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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 May 1955, p. 15

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?WYI*1,MAT? oha- lus T~r~e IsfiuteInstals Their Ne'w 0fficers- -Iboe Womcen's Institut. was held -Mis. L. Phare, Comiait Can- la the. Sunday School ioom venor-Mrs. L. Alldread; -pian- startlng wlth a pot luck supper. ust-Mn.. L. Phare. Ouests at'thc meeting cf thc President Mrs. E. White 4-H Sewing Club and their tîianked thc officers of jlut leaders, Mis. A. Yellawlees and year for their fine ca-opemation Mis. M. Stainton. and expressedUic hope that the ,7%e.-girls presented a skit good piognains would b. con- discloslnigmakaawledge ai Pro- tinued. The meeting closed with use af fabrics, colaurs and the Mizpah Benediction. 1 styes In mmkinïg clothes. Mis. Thi. fallawing attended the 'Yu*wlees gave mn inteîcsting Women's Institite-Dustrict An- regmaiofaithc gfri's bus trip ta nual at Hampton: Mis. H. rent& and msa cf their acti- Skinner, Mis. L. Alldi'ead, Mis. vities at Achievement DYay ini0.oBekett, Mis. E. White, Mis. Or-oaa. The membeis nated the N: Woadley, Mrs. J. A. Rose- finec work donc in keeping each vear and Mis. L. Annis. gil'. record book, and also __________ the. sewmng on the blouses, which the girls modelled.Mi.YR N ,N. Woodley expressed a votaN of thanks on behaîf ai tic mcniberm, ta the. leaders, for Mis. George Speight, Mr. the givlag cf thei time and George Stainton, Oshawa; Mr. talent ta instruct the girls. and Mis. V. Davenpoit and boys, The Installation ai tic new Richmond Hall; Mr. Luther officers for 1955-56 Was con- Stainton visited Mr. and Mis. ducted by Mis. J. A. Rosevear. Henry Stainton. Thcy included the foliowing: Mi. and Mis. Chas. Johns, Mr. Piesident-Mîs. E. White; 13t and Mis. R. McDonald and chul-1 Vice Pies. - Mis. R. Glaspeil; dren, Bowmanviile; Mi. and Mis.1 2nd Vice Pres.-Mrs, N. Wod- Lloyd Broome and boys Sauina;1 ley; Sec. Treas-Mîs. H. Stain- Mi. and Mis. W. Munday and ton; District Director-Mis. H. Donald, Maple Grave; Miss Ada1 Skinner; 'Branci Directoi-Mrs. Pascoe, London, with Mr. and J. A. Roseveai and Mis. L. Mis. John Broomne. Hoaper; Agicultural and Can- Dr. and Mis. John A. Page, adian. Industries Convenor - Willowdale, were Monday vis-1 Mis. D. Davey; Citizenship and itais of Mi. and Mis. W. J. Mill-1 Education - Mis. G. BLent; er. Home Economics and Health- Mi. and Mis. John CoombesI Mis. A. ]Richards; Historical Re. and Randy, Campbeliford; Miss1 iearch-Mrs..N. Woodley; Com- Wilma Richards. R.N., Oshawa1 munity Activities and Public General Hospital; Miss Paul-E Relations-Mis. L. Annis; Au- mne Hogan, Oshawa: Rowlie1 ditois-Mis.,.G. Alldread, Mis. Coombes. Bowmanville; Mis Ail New.0. ----- i 0 a Frigidaire Ref rigerators $33 9995 The New Super- 9.1 cu. f t. Frigidaire Refrigerator Availmble ini Stratferd Yellow or- Glistening White Complet. with 38-lb. Food Freezer- and full width Hydratai 1 ON DISPLAY NOW AT Mason & Dale HARDWARE MA 3-5408 Bowmanville 36 King st. E. - ~ HAMPTON Mrs. Samn Dewell spent exterided holiday weekenc New York City wien sic cd Mis. Nelson Chapîn former Irene Argue ai Sol at Long Island. Mis. De aiso îenewed acquaintanceý tic Knickerbocker Hos] wiere she was for sometime nugit superintendent. ENNISKILLEN Mr. and Mis. A. J. Luke John, Miss Olive Luke, To: la, Miss Elcanor Mountjoy,1 W. Mouritjoy, Kedron, Mi. Mis. Austin Larmer, Bownr ville, Master Brian Borîowc Oshawa, Mi. Joe McGiIi, ? Jane McClure, Bowmanv Mr. and Mis. Frank Bray, rara, witi Mi. and Mis. Har McGill. When a man walks ta boundary ai dcath, lii.ta on a new. rich meainin,« Ihim.