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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 May 1955, p. 5

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"XRDAT, IMAT 28th, 1955 . ocal Manufacturer Ma kes Flash y Boats The Paul H. 'Simpkin Cabin- et Co. Ltd.,i which bas been manufacturing cabinets and dlock cases at its factory on Church St. in Bowmanville for the past 14 years, has nom, iormed a new company for manutàcturjpg a smart, fast 14 foot Mahogany outboard run- about incorporating ail the fea- tures of a safe family boat. S'mnpkin Marine Mariufactiîr- Ing is the name of the new firm aP&~ It bas secured the rights to manufacture and mnarket. the boats ini Canada from the Un- ited States Outboard Ine. in :ofrd, Illinois. The Ameri- cnfirm supp>iéd the local fac- boat antd they were used as prototypes by the Simpkin firryi in gettinig production of the, tion and in the process of be- ing delivered to dealers. The comp4ny selîs direct to marine dealers and sporting stores in, the various cities and towns, but can sell direct to the sports- man in towns where there are no dealers. Ron Simpkin, who with his bkother Paul and mother. Mrs. T. Simpkin, oper- ate the new firm and the Paul H. Simpkin Cabinet Co., Ltd., has already set up several dealerships for the runabouts in this district. Palmer Motor Sales are their Bowmanviile agents. The 14 foot mahogany, run.- about now being manufactured is the only model being produe- ed this summer, but the firm plans to produce a line of kit boats in 8, 12, and 14 foot mo- - e 1 1 TM CANADIAN S1rATESMAN. EOWKA ?VILE. ONIO pAGE PMV three or four models of finished boats. The present model is a very attractive and sturdy boat 14 feet long and with a beam of 62 inches. It bas two côckpîts, the front one seating three pas- sengers, and the rear one seat- mng two. The entire framework and ail the plywood is mahog- any and aIl joints below the waterline are covered with E'- breglass tape and coated with a plastic resin, which makes the boat cornpietely leakproof as well as givmng greater strength. A special spray rail at the w a- terhine prevents spray fron i coming up to blow in on the passengers and makes it a very dry-riding boat. The streamlined runabouts are finished in two colors in two-tone combinations of black and cream and mahogany anid blonde. Ail seats are ful]y up- holstered and both cockpit op. enings are padded with foam rubber. The boat will handie anything from a 10 to a 50 horsepower motor and is cap- le l ie Ifi. inese kits con- aole of a fair turn of speed for Oke, Toronto, Mrs. John Dor- sMart-iookirigtuynaut tain ail the prefabicated parts those who wish it. lnEnsiln vt r n underway. for the boat and the sportsman Mrs.,Franik Dlnd The first run of boats manu- puts them> together himself.Rv n Mrs. Frune Beech ~atuedbySimpkin Marine Next year the Simpkin Marîni NISILE and Dennis, Misses Winnifred Manufacturing are in erodur- firm will build an additional NIKLE Cole and Edna Gilbert, Mr. Mr. nd rs. oy angmidWard Gilbert, Toronto, Mr. and Mr. nd rs. oy angmidMrs. Ross Richards. Ronald and Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Lang-HzlMr ogeyadM. maid, Marlene and Alice, Soi- AHa el, r o eyan, Mr. in.Mr. and Mrs. Keith McGiIl,g la erBwavle Vina tHogo, with Mr. anct Mrs. E. A. Werrv. Mr. and Mrs. Sitanh Mr.soan Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bruiit Br. oyanvill , wt r.aattended the Golden Weddingd MoratulaRoy s cGi.lniAnniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Cnr. aulatieron t e M r. an-John Grills, Valentia, last week. MvslAfanfierray ogteirl - Misses Leona and Evelyn Fer- val.ofa fne bs. ayrl. Tw guson visited with Mr. and Mrs. Mar.raand JMrseGaret TWns. Fred Ferguson, Bowmanville. Stainton, Peterboro, Mr. and Mr., Roy Werry, Ottawa, (fMkMrs. Elwyn Dickey, Mr. and spent the weekend with his Mrs.Donld ambBowan-parents, Mn. and Mrs. Francis vill, wDo n and m rs.ilomn-Werry. vtintn. adMs