é TnE AflA fLtA -STA C * nR. B * CerNVM NA B.H.S. Majo*rettes Spar'k Show G. HARVEY AGNEW, m.t). PRESIDENT, ONTARIO HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION ar.m.qa AKTIJLEIN à 5 mPlOYS ispectors t10 ensu observation of these regti One out of every six persons tions. living on your street or In yur comniunity will prabably be Next, each public haspita] admitted ta haspital durlng required Pto have its awn 1955. of regulations. These va 1955.slightly in -different hospili When these Individuals en- but must conform ta a comni ter a hospital they entrast pattern and must be Gaver themselves, in most cases, to ment approved. These inclu the care of strangers. This, inl regulations governing the r itself, can be a disturbing, tact dical staff work, safety preca and, ta nervous people, terrify- tiafl8, such as in the use ing thought. oxygen tnts, or anaesthel Since"the maji aity, upon ad- gases, miles respectlng 'thea mission, are emotianally up- mninstration of drugs and na set, nervous and worried, it cotica and even the identifie should be reassuring ta realize tion af newbarn babies.. the many ways whereby their Then we have a highly-trai welfare and safety are pratect- ed and rigidly cantralled nur ed. ing staff. It is abligatory f The Provincial Government, aur nursing schools ta ne itself, has established rigid re- certain high standards seti gulatians ta contrai the opera- by the Province and the nur tian of public hospitais. The ing profession itself. Publie Hospitals' Act and sup- Similarly high standan plementary regulaf ions set up contrai the quality of med requirements concerning fire cal education. Every sing' precautions, staff appointments, medical sehool in Canada Isolation, laboratory examina- rated Class *'A" standingt tions, clinical records, consulta- the Council an Medical Educý tion on certain cases, financial tion and Hospitals of the Amei returns and niany other de- ican Medical Association, tt tails. In addition, the Province. approving body on this cor Special Glant size Colgate'. Paste' 2 tubes 89C White Ramn Shampoo 45c-75e-1.25 CLEARASIL OINTMENT For Pimples and Blemishes 69C. 1.19 Home Permanents: Silver Curi for Grey Hiîr 1.75 Breck Ton! fan 3 types of hair Shampoo 1.75 85e -1.35 Prom .- Needs no. neutralizer 85e -1.351.75 Pin Qulek for Pin Curla Brylcreem 1.75 and 0mb. Tonette for chldren's bai, ~9c 1.75 malo ehampoo 39c-65c-98c 'Spray Net 1.75 Toul Spin Ourlernt Preveni -Insecf Bil es Deodoranis 6 12 Kepellent _ 59o Stopette ---- 75e, 1.25 Fly Tox Spray 35c, 59c, 98c Odorono Spray - 49c, 75e F17 Tox Bomb- 89c, 1.39 Mennen's Spray -- 756 Ridsect Bomb -____ 1.39 Mum - _----- __- 53c, 75o Skeeter-Skatter, 59e Arrld Çream 53c, 75o WOoodbury's Soap -4 cakes 31c COWLING'S' PHONE ~ ~SOE WE FITI MIA 3-5695 DR/IW STORE fRUSSES iure ala- set lary tals rn- ,ne- su- etic ad- iar- ica- tin- irs- for ýet [rs- A sextet of pretty Bo led the parade as high-steppi rds Cadet Inspection held in the die evnnMy9h h a lie ipa ve itnMay y a.lae by Dilling and Donna Akey. S c-Evelyn Brown, Evelyn Pascoe, "r- Lamb. the in- tinent. Next, there is the medical staff organization, with' its variaus committees and month- ly staff meetings and clinical pathological conferences. New ideas and pracedures are stu- died and unusual cases or iab- oratory findings discussed. Al deaths in a hospital are studied ta see if anything more could have been done, and any unex- plained infections are traced back. Medicai. staff