-Lindburgh. ONJUNE 9TH VQTEFORD He. Lives in Durham County jjAVID FORD DAVID or PORT HOPE FORD The Liberal Candidate Fariner -World War II Vot. A Sincere Citizen aRealior H~ w! bean excellent M.P.P. who will serve you weil M.yk Osw Ballot for' FORD -. ln»crted hy Durham Liber-ai Association d in Lisit- (the ýina) Dwel' s at ;pital ethe and )ron- Mrs. and nan- dle, M'iss 'ile, Au- rvey the akes for Margaret Harvey vlaited-Mr. a Mis. Leslie Coombes. 11 Mr. and Mrs. Karl Colbi and Frankie spent the holit weekend with Mr. and firs. Trahan, Eau Claire. Don't forget the home baki sale on May 27th at the Hiyi Shop, sponsored by thc Womu Missionary Society. See com] events. Mr. an&d Mri. W. King, OsI wa; Mis. S. Crawford, Taran Ur.. and Mis. S. Rahm, Blaî stock, with Mi. and Mis. Artl Rahin. Miss Andrea Else, Mise LWii McRoberts, Toronto, .with IN and Mis. H. Mcfloberts and M~ Fred McRoberts. Mr. and,41rs. George Grahi andi girls, flowmanville; Mi. a: Mis. Rass Page and famlly, Ne, castie, wit h Mi. ànd Mrs. ID Stainton. Mrs. J. A. McCorinell Hai iota, Mari; Mr. and Mrs. b. Ro inson, Donna and Susani, Tarc ta, visited their cousins, Mr. ai Mis. Robert Burgess. Mr. and Mis. Eatl Stephei Sutton, were tea guests Sund; af Mi. and Mis, W. H. Tayloi Mr. and Mrs. W. Hughson ai children, Toronto, wcre Mondi visitors of Mrs. W. Hughson. Mi. and Mis. G. Auer ai children, Toronto, Mis. D. Hoa Pickering; Mr. and Mrs. Lesl Taber and son, West Hill, visiti Mr. and Mrs. T. Smith. Mrs. G. Bickle, Bowmanvill Mis. A. F. Annis. Oshawa, ai Tommy Hoar with Mr. and Mi Laine Annis. Mr. and Mis. Joe Snowde Enniskillen, with Mr. and Mi W. Jewell. Mi. and Mrs. F. BiÉnell ai Lynda, Mrs. A. W. Clemen Toronto; Mr. and Mis. goj Pooley, Oshawa; Charlotte aii Elaine Annis, Mr. and Mrs.) H. Brent with Mi. and Mr Laine Phare. Mrs. W. T.- Worden visite Mr. and Mrs. Geo Drew,. OshE wa. M. and Mrs. John Sandersoi Winnipeg; Mrs. M. Pearce, Nei York, spent a few days la week with Mr. and Mrs. Fran Werry. On Sunday Mis. h Samis and Miss Elsie Samis, Er field, vîsited their home. Mr. and Mrs. J. Gibbs an Michael spent the long weeker visiting friends at Hamilton as Grimsby. Local members af the R.C.A.1 Ground Observer Corps enjoy ed an inteîesting evening laç rhursday night when they trav elled ta Scaîboro for a tou thiough the new Frigidair plant. The programme consist ed of a film on the progresi o the jet engines and also a tai] by Squadion Leader Cairnis c No. 3 Air Defence Contrai Centr on Radar and Seaîch and Res eue. Members îattending wer, John Moore, Bob Thiesburge Gord Millson and Chief Obs'erv er Stan Norrish. There is stil an urgent need for more vol unteers for Ground Observe corps in this aiea. Please cas act C.O. Stan Norîish for coni piete information. You aiq under no obligation. ~UU fAIAflTAW fl'PA~DA UftUlA~t ku~ -- TV W' Vdéd~ '~A~ FAU5 N'ZN? - 1~. - _________________ ___________________________________ Tyrone SeS Sérvices Draàw Large Crowcl and ary daJ Ing dro hm- Ito; îur Jan Mr. Irs. ýmm nd wf- on tnd ns, lay r.. nd lay nd ad, Jie ýed e, rid îs. mrI rs. Nestlefon Station Il I I i r KvENDAL ,We are plaased to nece Wesliey Cahatout, again miter bain«l 11 t ispt six weeks. M. d Mis. Vern Johnson and Paye. from nemi lHamilton, viuited inm Uicvillage Sunday It la about nizié years since thcy bought thé aboie which- they Iatei sciai 1Mr. H. Reynolds. erlOrange. Lodge. Fife anid'. um Band 1.4 the Qdd Pellows ta their- Devational Servicee in Kirliy Church Suni- .day. fltll Mercer returned home Sunday from a twe week's stay ln. BoWmanville Mémorial Hôs- i>itgJ. ninl much improvedi but will have ta go- very easy for -Mis. Chas. A. 