MloiMaster Garry Moon, Toronto, s-Mn. and Mrs. Orr Jeffrey, and Mrs. R. ritn Martin. and Grant, Bowman- attended a Wedding Anniver- ville, with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur sary of Mrs. Canham. Toronto. Mn eneewt ndFergsnweekend with ber parents, Mr. a.n Berniece, rieM. adMrand Mrs. M. Hobbs. r.Bv elad Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bailey, fmlMn. adons. Be. VelezndBlackstock, spent Sunday with famlyMurochill, Qeben.Mr. and Mns. Francis Werry:- are spending a week with the .r ndMs Wlae jnf latter's parents, Mr. and Mr. et and alaesril- Francis Wenry. r.fn ete an Dlsp t Mn. nd rs.Cecl MlîsandSunday with Mr. and Mrs. Non- U e e offl AI famlyMape GrveMr.Kenman, Côllacutt, Tynone. Kelly, Bowmanville, MasterMran s.WleHok, Jimmy Powan. Enniskillen, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. William wîth Mrs. Harold Milîs and Nemis, Linda and David, Cour- famîly. tice, with Mr. and Mrs. M. Mr-. and Mrs. John e aondMiss KrlialenMr.Foa- and ay, hwMsJ.stliOke, Smnit,ClmuMrs. Vn Wood PTeono.wihMr. and Mrs. IandCfE rn, Mr.hana, Mrs.y Wmer Hr nOsha , ith PethicdkMs. adRobrin ih n Mfr. and Mrs. JohinOFegusndan leMns. S.R eickoo Mont Osaw, Miss Elsie Okeadin, Mr. and Mrs. loydin Toronto, it Mr. and Mrs. .Trn oeeni and Don, wre guMr. Wer n Heen. Hrye-atnhedrs.R. ellTom, edin. /) guson, OshaMr. wadMrs. nd rgs. tBlcstcnie Cu ~ -MoBuce nt oe ,s olsie a , n. on adrday aft ron. w aon Mr. a Cs. ur n - rl, r. nand DorsldReg eving f Burneton, wih Mread Rih e , senTothe weekend Albent . r.HaOk e r-wth berareto nitM.d Crs. Ordr ~mos Due oa' fOW , Ohand Mr. nderguson. H Mra e non BuMontor,. n.aMr. Mr. and Mrs. R.ankMciU E ad MrA C.BnAeyand gBln, andRDone, Torontoth Mrs. t Buoanvith -Mr. and Mrs Jothn lierpaets. Tb Do. nad Mee, Wnanerryso, Mn. and Ms. LFrn cimsone. Takeadvatageof tesebig avins! Pace ur ontha es, n. .H a nd We rir nild ih Ms T .Se forerheow a oandlo is. He yo$ Hand AGrove, r, annMd.on cootwihMs DonaldCrid.famdily, p- MiClar Pge and famil, Brtfnd ihMr. Trn Mr. and Mrs. H ionRdI when you need it. ~~Doand Lrs , Way n er usnd Br adeyn ,in al Takeadvatageof tese ig sving! Plce Mis shwbaVMrtuave ee, TorntofGoel, with Mrs. ET. ag. S 0 Mr. and Mrs eanIM.atrd al MadMrs. avmoen.m-ci ordr nw a tdays lw pce. Hve our Dad Dar ne. Bomnill Hamr-.Mens ara bosgM. adMn .dh SR ER NO W - AY AT Ronct Mns. Calredsan derhoMson E.ox Hmton dMiss Bettye, supplyof coour-mrked 'lue cal' oMurrdan y, andtf ordumbus Mr. TKrno, MssBaniceAdrs onrdI BUDGET ned t.and Mns. Williamrdell, on- Trontoeywind Mr.and Mrspl0 on tnesu.ue coaiPLAN onooMn.,anGMrs.,Frank Msr M. and Mrs. H a r veyGll Dr. and Mrs. C. W. SiCemni, Mak a amal own pa men nanaddpre d cG l n G oarh Mn. Joe ,1M r. Bowman viboye, M r. and M rs. S. df the baan e ve. any mo th. rd r oA I GiRla n is k il e, Mssane -R o man , Ham uon, issand, rs el FORDE NOW PAY AEC urre, xrin Brageroienersn, E nEl&isa witMrs . llan d s.lp E.- C.o Aton, t Mr. and Mrs. G. zi onte buVial UGT LNoo rtu. adBecrakBryJhnend oni ina-c M d w pw s aMr. and M re C ar vnd e r oved M s. C F lemn ,M . c T h e t $w0 ' r n w i n . a n d G r Mr . WeMe o - T r e l B t h a d r u , O s - i ake a smaiGailw, Torontonnspent sSundayBWdg leryM. and Mrs. . . o the blanc ove manymonts. Oder owl Rdman Sc BgAshn, 2t P er y mn rde illnd kileM iss Soan d La- rwiry, g, Pran dDennis, Pur- - S h ,~Icir I E ~1fal, BOnanl, sprnt tedEek-Cpie hn, hMn. and Mrs. O. cn endis with M. and Mrs. Ed. Cox. C, htnic noniM - Mn. and Mrs. BuW altrrndi'- Mn. and Mrs.Wlein a, M thc n and fTor iny, Harmn y, S . y rneer e Su. nday tea I.Guests r elis. awaMr. and Mrs. BJo hntGrifu 25 Lur.b r C .aindte Krs Hampton, seand atte p;,,ndeDeniPr 96 amt. h A olAsht n . sGlîbte nt, sary inl, h ning.fa. c g one 3-571ili n axjh Rs ell M.C.