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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 May 1955, p. 10

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4;Ce - t- fi t, ,-~; 2 'Various -Parking Lots Discussed by- Clwmber The possibility 'of establishing a public parking lot in an area at the rear afi Breslin's Men'& Wear Store, the Carter Family Tee Room, the A & P Store and S. G. Chartren's Men's Wear Store was discussed at the May meeting of the Chamber ai Com- merce, Monday the 16th. ,A. H. Sturrock, a. member of the Transportation and ParkingR Cammittee, stated that hie had taiked with Mrs. Walter Oke, owner af the property at the rear of Breslin's Store, and she was in favor af his suggestion that a garage on the premises be torn down and the land used for -a public parking lot, and would take the matter up with her sons. He also stated that the manager ai the A & P Store was ia favor af establishing a park- ing lot in back ai these stores and would co-operate with the Chamber. Mr. Sturrack estiniat! ed thet 30 or mare cars could be parked on the proposed lot. SHe said he had written ta Alla Knight ai Detroit and his Oister, who are landiords ai saine ai the other properties concemned, esking their ca-opera- tion in establishing the parking lot. One abjection ta this pro- posed parking lot, Clarence ilockin said, wes that he had been informed et the Town Hall that bath entrances ta the pro- poscd lot - the lanewey between Ureslin's store and Carter's Bakery, and the tunnel on Tem- perance Street - are private and ,pould possibly be ciosed by their ýpwners at any turne. Second Lot Diseussed Mr. Sturrock also reported there was a Possibility ai a small parking lot for 12 cars at the r7ear ai Cawker's graceterie. Mr. Caýwker owns e brick building and an adjoining shed fronting on the lane et the rear ai his store froin which he is not oh- taining much revenue, Mr. Stur- rock said. If these were torn down about 12 cars could bei b' 1~ 4 Il I. t: *1~ I t, t i. * s. i. - T t h i., il - n. 's T-, $ gparked there. a There does *flot seem ta be emuch hope af getting the afley ï et the rear ai these stores al 1 the way through iroin Tein- r perence St. ta Queen St., Mr. r Sturrack said. Ronald Sh aw, President ai Spcciaity Paper Products Ltd., 9stated that he feit the parking and transportation committee *was on the wrong track telking about 30-car and 12-car parking lots when bis firin bas offered the Chamber the use ai a space et the rear ai their building Lwhich will park 100 cars. He tstated that a bulldozer couid fi la the cellar on which the. car lot would be esteblished, inaa day. Ail thea wouid be needed then would be a fence between the lot and the Specialty Paper Products and the H.E.P.C. yard. President Elmer Banting feit that it would detract froma the1 coavenience ai the lot if theg fence were put up, siace shop-1 pers using the lot couid nat go1 across the Hydro yard and out1 onto Temperence St. TheyE would be forced ta welk ail the1 way around ta Wellington St.t with their parcels ta get ta the1 lot. Might Be Objections Mr. Shaw wondered whether the H.E.P.C. wouid nat abject ta people using the parking lott weiking thmaugh their yard wheme their tmucks are parked and there is equipmnt iying about. As fer as the fence be- t tween the Specialty Paper Pro-1 ducts building and the parking ( lot was concerned, he seid, thisf would serve anly as a dividings line. "We have ebsolutely noy plans for the property an which;. the lot would be located et then present time," he said. He elsou painted out that with the erec- f tion ai the new Post Office therea would be more shoppers coming r up Temperance St. for their c mail, which would make this Now, I've neyer stood an ceremony when it came to food and drink, I've always made my meals of" things'that keep me fit and in the "pink." That's wh y I've a Milk- fed complexion . .. oh, inm just as wholesome as they came, Sa every. body drink a toast ta Milk ... 'cause it helped me catch my man, by gumi TNt WNAnN M'A'PUV* A? UfwItf TT~D'?' EAY AfiSO &Vue Glen Rae Dairy I MA 3-5444 Bowmanvll.ieJ.U.II~0II" Bowmanvi lie Window Cleaning Services We Clean Windows Remove Sf orms Put on Screens and Awnings Odd Jobs' Reasonable Rates :PHONE MA 3m3606 MA 3-5848 parking lot even handier. President Banting asked X 'Sturrock if there was any poç ta the parking lot from Churc Street past the pumplng atatio: and the water tank. He replie that he had discussed this wit Reeve Sidney Little, who said j would' iean taking down spruce .tree, and lie did flot be lieve the P.U.C. would approv, of that. Presidenft Banting asked Agr ricuiture Chairnian W. E~ Brown whether the fariner seéiýied interested in a fariner' market ini town. He pointed' ou that Mr. 