'Cooper la -in Momorial Htospital. W. wish ler a speedy rýcavery. Mis. L. Thoine who in linlier 92nd year suftered a hemît at- tmek Saturday n*~t but rallied aiound and was feeling better wheun her grandehildreen, Mr. and Mis.* Wilfred Roughley, Divid, and Donrie andi Mis. Edith' Andei'son Were calleai clown ta set her Sunday.' . Mrs. Neya Little spent part 011lat week with Mi. and Mfrn. Aylward Little and fmmily at Markham. Alçc was hume frrn Toronto for the weekend. Recent gueits with Mr. and Mis. Milton Robinson were Mr. and Mis. Roy Keane, Or- -illia, Mi. Eîn Smith, Mis. Jes- sic Tiemaine, Miss Mary Mc. ITyrom: Beautiful westhe;, good minuae, lnspirlng meinges and cpacity erowds eombtned ta make *suecesiful mnnlvensary services ai Tyran. Sunday Sciool. Special mugic wms pravided' by both- Junior and Seniior chairs, Max and Paige Lycett, Bowmanville, added ta tie ser- vice witi -thc rendition -ao "Ava Maria'and "Blets This Rouse" on saxophone'and pi- ano. Rcr. H. ?Xelow, Northaifa- ster Chureh, Oshawa, biougt Il message ta the childien in te aftemnoont on I'God and 1". His evenw»g address "The New Dit- pensation"l was purposeful and thought provoking. Appreclation is extended te Superintendent S. E. White, Mis. L. 'W. Anais and Roland. Coombes wha tralned tie chairs, the Lycett brothemsanmd aIl ofheis wia helped make, the services a blessing te *ll1 who. attended. The beautiful flowers which adorned tie church weîe in memoiy af tie late Mr. Gabriel Kayace. eral were weeketid visitois to their homes and cottages here while ainicat eveiyone enter-tain. cd visitors from fai and nemi. Somneet f11-r-local cltlÈénaat- t6nded the sparts d"y in Bethany while oUisis enjoyed fishingo motoring. go Mr. and Mis. Ralph Stîmyre and friands, Toronto, spent thc .weekend In Uie village. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Atwood and Mis. Thelma Neal, Toron- to were holiday visitais with Mr. R:, J. Payne. Wil be hoping to sec you at Uic L.O.L. dance on Saturday, May 28. .I wu cr-iticized for not mcn- tioning Where the township dump was situated. It la an the north end ai Mr. Alvin Olan's faim, 1 mile aorth. 2 miles emst ai village. Saine careleusumok- ci caused somneflire damage there- when severil lies were burned misa several roda ai fence. Thiity-six smmll white spruce had been dug up and taken.away priai' ta the flie. NESTLETON Nestietaný WA. and W.M.S. met May i9th ini charge of Mis. Adclbert Beacock's group with 14 ladies and some children present. Devotianal "The Cam- farter" was read by Mis. N. Mmrlow. Roll cml was answer. ed with 1«What w. should teach -our children." Study Bock was rcad by Mrs. Adelbert Beacock. Two boxes of qufits and clath- ing were packed ta give to the Salvation Army at Bawmnan- ville. There were several rend- i1ngn given and Miss Gloria Sadler sang "The Lord'. My Shepherd." Mis. Beacock put an a Bible contest. Plans were made for a supper and play. Rev. Hutton closed the meeting with prayer. Next meeting in charge of Mrs. Ralph Sadler's grOuP. Mis. Hutton very kind- !3r invited us ta the parsanage. Mis. Beacock and graup served a dainty lunch.