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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 May 1955, p. 14

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ddaim DA1WA W Aj'U!laffl. fvftA ý 011T ~AMU Feed Them Yourselves Subjeci of Fine Talk Af Jackand ii!Club Regular meeting ai the Jack a Japanese prison camp and and Jîli Club ai Trinity United the, bardships the people are Church was held in the Suui- facing in ather lands. Duirig day School Room on Tuesday ber stay in the prison camp evening, May 3rd. Devotional she resolved that if and when was led by Florence and Doug she was released she would do Rackham- fallowing the theme samething ta feed the starving af -World Friendship" with people ai the wai-ld. When i-e- appropriate hymns, scriptus-es leased fi-rn prison the reactian and paeti-y being incorparated. af the people was the fear ai The business session was starvation. She told ai bow pu-sided aver by co-presidents they would take foad froni Gwen and Sam Black. Sam their awn table ta store for welcamed the visitai-s, Jean and fear ai starving again. Morley Vanstone, Pat Lucas,M Edith MeKague, Edith Laycock i-5. Mulvany came ta To- and Cathei-ine Teeple. ronto and entered the neal es- Gwen presented Catherine tate business and was a meni- Teeple with a cheque for $25 ber ai St. Geor-ge's Church. It fronm the club in appreciatian was at this tume she made Cla of her help in pîaying for lier mind ta do the tbings she Cornza-Popi.h ad promised bei-self while in The speaker ai the evening, Piso.Seno a 5,0 n Mrs. Ethel Mulvany, was in- iest tdnswrigwt troduced by. Lillian Morgan. ber. Not anly ai-e the profits She came with hier "Treasure i eding stai-ving people but Van" ai handicu-aits fr.I-~ buildung gaod relations be- dia, Greece and PalstnnTh tween cauntries. North Ameri- menmbers puuchased many ai ta is made up ai 7 % ai the theSe handicrafts ai which 2517 population ai the warld but w.e commission xvas received b osm 4% a hewil' the club. The commission from pi-oduce. the sales in the afternoon and Pralonged applause by ber evening will feed 33,000. peo- auduence greeted Mrs. Mulvany ple in India. It was vated bv at the conclusian oailber address the club that their commissioii and the appreciation ai the ai the evening, which was $72 club was expressed by Clar- be given ta Mrs. Mulvany for ence Hockin. heu- ta use wheu-e it was need- Evei-yone present enjayed1 ed. the pictures shown by Ted Mil-a Her subject for- the evening ler ai Carnz-a-Poppin '54 and1 was "Feed Them Yauuselves". '55 and Bayview ai 1954. Lunch3 She told aibier- experiences in was served and the meetingI m -1 Get the money yauneed t- on your own signature. w' ~ astone-day service. Up to *5 0 24 mnonths to repay on ternis 01:9u.:J -* for doctor bis,rpis shopping expenses, any good reasan. Phone. or corne ln fodoly I *OUSEOLD FINANCE 'l 12 SIMc@. SLSouthà, second floor, pho ne Oshawa 5-1139 OSHAWA, ONT. PORT HOPE BRANCHS 71 WaIton St., 2nd fi oe,, phen* 3050 This brilliant littie "miniature" takes Kodachrome and Kodacolor pictures as well as bLa'ck-and-white snapshots. Has f14.5 Lumenized lens, flash 200 shutter with built-, synchronization. Uses the handy 8-exposure roll$ of Kodak Film. J URY &LOVELL PHONE MA 3-5778 BOWMANVILLE blueè ci PRICES DI save dollars on famnous "blue coal' Down, down, dawn corne coal prices for Spring! So here is your chance ta, order famous 'blue coal' and save. Place your order now. You're sure of a good supply on hand when you need it-with cash savings ini your pocket into the bargainI But make sure it'à 'blue coal' you order. F'arous 'blue coal' is colour-rnarked for your guarantee of heating satisfaction. 