'Shaw had suggesteg that the proposed parking.. I at the rear of hisfactory woulc be *a good location for à farm. ers' 'market on Saturday an( could be used for parking durini the week. Mr. Brown replied that an3 farmlers he had talked to hac been lukewarm, on the subjeci of a produce market. Mr. Stur. rock stated that at a meeting lie had had with the Ebenezer Farir. Forum,4 Charlie Rundie hac pointed out that many of the Durham farmers are dairy farin. ers rather than trtxck gardeners Pat Yeo stated that as soon aç the vegetables froin private gardens corne into use in the summer there is less demand for fresh vegetables. "A lot af them are handed over the back fence ta the neighbors too," hE said. In vicw of these facts, Presi- dent Banting suggested that the Chamber let the màtter of a farmers' produce market ride until the fali, et least. Stili Some Dlrty Spots Mr. Sturrock reported that the "Clean-up, Paint-up and Plant-up" campaign of the Chamber had been quite success- fui, but that there were still several "'real dirty spots." "If you sec one of these spots, go ta the owner and ask him in a nice way to dlean it up," hie urged. The raads and streets foreman has been asked ta look after the emptying of the waste receptacles put out by the chamber, he said. The Recreation and.,Beauti- fication Chairman also reportcd that he had spoken ta a sign painter about painting the Chamber sign on the door ta the offices and he had oifered ta paint the naine and Chamber crest an the door for $12, and the naine only for $3.00. Mem- bers decided that the Chamber name was sufficient. He stated that Lloyd Preston vould determine how much of the ceiling af the two Chamber offices needed to be plastered and also what colours should be used ta decorate thein. This natter was left ta the commit- te made up af Mr. Preston, Mr. Sturrock and Don Morris; an~d Mel Dale was added ta it. There was saine discussion on whethcr a card or a letter-type f notice should be used ta notlfy members af general meet- igs, and this was lcft wîth the executive. Membérship 'Chairman Art [ooper reported that he had the 1955 Chamber menibership cards igned by Secretary Keith. La- lingue. He has also made up .ards for, those who will be col- ecting membership fées, giving ;e scale for different types of )usinesses and industries. These age from $2.00 for an individ- ia member ta $150 for an in- lustry with froin 500 ta 1,000 !nployees. He and his commit- ee inembers have begun col- ecting the 1955 Chan-ber mem- rship fées, he said. Recemies G'M '25-Year' i John H. Herron, a Bowmanville man' who 'is ?mpioyed in the Body Assembly Plant at General Motors, is shown aboya at the .ninth annual dinner of the General Motors 25-Year Club held Saturday night at the new Ontario Motor Sales Building in Oshawa. His wife is shown placing the 25-year-ring .which he received,. on bis finger. Generally considered the largest annual event of its kind in Canada, the dinner was attended by:more than 1,400 members and their guests. Altogether the 25-Yýear Club has a membership of 1,468 in Oshawa and'119 in Windsor.11 Legion 'Plans To Honour Two new members, Com- rades Harold "Bud" Hooper, R. R. 4, Bowmanville, and Thomas R. Patton, Orono, were initieted into member- ship in the BawmanvilleBranch of the Canadien Legion at the regular m 'eeting iast Thursday night, cheircd by Presidejit Rass McKnight. Sparts Chairman Bill Bates ennounced that the Branch bowling banquet wauld be held in the Legion Hall on June 4. Camrade George Mca- dows announcéd that his com- mîttec is endeavouring ta de- termine which members have belonged ta the Branch for 25 years so, they cen be honared with 25-ycar pins lin Septem- ber. He asked the ca-aperation ai aider members in giving hlm this information.* Property Cheirman Bob Fin- nigen rcquested help from the rnembcrs in building additionai tables for the hall. It was reparted that Coin- rade E. Brummell was 111 at home and that Coinrade Art Sheehan was a patient at Sun- nybrook Hospital, Toronto. KEDRON Throughout May. services are - t the usuel afternoon houms, 1.30 and 2.30, but keep in mimd the change-over for a fcw manths, beginning on June 5, when church. wil begin et 9.45 a.m. with Sunday School im- imedietely following. Mms. R. E. Lee is conducting prectice for anîvemsary music, and the music committee wauld eppreciate the attendence et Sunday School ai ail girls, boys, ana young people who wish ta take a part la the ai- ternoon chair, as prectîce is. be- ing heid during part af the S. S. hour, Miss Mavis Tregunna pre- sented the Misslonary Pragrain for May et the conclusion ci the lesson period. Many folk et Kedron visited the Funerel Home, Broakln, ta pay final respects and tri- bute ta a highly respected fiend la the persan ai Robert Keast Webber who passed away in Oshawa Genemal Hos- pitl May 12. Mr., Webbcr was a former Kedron boy and meny et. Kedran will remember Mr. Webbcr's vocal saloaet the Farp- weil Service in the aid church building, when the late Bey, E. W. Rowland preached the lest sermon la this church on May 4th,. 