appointments are approved by a credentials committee. Most hospitals are requiring that doctors under- taking serious procedures have special qualifications for doing so. A few years ago At looked as though the general practi-1 tioner was being squeezed out1 of the hospitai picture but ta-1 day the trend is ta give him ai definite and important place on the staff. It is desirable for both the public and the profes- sion that doctors keep abreast of haspital progress. This is passible and stili have majorj work controlled.1 Then, too, in Canada ancVfhe1 United States we are fartunatei in having what is called an1 "accreditation" pnogramn fori hospitals. This is operated joint-1 ly by aur national medical andk hospital arganizatians. To bee approved, a hospitaiý must have( a good staff organization, good) laboratory and X-ray equip- ment, accurate clinical recordsc and be able ta meet a hast ai ather stiff requirements. Ful appraval is a hallmark ai pro-0 tect ion. Fram this it can readily be1 senthaIt aur public hospitals I have lefit littie undone ta giveJ each and every patient the ut-a mast of protection.h if, this year, you happen ta be the one in six who wil be b admitted ta hospital, calm lE -tyour fears and do not be un-w NOW IN STOCK I No.lcouTsiDE $114 r PAIN-r 0 STAYS WHiTE.LoNGtR e WONT SUSBLE OR -CRACK 'IuE PAINT C1.OSS WHITE OFUNGUS AND P40ULD RISISrANr *FAST DRYING *EASY TO APPLY Yýou c4n't buy a botter outaide white-any.. where! It is Of a COnaitntlY high quality. That'swhy Sturgeons No. 1 Outaide White le the favourite outaide white paint Of 8somany pro*ssioa atmr and homeownrs. 9-h Ou~r stock of Sbuigeone Outaide White Paint sgeUi, fast- St YOU'I be sure to get the supply you neÏed, we auggest you cbme in today--whule we. have. complete atocks. A. 1igal.....72 WR RACK- Phone MA 3-2562, lowmanyille High School gi ping majorettes in thç annu SMemorial Arena on Mond ided sparkle to, a very fi ecrowd. Kneeling are: 'Re Standing, lef t to right, ai e, Barbara Bathgate, Chri.sti -Photo by Robert Carruti duly alarmed. One can hone ly say that it is unlikely ti your welfare and safety hospital have ever been caret ully guarded and prote, ed. OBITUÂRY SMRS. A.RTHUR J. JONES day ena re: ina Jers est- that ini ect- On May Sth, Mrs. Arthur J. Janes passed away at ber home, 57 Prospect Street, Bow- manville. her death coming as a -releake at, the end. - Mrs. Jones had been in poor heaith for the past twa years. It glad- dlened the hearts ai her tam- ily that she was weii enough on April 4th, hawever, ta cele- brate quietly with them andi Mr. Jones the 45th'enfliversary ai their wedding.- Mrs. Jones was barn. Alice Maud Fry, the daughter ai the late Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Fry, on May 17, 1887 in Newport, Manmouthshire, England. In- 1921 she and her husband camne ta Canada, settiing in Bow- manville, where they have made their home ever since. Mrs. Jones tound reai enjoy- ment in the keeping af ber home and garden. Whiie in goad health, she attended re- gularly at St. Paui'a United Church and was active in, 3h* Woman's Assocja$i.ar there~, Funergi service, at the. Noi*fr cutt; and Smith FuneralI-IHome, was conducted an Sunday à!