'blue co0al The world's finest hard cool ORDER NO on the 'blue fdake a smahIIdown balane ever man, supply of '%lue ceu Order nowl * Lumber Co. Liemi 96 King St., E. Bowmanville 1 Trinity Church Nineteen childi-en were bap- tised by Rev. T. A. Morgan at Trinity United Church n Mother's Day, May 8 at morn- ing service. Names ai the chUl- dren and their parents are as follaws: Stephen Geofiery Billett, san ai Mr-. and Mrs. Keith A. Bil- lett; Teri-y James Brock, son af Mi-. and Mrs. Elton Brack; Christopher george Braoks, Son ai Mi-. and Mrs. John T. Brooks; Paige Ellen De Geer, daughter ai Dr. and Mrs. Tho- mas R. DeGeer; Dayle Anne Disley, Kenneth Chai-les Dis- ley, childi-en ai Mi-. and Mrs. C. W. Disley; Philip Fraser Harness, son ai Mi-. and Mrs. Everett Hau-ness; Nancy Jean Heavysege, daughter ai Mi-. and Mi-s. Bruce R. Heavysege; Kenneth James King, son ai Mi-. and. Mrs. K. M. King; of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Maguire; Mr. and Mrs. Lawre John Allan Maguire, sonoaf Mr-.wrepogahe intsh and Mrs. G. E. Maguire; Kath- eepoorphdi hsh ryn Lynn McDanald, daughter baby keeping his eye on thi of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald H. Mc- standing at the rear, Glen agec Doýnald; Dale Reginald Earl six-manths-old Barry. Mr. McQuaid,' son af Mr. and Mrs. E. W. E. MdQuaid. Evangeline Nestieton. Ruth Merkley, daughter afiPh Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Merkley; Candace Elaine Myles, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. KEDRON Myles; Glenn David Topping, son of Mi-. and Mrs. Roy K. (Intended for last week) Topping; George Timothy Vet- Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Scott en- zal, son of Mi-. and Mrs. Mich-tetndmebsaihe e- ael etzl; Brbaa Jae nan Pascoe family on Mother's Weise, daughter -ai Mi-. and Day Mrs. J. M. Weis* Denise. Jean MisVva reun,' I Willson, daugh er af Mr- and Ms iinTeuna I Mrs. D. K. Willson. berta, is with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Tregunna, be- fore leaving for a new position TTI~I? Vm~T. in Essex, County. BURIETONMr. Fred Sucee, Highland Grove, with bis daughter, Mrs. (Intended for last week> J. Elliatt. Mother's Day service was Mrs. C. E. Lave andMrs. H. well attended. The choir ware Werry. were guests at a birth- their new robes for the first day dinner party at Kingston, time, a gi.ft frarn one of the at the home of Mr. and Mrs. members. Special music was Leland Lave, on the occasion arranged by Mrs. 'Kenneth of Leland's and bis mother's Rablin and Mr-. Mel MCoy. birthdays. Little Lynda Elizabeth, daugh-. Baby David- William Snow- ter af Mi-. and Mrs. Clarence den was christened in a dress Avery, was baptized by Rev. treasured through the years, R. M. Seymaur. and warn by his paternal grand- Syrnpathy is extended ta the mother Mrs., Faster Snowden, relatives af the late Mrs. R. for ber baptism. Sms. Mi-. and Mrs. Wm. Mc- Mr. and Mrs. Adarn Hawley Laughlin, Mrs. W. Bryan and and Catharine, Peterborough; Mr. Edgar Strutt, attended the and the Allen Werrys, Enniskil- funeral at Beathside. len, were guests af the Ross The famuly af the late Mrs. Lees. Alice Trick were in Millbrook Mrs. G. Corby Sr., and Mrs. to attend the funeral service of George Corby Jr., 'N. Oshawa, their rnather. who was in ber with the Nelsan Browns. 