TR!URSDAY JUNMR9th, 193b J. JàNWI%. 3AS4OAVjR. L, OIM AN VM.LUA. UO4LAMOUPGEN The Ganaraska Authority Owfls a piece of land that is really g-rim as a farm, anc %vwlU be quite a chore to'plani Out-in trees. Recently, we were fliarklgoùut the roads for the 1956 planting, and discoverec aPeach of a lookout spot from which, with the naked eye, or a clear day, it is possible to see ,e ovely countryside for a btance 0 f fifteen miles foi laout faur-fifths of a circle. Also, a person can face east and, enjoy an' uninterrupted 'vlew of Rice Lake, about a mile away. Then, from the same spot, by turning the head to the south, see a small patch of Lake Ontario. This is the oniy place west of Rice Lake that I have found this latter Possible. There may be many others-but where? To sit on a high point of land, on a warm sunny day in May, and eat noonday lunch amid such grandeur, with other Companions who appreciate the situation, is splendid compen- sation for some of the minor irritations that seemi to be part of a public service position. Autumn colouring is specna- cular!> What we saw the other day was sheer delight, too. Na anc could possibly des- cribe the many shades of green, with the blue of Rice Lake, and the brown of the2 freshly turned fields made an intoxicating synrphony in col- our. At such times I pity the poor jerks who slave in factories, amid noises that jangle the nerves, doing tasks that they detest, whilc a hawk-eycd eî- ficiency expert tabulates their every momement withi the iid ' For only 35 cents' worîls o! HERBATE 2,4-D you can clear out tihe weeds in n, acre of corn. HERBATE 2,I-D saves you mencand .money ... helps vou get bigger anid more profitable ields. HERBATE 2,4-D, applied at recomtpendeci stage of -zros%tii, kilis inost hroad-Itcascd weeds witiî n isk of croislainiage. It killi; %ensitive Neculs outrighit and controls mure resistant ones. M y of a stop watch. Why? Sa th~ scan be paid a nice fat salai J part of which they may hoa ta spend on a holiday out in t copen. Then of course, there the money they pay the fai 1 ily doctor who treats themn i ulcers, and advises themn spend time, wben passible, the countryside. r Me? I work in nerve sool ing surroundings, slip the dc ttor a couple of bucks now a. iagain ta kecp him from star ting, wouldn't know an uli: if I met one, enjoy evcry pha 1of conservation work, recci, ia very small salary, and, the end of the year, have much cash reserve as the poc barassed, factory slaves whicb is darned little. The factory fellows cail nr a hick, a bayseed. Wcll, if Ili ing in close harmany with n turc, and properly cnjoyir life, as ordained by aur Cre; tor, is the mark of a counti bumpkin, then'I'm glad I'm rube. We can sit around this plac on Sundays until we develo callouses on aur callouses, ha] ing someone wiil drap in fi a chat, and help us cat up th pastry that is starting ta mi, dcw, but nobody cornes. Sa xw decided ta visit the Kessiet down at Starkville. When v. returned home, three notes c the kitchen door informed u that Bob Youngman, Bob Scot and Bob Barrabaîl had callec Why ail the Bobs on the sarn day? We had an enjoyable dayn the Kessiers, especialiy as M! and Mrs. Charles Menielîh Rumack, Seigel & Company 147 Spadina Ave. Toronto, Ontario RES]IDENT PARTNERS- J. Rumack, C.A. W. L. Seigel, C.A. H. Temple, C.A. A. Mandel, C.A. Chartered Accountants EMpire 6-4643-4 Licensed Trustee in Bankruptey J. Rumack %%l 9AY VWOULD s/OU LIKE THIS ?"/ No thaîîks very much. We knaw you provide for the Nvnter 1», arcumulating a hoard of ours ,b ut with peuple it's cifferent. They have a more advantageous way, they investin ... 31A%7 GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATEF 0 Authorized investment for trust funds " Short term-flve years " 3Y/2%7 yeoriy interest, payable half.yeorly In just 5 years, on investment of $42036 accumulates $500.00 for you. Write jor /î)-ce descripîi e /cldr /odi)y. THE STERLING TRUSTS COR PORATI ON HEAD OFFICE 372 Boy St., Toronto BRANCH OFFICE 1-3 Dunlop St., Barrie for weed.kiit inp inciuding corn a legunies (excepu HERBATE Amine E.sters -... ies afer EtpeciaUv suitedi crops. HERBATE Esteri Ir,,! of 2,t-D aust, ài% NecI.. Write for your copy elt t Ch.,rncoisDeprimont. Io ey try, ard he is for ta in nd v. er se ive at as nie ka- ng ýa- Ed Youngmnan's Column The Statesman's Grass Roots Colurnnist ri aa Did you folks notice where