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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 May 1955, p. 18

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r . r- -UN PAGE EIGHTEM TME CMADIM ISTATUMM. SOWMANVIILZ.OITARTO THURSDAY. MAT lth.- im Con servatives Name John Foot e to Con test Provincial Election (entinued from page one) - Xpandlng province to continue tg, provide more and better sèrvioes- ta the people without increasing taxes. "ýThe way I handie my bud- get 'of $12,000,000 ta $14,000,000 Isn't any different than the way I would run my awn busi- ness. I have ta do what I can each year with the funds whicl are available. The Conserva- tive government does the same. It would like ta be popular by giving mare and doing more far the municipalities, but it can- flot do so without încreasing taxes", the Durham M.L.A. de- clared. Major Foate also touched on highway problems in Durham County. "I would like ta sec samething done for HighwaY 7A; and this is not in the waY of an election promise", he stated. Turning ta partly face Han. James N. Allan, Minister of Highways, who was on the platforma with' him,' he ex- ressed the hope that it couic emade into a good secondary road and that it would receive better maintenance. "I hope the Highways Department car agree on same capital expen- dture-a reasonable sum .-to be spent in împmoving this highway each year. In that way 1 hope we can provide a de. cent road for very decent pea- ,pIe". He pointed out that anc year recently $300,000 had been spent on Highway 7A. New Hlghways Cause Hardshlg In regard ta the new high- ways being buit, Major Foote stated that every time a nexw .highway is builtitt creates dif- ficulties for the landowners. "The motaing public should realize this when they are tra- velling on tiiese nw roads", he asserted. "For many farmers It bas meant hardships, in that their iarms have been cut up or eut in haif. The people of We earr a complete 1stock of SISMAN IScam pers 1" Boots j~and IWorkme 6 *boots LLOYD ELLIS!l SHOES 4King W. MA 3-5941 '0 Ontario owe a great debt for ie their patience and goodwil l i r accepting settlements for their t land". He stated that he lad entered into almost al ai j- these agreements as an arbi- o0 ter and knew that in almast ýe every case the fammers lad de- -_ erved what they asked for n their land. h Major Foote emphasized that -lhe respects the opinions ai others and stated that what- Y' ever hie says in this election ýr will be said without ridicuiing L- otier people. He aiso ponted 9 out that le las always accept- -ed tie autanamy ai township, town and city councils. "Their Smembers are in a gavemnment ri the same as 1 am", he declar- eed. "We have tried to help tie ymunicîpalities but we don't y want ta interfere with fhem. eWe wiil tmy ta do what we ehave in the past-work toge- rther with them in a democra- etic manner". - Major Foote thanked the Ipeople of Durham for the sup- i port they have given him ln Bthe past seven years and also ethanked the Minister ai High- ,ways and Gordon K. Fraser, M.P. for Peterborough. for 1coming ta the meeting ta sup- sport him. "It is a great fhing ita be surrounded by the people wia have done sa muc# for me", hie declared. "The Con- servative majority was great- er in the last election tlian in the first one in which I was p your candidate. I don't see low we can have any doubts on this next election." Other Platform Guests, * On the piatform witl Major *Foote were Hon. James N. Al- Ian, Minister ai Highways; Gardon K. Fraser, Charles Ste- *phenson, Progtressive Conser- vative candidate in fie last federal election; Alex Carru- fiers, Garden Hill, who chair- *ed fie meeting as President ai tie Durham Progressive Con- servative Association; Robert Sisson, lst Vice-President, and R. R. Waddell, Secretary-Trea- surer oi the Association, Mrs. Foote, Mrs. Alian and Mrs. Carruthers. In a briei address. Mr. Ste- phenson sfated that it was gra- tifying ta see such a large turnaut at the nomination meeting, and it must le grati- fying ta Major Foote ta know that le las such fine supporti. from the people ai Durhami.1 "Major Foote las brought ion- or ta Durham fîrougi being appainted, a Cabinet Mînister. His work ai trying ta elabili- tate people who have started on the wmong road thougi the Department ai Reform Institu- tions is a 'wonderiul work". He said tînt Premier Frost la also a wonderful man. "You caninot hlp but compare lis actions with those ai Federal4 Ministers ike Revenue Minis- fers Dr. J. J. McCann wlo would carry something around in lis pocket for twa years ta discredit the Frost government.j This is fhe womst tiing that anyone could do", Mm. Stephen- son declared. Mm. Stephenson aiso introduced the Minister ai Higiways, an account ai wlose address appears else- where In this issue. Much Work Needed Mr. Fraser impressed on those at fhe meeting the ne- cessity of getting out and work- ing lard fa ensume Major Foote's election. "John Foote las given good service,' not anly ta the people ai Durham, but toa ah Ontario. This is quite different fromn what las been given by "Faraway" Oli- ver who sings a new chorus ai "I Promise You" every time le gets up on a new soap-box." This Week at the Royal THUIRS. - FR1. - SAT. - NAÀY 19-20-21 Stranger Wore a Gun (Technicolor) RANDOLPH SCOTT "IDidn't Do It" Starring GEORGE FORMBY SUNDAY NID-NITE, MAY 22 "Cat s Claw Murder Mysteriy. and "A Lady in the Morgue" MON. -TUES. -WED.-NMAY 23-24-25 "The Pur pIe Plain"P (Technicolor) - CLAIRE TREVOR, also GREGORY PECK Mtne- Mon., 2 p.mi. -WIN UIN THAN Evenings 7 *and 9:10 f c i a v n a a, e fi B Thurs., Fr1., 7 and 8:25- Saturday, 6:30 AcceptsdLons PastoresmdencsbPlaque ]KEDRON Accepts Lions Past résidents" Plaqueand Harry Baker; choral read- A olwu fCrai Cng by -three girls and three Asaflo-pfChti' bofa Grades 7 and 8. Family Week. gev. R. H. RI j-ý. Mr. A. J, McLaggan took us ard based his sermon on Su,- on a very. interesting travej- day afternoon an Robert B logue, shcowing pictures af Nova poem, "A Cotter's Satu Scotia. Mr. Vaneyk thanked Night," in which fhe fani everyone who had helped make described, reveals a great 'na the evening sudh a success. charactemisties which wemi Tickets weme sold an, two prizes well emulate today, if donated by Mrs. B. Johnson and would make aur homes Chri Mrs. F. Partner and were won tian-the *love and * kin by Misses Jean Johnson and thought for one another,t Grace Smith. -These donations reverence for thiiigs sacred, t were given to help raise money prayers, the preparation for --for the picnic. Sabbath, and xnany' other fi Mr. Francis Jainston attend- qualities. ed Courtice Anniversary service Flowers adomned the altar, -* *on Sunday. rose hydrangea in fuli lo1 M.anà Mrs. Fe arnrfrom the family of the l Mr. arne Mrs. R. J. Luire. inlon with Mm. and Mrs. Stanley memory ai hem, andabatf Gable, Curtice..arrangement ai springfow Mm. and Mrs. Bert Johnson and froni the gare iMs Jean visited Mm. and Mrs. Adam Mountjoy. Sharp, Burketon. Next Sunday, May 22, M Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ferguson Frank Rickard of Newcastlj were Saturday evening visîtors will be the speaker for Rurý ai Mr. and Mrs. A. Milson. Lufe Sunday. On May 29, Rei. Mr.andMrs Peer athateA. F. Cowan ai Centre St. Ur and Barbara, Mr. and.Mrs. Clar- ie hrh saaw ence Bradley, Maurice and Bey- preach, whîle Mr. Rickard col eriey, Bowmanville, with Mr. ducts special services at Cey Robert, Sim. dal for the Dedication ai the: Mr. and Mrs. Freemantle, new oran. Ineidentaiiy, Key dlChurch was the one i Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs., which Rev. Roy Rickar JackJointon.pmeaciied lis first sermon. Mr. and Mrs. John Malette and Master John Morrow. Osh Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Milison awa, with his grandparents, th, were guests ai Mr. and Mrs. F. Harvey Pascoes. Partner. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wilson with r Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McLaggan co Mr. and Mr§. Harold DeMilie REDUGE F9 08 and boys, Burketon; Mr. and EU Mrs. Chas. Penwarden and Wade weme Sunday suppereguests n nre aktvl ai Mm. and Mrs. W. Vn i nd nrfen ktvl A handsame plaque bearing the names of the 20 by this club, are Past Presidents N. Byran "Barney" honor ai their pae asn6t ek - by feeamng aegume or Past Presidents of the Bawmanville Lions Club was pre- Vanittone and Herbert L. "Deac" Goddard. High-ranking ding anniversary. ensilage senfed ta President James Marr at the 2th Anniversary officers af Lions International, charter members of the Mr. and Mrs. Van Beck and Meeting of the club held in the Lions Community Centre Bawmanville Club, and guests fram manv other Lions bys iiboo, n last Thursdfay night. Presenfing the plaque, - which- wil be hung in the spaciaus banquét hall of the new centre itself one of the many community services made possibJ( 1ENNISKILLEN Mm. and Mýrs. B. Adair, Mr. and Mrs. B. Hockaday, Toronto, with Mm. and Mrs. b. Grul. Mm. and Mms. W. McNair, Stouffviile, were at Mm. and Mrs. E. McNair's. Mm. and Mms. James Turn- buill Petemboro, called on Mr. and Mms. R. McGiil's. Mrs. Jabez Wright, Misses Annie and Effa Wright, Osh- awa,- witi Mm. and Mrs. N. E. Wright. Mm. and Mrs. E. A. Werry, Grant, Bert and Betty Jane, wifh Mm. and Mms. A. L. Weamn. Mrs. A. Marsh Sm., Mm. and Mrs. D. B. Kay, Mm. BRl Kay, Toronto, Mm. and Mrs. Cecil Raim, Union, Mm. and Mrs. Bert Johnson and Jean, Long Sauit, at Mm. and Mrs. Adam Slamp's. Mm, and Mrs. Len Cheeseman, and Linda and Miss Linda Neweil, Oshawai at Mm. and l\rs. W, Howeiis. .. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright and family, spent fie week- end with Mm. and Mrs. Frank Spry, Rochester, N.Y. Mm. and Mrs. Gea. Imwin, Donna, Gaii, and Rodney, vis- ited Mm. and Mms. Gea, A. Scott, Oshawa. Chester Milîs spent Sunday with Bert Wemry. Miss Reva McGill spent Sun- day with Miss Gloria Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Masters, Gail and Darlene, Bowman- ville, Miss Ruby Virtue, To- ronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Raiph Virtue. Mr. and Mrs. Don Clement and family, Oshawa, visited tMr .and Mrs. P. Ellis. Mm. Ken Kelly, Bowmanvilie, [n company with Mrs. Harold M'ills and Miss Shirley Milîs, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ed Jeu- nings af Acton. Mr. and Mrs. K. V. Svane- felt visited Mr. and Mrs. bar- Mm. and Mms. John E. Grif- fin and family visited Mrs. Geo. Squibb, Churchill. Mm. and Mrs. Russell Mount- aoy, Blackstock, were Sunday tea guests ai Mr. and Mrs. F'red Toms. Mm. and Mms. Norman Wilson attended the Wright - Boumne wedding on Saturday at Rich- nond bill. Mm. and Mms. O. C. Ashton, Lois and Charles, were visitors oi Mm. and Mrs. W. J. Bmagg, Providence. Mm. and Mrs. A. L. Wearn and family at Mm. and Mrs. A. M. Wearn's, Claremont. Mrs. b. Stainton, Hampton, wîth Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Stainton. Mrs. Vemna Wood. Toronto, at Mm. and Mms. S. R. Petiick's. Master Bruce Milîs with MIaster Gammy Beckett. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashtan, Clare and Douglas, witi Mm. and Mrs. J. Lyon, Hampton. Mm. and Mrs. K. V. Svane- felt witi Mm. and Mrs. FI. Bourne, Elgin Milis. Mm. Wilbert Toms, Helen and Wilma, were Sunday caîl- rs on Mm. and Mrs. Fred Toms. C.G.I.T. met at fie churci May 14 witi meeting in charge f Ruth Lamb and Mary Grif- fn. Business was conducted by 'resident Ruth Lamb. Program Regarding the affair ai James Dempsey failing ta report cam- paign contributions, Mm. Fra- ser asked, "I wonder if Mr. Dempsey had been one of Dr. McCann's own party, wauld he have carried evîdence around in his pocket for twa years and then produced it at election time? Dr. McCann is playing politics with the Department af National Revenue. He has no right ta take these docu- ments out of his office". In closing the meeting, Pre- sident Carruthers declared that the Progressive Conserva- tives ai Ontario could go inta this election With pride in the Frost Government and- pride in Major Foote, tlieir member. He introduced George Hooton, 83. a hard-working, loyal party worker, and urged the younger Progressive Conservatives ta go out and wark as lard as lie oex4 tef ota-o consisted ai a reading by Lorr Wearn; Choral reading cor ducted by Nancy Wood. Bettc grooming chat was given b Camai Wright. Handy Crafl consisted