99th year. For many years Mrs. Mrs. Jabez Wright and the Trîick lived at Burketan. Misses Effa and Annie Wright, Mr. and Mrs. H. Wright, Osh- Oshawa, visited Mr. R. J. Luke awa, and Mrs. Fred Bailey, and Olive.' Blackstock, with Mi-. and Mrs. Guests at the Bill Snawden's W. McLaughlin. iollowing the Sacrament of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Oke, Osh- Baptism at Kedron for Baby awa, with Mr. and Mrs. E. David, included Mr. Knowles Adams. and Lorraine, Oshawa, Mr. And Mr. and Mrs. Bill Slingerland Mrs. Joe Snowden, Eldad, Mr.' andiLynda, Mr. and Mrs. B. and Mrs. James Pengelly and I Angi and Siva, Oshawa* witb Baby James, Braoklin, and Mr-. Mi-. and Mrs. Ben Hubbard. înd Mrs. F. Snowden and Ann. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Peddar, Douglas Pascoe was'a genial Mr. and Mrs. Art Benneli and haston Saturday evening ta bis childi-en, Toronto, with Mrs. H. Form af Grade XI pupils ai Rahm. Oshawa Collegiate. A ja]ly Mrs. J. Rogers, Hampton, hay-ride was part af the even- with Mi-. and Mrs. Tampkins. ing's fun. (Made one feel lîke Mi-. and Mrs. Hender Trickc hopping an board when the en- spent Saturday in Lindsay with tourage rolled by.) relatives.. Tea guests ai Mi-. and Mrs. Wm. Mountjay on Mather's Sunday included Mi-. R. J. Luke, and Olive ai Toranto, Mi-. and Mrs. Chas. Werry. Osh- awa; and the B. Starrs. Mrs. H. F. Werry and Wilma, andMi-. and Mrs. Clarence l a i Werry attended the christening at Columbus Church ai Baby N Gardon Jebson on Sunda3ý, and were dinner guests af the Mau- rice Jebsans. Mi-. and Mrs. Bei-t Luke and John, Mrs. Enoch Blundaîl and Evelyn, Toronto, at the R. J. OWN Luke borne. ofMrs. Roy White, Oshawa, whnthe latter entertained wiha trousseau tea for her daughter Anne. M.and Mrs. Harvey Pascôe adDouglas, visited frirs. W. McCulough, Qi-ana, who spent tewinter in Florida. Soi-iy ta bear that Mi-s. James Pengelly Si-., who was a Ke- dron resident until this last f-N , while, fractured ber hip and ~/ suff.ered ather injuries ta ribs ' and wrist in a faîl. Guests at Claverlea for Math- <7 er's Day were Mi-. and Mrs. / Lloyd Stainton and family, Ta- ...~' Ç ronta, Mi-. and Mrs. Arthur f/ Staintany Peterborough, Mi-. and 'JMi-s. T. Sobil, Zion; and Mr-. Frank Lee, Oshawa. Seeding is well advanced hereabout, and we were most thankful for the sbawers which will not only belp grawth, but )W-PAY LATERhave settled the terrific dust I)W-PAY ATERfor a brief period. Icoail Budget Plan Kedron W. A. met at the hame of Mrs. Howard Farn- ri paym.nt now-spread the dale, May 4,, with a splendid ýy monthe-and have your attendance. Worsbip, conducted >I' sale In your basement. by Mrs. Ross Lee', assisted by Mrs. W. Mountjoy and Mrs. un John Sutter, was centred on the Theme: "Keep clean winds blowing tbrougb yaur hearts". Following opening music 1 "Fiith Nocturne" by ]Leybarîh, by the pia'ist, .)Mrs. Hrl Werry, poems, sciiptuetoc and nprer ndhyrnso t .,A-Happy Family ence Malcolm's four children iappy family group, even the e birdie. They are Gail, 5, ý 2, and Bannie aged 4 holding and Mvrs. Malcolm live at àoto by Carson Studio, Port Hope er Hall: Mrs. R. H. Wylie, Parte Perry, had consented tao oUi- cially open the bazaar and Mr. Cecil Found, Courtice, Mr-. Ste- phen Saywell, Oshawa, Rev. R. H. Rickard