*sn..HMiîandug-k Bo mnlMr. and Mrs. Wattr er, - Mr. WilMsnoflt.r Mary', to Hosn nSmih, Harmpon, Mrs Tre were Suday egues s w S.d Mrs e rvinam Bir, sNeil at M. and Mrs. W HJoh n e's. ce Lumb r Co Li ited Sunay wth r. ad Ms. Hr-n. andedMTrs.W"lfed anne and l'r. AilOmstonn. ar n girls, estong, wt ______ Mr. and Mr. SandTurn erandMrs. WJon Grffu, hay' o Y!ý and le shaMeiss Eird elaMn. and Mrs. WE . MarMa- cS neen and Lockie, spent the Te weekend with Mrs. McNair's VIGOR OIL Co. ---announces the opening of ifs New Service Station Two miles North of Newcastle on Highway No. 35 Free Glasswave given away with the purchase of six gallon> or more of gasoline Ç' Vigor Gasoline and Motor Qil STOVE 1,-o your convenience, in sismall quantities M, le q available at the station Open' £veuungs and Sundays Replace your old unit with this wholly new concept et Iburner design, dependability. ecor.ory. Corne in o phIone for full tacts. 'S. Blain Eiott Heating and Plumbing 55 King W., Bowmanvili. Phone MA 3.3348 I Il E I 'J p I L ____ 2914 Simcoe S. Dial 5-1121 OSHAWA L To Pay Past Due Bis To Consolidate Monthly Payments For Home Repairs For New Purchases For Any Enxergency Corne lu Today Try The Belivue Way on a ?ay froni Income Plan Beilvue CORP. G. H. W]ILSOt4, Mgr. v. unq Ji he man on the pole is typical of the many Hydro employees whc stand ready, 24 holurs a day, 7 days a week, ta respond ta emergency cails. for service. If trouble is of a minor nature service is restored promptly. Sometimes -however, due ta severe storms, aleet or hurricanes, trouble reaches major proportions. When this happens, crews work hard and fast, to repair wires, replace poles and burnt out distributing equipment. This work is carried out at any hour of the day or night until service is restored, for these men appreciate that wherever wires run people depend upon electricity for most of the convenienoes and comforts of modern living. The great scope and flexibility of Ontario Hydro's provinoe-wide aperation, its resources of manpower and equipment, make it possible ta cape with emergencies when they occur. BROWN'S 1 The regular monthly meeting' of Brown's Home' and School Club was held at the school on the evening of Tuesday, May 1Oth. It was decided st this meet- ing that we should hold our annual picnic op Saturda. il June 25th at the school. TI'.Ž Pinic will start at 2 o'cl ock, and supper wvi1l be served a five. Would you lend- this man $500O9 ness, Mrs. Curson condlucted a game of euchre, with the win. ners being as follows: Higti scores-Lady, Mrs. H. Sinclair;- Centleman-Mr. J. Cursoiý; Consolations-Lady, Miss Jeaii Perrin; Gentleman - Mr. R. Bowen. After the eight games of euchre Mrs. Curson started a frceze-out game, and the *in- ners in this were Mrs. E. Mc. Ilroy and Mr. R. Browvn. Lunch wvas served, and the Home ai-id School Club adjourn. 01 course you wouIdn't! You don't know him. And leinding money isn't your business. But every day, the branch managers of Heusehold Finance make lan's te, thousands of nmen and wemen they have neyer seen before in their lives. Significantly, a loan frein HFC, or other consumer finance companies, is eften the average faniily«s on/y source of prompt help in an emergency. Today in 170 branch offices f rom coast ta coast, Household Finance provides prompt, helpful loans - te more people than any ether cempaniy in our field. HNOUSEHOLD FINANCE 1 Publiçil-y and Public Relations For the Producer and Consumer During the past year there 1 human. But is it wise? Today bas been an incneasing aware- many consumens spend more ness in farma organizations of edlsvncnt fo si the need for a better publicityredysvncnt fo si relations pnogram. The Ontariolounces of soft drink than 22 Hog Producers have voted inon, 24 cents for 40 ounces of favor of supporting the settin.g milk. We emrploy, hence pro- up of a publicity department duce where we spend. It mav in co.