- Al were given a vote cf thanks. Mr. and. Mrs. Norman Mal- colm, Taronto, Mr. and Mns. Meril Van Camp, Blackstock,j wlth Mr. and Mrs. L. Joblin. Mr. and Mis. Edgar Emerson and family. Strattord, wîth Mr. and Mrs. M. Emerson at their cottage. Mr. and Mis. Victor Malcolm and famIly wîth Mr. and Mrs. Rmlph mmacolm, Yelverton. Sympathy is extended ta Mis. Herb Taylor in the sudden pass- ing of Mr. Taylor who was buîied on Friday. Five W. I. members attended District Annual at Hampton. Oui W. .Won the prize for the best average attendance at meetings in past year. Mr. and Mis. Victor Malcolm and Mr. and Mis. L, Joblin cal- ed on Mis. Wm. Van Camp, Blackstock. Don't forget W.L. meeting at IMrs. Herman Sameli's, June lst. Mr. and Mis. Jas. Boe and, Andria, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Çuth- bertson, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Don Stutt, Bowmanville, visited Mr. and Mrs. M. Emerson.ý Mr. and Mis. Fred Todd and Ross, Newtonville, and.Miss Iva' You are Mr. and Mis. Walden and famly, Hamilton, visited Mr. and Mis. Pred Todd. Mn. and Mis. Russell Lowemy and Marilyn, Toronto, spent Monday at Mr. A. Dobson's. Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Souch, Bowmanville, visited at Mr. Har- old Souch's. Mis. A. Tubb, Oshawa, visited BU. and Mis. Howard Farrow during the. weekend. Miss Evelyn Reid, Part Hope, spent the weekend with hon par- ents, Mi. and Mis. Herb Reid. Mr. and Mis. Llew Hailowell, Jim, Miss Norma Halloweli and Mis. Brian Caswell spent Fiidmy in Toronto. Miss Beuimh Hallowell returned with them ion tic weekend. SMis. Prouse and Charlie, Osaca, viuited at Mn. Morley Robinson's. Mn. and Mis. Alan Connisi and family, Weston, at Mi. Vic- toi Fariow's. Miss Mary Lau Dobson bas secured a-position at the Gen- eral Matois. Oshawa. Mr. and Mis. Carias Tamblyn and famiiy, Mr. and Mrs. Brian Caswell,.Port Hope, weîe guests with Mr. and Mis. Orme Falls, Sunday. Miss Donna Stark spent the weekend in New York. Mi. Etwell spent tie holiday at hem cottage. Sui W.A. met at Uic home af Mis. Llew Halloweil Wed- nesday evening last week with a fin attendance. Mis. Bren-, ton Farrow read the lesson thoughts with the mcripture b.- ing read by Mis. Harold Sauch and Mis. Gordan Trim. A.ftei Uic business discussion Rev. Pike îecountcd some af the, observa- tions on lhiu recent holiday and It was afiInterest toalal. Mis. Pike coriducted a contest wilh lunch being served miter. Mis. Laine Todd invited the ladies ta mccl at her home in June. Mms. Halloweli wms thanked for tue pleasant evening and hem bas- pitalît.y.j to meet JOHN FOOTE your Progressive Conservative Candidate at the Lions Community Centre e 1 e t r e t 0 e a u c ti p u Mn. anid Mis. F. L.., Gist, MsTh7 iso, 'lofToo id Kathiyn, Mary and Susan qi ta. ns, Lanly with Davisons and Glsts. Kendal fricnds learned with 'ss Mn. and Mis. Wallace Trick regret ai the passing aifoone of id and Arien.. Mr. Harry Lynch the aider residents, Mi. William A. and Lorraine, Lindsay, visited Curtis in Memorial Hospital, rs. Mi. and Mis. George Bowcrs. Bowmanville., Wednesday, May Rev. Mr. Strothers, Belleville, 18, aged 84 years. Mi. Curtis ed and Mi. John McGarry and Loi- laed been in poor health this a- raine, Toronto, wilh Mr. anid wiriter and had been confined Mis. Jas. Harris. , ta bis wheel chair for yeara. ~. Mr. and Mis. Wm. Fengusan, The service was hcld from Moi- !W Oshawa, and Mr. and Mis. Har- ris Funeral Chapel on Friday st aid Collins and Bruce Black- witi interment in Orono cern ik stock, visited Mn. and ikis. Lai- etery. Sympathy