and Mr. Ray Scott, had kindly consented ta pour tea with the men af the local congregatian doing the serving., Thanks wvas expressed to Mr. and Mrs. H. Crossman for the gift of a pulpit carpet and lay- ing of the same, and to Miss Ann Snowden for her kindness in typing W.A. programs. For the special program, Mrs. Stanley Ogle gave readings in- cluding "The Great 'Guest Camnes". Mrs. Lee introduced her uncle Mr. Newton Edgar af Oshawa, who, with his wife, presented beautiful coloured slides on the screen taken ini closed with the singing of "Abide With Me". Tbursday evening, May 5th, 65 members signed the guest baok af Sirncoe St. United Church Couples Club in Osh- awa. Trinity club presented the Worsbip Service, led by Rosemary and Dick Merkley and the pi-gi-arn whicb consist- ed oi the Men's Chorus, Mlxed Chorus, Quartette, Trio, Sex- tette with Stu James as mas- ter ai ceremonies. Lunch was served by the Oshawa club which brougbt ta a close a very pleasant evening. '19 Infants Baptised at -and any truck without it às behind the times! It Can't Be a Modern Truck without New Panoramic Windshield - New High-Level Ventilation - New Concealed Safety Stops - New Seats and Cont rois - ALL the Chev- rolet Fecitures that make Truck Driving Safer, Easier and More Comfortable Thon Ever Beforel New cabs are only the beginning! Everything about the bodlies is new and advanced in design. Frames are new and mare rugged. Engines are new and sa are suspension systems. There have neyer been trucks before sa new and madern in sa many ways. Corne in and see haw a new Task-Force Truck will pay off naw on your job - and put you ahead again at trade-in time! New Chevrolet suIeFre Trucks- Florida, and at Kedron. Mrs.J 1Warrtiappreciatian was ex- prss fo the fine p-agi-arn Al Hotese wreMn. J. Camp- A dr belk, Mrs. H. Crossman and AL Mn. H1. Raoe wlth Mrs. Farn- I-Nleri dale for whase hospital.ity- the W.A. ertend gratitude. The1 Mother's Day service on Sun- the W.l, day was conducted- by Mi-. E. meeting Mountjoy. The chancel was attendan iilled with members oi the i-e- Mrs. P. gulai- choir, plIus a large junior secretary choir wba assisted in the wor- fi-rn a ship with their sangs ai pi-aise. Marshall Louis Vaillancourt, e~ Grade I Joiles M~ PUPIl frn Maxwell's, contri- Ms.I buted a vocal solo, "Bless This~j presided House" Iin bis clear sweet bay iod. Iti soprano voice. Mrs. Clifford G. Tubi Hopkins told the stary fan the ta pack younger chilcfren. and ani A baptismal service was an would b ever-lovely feature of Matber's It was Day wben Rev. R, H. Rickard meeting perfonmed cbristening rites for June 21 thi-ee Kedron babies: Wendy an the p Jane, daugbter ai Mr-. and Mrs. Seci-etE Nelsan Brown; Donald Lamne, son ai Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Tre- Singaporg gunna; and. David William, son dent, Ca: ai Mr-. and Mrs. Wm. Snawden. delegate. The babies, appealing as. ai- well feel Ways, were partîcularly enjay- a worth ed by the girls and boys in tbe ration. choir lait, wbo bad an unconi- rnonly good view ai proceed- ings, and sat quite spell-bound for this Sacrament. EIders Wal- ter Davis and Rass Lee pre- sented the Baptismal certifi- cates. Rev. R. H. Rickard spoke briefly. with bis remarks bas- ed on the story oi Jochabed, the Mother ai Moses. Columbus-Kedron Y. P. U. Searle at -their home, Colum- bus, on Tuesday evening, withý 15 present. Douglas Love .. charge ai the