An addre'ss on sportsm, aCanadian soîdier, in Ger- ship by Biss Morrison, wE many, decided ta become a ci- ki;own National H o ck tizen of the Communist part of League linesman wbo mal ce that country? When reporters his home in Bowmanville, a OP asked his twenty-three year movies of the Stanley C Pold wife in-Winnipeg what she playoffs o! 1953 and 1954 w( or thought of bier busband's un- other higligbts of the cx' 112 usual action, she said: "I'm not ing. il- iesurprised, I alwkays thaught lie Guests Introduced - ewas nuts.", Perhaps, if the TmTreamnrbn rstuhwere known, that is pre- bo hrea iorhc Vccisely wbat many of aur wive3' coac, who was atroce )i private opinion of their lords manies for the Minor Hock usand masters is. When I broacli- Trophy Night, welcomed ye#v the subject ta Butch, sbe the boys present and intradt g ve a deligbted chucklc, and 1 ed the aduits sitting on t iesid Wel wel it has taken i tage who have taken an youtbityfiv yersta atc jtive part in developing mir youthity-iveyeas t cachihockey in Bowmanville. Thc one!c"placdoe vn were Bob Watt, Chairman nt W wee peasd oe een-the Memorial Arena Manam ing ta bave Miss Mabel Brooks nient Committee; Ernie Dic (that's the Bowmaiiville gini ens, Playing-Coach of the 1 We met iii Calgary, at tlie termediate Bowmaanvilie Be Stampede) bier brother Art, ans who bas also assisted who is a member of tbe fine coaching minor hockey; Frai Bowmanvilîe Legion Pipe Jamieson, coach of a min Band, and their mother call teamn and active supporter fa a cbin wag. bath mixior and intermedia hockey in town; Bill Morriso guest speaker; Clarence Ho OBITUARYkin, representing the Bowma, O BIUARYville Lions Club; Li Parker, r GABRIEL KOVACS presenting the Bowmanvi. Recreation Department; ai Ailing for the past several Mayor Nelson Osborne. years, dcath carne suddenly ta Mayor Osborne stated thi Gabriel Kayacs who passed it is always a pleasure for hi away in Memorial Hospital, ta attend a function at wbi( Bowmanvilhe, early Thursday people are rewarded for a jç 0morning, May 19. well donc. While hockey ai Deneased xvbo was o! a quiet schoolwork migrht not sec nature, had made many friends very inuch alike, hie said, tbt -since coming ta Canada, was bath teacli boys things thi born in Bekes, Hungary, in 1896, will be of value ta thern in Iý and came to Canada after the ter years. Hockey teaches theý first World War. In 1933 lie how ta think fast and alsa ho, came ta Ontario, later buying ta keep their tempers and i his present farm at the Long good sports, be said. Sault wherc bie and bis family Ris Worship congratulate have since resided. the winners and also thanke The funeral was held from the arena management commil the Morris Funeral Chapel Sat- tee, the recreation departne, urday afternoon, May 21. Burial and the coaches on behaif i xvas in the family plot at Beth- the town for their worki cada Cemetery. His minister, promating minor hockey. Rev. F. J. Jackson, conducted Mr. Watt paid tribute ta th the service. Tbê many floral coaches and managers who giv tnibutes expressed the esteern in a great deal of their time dur whicbh e was beld. ing the winter ta looking afte Palîbearers wene six neigh- the teams in the variaus mini: bours: Messrs. Wm. Miller, hockey leagues. He asked th7 Orono; F. G. Smith, Walter boys ta co-operate with th Vaneyk, Orme Miller, Harold arena management by bein Murphy and Gardon Baker. Sur- careful not ta damage. or d.i viving bis loss are bis loving face any o! the arena proper wife and anc son Gabriel. ty. Mr. Watt also suggeste( Friends from Toronto, Osha- that the coaches and manager wa, Courtine, Pontypool, Bow- make any suggestions on ini manville, Millbrook and Tyrone praving the minor hockey set attended the funeral. up tbnough the Department o Recreation. He stressed the fant tha The Statesman Sold minor hockey is designed ti give all the yaungstersi Af Following Stores chance ta play hockey, nat jus the best players; and state( Reg. Edmund's Store, Betbany that he xvas sure the coach2! Johnson's Drug Store, Newcastle of the variaus teams would ob T. Enwrigbt, Newcastle serve this principie. He cangraý S. Brown. Newtonville tuîated ail the playens and re C. Petbick, Enniskilîen mindcd the lasers that the fani T. M. Slemon, Enniskillen of whether you win or hase iý F. L. Byam, Tvrone flot the most important thing G. A. Banron, Hampton but how