethoada Cemetery. Sumvlving to nourri her lass are hem husband and thmee sis- toms, Mns. M. Smith (Myrtle) Tomante; Mi.. P. Bathgate (Rena); Mmm. C. Bradley (Ruth),.-both af Bowm anvll. Friends and relatives at- tended the fU.neral firom To- onta, New Toronto, Oshawa, Bowmanville, Pontypool, Bur- keton, Blackstock. Orono and Tyrone. God knew that she was sufeiemng And the hill was hard ta climb, 1 Sa Ho clomed ior weary eyelids, And whispered, poace be thine. Victoria Bridge, the longeat bridge on the Canadian Na- tional Railways, was considemed "the eighth wonder af the world" fallawing its completian nearly a century ago. Spanning the St. Lawrence River at Mon- treal, it is 6,593 feet long. Rumack, Seigel & CompanyI 147 Spadina Ave. Chartered Accountants Toronto, Ontario EMpire 6-4643-4 1 RESIDENT PARTNERS: 3. Rumaok, C.A. W. L. Selgel, C.A. H. Temple, C.A. A. Mandel, C.A. IDJoenaed Trust»e li Bankrupter J. Eumack j rotect your, crop with FRYff$P J>? C-1-L MIRCUI organo.mercur after.infection a. a preventiv littie more tha C-1-L PERDAN fronm cab, witl and superior fi in cover sprayi C-1-L CAPTAIN L tion contral oJ auperior fruit i. UAL APPLI SPRAY. A tosted, effective -y fungicide, specially recornmended for 3contrai of apple &cab. Cat ais e oused We spray until fruit development. Costa mn $1 per 100 gale. of spray. M. Cives outstanding protection of fruit th qualities whieh promnote iicalthy foiage fruit ii and finish. Especially valuable Ys. N 50-W. Comtbines pre. and po.t.infec. Df appie sca with quulities whieh gir. Îâe, finish, olor and keeping qualitie. A o e. p * *0 C.I-L FIELD-TESTED INSECTICID C-I-L 30% Wattable DDT. For effective contre codiing ath. Micro-fine particle aize gives supt adhesive and kiliing power. Combined with C-I-L1 Parathion, it contrais BOTII codiing math aud m: C-I.L 15% W.itable PARATHION. Highly effec for contrai of Furopean mcd mite, aphids ani r other hard-to-kili insecte. Compatible with C Forbam, C-I-L 50% Wettabie DDT, ails and iuip. C.I.L LEAD.ARSINATE. Givet outatanciing contsc apple maggot. Compatible with C-I-L Ferbanu. DES ail of )erior 15% Rites. ail of CÂN4ADLux INzDuSizs (1954) LIMITzD,, Agricultural Chemicais Departmcut. Halai., Montreal, Toronto, Chatham, Ontà 01v. your trop the eu pr@ftfion. Aik yoer dedl. for C-l-L Frut F.lfds ma*e by Conaus .uoJished leade ln r4od.rapea mnmri. GEORGE WALT@I liewcazti,. 1 SEED CORN 'and SOY BEANS Funks G. Hybrld Seed Corn has been giving greater yields than al other varleties i competition ail across the province In local competition- there were three entrie-s of Funks G. 77A. They placed first, second and fourtb. G. 77A lu high in sugar. FOR GRAIN OR ENSILAGE Registered Flambeau and No. 1 Hardome Soy Beans Garnet B. Rickard PHONE MA 3 -2813 ~~Jyricutural - hemicals: hromgh Chamlstvy C-I-L Field-Touted Pesticides are nid by: STEWART GRAY 8. a. 1, Port Hope 1 i Il 4 BOWMAxvffjý& ONTAMO TM r-AMADUN STATIMMAN- Geraid Morgan Coming for Final Youtl, RaIly Once again Gerald 'Morgan, Ingermoli, Wu the fuature ai a Youth for Christ rallyti the Bowinanvllle Town Hall on MaY 7th. A good crowd gathor- ed to* hear "Canada's Redd Harper" uing qnd preach again. It Wau ecafled the laut tirne h. was home the llghts wont Out and the town was tI dark- nemi because a cat gat on the wrong lime. Wit hi. guitar ho rendere dtwo of Redd Harpe'. favorites, 'Lord Koep Your Preclous Hand On Me" and «Each Stop of the Way". He ,mugta ver outstanding and halnlg essage from the Almo on the pmagramn was thenewly fammed yaung men's uattfron Tinity United Chc.They rendered a very loveiy number onjoyed by aU. Young David and lAuth John- son from Simcoe, Weme aima guests. David, ton years aid and Ruth, twelve yeams, braught a duot on trumnpet and horn that thmlled everyone. David. a vory accomplished trumnpeter for hlm age, braught, a solo. It was an outstanding progmam and enjoyed by all. Tonight (Thursday) is the Bowmanyme 1 1 PACM Wz"m 71 inspection! Now's the Mne te brmo yffl caimera in for a fraiet k-up. W6,11 give If a fhorougFh-e@n ever. If repaira erg nemeoya csat esimote wiII b. submitted, Jury & Loveli MA 8-5778 Bowmanvlile 1 MA 3-577'8

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