- ternoôn. May 8th, by Rev. Har- aid Turner, assisted bý Rev. Dr. Emlyn Davies, Yorkmlnster Baptist Church, Toronto. Dr. Davies pald tribute ta Mrs. Jones' character and influence as a gaad wite, mather ancd homemaker. Many beautiful floral tri- butes were received tram, re- latives, neighbors and triends who attended the' funeral frain 3owmanville, Toronto, Landan, Newcastle and ather centres, and from the Goodyear .Tire and Rubber Ca., Bowmanville, evidencing the esteem and 9af- fection in whlch the deceased vas held. Palîbearers were five nie- >hews and a cousin- Messrs. Roger, Reginald and Cyrîl Veadows, Edward and Rzph Fry, and Denys Jones af Lon- don, Ont. Interment was i.n Bowmanville Cemetery. Survivirig ta mourn her loss ré her husband; one daughter, tirs. Kenneth Hull (Olive), Bowmanville; one brother, i J. A. Fry, Bowmanville; and ne uisten, YMts. George Mea- .ows, Newcastle. a fi E I F a dý HAYDON Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Potts, Miss Frances Pottg and Jimmy McDonald, Collii)gwood, at Mr. and Mrs. Jack Plotts'. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ashton and family, Toronto, at* their cottage on Sunday. Miss Wanda Mailey. Orona, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Fontain and Neil, Toronto, at Mr. and Mrs. A. McNeil's. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ashton and Bill, Toronto, at Mr. and Mrs. H. Ashton's.e Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gay, Oshawa; Mr. Bruce Garrard and 'Patsy, Part Credit, at Mr. and Mrs. C. Garrard's. Dr. and Mrs. B. Corrigan a'nd Vilda, Toronto, at.Mr. and Mrs. C.. Rankine's. Mr. and Mrs. Burrows and sons, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. David Malcol. 'Mr. and Mrs. toass-Ashton and fail visitedMn. anid Mns. W. Mcaghlin, Burketon. Mr. and Mrs. -B. Vivian anid family visited Mr.. arý,d Mn. Hoskîn, Oshawa. Mm. G. Tabb visited relatives at Salem on Tuesday. Mrs. David Malcolmi l spend- ing a- iew days with relatives i Taranto.- Mr. and Mrs. J. Tdrbull eaul- ed on Mr. and Mis. Lloyd Ash- tan. ,Church service and Sunday Schooi wili be withdrawn ani Sunday, May 22 on account af Tyrone and Ennisklllen An- niversary Services. Mr. and Mrs. J. Martyn and iaily, Bowmanville, at.-Mn. and Mis. WM. Trewin's. Mrs. Arthuin Tsewln la-teach-I ing at Raydon SchooLfor a shortI time as our teacher, Miss M. Bouck, lu lI Oshawa Hospital ,having treatments on ber arn jwhich she had the misartune to tacture lutai 4clh. _- _ BLÂCKSTOCK meetig of lackstock Au '4~of the W.MS. was héld May il at the home of Mrs. Earl Dorreil. Predicent Mrs. E. Larmer opened, the meeting with a poem. Mns. C. W., Hutton took -the devotional perlod, basing it en "There là. quiet place" and célosing with prayer. The' rail eall wfts answered with "somne- thlng heard on the radi$." Miss Henx'letta Camp)bel,. a missianary in the Peace Rivèr district, was designated às the n missionary th4t aur soclety hhauld take an interest in and pray for. Canada Night on May 25 wau announced. .U. Carl Wright thok over for the following programn: a solo by Mrs. Harold Kyte, "«Jeus «Is Ail the World ta Me." Mrs. Merril 'Ferguson, a misaionary tram the African mission station, Caxnun- dongo, was guest speaker, She told about the crowds in Africa wanting ta hear, the gospel. She alsp showed curios. A question period about life in Africa fol- lawed. Mrs. Wright thanked Mrs. Ferguson, Mrs. Kyte and Mrs. Dorreli. A deliclous lunch was served and a social time enjoyed'. Dalton's Red - 6-oz. Karaschino CHERRIES Kraft Sliced - 8-oz. pkg., 8 slices CANADIAN'CHEESE Velvet Tip - 4-String BRQOMS 1.21 Colgate's - Giant Size DE NTAL CREAM Reg. Value 1.18 2 pkgs. 89c 48-oz. tin Hereford's - 12-ozti CORNED DEEF THERE'S BOWMANVILLE