is cxtended tc 1-men Hyiand. Mis. Sperice Gardon <Editi), n- Mis. D. McLeod, Toronto, witi Mis. Russel Sutclifie <Violet) her parents, Rcv. and Mis. A. S. Leskard, and William and Ar- id McLean and son Donald. gus at home. id Mn. Frank, Nesbitt, Toronto, id with Mr. Elmer Nesbitt and Mi. and Mîsi Marvin' Nesbitt. Mis. Tionipson and Mi. and F. Mr. and Mis. Georg Chant Mis. HaIIand were wlth Mn. YÏ Nancy, Margaret and Karen: and Mis. B. Alexander over st London, wlth Miss yvonne the holiday. Tht latter couples v- Chant. are gelting til cottage fixcd ir Miss Marjorie Rocilifi ai the up 10 the south of Tuiansky's e Pakistan Embassy. Wasingtan, store. Tbey lied tic hydro in- ýt D.C., visilecilici former teacier, 6tailed lest week. Of Mis. Grant Thompson and Mr. Mr. mnd Mis. Elsey and fain- ik Thompson. iy Toronto, visilcd Mr. and Of Sympai 1x9ne a i -. George Mercer on Mon- re Hem b Taylor, Mrs. Marvin Nes- day S- bitt and otier membeis aif tic Tiere wil be ne Sunday re family in Mr. Taylor'. passing School ncxt Suriday due ta the rInterment was in Union Cerne- dedication service cf lie Ham- tciy. Cadmus. mond organ which wms pie- JIl Mr. Cecil Wilson, Misses Gwen sented in memory ai the late Il- Wilson, Grace Nelson and Rose- J. S. McLean. Service wîfl be ir mary Delday sperit tic week- ah 2.45 p.m. Rey. Roy Rick- 1end on a matai trip ta Ottawa. aid ai Columbus will b., guest 1-Misses Nelson and Delday are speaker mnd Newcastle choir ,e exchange teacheis from Edin- assluled by Miü4s Helen Spicer, burgi, $cotlarid, who teaci with saloit ai Toronto, will provide Gwen et Ion View Heigits special singing . A musician Schaol, Scarbora. fiom Heintzman Ca. wil $ive Mis. Herman Samells wih an organ recital at the. close Mis. Cecil Wilson and Eunice ai thc service. Eveîyone is cor- and. an Sunday Mn. and Mrs. dially invited ta attend. ki Bob Ransoin and thic. childien, A large crowd was in attend- . Ruth, Kem anid Parniai Weston ance aItih opening game oi tie e visited them. seasan ber. between Port Hope SMrs. Jack Taylor, Part Hope, Juvenules and Kendal, Monday Scailed an Mis. J. Farder.. May 23, was muci more close- Mr. and Mis. Ross Adamns, ]y contcsted than the score 2-0 tGail and Rosalind, Bowmanville, in favour ai Port Hope would visitcd Mn. anid Mis. Allan Bea- appeai. cock. Members ai Nestîcton Pîesby- terian Ladies' Aid met Tuesday O T P L rugit eat1he home ai Mrs. Gist P NT P L and Mis. Davison with splendid attendance and Mis. George Wiat would have beena Wolfe, President, in tic chair. major fiii loss was averted on Miss Margaret Davison read the Sunday morning on tie fan aif scripture and Miss Joyce Hooey Mn. Clifford Gilbanka, cast ai read the. explanation And prayer. Ballydufi. Tic bain-yard was Donations weîe received anti ful ai straw and manuire and a several notes ai thanks îead. blaze was noticed in anc corner Business ancluded pr curng oaitic stack about 8 a.m. Witi remariants, for bazaar wark, tic aid ai same nemi neîghbours plans for a cookirig achool and ticy lTiaiagcd to keep tic fire a request ta have two front under contrai until lhe arrival roams ai lhec manse decorated ai Bethany and Pontypool Pire was left until secietaiy hears Brigades. Alvin Olan's spîmyci from other points on tic charge, and Charles Ciapman's bulldoz- Baliyduif and Janetville. Plans er weic summoned and did a wcrc made for a pot luck supper. fine job. Fire did start on anc Pîogram included "The Canad- bain doon and on tic bain iloar ian Keswick Conference" by