you play the garne. Trulh's Store. Courtine Appreciate Free Time A. E. Ribey, Burketon Lionel Parker of the Depart- H. T. Saywell, Blackstock ment of Recreation expressed Keith Bradley, Pontypool its gratitude ta the Arena Man- C. B. Tyrrell, Orono agement Committee for tle considerable amount o! free ice H. K. Reynolds, Kendal time it donated ta minor hoc- Gilbert Food Market, Mllbrook key. ',You wihh go a long way Henderson's Book Store, Oshawa before yau find another arcna * * *wbicb gives as much free ire - Bowmanville - time ta minor hockey leagues as the Bowmanville Arena R. P. Rickaby - "Big 20" does", bie denhared. He asked W. J. Berry the boys ta show their appre- Jack's Smoke Shop ciation by being careful of Rîte's Smoke Shop arena property. He also ex- uressed the appreciation of the Jury & LovehI I epartment ta the coaches arnd Goheen's Hlandy StoreI managers of the minior hockey The Statesm-an Office tea ms for devoting their time ta coaching the boys. Mr. Jamieson intnoduned th- guest speaker, Mr. Mornison, painting cut that hee bad bee.n a very good hockey player himseif in bis yauth, having played"on Junior "A" teams in ~ Gaît and for the Oshawa Gen- 77- crais. He begaai rcfcnceing in 1938 in Oshawa, and in 194,) I ~vas appainted as a refercc iii - - the O.H.A. For the past se%-- man in the N.H.L. and bas aiso refereed games in the Ameri- can Hockey League. Mn. Jami- snpointed out that lie bas of- ficiated in 30 N.H.L. phayoif o Sportsaship' n um it especiaily rrcommended pointlp on httInbIi,î OR Showroom and Parts Depot at Newcastle Miss Hilda and Mr. Fred ]Raby, and a young buck named George, were on hand ta help liven things Up. By the way, if yau are on a reducing diet, don't go ta the Kessiers for a meal. Here's what aur light noonday snack cansisted of; mounds of fried chicken, potatoes, gravy, dump- Iings, asparagus, carrots, peas, coffee, lemon pie, and a del"- ciaus cake. Fred Raby regretted that he had eaten such a hearty break- fast he was unable ta do jus- tice ta the present excellent meal. Maybe so! But judging from the way he stashed away Pete's groceries, it would be quite exciting ta watch him perform when hungry. The Youngmans have neyer been nated for their beauty, but aur grand-daughter Laurie Lynn Youngman out in Cal- [gary, at four and a bal! months, was crowned qucen over fifty- four other entries, recently. Her good looks must corne fromn her mother. Laurie is pretty young ta have ber picture, complete with crown, in a mc- tropolitan daily, but such is fame. Ï-=- Min or Hoc Enjoyed fi Receive Tr The scores of youngs who piayed last winter in Minor Hockey Leagues sp sored by the Bowmanville' partment o! Recreation' vN guests of the Department the annual Minor Hockey1 phy Night held at the Li CommunitY Centre last Thi day evening. The league winners and league champions in the1 Wee, Bantam and Midget-, venile divisions were prese ed with their crests and champions in each league'a received the trophies awar( ta the championship team.. the future hockey stars,, w ther champions or not, enji ed iberal quantities of1 dogs, ice cream and chacal mihk provided by the depa ment, and "seconds" werei order o! the night for ma of the boys. TRUC, give -you true, gas-saving, short-stroke overheadmveulve V-S engines in every series in the line! Ford Trucks for '55 bring you the gas-saving, manev-saving power of shont-stroke overhead-valve V-8 angines right through the encire line-from light delivery trucks ta mighty "Big-jobs"! This great new line of Money-Makers offers you five proved short-stroke V-8's. Rememben, with langer life and greater gas economy, short-stroke engines are money-makers-so don't be taiked into an old-fashioned long-stroke engine in the next truck you buy. Make sure of hioney-making pawer by going FORD! X'our Dealer invites N-ou to drap in and talk trucks any time! Make sure ifs SHORT-STROKE l3efore you buy ani, new truck, look under the hood and be sure you're getng the kind of power the whole trucking industry is graduaiiy trnning to-true sho rt-st rokepozver. ()niy if the stroke is as short as or shonter than the bore, anc you getting a true short- stroke engine. Check the specifications and ticcertain! g e s' SEEYOUR FORD-.MONARCH DEALER- eFord Trucks carry more pounds per toad, to save LOO. FR TEj>pý;PSGNOF ALU WHN OU UY UED RUC-- EEYOU FOD RUCK bos:EArnaIF CARVETH MOTORS Phone Newcastle 3251 2-5 bs~èr~ s~z' caw EI:uIq~~. MCP Sêuli agricultural chi fi0. 