Yeo's Maiketeria MAPLE GROVÈ laPle Grove Groceteria LITTLE BRITAIN Bullock'u Giroceterin 41C i 23 C 31C MImiouRani Moeetin On Thursday aternoon the Mission Band met in the United Church basement with 30 chil- dren and 12 aduits present. Lorraine-Dayes, president, was in the chair. Worshlp was talten by Mrs. Cecil Hill. Dennis Mc- Laughlin and Paul Rahm took up the offering and Bannie ,Say- well said the prayer. The foliowing pragram was enjayed: a sang "Biily Bushy- tai" by Linda Kyte and Nancy Hutton; piano solo, Donna Mc- Laughlin; a sang "Open Yaur Heart" by Linda Venning and Caral Rahm. Mrs. Merrili Fenguson told about littie Lussati, the African girl they raised, and aia OfIh« aider sister Nachitula who là bu' ing helped ln her schoollxig by aur Mission Ban& Mrs. Fr guson shawed sorne curios. A piano solo given by -J'gnjce Byers, a sang by Doris GrifinI and Shirley Snooks concludQ the program. Ourý other leader, IvItÊ. lo Taylor, thanked Mrs. Ferguspn for vi=tn us and ail repeste4 theclolngprayer. Australia, with about haîf the. population of Canada, bas ince the Second World War accept- ed juat about the saine numbu«, of immigrants. * e e BES oOGD~ Y Paramount Fancy - Red SQCKEYE SALMON. i/z's 36c.- Libby's Fancy PINEAPPLE JUICE 48-ai. 29C Figure it ot for yourself. Tne money you spen on food is a major item in the family budget. Tb~ çonstant savings you make in your RED & WHITI store adds up; at the end of the year you cai buy those extra luxuries you didn't think yoi could afford! GoId Medal - Pure PEAN UT BUTTER -Ice Box Jar 16-oz. 35C 24-et. C a Fresh - Lean PORE SHOULDERS Lb. Boneless - Solid Meat IPORIK DUTTS Peamealed - Mild Cure COTTAGE ROLUS Swift's Oriole - Store sliced SIDE BACON 35 C Lb. 49C Lb. 41C Lb. Swift's Premium -MHent and Serve, BRGWN 'ON' SERVE SAUSAGE yLb,Pkg. Swift's Premium - Sliced LUNCHEON MEATSL. Red & White - 2-ai. Jar INSTANT COFFEE Culverhouse Choice - 15-ai. tin STIRAWDERIRIES Reeve's Choice - lO-oz. WHOLE MUSERONS 49c 39 c 65c Birdseye Blueberries, Fresh Frozen, il oz. pkg. 39c 59c, 31C 39C Wagstaffe's RASPBERRY JAMz.39 A Holiday Treat- Ripe - Red- Juicy Flesh 1Wa#erme Ions Large Site Large - Hothouse -Cucumbers 2 for .33c Best for Juice - New Crop Valencias - Siite 252's Sunkist Oranges 2 doz. 75c Fresh Arrivais Daily of GREEN ONIONS - RADISHES - ASPARAGUS, ETC. Birdseye Tasty Beef Pies, 8 ez., each oz. kg. 9C Red & White - 7 Flavors JELLY'PGWDERS 3 for 25C Heinz - Cream af - 10-ai. TOMATO SOUP 2 for 23C Windex - 6-oz WINDOW SPRAY WINDEX' SPRAYERS Hawe's - New Hard Finish - Pint FLOOR GLOSS Johnson's Pride - 8-ai. FURNITURE POLISH Robin Hood Spice BAuE ont-Ilow-Qukg. CAe BMIX t- 29cw uk a MARRINE2b,. 75c Làibby's 15c 15c 59C 79C Hawaiian Libby's SLICED PINEAPPLE 20-oz. tin 33 C Libby's Fancy TOMATO JUICE A RED & WHITE STORE NEAR YOU PORT PER1AY Dowaon'u Food Market OSHAWA McKenna's Super Market 948 Simcoe St N.- Sproule's Food Stores 272 King St. E. and 458 Simcoe St. S. Brown's Groceteria Y -- - AJAX Ajax Marketeria ORONO Cornish Groceteria BROOKLIN PORT HOPE Roberts Bros. Food Store Roberts Uptown Market 4 COBOURG Jeffery Food, Market Is et y Is n t- e M PAGE six ýçva9A R'TT T..mil -C Campbell's Chicken - 10-0z. VARIETIES SOUP 2 for 33C Fara Bey - California Seedless RAISINS' 2 Ibs. 43c ,Je. H ampton, Ont.. 00,00 r//e0- ED & H ITE 0:001) oz ES 1 1 qqiv. 0-,àvànvàtg d%*MPÀLUVW% ç :-irls'i le 'E nr R 0 Z E N FOODS - 29e Birdseye Blueberries, Fresh Frozen, il i. - ý. - -1 -7-Mm u lie Week