but was braugit under cantiol. Mis. G. Wolfe, readings by Miss- Farmers came from fan and near es Joyce and Margaret Haoey witi tractais. loaders and and Margaret Davison, and a mnanure spîcaderu. The straw short article on tic Rev. Marris was pusicd miat an adjoining Zeidman ai Scott Mission by field wiile tic manure was Miss Ruth Proutt. $10.00 was spread in otier fields. Neigi- îealizcd îîom papen saîvage. boums assisted tie Gilbank lemn- Ladies decided ta have th ily in serving sandwiches anid churci hall wired heaviîy for refreshments ta the haîd-work- thc eiectîic stave. Mis. Gist's ing crowd. gîoup served a dainty lunch Wiile tic congiegation. on and Mis. Cecil Wilson tcndered a Sunday mornig wam minus vote oi Ihanki toalal whio had thase who were et lie Gilbank ieiped witi 1h. splendid mccl- lice, a goodly numben wce ing. prescrit on nianing service. Mr. and Mis. Alvin Bruce ad Several children weîe bmptizcd Miss Majory Bruce. Seagrave; At a ev oetigaite omda Mrs& Win.Roulaton, Toronito, anidStwrd atngeeftheyBod csf Mis. Howard Sutan, Kingston, Sead atwe hydsus witi Miss Gladys McKee. cd plans for anniversary services Mis. B. R. Knight leit by bus and stiawbemry festival la June I ion a visit witi frienda in T oron- tie date b b.e anriounced lalen. ta. Tic festival is ta be sponsored _____________________ by thc W.A. and deserves your stiong support. T 1 C K 9 T 8 A grass lie tiieatened ta TO EVERYWHEIEE deslîoy sanie ai aur îeiorestedj Ai. Rail or Steamshlj aiea on May 2Sid whii a blaze Consult thougitt le b causcd by a pass- J UIt &LO0V L L ing ireigit got out ai contrai' 3ouvraaville 1 west ai thc village arourid tice 15IB Est 8. W. MA."78 oid gravel pit. Local farmercs ______________________witi tractons anid piows did a smnart job in keeping tceflire froin spreadirig tofan1. i W. regret ta report the pasi.: 4 ing ai Mr. James Mitchell, faim- erly ai Bailyduff. Furiermi er- j vices took place from bis brati- er's home to tic Ballydufi ceme- tor.y. '* Oui village saw Uic comn ofaitie tourist smon a ltl gf * doser over tho weekend. Sev- SATURDAY IS YOUR IL LST DAY !For you to... TRY YOUR KEY Inou TREASURE CHES1 To the time cf màklng up this advertlselnent only two lucky keys have been fouad. THERE ARE STILL 6 LUCKY KETS l TOUE POSSESSION The foilowlng are the prises TOU MAT YTWIN, 1.-1847 Rogers Broui. Silverpiate - 34-piec. mer-vice for 9 in a handsome cabinet. 2.-Three-pece Tee Service and Tr-ay - By International 3.-Carving Set - By 1847 Rogers Bros. 4.-Six-piece Place Setting - Kulfe, Fork, 5mai Teaspoon, Large Teaspoon, Saiad Fork and Dessert Spoon, 5.-Cremm and Sugar 6.-Creani and Suger. Besmure to corne in to try your key in oui' glant Treasure- Chest. Jew.Il .vy & Hoope's5 c f Shop 28 King St.- W. Bowmanville MA 3-5747 y is WIilams,. Toronto, called oi Mr. and Mns. L. Joblin. -Mr. anid Mms.- 'Rog. Middieon and Gordon,. Malton. and SU. rancis Irwmn, T*ronto, visit' Mr. and Mis. H. Vine. Mr. and Mrs. L. Joblin spent Saturday evening with Mr. andi brs. George John. Summer Shoes for Children Chocs. fr-cm selection of Phono NA 3.3303 from 2 Io 5 Il i 1 cordially irîvited to attend ,a.: RECEPTION TNÇ. Scampers, Smddle Shoes, Sandals, Running Shoci, Etc. Ail sizes and widths JOHN STUTT SHOES 15 St. È. MA 3-5839 BowmanvilIe Friday, June 3rd Inserted by the Bewmanville Progressive Conservative Association, oui' large, Sum.mer 1 T= CAKMAX ÉTAIIMÉM- nwAwm --- m à ý qmnmmmmmmmmm- ý r,

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