1 ft 9 C OS 0 d 1 n0 T ho, h ip e M 9~-4p - -- -. Ford Dealer« For Bowmanville and District <M the Huskies, winners of the k y Te rs Bantam Lauwowr ckey ea m s* coached by AI Clarke and Joe Cuddahee. The Cornets, cham- AIL pions of the Bantam League, eig ightreceived their crests from Bill Morrison. The teamn was coach- ed by Tom Gatcheli and Ab' ophi s, C ests Juveniles Receive Cresta oph esCres EMai. Dickens presented h sters game is only a gamne after aIL. crests ta The Canadian States- trie "'Do your best, but don't be ai man team, league winners. in ;P-; poor laser if you lose", he urg- the Midget-Juvenile division. Dè* ed. "If you win ail the better, Bob Marjerrison xvas Captain iere but don't boast or gloat over of this squad. The Case Imple- à t the victory. Don't let victory ment team, winner of the Mid- ['ro- make yau over-confident, re- get -Juvenile Chamnpionship, ions member that somnetimes YOU received their crests from Bill irs- must lose. Be enthusiastic 'n Morrison. Captain of this tearn your loyalty ta your team, but was Don Forder. the applaud a *, odpa b h Lionel Parker presented each Pce other team.' of the coaches and managers Ju- Trophies Presented with very attractive key cases ;ent- Mr. Morrison's address wasl given by the Department of the followed by the presentation Recreation as a token of ap- aIso of trophies. Tom Gatcheli, wiio. preciation of their efforts. rded along with Reg Harding, don- The boys thoroughly enjoi - AIl ated the trophy for the Pce ed the movies of the '1953 a-id he- Wee Championship,. presented 1954 N.H.L. Stanley Cup play- 0JY- it ta Captain Terry Black of offs which were obtaincd by hot the \vinning Bruins. Mr. Morrison and screcnied by, date Ernie Dickens presentcd the A. M. Thomhpson of the De- )rt-i Miller Taxi Trophy emblema- partment of Recreation. the tic of the cbampionship of the The rcfrcshmcnts were serv- iny Bantarn League to Captain Dan ed ta the young hockey players Cattran of the Cornets and the by Morley Oke, George Piper. ian- Memorial Park Trophy forsthe Ed Rundie and a number of ill- Midget-Juvenile Championship the other coaches. e y ta Capta in Dbni Forder of the ___________ 3kes! Case Imps. "The Muig" xbic-h and was ta be presented as a coriso- Cn Cup' lation tropby ta Captain Ross andian Sa-ve rere Turner of the Rangers lias been rChldreJ E.J ;en- lost in the shuffle. '.uIue Ul The Baî-tlett Trophy, axvard - cd annually ta the player on Spena $17,000 any hockey tramn in Bowman- key~ vil .le who best combines hoc-i During 1954 The Canadian ee-key playing ability with the Save the Children Fund spent kcv a,, qualities of good sportsman~- over $177,000 on relief for needy lue- ship and dlean living, was pre- children overseas and in Canada. ~îsented ta Captain Frank Houp- This was entirely due ta the teer of the Intermediate Bow- generosity of the Canadian nor Hockin. Frank will retain the variaus appeals made by The ofs trophy for one year and will Canadian Save the Cbildren ofreceive a small individual tro- FunId during the er . a ed ic-BartIctt Trophy was won last childreii in Canada is kept up In- year by Gary Lane, a Midget- entirelv by the Benevolent and 5t.r Juvenile plaver. Protective- Order of Elks in in The Pee Wee League win- Canada and the Order of the ank ners' crests were presented ta Royal Purple. [or the Leafs by Mayor Osborne. of Coaches of this tdam were ate George Piper and Harry T 1 C K E T S mn, Hughes. The crests for the TO EVERYWHERE :o- championship in the Pee Weel Air. Rail or Steamship a-division were presented ta thel Consuit le- Bruins by Bill Morrison. JURY & LOVELL ndl Coacbes Frank Jamiesoni and 3owmanvllle idSam Black bandled thîs team.1 15 Ring St. W. MA 3-5778 ht Bob Watt pribsented crests ta ________________ at - Mason & Dale HARDWARE MA 3-5408 Bo wni anville 26 King St. H. The floral aposties are hiero- Flowers are God's tbou8htu glyphs of Deity - Mary Baker of beauty taking fori* ta nd Eddy. 'den mortal gaze-Ahnymou!s. Ail New0. F riïg idair e Ref rigerators $339.9,5 The New Super 9.1 cu. f t. Frigidaire Refrigerator Available ini Stratfard Yellow or Glistening White Conîplete with 38-lb. Food Freezer and full width Hydrator ON DISPLAY NOW AT Bowmanville "M mAlWA"TAW oml"-Culr P%%"Aulpo% 8 MA 3-5408 36 King SL IL Phone Newcastle 3251