ai making garland: directed by Nancy Wood an 1Mary Griffin. A deiicious lunc' was served by Elenor Heari and Lamna Weamn. Next meel ing June 14 witl Elenor Hearý and Lamna Wearn in chargec program and Mary Griffin an Linda Stainton ta serve luinct W.M.S. met May 10, Mn Ross Ashton, Haydon, being th jgracious hostess. Mrs. E. . IWerry presided. Mms. F. Me Laughlin pesented a thougil fui devotional period. "Sharin and Giving". witi reading bý Mrs. John Slemon; deligitit vocal solo by Miss Phyllià How elîs and prayer by Mrs. H. Me Gi. Rail caîl was answereý by Ciothing for Korea, article ta le left at Mrs. R. Ormis ton's. Mms. R. Ommiston mea- the ailotment ai supplies fa the year. Eastem Tlank Offer ing amounted ta ovep- $30. Mrs J. McLaughiin took chamge o the pragmam. An interestin, part was the word pictur( given by Mrs. G. Yeo, Mrs. R McGil, Mms. M. Hobbs, anc Mrs. J. Siemon af the foui points ai interest, Fred Victoi IMission, Church ai' Ail Na. fions, United Church -Publisi. ing bouse and United Churc] Training Sciool, Toronto, vis. ited by them recentiy. Mrs. Mv J. Hobbs presented the study "'Let's Adjust Our Attitudes" by laving goups answem ques- fions from geîîemal knowledgE af fie book. "The Churchirj India," and tien giving tic opinion aifie autiom, R. M Bennett. Group One semveda dainty lunch ai ice cream and cake. lTlarrs #$Àbe e The Watches seen Most en TV. .. Wanted Most for Graduation! MARR'S JEWEL.LERY. il Clubs in the district were present'at the meeting ta pay and Elly called at the aey l " -t e, tribute ta the Bowmanville Lions Club on its ýOth birthday. home. hVa eyk aCl c r t le -Photo by Carson Studio, Port Hope Mr. and Mrs. John Baker, streugtii an d Dundas, visited Mr. and Mrs. durabiiIty. de- ia Godon Bker.slgned for the .la Jean, John, Harry and Bruce gume or crn er Scout M ot ers Baker, spent Sunday afternoon ensilage. with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cox and 1rétlo :y Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Mii-l Al Audrey. vlbrated, wt ts rToonoMr ad rs. Clini- near AJto ress Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Baker cad OgUSo s, ton English, Peterborough, d and Ann, Mrs. May Johns and fdgov d spent Sunday with their gr and- pj N r. Mac Martin with Mr. I. *tae n ýh mother and brother, Mrs. W. Ju i~ ' Lttle, Kendaland Mr. and Mrs. hooped wlth d J, Miller and Douglas. O n O r Fa Harry Fraser, Orono. Mr. M. hevy7roda te ~- Mr. and Mrs. Gordon His Martin remained for a visit with gi n c"n ai rd and boys, Hannon, visited hi.s The regular monthly meet- Mr .Ltisrneab n of parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert ing of the Scout Mothers' Aux- crete and steel d His. iliary was held in the Lions Cf lACi h. r.S .Hamr rn~e Centre on May 111hwih a Mrs S.G. arerEriclaegood attendance. s. spent a week with her sisters, President Mrs. C. Welsh op. e Mrs. J. C. Cook and Mr5. H.nedthemeeingwituth MCur. Scout Mothers'. Prayer and *m C. Sunday visitors af Mr. and Promise and welcomed those t-Mrs. J. C. Cook were Mr. S. G. present. She expressed thanks gHarmer, Mrs. Kenneth Harmer, ta any Mothers who had help- aiom .rr 19Judy and Teddy, Erindale. Mr. ed in any way With the Fath- NiU'J L m 4AA Là and Mrs. Fred Smith, and Miss er and Son Banquet. 4. OTC iGrace Smith, Long Sault. Mrs. It was announced there was CONAC S. G. Harmer returned home aDsrc einlCneec V le ýdwihhrhsadtErnae at Port Credit on May 14. Ar- W ate-rank es The District annual meeting rangements were made for PoeM -43 af the Women's Institute wil delegates ta attend, Phoniille -MAna3 ýd be held Friday, May 20, at Mrs. E. Twist was'in charge Iomnilen ï )r H{ampton United Church start- af the program. Two readings ing at 9 a.m. were given, one entitled "Boys"------ S. Mr. and Mrs. Aldin Hoar the other, "Training the Other )f visited Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mc- Woman's Child". A talk was ýg Mahon, Toronto. given by Mrs. Twist on Flags. ,e Mrs. J. Higginbotham, Van- A few dos and don'ts were o m n i l d Alberta, Kathy Hoar, were which the flag should be used. ir guests af Mr. an'd Mrs. Frank Thanks ta