meeting. Follow- ing a devotional period, an open I discussian was conducted on "The Benefits ai United Na-r tions," and "Citizenship" ini a Rural Community". Garnes aif 20 questions, and ping-pong un the recreation rorn rounded out the planned pi-agi-arn and a sacial hour, witb the Searle . iamily serving deliciaus i-e- freshments, concl ded a mast enjoyable evening fr the yaung people. The recent paper drive net- ted the Union a little over $19. Junior Farmers met at Brook- ïï i lin Hall with an extra fine at- ! tendance. Murray Holtby, Man- chester- addressed the Club on Fertilizer and Crop Rotation. Members were then divided into four groups, and each group was asked ta plan for suitable . crops and fertilizers over a period ai years. given specific conditions, and the 'G l iindings were discussed and criticized. Junior Farmers' Association of Ontario bave 7,298 rnembers witb 290 local clubs, and aver $ 1,000 was cantributed for bath Hurricane Relief and Save-the- Childi-en Funds. The Associa- tion was invited ta have i-e- 85 Kii presentation at the World As- sembly ai Yautb last year ini eadgoîgogai onMs Ar son n See Your Chevrolet Dealer d1Wtft RIOY- Chevrole OURTICE DèWNANVILL? aGldlmobie Cars PAGE FOURTEMI Smok. or Gus won'f discolor It, becaus. lt"à Fume-Proof 'Pitesburgh's new Fume-Proof, Suu. Proof Hanse Paint produoes a fim f unusual whiteness that really stays white! Coal srnoke or industrial fumes will not dai-ken or discolor it. It's self- cleaning, too-remaves surface dr Fifteen durable calots. FREE - "Celer Dynemici for yoqr Home" bodiht Abernethy s Paint & Wallpaper ng St. W. Phone MA 3-5431 -Chevfolei Trucks. 4 -t----.' M. Hutchinson 'esses Ebenezer ,noon Auxiliary A.fternoon Auxiiaçy of M.S. held *their regular ,on May 10th with an nce of thirty. Aillan Down, Citizenship y, presented excerpts Ssermon by Dr. Peter Ifrom his book "Mr-. Nieet the Master". Elton Werry, president, 1for the business per- was arranged for Mrs. ýb and Mrs. S. Vinson bale of used clothing inounced that Salvage :e collected an May 18, sdecided that the next would be held on due to our anniversary >revious week. ti-y, then presented a re, and Ontario Presi- ar Boynton was the . Sa local groups may dthat they are part af Awider, saefer view, ahead A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE CANADA'S NO. 1 TRUCK, TRE CANADL« STAIILqUÀM itnwuAmm., emmanift MMRDAI, lIA? Ath, 1953 » Lufe Memb&-rshxp Certificate te. Mrs. Garpiet Tubb. This was a birtbday gift fi-rn her mother, Mrs. George Edgar. Worship service opened with quiet music played by Mrs. Chas . Found. Mrs. Art FoIund presided and read the opena verse, sci-ipture and dedicate«' the off ering. A iew thaughts on the thenie "We must Share,' and prayer was given by Mrs. Glenn Pickell. We were faver- ed witb a vocal duet by Mrs. Robert Muir and Mrs. Murray Osborne. Miss Louise Osbarne, in well. chosen words, intraduced aur guest speaker, Mrs. M. J., Hut4 chinsan ai Bawmanville, whIo;ý inspired us* deeply by ber fine-~ talk. Mrs. Hutchinson closed. with the cballenging sentence, "As we go out each day, let us nat 'be a stumbling block in the work ai the Lord." Mrs. Werry, expressed thanks ta aur speaker - and meeting clased with Mizpah Benedie- tian. This meeting was in charge af Mrs. Ted Huttdn, Mrs. Art Quart - $2. 25 ýi cf-7r,!;gb 1 Jon - $7.20 Sée Your Chevrolet Dealer we NI HOL

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