1952. Mr. Webber's chèery sile, humor and klntily will.. ingness ta help inaeny way he could, tagether with bis loyal- tyr and enthusiaam for tbis coin- munity ai bis younger days, will long remain. in aur mem- ories. May we extend aur sym.. pathy ta bis sister, Miss Jessie Webbcr af Brocklin, and ta other members ai the family. Mr. Thomas Scott and sister, Mrs. Wallace Scott, estertained at tee et the former's home an Wëdnesday aftemnoan, when their mather, Mns. Hemman Pascoe, Columbus, and some oi ber long-timo friends, were the honared guests. Best wi3hes go ta I*erry Rase fromn his, Kedron frienda for -a speedy recovery. Harry bias been - unciergoing treatient in Prioste Patients Pavillon, To- ronto General Hospital. Mrs. Harold Sproule and Catharîne, Oshawa, endý Mrs. Harold Werry, were téb guesta.l «'M Mbu,Wu aWalter r 2esW8mi -General Motors Photo day aftemnoon. Mr. and Mrs.- C. Hopkins and femiiy wcre dinner guests ai his mother, Mrs. G. Hopkins, Oshawa, an the occasion ai Larry's birthdey. The celebra- tion was actually a double one, as Larmy's and his grandmath- er's birthdays coincide. Besti MA 3-3386 in the Spring?' 1H! ALI ME W gh mh )n ed Il 't a! e- rs .s it :1 3t Id 1- wis4ès tp_ o.,th. Mr. and Mrâ. Gilbert Gibson, Toronto, vlslted Mr. R. J. Luke an Sudy Mr. Luke suffered afallswek with resulting *minor injuries,' but is recover- ing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. lEverson Norton and Craig, .Broughamn, with the W. Mountjoys. CongtMulatos and warm- i':es ScoQd, wlshes ta Mr., and NMrs. Nielson. Valllancourt, the par- enits afi&,fine baby girl born in Oshaw.a Hospital on May 15. 'Missçs,ý^ Lynda and Brendfa Hopkids:,Wi!e with-their grand- mathfý, 'ZvrsI. G. Hopkins, Osh- Douglas -Paacoe' and Michael Johnstois were awarded bars for, athleti'.achievemnent at the O.C.V.I. Bay's Athletlc Associa- tion Banqulet.1 Birthday jirfttinge ta a ban- nie mjiys, Dorothy Walter, anc y ýa ad ail .Saturday. Mr. and MrAJwn Colwiil,,Donald andi Wi 1yIewcastle, were guests at hier birthday clinnier with the Murtoli Walters.. S Mr. :and Mrs. Arthur. Rowan and family, YeIvertofi, were guests at the William Werry home on Friday evcning. We were soirry ta hear that aur' former neighbaur, Mrs. Ar- thur Hepburn, hes :been in Oshawa Hospital for surgcry. Her many 'friends* here extend best wîshes for a speedy con- valescence. .Miss Dorothy Trenwith, To- ronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. M. Walter. IMay wc offer aur hearty con- gratulations ta Mr. Ge 'orge James. on the honour ta be bei- towcd on hlm. by Queen's Un.!- versity on May 21, when the honorary dcgree af Doctor af Lawsis ta be coaferrcd on'the Editor of this peper. - The dust af this pest week- end sarely tried dispositions ai Kedron residents on' the more- travellcd roads, as weli as the dispositions af a streain of ina- tarists who chine ta the caun- try for .a drive -in the fresh air, end found theinselves alniost ,choked in clauds of dust, as wc, aweit th4t. annuel applica- tian of calIcium c-ýhiaride. Hlow- ever thereare sô. many beauti- fui things in rural Ontario-for us ta enjoy naw, as we neer the roonth afi June, that we should not end a ncws budget an such a saur- note as dust. Sa lct's coaclude with epple blos- soins, just anc of the many free gifts of nature, thet arc ours. This year, there is a profusion af these delicate pink blooms, accampanied, as elways, by their unique and marvellous fragrance - recails that poeni ai public schaol days, "Have You Seen An, Apple Orchard Weight/bag - 25 Ibi. opprox.) Contents/bu9 - 4 cu. ft. Lns.ftj 24 16 12 SEE YOUR DEAIER i49IWi SIRP ASPLTf,,ePEW Plants ut: Portneuf Station,'P.Q., Toronto and London, Onf. Wajehouses and iBranches: Quebec & Montreal, P.Q., Toronto, Ont., Saint John, N.b YOUR BISCO DEALER IN »OWMNVILL;' McGregor Hardware zrrxlà &m u? Limited AIrdlx~U..1 FOR RECORD PAYLDADI IN RECORD TIME ... YOUN'AT ISUT BNCI Long-distance tractor-trailer hauters will find every feature they want in GMC 1 mý Vai Power, econanly, Hydra-Matic5 plus driver corefort assurejnor. tise on tii road O0ptional at extra .oif with more payload for biger profits 1 1BIDE OHIP moco gra.tchcuOief PayIoods-gr.cass range of power plants Robson 166, K'ngSt. . Motors Lt-d. MA 3-5585 i~ fx-Tm- '(n inchesà 2 3 4 .4pproximate Cavera g. of lfrafiI AlsO "Micaisi" aggregates fot hkknels Coverage/Bag Plast.r. Concrete and Insula flan. 1 1 I.- 4' * e ,, -F CAMADUN BTATEMÉAM- linWUA~.Iji'- eêwwà-w"ýý KING ST. IV. 1 MA 3-3386 1-25-Yr. Mem be r'ý

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