Mrs. Twist were )r Werry, . expressed by Mrs. Welsh who Mr. and Mrs. R. Perkins, MVr. closed the meeting with the C ho ral S ociety -George Noble, Toronto, wîth Scout Closing Prayer. A social ~ r n r.Kr obr. hall hour was then enjoyed by * Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Cresswell al and Glennys, Lindsay, Miss Spring Concet IFlorence Werry, Hampton, vis- ;' ited r.rand 1'rs. Aldin Hoar. LONG SAULT ýe Mr andMrs. R. Cameron n and Raymond, visited Mr. and Very sorry ta report that Mr.,i the e Mrs. W. J. Penwarden. Gabriel Kayacs Sr. is seriously Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Clapp ili in Memorial Hospital, Bow- Srecently visited Mr. and Mrs. manville. IGardon Clapp, Belleville. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bunting, T w al o m n il Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Skinner Hamilton; Mrs. John McGinn and children visited Mr. and and Margaret, Toronto, with Mr. Mrs LmeMcoy Booklin. and Mrs. Rye Gibson. Curtain Time - 8:15 p.m. Mrs. orneMcCo, BrMr. and Mrs. A. Webb, Ronny Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mount- and Lynda, Bowmanville; Mr. joy and Keith, Bowmanville, and Mrs. Frank Petersan andA i vstdMr. and Mms. .J. Gibbs- Ronny, Oshawa, were at theRS AD FR D Y Mr. and Mrs. E. 'V. Hoar, Gibson home. THUR D Y A D F I Y Mrs. Edith Anderson, Bowman- Mr. and Mrs. Orme Miller ville, wcme Saturday callers at with hiem parents, Mr. and Mrs. P Mrs. Annie Hatherly visited Mr. Stanley Fletcher, Toronto, MY 2 t and 2 7th Mm. and Mrs. A. Leadbeat'er, with his parents, Mm. and Mrs. Enniskillen, Tuesday tvenirig- Gardon Fletcher. Mr. and Mrs. G. White and Mm. and Mrs. Andy Sutch, An outstanding evenmng of music will b. presented. Anne were guests of Mr. and Pontypool, were Sunday callers Mrs. Herb Myers, King, Ont. at the Kayacs home. Mm. and Mrs. George Ail- Home and School Club met GUEST SOLOIST dread visited Mr. and Mrs. K. May 13. Vice-Pres. Mms. Jean Lamb, Port Credit, and also Youngman conducted the bus- visîted at Guelph on Sunday. mness. It was decided ta hoîd M . R B R A G A E B rtn Mr. and Mrs. John Hender- aur annual picnic, June 29th at Mr RO ET B L AV , aitn shott and Donald Henry, Osh- the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred awa, with Mr. and Mrs. John Partnem. Committees were ap- ADMISSION * m - - 75 Wilson.', pointed ta look after the various Mr. and Mrs. W. Jewell and jobs. Supper is ta, be served Boyd. were tea guests Sunday at 6 p.m. Tickets may b. obtained from any inember evening of Mr. and Mrs. Mur- M~eeting was turned over to of the Choral Society ray Mountjoy, Kedron. Mm. W. Vaneyk, Chairman of Mr. and Mrs. S. Walker and the Program Committee: read- boys, Miss Phyllis Maynard, ings by Mrs. W. Vaneyk, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Walkem and Debbie, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond a Walker, Bowmanville, Ross M Hall, Zion, with Mm. and Mrs 'I ad r.E. A. Virtuel 0 F o r and John, visited Mr. and Mrs.: Howard Wonnacutt, Toronto.*l i Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Alldread e, ac* EIIanieI tIeIU ' adM an Mr. J.Wilsn vs RPInfoATaTiE ited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wi- a son, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Robinson* Progressive Conservative Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byamr. Mr.andMr. Knneh ich r ols, Terry and JOI, Bowman- a Con'mittee Rooms ville, vîsited Mrs. G. White : I H OAYRO and Anne. I H OAYBO Mr. Gordon White spent thcer weekend tD AIwk Lke whA I he is buildinga summer ct tage.IE Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Nor- BA MRL:O E rish and baby visited Mr. and ora Mrs. C. E. Thomas, Orillia. P H NoMr.3 8 Enniskillen, were Sunday caîl-a ers af Mr. and Mrs. Raymond PHN:A 33 8 Clapp. Mrs. Annie Hatherly visited a four Progressive Conservative Candidate ia Durliam County la her grand.son, Ronald, who ha. : retumned ta, his home for a. *~ short holiday iran> Alberta. at M- his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.110~ U U M i ý Lui

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