-openation with the Fed- be time we examined mor'e eration and any other fanni toogl htorcnue grou th t i int res ed .dollar does te us w ho spenci Someone bas described pub- it.1, lic relations as sîmply making other people have a friendly feeling towands you. Farmens Hampton W . M.S. of a generation ago didn't caner much wetherotMeetingp felt kindly towards the-w ->rMay Metn not. They had te buy food any- way, Today with a great van- Hamnpton: The Women*s Mis- iety of foods available the sionanySociety held thein May consumer can increase on de- meeting in the S. S. noom xvith crease his use of local, fanm the president Mns. Wannick in produce te à remankable de- change. Many articles of cloth- gree. It is essential that the ing and beautiful things were farmens' public relations be donated and on display te be good. sent te Korea cbildnen. C.G.I.T. Perhaps the, public relations are having a leader's studiv prognam of the Dainy Farmers group, .one of the nigbts 'te be of Canada is partly nesponsible held at Hampton aise Mission for the attitude expnessed bv Band and Explorons are baving Mme Renee Vautelet, presidenýt a special meeting on June 6tni. of the Canadian 'Association of Mns. Cole took charge of the Consumens. In the February wership period. bulletin of the Association, Several of the members gave Mme Vautelet wnote: those whe did net go a ver., "City dwellers often forget descriptive talk on the bus trip that unconsciously they contni- te Toronto, visiting Fred Vic- bute their -share te the rising ton Mission, Church of ail Na- costs of fanm products. It is tiens, United Chiunch Publish. tempting te rail against food ing House, and United Chunch pnices on to seek te bning them Training Scbool xvbich was veiy down. It inay eccasionally be interesting. Mrs. Reed will givz- wisen te wonden how we wiîî a talk on United Nations at thec keep "the man who feeds us" June meeting. Hostess wiil be feeding us, if we make bis job Mrs. Smales Senior and Junior, anrewarding in cempanison with othen employment. -____________ "In farmer-consumen rela- tions, consumens hold a blind and penilous power. The power .0 decide by their chance tastes nbuying where oun manpew- if er xvill find it most profitable eo wonk . . . and what it will pay Canada most te produce. Radios . . . or bnead? Me4 .. or moton cars? Pulp wo' for comics . . . or lumber for homes? Soft drinks . . . or nilk? This is the choice we- make each time we shop. For ne industry . . . say a televi- sion factony or a distilleny... an outbid another . . . Say a damy farm . . . for its manpow- r, enly tbnough oun greater readiness te buy more of and iay more for what the winning îdustry produces. Fîfty yeans ago, in Quebec, lr example, 65 per cent of the rople lived on the land and ýasily fed the 35 pen cent liv- ng in the cities. Then steak ost 10c per IL Today 75 per ' ýnt live and produce "thinigs" )r services in cities - these nust be fed by the shrunken i5 per cent left on the fanis -se steak ne longer costs 10 ents per lb. 'We ail like gadgets but heir pnice may ho highen than 7e think. The nefrigenators on our street alone may have ihoned 10 men away fnom the ar wbene cews who won't eep union heurs are losing ut te factonies wbo will. This one factor behind rising milk :sts. Only by making it more ?wanding for mon' te produce >d than gadgets can we turn ck the tide new napidly emp- 7ing otir farms of their labor. o want cheap necossities is r r _R New- Boat Manufactured' Here 'Il he smart, sturdy 14-foot n)ahogan y outboard runabout shown above, was manufaictured by Simpkin Marine Manufacturing, a new division of the Paul H. Simpkin Cabinet Co. Ltd., which has béen manufacturing cabinets and dlock cases at its factory on Church St. for 14 years. The entire framework and ail the plywood is of mahogany, and five passengers can be accommodated in the two cockpits. The speedy, attractive boats are f inished in two colors in two-tone combinations of black and cream and mahogany and blonde. CANAD'S [RGESTAND OST tECOMMNDEONSMRFNNC OPN CANADAS IARGISY AND MOSrRECOMMINDID CONSUMER FINANCE COMPANT the Weather le ý

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